1. Grant of visa to Bangladesh nationals is governed by the Revised Travel Arrangements signed
between India and Bangladesh on 28
January, 2013 and the administrative instructions issued
from time to time
2. Categories of Visa admissible to Bangladesh nationals
(1) Diplomatic and Official Visas:
Visa free regime is agreed on reciprocal basis for holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports for
a period of up to 45 days stay.
(2) Short-term Double Entry Visa :
Bangladesh nationals applying for visa of third countries, whose representative missions are
concurrently accredited to Bangladesh from India, may be granted double entry visa [X-Double
Entry] valid for a maximum period of three months. Stay during the visit should not exceed 15
days. This visa will be non-extendable.
(3) Long term multiple entry Tourist Visas:
Long term multiple-entry tourist visas may be issued to Bangladeshi nationals visiting India to
meet relatives, friends, or children studying in recognized educational institutions, pilgrimage or
for any other legitimate purpose for a period not exceeding one year with the stipulation that
continuous stay on each visit shall not exceed 90 days. In the case of Bangladeshi nationals over
the age of 65 years, the Indian Missions/ Posts may grant multiple entry long-term Tourist Visa
for a period of 5 years subject to the condition that continuous stay during each visit shall not
exceed 90 days.
(4) Transit Visa:
Bangladeshi nationals transiting through India by land, river or air routes may be issued a transit
visa to be availed of within 15 days of its issue, valid for a stay up to a maximum of five days
from the date of entry. No Visa will be required for direct transit through an Airport/Seaport.
(5) Double Entry Transit Visa:
Bangladeshi nationals intending to visit a third country through India by air/rail/road/sea may be
issued a Double Entry Transit Visa for a stay up to a required period but not more than 15 days.
(6) Re-entry visa:
A Bangladeshi national who desires to return to India after a visit abroad, can obtain a re-entry
visa, while in India, from the State Government / Union Territory of his/ her residence, or the
FRRO concerned.
(7) Visa to Investors and Businessmen:
Bona fide business persons or investors of Bangladesh registered with or sponsored by the
appropriate authorities may be issued Multiple Entry Business visa valid up to five years with the
stipulation that each stay shall not exceed three months. The spouse and dependent children and
parents of such visa holders shall be granted multiple entry Dependent Visa of appropriate sub-
category co-terminus with the visa of the principal Visa holder.
Visa for Students:
Bangladesh students who have been admitted in government and government approved private
Universities, colleges and other educational institutions for general or technical study or training
may be issued multiple entry student visas for the period of study or for two years, whichever is
less. Visa will be extendable on year to year basis for up to 5 years. Spouse and children of only
postgraduate students shall be granted multiple entry dependent visa of appropriate sub-category
co-terminus with the visa of the principal Visa holder.
(9) Long-term Employment Visa:
Professionals of Bangladesh appointed by the Government of India as expatriate consultants or
experts under agreement between the two Governments will be issued long-term employment
visa (with multiple entry) for the tenure of assignment or one year, whichever is less. Spouse,
dependent children and parents of such visa holders shall be granted multiple entry dependent
visa of appropriate sub-category co-terminus with the visa of the principal visa holder.
Employment visa may be extended up to five years from the date of issue of initial employment
visa, on year to year basis.
Multiple-entry employment visa valid for one year may be granted to Bangladeshi nationals who
visit India on regular assignment for reputed organizations of both the countries (such as Biman
Bangladesh Airlines, International Bus Service, Sonali Bank, Air India etc. or Government to
Government projects or where a government organization has awarded a contract to a private firm
or are inter-corporate transferees of a multi-national company). Spouse, dependent children and
parents of such visa holders
shall be granted multiple entry dependent visa of appropriate
sub-category co-terminus with the visa of the principal Visa holder. Visa may be extended
on year to year basis up to a period of three years.
(10) Medical Visa:
Medical visas valid for up to one year or for the period of treatment whichever is less and with
three entries with permission for multiple entry on need basis, may be issued to Bangladeshi
nationals visiting India for specialized medical treatment with prior appointment from a
recognized hospital. Medical attendant visas may be granted to three accompanying attendants,
co-terminus with the validity of the Medical Visa granted. The Medical visa and the Medical
Attendant visa will be extendable by another one year subject to production of the required
medical report. Medical visa may be granted to a Bangladeshi national visiting India for
diagnosis also subject to the applicant having a confirmed appointment in recognized Indian
hospital and a diagnosis of illness from Bangladeshi doctors reflecting the ailment.
(11) Visa for Journalists:
Journalists working in reputed print and electronic media of either country will be issued multiple
entry visas for one year. The maximum permissible duration of each stay will be thirty days.
(12) Research Scholars/Fellows working in Educational/Research Institution:
Research Scholars/fellows working in education/research institutions of Bangladesh on
assignment of job/fellowship in India or for the purpose of scholarly research in archives and
libraries will be issued multiple entry research visa for one year, extendable on year to year basis
for a maximum period of five years from the issue of initial research visa with no limitation on
number of journeys. Spouse, dependent children and parents of such visa holders shall be
granted multiple entry dependent visa of appropriate sub-category co-terminus with the visa of
the principal Visa holder.
(13) Entry (X) Visa:
Entry (X) Visa may be granted to the following categories of Bangladesh nationals-
(i) Bangladesh national married to an Indian national or their children may be granted
X-2 Visa for a period up to five years.
(ii) Artistes/ cultural personalities/ academicians/ professionals who visit India to
participate in non profitable/ non-commercial performances sponsored by reputed
institutions in India may be granted X-Misc Visa up to a period of 6 months.
(14) Conference Visa:
Conference Visa may be issued to a Bangladesh national whose sole objective of visiting India is
to attend conferences, seminars or workshops being held in India.
Urgent Service:
In case of emergencies, the Bangladeshi nationals will be allowed to obtain visa on payment of a
service charge.
Note : All visas will be valid for travel to, and stay in, any part of India except protected/
restricted/ Cantonment areas for which foreigners need special permits.
3. Documents required for Visa issuance
Tourist Visa : Normally, tourist visa may be issued only to a Bangladesh national whose
monthly income is above Bangladesh taka 20,000 p.m. For this purpose, income of self/
spouse, or parents/ guardian in case of dependents, can be considered.
Documents from Bangladesh
(i) A copy of the Citizenship/domicile certificate along with English translation
clearly indicating the address.
(ii) A copy of the electricity bill/gas bill/landline telephone bill (any one).
(iii) Any one of the following documents:
(a) for employees working in the Government, a letter from either the Head
of the Department or a copy of the clearance received from the
Government of Bangladesh; or
(b) for an employee in the private sector, a letter from the organization
giving the details of designation, duration of service and address of the
applicant ; or
(c) for self-employed businesspersons, a copy of the Registration granted to
the Business establishment by the Government of Bangladesh along with
an English translation (if not in English).
Additional documents from India (in case of long term Tourist visa)
A copy of the Passport, electricity bill, telephone bill, ration card, Election I-card of the
sponsor/relative/host in India identifying clearly the address (any two documents). Of the
two documents, one document should preferably be a copy of the Passport.
(2) Visa to Investors and Businessmen
Visa for Business purpose may be granted to a Bangladesh national of assured financial
standing. The following criteria shall be used for determining assured financial standing:
(i) The gross sales/turnover from the business activities (i.e. of the
firm/company/establishment in which the Bangladesh national is working),
should be not less than Bangladeshi taka 50 lacs per annum; or
(ii) The annual income of the applicant should be not less than Bangladeshi taka 5
The Bangladesh national must submit a copy of the Income tax returns/ audited accounts
for the last two years as proof of financial standing.
Documents from Bangladesh
(i) A copy of the Citizenship/domicile certificate along with English translation
clearly indicating the address.
(ii) A letter from the company/ firm in Bangladesh giving details of the applicant,
his/her designation and the purpose of the visit.
(iii) A copy of the Membership certificate or sponsorship letter of any reputed
Chamber of Commerce of Bangladesh or the appropriate authorities like
Bangladesh Bank, Board of Investments, BEPZA, FBCCI, DCCI etc.
Documents from India
(i) A letter of invitation from any Indian company/ firm registered with or
sponsored by the appropriate authorities in India i.e. Reserve Bank of India,
indicating the city to be
visited and the duration of the visit .
(ii) A copy of a Letter of Credit from a Public sector/ scheduled Bank in
India/correspondence with a registered company or firm in India.
(iii) In case of participation in or visiting a trade/business exhibition/fair in India,
details of the nature of participation and a copy of the invitation from the
exhibition / fair authorities or Federation/Chamber concerned.
(3) Conference Visa
(i) A copy of the Citizenship/domicile certificate along with English translation
clearly indicating the address.
(ii) A letter of invitation from the organizers of the event in India.
(iii) A letter of introduction from the organization in which the applicant is working.
Medical Visa
(i) A copy of the Citizenship/domicile certificate along with English translation
clearly indicating the address.
(ii) A letter of appointment from a government / ICMR (Indian Council of Medical
Research)/ NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare
Providers)/ MCI (Medical Council of India)/ CGHS (Central Government Health
Scheme) recognized hospital in India.
(iii) Medical records and diagnostic reports of the medical patient in Bangladesh
clearly indicating the diagnosis and recommending treatment abroad for
specialized treatment of ailment/ disease for which medical facilities are not
easily available in Bangladesh.
(5) Student Visa
(i) A copy of the Citizenship/domicile certificate along with English translation
clearly indicating the address.
(ii) The letter of admission from Government and Government approved private
Universities, colleges and other educational institutions for general or technical
study or training.
(iii) Evidence of adequate financial standing to support the academic/living expenses
in India during the course of study (bank statements or proof of assured
sponsorship/stipend to cover the expenses). While calculating the financial
standing of the applicant, the Government of India scholarship, if applicable, will
also be taken into account.
(6) Employment Visa
Documents from Bangladesh
(i) A copy of the Citizenship/domicile certificate along with English translation
clearly indicating the address.
(ii) A letter from the company/ firm/ organization in Bangladesh giving details of the
applicant, his/her designation and the purpose of the visit.
(iii) A copy of the registration of the company/ firm/ organization in Bangladesh or
Membership certificate of any Chamber of Commerce of repute of Bangladesh.
Documents from India
(i) A letter of invitation from any registered Indian company/ firm/ organization
clearly indicating the nature of employment.
(ii) Proof of his/her employment or contract or engagement by the
company/firm/organization in India.
(iii) In the case of professionals of Bangladesh appointed by the Government of India
as expatriate consultant or expert under agreement between the two
Governments, documentary evidence of assignment and copy of the agreement
between the Governments of India and Bangladesh
Application form
All Bangladeshi nationals will have to submit applications for visas on the on-line system in the
standard visa application form. For this purpose, the applicants may log on
https://indianvisaonline.gov.in .
5. Fee
All visas for Bangladesh nationals are to be given free of charge.
Seamen holding a valid Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) bearing a photograph and other
prescribed particulars will be accorded the following facilities:
(a) A seaman of Bangladesh visiting a port in India as a member of the crew of the ship
which brings him need not hold a passport or a visa. He will be issued a Landing Permit.
(b) A seaman, who arrives at a port in India as member of the crew of the ship which brings
him and who is discharged at the port, will not require passport/visa. He will be issued
with a Landing Permit valid up to 7 days and will also be allowed to travel to the country
of which he is a national.
(c) A Bangladeshi Seaman, who has signed on Bangladeshi articles and desires to join his
ship at an Indian port, will require an Indian Visa on Bangladesh passport and his CDC is
required to be attached with the passport as the proof of a seaman. The visa will be issued
after the Director General of Shipping, Government of India gives special permission to
the article concerned to join the ship.
(d) In all other cases, a seaman of Bangladesh will be subject to the normal requirement
governing travel between the two countries.
7. Inland Water Transport Personnel
Ranking personnel and ratings of an inland vessel plying through or to India will carry a
certificate of employment and permit with a photograph, duly authenticated by specified
authorities of the respective countries. Officers supervising or controlling the fleet of the
operators in either country should hold a passport and multiple entry visa. Officers of the Inland
Water Transport Corporations of India and Bangladesh, as well as private operators engaged in
inter-country trade via river routes, will be covered by these provisions. Such personnel may also
be granted multiple entry visa by the High Commission of India, Dhaka.
8. Entry into India
(A) Bangladesh nationals, other than those who hold appropriate documents for border trade,
are required to enter and leave India through authorized Immigration check posts.
(B) Bangladesh nationals traveling to India may be allowed to travel by air/land (Road and
Rail)/sea whichever is convenient to the applicant. However, Bangladesh nationals
exiting by designated check posts other than the one used for their entry, would be
required to produce evidence of having intimated their new exit points at the point of
their entry. Nationals of Bangladesh traveling by air/rail/road and desirous of exiting
through a check post other than that of entry may, on application, be given a visa
specifying the entry and exit points.
Note : The above mentioned entry and exit restrictions will not apply in the case of
Bangladeshi nationals entering/ exiting the following 24 international airports and 2 land
(i) Airports : Ahmedabad, Amousi (Lucknow), Babatpur/ Varanasi, Bangalore, Calicut,
Chennai, Cochin, Coimbatore, Dabolim (Goa), Delhi, Gaya, Guwahati, Hyderabad,
Jaipur, Kolkata, Mangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Amritsar, Trichy, Trivandrum,
Bagdogra and Chandigarh.
(ii) Land ICPs : Haridaspur and Gede
9. Changes in the Port of Exit:
(i) In case any change in the Port of exit is required after arrival in India, it may be granted,
based on bonafide and sufficient reasons, by the following authorities:
(i) FRROs at Delhi, Mumbai Kolkata, Amritsar, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai.
(ii) The State Governments of Assam, Bihar, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura and West
(ii) Changes in the port of exit may be granted by the authorities specified above in
accordance with the following guidelines:-
(i) A Bangladesh national travelling by air is permitted to exit from an airport
different from the port of entry, or by land through the Haridaspur ICP.
(ii) A Bangladesh national travelling by air can be allowed, in genuine cases, to
leave India through the land ICPs, other than Haridaspur, provided advance
intimation of the entry is given to the ICP by the authority permitting the change.
Otherwise, the Bangladesh national shall travel by the designated port only.
(iii) A Bangladesh national entering through the Haridaspur ICP may be allowed to
exit through the Kolkata/Delhi Airport.
(iv) A Bangladesh businessperson / professional sponsored by a reputed Chamber of
Commerce may be allowed to exit from a land ICP different from the ICP of
Bangladesh nationals visiting India on a valid visa, who wish to stay for a continuous period
exceeding six months, will be required to register within 14 days of arrival with the respective
FRRO/ FRO and obtain residential permit.