Vermont DEC Risk Assessment Questionnaire - Revised January 2020
The purpose of the risk assessment is to determine whether a potential grantee is
financially stable and if the organization uses accounting systems that are adequate to
meet the State of Vermont administrative requirements. Please complete the following
questionnaire and have it signed by the Executive Director and Fiscal Officer for your
Name of Entity Completing Questionnaire: ___________________________________
1. Does your organization use an electronic accounting software system (as
opposed to manual)?
2. Does the accounting system track receipts and disbursements by funding
3. Does your organization maintain documentation to substantiate the value of in-
kind contributions?
4. Does your organization have a Financial Director, Financial Manager,
Treasurer or equivalent?
5. Does your organization regularly monitor budgeted versus actual expenditures
to ensure that cost categories are not over-spent or under-spent?
6. Does your organization have written procurement procedures indicating which
individuals are authorized to initiate a purchase request, the flow of documents,
and the requested levels of approval?
7. A) Did your organization expend more than $750,000 in federal funds during
your previous fiscal year?
B) Did your organization have a Single Audit performed? If so, please include
the Single Audit Report with submittal of Risk Assessment Questionnaire.
C) If there were any findings in the Single Audit Report, has your agency
implemented action plans to address all findings? If no, please explain:
Vermont DEC Risk Assessment Questionnaire - Revised January 2020
8. Does the organization have a system to track staff time spent on various
grants/projects, for employees whose salaries are allocated to more than one
9. Has your organization recently implemented any system changes including
financial management, accounting systems, or any significant management
changes? If yes, please explain:
10. Does your organization have a written Accounting and Financial Reporting
11. Does your organization require employees to follow a Personnel Policy with
spending guidelines?
I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in
response to the foregoing questions is true and accurate.
Chief Officer Signature Chief Fiscal Officer Signature
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