Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 1
My grandfather was a Welsh Guardsman. You may know them as the guys in the bearskin hats and red coats who guard Buckingham
Palace (though they are more than that
Having family in North Wales has allowed me to study the castles built there in the 13
century. Even in their weathered state, now
abandoned to tourism, they are awesome to behold. The pinnacle of military technology in their day, they allowed a small garrison to
hold off hordes of attackers, due in part to their rings of defense.
Defensive rings map well to the cybersecurity principle of “defense in depth
,” the idea of building multiple redundant defenses into
systems. We build each ring to be effective, but if the barbarians manage to cross the moat, it’s great if we can retreat to the walls and
defend from there. If a bad guy gets through one ring, the next one can catch him.
Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security has similar defensive rings:
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Identity Protection Security Reports, like watchmen in the towers, allow you to see
configuration vulnerabilities, which are session and user risk signals that our machine learning, heuristic, and research systems
Azure Active Directory Risk-Based Conditional Access, like guards at the gate, allows you to put those risk signals to work,
automatically intercepting bad sign-ins and deactivating compromised passwords.
Microsoft Cloud Application Security, like a security escort, allows you to monitor and control activity between an app and
the user.
Advanced Threat Analytics, like a watchman in the treasury, provides deep forensic insights into what’s happening in
your on-premises environment, allowing you to see precisely how a hacker acted in your environment so you can provide
a rapid response.
Azure Active Directory Privileged Identity Management, like a keeper of keys, ensures that you have the minimum possible
administrative attack surface by giving you just-in-time and just-enough administrative access.
Azure Information Protection, like guards who protect treasure in transit, allows you to protect data with strong encryption
and access policies regardless of where it goes.
Microsoft Intune Mobile Device Management and Mobile Application Management, like a protector of the armory, help
you ensure that devices and apps used in your organization are secure and healthy, again protecting data on these devices
against device loss, malware, or other threats.
Let’s garrison the castle and briefly talk about how these technologies work together to create a Secure Productive Enterprise
With the realities of shrinking IT budgets and increasing attacks it’s a good time to learn how even a small garrison can hold off
hordes of attackers.
Defense in depth:
Enterprise Mobility + Security
advanced protection capabilities
by Alex Weinert, Microsoft Identity Services, @alex_t_weinert
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 2
Azure AD Identity Protection Security
Reports: the watchmen in the tower
In addition to single sign-on for millions of companies and thousands of SaaS and on-premises applications (including, of course, Office
365), Microsoft’s Identity Division also provides Microsoft account, our consumer-facing IdP, which supports Xbox, Outlook, OneDrive,
Skype, and more. The combined data from these servicesmore than 10TB every daygives us tremendous insight into what’s normal
behavior and, critically, what deviates from normal and indicates risk. This is our strongest signal source for Azure AD Identity
We get even more signal sources from other data in the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graphbotnet infections from the Digital Crimes
Unit, data contributions, security research, and threat reports from the Microsoft Security Response Center, as well as SaaS specific data
from services like Office 365 Exchange (for example, a good user started sending spam)providing great triangulation on the signal
from our identity services.
Security reports fall into three broad categories:
Cases where a sign-in is anomalous and associated with some level of risk that it is an attempt at unauthorized access.
Cases with significant indication that a user’s credentials have been compromised, because they are showing up frequently in
risky sign-ins, or because we have discovered them in criminal hands.
Cases where your security posture could be improved, that is, vulnerabilities in your defenses that configuration changes
can mitigate.
Azure AD Identity Protection Security Reports provide you all of this information, either in the Azure AD Portal or programmatically (so
you can integrate it into your SIEM or ticketing system).
Azure AD Identity Protection Security Reports display risky users and sign-ins.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 3
Learn more about Azure AD Identity Protection Security Reports here.
Like the watchmen posted high atop the castle tower, Azure AD Identity Protection Security Reports give you insights into what’s
happening in your environment so you can take action.
Now, imagine the watchmen see a problem and call down to the guards at the gate to give them warning…
Azure AD Conditional Access:
the guards at the gate
One critical aspect of good security is that it’s nearly invisible to most users. Excessive friction inhibits productivity, and clever users will
find ways to work around things that block their productivity, which can create risk. While we could challenge every user at every sign-
in, ideally, we maximize productivity by allowing users to get their work done with minimal interruption, while stopping the bad guys in
their tracks.
Azure AD Conditional Access allows us to do just that. Previously, you might’ve had to say, “No access from off the corporate network”
or “No access from a personal device,” but Azure AD Conditional Access allows you to say, effectively, “Yes, but there are conditions.”
For example, instead of blocking access to work email from a personal device, you can say one of the following:
Yes, but you must be on a secure, compliant device (using Intune).
Yes, but you must first pass a Multi-Factor Authentication challenge.
Yes, but you won’t be allowed to print, save, or download documents.
These are just a few examples. Azure AD Conditional Access provides a powerful framework for regulating access in governance, risk,
and compliance scenarios. When combined with the information from AADIP, it gains even more power, allowing you to say, effectively,
one of the following:
Yes, unless there is risk in your session.
Yes, but because your credentials are at risk you must first change your password.
Yes, but we will monitor your session because of security concerns.
Adding Azure AD Identity
Protection risk assessments
to Azure AD Conditional
Access allows you to relax
challenges and friction in
cases where no risk is
present. It also allows you
to have an “umbrella
policy”whatever else
your corporate policies
dictate, you can issue
challenges in cases of
unanticipated risks that the
Intelligent Security Graph
has detected in the sign-in,
ensuring you stay secure in
the face of evolving threats
(this is by far the most
important thing you can do
to protect against
compromised credentials!).
Azure AD Conditional Access allows good users to get their work done with minimal interruption.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 4
In our castle analogy, you can think of Azure AD Conditional Access as the guards at the gate, welcoming good citizens into the castle
while challenging others to confirm their identities, and denying entry to the riskiest.
Or perhaps we’ll let them pass, but assign a security escort…
Microsoft Cloud App Security:
the security escort
The primary role of Azure AD is to provide secure, reliable single sign-on for users across all applications, ensuring that only
authorized users gain access. Effectively, it allows users to access all the critical resources they need to be productive once
they’ve been authenticated.
But what if the authorized user does something wrong? What if they are no longer loyal to the organization, or are under duress?
Or some malware is riding along in their session? Once Azure AD grants a user access, Azure AD can’t see the specifics of what
they do during their interactions with the application, making in-session anomalies invisible to Azure AD.
That’s where Microsoft Cloud App Security comes in. Cloud App Security provides a mechanism to observe and manage what
happens inside sessions between users and the applications they access. For example, Cloud App Security can tell you if a large
volume of data is being accessed, apply specific API level restrictions based on configured policies, or even shut down a session
if behavior become anomalous.
Together with Azure AD Conditional Access, Cloud App Security allows you to apply this enhanced monitoring and control when
your policy requires it, and to protect yourself from session hijack, rogue users, and other session anomalies while ensuring good
users can access resources with specific download or action restrictions to mitigate session risks.
Microsoft Cloud App Security helps you observe and manage sessions between users and the apps they access.
You can think of Microsoft Cloud App Security as the security escort, going along to ensure the user doesn’t do
or come toany harm.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 5
Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics:
the watcher in the treasury
The layers of defense described above provide very effective protection for your organization. Unfortunately, user behavior (e.g. falling
for phishing attacks or re-using credentials on insecure sites), vulnerabilities of traditional on-premises infrastructure (e.g. VPNs), and
clever attacks sometimes allow an attacker to get through.
Attackers move incredibly quickly once they gain access to a working credential, often VPN’ing into a corporate network and using log
files, memory resident tokens, unencrypted files, and a host of other mechanisms to dig in and elevate privilege until, before you know
it, they are domain admins and nearly impossible to get rid of.
Worse, where on-premises attacks are concerned, the network boundaries you relied on to keep you safe actually make it impossible for
our cloud-based intelligence and protection mechanisms like Azure AD Identity Protection, Azure AD Conditional Access, and Cloud
App Security to keep you safe.
Most companies have a great many legacy applications and resources running in their on-premises networks, so the hybrid
environment is a reality for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, these on-premises resources are often the most vulnerable when they
have both inadequate security capabilities and valuable data.
The reality is that, as of this writing, if an attacker
establishes a foothold in your on-premises
environment, they will maintain it for an
of 140 days before you can begin to remove
themif you can remove them.
Luckily, Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics
gives you a tool to rapidly detect penetration
of your on-premises environment so you can
get attackers out before they dig in.
Advanced Threat Analytics quietly:
builds a profile of what normal behavior
looks like in your environment, and then
notes any activity which differs from normal
behavior, and then
alerts you to these anomalies, along with
an explanation of what attack the anomaly
maps to, which resources are affected, and
any recommended remediation.
Advanced Threat Analytics can you give you the
rapid warning you need to respond before lateral
movement or data exfiltration begin.
If your on-premises environment is like the royal
treasury, Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics is
like the watcher hidden in the room, ready to
sound the alarm if an attacker has broken in.
Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics helps you rapidly detect penetration of
your on-premises environment.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 6
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management:
the keeper of keys
The harsh reality is that with phishing, malware, breach, weak passwords, and lack of conditional access policies, determined attackers
have a chance. Detection isn’t always in real time, and sometimes false negatives occur. Since account compromise remains a possibility,
the best way to minimize risk to your organization is to assume breach has happened or will happen.
While any compromised account is bad, a compromised admin account is catastrophic. If you assume some number of your
organization’s accounts will eventually be breached, it’s critical to minimize the probability that those accounts have admin privileges.
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management gives you the tool you need to do just that. It empowers you to ensure you have the smallest
possible number of admin-privileged users:
It analyzes your environment to help identify whether you have admin privileges that are going unused or an excessive number
of privileged users relative to your industry, allowing you to remove privileges from users who no longer need them.
It helps you set up policies to grant admin access only when needed, on for as long as needed, and only in compliance with
your elevation policies.
Azure AD Privileged Identity Management helps you minimize the number of admin-privileged users.
Most users who need to do privileged tasks only do so for a small fraction of their day. Using Azure AD Privileged Identity
Management, you can set up a policy so that, for example, privileged access is only granted with manager approval, and only
within a multi-factor authentication session, and only lasts for 60 minutes. In other words, policies are configurable to whatever makes
most sense for your organization.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 7
In this way, Azure AD Privileged Identity Management acts as a keeper of the keys, helping ensure that if a user is compromised, the
most critical assets remain safe.
Microsoft Intune:
protect treasure in transit (part one)
Even when we’re sure an identity isn’t compromised, there’s always a chance a user will download content onto an unhealthy device,
such as one that’s unencrypted and missing PIN protection.
For example, if a user is synchronizing corporate mail onto a mobile phone which is not PIN locked, then anyone picking up that phone
has unfettered access to everything in their mailbox. If a user has downloaded a spreadsheet full of key contract information onto their
personal laptop and that laptop is stolen, so is the contract information.
Many devices act as a trust factor for user authentication or have active sessions, making unhealthy devices a threat to online resources
as well. And malware, leaking user credentials every time the user does an interactive sign-in, is a real threat.
The age of Bring Your Own Device is here, but we must acknowledge the reality that bad things happen to good devices, whether
malware, theft, or loss. Microsoft Intune can ensure that devices are safely in compliance and as resistant as possible to issues like
malware and device theft.
In some cases, it may also make sense to ensure that only properly configured and approved applications are used to access
sensitive data. Intune also supports mobile application management, ensuring that the application and its configuration is
approved by your organization.
You can think of Intune as ensuring the integrity of the treasure chest and its locks, helping guarantee the security of what’s inside.
Azure Information Protection:
protect treasure in transit (part two)
Even when we’re able to ensure that the user accessing a resource in our environment is who they say they are and is well-behaved and
in a healthy environment, the risk remains that they’ll share a document with someone who’s not, or become compromised after they’ve
downloaded the content.
Azure Information Protection allows you to encrypt documents to ensure that even if the document is transmitted to an insecure
environment, only authorized users, as defined by your policies, can access the document.
Better still, it can do the following:
Automatically classify documents, detecting when someone has copied from a secure document or is typing sensitive data,
such as social security numbers or credit card numbers.
Show you where documents are being opened, and by whom.
Allow you to revoke all copies of a document, making it unreadable wherever it has gone.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 8
Azure Information Protection can automatically classify documents, detecting when someone has copied from a secure document
or is typing sensitive data, such as social security numbers or credit card numbers.
Azure Information Protection can let you know where documents are being opened, and by whom.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 9
Azure Information Protection gives you the power to protect
data in transitwherever your data goes, you can be sure that
only authorized people can read it.
In our castle analogy, Azure Information Protection is a bit of
sorcery, ensuring the treasure turns to dust if it falls into the
wrong hands.
Azure Information Protection allows you to revoke all copies of a
document, making it unreadable wherever it has gone.
Putting it together:
defense in depth and EMS
Now that you’ve toured the rings of defense, here’s a map and table that summarize them:
Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security offers multiple rings of defense.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 10
Azure AD Identity
Protection Reports
Insights into risky sign-in
attempts and users whose
credentials are compromised
Undetected intrusion,
highly vulnerable users
Criminals attempt almost 100M
fraudulent sign-ins every day,
and you should know if one
impacts you.
Azure AD Conditional Access Automated sign-in challenge
(with multi-factor) or block
based on governance,
compliance, or risk factors
Attempted malicious sign-in,
vulnerable users
You can intercept the clear
majority of attacks before they
can cause harm by having
policy-based risk response
to disrupt criminals.
Microsoft Cloud App Security In-session monitoring and control Rogue users, malware on machine Sometimes an authorized user
does unauthorized things
or their machine does.
Microsoft Advanced Threat
On-premises behavior analysis
and anomaly detection, detection
of bad actors in your
organizational network
Undetected inside attackers or
undetected attackers using stolen
credentials via VPN
Your on-premises environment
represents your greatest risk,
making rapid response to
intrusion your best hope.
Azure AD Privileged Identity
Detection and mitigation of
excess administrative privilege,
just-enough and just-in-time
access for privileged tasks
Compromise of privileged
Every admin account represents
substantial risk if the account is
compromised. For privileged
access, less is more.
Microsoft Intune Enforcement of device compliance
with policies to ensure device
health and safety, including PIN
lock, encryption, and current
malware protection
Data loss due to lost or stolen
devices, infected devices
Machines get lost or stolen and
malware can exfiltrate data.
Azure Information Protection Securing of data in transit with
encryption, document tracking,
and auto-classification
Data loss due to non-compliant
opening of documents
Documents get emailed outside
of your span of control (to users
and machines that may be
The brutal truth is that the rate and sophistication of attacks are increasing. Leaks of highly sophisticated attacks mated to old fashioned
malware create new intersections of capabilities, while old techniques find new targets in governments and industry. The enemy is at
the gates.
In a hostile environment with sophisticated attackers, we must assume breachno one defense will suffice. Using the technologies and
techniques above will help you establish a defensible fortress to protect your organization’s integrity and operations.
And a guard in a bearskin hat can’t hurt.
Defense in depth: Enterprise Mobility + Security advanced protection capabilities 11
This paper explored the defense-in-depth capabilities of EMS. There are advanced security features in many Microsoft products, such as
Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection, the Microsoft Azure Security Center, or advanced security features in Windows Server.
To learn more about these, please visit
Copyright © 2017 Microsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express
or implied, with respect to the information presented here.