In the following, compare three algorithms
COCOA ([2]) with SDCA locally
InexactDANE (DANE) with SVRG locally
AIDE with SVRG locally
By default for a single pass through local data.
Algorithm comparison
Rcv1 dataset, smoothed hinge loss
Regularization strength { }
Data randomly distributed across 8 nodes.
Node scaling
Rcv1, covtype, realism, url datasets, logistic loss
Randomly distributed across 4–64 computers.
Fixed number of local steps of SVRG
Arbitrary data partitioning
Rcv1, covtype, realsim datasets, logistic loss
Partitioned to 2 computers:
Ø Randomly (random)
Ø Based on output label (output)
AIDE: Fast and Communication Efficient Distributed Optimization
Sashank J. Reddi*, Jakub Konečný^, Peter Richtárik^, Barnabás Póczos*, Alex Smola*
*Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University
^School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
Distributed Optimization Problem
Minimize an average of functions, each of which is
stored on different machine. Formally,
where is the number of machines, and
Here, usually represent a loss function incurred on
the i-th data point. Set denotes indices of data points
stored on computer .
Baseline algorithm: DANE [3]
At iteration , with iterate , each machine solves
This is followed by aggregation to form new iterate
Fast convergence when are similar enough
(i.i.d. data distribution)
Not robust to arbitrary data distributions
Exact minimum computationally infeasible in
many applications
Our contributions
Inexact version of DANE – more robust
Accelerated version, AIDE, that (nearly) matches
communication complexity lower bounds
Ø First efficient method that can be
implemented using only first-order oracle
Two Distributed Optimization Algorithms
Inexact DANE
Core idea – solve the DANE subproblem approximately.
[1] Hongzhou Lin, Julien Mairal, and Zaid Harchaoui. “A universal catalyst for first-
order optimization.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2015.
[2] Chenxin Ma, Jakub Konečný, Martin Jaggi, Virginia Smith, Michael I. Jordan, Peter
Richtárik, and Martin Takáč. “Distributed Optimization with Arbitrary Local Solvers.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.04039 (2015).
[3] Ohad Shamir, Nathan Srebro, and Tong Zhang. “Communication efficient
distributed optimization using an approximate newton-type method.” arXiv preprint
arXiv:1312.7853 (2013).
Communication complexity guarantees
– strong convexity; – smoothness parameter; – target accuracy
Only modest accuracy necessary for the above rates ( )
Inexactness changes only constants and adds practical robustness
AIDE: Accelerated Inexact DANE
Core idea – apply Universal Catalyst [1] to InexactDANE