Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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Sub:- Engagement of Manpower Service Provider for outsourcing of ‘Office
Assistance Services’ in DFCCIL’s Agra, Aligarh Etawah & Kanpur offices
under CPM/Tundla.
Sealed bids in a single packet system are invited from established, experienced and reputed firms/
organizations and other financially sound Agencies for engagement of Manpower Services Provider for
outsourcing of ‘Office Assistance Services’ in DFCCIL’s Agra ,Aligarh Etawah & Kanpur offices under
Tender no.
TDL/EN/Tender/ Office Assistance 2014
Type Of Tender
Open Single Packet
Name of Work
Engagement of Manpower Service Provider for
outsourcing of ‘Office Assistance Services’ in DFCCIL’s
Agra,Aligarh, Etawah and Kanpur offices under
Duration of contract
Two years
Estimated cost of work
Rs. 17305615/-
Cost of Tender Form
Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only)
Earnest money deposit
Rs 346112./-only
Sale of Tender Form
Last date of receipt of bids
30.09.14 upto13:00 HRS
Opening of bids
30.09.14 at 14:00 HRS.
Address for
Chief Project Manager,DFCCIL,E-751,Shweta
Bhawan, Kamla Nagar,AGRA,282005
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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Tender form can be purchased from the above address on all working days from 10:00 hrs
to 17:00 hrs and upto 12:00 hrs on 30.09.14 on payment of Rs.5,000/- in the form of
Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque in favour of DFCCIL, AGRA issued by any Nationalized
Bank of India or any Scheduled Bank.
Tender form can also be downloaded from the website www.dfccil.org. In that case, the
demand draft of Rs. 5000/- as cost of tender must be enclosed with the bid
document seprately. Detailed terms & conditions and future corrigendum/addendum
will be posted on our website.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 3
Engagement of Manpower Service Provider for outsourcing of ‘Office Assistance
Services’ in DFCCIL’s Agra,Aligarh Etawah & Kanpur offices under CPM/Tundla.
Section 1.
Instructions to Bidders
Section 2.
General Terms & Conditions of
Page no-11
Section 3.
Special Conditions of Contract
Page no 12-18
Section 4.
Financial Detail
Performa of Experience Certificate
Performa for Affidavit
Page no-22
Scope of Service
Page no 23-27
Schedule of Quantity
Page no 28-29
Form of Agreement
Enterprise wide IT system to be
used by contractor
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 4
Chief Project Manager,
DFCCIL, E-751,
Shweta Bhawan
Kamla Nagar,AGRA,282005
Name of Work: -Engagement of Manpower Service Provider for outsourcing of
‘Office Assistance Services’ in DFCCIL’s Agra,Aligarh , Etawah &
Kanpur offices under CPM/Tundla.
Ref.:Tender No. TDL/EN/Tender/ Office Assistance /2014
1. Having examined the conditions of contract and specifications, the receipt of which is
hereby duly acknowledged, I/ We the undersigned, offer to execute the work shown in the
scope of work and jurisdiction of contract as well as schedule of prices attached herewith
and made part of this.
2. I/We undertake that, if our bid is accepted, I/We shall execute the work as set out in the
Bid Document. I/We also agree to abide by the General Terms & Conditions of the Contract
and to carry out the work according to the special conditions as laid down by the DFCCIL
Administration for the execution of present contract..
3. If the bid is accepted, I/We shall submit the performance guarantee & security deposit as
per the conditions mentioned in the contract.
4. I/We agree to abide by this bid for a period of 90 days from the date of bid opening and it
shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that
period and in default thereof, I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/our Earnest Money.
5. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, this bid together with your written
acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between
us subject to the modifications, as may be mutually agreed to, between us and indicated in
the letter of acceptance or my/our offer for the work.
6. Bid submitted by us is properly prepared and sealed so as to prevent any subsequent
alteration or replacement.
Dated this ………. Day of ……… (the month and year)
Signature of Authorised Signatory ………
In capacity of ………………
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of………….
The cost of bid document: Rs.5000/- ( if down loaded from website)
Crossed D.D. no. ………………………………………… dated …………………………
Drawn on bank: ……………………………………………………
Signature of Bidder
Bidders Address
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 5
Section 1.
Instructions to Bidders
Chief Project Manager/DFCCIL/AGRA, for and on behalf of DFCCIL invites, bids under
Single packet system from the bidders for Engagement of Manpower Service Provider for
outsourcing of ‘Office Assistance Services’ in DFCCIL’s Agra,Aligarh , Etawah & Kanpur
offices under CPM/Tundla.
Document Required
Required to submit solvency certificate of
the value 10% of advertised tender value
of work.
Certificate by Revenue authority /Banker
Experience of having successfully
completed similar works during last 7
years ending last day of month previous
to the one in which bid is invited should
be either of the following: -
a. Three similar completed works costing
not less than the amount equal to 40% of
the estimated cost.
b. Two similar completed works costing
not less than the amount equal to 50% of
the estimated cost.
c. One similar completed work costing not
less than the amount equal to 80% of the
estimated cost
from any Govt./PSU/Public
Limited Company.
Similar kind of work is defined as work of
providing Man power for office work such
as Steno,personal assisitant,Auto cad
operator,Office Assistant,Office Attendent
The bidder has to submit certificate issued
by the concerned authorities as per
Profarma given in “Annexure-I of the bid
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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Annual Turnover:-- Average Annual
financial turnover during the last 3 years,
ending 31st
March of the previous financial year,
should be at least 30% of the estimated
Copy of audited Profit/Loss
Account, Balance Sheet, copy of
Income-Tax Return certified by
Chartered Accountant
a. The Registration for ESI ,EPF ,Service
Tax ,Pan No. with the appropriate
authorities under Employees Provident
Fund and Employees State Insurance
Acts.etc and a copy of the registrations
should be submitted with the bid
b. Affidavit that the Firm has not been
black listed for business by any
Govt./PSU/Public Limited Company and
reputed firms/ organizations or . and that
in last three years to be reckoned from
date of invitation of tender there has not
been any work cancelled against them for
poor performance.
c. Registered under Contract Labour
(Regulation and abolition ) act 1970 and
a valid license under this act.
Registration Certificates /Affidavit/
Documents to be enclosed .
Govt./PSU/Public Limited Company.
Proforma for affidavit is given in
Annexure-II of bid Document.
Note:- Consortium bidding shall not be allowed at any stage for fulfillment of eligibility
1.2 Details of the Bidder:
S. No.
Name of Manpower Service
Address with Telephone and fax no.
Status of applicant
firm/partnership firm/private
bodies(attach documentary
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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No of Manpower/year to the services
Annual turnover of last three
financial years
EPF Establishment Code (attach
documentary evidence)
ESI Establishment Registrant No. (attach
documentary evidence)
PAN No. (attach documentary evidence
Service Tax Registration No. (attach
documentary evidence
Other Registration No.s under other
applicable labour laws (attach
documentary evidence
Satisfactory Performance Report from
existing clients
List of clients worked with for similar
work experience.
1.3 Tender form can be purchased from the above address on all working days from
10:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs and upto 12::00 hrs on 30.09.14 on payment of non
refundable Rs.5,000/- in the form of Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque in favour of
DFCCIL, AGRA issued by any Nationalized Bank of India or any Scheduled Bank.
Tender form can also be downloaded from the website www.dfccil.org .Downloaded
tender form must be accompanied with non refundable Rs.5000/- demand draft in
favour of Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd, payable at
AGRA. Detailed terms & conditions and future corrigendum/addendum will be posted
on our website
1.4 Bids must be accompanied by an Earnest Money of Rs 346112/- by a crossed
Demand Draft issued by any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of
Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd, payable at AGRA . Bids
received without earnest money shall be summarily rejected. No interest shall be paid
on EMD. The EMD of the successful bidder shall be adjusted against Security deposit.
The earnest money deposit (EMD) will be forfeited if the bidder withdraws or amends
impairs and deviate from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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1.5 Preparation of proposal:--
1.5a A firm shall submit only one offer against the bid. In case, a firm submits more than
one bid, such a firm will be disqualified.
1.5b The proposal should include a covering letter as on page 4 signed by person(s) with
full authorization to make legally binding contractual (including financial) commitments
on behalf of the firm. The letter should specify all association arrangement and certify
that each associated firm performs its designated tasks under the assignment if the
lead firm is awarded the contract.
1.6 In preparing the proposal, Bidders are expected to examine all terms and conditions
included in the document. Failure to provide all requested information will be at own
risk of the Bidder and may result in rejection of the proposal submitted by the Bidder.
1.7. Non submission of any requisite paper as per eligibility criteria will deprive bidder from
eligibility. Generally there will be no clarification sought from bidding firms. However
DFCCIL reserves the right to seek clarification if felt necessary. Firms are requested to
submit all the documents in connection with eligibility in envelope. The final selection
of the bidder would be based on the Cost Basis of those firms found eligible after
technical scrutiny. The lowest bidder among those found eligible will be awarded the
1.8 Consortium bidding to fulfill the eligibility criteria of this tender shall not be allowed at
any Stage.
1.9 Proposal should essentially contain
a) Requirement of document as per eligibility criteria as per page no 5, 6& 7.
b) Details of bidders as per page no 6.
c) Forwarding Letter given in the Bid document.
d) Power of Attorney of authorized person who signed the tender document.
e) A certified copy of partnership deed or article of memorandum in case of Pvt. Ltd. Co.
f) This document duly signed on all pages & signed copy ofThe General Conditions of
Contract July 2013 (Part-II)
g) Earnest Money Deposit
h) Financial proposal in ANNEXURE A as demanded in % above/at par/Below as given in
i) Rs 5000/- tender form cost if applicable.
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For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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1.10 In preparing the Financial Proposal, bidders are expected to take into account the
requirements and conditions of Section 4. The Financial Proposal should follow Standard
Forms as ANNEXURE A.
1.11 No taxes in any other form other than mentioned in the tender document shall be
1.13.1 The original proposal shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall contain no inter-
lineation or overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the firm itself.
Any such corrections must be initialed by the person or persons who sign(s) the
1.13.2 An authorized representative of the firm shall initials all pages of the Proposal including
GCC July 2013(Part-II). The representative’s authorization in
confirmed by a written Power of Attorney accompanying the Proposal.
1.13.3 Bidders shall submit one “Original” proposal only. The envelope must be clearly marked
1.14 The envelope must be super scribe tender no., name of the bidder and clearly
1.15 Completed proposal must be delivered at the Submission address mentioned in the
document on or before the time and date as stated in Tender Notice page 1. Any
proposal received after last date and time of receipt of Bid shall be returned unopened.
1.16.1 The Evaluation Committee appointed by DFCC shall carry out its evaluation on the basis
of their responsiveness as per
Eligibility criteria
as given in section1, 1.1.
1.16.2 The
Eligibility criteria
of the bidders will be assessed based on the information
submitted by them. However, DFCC reserves the right to seek clarification from the
bidders, if the evaluation committee considers it necessary for proper assessment of the
proposal. The clarification will be sought through fax / e-mail and the bidder will be
required to submit clarification in the stipulated time period. The clarification received
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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within stipulated time period will be taken into consideration for evaluation of the
Firms having found meeting all criteria & lowest among them bidder shall be considered
for award the work.
1.17 Negotiations
1.17.1 The aim of negotiations (if required) is to reach agreement on all points, and initial a
draft contract by the conclusion of negotiations.
1.17.2 Negotiations will be held at the date and address indicated subsequently through
net/telephone. Representatives conducting negotiations on behalf of the Bidder must
have written authority to negotiate and conclude a Contract.
1.18 Award of Contract
1.18.1 The DFCC will issue a letter of award to the successful Bidder after the negotiations( if
required) have been completed and all terms and conditions have been settled between
client and the successful Bidder.
1.18.2 Within 7 days from the date of issue of the letter of award, the successful Bidder will
be required to (i) execute the Contract Agreement for Consultancy Services as per
General Conditions of Contract for Consultancy Services (section 2) and Special
Conditions of Contract (section 3).
1.18.3 The successful firm / bidder with whom the contract is signed shall commence the
assignment within 7 days from the date of issue of acceptance letter.
1.21 Confidentiality
Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendations concerning
awards shall not be disclosed to the bidders who submitted the proposals or to other
persons not officially concerned with the process.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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The General Conditions of Contract July 2013 (Part-II) of the Indian Railways is applicable with
latest correction slips and amendments issued from Indian Railways.
The General Conditions of Contract July 2013 (Part-II) of the Indian Railways,along with latest
correction slips and amendments, will form part of the tender/contract documents.
In case, there is an ambiguity in any definition, the decision of DFCCIL regarding
the interpretation shall be final and binding.
Wherever there is conflict in any condition between GCC and special condition mentioned in
tender documents. The condition mentioned in special condition of contract will prevail.
However Engineer-in-charge’s decision in this connection shall be final and binding.
The General Conditions of Contract July 2013 (Part-II) of the Indian Railways, along
with latest correction slips and amendments up to 30-04-2014 is enclosed in a
separate booklet which will form part of the tender/contract documents.
Tenderer(s) are requested to sign under his /their official seal at the bottom left
hand side of each page of this booklet and submit along with original offer.GCC can
be downloaded from http://www.irssea.org.in/irssea/gcc-2013-july.pdf.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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3.1.1 The Manpower Service provider shall, if and when so requested by DFCCIL, will
provide the outsourced manpower at the premises, or any other office of DFCCIL,
as may be required by DFCCIL, at the agreed rates. The essential
qualification/skills/experience and the tentative number of outsourced personnel
and scope of services is given at
Annexure III of the Bid document.
3.1.2 It shall be the responsibility of the Manpower service Provider to verify the
qualification and experience of the outsourced manpower. Candidates will be
examined for performing the defined functions by DFCCIL and DFCCIL reserves
the rights to verify and check the credentials and qualification of the outsourced
manpower. If during the course of engagement of any outsourced personnel, it
comes to notice that he/she has misrepresented the fact about his/her
qualification/experience, the Manpower Service Provider will have to terminate the
service of such staff immediately and shall provide suitable replacement within 05
days time.
3.1.3 If the performance of the outsourced personnel is unsatisfactory, DFCCIL shall
give a notice of 15 days to the Manpower Service Provider to take necessary
action to improve the performance of outsourced personnel and the performance
does not improve even after 15 days of such communication, the Manpower
Service Provider shall provide a replacement acceptable to DFCCIL within 05 days
3.1.4 The Manpower Service Provider shall make actual disbursement of salary to the
outsourced person in various categories as agreed with DFCCIL and in no
circumstances the actual disbursement shall be less than the agreed amount
without prior written approval of DFCCIL.
In case the services of the Manpower Service Provider are not found satisfactory, or
there is a breach of any of the terms & conditions of the contract and/or
fails/neglects to carry out any instruction issued to it by DFCCIL from time to time
the same can be terminated by DFCCIL on giving of a notice of
one month
. In case
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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of unsatisfactory performance of the contract, a warning letter will be issued to the
Manpower Service Provider. In case corrective action is not taken, DFCCIL shall have
the right to terminate the agreement without any further notice. Unsatisfactory
service in this case would be frequent absence or poor attendance of Outsourcing of
Manpower proving services staff, inability to provide replacement, lackadaisical work
in maintaining cleanliness, indiscipline in the premises (which includes taking alcohol,
using foul language, getting involved in objectionable activities, etc.) or any other
non-compliance of the provisions of the Agreement.
3.3 The Manpower Service Provider shall not terminate the services of hired staff
unilaterally. In case any hired staff is proposed to be replaced/ terminated by the
Manpower Service Provider, such action should be taken only with approval of
3.4 Manpower Service Provider shall ensure complete compliance (in
respect of the personnel provided to DFCCIL) of all the prevailing
provisions of the Payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act
1948, Worksmen Compensation Act 1923, Contract Labour Act 1970,
Employees Provident Fund, ESI Act and Miscellaneous Provisions Act
1952 under labour laws, etc, and any other act, rules or regulations as
may be enacted by the government or any modifications thereof or any
other law relating thereto and rules made there under from time to time.
In the event of non-compliance of the same, the Manpower service
provider would undertake to indemnify DFCCIL on any cost or liability it
may incur on account of such non-compliance.
3.5 In case of any statutory increases in the wages of labour in accordance with the
Minimum wages notification issued by the appropriate authority under the
Minimum Wages Act from time to time after submission of the tender, payment of
minimum wages to the personnel deployed should be revised accordingly and
claimed from DFCCIL with the monthly bill. As on date the prevailing notification of
Dy.C.L.C/Kanpur for minimum wages (for various category of workers) is effective
October 2013
and this will be treated as the reference rate for calculating
the proportionate
increase over the tendered rates.
3.6 The Manpower Service Provider will, for the purpose, aforesaid continuously monitor
the Services being rendered by it to ensure that these are upto the standards
required by DFCCIL.
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For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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3.7 The Manpower Service Provider would comply with the statutory requirements; rules
and regulations applicable to outsourced persons engaged by DFCCIL and shall
obtain all necessary registrations, licenses, approvals and sanctions under the laws
applicable. The Manpower Service Provider shall obtain appropriate license under the
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Rules as amended upto
date and shall comply with all terms and conditions thereof strictly, and shall keep
such license duly validated and/or renewed from time to time throughout the
currency of this Contract.
3.8 The Manpower Service Provider shall provides adequate cover to the outsourced
persons for death, disability, sickness etc. DFCCIL shall not be liable to pay or bear
any premium / compensation at any stage in respect of Insurance made by
Manpower Service Provider to cover the risk (death,disability,sickness) etc.
Manpower Service Provider shall submit the copies of such policies and their renewal
receipts as well as documentary evidence of payment of premiums to DFCCIL and
shall act all times keep the requisite policies running.
3.9 The Manpower Service Provider shall decide the modus operandi as to engage
workers by them rendering proper and efficient services and to conform to the
prescribed standards as mention below.
Category of
Qualification & Experience
(a) Graduation OR three year Diploma in
Office Management
(b) Dictation (10 minutes@ 80 words per
(c) Transcription (50 minutes- English- on
(d) Ms-office (Word, Excel and Power
Minimum TWO years relevant experience
Auto Cad
(a) Graduation
(b) Certificate in Auto CAD operation.
Minimum two years relevant experience.
Office Attendent
& Field Man
Min 8
Assistance Cum
(a) Graduation OR three year Diploma in
Office Management
(b) Ms-office (Word, Excel and Power
Minimum TWO years relevant experience
Revenue Officer
Retired Revenue officials having Grade
Pay not less than
Rs. 4200/-
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For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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The Manpower Service Provider shall submit a copy of the appointment letters
issued by it to the outsourced person(s) placed at the office of the DFCCIL for
discharging defined activities/ functions.
3.10 No relationship of employer and employee shall be entertained between the DFCCIL
and the outsourced personnel engaged by the Manpower Service Provider. The
Manpower Service Provider shall ensure that all persons employed by them shall be
efficient, skilled, honest and conversant with the nature of work as required.
3.11 `The Manpower Service Provider alone shall have the right to take disciplinary action
against any person(s) engaged/employed by them; while no right whatsoever shall
vest in any such person(s) to raise any dispute and/or claim whatsoever against the
DFCCIL. The DFCCIL shall, under no circumstances be deemed or treated as the
employer in respect of any person(s) engaged/employed by the Manpower Service
Provider for any purpose whatsoever nor would the DFCCIL be liable for any claim(s)
whatsoever of any person(s) of the Manpower Service Provider and Manpower
Service Provider shall keep DFCCIL totally and completely indemnified against any
such claim(s).
3.12 The Manpower Service Provider shall maintain all registers required under various
Acts, which may be inspected by the DFCCIL as well as the appropriate authorities at
any time.
3.13 The attendance rolls for the personnel deployed by the Manpower Service Provider at
the premises of DFCCIL shall be provided by the Manpower Service Provider and it
shall be monitored by the Manpower Service Provider. These attendance rolls shall
be signed by the authorised representative of Manpower Service Provider who shall
get it verified by the designated officer of DFCCIL.
3.14 Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Manpower Service Provider will be
liable to adequately compensate DFCCIL for any loss or damage occasioned by any
act, omission or lapse on the part of the Manpower Service Provider or of any
persons deployed by it pursuant to the Contract.
3.15 The Manpower Service Provider must also be able to arrange for the replacement of
the existing outsourced person, as per the instructions of DFCCIL.
3.16 The engagement of outsourced person shall be purely on temporary and
on contract basis. The Manpower Service Provider shall at all times make it
absolutely clear to the outsourced personnel hired through them in DFCCIL
that such deputes do not have any claim whatsoever for any regular
employment in DFCCIL. Any outsourced personnel deputed in DFCCIL can
be removed any time by giving notice to the Manpower Service Provider
and the staff in the circumstances provided herein above. The Manpower
Service Provider will have to provide suitable replacement acceptable to
DFCCIL within 05 days time.
3.17 The outsourced person shall at all time maintain absolute integrity and devotion to
duty and conduct himself/herself in a manner conducive to the best interests, credits
and prestige of DFCCIL.
3.18 The Manpower Service Provider shall indemnify and keep DFCCIL indemnified and
harmless from and against all disputes, claims, fines, penalties, litigations criminal as
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For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 16
well as civil that may be initiated against the DFCCIL on account of and/or arising
out of the failure of the Manpower Service Provider to adhere to any statutory
requirement, or to follow such rules regulations, guidelines or procedures as may be
required under any statute or directive.
3.19 In case the outsourced personnel deployed by the Manpower Service Provider is
found to be suffering from any disease which renders him unsuitable for the job he
should be immediately replaced.
3.20 Manpower Service Provider shall provide identity cards bearing the photographs to
the all the outsourced personnel deployed in DFCCIL at its own cost.
3.21 WORKING HOURS OF HIRED STAFF:- The working hours for the outsourced
personnel shall be for 8 hours a day for 6 days a week. However, these timings may
be changed without any overall impact on the period of duty as per requirement of
operation. The personnel would get a day off every week along with National
holidays. Proportionate additional payment will be made for attending office on
Sundays, if required by DFCC.
3.22 Permissible leave to hired staff.
Casual/Sickness leave : One day’s paid casual leave for every month during the
calendar year.Un availed C.L.will lapse on 31st.of December every year.Leave can
not be encashed.Sanctioning of leave will be decided by CPM.
3.23 OBLIGATION OF DFCCIL - DFCCIL will, subject to compliance of this contract and
all statutory requirements and the provision of services to its satisfaction by the
Manpower Service Provider and subject to deduction of Tax at source under the
Income Tax Act, 1961 or any other provision of the law for the time being in force,
ensure full and timely payments for the services as provided in this contract
adjusted by the manpower Service Provider that Cost to the Company does not
3.24 FORCE MAJEURE - The Obligations of DFCCIL and the Manpower Service Provider
shall remain suspended if and to the extent that they are unable to carry out such
obligations owing to force majeure. In the event of such inability continuing for
more than a week, the other party shall have the right to terminate this contract
without further obligation.
3.25 INDEMNITY - The Manpower Service Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless
to DFCCIL and its directors, officers and employees from and against all and any
claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, expenses and proceedings connected
with the implementation of this contract or arising from any breach or non-
compliance whatsoever by the Manpower Service Provider or any of the persons
deployed by it pursuant hereto of or in relation to any such matter as aforesaid or
otherwise arising from any act or omission on their part, whether will full or not, and
whether within or outside the premises including but not limited to any and all
claims by the hired staff.
3.26 In performing the terms and conditions of the contract, the Manpower Service
Provider shall at all times act as an Independent Manpower Service Provider. The
contract does not in any way create a relationship of principal and agent between
DFCCIL and the Manpower Service Provider. The Manpower Service Provider shall
not act or attempt or represent itself as an agent of DFCCIL. It is clearly understood
and accepted by both parties that this contract between the parties evidenced by it
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For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
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is on a principal to Principal basis and nothing herein contained shall be construed
or understood as constituting either party hereto, the agent or representative of the
other, under any circumstances. The Manpower Service Provider shall never under
any circumstances whatsoever, be entitled to claim themselves to be the employee
3.27 INCOME TAX - Income Tax as per rates applicable/amended under the Income
Tax Act of work shall be deducted at source unless the contractor is exempted by
Income Tax Authorities.
3.28 SERVICE TAX - Service Tax as applicable on gross value of each running account
bill shall be paid/re-imbursed by DFCCIL as per prevailing law and as detailed in
para no. 7.3(page 25 ).
3.29 Sucurity Deposite:Earnest Money deposit of the successful tenderer shall be
converted into security deposit. Balance security deposit shall be recovered @10%
through running account bills till it reaches 5% of the contract value.
3.30 Performance Guarantee (PG) in the form of Bank Guarantee or Fixed
Deposit Receipt (FDR) to be submitted within 30 days from the date of issue
of Acceptance Letter, an irrevocable for the amount 5% of the contract value
which shall remain valid for the duration of services plus 90 days.
3.31 RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES & ARBITRATION - In the event of any dispute or
difference whatsoever arising under this contract or in connection therewith
including any dispute relating to existing meaning and interpretation of this contract
shall be settled amicably through mutual negotiation by the parties. In case the
amicable settlement is not possible, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitrator
as appointed by DFCCIL. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the
provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. Notwithstanding any dispute
between the parties, the Manpower Service Provider shall not be entitled to
withhold, delay or defer its obligation, under the contract, and the same shall be
carried out strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of contract.
3.32 PENALTY -Penalty for an amount of Rs. 500/- to Rs.2000/- depending on the nature
of unsatisfactory service, will be deducted from the due amount in the following
Absence of staff;
Any undisciplined behavior by the staff;
Discourteous behavior towards any officer or staff of DFCCIL;
Not wearing proper uniforms;
Not carrying out the duties listed in the scope of work in a satisfactory
Damage or stealing of any asset or property of DFCCIL or officers and staff
Penalty for some of the breaches in services will be as follows:
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 18
Type of breaches
Amount of Penalty
Staff turn up late
Rs.50/- per staff per Hour
Failure to provide replacement in
Rs.100/- per staff per day
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 19
(Section 4)
1. Office Assistance Services shall be provided as per details given as under:
Sr.No Category Qt Months
Rate Total
1 PA to CPM 1 24 24 Rs. 16,898 Rs. 4,05,552
2 Auto CAD operator 1 24 24 Rs. 20,300 Rs. 4,87,200
3 Office Attendent 14 24 336 Rs. 9,184 Rs. 30,85,824
Office Assistant-
18 24 432 Rs. 15,088 Rs. 65,18,016
5 Revenue Officer 8 24 192 Rs. 16,460 Rs. 31,60,320
6 Total (1 to 5) Rs. 1,36,56,912
below Rs6500/
Rs. 0
8 ESI on Sr 6 4.75% Rs. 6,48,703
9 Total (6 to 8) Rs. 1,43,05,615
Lum Sum Rs. 30,00,000
Total Estimated Amount:--- Rs. 1,73,05,615
Not required for worker drawing more
than Rs.6500 basic per month provided
employee is already the member of CPF
N.B. :
1. The bidder must quote their commission in terms of percentage on
(Total) Sr.No 6 Amount Rs.13656912 Total amount is payable to the
outsourced persons as indicated in the Financial Detail.
2. Schedule of Quantities of the services is enclosed as Annexure “A”. The
format will also be used for payment schedule by the successful bidder.
The bidders are required to fill in the agency commission in the same form and
submit the complete document with their signature on all pages of the document.
3. The daily wage rate under the Minimum Wages Act notified by Dy.CLC/Kanpur for
various categories of workers mentioned in the chart above shall be deemed to be
the reference for calculation of monthly wages and may be revised from time to
time as per the notification from appropriate authority. The Manpower Service
Provider shall be reimbursed accordingly.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 20
4. Service Tax at applicable rates will be paid extra.
5. The above personnel can also be booked on Sundays and in such a case, a weekly
rest will be given on any working day of the following week or proportionate
payment due shall be made.
6. Payment will be made on the basis of actual manpower deployed and requirement
can be varied at the discretion of DFCCIL.
7. In case of default in payment of statutory provisions by the Manpower Service
Provider, DFCCIL shall deposit the amount of statutory provisions and shall be
entitled to deduct the same alongwith 15% overheads of DFCCIL, from any
amount outstanding or payable to Manpower Service Provider or the Manpower
Service Provider shall reimburse the same to DFCCIL
8. Any savings by the Manpower Service Provider, for any reason whatsoever shall
accrue to DFCCIL.
9. Besides the categories mentioned above, DFCCIL may ask the Manpower Service
Provider to provide other categories of staff also on hiring basis. The essential
qualifications/pay structure for such categories shall be decided by mutual
agreement and the services will be provided at the agreed commission.
If the tender is accepted, the amount of Earnest Money will be retained and
adjusted as Security Deposit for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract.
10. This amount of SecurityDeposit shall be forfeited, if the Tenderer(s)/Contractor(s)
fail to execute the Agreement Bond within 7 days after receipt of notice issued by
Railway that such documents are ready or to commence the work within 15 days
after receipt of the order to that effect.
Manpower Service Provider’s Name with signature:-
Manpower Service Provider’s Name and
Address and signature
Telephone No.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 21
Proforma for Experience Certificate.{on the letter head of the issuing
M/s…….... has provided Outsourcing of Manpower proving services
services to this department and has completed the work/service
successfully. The details are as under:-
1. Name of work/ service:
2. Agreement/contract number:
3. Nature of service provided:
4. Date of start of service/work:
5. Date of completion of work/service :
6. Total value of work/service during the contract period (if completed):
7. In case of ongoing work/service, please indicate the annual payment
F.Y. 2011-12,
F.Y. 2013-14.
F.Y. 2014-15,
(Name & signature of the officer with seal
of the department and phone no.).
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 22
Proforma for Affidavit.{on the letterhead of the bidder}
I _________ Proprietor/Director/Partner of the firm M/s._____ do
hereby solemnly affirm that the firm M/s._____ has never been black
listed/debarred by any organization/office and there has not been any
work cancelled against them for poor performance in the last three years
reckoned from the date of invitation of Tender.
Signature of
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 23
1. Detailed Scope of Work
The scope of work under this tender includes
Manpower service Provider has to provide services of outsourced persons in various
categories (As per annexure I)
The Details of scope of work is as follows-
(A) Steno Cum PA
I. All sorts of dictation/typing work usually carried out by using the Computer with
knowledge of MS Office/Excel or any other suitable software in English/ Hindi,
maintenance of files of documents and other relevant works as and when required by
the different sections of DFCCIL.
II. Movement and maintenance of files, papers, drawings, within the office, outside
DFCCIL Office including Railway and other offices at Kanpur and other places.
III. Purchase of petty items from the market and keeping accountal of the same..
IV. Operation of various office equipments like photocopier, fax, telephone, printer, EPABX
V. Dispatch and receipt of files, letters etc. to and from various Railway offices including
various state/central govt. offices/PSU.
VI. Any other work assigned by DFCCIL in connection with smooth functioning of the
(B) Office Assistant/Computer Operator
I. All sorts of dictation/typing work usually carried out by using the Computer with
knowledge of MS Office/Excel or any other suitable software in English/ Hindi,
maintenance of files of documents and other relevant works as and when required by
the different sections of DFCCIL.
II. Movement and maintenance of files, papers, drawings, within the office, outside
DFCCIL Office including Railway and other offices at Kanpur and other places.
III. Purchase of petty items from the market and keeping accountal of the same.
IV. Operation of various office equipments like photocopier, fax, telephone, printer, EPABX
V. Dispatch and receipt of files, letters etc. to and from various Railway offices including
various state/central govt. offices/PSU.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 24
VI. Any other work assigned by DFCCIL in connection with smooth functioning of the
(C) Auto CAD Operator
i. Preparation of all sorts of drawings/sketches in AUTO CAD.
ii. Movement and maintenance of drawings and records there of.
iii. Dispatch and receipt of drawings to and from various Railway offices including
various State/Central Govt. Offices.
iv. Record keeping of all the drawings and related documents.
v. Any other work assigned by DFCCIL in connection with smooth functioning of
the office.
(D) Field Man
i. To assist competent authority for Land Acquisition Work for DFCCIL
ii. Any other work assigned by DFCCIL authority.
(E) Office Attendants
I. Cleaning of rooms, dusting of furniture and equipments in the entire office
II. Preparation and serving of tea, coffee, snacks etc in office, (raw material shall
be provided by DFCCIL), cleaning of utensils used in the pantry etc.
III. Arranging and serving the business lunch/dinner/high tea etc. in the office
premises during official meetings. Cost of the lunch/dinner/tea/snacks shall be
borne by DFCCIL.
IV. Outstation movement for carrying important letters, files, drawings etc with or
without accompanying DFCCIL officials.
V. Delivering the dak/letters/papers and documents to various Government/non
governmental offices in Kanpur. For local movement, contractor shall provide at
least one bi-cycle at his cost.
VI. Arranging drinking water to officers and guest.
VII. Any other work assigned by DFCCIL in connection with smooth functioning of
the office.
VIII. Deteted.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 25
Rates quoted in the schedule of items shall be valid for a variation of the quantity up
to maximum of (±) 25% for each item. In case of variation in quantities beyond±25%,
the rates for the additional quantities beyond ±25% variation shall be
negotiated/decided on mutually acceptable terms, provided the rate so arrived does
not exceed the originally accepted rate as per agreement.
3.0 Rates
3.1 The rates quoted and accepted by DFCCIL shall be firm and final during the currency
of contract.
3.2 All statutory taxes (Except Service Tax) and liabilities levied/leviable by the Central
& State Government or any other governing authority/agency from time to time shall
be borne by the contractor and the rate shall be inclusive of all such liabilities.
3.3 Services Tax, as admissible shall be paid extra on submission of proof of depositing
the same to concerned Govt Authority. 75% of the gross work value towards service
tax, as applicable shall be borne by DFCCIL remaining 25% of the same shall be
borne by the service provider. DFCCIL’s part of Service tax (75%) shall be paid to the
service provider in the first month. Second month onwards the same will be paid by
DFCC on production of payment of 100% of previous month’s amount to the
concerned authority.
3.4 1.75% of the basic of all applicable staff shall be deducted towards ESI. 4.75% of
the basic of all applicable staff shall be paid by DFCC towards ESI.
The service provider shall be paid with 4.75% of DFCC’c component and 1.75%
basic of staff component of all applicable staff in the first month. Second month
onwards the same will be paid by DFCC on production of payment of 100% of
previous month’s amount to the concerned authority.
3.5 The Manpower Service Provider on award of work shall submit the breakup of
monthly CTC in various components indicating statuary provisions. The Manpower
Service Provider shall submit proof of payments to employee and statuary
authorities of EPF & ESI on a monthly basis and other statuary provisions on timely
basis. In case of default in payment of statuary provisions by the Manpower Service
Provider, DFCCIL shall deposit the amount of statuary provisions and shall be
entitled to deduct the same from any amount outstanding or payable to Manpower
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 26
Service Provider and on account bill/ final bill will not be processed. Any savings in
Emolument made by the Manpower Service Provider, for any reason whatsoever shall
accrue to DFCCIL.
4. TA/DA/Travel facilities
(A) For retired revenue officers(Field Man) entitle for TA/DA/Travel facilities as
admissible to Senior Executive of DFCCIL on tour and mobile charges will be
reimbursed upto maximum limit of Rs. 500/- per month on production of
(B) For office Assistant/Computer operator ,PA ,CAD operator
For Metro cities
For other than Metro cities
For stay less
than ‘8’ Hrs.
For stay
more than
‘8’ Hrs.
For stay less
than ‘8’ Hrs.
For stay
more than ‘8’
Daily Allowance
Night Stay
Night Travel
For journeys performed more than 4 Hrs. between 10.PM to
06 AM
(C) For office Attendants
For Metro cities
For other than Metro cities
For stay less
than ‘8’ Hrs.
For stay
more than
‘8’ Hrs.
For stay less
than ‘8’ Hrs.
For stay
more than
‘8’ Hrs.
Daily Allowance
Night Stay
Night Travel
For journeys performed more than 4 Hrs. between 10.PM to
06 AM
1. For outstation duty the actual fare of bus/train (SL class) will be reimbursed.
2. For local movement conveyance charges will be paid @ Rs. 4.00 per KM. Subject to
minimum of 2.5 KM.(Rs.10/-)This shall be based on self declaration of the staff.
3. Night stay charges shall be reimbursed on production of receipt of Guest House/Hotel
etc.In case of own arrangement of stay only 25% of the entitlement will be paid.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 27
1. All pages of Bid document & GCC July 2013 (Part-II) duly stamped & signed by
authorised signatory;
2. Demand Draft of Rs. 5,000/- as cost of tender form ( in case downloaded from
3. Demand Draft of EMD ;
4. Experience Certificate as per Annexure-I;
5. Affidavit as per Annexure-II;
6. Financial statements as per Annexure A.
7. Registration certificate for ESI, EPF, Service Tax, PAN.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 28
Schedule of Quantities
N.B. :
1. The bidder must quote their commission in terms of percentage on
(Total)Sr. No.6 only Amount Rs.13656912. Total amount is payable to the
outsourced persons as indicated in the schedule.
% age Above/At par/Below should be entered by the Bidder/Tenderer only
for schedule-I in Figures and Words.
in figures ---------------------------------------------- Above/At par/Below
Sr.No Category Qt Months
Rate Total
1 PA to CPM 1 24 24 16898 405552
2 Auto CAD operator 1 24 24 20300 487200
3 Office Attendent 14 24 336 9184 3085824
Office Assistant-
18 24 432 15088 6518016
5 Revenue Officer 8 24 192 16460 3160320
6 Total (1 to 5) 13656912
EPF ,DFCC's Part
on amt. below
10 ESI on Sr 6 4.75% 648703
11 Total (6 to 10) 1,43,05,615
Allowance to be
paid on actual
Lum Sum 30,00,000
Total Amount:--- 1,73,05,615
Agency's Commission (% age quoted above/below/at par of
total at Sr. 6. avove)
Applicable service tax as detaile in reated paras(12.36% as on
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 29
In words -------------------------------------------------------- Above/At par/Below
Signature and seal of Tenderer
i) The Bidder/tenderer is required to quote the overall single percentage
rate above/at par/below.
ii) The Bider/tenderer quoting the rates for individual items will be
ii) The Bidder/tenderer is required to quote the rate in both words and
figures. In case of discrepancy, rate quoted in words shall prevail.
iii) Salary mentioned in ANNEXURE-I is minimum salary to be paid to
iv) manpower of different categories.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 30
(To be executed on requisite value of stamp papers)
THIS AGREEMENT made on _________________ day of _____________ (Month/year)
between DFCCIL, Through --------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------ (hereinafter called “the Employer / Engineer”) of the one part
and __________________________ _____________(name and address of the
Contractor)(hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part.
WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that certain works should be executed by the
Contractor viz. Contract No. ________________________________________
(hereinafter called “the works”, and has accepted a Bid by the Contractor for the
execution and completion of such works and the remedying of any defects therein.
1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meaning as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as
part of this Agreement:
a) Letter of Acceptance of quotation
b) Forwarding letter by the quotationers/ bidders
c) Letter for invitation of quotation/ bids
d) Instructions to the quotationers
e) General Conditions of the Contract
f) Special Conditions of the Contract and Specifications
g) Schedule of Quantities
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 31
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor
as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants’ with the Employer to
execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all
respects with the provisions of the Contract.
4. The Employer hereby covenant to pay the Contractor in consideration of the
execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the
Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the
Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement executed the day
and year first before written.
(Name, Designation and address of the
authorised signatory)
(Name, Designation and address of the
authorised signatory)
Signed for and on behalf of the
Contractor in the presence of:
Signed for and on behalf of the Employer
in the presence of:
Name and address of the witnesses to be indicated.
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 32
Enterprise wide IT system to be used by Contractors
DFCCIL is in the process of implementing an Enterprise wide IT system. In view
of ERP package SAP being. implemented in DFCCIL, Contractor must provide the
following data to DFCCIL Head Office / CPM Offices in the Microsoft Excel
Templates / Format released by DFCCIL Head Office / CPM Offices.
As part of scope of work the Contractor will ensure the following:
Ensure that required data of the Contracts Work Program and Physical progress
of the activities defined in the Works Program must be provided in the templates
defined by DFCCIL to be, uploaded in the system using software defined by
Work Program, Revised Works Program and Revision in Planned Work in the
Activities, would also be uploaded in the system using software defined by
DFCCIL through templates provided by it.
In order that the Works Program Data provided by the Contractor could be
uploaded as it is in the system, Contractor must adhere to the following
conditions regarding the length of the Codes / Numbers defined in their' Project
Management Tool (e.g. Primavera or Microsoft) for the Project Structure
Elements :
a) Project ID / WBS Element Codes / Numbers must be unique and must not exceed a
maximum length of 20 Characters (Alpha Numeric).
b) Activity IDs / Numbers must not exceed a maximum length of 4 Characters
(Alpha Numeric).
Upload of drawings and designs created by Contractor as per the
classification using document management system of SAP.
Online measurement book entry (Record of Works) and all bills along with
supporting documents as per the screens defined by DFCCIL.
Asset details needs to be updated in the system in format prescribed by
Tender for outsourcing manpower for office
For DFCCIL Signature & stamp of bidder
Page 33
GIS (Geographical Information system) application will use Autodesk suite (MAP
3D as desktop GIS & AIMS for WEB GIS) and Oracle 1,1g/spatial as a central
repository. Information about the assets details (i.e. alignment drawing
coordinates and attributes) will be provided by the contractors. Network asset
details in the form of maps, reports will be available to all the authorized users
through web as soon as the asset details are submitted by the contractors
and imported in the system.
o Geo-referencing of alignment on WGS-84 coordinates.
o Capture and upload of geo-referencing coordinates of the assets in to GIS.
Contractor need to feed/provide the data in the IT system as per mechanism and
method devised by DFCCIL. For putting data into system Contractor needs to
make arrangement of connectivity, if required and also needs to bear the cost
of any licensees required for the Contractor to access the DFCCIL IT system.
In case interoperability is required for movement of information and data in a
seamless manner between contractor/PMC IT system and that being
developed by DFCCIL, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor/ PMC to
ensure the same.
On behalf of DFCCIL