Good Practices for Quality
Assurance Reviewers: Audit
Sampling Planning,
Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
The purpose of this white
paper is to share good
practices related to
performing quality
assurance reviews of
audit evidence obtained
from sampling.
One of QAWG’s goals is
to identify and document
good practices to help the
OIG community improve
QA functions. To
implement this goal,
QAWG, through FAEC,
sent a survey in July 2019
to senior OIG audit
leadership and managers
to identify key areas of
concern about the
application or
interpretation of
performance audit
standards. Sampling was
identified as an area of
concern. The QAWG
formed a task team to
identify and summarize
good practices for
performing a QA review
of audit evidence
obtained from sampling.
This white paper provides good practices for performing a QA review of audit evidence
obtained from sampling, as well as good practices for documenting audit sampling. To
develop the good practices, QAWG reviewed various OIGs’ sampling policies and
procedures; the generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS), also
known as the Yellow Book (2018 edition); GAO’s Using Statistical Sampling manual
(1992); and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants AU-C Section 530
Sampling Plan Procedures.
Audit sampling is the selection and evaluation of less than 100 percent of the
population, which the auditor expects to be representative of the population and will
provide a reasonable basis for conclusions about the population. This process allows the
audit team to gain an understanding of characteristics of the population. There are two
general approaches to audit sampling: nonstatistical (targeted reviews) and statistical
(probability). In selecting the approach, the audit team considers variables such as the
audit budget, resources and time allocated, limitations and availability of data, and the
size of sampling population.
The QA reviewer is not required to be an expert on sampling. However, the reviewer is
responsible for performing a thorough review to ensure that Yellow Book requirements
are met. Some audit teams use sampling plans to document audit sampling procedures.
Therefore, QA reviewers may encounter this document during the QA review.
Good practices for the QA reviewer include the following:
Verify that the sampling procedures or plan, methodology, results and
conclusions derived from audit sampling are reported accurately and supported
by adequate audit documentation.
Determine if the sampling procedures or plan was approved according to the
agency’s policies and procedures, and whether the team followed the steps in
the approved sampling procedures or plan.
Determine whether the audit team obtained approval or consulted with a
statistician or specialist to develop the sampling plan, if applicable.
Determine whether the statistician or specialist has appropriate qualifications, if
Consult with the audit team, statistician, or specialist if there is difficulty
understanding audit sampling documentation.
The guidance in this white paper is not prescriptive; each QA reviewer should consider
the agency’s unique policies and procedures and use professional judgment in assessing
the agency’s implementation and compliance with professional standards. In addition,
this white paper should not be considered a replacement or supplement to generally
accepted government auditing standards, and it should not be considered as a basis for
an external peer review result.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
In October 2016, representatives from various Federal Offices of Inspector General (OIG)
formed the Quality Assurance Working Group (QAWG) to enhance and improve the quality
assurance (QA) review processes used by the Federal OIG community. In January 2019, the
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) formally recognized
QAWG as part of the Federal Audit Executive Council (FAEC).
One of QAWG’s goals is to
identify and document good practices to help the OIG community improve their QA functions.
To implement this goal, QAWG, through FAEC, sent a survey in July 2019 to senior OIG audit
leadership and managers to identify key areas of concern about the application or interpretation
of performance audit standards. QAWG formed task teams to develop separate white papers that
address the top five identified areas of concern.
This white paper provides good practices for performing a QA review of audit evidence obtained
from sampling, as well as good practices for documenting audit sampling. The guidance in this
white paper is not prescriptive; each QA reviewer should consider the agency’s unique and
procedures and use professional judgment in assessing the agency’s implementation and
compliance with professional standards. In addition, this white paper should not be considered a
replacement or supplement to generally accepted government auditing standards, and it should
not be considered as a basis for an external peer review result.
When deciding whether to employ audit sampling techniques, the audit team considers the
specific audit objective(s) to be achieved and whether sampling procedures or a combination of
procedures to be applied will assist in efficiently achieving that objective(s). In planning and
conducting audits, it may not be effective, efficient, or practical to examine all of the available
data or entire population to achieve an audit objective. Instead, it may be useful to perform audit
sampling to draw valid conclusions and generalizations about a population. Audit sampling is the
selection and evaluation of less than 100 percent of the population, which the auditor expects to
be representative of the population and will provide a reasonable basis for conclusions about the
population. The audit team selects the appropriate sampling approach or method to evaluate the
There are two general approaches to audit sampling: statistical (probability) and nonstatistical
(targeted reviews). Auditors may use either approach to evaluate the population. Both
approaches require that the auditor use professional judgment in planning, performing, and
FAEC is a subgroup established by CIGIE to discuss and coordinate issues affecting the Federal audit
community, with special emphasis on audit policy and operations of common interest to members.
The survey results identified the top concerns of OIG senior leadership and management where professional
standards were not being consistently interpreted: (1) audit risk, (2) data reliability, (3) sampling,
(4) supervisory review, and (5) quality assurance. Another key concern identified was related to internal
controls, which is being addressed by CIGIE’s separate internal controls working group.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
evaluating a sample and in relating the audit evidence produced by the sample to other audit
evidence when forming a conclusion about the population.
In selecting the approach, the audit
team considers other variables, such as the audit budget, resources and time allocated, limitations
and availability of data, and the size of sampling population.
Statistical Sampling
Statistical sampling, also referred to as probability sampling,
involves the use of techniques from which mathematically
constructed conclusions regarding the population can be drawn.
Statistical sample results are objective, defensible, and can be
projected to the population. See Appendix B: Commonly Used
Statistical Sampling Methods.
Nonstatistical Sampling
(Targeted Review)
Nonstatistical sampling, also referred to as targeted reviews, uses
non-probability methods such as judgment or experience to select
the sample. Recommendations are limited to the exceptions
derived from the sample. The results cannot be projected to the
population and should be reported with appropriate qualifying
There are a number of reasons why an auditor may choose a nonstatistical sample instead of a
statistical sample, such as when the universe cannot be verified, the population is not easily
retrieved or available, or key data is missing. In certain situations, the audit team may determine
that sampling is not appropriate and decide to review 100 percent of the population. This is
commonly referred to as a census.
The Yellow Book provides a framework for performing high-quality audit work with
competence, integrity, objectivity, and independence. According to the Yellow Book, auditors
must obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for addressing the
audit objectives and supporting their findings and conclusions.
The degree of assurance
associated with a performance audit is strongly associated with the appropriateness of evidence
in relation to the audit objectives. The audit objectives might focus on verifying specific
quantitative results presented by the audited entity. In these situations, the audit procedures
would likely focus on obtaining evidence about the accuracy of the specific amounts in question.
This work may include the use of statistical sampling.
When a representative sample is needed,
statistical sampling generally results in stronger evidence than nonstatistical techniques. When a
representative sample is not needed, a targeted selection may be effective if the auditors have
isolated risk factors or other criteria to target the selection.
In reporting audit methodology, auditors should explain how the completed audit work supports
The use of sampling in financial audits differs somewhat from its use in performance audits. For more
information on sampling in financial audits, see the Financial Audit Manual published by GAO and CIGIE.
GAO, Government Auditing Standards (GAS), 8.90.
GAS, 8.103 and 8.103a.
GAS, 8.107.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
the audit objectives, including the evidence-gathering and evidence-analysis techniques, in
sufficient detail to allow knowledgeable users of their reports to understand how the auditors
addressed the audit objectives. Auditors should identify the significant assumptions made in
conducting the audit; describe comparative techniques applied; describe the criteria used; and,
when the results of sample testing significantly support the auditors’ findings, conclusions, or
recommendations, describe the sample design and state why the design was chosen, including
whether the results can be projected to the intended population.
In addition to the Yellow Book requirements, auditors should also follow their agency’s internal
policies and procedures for addressing audit evidence and reporting audit methodology,
including specific requirements involving statistical sampling.
Audit sampling can be used to collect and analyze evidence during the audit. Deciding whether
to use audit sampling is a critical component to audit planning. It is considered early to ensure
that sampling procedures, or a combination of procedures, will assist in efficiently achieving
audit objectives. Sampling planning may include defining the objective; determining the type of
testing to be performed; and determining the population, statistical methodologies and
approaches, sample size, parameters, resources, data collection, and plans for analyzing and
interpreting the results. Sampling approaches and methodologies should be carefully considered
to ensure that results and conclusions are accurate.
Audit teams may also consider using a specialist, such as a statistician, early in the audit. The use
of specialists can enhance the credibility and quality of an audit and minimize the resources and
time needed to accomplish the objectives. A specialist can assist in acquiring, developing, and
framing a population; designing a statistical sampling plan; and performing other statistical
methods. This assistance can also include obtaining databases from outside sources, converting
data files to usable formats, identifying subpopulations, comparing counts for completeness, and
verifying totals for accuracy.
Audit documentation is an essential element of audit quality.
Auditors should prepare audit
documentation in sufficient detail to enable an experienced auditor with no previous connection
to the audit to understand the following from the audit documentation:
the nature, timing, extent, and results of audit procedures performed
the evidence obtained and its source
GAS, 9.14.
GAS, 8.137.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
the conclusions reached, including evidence that supports the auditors’ significant
judgments and conclusions
Auditors document sampling procedures in the work papers. The documentation may include the
following information:
the audit objective
the sample objectives or purpose
the criteria applied and why appropriate
the population, sampling unit, and sampling frame
the sampling approach
the selection methodology
the sampling parameters, such as degree of reliability and confidence range (statistical
samples only)
the sample size
treatment of missed or omitted samples
the data collection technique to be used
a description of results
If audit sampling is used, it should be included in the audit team’s overall assessment of the
collective evidence used to support findings and conclusions.
Therefore, it is important that the
sampling procedures are thoroughly documented in the working papers. Some auditors may use
or are required to use a sampling plan or design to document sampling procedures. See Exhibit A
for an example.
Use of Specialist and Statisticians
Some audits may necessitate the use of specialized techniques or methods that call for the skills
of specialists.
Specialists and statisticians can perform various tasks during the sampling
process. For example, they can assist the audit team when more advance sampling
methodologies are involved, prepare or approve sampling plans and designs, and approve
sampling testing. In some cases, the statistician may perform or review the actual sampling
analysis to reach conclusions and projections.
When the results of sample testing significantly support the auditors’ findings, conclusions, or
recommendations, the report should describe the sample design and state why the design was
chosen, including whether the results can be projected to the intended population.
GAS, 8.132.
GAS, 8.108.
GAS, 4.13.
GAS, 9.14.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
Good practices for reporting sampling results include the following:
describing whether a statistical or non-statistical sample was used
explaining why a sampling methodology was chosen
describing the sample size tested in relation to the total population
stating whether the results can be projected to the entire population
When using nonstatistical sampling, audit teams should indicate how the sample was selected
and include a statement that results from these samples cannot be used to make inferences about
the population.
Although this White Paper focuses on sampling, there are situations when auditors may choose a
census rather than sampling to achieve the audit objectives. A census is a test of 100 percent of
the population, and therefore does not require a projection. Conducting a census may be
appropriate when 100 percent reviews are possible due to the nature of the test, availability of
reliable data, when population sizes are small, or when no sampling uncertainty can be tolerated.
Similar to sampling procedures, the audit team documents the source and scope of the
population, accuracy of the data, how they tested the population data, results of their testing, and
the basis for conclusions reached.
QA Reviewer Independence
The QA reviewer should be independent of the audit team and should apply objectivity,
experience, analytical ability and knowledge of the Yellow Book to the task. Although
experience with sampling is desirable, it is not necessary for the QA reviewer to be an expert in
statistics or sampling.
Review of Report
The QA reviewer determines if the report contains the required information and explanations
concerning sampling. As a good practice, the QA reviewer should first gain an understanding of
the audit by reading the entire report, paying close attention to the audit objectives of the review
and whether sampling supports the audit’s objectives, results, and conclusions. It is important
that the sampling results are consistently interpreted, documented, and accurately reported. The
QA reviewer confirms that sampling information in the report is supported by adequate audit
documentation. The sampling results included in the report should tie back to the sampling
procedures and conclusions documented in the working papers.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
The report is required to explain if the results of sample testing significantly support the findings,
conclusions, or recommendations. It should also describe the sample design and state whether
the results can be projected to the intended population. It may be necessary for auditors to
perform multiple samplings to achieve the audit objectives, and audit reports should therefore
provide this information in each instance of sample testing that significantly supports the
findings, conclusions, or recommendations. See Appendix C for examples of audit reports that
describe audit sampling.
Review of Audit Documentation
The audit documentation should provide the following types of information about sampling
procedures: audit objectives; sample objectives or purpose, criteria applied and why appropriate;
population, sampling unit, and sampling frame; sampling approach; selection methodology;
sampling parameters, such as degree of reliability and confidence range (statistical samples
only); sample size; treatment of missed or omitted samples; data collection technique to be used;
and a description of results. It is not necessary for the QA reviewer to determine the validity of
the sampling procedures. Rather, the task is to determine whether the audit team followed
sampling procedures that were approved according to the reviewed agency’s policies and
procedures. This may be found in the use of standardized audit steps and sampling procedures
provided by the agency for use in certain situations, supervisory approval, approval by a person
experienced in sampling techniques, or approval by a specialist such as a statistician. The QA
reviewer should also determine whether the audit team consulted with a statistician or specialist
to develop the sampling procedures.
Review of Specialists Qualifications
The QA reviewer may encounter instances where a specialist or statistician developed the
sampling procedures, performed the analysis, and/or developed conclusions. This is more likely
when complex sampling designs or techniques are used. The audit team should determine that
specialists assisting the audit team are qualified and competent in their areas of specialization.
The QA reviewer will typically find what is required to document qualifications in an agency’s
policies and procedures. The audit team should document the professional certification, license,
or other recognition of the competence of the specialist, as appropriate. For a comprehensive list
of information to document, see GAS, 4.15. The QA reviewer confirms that the specialist or
statistician had the appropriate qualifications, that the sampling procedures were approved
according the reviewed agency’s policies and procedures (this would typically be someone with
the appropriate qualifications such as a specialist or statistician), and that the work performed by
the specialist underwent a quality review by another specialist or statistician.
Review of Census
The QA reviewer may also encounter the results of a large and complex census. The QA
reviewer reviews these results by following the same principals for reviewing audit samples. In
GAS, 4.12.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
all casesstatistical sample, nonstatistical sample, and censusan experienced QA reviewer
should avoid the temptation to recreate the entire analysis. Rather, the reviewer should focus on
determining if the language in the report ties back to the audit documentation, that the audit team
followed approved procedures, that complex procedures were designed and/or performed by
someone with appropriate qualifications, and that the work performed was appropriately
reviewed and reported.
If the QA reviewer has difficulty understanding the audit sampling or census documentation or
reporting, it is a good practice to consult with the audit team, specialists, or statisticians to
understand the nature, scope, and extent of the work performed, and that the approved
procedures were appropriately followed, reviewed, and reported.
Please see Appendix D for available training if QA reviewers want to learn more about sampling.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
Audit/Project Number: _____________________________________________
Audit Objective: __________________________________________________
Prepared by: ______________________________________________________
Approved by: _____________________________________________________
Sampling Plan Purpose: Describe the sampling plan in accordance with the Yellow Book and
OIG policies and procedures. The sampling plan explains why statistical sampling is needed to
meet the audit objectives.
Population (Universe): Identify the audit population and specify its size, arithmetic mean, and
standard deviation. Be specific about what comprises your population.
Sampling Frame (Scope): The database (if applicable), other collection of data, timeframe, or
dollar amount, containing the totality of the sampling units from which the sample will be
Sampling Unit: The unit of analysis, which is any of the designated elements that comprise
the population of interest.
Sample Design (Methodology): The most common designs used are simple random,
stratified, cluster, and multistage sampling.
Measurement Characteristics (Criteria): Describe the sample’s criteria and characteristics.
Sample Size: The sampling plan should explain the sample size that must be sufficient to meet
the audit objectives. Specify the parameters used to determine the sample size for statistical
samplesfor example, confidence level and margin of error.
Source of Random Numbers and Sample Selection: The sampling plan should describe the
source of the random numbers used to select sample itemsfor example, Excel RAND
Estimation Methodology: Describe the estimates to be reported, the rationale for using the
estimates, and how the estimates will be calculated. Specify the parameters used to determine
the estimates for statistical samplesfor example, confidence interval, and confidence level.
Treatment of Missed or Omitted Samples: Describe how missing or omitted sampling units
will be treated.
Description of How Results Will Be Reported: Describe how the results will be reported.
The audit team should be able to envision how the results of the sample will be used and
reported and should know the objectives before the sample is selected.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
Statistical Sampling
Statistical sampling helps the auditor design an efficient sample, measure the sufficiency of the
evidential matter obtained, and evaluate the sample results. Results of the sample tested can be
projected to population with measurable precision. Sample size can be based on a variable (for
example, dollar unit) based on error rate and precision goals. It can also be based on attributes
(for example, discovery, one-step, two-step, and rate estimation) based on error rate and risk.
Statistical sampling has the following benefits:
It employs probability theory; each item has a known probability of being selected.
It estimates the sample size objectively.
Sample results are objective and defensible.
Cluster Sampling
Cluster sampling is a procedure in which groups of items, rather than individual items, are
selected for testing. Each sampling unit is called a cluster. Cluster sampling tends to be a small-
scale similar version of the entire population, such as business units, geographic locations,
categories of school (primary, secondary, etc.), or asset categories (property, equipment,
vehicles, etc.). Population is divided into clusters, and then groups of clusters are selected
randomly for sampling or examined entirely.
Estimation Sampling
The goal of this type of sampling is to estimate the actual noncompliance rate in a population
with a level of precision specified by the audit team. Methodologies used under this estimation
include simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, and systematic random sampling.
For estimation sampling, the sample size should be discussed. It can be used for attribute and
variable sampling and allows the auditor to project the error rate in the sample to the universe.
Sample random sampling. This is the simplest method of drawing a statistical sample;
the design is the basis of all the other sampling designs. Simple random sampling uses
techniques to ensure that every item of the population has an equal chance of selection.
Selection can be performed and documented using software that generates random
numbers such as CaseWare IDEA, SAS (Statistical Analysis System), or Microsoft
Stratified random sampling. This method divides a population into sub-populations,
each of which is a group of sampling units with similar characteristics. This includes
items such as monetary value, region, size, and of type of organization. Generally, a
simple random sample is selected for each part (stratum).
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
An estimate is determined separately for each stratum, and these are combined to form an
estimate for the entire population. When presenting results from a stratified sample,
estimates should be calculated incorporating sampling weights used.
Multistage sampling. This method divides large populations into stages to make the
sampling process more practical. It requires two or more stages of sampling to achieve
greater efficiency. Various sampling methods may be combined later at different stages.
Systematic Sampling
Systematic sampling involves selecting items from the population at a given interval after
establishing a random starting placefor example, the selection of every ‘’nth” item following a
random start. The random start is essential to ensure that each item in the population has an equal
chance to be included in the sample. The population and required sample size should be
estimated in order to determine the interval necessary. A random starting point between one and
the interval is then obtained as a starting point, and the interval is added to it until the desired
sample size is reached.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
Example 1: The United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
Inspector General, Audit Report, A-07-16-03209, March 1, 2017
Example 2: The United States Government Accountability Office, GAO Report,
GAO-18-419, May 30, 2018
Example 3: The United States Social Security Administration, Office of the Inspector General,
Audit Report, A-02-14-31417, July 30, 2020
Example 4: The United States Agency for International Development, Office of the Inspector
General, Audit Report, 9-000-19-006-P, September 25, 2019
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
USDA Graduate School
Practical Statistical Sampling for Auditors
Institute of Internal Auditors
Data Sampling
Data Analysis and Sampling
Data Analysis for Internal Auditors
Management Concepts
Data Collection Techniques
Data Analysis and Modeling Techniques
Analytics Boot Camp: Core Analytics
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
Audit: Either a financial audit or performance audit conducted in accordance with generally
accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS). (GAS, 1.27b)
Audit Organization: A government audit entity or a public accounting firm or other audit entity
that conducts GAGAS engagements. (GAS, 1.27c) Audit organization and Office of Inspector
General (OIG)—that either with or without an audit function performs GAGAS engagements—
are used interchangeably in this white paper.
Audit Risk: The possibility that the auditors’ findings, conclusions, recommendations, or
assurance may be improper or incomplete. The assessment of audit risk involves both qualitative
and quantitative considerations. (GAS, 8.16)
Audit Sampling: The selection and evaluation of less than 100 percent of the population, which
the auditor expects to be representative of the population and will provide a reasonable basis for
conclusions about the population.
Council of Inspector General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE): An independent entity
statutorily established within the executive branch by The Inspector General Reform Act of
2008, P.L. 110-409, to address integrity, economy and effectiveness issues that transcend
individual Government agencies; and increase the professionalism and effectiveness of personnel
by developing policies, standards, and approaches to aid in the establishment of a well-trained
and highly skilled workforce in the offices of the Inspectors General.
Federal Audit Executive Council (FAEC): A subgroup, established by CIGIE, to discuss and
coordinate issues affecting the Federal audit community with special emphasis on audit policy
and operations of common interest to FAEC members.
GAO: Government Accountability Office. Known as "the investigative arm of Congress" and
"the congressional watchdog," GAO supports Congress in meeting its constitutional
responsibilities and helps improve the performance and accountability of the Federal government
for the benefit of the American people.
Nonstatistical Sampling: Also referred to as targeted reviews, this approach uses non-
probability methods to select the sample, such as judgment and experience. Recommendations
are limited to the exceptions derived from the sample. The results cannot be projected to the
population and should be reported with appropriate qualifying language.
Performance audits: Engagements that provide objective analysis, findings, and conclusions to
assist management and those charged with governance and oversight to, among other things,
improve program performance and operations, reduce costs, facilitate decision making by parties
with responsibility to oversee or initiate corrective action, and contribute to public
accountability. In a performance audit, the auditors measure or evaluate the subject matter of the
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
audit and present the resulting information as part of, or accompanying, the audit report. (GAS,
1.21 and 8.14)
Quality Assurance (QA): An ongoing consideration and evaluation of the audit organization’s
system of quality control, including inspection of engagement documentation and reports for a
selection of completed engagements to provide management with reasonable assurance that (1)
the policies and procedures related to the system of quality control are suitably designed and
operating effectively in practice and (2) auditors have followed professional standards and
applicable legal and regulatory requirements. GAGAS also refers to this process as “monitoring
of quality.” (GAS, 5.47)
Quality Assurance (QA) Review: The performance, documentation, and communication of
monitoring procedures and results that enable the audit organization to assess compliance with
professional standards and quality control policies and procedures for completed GAGAS
engagements. Reviews of the work by engagement team members prior to the date of the report
are not monitoring procedures. (GAS, 5.43, 5.44, 5.47, 5.53, 5.59)
Quality Assurance (QA) Reviewer: An individual who performs monitoring procedures and
assesses the audit organization’s compliance with professional standards and quality control
policies and procedures for GAGAS engagements. The individual should have sufficient
expertise and authority with the audit organization and, if possible, does not have responsibility
for the specific activity being reviewed. (GAS, 5.43, 5.48)
Quality Assurance Working Group (QAWG): A group formed by representatives from
various Federal Offices of Inspector General in October 2016 to enhance and improve the quality
assurance review processes within the Federal Inspector General community and that formally
became a subgroup under the CIGIE FAEC in January 2019.
Quality Control: The OIG’s leadership and policies and procedures designed to provide the
audit organization with reasonable assurance that the organization and its personnel comply with
professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. The nature, extent, and
formality of an audit organization’s quality control system will vary based on the audit
organization’s circumstances, such as size, number of offices and geographic dispersion,
knowledge and experience of its personnel, nature and complexity of its engagement work, and
cost-benefit considerations. (GAS, 5.02, 5.03)
Statistical Sampling: Also referred to as probability sampling, this approach uses techniques
from which mathematically constructed conclusions regarding the population can be drawn.
Statistical sample results are objective, defensible, and can be projected to the population. See
Appendix B: Commonly Used Statistical Sampling Methods.
U.S. Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) Government Auditing Standards, 2018
Revision (April 2021), GAO-21-368G: This publication (known as the Yellow Book or GAS)
prescribes professional standards that provide a framework for auditors to perform high-quality
audit work with competence, integrity, objectivity, and independence to help improve
government operations and services. These professional standards are often referred to as
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS).
In April 2021, GAO made technical updates to the 2018 revision of Government Auditing Standards. These
technical updates to the 2018 revision of Government Auditing Standards were effective upon issuance. For
additional information, please see GAO-21-368G, pp. i-ii.
Good Practices for Quality Assurance Reviewers: Audit Sampling Planning, Documentation, and Reporting
June 2021
Team Member Office of Inspector General
Scott A. Spaulding (Co-lead) Department of Justice
Sylvester Tang (Co-lead) U.S. Agency for International Development
Brittany Banks Corporation for National & Community Service
Jerri Dorsey-Hall Environmental Protection Agency
Ed Gold (Editor) Amtrak