Assisting Students with Disabilities
Florida Department of Education Fourth Edition 2018
This publication is produced through the Bureau of Exceptional Education and
Student Services (BEESS), Division of Public Schools, Florida Department of
Education, and is available online at
student-edu/beess-resources/presentations-pubs. For information on available
resources, contact the BEESS Resource and Information Center (BRIC).
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Assisting Students with Disabilities
Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services
Florida Department of Education
Fourth Edition • 2018
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE AccommodationsA Key to Success ..........................................2
Federal and State Requirements.................................................................................3
Eligibility for Accommodations.....................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations ....................5
1. What instructional and assessment tasks are difficult for the student to do
independently? Are these difficulties documented in the student’s individual plan? .6
2. Why are these tasks difficult for the student? ..........................................................8
3. What accommodations will allow the student to access the information and
demonstrate performance of the tasks? ................................................................10
4. How will the team know if the accommodation is effective?...................................13
More on Involving Students.......................................................................................15
CHAPTER THREE Integrating Accommodations with Instruction.......................18
Identifying Accommodations......................................................................................18
Planning for Classroom Accommodations .................................................................19
Implementing Accommodations.................................................................................20
Curriculum Modifications ...........................................................................................23
Monitoring and Evaluating Accommodations.............................................................24
Collaboration and Support.........................................................................................24
CHAPTER FOUR Types of Accommodations........................................................26
Presentation Accommodations..................................................................................26
Presentation Supports...............................................................................................30
Response Accommodations......................................................................................34
Setting Accommodations...........................................................................................38
Scheduling Accommodations ....................................................................................41
Accommodations Not Allowed for Statewide Testing.................................................42
APPENDIX A Online ResourcesAccommodations for Statewide Student
APPENDIX B AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide ...................................47
This manual updates Accommodations: Assisting Students with Disabilities, published
by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) in 2010, and is intended to help
teachers and parents make decisions about accommodations for students with
disabilities. Four categories of accommodations are identified along with numerous
examples. Strategies to help teachers and students implement and monitor the impact of
accommodations for classroom instruction and assessment are presented. The
appendices provide a quick reference guide and resources on statewide testing
The document was written by Dr. Marty Beech through the Problem Solving/Response
to Intervention (PS/RtI) Technology and Learning Connections, Florida’s Multi-Tiered
System of Supports (MTSS) projects, University of South Florida. Guidance was
provided by David Davis, PS/RtI Technology and Learning Connections; staff in Bureau
of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS), FDOE; the State Advisory
Committee for Exceptional Student Education; and BEESS district partners.
AccommodationsA Key to Success
Accommodations are changes that are made in how the
student accesses information and demonstrates performance
(Rule 6A-6.03411(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code [F.A.C.]).
Accommodations are important for students with disabilities. Students use
accommodations to increase, maintain or improve academic performance. For example,
students who have a visual impairment may use braille instructional materials or
audiobooks. Students who use wheelchairs may need a ramp or elevator to move
independently in a building.
Accommodations can be provided in four areas:
Presentationhow students receive information,
Respondinghow students show what they know,
Settinghow the environment is made accessible for instruction and
assessment, and
Schedulinghow time demands and schedules may be adjusted.
The state of Florida has adopted rigorous educational standards, known as Florida
Standards and Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, to ensure students become
college, career and life ready. Together, these standards define the core content of the
general education curriculum. Accommodations assist in making grade-level standards
accessible to students with disabilities. Students are taught knowledge and skills
specified in the standards in kindergarten through Grade 12. Some students with
significant cognitive disabilities require modifications to achieve grade-level standards.
These students may learn alternate achievement standards, known as access points.
Access points reflect the core intent of the standards at reduced levels of complexity.
In Florida, all students, including students with disabilities, have the opportunity to work
toward grade-level academic standards or access points, as appropriate, and graduate
from high school with a standard diploma. Students may use accommodations during
instruction and assessment, if they need them. The goals for learning in school do not
have to change because students use accommodations. Accommodations can help
students with disabilities be able to meet the same requirements as students without
Statewide assessments measure how students have been taught and have mastered
the knowledge and skills required in the academic standards. In Florida, statewide
assessments include the statewide standardized assessments (English Language Arts
and mathematics); the statewide science assessment; the statewide standardized
alternate assessments (language arts, mathematics, science and social studies); and
CHAPTER ONE: AccommodationsA Key to Success
end-of-course (EOC) assessments for selected high school courses. Assessing
Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language
Learners 2.0 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0) assessments measure the English proficiency of
ELLs beginning in kindergarten and Grades 1-12. Alternate ACCESS 2.0 is an
assessment for students who are ELLs in Grades 1-12 and have a significant cognitive
All public school students participate in the statewide assessment program. Students
with disabilities and students who are ELLs may have accommodations for statewide
assessments. Generally, students use the same kinds of accommodations for classroom
instruction and statewide assessments (FDOE, 2015, March 20); however, a student
may use other accommodations for classroom instruction even if they are not
available on statewide assessments. Parents must be notified and give written
consent for their child to use such accommodations in the classroom. Parents
must acknowledge in writing that they understand the possible impact or future
consequences. A list of online resources for statewide student assessment
accommodations is provided in Appendix A
Federal and State Requirements
Florida’s accountability system supports the requirements of federal law regarding
participation of all students, including students with disabilities, in standards-based
instruction and assessment. The Every Student Succeeds Act, which reauthorizes the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), was passed in December
2015. ESEA ensures that the education system will prepare every child to graduate from
high school ready for college and careers (United States Department of Education,
2015, December 2).
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) governs services provided
for students with disabilities. Each eligible student has an individual educational plan
(IEP) that documents the services the student needs. Both laws (ESEA and IDEA)
require students with disabilities to participate and make progress in the general
education curriculum. The laws include provisions for accommodations for instructional
activities and statewide assessments. Students with a significant cognitive disability may
work on access points and participate in the statewide standardized alternate
assessments. The annual goals on the IEP must be aligned with grade-level standards
(Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, 2015, November 16).
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law that prohibits disability-
based discrimination of students enrolled in public schools. When a student is disabled
under Section 504 and in need of services and accommodations, the Section 504 team
will develop a Section 504 plan. The Section 504 plan identifies the services and
accommodations necessary for a student to access instruction and may include
accommodations in the classroom and for local and state assessments.
CHAPTER ONE: AccommodationsA Key to Success
The state of Florida ensures students with disabilities the right to a free appropriate
public education and exceptional student education (ESE) services (section [s.]
1003.571, Florida Statutes [F.S.], and Rules 6A-6.03011 through 6A-6.0361, F.A.C.).
The requirements for the state assessment program and accommodations for students
with disabilities and students who are ELLs are included in s. 1008.22(3)(a)-(c), F.S.
Eligibility for Accommodations
Any student with a disability who has been evaluated and determined to have a disability
under IDEA or Section 504 may have accommodations. The student’s needs for
accommodations are documented in an IEP or Section 504 plan.
A student who is eligible for ESE services under IDEA is identified by one or more
disability. The following Florida administrative rules define the disabilities and describe
eligibility criteria:
Specific Learning Disability—Rule 6A-6.03018, F.A.C.
Intellectual Disability—Rule 6A-6.03011, F.A.C.
Emotional/Behavioral Disability—Rule 6A-6.03016, F.A.C.
Deaf or Hard of HearingRule 6A-6.03013, F.A.C.
Visual ImpairmentRule 6A-6.03014, F.A.C.
Dual Sensory ImpairmentRule 6A-6.03022, F.A.C.
Orthopedic ImpairmentRule 6A-6.030151, F.A.C.
Other Health ImpairmentRule 6A-6.030152, F.A.C.
Traumatic Brain InjuryRule 6A-6.030153. F.A.C.
Speech ImpairmentRule 6A-6.03012, F.A.C.
Language ImpairmentRule 6A-6.030121, F.A.C.
Autism Spectrum DisorderRule 6A-6.03023, F.A.C.
Developmental Delay, Ages 3-5 YearsRule 6A-6.03027, F.A.C.
Under Section 504, an individual with a disability is defined as any person who has a
physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity.
Major life activities include caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing,
hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working (Rule 6A-19.001, F.A.C.). A student
with a temporary disability, such as a broken arm, may need accommodations for a
limited time. A Section 504 plan should be developed for students to receive
accommodations in the classroom and, if necessary, on statewide assessments. The
plan describes the educational impact of the student’s disability and the
accommodations and services the student needs to access education and other school
activities in the least restrictive environment (BEESS, 2011).
Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Teachers, parents and students are part of the IEP or 504 team that uses the problem-
solving process to make decisions about instructional supports. A teacher gives a pencil
grip to a student who has trouble grasping a pencil. Parents notice that their child will
finish homework assignments more quickly when there are no distractions. A student
who struggles to read the textbook finds that when a teacher explains the information,
the student is able to understand the lesson.
Accommodations are supports that students with disabilities need and are documented
in their IEP or Section 504 plan. Accommodations fit within broader frameworks that
support access and progress of all students in the general education curriculum and in
all tiers of instruction within an MTSS (Florida Problem Solving/Response to Intervention
Project, 2015). The frameworks include universal design for learning (UDL) (Center for
Applied Special Technology, 2011) and differentiated instruction (Tomlinson, 2014).
Schools and classrooms should make accessible materials and instructional scaffolding
readily available for all students. They use a problem-solving process to make decisions
about accommodations and supports for individual students. (For more information
about UDL and differentiated instruction, see Chapter Three
Students with disabilities may need accommodations to make progress in the general
curriculum and to function in daily life; however, selecting the same accommodation for
all students with a particular disability is not appropriate. Similarly, accommodations that
are unnecessary can have a negative impact on a student’s performance. The
accommodation should be based on the learning and behavior characteristics of the
student’s needs that result from the disability (Beech, 2015; BEESS, 2011).
When developing an IEP, the team must determine how the disability affects the
student’s involvement and progress in the general education curriculum. The IEP
includes a description of the impact of the student’s disability in present-level statements
or other appropriate sections. For prekindergarten students, the IEP describes how the
disability affects the student’s participation in appropriate activities (Beech, 2015). A
Section 504 plan describes the characteristics of the student’s disability and the
accommodations and services the student needs (BEESS, 2011).
IEP teams must also consider each student’s need for assistive technology (AT) devices
and services. An AT device is a piece of equipment or product used to increase,
maintain or improve the functional capabilities of a student with a disability. AT services
are provided to help with the selection, acquisition or use of an AT device (FDOE, 2013,
August 21). The IEP team assists the student in selecting, acquiring, using and
evaluating the effectiveness of AT over time.
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
The following questions can help the IEP or Section 504 team select, implement and
evaluate accommodations, based on the problem-solving process used in an MTSS to
guide decisions about services and supports. The questions are adapted from
Developing Quality Individual Educational Plans (Beech, 2015).
1. What instructional and assessment tasks are difficult for the student to do
independently? Are these difficulties documented in the student’s individual plan?
2. Why are these tasks difficult for the student?
3. What accommodations will allow the student to access information and
demonstrate performance of the tasks?
4. How will the team evaluate the effectiveness of the accommodations?
This chapter provides an explanation of each question with examples that illustrate the
problem-solving process.
1. What instructional and assessment tasks are difficult for the
student to do independently? Are these difficulties
documented in the student’s individual plan?
The planning team begins by identifying tasks the student has to perform independently
in the general curriculum. Instructional and assessment activities involve many kinds of
tasks. For example, tasks may involve reading to obtain information, writing answers to
open-ended questions, solving math problems, following directions, working
independently and collaborating with a group.
The student may have difficulty with specific tasks in academic, developmental and
functional areas. In Florida, these areas are described in the domains that can be used
to organize present-level statements and annual goals in IEPs. The descriptors provide
examples of the student’s needs in terms of specific skills, competencies and abilities.
The table below lists the domains and subheadings with examples of descriptors from
Developing Quality Individual Educational Plans (Beech, 2015).
Curriculum and Learning Environment
Task-Related Behavior: Effort, attention, participation, follow routines
Cognitive Processing: Apply knowledge, solve problems, sensory capabilities
Strategic Learning: Plan, organize, manage, self-monitor, note taking, test preparation
Higher Thought Processes: Clarify, estimate, analyze, evaluate, predict, deduce
Career/Employment: Workplace skills, attitudes and behavior, manage resources
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Initiate communication, converse, use vocabulary, speech fluency, articulation
Independent Functioning
Daily Living and Self-Care Skills: Personal care routines, safety, money management
Recreation/Leisure: Community participation, activities with families and friends
Physical Development: Gross motor skills, motor planning, fine motor skills
Social or Emotional Behavior
Personal Adjustment: Self-awareness, self-determination, coping skills
Interpersonal Relationships: Peer and adult interaction, turn-taking, respect
The team uses current information about the student’s achievement and abilities to
identify concerns within these domains. The data may come from diagnostic or formative
assessments, progress monitoring and classroom work samples, as well as
observational and anecdotal records. Once concerns are identified, the team focuses on
the specific tasks that are difficult for the student. The following examples describe
difficulties students may have with tasks used in instruction and assessment.
Domain: Social and Emotional BehaviorAttention and Task Persistence
Task: Complete assignments and assessments in class
Marquez is easily distracted by extraneous noises. He has difficulty
maintaining attention and effort and completes only 50 percent of his
Domain: Curriculum and Learning EnvironmentReading and Sensory
Task: Read standard print materials
Linda has a type of visual impairment known as low vision. Based on the
learning media assessment conducted one month ago, she most efficiently
accesses print materials by using a nonelectric 4× dome magnifier to
enlarge text for activities that involve reading.
Domain: Curriculum and Learning EnvironmentMathematics Problem Solving
and Analyzing
Task: Solve mathematical word problems
Madison answers 75 percent of math word problems incorrectly. She has
trouble determining which information is needed to solve the problem and
often uses the wrong operation to calculate the answer.
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Domains: Communication and Curriculum and Learning EnvironmentMode of
Communication and Sensory Capabilities
Task: Hear what the teacher is saying
Leandre has a substantial hearing loss and is proficient in the use of
American Sign Language for communication. He requires a sign language
interpreter during the school day for all activities involving verbal and
auditory language.
Consider this Example
The IEP team identifies written expression in the Curriculum and Learning
domain as a concern for Meghan, a fifth-grade student who is not
performing on grade level. The team looks at more detailed information to
identify specific tasks involving writing that are difficult for Meghan. Based
on data from interim assessments and work samples from language arts
and social studies classes, Meghan has difficulty with writing tasks that
require her to organize details, ideas or events in the final product. Her responses to
open-ended questions on social studies tests are also unorganized and generally
include irrelevant and incorrect information.
2. Why are these tasks difficult for the student?
The team needs to figure out why these tasks are difficult for the student. They will look
for barriers that may affect performance. Each task is considered separately.
Analyze Expected Task PerformanceFirst, the team determines what the task
requires and what the student is expected to do. They analyze grade-level standards
along with developmental and behavioral expectations to identify the components of the
task. They also determine if relevant abilities, such as communication, cognitive,
physical, sensory or social/emotional abilities, are involved in performance of the task
(Zabala, 2010).
Review Current Task PerformanceNext, the team reviews how the student currently
performs each component and relevant ability of the task. By comparing the
requirements of the task with what the student currently can do, the team identifies gaps
that can be addressed by instruction and accommodations.
The team also determines if conditions in the learning environment are a support or a
barrier to student performance. The student may have strengths that can be used to
support effort and motivation. Barriers may be present because the student has difficulty
using standard classroom materials or tools even with accommodations or AT. The
student may not be using the accommodations effectively or may need different
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Consider this Example
The IEP team finds that Meghan has difficulty with writing tasks that involve
organizing information.
Analyze Expected Task Performance: The team reviews the fifth-grade
English Language Arts standard for writing persuasive text that requires
that students create an organizational structure.
Grade-Level Standard: LAFS.5.W.1.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or
texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational
structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
b. Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.
c. Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases and clauses (e.g., consequently,
d. Provide concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
Meghan has to create organizational structures in other kinds of writing tasks in addition
to persuasive writing pieces. For example, she is required to manage the sequence of
events in stories, link ideas and categories in informative reports, discuss time periods in
history, and answer essay questions on tests.
Review Current Task Performance: Interim assessments and work samples reveal
that Meghan always provides an introduction and conclusion in persuasive writing
pieces; however, she never uses an organizational structure or linking words to show
how details or reasons are related. Her responses to essay questions on social studies
tests are not organized and often include irrelevant and incorrect information. In terms of
relevant abilities, Meghan can use handwriting or a word processor, and she is able to
express an opinion in writing. She also stays on task and completes her assignments in
the allotted time. Meghan does not currently use any accommodations for writing. The
following chart summarizes the analysis of Meghan’s difficult task.
Analysis of a Difficult Task
Student: Meghan Grade Level: 5 Accommodations: None
Domain: Curriculum and Learning Environment
Task: Organize information in writing assignments and tests
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Academic Skill/Behavior Expectations Student Difficulties
Introduce topic and state opinion
Support a point of view with reasons and
information (create organizational
Includes irrelevant and incorrect
Does not use organizational structure
Logically order reasons Lists reasons, no logical order
Provide conclusion related to opinion
Use written language to express opinion
Use words, phrases, clauses to link ideas Does not include linking words
Produce written language
Maintain effort and attention
Complete task on time
3. What accommodations will allow the student to access the
information and demonstrate performance of the tasks?
The team can identify several accommodations and should not feel restricted to a single
strategy or device. By considering multiple options, the team can select the most
effective accommodation rather than the most popular. The team should make sure the
accommodation matches the student’s abilities and needs. The student will need to learn
how and when to use the accommodation in a satisfactory time frame (Zabala, Bowser,
& Korsten, n.d.).
When thinking about possible accommodations for a student, the planning team should
also consider any tools, strategies and supports that have been effective for the student
in the classroom. They can be documented as accommodations to ensure that the
student has access in all educational environments.
In many documents that address accommodations, including this one, examples of
accommodations are grouped by categories: Presentation, Response, Setting and
Scheduling. The team can use these examples to identify possible accommodations.
More information about each category is provided in Chapter Four and Appendix B
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Accommodations and Modifications Defined
In Florida, modifications are defined as “changes in what a student is expected to learn,
and may include changes to content, requirements, and expected level of mastery” (Rule
6A-6.03411(1)(z), F.A.C.).
Changes that modify the requirements of the standard and lower expectations can limit
academic progress of the student. The following are examples of changes that modify
the requirements of a standard:
Requiring a student to learn fewer objectives (i.e., learning anything less than the
full standard),
Reducing the level of complexity of assignments and assessments, and
Using an accessibility support that invalidates the intended construct or standard
(what the task is designed to measure, e.g., using a spell checker for a spelling
Accommodations should not reduce learning expectations. In Florida, accommodations
are defined as “changes that are made in how the student accesses information and
demonstrates performance” (Rule 6A-6.03411(1)(a), F.A.C.).
Narrowing the Decision
After the planning team has considered a number of possible accommodations, they can
help the student select the specific accommodation. The team can use the following
criteria and questions to consider the potential impact of the accommodation:
NecessaryDoes the student require the accommodation to perform the task?
Reduces or eliminates the impact of the student’s disability
Increases the student’s ability to access information and demonstrate
Supports IndependenceCan the student perform the task more independently with
the accommodation?
Easy to usethe least complex alternative
Supports continued skill development and promotes self-sufficiency
GeneralizableCan the student use the accommodation for similar tasks?
Use for other tasks
Use in different settings
AcceptableDoes the student feel the accommodation will be helpful?
Willing to use the accommodation
Prefers the specific accommodation over others that are also effective
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Students must be included in the decision-making process. Their preferences and
willingness are important factors in selecting accommodations. Students may be
unwilling to use an accommodation because it makes them feel different from their
peers. They are also likely to abandon an accommodation when teachers and family
members do not support its use.
Documenting Accommodations
Decisions about accommodations are documented on the IEP. The IEP form typically
has separate sections for instructional accommodations and assessment
accommodations. If a particular accommodation is not included in the preprinted list, the
team can add a brief description. The location, anticipated initiation, duration and
frequency of classroom accommodations must be included on the IEP (Beech, 2015).
A Section 504 plan should include a description of the accommodations and services the
student needs. It may also indicate how, where and by whom the services and
accommodations will be provided (BEESS, 2011).
A student with a disability can use an accommodation in the classroom even if it is not
yet documented on the IEP or Section 504 plan. Accommodations are sometimes
provided on a trial basis. The teacher offers coaching and monitoring to gather data and
evaluate the impact of the accommodation. Once the accommodation has been
determined to be effective, the student’s plan can be amended. Accommodations used
on statewide assessments must be documented on the student’s IEP or Section 504
plan (FDOE, 2017b, pp. 3, 4 and 12).
Consider this Example
The IEP team brainstormed the following possible accommodations for
Meghan to help with writing tasks that involve organizing information:
Outlining form for planning,
Template or graphic organizer for planning, and
Cue card with linking words or organizational structures.
With the assistance of her IEP team, Meghan decided she wanted to use a graphic
organizer that has different organizational structures for planning and a cue card to help
her remember linking words and phrases. The team felt that an outlining form would not
provide enough support for Meghan.
The team also discussed the fact that Meghan may not be able to use these
accommodations when she takes the statewide standardized assessment English
Language Arts writing component. Meghan’s parents were informed of this at the
meeting and signed a written consent agreeing to her use of the accommodation in the
classroom. The team made sure that Meghan would have opportunities to practice
without the accommodation during classroom work and learn how to draw a graphic
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
organizer on the blank planning sheet that all students receive for the writing
4. How will the team know if the accommodation is effective?
Now it is time for the planning team to develop an action plan to guide the use and
evaluation of the accommodation. The action plan involves the following components:
1. Identify the specific accommodation, the environments and time period.
If the student is using an accommodation for the first time, the impact should be
carefully monitored at the outset.
2. Determine what instruction and support the student needs to be able to use
the accommodation effectively.
Who will provide or acquire the materials or devices? Who is responsible for
initial set up and maintenance?
What information, instruction and coaching does the student need to be able
to use the accommodation?
What information and training will teachers, parents and others need to
support the student?
3. Determine how the impact of the accommodation will be evaluated.
The team will identify indicators (e.g., task completion, accuracy, productivity,
rate and independence) that reflect how effectively the accommodation is used.
In addition, the team should measure the impact on student performance on the
targeted task. Progress toward grade-level standards can be measured using
grades, progress monitoring and other assessment data. If student performance
is not improving, the team will need to determine whether to continue, change or
remove the accommodation (Reed, Bowser & Korsten, 2002). For any
accommodation, it is important to determine the following:
Does the student actually use the accommodation during instruction and
assessment independently or with prompting?
What are the results of classroom assignments and assessments when
accommodations are used, versus when they are not used? If the student did
not achieve the expected level of performance, was it because of a lack of
instruction, not using the accommodation, or was the accommodation
What difficulties does the student encounter when using the
accommodations? Does using the accommodation make the student feel
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
How does the student feel about how well the accommodation worked
(Adapted from Shyyan et al., 2016, August, p. 38)?
Consider this Example
Meghan and her ESE teacher developed an action plan with her teachers
in language arts and social studies for her new accommodations.
Learn How to Use the Accommodations: The ESE teacher will teach
Meghan how to use the graphic organizer and cue card with linking words
to plan writing tasks that include an organizational structure. Meghan will
practice using the accommodations in her ESE class until she is successful
and comfortable using them on her own. Her ESE teacher thought this might take three
Use the Accommodations in One Class: Meghan will then use the accommodations in
her language arts class. For the first two assignments, her language arts teacher will
remind Meghan to use the graphic organizer and cue card. After that, Meghan will be
responsible for recognizing when she needs the accommodations. She will use
laminated copies of the organizer and cue cards stored in the classroom. When Meghan
can independently use the accommodations to create persuasive essays that meet
grade-level standards, she will begin to use the accommodations in social studies class.
Use the Accommodations in a Second Class: The ESE teacher and language arts
teacher agreed to confer with Meghan’s social studies teacher. They will share tips on
how to help Meghan use the accommodations in class. Meghan will store the laminated
copies of the graphic organizer and cue cards in her backpack so she can use them in
both classes. Meghan also asked the social studies teacher to remind her when to use
these accommodations for the first three weeks because she feels uncertain that she will
recognize which assignments and assessments involve organizing content.
Evaluation Plan: To determine the effectiveness and impact of the accommodations,
Meghan and her teachers agreed to collect data using the questions on the form below
each time she has a writing task. All three teachers and Meghan agreed to complete the
form. They will review the outcomes each week for nine weeks.
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Accommodation Evaluation Form
Student: Meghan
Class: Date:
Describe the writing task that requires an organizational structure.
How did Meghan know when to use the graphic organizer and cue card?
Pr: Prompted Ind: Independently
Did Meghan use the graphic organizer and cue card effectively to plan her
Did the writing include: Evidence of an organizational structure? Y N
Logically ordered details or reasons? Y N
Linking words that described the relationship? Y N
Overall, did the writing meet the expectations of the assignment or
Did the accommodations help Meghan complete the task successfully? Y N
Assignment or Assessment Grade and Comments:
More on Involving Students
When considering accommodations, it is important that the student actively participate
on the planning team. The student can provide important insights into accommodations
he needs and is willing to use. This can avoid problems that arise when a student
refuses to use a particular accommodation because it makes him feel uncomfortable.
Involving students in planning their educational programs is not new. Since 1997,
students with disabilities who will be 14 years or older must be invited to participate in
their IEP meetings; however, it is not necessary to wait until age 14 to involve students
in planning. Students need to become knowledgeable about their own disability and feel
comfortable discussing how it affects tasks they are asked to do in the school, home or
community. As students mature and gain more understanding, they will be better able to
make decisions about their own needs and goals.
The more involved students are in the selection process, the more likely they
are to use the selected accessibility supports (accommodations), especially as
they reach adolescence. Their desire to be more independent increases as
well. Self-advocacy skills become critical here. Students need opportunities to
learn which accessibility supports are most helpful for them, and then they
need to learn how to make certain those supports are provided in all of their
classes and wherever they need them outside of school. For instance, students
with significant cognitive disabilities, many of whom do not have sophisticated
expressive communication systems, can show teachers whether they prefer
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
certain supports. It is important to not limit the option of student feedback and
student self-advocacy for those who cannot communicate those preferences
easily (Shyyan et al., 2016, August, p. 29).
Schools can provide a range of supports and opportunities to ensure that students are
ready to enter postsecondary settings with the ability to independently select, acquire
and use accommodations and assistive technologies. Examples of supports include the
Elementary school: Provide a range of academic choices where students can
choose how they engage with instructional activities. This may include options in
content formats (e.g., text, audio and video), options in work product (e.g.,
handwriting, typing on a computer and drawing pictures), and options in
engagement (e.g., topic selection).
Middle school: Provide explicit problem-solving strategies so students can
analyze their learning support needs, make decisions on choosing
accommodations and evaluate the effectiveness of their decisions.
High school: Give responsibility of selecting, using and evaluating
accommodations to students with teachers or parents monitoring and providing
feedback as needed. At this point, students should be using the independent
self-determination skills that they will need in postsecondary settings.
Accommodations for Postsecondary Education and Careers
When students with disabilities leave the kindergarten through Grade 12 system, they
will have to make their own decisions about accommodations. This is part of the process
of self-determination. Students who are effective at self-determination understand how
their disability affects them. They can describe their own strengths and weaknesses. As
adults, students need to be able to think about things that are hard for them to
accomplish and identify accommodations they need to be successful (Bowser & Reed,
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ensure
persons with disabilities the right to reasonable accommodations. As adults, they must
decide if they want to tell appropriate personnel in a postsecondary institution or
workplace about their disability. They must request the accommodations they need and
provide documentation that shows that the accommodations are necessary; however,
adults are not required to disclose their disability unless they want accommodations.
The ADA defines reasonable accommodations as any modification or adjustment to a
job or the work environment that enable a qualified applicant or employee with a
disability to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions.
Examples include the following:
CHAPTER TWO: Selecting, Using and Evaluating Accommodations
Sitting on a stool instead of standing at a work station for long periods of time;
Flexible work hours or breaks that do not impair essential functions of the job;
Alternative formats for written material, such as audio recording or color-coded
instructions; and
Noise or distraction reduction strategies (Pacer Center, n.d.).
Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
Every day, teachers work hard to provide effective educational programs for the students
in their classes. They must provide instruction that meets the needs of all students,
including students with disabilities. Teachers need to identify the accommodations and
decide how they will be used in instruction and assessment. In addition, they must
monitor the impact of the accommodations.
Identifying Accommodations
Forms used for IEPs or 504 plans vary in the way information about accommodations is
documented. Accommodations may be listed separately for classroom instruction and
statewide assessments or referenced in other parts of the IEP or 504 plan. A sample
from the Classroom/Instructional Accommodations section of the IEP included in Portal
for Exceptional Education Resources (PEER) is provided next. PEER is used in the
majority of Florida districts to develop and track ESE processes required by federal law
and state statutes (BEESS, 2016).
Classroom/Instructional Accommodations
These guiding questions are intended to be part of a systematic process for selecting,
implementing and evaluating accommodations. Be sure to check the accommodations
the student is currently using.
1. What instructional and assessment tasks are difficult for the student to do
independently? Are these difficulties documented in the present-level
2. Why are these tasks difficult for the student?
3. What accommodations will allow the student to access the information and
demonstrate performance of the tasks?
4. How will the IEP team know if the accommodation is effective?
The IEP team has considered the guiding questions prior to the selection of the
Frequency Location
Signed presentation of directions
Signed presentation of items and answer
Oral presentation of directions
Oral presentation of items and answer
CHAPTER THREE: Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
Eligible students with disabilities under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 may have a
Section 504 plan that documents their needs and accommodations. An excerpt from the
form in the District Implementation Guide for Section 504: Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (BEESS, 2011, p. 139) is provided as follows:
Matching of Need and Accommodations. Please use the following tool to ensure that
each of the student’s needs identified in the evaluation are addressed in the
accommodation plan. (Attach additional pages where necessary.)
Each student need identified by the
Accommodation(s) designed to address
the need
1999, 2009 © Richards Lindsay & Martin, L.L.P. CESD §504 Compliance System, Nov. 19,
2009 (Pro ADAAA Guidance). For use or adaptation by Florida public school systems with this
copyright information intact. All other rights reserved.
After reviewing IEPs and Section 504 plans, teachers are urged to confer with the
students, teachers, parents and other staff. They can provide additional guidance about
the students’ learning needs and describe how accommodations were provided in the
past. As students become more skilled in self-advocacy, they will be able to take on
more responsibility to initiate conversations about their need for accommodations.
Planning for Classroom Accommodations
When planning instruction, teachers think about what all of their students are expected
to learn and the activities they will use. Many teachers find it helpful to keep a simple list
with the names of the students and their accommodations in lesson plan books. This
becomes an easy reference when they plan their instruction each week.
Sample Accommodations List
MariaSign language interpreter for all instruction and assessment activities; sign
language-to-English dictionary and thesaurus; graphic organizers to plan reports and
AlexConcrete and visual representations of mathematical concepts and processes;
biweekly collaborative planning with fifth grade mathematics teacher and ESE specialist
JerezBehavioral monitoring to maintain acceptable interactions with peers during free
time between classes; small-group (five to six students) instruction for writing
CHAPTER THREE: Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
Teachers can check the accommodations list when they are planning instruction to see
what they will need to provide for individual students. They can also write a reminder in
their lesson plans so they have enough time to prepare. Teachers may need to locate
specialized materials or equipment or create cue cards; however, many
accommodations only require that teachers remember to prompt the student.
Implementing Accommodations
Teachers may find that they have to take additional steps to make sure students with
disabilities can use their accommodations effectively. The student may need orientation
and instruction on how to use a new accommodation. The student may also need to be
reminded when to use the accommodation. The student will gain independence as the
student becomes more proficient and comfortable with the accommodation. At times, a
student may require the development and use of a structured behavioral support plan to
encourage the use of some accommodations.
Maria, Alex and Jerez’s teacher will refer to the aforementioned Accommodations List
when planning instruction. He will ask the ESE department about arrangements for the
sign language interpreter and sign language-to-English dictionary. He will create graphic
organizers for Maria and set up biweekly meetings with the ESE specialist to discuss
Alex’s progress. He will ask the mathematics teacher to provide the visual and concrete
materials for Alex. The teacher must also make sure that Jerez has small-group
instruction for writing and his interactions are monitored during free time. This
preparation will help to ensure that Maria, Alex and Jerez can participate fully in class.
Universal Design for Learning
The goal of education in the 21st century is not simply mastery of content
knowledge or use of new technologies. Education should help turn novice
learners into expert learnersindividuals who want to learn, who know how to
learn strategically, and who, in their own highly individual and flexible ways,
are well prepared for a lifetime of learning. The UDL helps educators meet this
goal by providing a framework for understanding how to create curricula that
meets the needs of all learners from the start (Center for Applied Special
Technology [CAST], 2011, p. 4).
Three principles are followed in UDL for the design of curriculum, instruction and
Provide multiple means of engagement,
Provide multiple means of representation, and
Provide multiple means of action and expression.
CHAPTER THREE: Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
These principles align well with the purpose and intent of accommodations. A UDL
classroom includes a variety of instructional materials, tools and equipment available for
all students. Multiple means of representation (i.e., flexible formats, e.g., print, digital
text, auditory and video formats); expression (i.e., flexible modes of response, e.g.,
writing, speaking and drawing); and engagement (i.e., flexible schedule and structure
and options for sequencing and organizing) are provided as a regular part of curriculum
and instruction. Curricula created using UDL principles are intentionally designed to
meet the needs of all students. This includes students who are gifted and talented,
students who have disabilities, and students with different abilities, backgrounds and
motivations (Meyer, Rose, & Gordon, 2013).
In a UDL classroom, all students have options, not just students with disabilities. One of
the critical outcomes of a UDL classroom is that all students will learn how to self-
accommodate and determine what supports or scaffolding they need for instruction.
Planning for the expected variability of students includes providing options for
engagement, representation, and action and expression. Choice and flexibility are key
elements of UDL; however, this does not mean that students always have choices in all
areas of instruction. Students need opportunities to learn in ways in which they have
strengths, and they need to improve in areas in which they are less strong.
Technology and flexible digital content are important aspects of the materials used to
implement UDL; however, technology and flexible content do not define UDL.
Technology and materials must be accompanied by established goals and standards for
learning with flexible means of achieving them. Teachers can use different methods to
engage all learners. They can use assessments that enable students to show what they
know and are able to do, rather than just reaffirm what they cannot do.
The UDL Guidelines, Version 2.0 (CAST, 2011) includes recommendations and
procedures that make the applications of the principles more concrete and useful.
Following these guidelines, teachers can reduce barriers and optimize levels of
challenge and support to meet the needs of all learners, including students with
disabilities. The following description provides examples of how teachers can employ
UDL guidelines when planning instruction (Zabala, J. S., personal communication,
October 14, 2015).
Provide Multiple Means of Engagementthe “Why” of Learning
Students differ in ways they can be motivated or engaged in learning. Optimizing
individual choice and autonomy can help students increase self-determination, self-
esteem and their feelings of connections to what they are learning. Students may not be
able to choose the learning objective or standard, but they can make choices about how
to reach that objective, the context or situation for achieving the objective, or the tools or
supports that they will use for information gathering or production.
CHAPTER THREE: Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
Options for self-regulation can help students strategically control or adapt their own
emotional reactions and motivation. Promoting positive expectations and beliefs,
sometimes called “mindset,can enhance the personal knowledge that each student has
about what is motivating. Setting personal goals, establishing sequences and timelines
for activities, and participating in self-reflection activities will support the student in
achieving the learning objectives.
Coaches, mentors or even simple checklists can be offered to support the students.
Students may need to learn how to manage external events that may distract their
efforts or produce anxiety. They can learn to deal with frustration, seek emotional
support and learn to use effective coping skills to overcome difficult situations.
Provide Multiple Means of Representationthe “What” of Learning
Alternate forms of representation of content are provided so that all students may gain
essential information. For example, the novel, Robinson Crusoe, is available in print of
varying sizes, digital text, auditory (i.e., read aloud), as a movie and in versions written at
different levels of readability. Students have opportunities to choose the format (e.g.,
print, audio, visual, tactile or concrete objects) for obtaining information and may use
multiple formats depending upon the specific instructional tasks, environmental factors,
and teacher and student preference.
Supports for word recognition are also provided. For example, text-to-speech or a
screen reader can be used with digital text. Individual words or phrases may be defined
or read aloud just by clicking on the word. A student may annotate text using an
embedded notepad or by writing in the margins of the page.
Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expressionthe “How” of Learning
Depending upon the activity, students may choose to write, speak, draw or use some
other method to express what they have learned and what they still need to learn. For
example, students may be able to express themselves more effectively using speech or
sign language than writing.
Students may need supports for action and expression to strategically plan, organize
and produce the desired products. This might be in the form of simple graphic organizers
or planning forms or following articulated steps of the writing process. In addition,
technology can be used to support the creation of the products. Students may also
choose to use different types of writing implements or electronic tools for writing or
creating graphic images.
Differentiated Instruction
Teachers follow the principles of differentiated instruction to be responsive to the
important ways that learners differ. “There is no patented formula for creating a
differentiated classroom. Rather effective differentiation is governed by a philosophy, a
set of principles, and some pivotal instructional practices” (Tomlinson, 2014, p. 25).
CHAPTER THREE: Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
Many teachers find that the accommodations they provide for students with disabilities
can help other students. For example, a teacher may prepare a study guide for a student
with a disability who needs support for reading comprehension. The teacher can make
the same study guide available to other students. The following table illustrates the three
components of differentiated instruction:
Three Pillars of Effective Differentiation*
Philosophy Principles Practices
Regarding diversity as
normal and valuable
Seeing every learner’s
potential for academic
Accepting responsibility
for maximizing each
learner’s progress
Recognizing and
removing barriers that
deny many learners
equal access to
Creating environments
that are catalysts for
Building on a
foundation of a quality
Using assessments to
inform teaching and
Tailoring instruction to
student needs
Leading and managing
a flexible classroom
Planning proactively to
address student
readiness, interest and
learning profile
Basing instructional
approaches on student
needs and the nature
of the content
Teaching with a growth
Assigning respectful
Using flexible grouping
*Adapted from The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, 2nd Ed.
(p. 25), by C. A. Tomlinson, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
When differentiated instruction is combined with the practices and principles of UDL,
teachers can respond more effectively to the challenges of their classroom profile of
students (Hall, Strangman, & Meyer, n.d.). Teachers who apply these frameworks will be
better able to meet the diverse needs of students, including those who need
Curriculum Modifications
In many instances, accommodations are all that a student with a disability needs to be
successful in the classroom; however, teachers may find that some students with
disabilities are unable to meet grade-level standards. These students may need more
intensive instruction. Students with a significant cognitive disability may be unable to
meet grade-level standards even with accommodations. Such students may require
changes to what they are expected to learn. The IEP team may decide that a student
CHAPTER THREE: Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
with a significant cognitive disability requires intensive, direct instruction for learning and
needs to be instructed on the access points of the state standards. Access points are
alternate Florida Standards that reflect modified learning expectations. Parents must
give their written consent for their child to be instructed in a curriculum based on the
access points and to participate in the statewide standardized alternate assessments as
stated in Rule 6A-6.0331(10)(b), F.A.C.; however, this option does not apply to students
with disabilities who have a Section 504 plan.
If a teacher thinks that a student with a disability will not be able to achieve grade-level
standards, even with accommodations, the following steps are recommended:
1. Check the student’s IEP to see if the student has a significant cognitive disability
and is working on access points.
2. Consult with the student’s ESE teacher or other personnel in the school to find
out if curriculum modifications are appropriate for this student.
3. If the student is not working on access points, teachers are encouraged to
engage in systematic problem solving with the team to intensify the instruction or
intervention to meet the student’s needs.
Monitoring and Evaluating Accommodations
The value of any accommodation should be measured in terms of its impact on the
performance and attitude of the student with a disability. Some guiding questions to
consider when reflecting on the impact of an accommodation include the following:
Does the student regularly use the accommodation?
Can the student participate fully in the activity with the accommodation?
Can the student master the learning objectives with the accommodation?
Did the accommodation help the student feel a part of the class?
If the answers to the questions are Yes,” then the accommodation is working. If the
answer to any question is “No,” then troubleshooting is needed to find out why. A
different type of accommodation may be needed.
For some students, certain accommodations will always be necessary to be able to
perform required tasks, such as using braille materials for reading; however,
accommodations can provide a step toward independence as students continue to learn
and develop and a student may become less dependent on the accommodations and
more reliant on her own abilities. Teachers must continually monitor the student’s skill
development as well as the use and impact of the accommodations.
Collaboration and Support
Collaboration is essential when providing accommodations for students with disabilities.
Teachers who are open to input and ideas will find success when working with others on
CHAPTER THREE: Integrating Accommodations with Instruction
behalf of students with disabilities. When problems arise, they are not afraid to ask other
teachers or parents for assistance. They often find that others have similar problems and
are eager to share successful solutions.
Many individuals share responsibility for the students’ educational program. Some
schools hire ESE teachers to provide services in general education classrooms. Other
schools schedule common planning periods or institute professional learning
communities so that ESE and general education teachers can work together. Staff in
counseling, school health, speech and language, and occupational and physical
therapies can also provide support.
A student’s IEP may describe the need for support for school personnel or staff. This
support may include professional development activities to develop knowledge and skills
to help the student. Support may also include consultant services, collaborative
teaching, or assistance from a paraprofessional or teacher’s aide. The purpose of
collaboration or consultation is to ensure that the educators and parents, if appropriate,
confer on a regular basis and keep informed about the student’s progress and needs.
The collaboration addresses problem solving, identifying needed resources, and
monitoring the effectiveness and impact of the instructional program and
accommodations. Documentation of the process and outcomes of collaboration must be
Accommodations play an important role in meeting the needs of students with disabilities
in preparing them to be career, college and life ready. Teachers are responsible for
providing accommodations to students with disabilities, and students are responsible for
using accommodations and making their best effort in instruction and assessment
activities. To have the greatest impact, the student’s use of accommodations must be
continually monitored and supported through data analysis, intentional planning,
implementation and evaluation of effectiveness.
Types of Accommodations
Accommodations are a key component of effective educational programs for students
with disabilities. Many students with disabilities need only small changes in the way they
are instructed and assessed to participate successfully in general education classes. In
this chapter, accommodations are organized into four categories:
Presentationhow students receive information,
Respondinghow students show what they know,
Settinghow the environment is made accessible for instruction and
assessment, and
Schedulinghow time demands and schedules may be adjusted.
A general description of the types of accommodations is provided for each category
along with examples. The examples do not represent all possible accommodations.
Students with disabilities may need accommodations that are unique and novel and
have been shown to help them learn and demonstrate competence. Such
accommodations are to be provided for the student and documented on their IEP or
Section 504 plan. For example, a student who is easily agitated may use a music app for
calming, focusing and self-regulating. This accommodation should be described on the
student’s individual plan.
Information about accommodations for statewide assessments is available for the
statewide standardized assessments, English Language Arts and mathematics;
statewide science assessment; EOC assessments; and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. Please
consult individual test administration manuals for more details. For students who
participate in alternate assessments, the statewide standardized alternate assessment
manual includes information about allowable adjustments to the standard method of
administration. Links to test administration manuals, technical assistance papers and
guidance documents are included in Appendix A
Presentation Accommodations
Presentation accommodations make it possible for students to access information for
instruction and assessment. Students with disabilities may require materials in
specialized presentation formats if they are unable to see or read textbooks or hear the
teacher. Students may need presentation supports to facilitate their ability to read,
observe and listen in the classroom.
Specialized Presentation Formats
Specialized presentation formats are described as visual, tactile, audio and multisensory
formats based on the way information is displayed or presented (National Center on
Accessible Educational Materials, 2015). Examples include restructured print, braille,
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
large print, digital text (or e-text), audio, graphic-enhanced or symbolated text, captioned
videos, images, tactile graphics, and manipulatives (FDOE, 2017, May 19
Students with disabilities who cannot read standard print effectively may require
accessible instructional materials. Instructional materials may consist of hardback or
softback textbooks, electronic content, consumables, learning laboratories,
manipulatives, electronic media, and computer courseware or software (FDOE, 2017,
May 19). The IEP team determines the student’s need for accessible instructional
materials, the format of such materials and necessary accommodations.
The format of instructional materials provided to the student should be based on needs
based on evaluations of how the student’s disability affects involvement and progress in
the mastery of Florida Standards. These needs are documented on the student’s IEP.
The identification of appropriate instructional materials involves a review of the student’s
language and reading levels, assessment of the organization or structure of the content,
and consideration of the way the information is presented (e.g., visual, auditory or tactile)
(FDOE, 2017, May 19).
A functional vision and learning media assessment is required every three years for
students with a visual impairment to evaluate how the student accesses, or may need to
learn to access, printed information. Objective data are gathered on reading skills,
preferred format or mode for reading, and other ways the student gathers information,
such as by listening. A learning media assessment is sometimes used with other
students to assist in determining the effectiveness of possible accommodations related
to learning media.
Districts have flexibility in acquiring accessible materials for their students (ss.
1003.4203 and 1006.38(15), F.S.). Through the bid process, districts can require that
publishers make flexible digital versions, or they may reproduce instructional materials in
the format needed by the student with a disability (FDOE, 2017, May 19). Districts are
also required to identify district-level digital resource managers (e.g., local assistive
technology specialist [LATS], regional-LATS, teachers of the visually impaired), who can
assist in acquiring accessible instructional materials for students.
Primary resources for accessible instructional materials include digital, audio or
Hypertext Markup Language books from the publishers; printed materials scanned
into digital format; and online libraries. The Florida Electronic Library provides free
public access to licensed online resources and virtual reference works
). The following additional resources are available in Florida:
Bookshare provides accessible materials at no cost to eligible students;
however, the materials may be purchased for students who are not eligible.
Available formats include braille-ready format and Digital Accessible Information
System (known as DAISY) books. A no-cost text reader developed by Don
Johnston, Inc., is available. Qualifications are found at
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Learning Ally produces Florida-adopted audio books, including narrated books;
provides training for eligible district staff, students and parents; and offers school
memberships. Eligibility requirements are found at
The National Instructional Materials Access Center provides instructional
materials in specialized formats (e.g., braille, large print, digital text and audio) at
no cost. The Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired
(FIMC-VI) and the district digital rights manager can assist teachers with
registering students and obtaining files. Eligibility requirements are available at
Described and Captioned Media Program is a no-cost loan library for
described and captioned media funded by the United States Department of
Education. Eligibility requirements are included at
Visual Formats
Students who may use visual formats include those who have a visual impairment and
require enlarged print; students who are deaf or hard of hearing and use sign language;
and students who have a print disability, including dyslexia.
Large-print text must be clear, with high contrast between the color of the print and the
background color. The FIMC-VI assists districts with obtaining large-print materials for
use in Florida’s schools (FIMC-VI, n.d.). Regular print materials can be enlarged through
photocopying or magnification. Text size can also be enlarged for most digital text.
Color contrast options provide different color combinations for background and text
based on individual student needs and preferences. Color contrast options are often
available for digital materials. Paper-based materials can use different colored paper and
ink or tinted transparent overlays to provide options for contrast between background
and text.
Signed presentation may be required for students who are deaf or hard of hearing and
need assistance understanding printed material, especially when learning to read. In
testing situations, signed presentation may be provided for directions, items and answer
choices. The interpreter must use the same method of sign language as the student,
such as American Sign Language, manually coded English or total communication.
Video recordings present stories or information as movies, giving students a visual and
auditory way to access information. Videos should be closed-captioned with the
dialogue displayed in text at the bottom of the screen. Descriptive video adds a verbal
description of key visual elements, such as actions, gestures, facial expressions and
scene changes to help individuals follow the story.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Closed captioning or American Sign Language videos may be provided for text
presented in an auditory format. Apps may be used on the computer, tablet or
smartphone that provide closed captioning or American Sign Language translation for
Tactile Formats
Tactile materials provide information in a raised format accessed through touch.
Students who have a visual impairment may use tactile formats.
Braille represents text using a raised-dot code read by touch with the fingertips. The
current braille code for the United States has been designated as Unified English Braille
(UEB). Students who were instructed in the old braille code, English Braille American
Edition, should receive instruction in the new code.
Refreshable braille displays create temporary print-to-braille transformations. Braille
characters are displayed on a flexible membrane by a series of movable pins.
Refreshable braille displays are read one line of text at a time, which can affect the
amount of time a person needs to read text.
Nemeth braille code conveys mathematical and scientific expressions in a tactile
format. Nemeth code uses the same set of braille cells as literary braille; however, most
cells have new meanings to express technical symbols (Texas School for the Blind and
Visually Impaired, n.d.b.). The new braille code (UEB) also has mathematical symbols.
Tactile graphic images are provided in a raised format. Tactile images and symbols
represent the content and concepts of graphic material (e.g., maps, charts, graphs,
diagrams and illustrations). A tactile graphic is not a straight reproduction of the print
graphic. It does not include symbols expected by visual readers, such as color and
artistic embellishment.
Tools and equipment may have braille or tactile symbols. For example, calculators,
clocks and rulers are available with braille or raised numerical symbols.
Haptics or haptic feedback may involve the use of touch in a user interface design of a
computer, tablet or smartphone. Vibrations are activated to denote that a touchscreen
button has been pressed. Other forms of haptic feedback can be provided by a resistive
force in a joystick or input device (Mobile Burn, 2013). Some students may need other
types of devices, such as a refreshable haptic display (Copeland, 2011, January).
Real objects may be used instead of printed images. For example, students may use
real coins instead of a printed image. Students also may use real objects as a means of
Auditory Formats
Students who are unable to read text may require presentation in an oral or auditory
format. This may include students who have a visual impairment, as well as students
who have a print disability.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
A person can read the text aloud to the student. The reader should read to an
individual student, not a group of students. The student can ask the reader to slow down
or repeat text. When reading mathematics and science content, the reader gives the
correct name or description of symbols and graphics. In testing situations, directions,
test items and answer choices may be presented orally. Test items may not be
reworded, summarized or simplified. The reader should use an even inflection so that
auditory cues are not provided to the answers (Shyyan et al., 2016, August).
Recorded books and texts are produced as digital files. Audio files should be
accompanied by a print or braille version of the text, particularly if graphic information is
included. Classroom materials may be purchased in audio format. Instructions,
assignments and lectures may be recorded in the classroom.
A screen reader uses text-to-speech software to convert digital text into synthesized
voice output for text displayed on a screen (American Foundation for the Blind, 2017c).
The screen reader generally allows customization of voice, speech, volume and speed.
Specialized software can support mathematical language, such as graphs and formulas,
e.g., Math Talk or Scientific Notebook interfaces with Dragon Naturally Speaking and
speech-to-text software (
Equipment with auditory output includes talking clocks, calculators, scales,
thermometers, voltmeters and timers. Light probes and special adapters are available
that transform visual and digital signals into audio outputs.
Paper-Based Presentation Options for Computer and Online Programs
Many instructional materials and assessments are available as computer-based
programs with embedded accommodations, such as text-to-speech and masking. A
student with a disability who is unable to access the instructional materials or
assessment because a necessary accommodation is not available on the computer may
use paper-based materials (FDOE, 2017a,b). Materials may be provided in regular print,
large print and braille; with one item or fewer items per page and increased spacing
between items. Students may also use other accommodations to support their use of
paper-based materials (see Supports for Visual Enhancement in the following
Presentation Supports
Presentation supports facilitate a student’s use of standard print, graphic materials or
spoken language when reading or listening to explanations and discussions.
Supports for Visual Enhancement
Students who have difficulty with visual acuity, visual perception or attention span may
benefit from tools and techniques that help focus their attention.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Magnification equipment enlarges printed material or objects. Students may use
eyeglass-mounted magnifiers, free-standing or handheld electronic or nonelectronic
magnifiers, and magnifying bars. Computers, tablets and smartphones generally have
display enlargement (zoom) or screen magnification software. Special lenses can be
attached to smartphones and tablets to assist in magnification. Video magnifiers or
closed circuit television (CCTV) systems use a stand-mounted or handheld video
camera to display a magnified image onto a video monitor, television screen or computer
monitor (American Foundation for the Blind, 2017a).
Reduced glare or direct lighting increases the visibility of print material.
Minimized visual distraction helps students who have difficulty directing attention.
Materials should be provided with simple backgrounds, predictable visual layout, and
separate displays of text and graphics.
Colored transparencies or overlays may enhance contrast and reduce glare to
increase legibility of printed materials. Colored transparent filters can also be placed
over a computer screen if embedded optional digital contrast filters are not enabled or
available. A student may use glasses with specially colored lenses for this purpose.
Visual cues with color, bold type or highlighting direct a student’s attention to selected
elements of printed materials.
A straightedge, blank card or card with a cutout window can be used to isolate one
or more lines of text at a time. Cards can also be used to mask or cover portions of an
assignment. The cards help direct visual attention and may improve tracking and reading
speed. The cards serve the same purpose as the masking tool embedded in computer
programs. The tool allows the user to temporarily cover portions of the screen to direct
attention to an uncovered item.
Positioning tools can be used to place reading materials at the proper distance and
position for reading. Examples include a special tilt-top desk, slant board, book stand or
paper holder.
Materials and workbooks can be secured to the work area so they do not move
around unnecessarily. A rubber mat can be placed on top of the desk or clamps, and
large binder clips or removable tape can be used to anchor materials.
Supports for Word Recognition
Students who have difficulty with word recognition and decoding may need presentation
supports to help them increase fluency and gain information from printed text.
Leveled books use sentences and vocabulary that are less complex than grade-level
materials. It is important to make sure that the content addresses grade-level standards.
Digital text allows flexible output for alternate presentation formats (e.g., enlarged print,
highlighting, multiple contrast options, auditory or braille). Digital text can display
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
structural (e.g., header and sidebar) and semantic (e.g., summary, key questions and
vocabulary) elements using electronic tags.
Portable scanning devices read individual words aloud with a definition to help
students increase word recognition proficiency. Examples include a reading pen,
handheld scanning translator, and electronic dictionary or thesaurus.
Personal word lists help students recognize and remember words they encounter in
Repeated reading helps students increase word recognition and fluency. The student
reads passages aloud multiple times, and the teacher, peer or others give help with
unknown words and feedback (Schumm, 1999).
Supports for Comprehension
Students who have difficulty with reading comprehension may need presentation
supports. Supports may help students with limited vocabulary and background
knowledge or difficulty with verbal reasoning and abstract concepts. Supports for
comprehension can help students identify, understand and integrate ideas presented in
Preview of important vocabulary or key points in the text helps students anticipate
topics and related content.
Advance organizers involve a preview of the objectives, topics and subtopics,
questions, or the chapter summary. They help students understand and retain
Highlighting or color coding is used to draw attention to vocabulary and key ideas in
text. Some text comes with key words and phrases already highlighted for emphasis.
Students can learn to identify key words and mark paper-based materials with an
erasable highlighter or sticky notes. Students can also highlight digital materials
Annotating text helps students think about what is important as they read. Students
write notes about main ideas, details and summary statements. Sticky notes can be
placed on the pages. Many e-books or digital files have a note or comment feature
where annotations can be recorded (Office of Academic Support, 2016).
Study guides help students focus attention on important content and encourage active
processing of meaning. Examples include structured note-taking forms, outlines, story
maps and graphic organizers.
Hands-on activities, pictures and diagrams help students understand abstract
concepts and complex information.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Supports for Listening
Students with disabilities may need supports for listening because they have difficulty
maintaining attention, understanding how ideas are related and remembering
Advance organizers can increase understanding and retention of information when
provided before presentations or lectures. They may include an overview of the content,
description of activities and expectations, new vocabulary, or explanation of connections
with previous lessons or background knowledge.
Explicit cues can help students identify the topic, main ideas and supporting details, or
the steps or key components in a process. Verbal or visual cues emphasize what is
important for students to remember and understand.
Active student involvement is facilitated through the use of questions, response cards,
small-group interaction and discussion. Cooperative learning techniques, such as
think/pair/share or jigsaw, are also effective for active student involvement.
Repetition of information by paraphrasing and summarizing facilitates student recall
and understanding.
Note-taking assistance may include a copy of the presentation slides, an outline of the
lecture or a predesigned graphic organizer. Students can also learn to take notes using
a two-column, note-taking format or concept mapping. If a student is unable to take
notes independently, a copy of the notes from the teacher or peer may be provided. A
student may also record class lectures using an audio recorder (Levy, 2006, August).
Amplification systems, such as frequency modulation systems, enhance the teacher’s
voice output when working with students in the classroom. The teacher’s voice is
transmitted from a lavaliere or handheld microphone through classroom speakers. This
is sometimes known as a class soundfield system or small public address system
(Teach Logic, n.d.).
Supports for Following Directions
Teachers give directions many ways, such as orally, in writing, or by demonstrating and
modeling. Students with disabilities who have difficulty understanding or remembering
may need supports to follow instructions.
Signals or prompts help to obtain the student’s attention when the teacher gives
directions. The student may need an auditory cue, such as a change in tone of voice, or
a visual or tactile cue.
Self-instruction and self-questions help students focus on positive attributions for
success and task progress (e.g., “Read the directions first,” “Take my time,” and Did I
check my answer?”).
A copy of directions from the textbook, assessment or other instructional material can
be given to the student.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Directions can be repeated or clarified for students, or students may paraphrase
Sample problems and tasks can be used to show students what to do. Explicit
explanations of the model or expected behavior may be helpful.
Simplified or graphic directions with pictures or diagrams are used with students
who cannot follow verbal or written instructions. Picture or icons illustrate each step.
The teacher uses monitoring to determine when the student needs help to follow
instructions and get started.
Verbal encouragement helps the student stay on task (e.g., “Keep working” and
“Answer every question”).
Uncluttered and clearly organized materials make it easy for students to know where
to start and how to proceed.
Visual cues, such as color coding, icons or numbering each step of directions, help
students understand tasks and expectations.
Response Accommodations
Students typically respond to classroom tasks by speaking, writing, drawing or other
means of expression. Response accommodations may enable students to use different
ways to complete assignments, tests and activities.
Alternate Response Modes
Students with disabilities unable to respond in standard ways may need to use an
alternate response mode. This may include students who have sensory or language
impairments, as well as students who have motor impairments that result in difficulty with
handwriting or speaking.
A scribe writes down or records what a student dictates, whether through speech, sign
language, a communication system or device, or by pointing. The scribe may not edit or
change the student’s words or ideas; however, the student can review and edit what the
scribe has written (Shyyan et al., 2016, August).
A word processor or computer may be used by a student who has difficulty with
handwriting. A student may use an AT device, such as touch screen, trackball, mouth
stick or head wand, pointing devices, or alternative keyboards for typing. Speech-to-text
conversion or voice recognition software can be used to dictate text or give commands
to the computer. In some testing situations, the spelling and grammar check feature
must be turned off (Shyyan et al., 2016, August).
Word prediction software provides a list of choices based on words previously typed.
The predictions are based on spelling, syntax, and frequent and recent use. This
enables students to use proper spelling, grammar and vocabulary with fewer keystrokes
(DO-IT Center, 2015, August 24).
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
A braillewriter (brailler) has a six-key braille keyboard for producing hard-copy braille.
Portable note-taking devices are small, lightweight devices equipped with a braille or
standard keyboard for input. Some devices have additional features, such as a
calculator and calendar, and can be connected to the Internet or personal computer to
exchange files or print. Applications can record audio notes and allow the user to enter
written notes with a keyboard on smartphones and tablets (Kendrick, 2011, July;
American Foundation for the Blind, 2017b).
Voice recorders copy speech electronically. Voice recorders are often included in apps
used in smartphones, tablets or computers.
Voice recognition software converts speech to text, so the student can use voice to
dictate text and give commands to the computer.
Sign language is used for communication, primarily by students who are deaf or hard of
hearing. American Sign Language, manually coded English and finger spelling are
different types of sign language. Some students combine sign language with voice (total
communication). Students may need an interpreter when they communicate with
persons who do not know sign language.
Cued speech is a visual mode of communication in which mouth movements of speech
combine with “cues” made by placement and movement of the speaker’s hands to make
the sounds (phonemes) of traditional spoken languages look different. Cued speech
(language) transliterators are professionals that facilitate communication between
individuals who use spoken language and those who use cued speech. They may
convey everything that is said as well as sounds in the environment (Laurent Clerc
National Deaf Education Center and Boston Children’s Hospital, 2015; National Cued
Speech Association, 2017).
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) includes all forms of
communication, except oral speech, that are used to express thoughts and ideas. The
forms include facial expressions, gestures, symbols, pictures and writing. Aided
communication methods range from paper and pencil to communication boards.
Electronic devices produce voice output, written output or both. Individuals may rely on
AAC to supplement or replace their own speech (American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association, 2017a).
Response Supports
Students use response supports to facilitate their use of standard methods for
expression. Written expression involves language conveyed by text. Oral expression
involves language conveyed by speaking.
Supports for Handwriting
Students with disabilities who write illegibly may have problems with letter formation,
letter size, letter and word spacing, and writing on or between the lines. Difficulties may
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
result from poor postural control, fine motor impairments, visual impairments, visual
perception or attention difficulties. Teachers are encouraged to consult with the local AT
specialist when selecting tools or equipment. The occupational therapist can also
determine the need for specialized furniture or adapted tools.
Pencils, markers or crayons of different diameters, pencils with softer lead and softer
crayons may be used by students who have difficulty grasping or controlling writing
implements. Mechanical pencils and nonabrasive erasers help students who use
excessive pressure when writing (Rein, 1997/2001). High-contrast writing tools, such as
markers, felt-tipped pens and soft-lead pencils, help students with visual impairments
read their own writing.
Pencil or pen grips enlarge or adapt the shape of standard writing tools to correctly
position the fingers and hand when writing. They include triangular or pear-shaped grips
and grips with indentations for fingers (Rein, 1997/2001).
Finger spacers help students use proper spacing between letters and words. Spacers
can be purchased or made out of cardboard or plastic. Some spacers feature an arrow
for directionality and a window for tracking when reading (Rein, 1997/2001).
Handwriting guides or templates help students stay within a defined writing space. The
student lays the guide on top of a regular sheet of paper with a cutout area for writing
that exposes the space between the lines (Rein, 1997/2001).
Alphabet strips provide a model for students to guide letter formation in manuscript or
cursive style.
Specialized writing paper provides prompts or visual cues to guide handwriting. The
paper may have wider lines, colored or shaded areas between the lines, colored lines or
raised lines as tactile cues. Students may also write on every other line on a sheet of
lined paper. Gridded paper can be used to help students organize numbers for
mathematics computation, allowing one digit per cell (Rein, 1997/2001).
Visual cues can be added to standard writing paper, such as highlighting the left margin
or drawing lines for margins. A paper can be divided into sections by drawing lines,
folding or covering parts of the text.
Paper stabilizers position paper at an appropriate place on the desk and keep it from
moving. Removable tape also can be used to hold paper in place. Nonslip mats or
rubberized netting will stabilize a binder or clipboard (Rein, 1997/2001).
Slant boards hold a paper at an optimum angle for writing. A slant board can be made
with an empty three-ring binder.
Physical support or positioning may be needed to stabilize students who have a
physical impairment. Students with limited mobility may also need assistance
manipulating instructional materials, objects and equipment.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Periodic checks by the teacher may be used to be sure the student is responding to
the task as instructed.
The student may respond directly on a consumable worksheet. As an alternative, the
student can use erasable markers on clear sheets of acetate overlaying the text. The
student may need two copies of a worksheetone for a draft and one for the final copy.
Supports for Written Expression
Students with disabilities may have difficulty planning and drafting writing because they
have insufficient understanding of text structure, topics or audience. Some students
have difficulty with linguistic knowledge, including spelling, vocabulary, sentence
structure and mechanics (i.e., grammar, punctuation and capitalization).
Dictionaries and thesauruses can assist the student with word choice when writing.
Some devices include electronic or talking dictionaries that check spelling and grammar
usage as well as word meaning. An ELL student may require native language translation
Strategies, templates, checklists and grammar rules can be printed on personal cue
cards or posted in the classroom as quick reference guides.
An individualized spelling list or a personal dictionary of frequently used vocabulary
may help the student with word choice when writing.
Spelling and grammar check features are available in word processing programs.
Talking spelling and grammar devices allow the student to enter an approximate spelling
or usage of the word and then see and hear the correct version.
Graphic organizers and outlining help students identify or create a structure for
organizing information in patterns or diagrams. Students can use paper-based graphic
organizers or software for planning reports, essays and content maps.
Supports for Oral Expression
Students with disabilities who have difficulty using spoken language may need
accommodations to get their message across.
Increased wait time may provide students the opportunity to think about what they want
to say and how they will say it. Teachers and peers should not interrupt or speak for
Use of visual images can help students convey their spoken message through pictures,
drawings or other graphics.
Supports for Mathematics
Some students have difficulty with mathematical tasks. They may struggle with
mathematical symbols, how to solve problems or apply abstract concepts. Some
students with disabilities require concrete materials or visual representations as an
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Calculation devices may be needed by students whose disabilities affect calculation,
but not mathematics reasoning. Devices include the calculator, abacus, geoboard or
special software (Math Windows
and Graphic Aid for Mathematics).
It is important to determine whether the use of a calculation device is a matter of
convenience or a necessary accommodation. For example, if students are learning how
to subtract, a calculator does not show the steps for regrouping. On the other hand, if
students are learning problem-solving skills that involve subtraction (e.g., shopping for
items), a calculation device may be appropriate. Adapted calculators are available with
large keys or voice output (talking calculators) for students with visual impairments. In
testing situations, calculator use may be limited for certain items or grade levels.
Tactile tools and materials may be used by students with visual impairments. They
include raised line or braille-embossed number line, tactile graphic forms, geoboard,
manipulatives for counting and number systems, tactile and braille rulers and
protractors, and clocks with braille numerals (Texas School for the Blind and Visually
Impaired, n.d.a). Students may use a light box to assist with the identification of objects.
The use of raised lines or rough surfaces on materials can provide tactile feedback to
help students identify the image or object.
A chart of math facts may be used by students who are not fluent with basic math
facts. In testing situations, students may not allowed to use fact charts.
Concrete materials and manipulatives are used by students to represent
mathematical concepts and procedures. Some materials may be created by three-
dimensional printers.
Visual representations display simple and complex mathematical concepts and
procedures using visuals, such as diagrams, flowcharts and computer animations.
Specialized mathematical image descriptions may be needed by students to increase
accessibility of instructional materials that include graphs, math diagrams, geometric
figures, and equations and expressions. Some software programs can translate
mathematical formulas into speech (Diagram Center, n.d.).
Planning guides with a list of steps or flowchart can help students recall what to do
when solving math problems.
Special paper, including gridded or graph paper, can help students line up digits for
Setting Accommodations
Setting accommodations involve changes in the location or conditions of the educational
environment. Accommodations can address accessibility issues, behavior and attention,
and organization of space and materials. Students who use accommodations that
distract other students, such as a reader or scribe, may also need setting
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Physical Accessibility
Accessibility refers to the design of products, services and environments to meet the
needs of persons with disabilities. Students may need an accessible location, specific
room conditions or special equipment as a result of their disability.
Physical access to the educational setting requires a barrier-free environment.
Students should be able to access all parts of the building, including classrooms,
restrooms, cafeteria, media center and school grounds. Many buildings are made
accessible because they are equipped with nonslip surfaces, guide rails, ramps,
elevators and automatic doors.
Accessible workstations include adjustable desks and tables for students who use
mobility aids, such as a wheelchair. Adaptive furniture and equipment also include
seating systems, standers, gait trainers, walkers, positioning devices and other types of
supports, special surfaces and matting, and ergonomic equipment (Job
Accommodations Network [JAN], n.d.a).
Preferential seating involves locating a student’s desk so the student can see or hear
the teacher and complete assignments. The specific location will depend on the needs of
the student and the typical activities used in the classroom.
Special lighting or light filters may be needed by a student with eye strain or fatigue. A
natural light source or alternative lighting may be required (JAN, n.d.b).
Acoustical treatments diminish background noise and distractions in the classroom.
Window treatments, rugs or carpets, and soft materials on the walls can reduce noise.
Noisy equipment, including light fixtures, should be turned off when not in use (American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2017b, 2017c).
Assignments and assessments administered in a familiar place or by a familiar
person may be needed for instruction and testing.
Supports for Behavior and Attention
Students with disabilities who have difficulty maintaining attention and effort may need
accommodations. Students may require positive behavioral supports or a specialized
behavior management system that includes monitoring of behavior in school with regular
reports to the parents. Accommodations can be included in the student’s behavior plan.
Class rules and expectations must be enforced systematically and consistently. Rules
should be clearly defined and articulated to the student and may be integrated with the
individual behavior plan.
Regular procedures and predictable routines for beginning and ending classes can
be implemented.
Alternative activities can be used during unstructured time. The student needs to know
how to access and perform the activities.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Reduced sources of distractions can help students concentrate. The student should
be seated away from windows, heating or cooling vents, doors, resource areas, and
other disruptions. An enclosed study carrel or sound absorption panel will block out
Preferential seating can be used to position the student’s desk away from busy parts of
the classroom or closer to the teacher.
Noise buffers can reduce auditory distractions and help the student concentrate and
maintain focus. Examples include headphones, earphones and earplugs, white noise
(environmental sound machines), and approved music.
Small-group or other special grouping arrangements may be required for students
who need additional personal attention and support. Some students need assistance on
tasks, small-group instruction or tutoring. An aide can help the student if the teacher is
not available. The size of the group (teacher-to-pupil ratio) must be specified in the
description of the accommodation.
Individual settings may be needed if the student cannot work in a group. Some
students learn better when they can read and think aloud. Other students have difficulty
controlling behaviors that may distract other students.
Increased or decreased opportunity for movement may be provided for students.
Some students may need to move in the classroom without disrupting other students.
Other students may need to be kept from wandering.
Organization of Space and Materials
Students with disabilities may have trouble managing their own space and materials in
the classroom. Some do not complete tasks because they cannot find the resources
they need.
Compartmentalized containers can be used to keep personal materials organized in
the student’s desk or locker. Bookends, plastic containers, and bags or folders may be
Diagrams that show how to organize books and materials can be posted inside the
locker for reference.
Checklists of materials needed for each class can be stored in the student’s locker or
Binders with color-coded dividers or folders can keep materials for each subject
separate. They can help students organize their assignments and handouts.
A limited amount of materials can be given to the student at a time.
Access to learning resources and instructional materials outside of class can be
provided. A student may keep a copy at home and another copy at school.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Scheduling Accommodations
Scheduling accommodations involve changes in how time is allocated, scheduled and
managed. Students may need scheduling accommodations to address issues related to
effort, rate of performance, attention, and their own ability to monitor and manage time.
Time Allocation
Changes in the amount of time or the way the time is organized for activities can be
provided as an accommodation. Some students do better when not under the pressure
of a strict schedule. Others need more time because they read and process information
slowly. Students may also need extended time to use certain accommodations, such as
AT, braille and dictation.
Extended time can be provided for assignments and assessments. The amount of
additional time should be determined on a case-by-case basis. Unlimited time is not
Breaks may be given during tasks. A timer can signal the end of the break.
Schedule adjustments allow activities to be scheduled at a particular time or day of the
week or for a number of days. The performance of students with health-related
impairments can vary because of medications or diminishing energy levels.
Time Management
Complex tasks can be difficult for students who struggle to work on more than one thing
at a time. Students may forget instructions and get tasks confused because they are
easily distracted. They may give up easily and not go back and check their work.
Established timelines and predictable routines provide structure to the school day
and help the student know what to expect.
Separating tasks into parts gives the student a manageable way to complete lengthy
Timelines can be used to help the student keep track of progress.
Checklists of individual responsibilities can help the student know what is expected.
Assignment planners or visual schedules identify subjects, assignments and
timelines. The student may record important information and dates in a journal,
assignment planner, homework log or calendar.
Electronic devices with alarms or signals can be used to remind the student of
important dates and meetings. A timer is used to define work periods.
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
Accommodations Not Allowed for Statewide Testing
Some accommodations are not allowed on statewide assessments. When a student
uses an accommodation that is not allowed, the test results may be declared invalid
(FDOE, 2017a; 2017b). Examples include the following:
Oral presentation by a test administrator or text-to-speech for passages in
statewide standardized assessments reading and writing items,
Signed presentation for passages in statewide standardized assessments
reading and writing items,
Use of devices to check spelling or grammar,
Use of a calculator for computation in grades 3-6 statewide standardized
assessments in mathematics,
Use of multiplication charts or tables,
Use of manipulative materials except when approved for use with braille
Use of assistive devices that violate the purpose of the test, and
Unlimited time to complete a test session.
Students with disabilities may have any accommodations they need for instruction, even
if the accommodation is not available on statewide assessments. If a nonallowed
accommodation is recommended for instruction, parents must be notified and give
signed consent for its use in the classroom. Parents must acknowledge in writing that
they understand the possible impact and consequences of using a nonallowed
Unique Accommodations
Students with disabilities may require unique accommodations for statewide
assessments that require changes to existing test materials, presentation or
administration guidelines. The unique accommodation must be regularly used by the
student for classroom instruction and must not threaten the security of the assessment
or negate the validity of the assessment. District-level staff must review accommodation
requests before they are sent to FDOE. The Commissioner of Education or designee
must approve each request for a unique accommodation in advance and prior to its use.
Written requests for unique accommodations must be submitted using the Unique
Accommodations Request Form provided by FDOE.
The request must include a copy
of the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan along with signatures of the district exceptional
education director and the district assessment coordinator or district alternate
assessment coordinator. Such requests must be submitted each year that the student
needs the unique accommodation (BEESS, 2015; FDOE, 2017b).
CHAPTER FOUR: Types of Accommodations
There are many ways to support students with disabilities in the classroom. The IEP or
Section 504 plan team decides which accommodations the student needs.
A quick reference guide with a list of the accommodations matched to the effect of the
disability or learning difficulty is included in Appendix B.
Online Resources—Accommodations for
Statewide Student Assessments
Appendix A: Online Resources
Online ResourcesAccommodations for Statewide Student Assessments
This list provides links to FDOE websites that inform educators and parents about
educational standards, statewide testing requirements and accommodations for students
with disabilities, and related Florida Statutes and State Board of Education Rules.
Manuals and Papers
BEESS Publications and Presentations
Technical Assistance Papers
Websites and Information
Florida Standards Assessments (English Language Arts and Mathematics)
Statewide Science Assessment
Florida End-of-Course Assessments
Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English
Language Learners 2.0 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0) and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Florida Standards Alternate Assessment
Technical Assistance Paper, DPS: 2015-16, Waiver of Statewide, Standardized
Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities
Technical Assistance Paper, DPS: 2014-208, Statewide Assessment for Students with
Appendix A: Online Resources
Florida Standards Assessments Spring/Summer 2017 Computer-Based Test
Administration Manual: Grades 8-10/Retake ELA Writing, Grades 4-10/Retake ELA
Reading, Grades 3-8 Mathematics, End-of-Course Assessments.
Florida Standards Assessments Test Administrator User Guide 2017-2018
Accommodations for Florida's Statewide Student Assessments (2015)
Florida Statutes and Administrative Rules
Florida Statutes
State Board of Education Rules (Florida Administrative Code)
Students with Disabilities
Rule 6A-6.03028, F.A.C., Provision of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and
Development of Individual Educational Plans for Students with Disabilities
Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C., General Education Intervention Procedures, Evaluation,
Determination of Eligibility, Reevaluation and the Provision of Exceptional
Student Education Services
Rule 6A-19.001, F.A.C., Scope, Coverage and Definitions
Educational Standards
Section 1003.41, F.S., Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Section 1003.4282, F.S., Requirements for a standard high school diploma
Rule 6A-1.09401, F.A.C., Student Performance Standards
Rule 6A-1.09963, F.A.C., High School Graduation Requirements for Students with
Assessment and Accommodations
Section 1008.212, F.S., Students with disabilities; extraordinary exemption
Section 1008.22, F.S., Student assessment program for public schools
Rule 6A-1.09422, F.A.C., Statewide, Standardized Program Requirements
Rule 6A-1.0943, F.A.C., Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Rule 6A-6.09091, F.A.C., Accommodations of the Statewide Assessment Program
Instruments and Procedures for English Language Learners
AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
This quick reference guide provides examples of the effects of a disability and related
accommodations. It is not a comprehensive list of all possible effects of a disability and
accommodations. A student may require unique and novel accommodations to learn and
demonstrate performance. A student may use accommodations not included in this
guide as long as the IEP or Section 504 plan team determines that the student needs
them. The value of any accommodation is ultimately measured in terms of its impact on
the performance of the student in the classroom.
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Presentation Accommodations
Specialized Presentation Formats
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Visual Formats
Unable to see regular print,
needs enlargement
Large-print, paper-based materials
Enlarged text on computer-based programs
Difficulty understanding
language in printed text,
uses sign language or cued
Signed presentation of directions or text information
(may accompany text for beginning readers)
Signed presentation of items and answer choices
English-to-sign language or sign language-to-English
dictionary; sign picture, word, synonyms and index
only; no definitions (students who use sign language as
their primary means of communication)
Cued speech transliterator to assist communication
Unable to hear and
understand oral language
Video recording with closed captioning and descriptive
Audio recording with closed captioning or American
Sign Language video
Unable to use computer-
based or online programs
Paper-based materials (e.g., regular print, large print,
braille materials or one-item-per-page documents)
Tactile Formats
Unable to see print, uses
tactile formats (for students
who have a visual
Braille materials or documents
Refreshable braille display
Nemeth Braille Code
Tactile graphic image
Real coins or objects
Light box
Raised number line
Braille ruler
Enhanced tactile feedback (haptics)
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Auditory Formats
Unable to see print or
Oral presentation of directions and text information
recognize or decode printed
Oral presentation of items and answer choices
words, uses auditory format
Read aloud by a person
Recorded books and text recordings
Screen-reader softwaretext-to-speech
Equipment with auditory output
Auditory recording and playback devices
Presentation Formats
Visual Enhancement
Difficulty seeing standard Magnification equipment
print, needs enlargement
Magnification devices
Computer and tablet screen magnification (zoom)
Video magnifier
Difficulty seeing print Enlarged font on computer-based materials
Large-print, paper-based materials
Reading passage booklet (paper based)
Color contrast (background and font) for paper- and
computer-based materials
Visual cues (e.g., colors, highlighting and bold text)
Reduced glare or direct lighting
Minimized visual distraction using masking or other
Colored transparencies or overlays or eyeglasses with
colored lens
One-item-per-page document
Fewer items per page
Increased space between items
Verbal description of images or reading descriptive text
provided (students with a visual impairment)
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Visual Enhancement (continued)
Loses place while reading Blank card to mark place
Card with cutout window to direct attention
Portions of assignment masked or covered to direct
attention to uncovered item
Straight edge to enhance visual attention to text
Unable to hold print Positioning tools
materials open
Tilt-top desk
Difficulty reading on flat
Slant board
Book stand
Page holder
Materials or workbooks secured to work area
Word Recognition
Difficulty with decoding
Leveled books
Difficulty with high-frequency
Digital text (tagged electronically) with audio feedback
sight words
or word meanings
Difficulty with structural
Portable scanning device, reading pen
analysis (e.g., affixes, root
Personal word list
Inability to read fluently
Repeated readings
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Limited knowledge of Preview of vocabulary or key points
vocabulary meaning
Advance organizer
Insufficient background
Highlighting or color coding to mark key words or
knowledge or experience
Digital text (tagged electronically) with word meanings
Hands-on activity, picture or diagram
Difficulty identifying main Advance organizer
idea and supporting details
Highlighting or color coding of main ideas and details
Difficulty understanding text
Annotating text
Digital text (tagged electronically) with structural clues
Difficulty making inferences (e.g., header and sidebar) and summary, outline or key
and drawing conclusions questions
Study guide
Hands-on activity, picture or diagram
Difficulty understanding
information presented orally
Difficulty maintaining
Advance organizer
Explicit verbal or visual cues
Difficulty remembering
information presented orally
Active involvement
Repetition and clarification of important information
Note-taking assistance
Unable to hear spoken
Assistive listening devices
language clearly; students
Audio amplification devices (personal or classroom)
who use sign language or
cued speech may
Live captioning or sign language videos or apps
periodically need assistance
Sign language interpreter
Cued speech transliterator
See also: Setting accommodations for sensory
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Following Directions
Difficulty remembering steps
Directions repeated or clarified
and procedures
Signal or prompt to gain attention
Difficulty understanding
what is expected
Self-instruction and self-questions
Lack of attention to detail
Directions with pictures or diagrams
Impulsive, easily distracted
Simplified or graphic directions
Copy of directions provided to student
Opportunity to demonstrate understanding of directions
(repeat or paraphrase)
Sample problems and tasks
Verbal encouragement (e.g., “Keep working” and “Be
sure to answer every question”)
Uncluttered and clearly organized material
Visual cues
Highlighting or color coding to mark key phrases or
words in directions
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Response Accommodations
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Alternate Response Modes
Unable to respond by Scribe to record written, signed or verbal responses
Word processor or computer
Speed of writing is too slow
to keep pace with language
Word prediction software
and expression of ideas
Braille responses
Portable note-taking device
Voice recorder
Voice recognition softwarespeech-to-text
Difficulty with expressive Sign language
English-to-sign language or sign language-to-English
dictionary; sign picture, word, synonyms and index
only; no definitions (students who use sign language as
their primary means of communication)
Augmentative and alternative communication device,
such as communication board
Unable to use keyboard Mouse, specialized keyboard or AT
Computer switch, pointing device or other
communication device
Assistive devices to access computer-based programs
(e.g., mouth stick and head wand)
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Response Supports
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Lack of coordination, Pencil, marker or crayon of different diameters
High-contrast writing tool
Inadequate pencil grasp
Mechanical pencil
Use of excessive pressure
Nonabrasive eraser
when writing
Pencil or pen grip (e.g., triangular, pear-shaped and
Illegible handwriting
grip with finger indentations)
Errors in letter and word Finger spacer
formation or spacing
Handwriting guide
Visual perceptual or spatial-
Alphabet strip
orientation difficulties
Specialized writing paper (e.g., colored or raised lines
Illegible handwriting
and gridded paper)
Visual cues on paper (e.g., stop, start and margins)
Weak postural control Paper stabilizer
Slant board
Physical support or positioning
Difficulty copying work Periodic check by teacher to be sure student is
Slow production
responding to task as directed
Low productivity
Responses recorded directly on worksheet or test
Word prediction software
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Written Expression
Weak expressive language
Limited vocabulary
Difficulties with syntax
Expresses ideas orally but
cannot convert into written
Thesaurus or dictionary
Word prediction software
Inconsistent use of Word processor with grammar check
capitalization and
Checklist, cue card or reference card for editing
Missing or inappropriate
Strategy or procedure for editing
Inconsistent spelling, Word processor with spell check
phonetic spelling
Individualized spelling list
Insufficient memory for
frequently used words
Electronic dictionary with spell check
Insufficient knowledge of
Dictionary or thesaurus
common spelling words
Difficulty organizing
Difficulty identifying ideas for
Outlining techniques
Strategies, templates and graphic organizers
Oral Expression
Difficulty articulating speech
Difficulty finding words
Difficulty with syntax
Difficulty with pragmatics
Increased wait time
Use of visuals
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Difficulty with computation
Calculation devices
Math Windows
(for students with a visual
Abacus (for students with a visual impairment)
Adapted calculator
Tactile tools and materials
Raised number line
Chart of math facts
Concrete materials and manipulatives
Difficulty with procedural Planning guides
skills or problem solving
Graphic organizer
Special paper (e.g., gridded paper or guide to organize
Difficulty with conceptual Concrete models and manipulatives, including three-
knowledge or application dimensional printed materials
Visual representations
Graphic aid for mathematics or geoboard (for students
with a visual impairment)
Enhancements that provide tactile feedback (haptics)
Specialized image descriptions for mathematics
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Setting Accommodations
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Physical Accessibility
Lack of mobility
Unable to open doors or
climb stairs
Physical access (e.g., ramps, nonslip surfaces, guide
rails, automatic doors and elevators)
Difficulty using standard
furniture and equipment
because of motor
Accessible workstation
Adaptive or special furniture
Sensory limitations (vision
or hearing)
Specialized lighting
Devices or treatments to control glare (e.g., tinted
lenses, soft surfaces and window blinds)
Acoustical treatment or special room to block
extraneous sounds
Classroom soundfield system (small public sound
address system)
Preferential seating
Other adaptations to the learning environment (specify)
Needs that can only be met
in a specialized setting
Familiar place
With a familiar person who has been appropriately
Behavior and Attention
Lack of self-control Class rules and expectations
Regular procedures
Alternative activities and choices
Individual setting (i.e., one-on-one)
Small-group setting
Increased opportunity for movement
Decreased opportunity for movement
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Behavior and Attention (continued)
Unable to concentrate Reduced stimuli and sources of distraction
Difficulty maintaining Preferential seating
Noise buffer
White noise (e.g., sound machines and approved
Individual setting
Small-group setting
Organization of Space and Materials
Difficulty organizing work Compartmentalized storage container
space, personal space,
textbooks and materials
Diagram for storage of materials
Insufficient attention to
Checklist of required materials and tools
Binders and folders (e.g., color-coded and tactile
Limited amount of materials available to student
Access to materials outside of class
Appendix B: AccommodationsQuick Reference Guide
Scheduling Accommodations
Effect of Disability Accommodations
Time Allocation
Works slowly Extended time (specify task and time)
Use of accommodation that Breaks
requires more time
Schedule adjustments
Medical condition slows
Preferred time of day
Preferred day of week
Time Management
Short attention span
Difficulty staying on task
until completion
Easily distracted
Completes assignments
quickly but inaccurately
Predictable routines and procedures
Established timelines
Assignments over several brief sessions
Time limits for assignments
Difficulty remembering what Visual schedule
to do
Checklist of individual responsibilities
Assignment planner
Electronic device with alarms or cues
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Florida Department of Education
Pam Stewart, Commissioner