2010 ADEA AADSAS Health Professions Advisors Portal FAQ’s
General Information
Q: What is the American Dental Education Association (ADEA)?
A: ADEA is the leading North American organization for dental education. Our members include all
U.S. and Canadian dental schools, advanced dental education programs, hospital dental education
programs, allied dental education programs, corporations, faculty, residents and students.
Q: What is the Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (ADEA AADSAS)?
A: The Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS) lets applicants apply to 56
participating dental schools with one online application. ADEA AADSAS simplifies the application
process by providing one standardized form, relieving applicants of the need to complete multiple
applications. Dental schools benefit by receiving uniform information on all applicants. Currently
55 U.S. dental schools and one Canadian dental school participate in ADEA AADSAS.
Q: How can I contact ADEA AADSAS?
A: If you have any requests or questions, please forward all comments to Mr. Joshua Hargrove
Q: What browser do you recommend to access the Health Professions Advisors Portal?
A: We recommend using the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Q: I forgot my username and password. How can I obtain them again?
A: If you have forgotten your password you can retrieve it electronically.
Click on Forgot Password on HPA login page
Enter your email address
Your username and password will be sent to you electronically
Send an email to [email protected]rg if you continue to experience problems.
Q. I have registered for the portal, but my username and password isn’t working yet?
A: All requests are subject to verification which may take five to seven business days. You will receive
an automated electronic response once your account has been activated. The subject line will read,
Your AADSAS HPA Portal Account has been activated.
Q: How do I search for my applicants?
A: You can search for an applicant(s) by selecting SEARCH on the left hand side of the screen.
Advisors are able to search by the applicants name, last four digits of social security number, and
state of residence.
Q: What is the decision section of the HPA Portal for?
A: Dental School Application Status provides the current status of applicants at the dental schools to
which they have applied. You can access the Dental School Applications Status from the applicant
listing, under decisions.
Q: Are there predetermined decision statuses that admissions use?
A: There are 13 Admission Status codes. Each school has a specific description for their code which
will appear once you have selected the admission status. Only the most recent admission status
code as supplied by the dental school will appear.
1. Received/Under Review
2. Received/Waiting Additional Info
3. Received/Application Complete
4. Application Denied
5. Invited for Interview
6. Withdrew Before Action
7. Offer Made
8. Wait Listed
9. Offer Accepted
10. Offer Declined
11. Offer Rescinded by School
12. Applicant Matriculated (typically reported at end of application cycle)
13. Withdrew after Matriculation (typically reported at end of application cycle)
Q: Does ADEA AADSAS provide a guide for the Health Professions Advisors Portal?
A: Yes. The Health Professions Advisors Portal Guidebook is provided on the ADEA AADSAS website
for your convenience.
ADEA AADSAS Application
Q: Where can applicants complete an ADEA AADSAS application?
A: The ADEA AADSAS application cycle begins on June 1, 2009 for Fall 2010 enrollment. Applicants
can access the 2010 ADEA AADSAS Dental School Application through the ADEA AADSAS website.
Once they have created an AADSAS application account, they can log in to update their personal
application data as often as they wish prior to e-submitting their application. After applicants e-
submit their application, they can only make changes to the Biographic Information, DAT Scores, and
Evaluators sections.
To ensure applicants meet every deadline, they must check the deadline for each designated dental
school they plan to apply to. The first dental school application deadline is September 1, 2009, and the
last dental school application deadline is February 1, 2010. The 2010 ADEA AADSAS application cycle
closes on February 1, 2010.
Q: How much is the ADEA AADSAS application processing fee?
A: The ADEA AADSAS processing fee is $217 for the first dental school, and $68 for each additional
school. The Fee Table is located in the Instructions section of the ADEA AADSAS application for
Q: When does an applicant need to complete the ADEA AADSAS application process?
A: AADSAS considers an application complete and begins processing after the following are received:
1. The complete AADSAS application (submitted online) AADSAS Application for the 2010
Entering Class.
2. One official transcript from every college and university attended mailed directly to ADEA
AADSAS from the institution’s registrar's office.
3. Application fee payment (credit card via online application, check, or money order).
AADSAS does not hold up the processing of applications if letters of evaluation have not arrived.
Allow 4-8 weeks for application processing.
Q: What is an ADEA AADSAS deadline?
A: An AADSAS deadline is the date designated by each dental school by which the ADEA AADSAS
application, official transcripts, and fee payment be submitted to ADEA AADSAS to be considered for
admission to designated dental school(s). If an applicants application, fee payment and all official
transcripts have been received at ADEA AADSAS by that school's AADSAS deadline date, your
application will be processed and sent to your designated schools.
If letters of evaluation (LOEs) are received after the deadline date, each LOE will be sent to
designated schools in the next mailing. ADEA AADSAS is not responsible for the receipt of delayed
All ADEA AADSAS application deadline dates expire at 11:59 pm (Eastern Time) on the specified date.
Q: How does an ADEA AADSAS applicant know if the dental school has received their
A: Applicants can check the Status section in their ADEA AADSAS application, under Dental School
Designations," to determine the date their application was sent to their designated dental schools. This
section will indicate the date the applicant’s application folder was mailed to the designated dental
NOTE: Dental schools receive applications electronically approximately one to two weeks before they
receive a hard copy of their applications (Mailing). Some dental schools may choose not to initiate
processing of your application until after receipt of the hard copy.
Q: When will an ADEA AADSAS applicant be notified if or when he/she will be interviewed?
A: Interview policies vary by school. Applicants must check the dental school admissions websites or
contact the admissions offices of their designated dental schools if they have questions about
Q: What standardized tests are required to apply to dental school?
A: Dental schools require applicants to have taken either the Dental Admissions Test (DAT) or the
Canadian Dental Aptitude Test. Information about the two tests are available at:
Department of Testing Services
American Dental Association
211 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611-2678
(800) 621-8099
DAT Program
c/o Canadian Dental Association
1815 Alta Vista Drive
Ottawa, ON
K1G-3Y6 Canada
Academic Update Period for ADEA AADSAS applicants
Q: What is the Academic Update?
A: Academic Update (AU) is a window of time when applicants can provide grades for courses earned
since the original submission of their 2010 ADEA AADSAS application. During the Academic Update
period, they can provide grades for courses from Spring 2009, Summer 2009 and Fall 2009. All
individuals whose ADEA AADSAS applications have been sent to designated schools (application was
previously completed and mailed) have the opportunity to take part in the Academic Update. The
Academic Update period runs from mid-November through February 1. AADSAS will notify applicants
approximately one month in advance of the opening of the Academic Update period.
If an AADSAS applicant chooses to participate in the Academic Update, he/she will be permitted to
update their coursework in their application and will be required to submit an updated transcript
reflecting the new grades earned. The revised application will be sent electronically to the designated
dental schools after the updated transcripts has been received and verified.
Q: Is there a fee to participate in the Academic Update?
A: There is no additional fee to participate in the Academic Update.
Q: Who can take advantage of the Academic Update?
A: Only applicants whose applications have been mailed by ADEA AADSAS to their designated schools
are allowed to update their coursework during the AU window. This means that an applicant has e-
submitted their original application, paid the processing fee, all of their transcripts have been received
and verified, and the application has been mailed to the designated schools around mid-January 2010.
Q: Is there a fee waiver for the ADEA AADSAS application?
A: ADEA AADSAS has established a Fee Reduction Program (FRP), which provides financial assistance
to dental school applicants with extreme financial hardship. ADEA AADSAS application fees are not
waived. If approved for the program, applicants will receive a portion of the ADEA AADSAS application
fee in the form of a refund. All applicants to the FRP must complete an ADEA AADSAS application,
submit corresponding documents, and pay their fees in full before consideration. Detailed information
about the ADEA AADSAS Fee Reduction Program can be accessed from the login page of the ADEA
AADSAS application.