2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
ADEA AADSAS Application Instructions
Table of Contents
What is ADEA AADSAS? ................................................................................................................... 3
ADEA AADSAS Application .............................................................................................................. 3
DENTPIN® .................................................................................................................................... 3
Re-applicants ................................................................................................................................. 3
Information Carried Over to the AADSAS Application .................................................................. 3
Information Not Carried Over to the AADSAS Application ........................................................... 3
How to Update Coursework .......................................................................................................... 4
Dental Admission Test (DAT) ......................................................................................................... 4
E-submitting the Application ......................................................................................................... 4
Completing the Application .......................................................................................................... 4
Applicant Information ....................................................................................................................... 4
Biographic Information .................................................................................................................. 4
Parent and Family Information ....................................................................................................... 4
Background Information ................................................................................................................ 4
Disadvantaged Status .................................................................................................................... 4
Education Information ...................................................................................................................... 5
Secondary (High) School Information ............................................................................................ 5
Colleges Attended ........................................................................................................................ 5
Transcripts ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Coursework ................................................................................................................................... 6
Academic Update .......................................................................................................................... 8
ADEA AADSAS Grade ...................................................................................................................... 8
GPA Calculations .............................................................................................................................. 8
Dental Admissions Tests ..................................................................................................................10
Verification .......................................................................................................................................10
Professional Experience ...................................................................................................................10
Personal Statement ..........................................................................................................................11
Letters of Evaluation ........................................................................................................................11
Letters of Evaluation Waivers .......................................................................................................12
Applicant Authorization ...................................................................................................................12
Release Statement ...........................................................................................................................12
ADEA AADSAS Application Fee ......................................................................................................13
Dental School Supplemental Fees ...................................................................................................13
Dental School Designations .............................................................................................................14
Dental School Deadlines ..............................................................................................................14
Submitting or Deleting Dental School Designations ....................................................................14
Adding Additional Dental Schools after eSubmission .................................................................14
Dental School Supplemental Materials .........................................................................................14
Criminal Background Check .........................................................................................................14
ADEA AADSAS Application Coversheet ..........................................................................................15
ADEA AADSAS Fee Assistance Program (FAP) ................................................................................15
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
Monitoring the Application ..............................................................................................................15
ADEA Policies ..................................................................................................................................16
ADEA Application Services Refund Policy ........................................................................................16
ADEA Privacy/Confidentiality Statement .........................................................................................17
Contact ADEA AADSAS ...................................................................................................................17
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Associated American Dental Schools
Application Service (AADSAS) is the centralized application service for predental applicants. ADEA
AADSAS simplifies the application process to dental schools by providing one standard application.
Save time and energy by completing one application for multiple dental schools. ADEA AADSAS is
open from June through February each year.
It is the applicant‟s responsibility to read, understand and follow all ADEA AADSAS and school-
specific instructions.
Contact ADEA AADSAS customer service for questions.
617-612-2045 (applicants inquiries only)
ADEA AADSAS Application
To begin the ADEA AADSAS application, applicants will need a DENTPIN® and email address.
Applicants must create a username and password.
A DENTPIN® is a unique identification number assigned to each applicant and student in dental
education and standardized testing programs. To register for a DENTPIN® or to look up an existing
DENTPIN®, go to http://www.ada.org/en/education-careers/dentpin.
ADEA AADSAS allows re-applicants from the previous application cycle to carry some information
to the current application, such as biographical information, parent and family information,
background information, disadvantaged status, secondary high school information, professional
experience, colleges attended and verified coursework. Applicants cannot edit the colleges and
coursework section but can add new information.
If the ADEA AADSAS application was submitted to dental schools in the previous cycle, applicants
are eligible to have the application information imported to the new cycle. Please click on the
“Reapplying to ADEA AADSAS?” button on the login page to create a re-applicant account. Do
not click Create New Account on the home page.
Information Carried Over to the AADSAS Application
Most application fields and verified transcripts (i.e., transcripts containing completed coursework
calculated into your grade point average (GPA) by ADEA AADSAS staff) will be imported. Once the
import is complete, the applicant is responsible for reviewing all imported information ensuring it is
complete and accurate.
Information Not Carried Over to the AADSAS Application
Letters of evaluation, personal statement, payment and unverified coursework (including all
Academic Update coursework).
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
How to Update Coursework
All imported coursework information is locked, but coursework completed since last year‟s
application can be added. Applicants must add the school a second time to add newly completed
coursework. Enter the full range of dates for the school (the date originally attended to current
attendance) and any changes in degree status.
Dental Admission Test (DAT)
DAT scores carry over for any ADEA AADSAS applicant who had submitted them in the previous
cycles, regardless of prior application status. If DAT scores were imported directly from the
American Dental Association, and the DENTPIN® and date of birth match, all valid DAT scores will
import to the 2015 ADEA AADSAS Application. ADEA AADSAS will import up to four attempts and
the test date and receive date will appear under the “Official Test Scores” section of the applicant
status menu.
E-submitting the Application
Applicant must click “E-submit” to officially submit the application to ADEA AADSAS. Once the
application is submitted it is locked and the applicant cannot make changes to most of the sections
for the rest of the application cycle. The only information that can be changed after submitting are
contact information, password and security information, letters of evaluation with a status of “new”
or “in-progress,new coursework, and ADEA AADSAS dental school designations. All other
sections are read-only. Applicants should review their applications carefully prior to submitting to
avoid errors that cannot be corrected later.
Completing the Application
Before the application is verified, it must have a status of “complete” and a completed date. The
applicant is responsible for ensuring that all materials are received by ADEA AADSAS and for
following up with missing materials. ADEA AADSAS will not notify the applicant if the application
remains incomplete or if items are missing. Please monitor the application status from the Status
Menu to the right of the application checklist.
An application is considered complete once the completed application is submitted, all official U.S
or Canadian transcripts are received and posted to the application with a date received, and the
required application fee is received.
Applicant Information
This section includes biographic, parent and family, background and disadvantaged information.
Biographic Information: Collected information includes address, contact information, gender, race
and ethnicity, citizenship and military experience.
Parent and Family Information: Collected information includes parental education and occupation.
Background Information: Collected information includes disclosure of legal and disciplinary actions
and licensure.
Disadvantaged Status: ADEA AADSAS does not determine an applicants status as disadvantaged.
Collected information includes social, economic and educational factors.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
Education Information
This section includes secondary (high) school, college(s) attended, coursework and DAT scores.
Applicants cannot revise this section after e-submitting the ADEA AADSAS application. However,
newly completed courses may be added during the Academic Update period.
Secondary (High) School Information: Collected information includes identification of high school
and dates attended. Transcripts are not accepted.
Colleges Attended: Collected information includes identification of all undergraduate, graduate
and professional institutions attended or plan to attend. Enter each institution only once, regardless
of the number of degrees earned or gaps in the dates of attendance. It is required to report all
post-secondary colleges. Applicants who indicate they attended a dental school and received
actual credits from that institution must enter the school in the College Attended section and
submit an official transcript to ADEA AADSAS. ADEA AADSAS applicants using a re-applicant
account may have to list an institution more than once to update completed coursework from the
previous cycle.
Select which institution is the Primary Undergraduate or Graduate institution attended. Below
describes a list of criteria to use to identify Primary Undergraduate or Primary Graduate College:
The Primary Undergraduate College is the college or university where the applicant will or
have earned the first bachelor‟s degree.
Primary Graduate College is the college or university where the applicant will or have
earned the first masters or doctoral degree.
For other category, if an applicant will earn multiple degrees at the same level, select the
most recent degree.
The primary college will be highlighted on the Holistic Coversheet. Please see the Holistic
Coversheet section for more details.
Transcripts: ADEA AADSAS requires a separate official transcript from each institution attended,
including branch campuses if they issue transcripts separately from the parent university. All
transcripts must arrive at the ADEA AADSAS Transcript Processing Department by the application
deadline dates of designated schools.
U.S. and Canadian Institutions
Arrange for a sealed official transcript, accompanied by an ADEA AADSAS Transcript Request
Form, to be sent directly to the ADEA AADSAS Transcript Processing Department from every
institution attended. ADEA AADSAS prefers all transcripts to be sent directly from the issuing
institution as an original, official document.
o For every college or university indicated, a Transcript Request Form will be generated. This
form enables ADEA AADSAS to digitally match each school transcript to the correct
application. Failure to include this form with transcripts may increase the processing time of
the documents once they arrive at ADEA AADSAS.
o Canadian transcripts written in French must be submitted according to the international
(foreign) transcript requirements.
o Send transcripts for all colleges and universities attended regardless of whether course
credit transferred to another college or university and appears on that transcript.
o Arrange for the ADEA AADSAS Transcript Processing Department to receive all official
transcripts by the designated dental schools‟ application deadlines.
o Re-applicants must submit new transcripts if new coursework has been added.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
o In rare circumstances when institutions will not send transcripts directly to a third-party
organization, an issued-to-student transcript will be accepted by ADEA AADSAS only if it is
marked with one of the following: Name and Address Only, Send to, Issued to Student in a
sealed envelope, Record of, or ADEA AADSAS.
o In order for an application to be complete, ADEA AADSAS must have received all
transcripts. Transcripts must be sent to:
ADEA AADSAS Transcripts Processing Department
P.O. Box 9110
Watertown, MA 02471
Tip: To properly complete the coursework section of the application, applicants should obtain a
personal copy of each college-level transcript for their records.
International Transcripts
Applicants are required to submit transcripts from every international college or university
attended. ADEA AADSAS also encourages international applicants to submit a copy of any
evaluation of international coursework that has been completed by an official credential
evaluation service. ADEA recommends applicants use World Education Services (www.wes.org)
or Educational Credential Evaluators (www.ece.org). ADEA AADSAS does not verify coursework
and does not use grades from international transcripts in computing ADEA AADSAS GPAs.
All transcripts and transcript evaluations should be sent to:
ADEA AADSAS Transcripts Processing Department
P.O. Box 9110
Watertown, MA 02471
ADEA AADSAS requires applicants to list every class taken at a post-secondary institution.
Coursework allows dental schools to more comprehensively evaluate applicants with quarter and
semester grades, transcript grading systems using and not using a plus/minus system, and overall
GPAs for applicants with transcripts from multiple institutions.
Collected information includes data from all individual coursework taken at a post-secondary
institution, including courses that are withdrawn, repeated courses, undergraduate labs, test
credit, or other non-graded courses.
ADEA AADSAS verifies self-reported courses against official transcripts. Failure to properly
enter all coursework may result in processing delays.
For each institution listed, an applicant must include coursework by session and term type.
o Session: Period of time taking a course (e.g., fall semester 2012).
o Term Type: Individual class taken in a particular session (e.g., Biology 150).
ADEA AADSAS requires applicants to include all recorded attempts at a course, even if an
institution has a forgiveness policy. When indicating the special classifications for courses (see
list below), list all attempts as a repeated course.
All U.S. and Canadian coursework must be listed. Foreign coursework cannot be listed, but
transcripts from foreign schools must still be evaluated and sent to ADEA AADSAS.
Transfer coursework should only be listed under the original institution where the course was
taken, and in some cases, the specific campus where it was taken.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
Coursework classifications include: Undergraduate (courses taken prior to earning first
bachelor‟s degree), Post-baccalaureate (undergraduate level courses taken after first bachelor
degree is earned) Graduate (master‟s degree-level work) and Professional (coursework classified
as certificate-level work or coursework taken in pursuit of a degree higher than a masters
Course subjects:
o Applicants should use their best judgment to classify courses as English/Literature, Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, Other Science (sciences other than biology, chemistry, physics), or Non-
Science. Review the Subject Course fact sheet for guidance.
Tip: A non-science class that has an intense focus in a science field would be classified as
Special classifications: Indicate if the course has any special classifications designations. Select
not applicable if the course does not have a special classification. Special classifications include:
o Repeated Course. Any course attempted more than once. Do not indicate it for the first
attempt. If the course could be categorized under two classifications, “Repeat” should be
o Incomplete. Any course for which the applicant did not receive a final grade or Pass/Fail
o Distance Learning/Online Course.
o Honors.
o Study Abroad.
o Advanced Placement/College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
o International Baccalaureate.
o Credit by Institutional/Departmental Exam.
o In progress and planned.
Some college transcripts report numeric grades rather than alpha (letter) grades. To access the
conversion scale, refer to the key provided by the institution either on the front or back of the
transcript. If the transcript does not provide a conversion scale, use the conversion scales below.
Grade ConversionTable 1
Grade on Transcript
(No alpha grade key on transcript
ADEA AADSAS Grade and Value
A+ (4.33)
A (4.0)
B (3.0)
C (2.0)
D (1.0)
F (0.0)
Grade ConversionTable 2
Grade on Transcript
(No alpha grade key on transcript)
ADEA AADSAS Grade and Value
Quality Points Assigned
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
A+ (4.33)
A (4.0)
A (3.667)
AB (3.5)
B+ (3.333)
B (3.0)
B (2.667)
BC (2.333)
C+ (2.333)
C (2.0)
C (1.667)
CD (1.5)
D+ (1.333)
D (1.0)
D (1.0)
DE (0.5)
Less than or equal to 0.39
F (0.0)
Nongraded courses (e.g. PASS/FAIL,
Select NONE
Academic Update
ADEA AADSAS provides applicants the opportunity to update their coursework during the
Academic Update period, which is from midNovember to early February. During the Academic
Update period, applicants can enter grades earned for courses that were listed in the “Course
Planned/In Progress” section of the application and add/delete/modify courses listed in that
section. Applicants will receive notification and more detailed instructions about the Academic
Update process 30 days prior to its initiation. All Academic Update courses and grades must be
verified by ADEA AADSAS. Use the ADEA AADSAS Transcript Request Form to arrange for a new
official transcript to be sent to the ADEA AADSAS Transcript Processing Department.
Nontraditional Coursework
Military credit: Military coursework is only accepted if applicant is officially enrolled in a
college/university. For more information, please contact ADEA AADSAS Customer Service.
ADEA AADSAS receives all of the applicants‟ official U.S. and Canadian transcripts; courseby
course evaluation verification process is conducted. ADEA AADSAS checks the course information
reported on the applicants‟ application against the official transcripts, and will report discrepancies
to the designated schools. Applicants should convert the grade on the official transcript to the
correct standardized letter grade. Applicants ADEA AADSAS grade will be different if the official
transcript uses a numbering system or some other nontraditional grading system.
List the coursework with semester or quarter hours rather than course credits/units, even if the
transcript lists course credits/units.
GPA Calculations
ADEA AADSAS GPAs may be different from those calculated by colleges and universities. ADEA
AADSAS calculates standardized GPAs to help participating dental schools evaluate applicants
using uniform and consistent criteria, regardless of various institutional transcript policies. ADEA
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
AADSAS GPAs will be calculated within four to six weeks after ADEA AADSAS receives completed
application, all transcripts and ADEA AADSAS application fee.
To calculate a GPA, ADEA AADSAS calculates total quality points by multiplying semester hours
attempted by the value of the verified ADEA AADSAS grade. Quality points are divided by the total
number of hours for completed courses. ADEA AADSAS reports GPAs in semesterbased 4.0
grading scales.
ADEA AADSAS will not calculate the applicant‟s GPA until the application has a status of
ADEA AADSAS calculates GPA and reports it in a number of ways:
BCP GPA: All undergraduate, graduate and cumulative courses identified on transcripts as
Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Science GPA: All undergraduate, graduate and cumulative courses identified on the transcript
as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math and Other Science.
Nonscience GPA: All undergraduate, graduate and cumulative courses not used in calculating
the Science GPA.
Undergraduate GPA: All courses for which undergraduate credit is received.
Graduate GPA: All courses for which graduate credit is received.
Overall GPA: Includes undergraduate and graduate. For most dental school applicants who
have not completed graduate courses, the overall GPA is the same as the undergraduate GPA.
College/University GPAs: GPAs are reported for each college/university attended.
The following course types are not included in ADEA AADSAS GPA calculations:
o Advanced Placement/CLEP.
o Institutional Department Exam.
o Audit.
o International Baccalaureate.
o Incomplete.
o Pass/Fail.
o Withdraw/withdraw passing.
ADEA AADSAS includes all initial and repeated coursework in its GPA calculations.
Grades and credit hours for all failed courses will be included in the ADEA AADSAS GPA, even
if they are not included in the GPA calculations of the transcriptissuing institution.
ADEA AADSAS calculates GPAs in two different ways: with and without + and . Some dental
schools prefer to use the +/ system and others prefer to use grades without + and . For
example, grades without a +/ will simply roundgrades with a + will round down to the next
letter grade (e.g., B+ [3.333] will round down to a B [3.000]) and grades with a will round up to
the next letter grade (e.g., B [2.667] will round up to a B [3.000]).
An Example of How GPAs Are Computed
Semester Hours
Total Quality
Biology 101
Chemistry 101
Chemistry 103
English 131
Sociology 291
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
Special Topics 201
(but not computed
in GPA)
16 Hours
The GPA is computed by dividing total quality points by the number of semester hours
earned with grade (note that the grade of P is not calculated in the GPA). In this example,
the student's semester GPA is 3.33 (53.332 quality points/16 semester hours).
Note that grades of P or Credit are not used in computing a GPA.
Factors that may result in a GPA calculation that is different from the transcript include the
Many college/universities count only the new grade in repeated course(s) in GPA computation.
ADEA AADSAS counts the previously earned grade and the new grade. For example, if the
applicant took Introduction to Biology in Fall 2012 and earned a grade of C, then retook the
same course in Spring 2013 and earned an A, ADEA AADSAS would use both the C grade and
the A grade to calculate the GPA.
What is the college/university„s grade weighting scale? Some schools use different scales than
those used by ADEA AADSAS. For example, at some schools, a B+ grade equals a grade
weight of 3.5, but for ADEA AADSAS, a B+ grade equals a grade weight of 3.33.
Dental Admissions Tests
Many dental schools require applicants to take an admissions examination:
U.S. DAT (official scores from the American Dental Association).
The DAT is conducted by the American Dental Association. For more information about the
DAT contact the ADA at (800) 2322162 or go to www.ada.org.
Canadian DAT.
The Canadian Dental Admission Test is conducted by the Canadian Dental Association (CDA)
and the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry. For more information contact the CDA
at 6135231770.
Verification refers to matching the courses on official transcripts with the courses entered in the
Coursework section of the ADEA AADSAS application.
Professional Experience
This section allows applicants to report their experiences in lieu of a physical resume. Applicants
should update their resumes for personal use. Applicants should record only experiences obtained
during college.
Applicants should only list each experience in one category. The categories of information
applicants can provide are:
Academic Enrichment Programs: Programs sponsored by colleges, universities or other notfor
profit organizations (e.g., Summer Medical and Dental Education Program [SMDEP]). More
information can be found at ExploreHealthCareers.org.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
Awards, Honors, Scholarships (Limit of Five): College accomplishments are given priority by
many admissions committees.
Dentistry Experience (Limit of 10): Applicants need to provide a brief description of the activity,
including start and end dates, and indicate whether the position was paid, volunteer, job
shadowing or other.
Extracurricular/Volunteer/Community Service (Limit of 10):
Research Experience (Limit of Five): Formal research programs, including those sponsored by
Work Experience (Including Military Service) (Limit of Five): Current military experiences should
include anticipated discharge date and type of discharge.
Tip: Applicants are responsible for selecting up to three professional experiences to be displayed
on the ADEA AADSAS application coversheet. All experiences will be displayed in the body of the
application, regardless of selection.
Personal Statement
The personal statement explains why the applicant wants to pursue a dental career. The statement
should not exceed 4,500 characters (including spaces, carriages, numbers, letters, etc.). Applicants
should not make the statement specific to each dental school, as ADEA AADSAS will provide the
statement to all dental schools designated in the application.
Tip: It is important to review the personal statement before submission because applicants will not
be able to make revisions to this section of their application.
Letters of Evaluation
Letters of evaluation are required as part of a complete application, although the ADEA AADSAS
online application can be submitted while letters of evaluation request are in process. Letters of
evaluation are traditional recommendation letters written by a person qualified to recommend a
person to dental school.
Applicants may submit a maximum of four individual letters of evaluation or one committee
letter/report plus the option of one additional individual letter. In the ADEA AADSAS application,
the applicant should list the individuals who will write letters and the format each evaluator will use,
and check the appropriate box to indicate if the letter is a committee letter/report.
Letters of evaluation can be sent in two formats:
Electronic (preferred).
As soon as the evaluator„s name and email address are provided, the evaluator will receive an
email from ADEA AADSAS directing him or her to the ADEA AADSAS Evaluators Portal.
The applicant provides the Letter of Evaluation Request Form to the evaluator, who attaches
the form to his or her letter and mails it to ADEA AADSAS at the address provided on the Letter
of Evaluation Request Form.
There are two types of letters that evaluators can submit:
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
Individual letter (counts as one letter): This type of letter is an evaluation of the applicant
completed by a single evaluator.
Committee Letter/Report (counts as three letters): This composite letter consists of a cover
letter from an advising office and a collection of individual letters that are attached. With
composite letters, the advising office serves as a central collection service for the applicant, but
does not make additional assessments of the candidate.
Tip: If the applicant forgot to indicate in the Evaluators section that an individual is submitting a
Committee Letter/Report, the applicant needs to delete the evaluator, re-enter the information
correctly and save. If submitting an electronic letter of evaluation, the evaluator will receive a new
email indicating that the applicant is requesting a letter of evaluation. If the evaluator is submitting
a paper letter, the applicant needs to delete the evaluator, correctly re-enter the evaluator„s
information, print and provide the evaluator with a new Letter of Evaluation Request Form.
Letters of Evaluation Waivers
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) provides applicants the right to
access letters of evaluation written after January 1, 1975 unless they choose to waive their right of
inspection and review. Prior to requesting an evaluation, ADEA AADSAS applicants are required to
indicate if they wish to waive their rights to each evaluation.
ADEA AADSAS does not release any letters of evaluation to applicants regardless of wavier status.
Applicant Authorization
Within the Evaluators Section applicants must agree to one of the following statements prior to
submitting the evaluation request:
I waive my right to access the attached letter of evaluation.
The following explanation is given to the applicant for this statement:
By “waiving your right to access,” applicants do not have the right to read the evaluation once
completed by the evaluator.
I do not waive my right to access the attached letter of evaluation.
The following explanation is given to the applicant for this statement:
By not “waiving your right to access,” applicants have the right to read the evaluation once
completed by the evaluator.
Occasionally, an applicant will forget to check the wavier box in the ADEA AADSAS application,
even though the applicant has already signed a wavier with the evaluator or the health professions
advising office. If the applicant has indicated the wrong wavier status, the applicant must delete the
evaluator, correctly re-enter the evaluator„s name and other information and save. A new email
requesting a letter of evaluation will be sent by ADEA AADSAS to the evaluator. If submitting a
paper letter of evaluation, the applicant must delete the evaluator, correctly re-enter the evaluator„s
information, print and provide the evaluator with a new Letter of Evaluation Request Form.
Release Statement
All applicants must agree to this statement to submit the ADEA AADSAS application. It is important
to understand and abide by these principles during the application process.
I agree to the following ADEA AADSAS Release Statement and Code of Conduct.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
I have read, reviewed and understand the application instructions and program/school-specific
admissions requirements, including provisions that note that I am responsible for monitoring
and ensuring the progress and status of my application and all supporting materials.
I have provided ADEA AADSAS information in this application that is complete and accurate to
the best of my knowledge. I understand that omitting relevant information or providing
misrepresentations or false or misleading information in my application and supporting
documents during the application process may jeopardize my application or result in other
actions, including the possibility of expulsion from a program, if enrolled.
I certify that all written passages, such as the personal statement, essays and descriptions of
work/activities, are my own and have not been written, in part or in whole, by a third party.
I understand that all documents provided to ADEA AADSAS will not be returned to me.
I acknowledge my responsibility to inform the programs/schools to which I have applied in the
event there is any change in the information I have provided, including, but not limited to,
educational information, legal and conduct violations and contact information and in a timely
manner. Programs/schools will consider new information submitted and, in appropriate
circumstances, reserve the right to change the status of an applicant or student.
I authorize ADEA AADSAS and the dental programs to which I am applying to investigate any
information, including my educational background, disciplinary history, and record of criminal
convictions that it believes is relevant to my application.
I give permission for ADEA AADSAS to release the information provided in my application, as
well as all supporting application materials, to my designated programs/schools.
I authorize the use of information provided in the application for research, applicant tracking
and reporting purposes.
I acknowledge that my only recourse to errors or omissions related to the handling or
processing of my application by ADEA AADSAS is to obtain a refund. A refund is not
guaranteed. Errors or omissions that are my responsibility are not subject to refund or waiver of
fees in a future cycle.
I agree to act with honesty, forthrightness and integrity throughout the admissions process. I
will be professional throughout the application process, including my interactions with ADEA
AADSAS staff, program/school admissions officers and staff and admissions committees.
ADEA AADSAS Application Fee
The application fee for ADEA AADSAS depends on the number of dental schools an applicant
applies to. The fee is $245 for the first dental school and $93 for each designation. Below is a
sample fee table:
One dental school $245
Two dental schools $338
Three dental schools $431
Payment for the ADEA AADSAS application is by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express
or Discover) or money order. Applicants who want to apply to additional dental schools after e-
submitting can return to their application and add new dental school designations.
Dental School Supplemental Fees
Some dental schools request an additional fee (supplemental) after the completed ADEA AADSAS
application. Do not send the supplemental fees to ADEA AADSAS. Supplemental fees should be
sent directly to the dental school(s).
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
Dental School Designations
Dental School Deadlines
The ADEA AADSAS deadline listed for each dental school indicates the date by which the
application must be received by ADEA AADSAS. Dental schools will consider for admission those
applicants whose ADEA AADSAS application, fee payment and official transcripts are received at
ADEA AADSAS by the stated deadline. ADEA AADSAS applications must be submitted by 11:59
p.m. (Eastern Time) on the deadline date(s). Please be advised that there may be additional
program/school-specific admissions requirements due by the dental school deadline date in order
for the application to be considered for admission by that dental school.
After the application has been submitted to ADEA AADSAS and has a “Complete” status, allow
four to six weeks for ADEA AADSAS to process the application.
Submitting or Deleting Dental School Designations
ADEA AADSAS does not accept requests to substitute or delete schools after the application has
been submitted. Applicants who wish to withdraw an application should contact the dental school
Adding Additional Dental Schools after eSubmission
Applicants can apply to additional schools after e-submitting the ADEA AADSAS application. The
fee is $93 for each additional designation.
Dental School Supplemental Materials
Send only required documents to ADEA AADSAS. Any other documents received by ADEA
AADSAS, including supplemental materials requested by specific dental schools, will be considered
unrelated materials. ADEA AADSAS will not return unrelated materials, nor forward the unrelated
materials to designated dental schools. Examples of unrelated materials include resumes,
photographs, writing samples, certificates and other non-required documents.
Criminal Background Check
ADEA AADSAS provides a service to dental schools that wish to obtain a criminal background
check on admitted students through Certiphi Screening. Applicants can view schools that
participate in the ADEA criminal background check by visiting the "Dental Schools Designation"
section of the application or contacting the dental schools.
Once accepted at a participating dental school, Certiphi® Screening, Inc. will send an email to the
applicant‟s preferred email address entered in the ADEA AADSAS application. This email will
provide access to a secure online form where the applicant provides basic identifying information
and consent for this report to be obtained. Applicants can review the final report prior to its
Applicants will have 10 calendar days from when the report is emailed to review it before it is
made available to participating dental schools.
Applicants will be provided with an opportunity to contest the accuracy of the contents of the
report within 10 calendar days.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
After 10 calendar days, the report will be made available to the participating dental schools
from which the applicant received an acceptance.
Tip: The criminal background report will not be released to any party other than the dental schools
requesting it. ADEA AADSAS does not have access to this report.
For more information about Criminal Background Check, contact:
Certiphi® Screening Inc.
Applicants inquiry only:
(800) 8039582
8:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. ET
ADEA AADSAS Application Coversheet
The ADEA AADSAS Application Coversheet, also known as the Holistic Coversheet, summarizes
some of the items found on the full application PDF. Items on the coversheet include applicant
identifying information, GPA calculations for each course subject designation, U.S DAT and
Canadian DAT scores, undergraduate and graduate degree information for schools that were
selected as the primary degree granting institutions and up to three pre-selected professional
A copy of the full application PDF (excluding letters of evaluation) is automatically generated and
can be downloaded and saved before e-submitting the application to ADEA AADSAS.
ADEA AADSAS Fee Assistance Program (FAP)
The FAP was created for applicants who demonstrate an extreme need for financial assistance.
Eligibility for the FAP is determined by reviewing the financial resources of the applicant, spouse
and applicant‟s parent/guardian. All FAP applicants are required to meet minimum qualifications
before applying. This is an independent program offered by ADEA and is not affiliated with any
government, college or university, scholarship, grant or fellowship programs. A limited amount of
ADEA AADSAS application fee assistance is available.
It is important to read all FAP policies and instructions carefully before completing the FAP
application. The FAP becomes available on the first day of the ADEA AADSAS application cycle
and continues until January or until all FAP funding is awarded.
Note: Applicants should not e-submit their ADEA AADSAS applications while a FAP decision is
pending. Applicants that e-submit their applications will no longer qualify for FAP and their
requests for fee assistance will automatically be denied.
Monitoring the Application
Applicants are responsible for monitoring the status of their applications and following up with
ADEA AADSAS on any missing documents.
Applicants can check their application status online or on the mobile webpage. On the account
homepage, the column on the right is the status menu. This menu is “read–only” and no section
can be edited. Here, an applicant can view the application status, which is updated in real time.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
On the status menu, applicants can also view which transcripts, letters of evaluation and payments
have been received by ADEA AADSAS and which are still missing.
Once an application has been verified, applicants can view GPA calculations in this menu. Prior to
verification, it will remain blank under “Dental School Designations.”
ADEA AADSAS will only notify applicants if there is a problem with the coursework section of the
application. ADEA AADSAS will notify applicants if transcripts have not been received. Because
some e-mail notifications may be filtered as spam or junk, applicants are responsible for monitoring
their ADEA AADSAS “My Messages” inboxes. ADEA AADSAS is not responsible for notifications
applicants do not receive in their personal e-mail inboxes.
On average, it takes seven to 10 business days to post a transcript to the application from the date
it was mailed. Once it posts to the application, it will be listed on the status menu with the date
ADEA AADSAS is not responsible for any materials lost in the mail or for delays caused by
Registrars offices. Express or certified mail does not guarantee expedient processing, and sending
transcripts by express or certified mail does not guarantee receipt by ADEA AADSAS.
ADEA Policies
The policies of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) that govern the ADEA American
Association of Dental Schools Application Service (ADEA AADSAS) are recommended by the ADEA
AADSAS Task Force, an official committee of the Association. ADEA AADSAS makes every effort to
process and transmit application materials to dental schools designated by the applicant. ADEA,
however, assumes no responsibility for delays in processing application materials caused by the
applicants failure to follow instructions or by circumstances beyond ADEA AADSAS‟s control. It is
the applicants responsibility to monitor his or her ADEA AADSAS application and report any
discrepancies or problems.
ADEA does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, marital
status, age or handicap. Such information in the ADEA AADSAS application is requested only for
the purpose of gathering and reporting applicant flow data, or to confirm information used to
process the application.
ADEA Application Services Refund Policy
It is a vital part of the process that the full instructions are read and the application is reviewed to
ensure the necessary steps are taken to complete the application. Once an application is
submitted, refunds are typically not granted. In special circumstances, though, refund requests will
be reviewed. Applicants must submit a brief, written request within 30 calendar days of the end of
the cycle to jamesc@adea.org. ADEA reserves the right to grant or deny requests at its own
discretion. Any refund granted will be returned to the applicant in the format it was paid.
Reapplicants accepted after June 1 to the previous cycle can request a refund; requests must be
made within two weeks of the acceptance which will be verified by ADEA AADSAS staff.
2015 ADEA AADSAS Application Cycle Instructions | Last revision May 28, 2014
ADEA Privacy/Confidentiality Statement
The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) will prevent the exposure of confidential
personal data without the permission of the individual involved. Except for ADEA aggregate
research, directory information and communications with participating schools and/or programs as
a part of the application and record keeping process, information about individual applicants and
matriculates is not shared with anyone in a way that would permit individual identification.
Application data submitted by an applicant will not be shared with third-party individuals or
organizations. ADEA will only discuss an application with the applicant and the applicants
designated schools and/or programs. Staff will not discuss an application with a parent, spouse,
relative, friend or employer.
Information about applicants is, of course, disclosed to the schools and/or programs to which a
student applies. Applicants to one of ADEA‟s centralized application services will be required to
release their application information and supporting documents by agreeing to the Release
Statement and Code of Conduct within the application.
Application data gathered by ADEA in the process of providing its centralized application services
will only be reported in aggregate form so as not to divulge student-specific demographic
information. ADEA will use this data to perform analysis on the national applicant pool and might
use individual applicant information in the analysis, but will ensure that individual applicants will not
be identified.
Customer Service
American Dental Education Association