Agile Release Planning
& Integrated Scheduling
Robin Pulverenti
Joint IT and Software Cost Forum
September 2021
Poll 1 Program Stage
What lifecycle stage is your program?
Planning (Requirements Definition, Pre-Selection)
Execution (New Development or Modernization Acquisition Program)
Sustainment with Enhancements
Multiple Selections are allowed
Presentation Assumptions
Focus is on NEW Development Program (not existing/sustainment)
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is the base methodology with some
tailoring bringing in concepts from other methodologies
Jira is the Agile Tracking Tool for metric terms
Release = Deliverable to the Field/Operational Environment Deployment
Increment = Integration Test Point after multiple Sprints as Epics complete
Software Development Paradigm
Agile Manifesto values “Individuals & Interactions over Processes & Tools”
Small Scale
Single Development Team
Volatile Requirements
Iterative, Incremental
Design & Development
Large Scale
Mission-Critical System
Strong Management
Oversight & Hierarchical
Capability Maturity Model Integration
Top-Down Design
However, there needs to be a balance to enable a reliable CI/CD SecDevOps pipeline
Release Planning Considerations
Product Roadmap & Release Planning
Capability & Epic Definition (by Deliverable)
Integrated Schedule
Supporting Performance Metrics
Forecasting Considerations
The Roadmap is part of SAFe
© Scaled Agile, Inc.
Key element of
Product Development
Schedule of Events
that communicates
planned Solution
Often neglected part
of the Agile Training
because it is part of
the systems definition
Portfolio Roadmap
Solution Roadmap
Graphic From: NDIA An Industry Practice Guide for Agile on Earned Value Management Programs v1.3, 26-MAY-2019
Poll 2 Product Decomposition
Do your Agile programs use a “Prescribed” WBS (MIL-STD-881)
or is it a “Contractor Defined” WBS?
Contractor Defined
We don’t require a WBS on our Agile Projects
Capability (Work) Breakdown Structure
& Requirements Traceability
Program Vision, Mission, ConOps
- Global/System Level Requirements
- SAFe Portfolio Roadmap, Program Strategic Plan
Deliverable (Fielded Release)
- Deliverable Scope Statement & Success Criteria
- SAFe Solution Roadmap
Requirements should be
System-Level Capabilities
decomposed aligning to:
- Logical Grouping of Business Processes
- SAFe PI Roadmap
Product /
Deliverable 1
Process 1
Activity 1
User Story
Subtask 1
Subtask …
Subtask n
User Story
User Story
Activity …
Activity ‘n
Process …
Process n
Capability 1
Capability …
(new or
n (new or
1) Phased implementation
by Deliverable
Business Process (Operational) Capabilities
- Requirements identified apply to all Activities
2) To the highest level
- “Control Account” for EVM, Agile/Jira “Initiative”
where it applies in the
- Summary Task in the Integrated Schedule
capability breakdown
Business Process (Operational) Activities
- Requirements identified apply to all Stories
(all children inherit the
- “Work Package” for EVM, Agile “Feature”/ Jira “Epic”
parent requirements)
- Task in Integrated Schedule
User Story / Subtask
- Requirements apply are specific to use case
- Tracked in Agile Tool
- Performance aggregated to Epic
Detailed Architecture Emerges
from an Intentional Design
Intentional Design: Operational Capabilities and
Activities are defined with acceptance criteria for
a Deliverable with associated Inputs/Outputs
Emergent Design: User Stories (and subtasks) are
identified through progressive elaboration to
meet the needs of the Deliverable
User 1User 2User 3
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Business Process Activity
As a [USER], I want to [STORY], so that I can [ACTIVITY/EPIC], to accomplish a
Business Process
Business Process Descriptions
User Interface
User In
Scope Buffer Reduces Estimate Padding On Individual Epics or Stories,
while guaranteeing the delivery of MVP Features by providing trade space
if needed as the detailed design & discovery continues through the sprints
or technical debt builds and needs to be addressed
Work Breakdown Structure
Capability Based
(How its typically built)
How the user consumes it
Business Process Descriptions
Narrative of functionality and limitations by capability from
the User perspective
Success criteria defined for each integration point
(increment, release)
“[At this point in time], the system/user will be able to ….
with the following limitations or constraints.
The “Agile V”
User Acceptance Testing / Operational Readiness
Capability Review & Demonstration
Integration Testing
Story / Development Test
Unit Tests
Poll 3 Integrated Schedule
Does your program require an Integrated Master Schedule compliant
with Government (GAO, DCMA) Best Practices?
Yes compliance with critical path
Sort Of compliance and critical path are not enforced
No we are full Agile and manage with other tools
Integrated Schedule Key Points
Development/Modernization Programs are different than Sustainment
Sprint Calendar Critical Path
Use the Sprint Calendar as a Time-Phasing Guide for when to start Epics based on resource
availability or backlog prioritization
Development will take as many sprints needed to meet the success criteria for a “minimally viable
Identify Technical Dependencies Between Epics
Maintain Priorities Between Scrum Teams
Capability MVPs by Integration Point
Identify Key Milestones & Tasks that support them
Technical Reviews & Documentation versions
Acquisition Milestones & External Reviews/Briefings
Coordination with External Stakeholders (Interface Partners, Cyber, FISCAM, etc)
Capability Integration Points & Capability Demonstrations
Program (System Engineering)
Technical Reviews
“Big-Bang” Events (PDR, CDR) replaced
(not removed) with Capability-Based
Reviews and Demonstrations at
appropriate Integration Points
Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) to define
Technical & Functional Baselines for the
Release Deliverable, and targets for each
Increment to be updated through a
Rolling-Wave Plan (RWP)
Test Readiness Review (TRR) conducted
for Government/External User
Acceptance Test
Graphic From: NDIA An Industry Practice Guide for Agile on Earned Value Management
Programs v1.3, 26-MAY-2019
Product Documentation
Agile Manifesto prioritizes “Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation” … but it
doesn’t replace/remove the need for documentation
In Large-Scale Government Systems, the system documentation is part of the requirements … and
therefore, part of the system delivery
Documentation can be tailored to programmatic needs
Required Documentation can fit into and support the Agile framework
Documentation content evolves over time to remain in alignment with capability development
Limiting design documentation to the “User Stories” is problematic
Cohesive & Holistic Documentation (System/Sub-System Views)
The ability to aggregate User Stories with all of the other linked issues (Defects, Test Cases, Tasks, Subtasks) can be difficult
and confusing at scale
Low-level implementation details are great, but User Stories don’t always meet the intent & needs captured in higher-level
CDRL documents
History & Accessibility Limitations
Unless the complete backlog is in a GOV tool, the history may be lost or incomplete when development ends or the Solution
Provider changes
Not every stakeholder has access to the backlog tool
Some Agile Development Teams might struggle with creating documentation especially if they
are used to receiving detailed design documentation post-CDR before starting work
Integrated Schedule Simplified Example
Epics and the planned
Integration Points are
depicted in an
Integrated Schedule
Dependencies between
Epics (as well as Float)
are visible across teams
to help maintain
Agile Tools are typically
limited in their ability to
show precedence logic
and critical path
Poll 4 Metrics Analysis
What level of metrics tracking and analysis does your program office
Daily Tracking with Weekly Analysis
Weekly Tracking and Analysis
We don’t track metrics directly, we just review the status reports from the
Scrum Masters/Team Leads
Agile Metrics Considerations
CONSISTENCY is the Key to a High-Quality, Proactive Metrics System
Core Metrics need to be established for the overall program
Different Teams will have different approaches to determining Story Points and how they
define their work (User Stories, Tasks, Subtasks) acceptable as long as they are mapped
into the overall program metrics
Changes are infrequent & applied against the remaining backlog for future tracking
Jira Data is REAL-TIME … if you miss a download, its gone
Try to download relevant filters at the same time everyday/week to avoid missed or skewed data
Capability / Epic Status Charts
Horizontal Stacked Bar Charts
can be used to show the status
of Epics that comprise
Capabilities at a given point in
In this example, more complex
Stories that couldn’t be broken
down into smaller stories have
sub-tasks assigned.
Development Defects are also
included in the chart as they
need to close prior to migration
to Integration Testing.
Percent Complete is derived
based upon agreed criteria
Story Points
Count of Issues
Kanban Weighting
Burn-Down & Burn-Up Charts
Integration Test Case Status 20-APR-2021
Integration Test Case Cumulative Status
Pie Charts show the status at a given point in time for work in the
defined states.
Line Charts & Cumulative Flow Diagrams (CFD) show progress made
over time as work moves through the defined states established for
the task type.
CFDs are stacked bar charts and can show more data elements
cleanly (each bar is the pie chart for that date)
Burn-Down Chart Goal is to get to 0 (good when you have a fixed
date and need to calculate needed velocity)
Burn-Up Chart Goal is to hit the maximum (good when you have a
changing backlog)
Integration Test Case Burn-Up
Forecasting Considerations
Technical Dependencies between Epics (especially when worked by separate
teams) are potential risks
Predecessor tasks need to remain a top-priority in Sprint/Increment Planning
Progress of predecessor will directly impact the successor, possibly the Integration
Testing Event or Critical Path
Metrics & Metric Charts should be used to verify status, show emerging issues
with velocity, & identify the need to add Sprints to complete capabilities
Metrics are a feedback mechanism to ensure the development is on track or requires
adjustment and possible intervention
Inconsistency in Metric Calculations will lead to unreliable Forecasts
Project & Agile Points of Failure Align
Reasons Projects Fail
Agile Points of Failure
Inadequate Business Case; Undefined Objectives and Goals
Lack of Overall Product Design, Roadmap
Inadequate or Vague Requirements, Scope Creep
Adding Stories to an In Progress Iteration
Lack of a Solid Project Plan
Dependencies Not Identified, Cross
Team Priorities Not Coordinated
Unrealistic Timeframes and Budget; Inaccurate/Erroneous
Attempting to Take on Too Much in an Release, Iteration, or Sprint
Failure to track progress, manage risk & variances
High work in Progress, Allowing Technical Debt to Build Up
Poor Testing
Lack of Test Automation
Poorly Defined Roles & Responsibilities, Inadequate Resources
Teams Are Not Focused, Scrum Master is a Contributor
Weak project management
Product Owner Role Isn’t Properly Filled
Ineffective or No Sponsorship
Lack of Sponsor Support
Poor or Inflexible Processes/Documentation
Inconsistent Processes
Define your engineering and management processes to ensure efficient
operations to keep teams in synch and make metrics meaningful.
Build a Capability Breakdown Structure that supports the vertical slices of
Agile development to a level that allows technical dependencies between
Epics and Teams to be identified with precedence logic in an IMS
Changes and Trade-offs are a normal part of Development, but without an
agreed plan and system definition, you won’t be able to assess the full
impact of the change (programmatically or technically)
References and Resources
Scaled Agile Framework (
NDIA Integrated Performance Management Division
Department of Defense Integrated Program Management Guidance:
GAO Agile Assessment Guide
Robin Pulverenti