Gateway Device Security Best Common Practices
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10/07/21 CableLabs
Document Status Sheet
Document Control Number: CL-GL-GDS-BCP-V01-211007
Document Title: Gateway Device Security Best Common Practices
Revision History:
D01 Released 11/20/20
V01 Released 10/07/21
Date: October 7, 2021
Work in
Draft Issued Closed
Distribution Restrictions: Author Only CL/Member
CL/ Member/
NDA Vendor
Key to Document Status Codes
Work in Progress
An incomplete document, designed to guide discussion and generate feedback
that may include several alternative requirements for consideration.
A document that is considered largely complete, but lacking review by members
and vendors. Drafts are susceptible to substantial change during the review
A generally public document that has undergone rigorous member and
technology supplier review, cross-vendor interoperability, and is suitable for
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Closed A static document, reviewed, tested, validated, and closed to further changes.
is a registered trademark of Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. Other CableLabs marks are listed at All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
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1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Introduction and Overview ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Purpose of Document ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Use of the Document ................................................................................................................................. 6
2 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Informative References ............................................................................................................................. 7
3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................ 9
4 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................... 10
5 REQUIREMENTS COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................................ 11
5.1 Compliance Classification ....................................................................................................................... 11
6 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 12
6.1 General Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Secure Boot Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13
6.3 Secure Upgrade Requirements ................................................................................................................ 13
6.4 Initial/Out-of-Box Configuration Requirements ...................................................................................... 14
6.5 Data-at-Rest Protection Requirements ..................................................................................................... 15
6.6 Data Exchange Encryption/Integrity Requirements ................................................................................. 16
6.7 Securing Cryptographic Material Requirements ...................................................................................... 17
6.8 Physical and Remote Management Interfaces Requirements.................................................................... 18
6.9 Diagnostic, Debug, and Development Access Requirements ................................................................... 19
6.10 Logging Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 20
6.11 Time Synchronization Requirements ....................................................................................................... 20
6.12 Software BOM and Software Updates Requirements ............................................................................... 21
6.13 Network Services and Listening Processes Requirements ........................................................................ 22
6.14 Network Access Mechanisms Requirements ........................................................................................... 23
6.15 Additional Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 23
7 ADVERSARIAL ENGINEERING .............................................................................................................. 24
APPENDIX I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... 25
Table 1 - General Hardware Requirements (HR)..................................................................................................... 12
Table 2 - Secure Boot Requirements (SB)............................................................................................................... 13
Table 3 - Secure Upgrade Requirements (SU)......................................................................................................... 13
Table 4 - Initial/Out-of-Box Configuration Requirements (OOB) ........................................................................... 14
Table 5 - Data-at-Rest Protection Requirements (DRP) .......................................................................................... 15
Table 6 - Data Exchange Encryption/Integrity Requirements (DE) ......................................................................... 16
Table 7 - Securing Cryptographic Material Requirements (KEY) ........................................................................... 17
Table 8 - Physical and Remote Management Interfaces Requirements (MI) ............................................................ 18
Table 9 - Diagnostic, Debug, and Development Access Requirements (DIAG) ....................................................... 19
Table 10 - Logging Requirements (LOG) ............................................................................................................... 20
Table 11 - Time Synchronization Requirements (TS) ............................................................................................. 20
Table 12 - Software BOM and Software Updates Requirements (SBOM) ............................................................... 21
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Table 13 - Network Services and Listening Processes Requirements (NETS) ......................................................... 22
Table 14 - Network Access Mechanisms (Wi-Fi/Ethernet) Requirements (NETA) ................................................. 23
Table 15 - Additional Requirements (AR) .............................................................................................................. 23
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1.1 Introduction and Overview
This Gateway Device Security document specifies best common practices to serve as an industry metric for retail
and leased devices (both gateways and cable modems) for securitythis includes manufacturing process, supply
chain, hardware and firmware configuration procedures, software, and management protocols.
1.2 Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to provide a common set of requirements and best practices for vendors of gateway
devices (routers, access points) and cable modems that are agreed upon by the operators and manufacturers. Note
that each operator may have additional or different requirements from those specified in this document.
The requirements and best practices cover the following areas.
1. hardware/manufacturing considerations
2. “default” security (out of box)
3. secure boot and root of trust
4. software/firmware verification
5. encryption requirements (data in transit and at rest)
6. physical security
7. privacy
The requirements and best practices elicited in this document are expected to be applied to “production” devices,
i.e., devices that are to be deployed in an operational network. Devices that are meant for demonstrations and/or
compliance testing, certification, or lab trials may not necessarily incorporate these requirements and best practices
unless the device is explicitly being tested/validated for conformance to this document.
1.3 Use of the Document
These security best common practices are guidelines and not a CableLabs security specification. Therefore, the
security practices are not prescriptive. Because security needs change over time and different networks may be
architected and configured differently, cable operators and manufacturers may deviate from these security best
practices. The guidelines in this document are focused on operational security based on existing industry practices.
These security guidelines do not expressly cover protocol interoperability or implementation.
These security best common practices may be updated as needed. CableLabs’ Gateway Device Security Working
Group will continue to work with cable Internet providers and cable gateway device manufacturers to update these
guidelines to be in accordance with industry best practices.
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2.1 Informative References
The following references include documents/links to standards in different regions, including the European Union
and North America, in order to align requirements within this document with these references.
[2021 CWE 25] 2020 Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses,
[BCMO] NIST Special Publication 800-38A, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation,
[BCMO-CCM] NIST Special Publication 800-38C, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM
Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality,
[BCMO-GCM] NIST Special Publication 800-38D, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter
Mode (GCM) and GMAC,
[BCMO-XTS-AES] NIST Special Publication 800-38E, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The XTS-AES
Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices,
[BCMO-Key Wrap] NIST Special Publication 800-38F, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for
Key Wrapping,
[CA SB-327] California SB-327 Information privacy: connected devices, 2018,
[CVSS v3.1] Common Vulnerability Scoring System v3.1,
[CycloneDX] OWASP CycloneDX SBOM,
[FIPS 140-3] NIST FIPS 140-3, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, March 2019,
[FIPS 180-4] NIST FIPS 180-4, Secure Hash Standard, August 2015,
[IEEE 1588-2019] IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control
Systems, (Precision Time Protocol),
[NIST 800-56A] NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment
Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography,
[NIST 800-56B] NIST Special Publication 800-56-B Revision 2, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Using
Integer Factorization Cryptography,
[NIST 800-56C] NIST Special Publication 800-56C, Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment
[NIST 800-63-3] NIST Special Publication 800-63 Revision 3, Digital Identity Guidelines,
[NIST 800-63B] NIST Special Publication 800-63B, Digital Identity Guidelines Authentication and Lifecycle Management,
[NIST 800-88r1] NIST Special Publication 800-88r1, Guidelines for Media Sanitization,
[NIST 800-133] NIST Special Publication 800-133 Revision 2, Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation,
[NIST 8259A]
NISTIR 8259A, IoT Device Cybersecurity Capability Core Baseline,
[OWASP] Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP®),
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[OWASP 10] OWASP Top 10,
[OWASP PC] OWASP Proactive Controls,
[OWASP WSTG] OWASP Web Security Testing Guide,
[RFC 8446] IETF RFC 8446, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3,
[RFC 5905] Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification,
[SPDX] The Software Package Data Exchange,
[SWID] Guidelines for creation of interoperable Software Identification Tags,
[WFA Security] Wi-Fi Certified WPA
2/WPA3 Specification,
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This document uses the following terms.
cryptographic material Any material/data that is essential for encryption, decryption, verification, and/or authentication
operations, including but not limited to asymmetric keys, symmetric keys, nonces, seeds for
random functions, and parameters used for cryptographic functions.
interface Any physical, logical, network, or virtual communication port that is implemented on the device,
including but not limited to the following:
local communications ports (serial, USB),
network interfaces (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, BT, etc.),
IP listen ports/sockets,
virtualized interfaces, and
interfaces meant for operator management of device.
operator interface An interface meant for the network operator to access the device (either locally or over the
network) primarily for management and configuration of the device.
end-user interface An end-user (non-management) interface primarily meant for regular operations and data
persistent keys Keys used in symmetric or asymmetric cryptographic operations that usually persist through device
reboots and are used multiple times across different cryptographic sessions.
secure channel Any data exchange channel that provides confidentiality (through encryption) and integrity protection.
The establishment of the secure channel includes authentication of one or both endpoints.
tamper-evident Pertains to mechanisms (mechanical or electronic) applied to reveal any unauthorized access to a
device or its components. Examples of tamper-evident mechanisms can include but are not limited
to security tape or seal that gets damaged or destroyed in the process of unauthorized access,
pressure pads, infrared/light sensors, and trigger switches.
tamper-resistant Pertains to mechanisms (mechanical or electronic) applied to hinder and/or deter unauthorized
access to a device or its components. Examples of tamper-resistant mechanisms can include but
are not limited to one-way screws or bolts and secure cryptoprocessors.
trust anchors Public keys, certificates for which trust is assumed and not derived, which are used to verify digital
signatures and validate certificate chains.
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This document uses the following abbreviations.
authenticated encryption with additional data
best common practices
BOM bill of materials
BPI+ baseline private interface plus
common vulnerability scoring system
cross-site request forgery
DE data encryption
EAE early authentication and encryption
federal information processing standards
first stage boot loader
GDS gateway device security
HR general hardware requirements
IoT Internet of Things
Internet protocol
joint test action group
media access control
mDNS multicast domain name system
MI management interface
Multimedia over Coax Alliance
multiple system operator
original equipment manufacturer
OOB initial/out of box
OTP one-time password
operating system
perfect forward secrecy
PKI public key infrastructure
ROM read-only memory
SB secure boot
software bill of materials
simple network management protocol
simple service discovery protocol
SSH secure shell
SWD serial wire debug
transport layer security
time synchronization
user interface
UPnP universal plug and play
USB universal serial bus
wide area network
Wi-Fi protected access
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The following requirement key words are used within this document:
SHALL - This word means that the definition is as an absolute requirement of this document.
SHALL NOT - This phrase means that the definition is an absolute prohibition of this document.
SHOULD - This word means that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a
particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a
different course.
5.1 Compliance Classification
The requirements outlined in this document cover a wide range of criteria, and it is important that there be a
mechanism by which a manufacturer can prove/demonstrate that its product complies with the requirements.
Depending on the requirement, compliance checks are done by one of the following verification steps.
5.1.1 Compliance through Disclosure and Documentation
Certain requirements, such as disclosing all open source components used and their versions, are met in the form of
relevant documents and links to information about how the manufacturer incorporated a specific feature in its product.
5.1.2 Compliance through Attestation by Manufacturer
Requirements that are not easily testable (either manually or using tools) need to be attested by the manufacturer,
and compliance is confirmed through a legal agreement or disclosure. The customer/client also has the right to
test/assess for compliance and not require explicit permissions for it (e.g., pen testing, destructive testing).
5.1.3 Compliance through Automated Testing/Tools
Requirements that can be validated by use of automated tooling will be tested by providing artifacts (e.g., binary
firmware images, flash dumps, source code, or similar) into a tool for analysis. This is done by the customer/client
or their authorized consultants/vendor. Results will be analyzed to ensure accuracy.
5.1.4 Compliance through Manual Verification
Requirements that can be validated by manual analysis are to be tested by basic dynamic testing (e.g., network
scans) or by an in-depth hardware or firmware penetration test (as needed). This is done by the customer/client or
their authorized consultants/vendor.
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The requirements are categorized in the following functional areas.
1. General hardware requirements (HR)
2. Secure boot (SB)
3. Secure upgrade (SU)
4. Initial/out-of-box configuration (OOB)
5. Data-at-rest protection (DRP)
6. Data exchange encryption/integrity (DE)
7. Securing cryptographic material (KEY)
8. Physical and remote management interfaces (MI)
9. Diagnostic, debug, and development access (DIAG)
10. Logging (LOG)
11. Time synchronization (TS)
12. Software BOM and software updates (SBOM)
13. Network services and listening processes (including APIs) (NETS)
14. Network access mechanisms (Wi-Fi/Ethernet) (NETA)
15. Additional requirements (AR)
6.1 General Hardware Requirements
Table 1 - General Hardware Requirements (HR)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
HR-001 No hardware-based serial consoles SHALL be left open or active in production devices.
HR-002 Any hardware-based connectors or ports used for debugging, testing and/or provisioning
(e.g., JTAG/SWD) SHALL be disabled in production devices.
HR-003 A device that is expected to be deployed in a location outside an operator’s secure facility
SHALL include tamper-evident capabilities.
HR-004 A device that is expected to be deployed in a location outside an operator’s secure facility
SHOULD include tamper-resistant capabilities.
HR-005 A manufacturer SHALL provide a detailed component list of hardware for a device.
6.1.1 HR Requirements Clarifications
The hardware console needs to be both electronically and physically disabled so that both the ability to manipulate
the device and the ability to read the information from the device is prevented in production scenarios. This is
intended to ensure that applicable hardware interfaces on the devices are secured.
Connecting to these ports should not result in any information being available.
The expectation is that the device is deployed outside the operator’s facility (e.g., subscriber’s premise).
HR-003 is applicable for deployments where a device is in a facility or location where it is not easily accessible,
whereas HR-004 is applicable for situations where the device may be openly accessible.
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The expectation is to provide a list of components (chipset, GPU/CPU, flash/memory, network adapter, etc.) that
have processing capability and are applicable to security and/or can be used to access the device (through physical
access or network access). The list includes the physical ports (USB, ethernet, serial, etc.). The list is to be provided
to the operator and any test lab that is working on behalf of the operator.
6.2 Secure Boot Requirements
Table 2 - Secure Boot Requirements (SB)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
SB-001 A device SHALL verify the integrity of the firmware prior to transferring execution to it.
SB-002 A device SHALL have a hardware root of trust that is used to validate the integrity and
authenticity of the bootloader and firmware.
SB-003 A device SHOULD have an anti-rollback mechanism to prevent any downgrade of the
firmware during the boot process.
SB-004 A device SHALL validate the integrity and authenticity of each software component(s) prior
to execution.
SB-005 Device firmware SHOULD be stored in encrypted form on the device.
6.2.1 SB Requirements Clarifications
The intent is that every stage of the boot process be verified. The mechanism of integrity verification is expected to
be implementation dependent.
The specific mechanism to prevent downgrade is implementation dependent. This requirement needs to be balanced
with SU-002 to ensure that the recovery mechanism is not abused to perform a downgrade attack.
SB-001 ensures that the device starts in a trusted operational environment, and SB-004 ensures that only trusted
software components are executed in the operational environment.
Refer to Sections 6.5 and 6.6 for requirements related to encryption.
6.3 Secure Upgrade Requirements
Table 3 - Secure Upgrade Requirements (SU)
SU-001 A device SHALL verify the integrity and authenticity of any new firmware that it downloads.
SU-002 A device SHALL gracefully recover to a working state using the last known good image in the
event a software upgrade fails without enabling image downgrade attacks.
SU-003 All firmware updates SHALL be digitally signed by the manufacturer and the signature be
verifiable to a trusted source.
SU-004 Any firmware updates SHALL be delivered to the device with integrity protection.
SU-005 A device SHOULD accept firmware updates in encrypted format.
SU-006 A device SHALL have a mechanism to prevent accepting an obsolete or revoked version of
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6.3.1 SU Requirements Clarifications
The integrity and authenticity can typically be verified by checking that the firmware is signed and the signature is
valid. Other equivalent mechanisms based on cryptography recommendations in this document may be utilized (e.g.,
HMAC-based cryptographic hash functions). It is recommended that the manufacturer provides information of its
verification process.
The intent is to avoid the device being “bricked.”
It is possible that the firmware/software updates are digitally co-signed by the operator.
The intent here is to protect any embedded secret or cryptographic material. Refer to Sections 6.5 and 6.6 for
requirements related to encryption.
6.4 Initial/Out-of-Box Configuration Requirements
Table 4 - Initial/Out-of-Box Configuration Requirements (OOB)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
OOB-001 A device SHALL NOT allow or accept an immutable login credential (username/password).
OOB-002 A device SHALL store passwords in a salted and hashed form.
OOB-003 A device SHALL NOT transmit a credential received in the clear for authentication.
OOB-004 A device SHALL be configured only with device unique passwords in default configuration.
A device SHALL disable optional network services by default.
OOB-006 A device SHOULD require that any device-unique default password be changed upon initial
OOB-007 A device SHOULD support changing the host name where applicable of the device on the
OOB-008 A device SHALL NOT allow remote access to the user administrative interface unless a
device-unique password is specified, or the initial password has been changed by the user.
OOB-009 A device SHALL be able to reset to the default factory settings and all customer and
configuration data is erased.
OOB-010 A device SHALL have the means to authenticate itself to the operator’s network.
A device SHOULD have a logical identifier that is cryptographically attestable.
OOB-012 A device SHALL NOT allow a weak password or credential to be set.
6.4.1 OOB Requirements Clarifications
Refer to section of [NIST 800-63B] for guidance on
password storage,
salt size,
hash function strength, and
cost factor of key derivation functions.
This document recommends that deprecated hashing functions like SHA1 and MD5 not be used.
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Refer to NETS-001 for a recommendation.
Refer to OOB-001 for guidance on password strength.
Examples of optional services are UPnP/SSDP or even MoCA. Refer to Section 6.13 for more details.
Remote access to the administrative interface includes access to the device over the network through allowable
protocols like SSH, HTTPS, or equivalent mechanisms. OOB-004 specifies that a device be configured with device-
unique password and the changed password be strong as per OOB-001 and OOB-012. It is expected that access to an
interface that allows setting or changing the password will always be available.
The expectation is to ensure that any customer data (e.g., keys, passwords, confidential data, and any other data that
legally needs to be protected from disclosure) is cleared out, and the device is in factory out-of-box state to be
provisioned as a new device. Any logs that are retained need to be sanitized as well (see Section 6.10 for details).
The device is expected to authenticate and identify itself through a device-specific logical identifier and is
implementation specific. For CMs, it is recommended to use the Device Certificate ID. It is also recommended that
the identifier be attestable (see OOB-011); if manufacturer-specific values like a serial number are used, it is
recommended to namespace them.
It is recommended to use a passphrase instead of a password. If a password is to be used, it is recommended that the
password length be a minimum of 12 characters and not easily guessable, and the maximum supported value should
be no less than recommended by section of [NIST 800-63B].
6.5 Data-at-Rest Protection Requirements
Table 5 - Data-at-Rest Protection Requirements (DRP)
DRP-001 Any confidential or sensitive data/content in flash memory SHALL be encrypted.
6.5.1 DRP Requirements Clarifications
Confidential or sensitive data include data specific to the device and operational information (e.g., Wi-Fi
SSID/password), as well as data that legally needs to be protected from disclosure. It is recommended that all data,
including the firmware as well as operational/configuration data, be encrypted. Refer to KEY-002 for guidance on
storage of encryption/decryption keys. If the firmware is also encrypted, it is possible that the mechanism (e.g.,
usage of key/algorithm) to encrypt the firmware may be different from the mechanisms used to encrypt the data.
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6.6 Data Exchange Encryption/Integrity Requirements
Table 6 - Data Exchange Encryption/Integrity Requirements (DE)
DE-002 A device SHALL only use approved and non-deprecated cipher suites for TLS connections.
DE-003 A device’s factory default configuration SHALL select key agreement protocols that provide
forward secrecy (FS).
DE-004 A device’s factory default configuration SHALL select encryption algorithms that provides
authenticated encryption with additional data (AEAD).
DE-005 The AEAD data SHOULD be used to provide additional context for the encryption.
DE-006 A device’s factory default configuration SHALL select a hash function that has equivalent
security strength to SHA2 or higher.
DE-007 A device SHALL support disabling a given cipher suite.
6.6.1 DE Requirements Clarifications
The list of recommended/approved cipher suites includes TLS 1.3 non-deprecated cipher suites [RFC 8446]. The
following TLS 1.2 cipher suites also are allowed.
DHE_RSA_AES128_CBC (only for cable modems)
Any additional cipher suites explicitly required by the operator also are allowed. These suites may be needed to
support legacy devices or services, and the expectation is to restrict their usage to the extent possible.
Forward secrecy is defined as per section 7.6 of [NIST 800-56A].
The following key types are recommended in key-agreement schemes.
For elliptic curve-based protocols, use protocols from curves in [NIST 800-56C].
For RSA-based protocols, use keys as per [NIST 800-56B], with 4096 bit keys preferred.
For TLS connections, see the clarification for DE-002 for allowed cipher suites.
For backwards compatibility, devices using DOCSIS BPI+ v1 are allowed even though it does not provide FS.
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It is expected that given a choice of available cipher suites, if a cipher suite that provides AEAD is available and
supported, then that cipher suite be selected for usage over non-AEAD cipher suites.
It is expected that the usage of SHA1 and/or MD5 be deprecated and be used only for supporting legacy services
and/or backward compatibility. Refer to [FIPS 180-4] for correct usage of secure hash algorithms.
It is recommended that there be two different cipher suites available for a given cryptographic function to support
continued operation in the face of a cryptographic vulnerability. It is expected that disabling a cipher suite will
typically be done by a network operator or manufacturer in situations when such a cipher suite is deemed unsuitable
or compromised for the intended usage.
6.7 Securing Cryptographic Material Requirements
Table 7 - Securing Cryptographic Material Requirements (KEY)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
KEY-001 Any private keys used by the device for asymmetric cryptography SHALL be stored in
tamper-resistant hardware-based secure storage or protected by a key-encryption key
stored in tamper-resistant hardware.
KEY-002 Any persistent keys used by the device SHALL be stored in tamper-resistant hardware-based
secure storage or protected by a key-encryption key stored in tamper-resistant hardware.
KEY-003 The device SHALL maintain integrity protected trust store to store any certificate (trust
anchors) the device uses to validate certificates from remote end-points.
KEY-004 The gateway SHALL
provide a mechanism to securely update trust anchors.
KEY-005 The gateway SHOULD provide a mechanism to securely renew any certificates and
associated key pairs issued to the device.
KEY-006 Any device specific cryptographic material SHALL be unique for each device.
6.7.1 KEY Requirements Clarifications
Tamper-resistant storage mechanisms are expected to be implementation specific (e.g., Microchip ECC608B module).
Persistent keys are different from ephemeral keys that are generated and/or derived for each cryptographic session.
The manufacturer is to provide documentation for the mechanism(s). It is possible that the trust anchor for validation
of firmware (secure boot) may not be updatable. Currently, certificates issued to devices for DOCSIS networks are
not upgradeable.
Devices might not have the mechanisms to generate new private keys (e.g., in a crypto module).
The intent is to ensure any cryptographic material (e.g., keys) that the device uses to identify itself (to assert its
identity, any device specific configuration, establishing authenticated sessions, etc.) is derived in a manner to ensure
it is unique for that device.
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6.8 Physical and Remote Management Interfaces Requirements
Table 8 - Physical and Remote Management Interfaces Requirements (MI)
MI-001 A device SHALL receive any operational configuration over a secure channel.
MI-002 A device SHALL only use secure protocols to establish any control and management
MI-003 A device SHALL disable by default any physical and/or local communications ports that are
not required for normal operations.
MI-004 A device SHALL support multi-factor authentication for administrative access.
MI-005 A device SHALL implement mechanisms to prevent brute force login/access attacks as
recommended in [NIST 800-63B].
MI-006 A device that provides multiple simultaneous access sessions SHALL limit administrators to
one session per login credential by default.
MI-007 A device SHALL NOT expose administrative access on a public/internet facing interface by
MI-008 Devices supporting advanced architectures such as virtual interfaces SHALL secure the
virtual interfaces with the same controls as applied to physical interfaces to prevent
unauthorized access.
MI-009 A device SHALL require periodic reauthentication (or authentication) following a
configurable period of inactivity.
MI-010 Login sessions to a device SHALL have a configurable session inactivity timeout not to
exceed 30 minutes.
MI-011 Devices SHALL support enabling and disabling any service or protocol and all associated
ports or interfaces.
MI-012 Devices SHALL validate all inputs to the device to prevent improper resource use.
MI-013 Devices SHALL enable secure device management protocols only on interfaces over which
they are expected to be used for the operation of the device.
MI-014 All end-user interfaces and protocols on the device SHALL be documented by the
6.8.1 MI Requirements Clarifications
For CMs, the operational configuration is provided through a config file using mechanisms like BPI+ v1 with EAE.
For example, if SNMP is being used and the device supports SNMP v3, an operator may enable SNMP v2 or v1
The requirement is for the device to be able to support multi-factor authentication so that it can be enabled by the
operator. See section 4.2.1 of [NIST 800-63B] for recommended multi-factor authenticator types. Support for multi-
factor authentication can be in the form of a software-based implementation. The manufacturer may require that the
device be online in order to support multi-factor authentication. An example of support for multi-factor authentication
is the Linux PAM-based framework to support secondary authentication.
In most common usages, a single administrative session is sufficient to perform administrative operations. If multiple
sessions are being opened simultaneously, it can indicate a security event (e.g., an unauthorized access), a possible
errorenous access (e.g., multiple authorized individuals accesing simultaneously), or in rare instances, a legitimate
multiple session access (e.g., for debug/diagnostic purposes). Getting a notification of simultaneous access and
enforcement of a single session by default allows the administrator to take appropriate action depending on the situation.
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A device is expected to have multiple interfaces, including but not limited to Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and virtualized
interfaces. During normal operations, these interfaces can have different accessibility scope:
accessible only on a local/LAN IP subnet for the subscriber,
accessible only on the WAN side by the network operator’s infrastructure if it is also the operator
management interface,
accessible by any endpoint within certain physical proximity of the device (administrative access disabled
by default), or
accessible by any endpoint on the Internet (administrative access disabled by default).
Documentation for all operator interfaces needs to be provided to the operator.
Refer to sections 4.3.3 and 7.2 of [NIST 800-63B] for recommended reauthentication timeout and periodic
The session inactivity timeout needs to be provided as a global configurable option.
A device is expected to disable by default any services that are not required for the device to become operational.
Additional services are to be enabled based on configured operational configuration. Services like mDNS,
SSDP/UPnP, etc., that are meant to operate within a subnet should not respond on management interfaces.
Validating inputs can include using best practices for input sanitization (sections C4 and C5 of [OWASP PC]).
Management protocols like TR-069/TR-369/SNMP/RESTCONF are not to be enabled on end-user interfaces.
However, it is possible, such as in the case of DOCSIS CMCI interface, for SNMP to be enabled on that interface to
support a self-install deployment model. In such instances, the access is to be authentication based on best practices
specified in this document.
Documentation on end-user interfaces and protocols is typically provided in an instruction manual and includes
supported protocols that are available on the interfaces (what is available on the device).
6.9 Diagnostic, Debug, and Development Access Requirements
Table 9 - Diagnostic, Debug, and Development Access Requirements (DIAG)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
DIAG-001 All access methods SHALL be documented (including any diagnostic access methods by
DIAG-002 Devices SHALL support enabling/disabling all methods of access to the device (local and
6.9.1 DIAG Requirements Clarifications
In conjunction with MI-003, this requirement ensures any access methods are disabled/secured by default. This
information can be documented in an instruction manual if applicable and/or provided to the operator as part of an
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This includes any mechanisms covered by MI-003, MI-008, and MI-011.
6.10 Logging Requirements
Table 10 - Logging Requirements (LOG)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
LOG-001 A device SHALL support logging of all administrative events.
LOG-002 A device SHOULD support remote logging via syslog or equivalent standard protocol.
A device SHOULD allow two or more remote logging endpoints to be defined.
LOG-004 A device SHALL use a secure channel for sending all remote logging traffic.
LOG-005 A device SHALL NOT log any sensitive information, including but not limited to passwords,
encryption keys, API keys, usernames for unsuccessful login attempts, session keys, or
other forms of credentials.
6.10.1 LOG Requirements Clarifications
The specific mechanism of logging will depend on the types of events being logged and is beyond the scope of this
Administrative events are events mandated by respective specifications.
Administrative events can result from changes/modifications to the operational configuration of the device and its
services or can be notifications generated by the system in relation to the state of running processes. Some examples
of administrative events are
multiple failed login attempts,
change of an administrative and/or user password,
change in the firewall rules,
change in the DNS or other network configuration, and
a process or service exits abruptly.
This requirement is only applicable if LOG-002 is implemented.
Refer to the Data Encryption/Integrity section, specifically DE-002 and DE-004, for recommended encryption methods.
Any customer data that legally need to be protected from disclosure will not be logged.
6.11 Time Synchronization Requirements
Table 11 - Time Synchronization Requirements (TS)
TS-001 A device SHALL support the capability to synchronize time using a standards-based time
synchronization protocol.
6.11.1 TS Requirements Clarifications
It is expected that the network provides the mechanism to synchronize the time on the device.
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Common protocols include NTP [RFC 5905] and PTP [IEEE 1588-2019]. This requirement helps ensure operations
that depend on time (e.g., certificate validation, incident response).
6.12 Software BOM and Software Updates Requirements
Table 12 - Software BOM and Software Updates Requirements (SBOM)
SBOM-003 A device SHALL provide downgrade protection to prevent installation of a prior version of
firmware that may contain known vulnerabilities.
SBOM-004 A manufacturer SHALL NOT use software components/libraries that have publicly known
vulnerabilities of [CVSS v3.1] base severity level of Medium and higher.
SBOM-005 A manufacturer SHALL maintain a list of all software/libraries used and provide the specific
version of each component.
SBOM-006 A device SHALL use a [FIPS 140-3]-compliant version of a cryptographic library for new
protocol implementations.
SBOM-007 A manufacturer SHALL NOT use a deprecated version of software components/libraries.
A manufacturer SHOULD use the most recent stable versions of the software/libraries.
SBOM-009 All firmware updates SHOULD be capable of being digitally co-signed by the operator.
SBOM-010 A manufacturer SHOULD upgrade any software components/libraries with known
applicable security vulnerabilities in a timely manner.
SBOM-011 Where allowable by contractual, legal, and regulatory requirements, discovered security
vulnerabilities SHALL be disclosed to the operator and applicable partners.
6.12.1 SBOM Requirements Clarifications
Refer to DE-002 and KEY-001 for recommendations on acceptable cryptographic functions for encryption and
integrity protection.
Note that downgrade protection is different from being able to roll back to a previous working version if the new
version may break certain functionality of the device. Refer to [NIST 8259A] for guidance.
Note that software components also include the underlying operating system, system libraries, and bootloaders. This
is intended to apply to known vulnerabilities at the time of device firmware release. In certain circumstances (e.g.,
software components for legacy features or specialized capabilities), it is possible to not have feasible alternatives.
Such situations need to be handled on a case-by-case basis.
It is recommended that this list be maintained in a commonly used machine-readable format (e.g., [SWID], [SPDX],
[CycloneDX]). The list may be provided to the operator as part of an agreement.
There are limited notable legacy exceptions to this requirement, like DOCSIS versions below 3.1 and SNMPv3 key
derivation functions (uses SHA1).
The intent here is to avoid using deprecated software and versions at the time of the firmware/software release. A
specific version of software may be deprecated after it has been used in a release. In such cases, SBOM-004 and
SBOM-010 allow upgrading to a non-deprecated version.
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It is recommended that any software components/libraries with known security vulnerabilities (publicly provided or
identified through internal process) be upgraded in the subsequent release. It is recommended that software
components/libraries are always kept up to date in each release, regardless of known applicable security vulnerabilities
as part of life-cycle management, including avoiding software that is no longer supported. This reduces the difficulty
of update when a vulnerability is detected. The expectation is that this is handled on a case-by-case basis.
The specific procedure and timeline for such disclosures are beyond the scope of this document.
6.13 Network Services and Listening Processes Requirements
Table 13 - Network Services and Listening Processes Requirements (NETS)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
NETS-001 A device that serves a Web UI SHALL use HTTPS to serve the UI.
NETS-002 A device that serves a Web UI SHALL follow [OWASP WSTG] security best practices
(CSRF, session management, etc.).
NETS-003 A device that uses TLS SHALL use TLS 1.2 or higher.
NETS-004 A device SHALL NOT enable protocols primarily meant to operate on a local network on its
WAN interface under any circumstances.
NETS-005 A device SHALL NOT implement or enable Telnet or FTP services.
NETS-006 Any firewall on the device SHALL support ingress and egress filtering of IPv4 and IPv6
NETS-007 Any firewall on the device SHALL permit only required protocols and services by default.
NETS-008 A device that serves a Web UI SHOULD support mutual authentication for operator-only
administrative interfaces.
6.13.1 NETS Requirements Clarifications
It is recommended that any services and traffic to HTTP be redirected to HTTPS. If a TLS domain certificate is not
feasible, a self-signed certificate should be used. Note that DOCSIS systems specify access over HTTP on the CMCI
interface that currently does not require TLS.
Refer to [OWASP] and [OWASP 10] for more details.
Recommended to use TLS 1.3.
Certain home networking protocols, like SSDP/UPnP, mDNS, and MOCA, are meant to be operated within a local
network segment, and services utilizing such protocols should not listen and/or respond on WAN and/or Internet-
facing interfaces.
Insecure protocols, such as telnet/FTP/TCP Small Services, are to be kept disabled.
It is recommended that a set of firewall rules be available in the form of an easy-to-apply profile (e.g., high/medium/low).
It is recommended that firewalls implement a least privileged design restricting services/protocols only to those
required to deliver services to the customer.
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6.14 Network Access Mechanisms Requirements
Table 14 - Network Access Mechanisms (Wi-Fi/Ethernet) Requirements (NETA)
NETA-001 A device that hosts a Wi-Fi access point (or mesh controller) SHALL use Wi-Fi credentials
that are unique for each customer.
NETA-002 A device that hosts a Wi-Fi access point (or mesh controller) SHALL enable WPA2 [WFA
Security] or higher by default.
NETA-003 A device that has wired ethernet ports SHOULD support 802.1X network authentication on
those ports.
6.14.1 NETA Requirements Clarifications
WPA3 is recommended. See [WFA Security] for more details. Anything below WPA2 is not to be allowed.
The intent is to ensure all ports are secured and avoid misuse (e.g., theft of service, unauthorized access) where the
device is deployed in a public setting (ports can be accessed by unauthorized individuals).
6.15 Additional Requirements
Table 15 - Additional Requirements (AR)
REQ# Description Status/Comment
AR-001 A device that includes any audio, video, or other sensors (e.g., microphone/camera) SHALL
inform the consumer that the capability exists.
AR-002 A device while using any audio, video, or other sensors (e.g., microphone/camera) SHALL
have an indication to show that the capability is active.
6.15.1 AR Requirements Clarifications
Both AR-001 and AR-002 are security requirements in the context of ensuring that unauthorized or unintentional
use can be monitored by the user. The end user can be informed by having an icon/sticker indicating that the
capability/sensor exists and/or alternately document it in the instruction manual.
The mechanism of providing the indication is implementation dependent (i.e., tied to the hardware). If the gateway
includes a surveillance function by design, implementation requirements are left to the operator.
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This document is intended to provide basic requirements that will improve the experience of subscribers. However,
security functions and features always exist in an adversarial contextthere are people actively trying to subvert or
change the subscriber experience. Moreover, new exploits are often discovered that are not addressed by existing
security requirements. Gateway devices must respond to this environment. New requirements can be developed at
any time; parties responsible for the security of gateway devices are expected to diligently improve security even
beyond current requirements.
Two unique resources that may assist in achieving this goal are the OWASP Top 10 [OWASP 10] and the CWE Top
25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses [2021 CWE 25]. These are periodically updated, and links are provided in
the References section.
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Appendix I Acknowledgements
We wish to thank the following participants contributing directly to this document.
Contributors Company Affiliation
Jeff Rowell, Travis Naas, Tyler Sutterby, Charles Cook Charter
Wes Beebee Cisco
Yeqing Wang, Michael Baker, Vaibhav Garg, Omolewu Oluwatosin, Thomas Schiavinato Comcast
Robin Lavoie Cogeco
Ali Negahdar Commscope
David Taylor, Kinney Bacon Cox
Travis Stricklin, Mark Ambrozic Kyrio
Harvey Lodder Liberty Global
Satish Mudugere, Onur Zengin Maxlinear
Pradeep Kanda, Hitesh Khurana
Ryan Speers River Loop Security
Andy Chan, Greg Macijuk, Ron Ripley Shaw
Andrew Barber, Jonathan Towers Sparklight/Cable One
Michael Gaul, Richard Pitts Technicolor
Darshak Thakore, Simon Krauss, Brian Scriber, Kyle Haefner, Steve Goeringer, Mark Walker,
Gabby Gordon, Max Pala