Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation Agency of Natural Resources
The purpose of the risk assessment is to determine whether a potential grantee has sound financial management
and if the agency uses accounting systems that are adequate to meet the State of Vermont administrative
requirements. Please complete the following questionnaire and have it signed by the Executive Director or Fiscal
Officer (as applicable) for your organization.
Name of Entity Completing Questionnaire: ___________________________________
Yes No N/A
1. Does your agency maintain documentation to substantiate the value of in-kind
contributions (match)?
2. Does your agency use an electronic accounting software system (as opposed to
3. Has your agency recently implemented any new or substantially changed systems, for
example, financial management or accounting systems? (If yes, please explain by
typing here or in attachment.)
4. Does the accounting system track receipts and disbursements by funding source?
5. Does your agency have written internal control policies including Accounting, Fraud, or
Financial Reporting that contain separation of duties?
6. Does your agency have a written Personnel policy (to include travel reimbursement,
fringe benefits, etc.)?
7. Does your agency have a Financial Director, Financial Manager, Treasurer or
equivalent? (If no, please identify the name and position of the employee(s) who is
responsible for supervising the quality of accounting and financial reporting of an
8. Does your agency regularly monitor budgeted versus actual expenditures to
ensure that cost categories aren’t over-spent or under-spent?
9. Does your agency have written procurement procedures indicating which individuals
are authorized to initiate a purchase request, the flow of documents, and the
requested levels of approval?
10. Does the agency have a system to track staff time spent on various
grants/projects, for those employees whose salaries are allocated to more than one
11. Does your agency have a Policy and Procedures Manual that is made available and
accessible to all employees?
12. Has your agency executed any grants, contracts or MOU’s with any other
governmental or non-governmental agencies in the past three years?
I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in response to
the foregoing questions is true and accurate.
Chief Officer Signature Chief Fiscal Officer Signature (if applicable)
Date Date