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The 5 Step
Facebook Ads Strategy Template
Need an easy, effective process for social media lead generation? You’ve
found it.
We’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads and have tried many social
media campaign planning tools, strategy documents and templates. All of which we found
time consuming and ultimately ineffective.
So, we decided to create and refine our own Facebook ads strategy template. Since we’re
lovely people, we’ve decided to package up all of our learnings into a powerful, yet super
simple plan that literally anybody can follow.
We’ll get to the template shortly. First...
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
Things You Need to Understand About
Facebook Advertising Strategy
Facebook ads are not like Google ads. People generally are not searching for products &
services while they’re using Facebook. Does this mean that Facebook ads won’t work for
lead generation campaigns? From experience, I can tell you HELL NO. Facebook advertising
has some amazing targeting options and can DEFINITELY help you generate highly qualified
leads from new customers. Even in smaller or localised markets.
We’ve found that the first key to successful Facebook advertising campaigns is in the
planning, the strategy. Your focus needs to be on creating the perfect OFFER, with the
perfect MESSAGE, to the perfect PERSONA (yes, persona - will explain later) and at the
perfect TIME. Sounds challenging, right?
Well, it really isn’t. My Mother could follow this template!
My 5 Step Facebook Ad Planning Template is a simple step-by-step process that should
only take you less than 45 minutes to complete. I am certain that this investment of time will
be WELL WORTH the effort for you & your business - whether you’re doing social
advertising for your own business, or you’re an agency / advisor looking to help your clients
succeed with Facebook ads. By the way - if you are an agency or marketing advisor, you’re
more than welcome to download this template and tweak it or cobrand it for your own use.
Sharing is caring!
Practical examples help us learn better. So, to demonstrate how this Facebook ads strategy
template works I’m going to use an example of a real campaign that we use here at
Redback. In fact, we’re going to be following the exact Facebook ads strategy we used to
create and promote this very template.
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First, you’ll want to create a core offer that you’re willing to promote with your
localised Facebook ad campaign.
This offer may be a piece of content, or it could be a product or service offering.
You may have a couple of offers depending on the nature of your business - like a simple
Free appraisal, 20% off installation, a Free Campaign Template, or a 2 for the price of 1 deal.
I suggest you choose ONE for this exercise as it makes it much easier to structure & test
your Facebook ad campaigns. We’d recommend you choose an offer that is likely to attract
the right type of people, instead of just attracting price shoppers who will never turn into
repeat customers. Be strategic about how you create your offer.
My Offer:
A My offer is....
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Identify Your Target Personas
Who are the different types of people that we want to target with this offer?
In this example for Redback, there are multiple angles we can come from to provide value
for our free offer, this
Facebook Ad Planning Template
So, we have decided to target the following personas, localised to SYDNEY in this case but
obviously scaleable to other cities, regions and countries.
Note: Our business services other businesses. This means our personas will likely be very
different to yours if you’re a B2C company, but the same concepts apply.)
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1. “Decision Maker
Redback work primarily with companies in the following industries:
Professional services
Home Improvement / Trades
Healthcare & Medical
Industrial & Manufacturing
Travel & Leisure
Specialty services
Our typical client size lies within the $1m - $100m annual turnover range.
So, our Sydney based “Decision Maker” persona is somebody who makes final marketing
decisions for our targeted end client. Their position is typically a director, CEO,
owner/founder or general manager.
We have found that the primary pain points of these decision makers are:
They need new customer leads & revenue
They need a trusted source of clarity around digital marketing
They want to feel like they are ahead of the competition
You (should) know your customers better than anybody, so it won’t be too difficult to figure
out what their pain points are and how your service-offering solves those problems.
2. “Marketing Manager
Sydney marketing managers are also decision makers in many of our prospective clients’
businesses. However, they often have different pain points we need to speak to.
We reckon these are primarily the following:
Need to get marketing results to hit their KPIs
Want to look good in front of their boss
Want to learn & grow their digital marketing knowledge
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3. “Referral Partner
One of our core growth strategies at Redback is to develop a strong network of referral
partners in our hometown of Newcastle but also in other major Australian cities like Sydney,
Brisbane, Melbourne and Canberra. That is, other complimentary businesses who serve the
same target clients as us but not in a competitive way.
For Redback, our referral partners are generally other B2B companies whose customers
need digital marketing support. For example:
Accountants & business advisors
Lawyers & recruitment firms
Business coaches & sales trainers
Traditional media consultants / agencies
These types of referral partners have a strong need to add value to their clients’ businesses
outside of their normal scope of expertise.
Your business probably already has a referral network like this, whether formal or informal.
To figure out what potential referral partners you could look to source, think about:
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Lets Identify Your Target Personas
Your business probably already has a referral network like this, whether formal or informal.
To figure out what potential referral partners you could look to source, think about:
WHO serves a similar client to us?
HOW can I add value to their clients & the referral partner?
WHY would we want to partner with this business?
On the flipside, think of other related businesses who can add value to your
clients too.
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Business Partner:
We’re always on the lookout to invest our time, expertise &/or capital into
innovative startups, or other companies who need a digital marketing “arm” to
their business.
DIY Small Business Owner:
Unfortunately, we don’t always have the capacity to help smaller business owners who can’t
afford our services, but we really do love small businesses. We’re also aware that many
small business owners just like to tinker with doing their own marketing before hiring a
digital marketing firm or consultant. Besides, small businesses often grow into larger
businesses at some point. So even though they’ll be doing their marketing DIY now, we see
value in helping these marketers in case they need our services later on. This persona is a
long term play, kinda like Dollarmites was back in the 1990’s ;-)
Remember, these personas are just EXAMPLES. You might have completely different
personas for your business depending on the nature of your offer and what industry youre
competing in. Our business services other businesses, so our personas will likely be very
different to yours if you’re a B2C company.
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Here’s a few ideas of other example personas to get your brain
Stay at home Mums
Active / sporty teenagers
Double income no kids
Empty nesters
Gaming enthusiasts
Attendees of the Royal Easter Show
Competitor’s employees & undergraduate students i.e. Prospective employees
Affluent professionals
The list goes onnnn and onnnn...
You can pick as many personas as you deem relevant, but we suggest 3 or 4 to start off
My Personas:
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Persona Research
This part is all about asking questions about your target personas to UNDERSTAND THEM
BETTER. Not only is this a great tool for Facebook ads, it is also a critical component of any
effective marketing strategy - online or offline.
Here’s where we need to dig deeper and figure out EXACTLY who the people in our
audiences are, what they care about, how they behave, why they buy, where they go and
what theyre likely to be interested in.
Of course, the Facebook advertising platform already provides some super useful tools to
help us learn more about our target audiences. However, as awesome as the data is, it will
never be 100% perfectly complete. Luckily, there’s a little site called Google that can help us
with our Facebook advertising audience targeting strategies.
So what does that mean? It means that we can use Google and other resources to
brainstorm targeting ideas for Facebook ads.
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
My Persona Research Notes:
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
Choose your “bait
This is where we start thinking about copywriting. About how to communicate the offer to
our audience.
What are the key benefits that these target personas will gain from your content or offer?
Which words will speak to their specific needs best?
Use these triggers as guides for creating great ad baits:
How will this offer reduce their Pain or Make their life easier?
What will they Have or Learn from the offer?
Where’s the Proof / Results expected when taking up the offer?
Feelings - How will taking up this offer make them Feel?
How will this offer help them boost their Status / Knowledge?
“Me too” - who else is using the offer that the target persona needs to keep up with?
What Regular Use can they make of this offer?
Speed - How quickly will they be able to put this offer into use for a benefit?
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
For Redback, here are some baits we might choose for our Facebook advertising
campaigns, based on what we think our target personas would respond to.
Feeling confused with marketing
Need a hand managing marketing
Need to reduce ad spend
Increase advertising returns
Grow sales and revenue
Improve Facebook ads in 7 days
Reduce ad spend by 55%
We do everything for you
My Baits:
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
Write Your Copy
Each combination of Persona / Bait needs to have it’s own variation of relevant ad copy, as
demonstrated in the matrix on the next page. We use this matrix to match up each persona
with the baits they’ll be most likely to respond to.
Persona 1
Persona 2
Persona 3
Persona 4
Bait 1
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Bait 2
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Bait 3
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Bait 4
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Enter copy here...
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
Facebook Ad Creatives
What ad format are we running with? Video? Story? Carousel? Lead Ad?
Ok, so here is the fun part - my favourite part. By this stage, you’ve collected a heap of
information about your target personas and written some great copy that speaks to their
wants and needs. Now it is time to develop compelling, powerful ad creative (that means
images, videos etc.) to help portray your messages within the Facebook or Instagram feed.
Facebook is an incredibly visual platform. People respond to powerful images and videos far
more than basic text or boring, poor quality photos. No matter what kind of business you
are, I always recommend having a high quality graphic designer at your disposal who
UNDERSTANDS your business and your brand.
You could also have a stab at designing the creative yourself using the unbelievable Canva.
However, not everybody has a great eye for design. If your gut tells you that your own
design skill is ugly - like a Mother always thinks her ugly baby is beautiful - be honest with
yourself about this. Your ad click through rates won’t lie once your campaigns are live on
the Facebook news feed!
You can direct your designer to Jon Loomers Master Guide on Facebook Ad Image Sizes
here to make sure they get it right.
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
Your Facebook ad creative needs to clearly portray how you’re going to help your audience
ease their pain point, whilst also standing out with unique colours, graphics &/or
There are many different types of Facebook ads you can run - Link post image ads, image
carousel ads, videos, stories, the list goes on.
My Ad Creatives:
And there you have it. Youre ready to jump into Facebook’s ad platform and start running
some ads.
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
Campaign Setup Notes
The next phase of Facebook advertising is actually setting up your campaign and optimising
your budget for best results. This part will require you to answer the following questions:
Q. What are my campaign objectives?
Q. What is my budget?
Q. What is my timeline / schedule?
Q. What audiences will I create from my personas?
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au
Q. Is my Facebook pixel installed & firing correctly?
Q. Are my landing pages optimised?
Q. Is my campaign tagging and conversion tracking setup correctly?
If you need help with this part (or the planning phase), feel free to reach out to us and
request a consultation.
This document is the intellectual property of Redback Solutions and may not be copied
or used without the explicit written consent of a director of Redback Solutions. All rights reserved.
FEEDBACK If you have any suggestions to help improve this template, please email
[email protected] and include a link to the doc along with your recommendations. Thanks! 
Have a question? Call 02 4962 2236 or email [email protected] rb.com.au