Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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Alison A. Carr-Chellman
Indiana University
Doctor of Philosophy, May, 1993: Instructional Systems Technology
Minor: Curriculum and Instruction
Syracuse University
Master of Science, May, 1988: Instructional Design, Development and
Bachelor of Science, December, 1986: Elementary Education
Ohio State University
Undergraduate coursework (transferred), 1982-1985: Elementary Education
Research completed on LOGO, 1985: Instructional Technology
Professional Experience
2020-present The University of Dayton, School of Education & Health
Dean, Professor, 2020-present
2016-2020 The University of Idaho, College of Education, Health &
Human Sciences
Dean, Professor, Curriculum & Instruction 2016-present
1994-2016 The Pennsylvania State University, College of Education
Assistant Professor 1994-2000
Associate Professor 2000-2006
Full Professor of Education 2006-2016
Program Head, Instructional Systems 2000-2006
Department Head, Learning & Performance Systems, 2010-
1993-1994 Western Michigan University, College of Education
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership
1990-93 Indiana University, College of Education
Research Assistant, Instructor, Faculty Developer
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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Instructional Systems Technology,
Intern, Inquiry, Democracy and Education
1988-1990 McDonnell Douglas
Instructional Designer, Jet Fighter Pilot Training
Lead Instructional Designer, Helicopter Pilot Training
1987-1988 Sylvan Learning Center
Director of Instruction
1986-1987 Teacher, Kindergarten, Third Grade
Camillus, New York
1981-1985 Receptionist, Dermatological Office
Consulting (selected projects)
2018-2019 Mokuni Games
Assist with educational design and development of “Reinbear” emotional support
game for young children. Reviews, connecting to independent empirical researchers,
assist with development of parent tools and gamer training tools.
2015-2017 MUV Interactive, Yemin
Unpaid pilot testing of “bird” technology at Centre Learning Community (CLC)
charter school, and Doceo Center (UI) middle level examination of wearable
technology for significant change in interactive learning engagement.
2014-2016 Yonkers Charter School for Boy Engagement
Unpaid curricular and instructional design and consulting for creation of a charter
school in Yonkers NY focused on boy engagement.
2012-2015 James Madison University
Instructional Design, online education, and adult education consulting to alternative
certification programs for federally funded Middle Matters grant program.
2011-2012 United States Marine Corps, Quantico
Conducting interpretive qualitative and quantitative data-based needs assessment to
determine possible causes and next steps to ensure higher minority promotion levels
into officerships throughout the Corpsspecial focus on Junior ROTC program.
2009-2011 DeSales University
Instructional design for transition from Blackboard to Angel LMS including faculty
and student orientation, work with faculty to revise, creation of several orientation
videos to help both faculty and students to use Angel and several other customized
instructional solutions for the transition process.
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2002-2009 Loughner & Associates
Instructional design on projects for major pharmaceuticals focused on globalization
and standardization.
2003-2005 Puerto Rico DDLP
Advisory Board for NSF grant, University of Puerto Rico, Development of a Distance
Learning Program for K-12 science and mathematics teachers.
2000 Buford Georgia Public Schools
Project manager, educational systems design initiative. Facilitated stakeholder
perception data collection and subsequent system design for new school with special
consideration for mandated values education program.
1. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Rowland, G. (Eds.), (2017). Classic Dialogues:
Exploring the Field of Educational Technology. Routledge.
2. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). Instructional Design for Teachers ID4T:
Improving Classroom Practice, 2
Ed. Routledge.
3. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2010). Instructional Design for Teachers ID4T:
Improving Classroom Practice. Routledge.
4. Reigeluth, C.M. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (Eds.) (2009). Instructional-design
theory, vol. III: Building a common knowledge base. Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates. Translated into Chinese 2018.
5. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2006). User-Design. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
6. Carr-Chellman, A. A. (Ed.). (2005). Global Perspectives on E-learning:
Rhetoric and Reality. Sage Publications.
Google Scholar Citation Indices (01/10/20)
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1. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Freeman, S., & Kitchel, A. (accepted). Negentropic
faculty work: A theoretical application of Chaos theory to University
Organizations. Journal of Higher Education Management.
2. Carr-Chellman, D.J., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2020). Integrating systems: The
history of systems from von Bertalanffy to profound learning. Tech Trends.
3. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Kitchel, A., & Freeman, S. (2020). Negentropy: Energy
creating tools for organizational development. Tech Trends, 64 (2), 275-179.
4. Gregg, A. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (under review). Asynchronous course
discussion experiences from the adult online learners’ perspectives A
qualitative study. Online Learning Journal.
5. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Raney, T., Campbell, D. (accepted). Gem state
inequalities: Examining the recent history of Idaho public school funding
through Kozol’s lens. Journal of Education Finance.
6. Carr, A.A., Raney, T., Campbell, D. (2019). Rural funding inequities: The
case of Idaho’s public schools. Kappan Online. Retrieved from:
7. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). Games to learn: An update from 2010. Issues
and Trends in Educational Technology (ITET), 7 (1), 34-44.
8. Engerman, J.A., MacAllan, M. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019).
Understanding learning in video games: A phenomenological approach to
unpacking boy cultures in virtual worlds. Education and Information
Technologies (EIT). 1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s10639-019-09930-2.
9. Gregg, A., Bergg, P., Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). Changing the narrative:
New directions in online retention. e-Learn Magazine. Retrieved from:
10. Scroth, S., Tang, H., AlQahtani, M. and Carr-Chellman, A. (2019). An
exploratory study of Osmo tangram and tangram manipulative in an
elementary mathematics classroom. Journal of Educational Technology
Development and Exchange (JETDE) 11 (1), 1-11.
11. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2018). Going to school doesn’t qualify: The uses of
education experts in mass media reporting through the lens of the DeVos
hearings. EJournal of Education Policy. Fall 2018. Retrieved from:
12. Engerman, J.A., MacAllan, M, & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2018). Games for
boys: A qualitative study of experiences with commercial off the shelf
gaming. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66 (2), 313-
13. Freeman, S., Kitchel, A. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2017). The Negentropic
professor and the online curriculum. e-Learn Magazine, 11 (1). Retrieved
14. Levitan, J., Carr-Chellman, D.J., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2017). Accidental
Ethnography (AccE): A method for practitioner-based education research.
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Journal of Action Research.
15. Wilson, D.,A. Raish, V. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2017). Film use to promote
understanding in change and diffusion of innovation. Systems Practice and
Action Research (SPAR) 30(3), 277-293.
16. Yan S., Mun, Y, Engerman, J.A., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Benson, A, Joseph, R.
Moore, J.L. (2017). Boys and video game play: Re-engaging boys in the
classroom. Culture, Learning, and Technology, 165-179.
17. Tang, H. & Carr-Chellman A. (2016). Massive Open Online Courses and
Educational Equality in China: A Qualitative Inquiry. Journal of Educational
Technology Development and Exchange, 9 (1), 49-66.
18. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). Emerging Marriage: One story of Learning
Sciences and Instructional Systems as a possible revisioned future.
Educational Technology Magazine 56 (1), 32-35.
19. Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2015). Positing the Future: The Future of "Our" Field.
Tech Trends, 59(4), 4.
20. Jordan, R. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2014). DIY Design. Training and
Development, 68 (1), 54-58.
21. Jordan, R. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2014). Do it Yourself Design. Public
Manager, 43 (1), 57. Retrieved from:
22. Magolis, D., & Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2013). Idealized Visions from Outside:
Homeless perspectives on school change. International Journal of
Educational Reform., 22(3) 200-220.
23. Robinson, D.H., Laffey, J.M., Hung, W., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Litzinger, T.
(2013). Remembering David Jonassen. Educational Psychology Review, 25
(3), 145-156.
24. Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2012). Bring Back the Boys. Learning and Leading.
May 2012, 12-15.
25. Carr-Chellman, A. A. & Carr-Chellman, D. J. (2012). Introduction to Special
issue on Technology Neutrality, Ethics, Values, and Human Social Systems.
Educational Technology Magazine.
26. Pastore, R.S., Carr-Chellman, A.A. & Lohman, N. (2011). User Design: A
Case Study on Corporate Change. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 23
(4), 27-48.
27. Beabout, B., Stokes, H., Polyzoi, E. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2011). Social
upheaval and school reform: Opportunity or obstacle? International Journal
of Educational Reform, 20 (1), 57-82.
28. Pastore, R. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2010). Motivation for residential students
to participate in online courses. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 10
(3), 263-277.
29. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Almeida, L, Beabout, B., Gursoy, H. (2009). Idealized
visions from behind bars: Prisoners’ perspectives on school change.
International Journal of Educational Reform, 18 (2), 155-172.
30. Pastore, R., & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2009). Motivation for residential
students to participate in online courses. Quarterly review of distance
education, 10 (3), 263-277.
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31. Carr-Chellman, A.A. & Sockman, B. (2009). Selecting Silicon: Why parents
choose online charter schools. Tech Trends, 53 (4), 32-36.
32. Marsh, R. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2009). Show me the Money: Funding
Cyber Charters in Pennsylvania. Submitted to Tech Trends for special issue.
Tech Trends, 53 (4), 49-55.
33. Beabout, B. R., Carr-Chellman, A. A., Alkandari, K. A., Almeida, L. C.,
Gursoy, H. T., Ma, Z., Pastore, R. (2008). The perceptions of New Orleans
educators on the process of rebuilding the New Orleans school system after
Katrina. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk.
34. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Beabout, B., Alkandari, K.A.,Almeida, L.C., Gursoy,
H.T., Ma, Z., Modak, R.S., Pastore, R.S. (2008) Change in Chaos: Seven
lessons learned from Katrina. Educational Horizons,87 (1) 26-39.
35. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Ma, L, Almeida, L.C., Gursoy, H.T., Modak, R.S.,
Pastore, R.S. (2008). Citations as a key to identity in the field of instructional
design technology. Tech Trends, 52 (3), 64-69.
36. Reigeluth, C.M., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Beabout, B.B., Watson, W. (2007).
Creating shared visions of the future for K-12 Educationa systemic
transformation process for a learner-centered paradigm. The Journal of
Educational Alternatives, 3 (1), 34-51.
37. Bianco, M.B., & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2007). Exploring qualitative
methodologies in online learning environments reprint. Online learning
communities, 67, 299-317.
38. Carr-Chellman, A.A, Gursoy, H., Almeida, L., Beabout, B. (2007). Research
apprenticeships: A report on a model graduate program in Instructional
Systems. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38, (4), 637-655.
39. Stokes, H., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2007). Seeds of engagement: Design
conversations for educational change. Systems research and behavioral
science, 24 (1), 91-101.
40. Ke, F., & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2006). Solitary learner in online
collaborative learning: A disappointing experience? Quarterly Review of
Distance Education, 7 (3), 249-259.
41. Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2006). Desperate technologists: Critical issues in e-
learning and implications for higher education. Journal of thought, 41 (1), 95-
42. Duffy, F.M, Reigeluth, C.M., Solomon, M, Caine, G. & Carr-Chellman, A.A.
(2006). The process of systemic change. Tech Trends, 50 (2), 41-51.
43. Zhang, K. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2006). Courseware copyright: Whose
rights are right? Journal of educational computing research, 34 (2), 173-186.
44. Lohr, L. & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2006). Adult learning and technology in
working class-life (Book Review). Educational Technology Research and
Development, 54 (1), 107-110.
45. Carr-Chellman, A.A., & Almeida, L. (2006). User-design for systemic
change. Tech Trends, 50 (2), 44-45.
46. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2006). Where do educational technologists really
publish? An examination of successful emerging scholars’ publication outlets.
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British Journal of Educational Technology, 37 (1), 5-15.
47. Kirby, J., Hoadley, C., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2005) Instructional Design
and the Learning Sciences: A Citation Analysis. Educational Technology
Research and Development, 53 (1), 37-48.
48. Carr-Chellman, A.A., & Savoy, M.R., (2004). Follow the yellow brick path:
Finding our way home via Banathy’s user-design. Systems practice and
action research, 17 (4), 373-382.
49. Carr-Chellman, A.A., & Savoy, M.R., (2003). Using the user-design research
for building school communities. The School Community Journal, 13 (2), 99-
50. Shalyefu, R.K., Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2003). Exploring web-based education
in South Africa. Academic exchange quarterly, 7 (1), 53-57.
51. Bianco, M.B. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2002). Exploring Qualitative
Methodologies in Online Learning Environments. Quarterly Review of
Distance Education, 3 (3), 251-260.
52. Joseph, R., Jenlink, P., Reigeluth, C.M., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Nelson, L.
(2002). Banathy’s influence on the guidance system for transforming
education. World futures: The journal of general evolution, 58 (5-6), 379,
53. Wettstone, L & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2001). Preparing Pre-service Teachers
to Use Technology: Survey Results. Tech Trends, 46 (4) 11-17.
54. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Choi, I., & Hernandez-Serrano, J., (2001). An early
tool to stimulate the impact of web-based learning on the university. Quarterly
Review of Distance Education, 2 (2), 157-167.
55. Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2000). The New Sciences and Systemic Change.
Educational Technology, 40, pp. 28-38.
56. Carr-Chellman, A. A. & Duchastel, P. (2000). The ideal online course.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 31 (3) 229-242.
57. Colaric, S. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2000). Speeding on the Information
Superhighway: Strategies for saving time on the Web. Tech Trends, 44(6)
58. Horn, R. A. & Carr, A. A. (2000) Changing Schools Systemically: The Use
of Moral Conversation in Professional Development. Systems Research and
Behavioral Sciences, 17(3) pp. 23-38.
59. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Dyer, D. & Breman, J. (2000). Burrowing through the
Network Wires: Does distance detract from collaborative authentic learning?
Journal of Distance Education, 15 (1), 39-62.
60. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2000) Distance Education: A Reflective Action
Research Project And its Systemic Implications for Higher Education.
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 13 (4) 587-612.
61. Carr-Chellman, A.A., & Dyer, D. (2000). The pain and ecstasy: Pre-service
teacher perceptions on changing teacher roles and technology. Educational
technology & society, 3 (2), 1-13. (Translated into Spanish & Portuguese and
62. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Fitzpatrick, S., Salt, B., Zhang, K. (2000). The Rhetoric
of Democracy in International On-line Education. Information,
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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Communication, and Society Journal, 3 (3) 289-302.
63. Carr-Chellman, A.A., & Zhang, K. (2000). China’s future with distance
education: Rhetoric and realities. Information, Communication, and Society
Journal, 3 (3) 303-312.
64. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2000). The New Frontier: Web-based Education in US
Culture. Information, Communication, and Society Journal,3 (3) 326-336.
65. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Fitzpatrick, S., Zhang, K., Salt, B. (2000). Conclusion
to the special issue. Information, Communication, and Society Journal,3 (3)
66. Marra, R.M., & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (1999). Undergraduate education
students’ perspectives on classroom technologies: A qualitative analysis.
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 21 (3), 283-303.
67. Moore, M.K., & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (1999). The making of a charter
school: One community’s story. School Community Journal, 9 (2), 9-20.
68. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (1998). Systemic change: Critically reviewing the
literature. Educational research and evaluation, 4 (4), 369-394.
69. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Cuyar, C., & Breman, J. (1998). User-design: A case
application in health care training. Educational technology research and
development, 46 (4), 97-114.
70. Jenlink, P.M., Reigeluth, C.M., Carr, A.A., Nelson, L.M. (1998). Guidelines
for facilitating systemic change in school districts. Systems research and
behavioral science, 15 (3), 217-233.
71. Carr, A.A., Jonassen, D.H., Litzinger, M.E., Marra, R.M. (1998). Good ideas
to foment educational revolution: The role of systemic change in advancing
situated learning, constructivism, and feminist pedagogy. Educational
Technology, 38 (1), 5-15.
72. Carr, A.A. (1997). User-Design in the Creation of Human Learning Systems.
Educational Technology Research and Development, 45 (3), 5-22.
73. Peck, K. L. & Carr, A.A. (1997). Restoring Public Confidence in Schools
through Systems Thinking. International Journal of Educational Reform, 6
(3), 1-8.
74. Carr, A.A, & Wilson, R., (1997). A model of parental participation: A
secondary data analysis. The School Community Journal, 7 (2), 9-25.
75. Carr, A.A. (1997). Leadership and community participation: Four case
studies. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 12 (2), 152-168.
76. Carr, A.A., & Bromley, H. (1996). Technology and change: Preservice
perceptions on agency. Teaching Education, 8 (2), 15-22.
77. Sztajn, P. (1996). Hearing unheard voices: Teacher education as
conceptualized by pre-service teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 23 (2),
78. Carr, A.A., (1995). Preface to the special issue on performance technologist
preparation: Investing in our future. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 8
(4), 3-5.
79. Carr, A. A. (1995). Performance Technologist Preparation: The Role of
Leadership Theory. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 8 (4), 59-74.
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80. Carr, A.A., (1995). Race, class & gender differences in school change team
membership. Race, Gender & Class, 79-96
81. Carr, A.A., Jenlink, P., & Reigeluth, C.M. (1995). Critique without
difference: A response to Goodman. Harvard Educational Review, 65 (3),
82. Carr, A.A. (1995). The impact of race on school change teams. School
community journal, 5 (2), 23-32.
83. Carr, A. A. & Reigeluth, C. M. (1994). The Case for Systemic Restructuring
as a Key to Information Technology Integration in Education. Teaching
Education, 6 (1), 155-159.
84. Carr, A.A., (1994). Instructional technology: Past, present, and future (Book
review). Educational technology research and development, 42 (1), 83-85.
1. Carr-Chellman,A.A., Dixon, R. (in press). Book Review of Vision and Action: Reinventing
schools through personalized competency-based education. Tech Trends.
2. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Freeman, S., Kitchel, A. (2019). Leadership for
Negentropic online enterprise. Revista Espanola de Pedagogia. (Spain)
3. Engerman, J.A., Hein, R., Turcotte, N., Carr-Chellman, A. (in press). Digital
literacy practices for a gaming generation: Commercial gaming lessons from
adolescent gamers. In S. Witte, S., A. Garcia & J.N. Wyld (Eds.), Studying
Gaming Literacies: Theories to Inform Classroom Practice. Leiden,
Netherlands: Brill Publishers.
4. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (submitted). Why educational leaders should be public
intellectuals. Huffpo.
5. Argondizza, T.G. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (submitted). Instructional Design
for teachers: A model and its use. In Lockee, B. (Ed.), Major Works,
Association of Educational Communications & Technology.
6. Engerman, J. A., Raish, V., Carr-Chellman, A. (2019). Applying Systems
Thinking to Learner Centered User-Design for Game and Cyber School
Learning Contexts. M. Spector, B. Lockee & M. Childress (Eds.). Learning,
Design, and Technology. An International Compendium of Theory, Research,
Practice, and Policy Volume 16 titled: Systems Thinking and
Change. Location: Springer.
7. Freeman, Jr. S., Carr-Chellman, A.A. & Kitchel, A. (2018). The negentropic
university: A commentary. Teachers College Record. Retrieved from
8. Raish, V.R., Schroth, S., & Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2018). Leading e-
Learning Schools from a Systemic Perspective: A guide for K-12 leaders. In
A. A. Pa, V. L. Walker & B. R. Harris (Eds.) Leading and managing e-
learning: What the e-learning leader needs to know. New York, NY:
Springer, 369-388.
9. Blaschke, C.L., Bonk, C., Bush, M., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Cates, W, Clark,
R. (2017). Tributes and remembrances for Larry Lipsitz. Educational
Technology, 7-22.
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10. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2017). e-Learning in the age of Betsy DeVos. e-Learn
Magazine, 3 (1). Available online at:
11. Engerman, J.A., Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2017). Understanding game-based
learning cultures: Introduction to Special Issue. Educational Technology, 57
(2), 23-27.
12. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). Strategic planning in e-Learning. e-Learn
Magazine, May, 2016, available online:
13. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). Pathways toward balance. In J.A. Donaldson
(Ed.), Our Journeys: Women's voices in the field of educational technology.
New York, NY: Springer.
14. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). The best of CES 2016: Transforming education
with technology. e-Learn Magazine, January 2016, available online:
15. Raish, V. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2015). Cyber charter schools: An
alternative to bring-and-mortar schooling? In Clark, T. & Barbour, M.K.
(Eds.), Online Blended and Distance Education in Schools: Building
Successful Programs. Stylus publications.
16. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2015). Technologies from classroom to e-learning. E-
Learn Magazine, November, 2015, available online:
17. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2015). Back to Cyber School. E-Learn Magazine,
August 2015, available online: E-Learn Magazine, available online:
18. Jordan, R.A., Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2015). User design: A case study in
developing workplace curricula. In Stefaniak, J. (Ed.). Cases on Human
Performance Improvement Technologies (pp. 94-116). Scopus.
19. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2015). Will e-learning kill the university? E-Learn
Magazine, June 2015, available online:
20. Engerman, J.A., Mun, Y, Yan, S. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2015). Video
games to engage boys and meet common core: A teacher’s guide.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
21. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2014). Online learning and the doctorate. e-Learn
Magazine, December, 2014, available online:
22. Engerman, J. A., Carr-Chellman, A. (2014). Boys and video games: What
learning occurs from video game play and how might it map to the common
core standards? In Spector, M. (Ed) Proceedings of the Association for
Educational Communication and Technology on Research, Theory and
Development. (pp. 280-287). Jacksonville, FL: Association of Educational
Communications and Technology.
23. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2014). The revolution in higher education and the
needs of the new academic. e-Learn Magazine, June, 2014, available online:
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24. Engerman, J. A., MacAllan, M., Carr-Chellman, A. (2014). Boys and their
Toys: Video Game Learning & the Common Core. In Ochsner, A.,
Dietmeier, J., Williams, C., Steinkuehler, C. (Eds) Proceedings of Games,
Learning and Society Conference 10.0 (GLS 10.0). (pp. 504
510). Madison, WI: Games, Learning and Society.
25. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2014). Where the boys are: Understanding online
learning and gender. e-Learn Magazine, September, 2014, available online:
26. Savoy, M. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2014). Change agency in learning,
instruction and performance. In Spector, J.M., Merrill, M.D., Elen, J., &
Bishop, M.J. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications
and Technology. (pp. 617-626). New York: Springer.
27. Carr-Chellman, A.A. & Savoy M. (2014). User-design research. In Spector,
J.M., Merrill, M.D., Elen, J., & Bishop, M.J. (Eds.), Handbook of Research
on Educational Communications and Technology. (pp. 701-716). New York:
28. Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2014) Transmedia in Education. In Sage (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 790-
29. Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2014). We need more videogames in schools.
Huffington Post, invited.
30. Reigeluth, C.M., Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2012). 2011 AECT International
Convention Committee Division and Society Reports, Change Division.
Tech Trends, 56 (2), 37.
31. Raish, V., Tang, H., Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2012). Students’ perceptions of
doing virtual science labs in a hybrid charter school. Proceedings from the
Association of Educational Communications and Technology Annual
Conference. Bloomington, IN: AECT, 553-564.
32. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2012). Power expertism, and the practice of
instructional design: Empowering the users. In G. Anglin (Ed.). Instructional
Technology, Past, present and future, 3rd Edition. Santa Barbara, CA:
Libraries Unlimited.
33. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Carr-Chellman, D.J. (2012). Introduction to special
issue: Technology, neutrality, ethics, values and human social systems.
Educational Technology, 52 (1), 3-5.
34. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2012). At what cost does innovation come? Education
Week Video forum, February 8, 2012. Available online
beneficial-for-students/8731/ NOTE: This piece was subsequently used in an
AP English Textbook as a prompt for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in a text
with global distribution and new editions each year.
35. Carr-Chellman, A.A. & Carr-Chellman, D.J., (2011). Mr. Jones’s E-Z Elixir:
Marketing higher education on the web. In Instructional Technology: Past,
present and future 3
. Edition, Anglin G. (Ed.). Libraries Unlimited: Santa
Barbara, CA.
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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36. Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2009). An introduction to special issue of Tech
Trends. Tech Trends, 53 (4), 3-4.
37. Carr-Chellman, A.A., & Reigeluth, C.M., (2009). Toward a common,
evolving knowledge base through open systems of agreement: a response to
Ellen Rose. Educational Technology, 49(6), 60-62.
38. Beabout, B. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2008). Ch. 46: Change Agentry. In
Merrill, M.D. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Educational Communications
and Technology. Mawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 619-631.
39. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2007). Some further reflections on user-design for
instructional design and school system-wide change. Educational
Technology, 47 (4), 41-43.
40. Reigeluth, C.M., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2007). Whistling in the dark?
Instructional design and technology in the schools. In R. Reiser & J.
Dempsey (Eds.). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology.
London, UK: Pearson. 239-255.
41. Carr-Chellman, D.J., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2007). Prometheus unbound:
Technology and the spiritual marketplace in education. In Robert Muffaletto
& Julie Horton (Eds.). Multicultural Education, the Internet, and the New
Media. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 23-37.
42. Miller, T.W., Bishop, M.J., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Durrington, R.W. (2006).
AECT and divisions speak on systemic change. Tech Trends, 50 (2), 15-20.
43. Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2006). Linking user-design to traditional ISD models.
Online submission to ERIC, report. ERIC # ED492658, pp. 134-140.
44. Reigeluth, C.M., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Beabout, B., Watson, W. (2006).
Creating shared visions of the future for k-12 education: A systemic
transformation process for a learner-centered paradigm. The F.M. Duffy
Reports, 11 (3). Available online:,%20Numb
45. Carr-Chellman, A.A (2005). Stealing our smarts: Indigenous knowledge in
online learning. 1 (2), Norwegian blog post. Available online:
46. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2004). Introduction to special issue: Learning sciences
and instructional systems: Beginning the dialogue. Educational Technology,
44 (3), 5-6.
47. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2004). Instructional systems, learning sciences,
design, technology: A more complete pathway. Educational Technology, 44
(3), 40-44.
48. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Hoadley, C.M. (2004). Conclusion: Looking back and
looking forward. Educational Technology, 44 (3), 57-59.
49. Carr-Chellman, D.J., & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2003). The ecology of
healing: Religious pluralism as social inquiry. In Farmer, E. (Ed.). Diversity
in America: Visions of the future: Real issues of real people. Dubuque, IA:
Kendall Hunt.
50. Carr-Chellman, A.A., Marra, R.M., Roberts, S.L. (2002). Round girls in
square computers. Tech Trends, 46 (6), 4-10.
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51. Zhang, K., & Carr-Chellman, A.A., (2001). Peer online discourse analysis.
Proceedings from the Association of Educational Communications and
Technology Annual Conference. Bloomington, IN: AECT, 152-160.
52. Shalyefu, R.K., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2001). The merits and demerits of
web-based delivery of distance learning in South Africa in comparison with
traditional distance education methods. In Otaala, B. & Opali, F. (Eds.),
Teach your very best: Selected proceedings of a regional conference.
University of Namibia.
53. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2001). Long distance collaborative authentic learning
(CAL): Recommendations for problem-based training on the Web. In Khan,
B. (Ed.). Web-based training. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational
Technology Publications. 435-444.
54. Whetstone, L., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2001). Preparing preservice teachers
to use technology: Survey results. Tech Trends, 45 (4), 11-17.
55. Carr-Chellman, A.A., & Carr-Chellman, D.J., (2001). Adult education as
snake oil under the guise of democracy. In Adult Education Research
Conference proceedings. Kansas State University, New Prairie Press.
56. Carr-Chellman, A.A., (1999). I have a problem! Tech Trends 43 (6), 15-19.
57. Jenlink, P.M., Reigeluth, C.M., Carr, A.A., & Nelson, L.M. (1996). An
expedition for change: Facilitating the systemic change process in school
districts. Tech Trends, 41 (1), 21-30.
58. Carr, A.A. (1996). Distinguishing systemic from systematic. Tech Trends,
41 (1), 16-20.
59. Jenlink, P.M., & Carr, A.A., (1996). Conversation as a medium for change in
education. Educational Technology, 36 (1), 31-38.
60. Carr, A.A., (1995). Power, expertism and the practice of instructional
design: Empowering the users. In Anglin, G. (Ed.). Instructional technology:
Past, present and future. Englewood, CO: Libraries unlimited.
61. Carr, A.A. (1995). Stakeholder participation in systemic change:
Cornerstones to continuous school improvement. In Jenlink, P. (Ed.).
Systemic change: Touchstones for the future school. 71-85.
62. Carr, A.A. (1994). Community participation in systemic educational change.
Educational Technology, 34 (1), 43-50.
63. Carr, A.A., & Reigeluth, C.M., (1993). Community participation in systemic
restructuring: Member-selection procedures. Educational Technology, 33 (7),
64. Carr, A.A. & Bosworth, K. (1992). Educating collaborative teachers: A
report of faculty resources. In Sourcebook for collaborative learning in the
arts and sciences, 39-58, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University School of
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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Recent Presentations
Dousay, T., Branch, R, & Carr-Chellman, A.A.(2020, accepted). Disrupting the
dialogue with an old-school debate on learning, design & technology. Association of
Educational Communications and Technology. October, 2020, Jacksonville, Florida.
Carr-Chellman, A.A., Kitchel, A., & Freeman, S. Jr. (2020, accepted). Negentropy
and systems theory for organizational change. Association of Educational
Communications and Technology. October, 2020, Jacksonville, Florida.
Childress, M., Martindale, T. & Carr-Chellman, A.A.(2020, accepted). The right
stuff: AECT Members in higher education administration. Association of Educational
Communications and Technology. October, 2020, Jacksonville, Florida.
Dousay, T., Dixon, R., Zhao, L. & Carr-Chellman, A.A.(2020, accepted). Frustrations
in focus: Improving faculty online instructional practices. Association of Educational
Communications and Technology. October, 2020, Jacksonville, Florida.
Carr-Chellman, A.A.(2020, accepted). Global perspectives on e-Learning v. 2.
Association of Educational Communications and Technology. October, 2020,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Tang, H. , Carr-Chellman, A.A.(2020, accepted). Preparation for a cross-cultural IDT
career: Policing your negotiation skills. October, 2020, Jacksonville, Florida.
Mao, J. , Carr-Chellman, A.A.(2020, accepted). Autoethnography as a research tool
for educational technology: A reflective discourse. October, 2020, Jacksonville,
Dousay, T., Kitchel, A., Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). Electronic Synchronous Multi-
Site (e-SyMS) learning: Design and research recommendations. Association of
Educational Communications and Technology. October, 2019, Las Vegas.
Carr-Chellman, A., Chaivisit, S., Luo, T., Moore, R., Muljana, P. S., & Romero-Hall,
E. (2019). Narrowing down your research interests and being productive.
Association of Educational Communications Technology (AECT) International
Convention, October, 2019, Las Vegas.
Murphy, C. Stansberry, S., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Childress, M., Hodges, C., (2019).
Effective administration inspired by technology. Association of Educational
Communications and Technology. October, 2019, Las Vegas.
Keynotes and presentations limited to the past 6 years and does not include local
level. Ali has been invited to present in China, Norway, Brazil, France, New
Zealand, and all over the US to practitioners, researchers, scholars, dignitaries,
and entrepreneurs.
Alison A. Carr
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Reiser, R., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Childress, M., Huett, J, Pina, A. (2019). Moving up
the organizational food chain: From faculty member to administrator. Association of
Communications and Technology. October, 2019, Las Vegas.
Gregg, A., Carr-Chellman, D.J., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019, April). Make it
meaningful: Adult learner experiences with online course discussions. American
Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON.
Carr-Chellman, A.A., Carney, G. & Corry, S. (2019, April). Finding power in your
path: Authentic leadership from three perspectives. Womens Leadership Conference,
April, 3, 2019, Moscow, Idaho.
Carr-Chellman A.A. (2019). How to become an effective and efficient academic
writer. Webinar, Association of Educational Communications and Technology
(AECT) Graduate Student Association (GSA). March, 2019.
Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). How the US Education System is Failing Boys.
Keynote. Association of Curriculum Supervision and Development (ASCD)
Confederation of Oregon School Administrators, 4
Annual Oregon Whole Child
Summit, Portland, Oregon.
Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). Using games to engage the disengaged learner:
Extending the conversation. Break Out Session. Association of Curriculum
Supervision and Development (ASCD) Confederation of Oregon School
Administrators, 4
Annual Oregon Whole Child Summit, Portland, Oregon.
Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2018). Engaging disengaged learners; Gaming to learn.
Energise conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2018). Guest Lecture to Gordon Rowland’s COMM Course,
Ithaca, NY (via zoom).
Levitan, J., Carr-Chellman, D.J., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2018). Accidental
ethnography: Reflective educational praxis research. Poster session, American
Educational Research Association, New York, NY
Carr-Chellman, A.A. & Gordon, Rowland (organizers) (2017). Classic and
contemporary dialogues in ID, Technology, Learning and Leading. Presidential
session, Association of Communications and Technology, Jacksonville, FL.
Carr-Chellman, A.A. (panelist) (2017). Women leading learning for change.
Presidential session, Association of Communications and Technology, Jacksonville,
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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Carr-Chellman, A.A. (panelist) (2017). From the classroom to the boardroom:
Becoming and administrative leader at your institution. Presidential session,
Association of Communications and Technology, Jacksonville, FL.
Carr-Chellman, A.A., Council of Academic Deans from Research Education
Institutions (CADREI). The need for Educational Leaders to be Public Intellectuals.
(October, 2016)
Engerman, J., Turcotte, N., Giri, S., Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016) Video games and
boys: Unpacking boy learning ecosystems. Accepted paper presentation, Association
of Educational Communications and Technology.
Tang, H., Schroth, S., Bayek, R. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). The use of Osmo
tangram and tangram manipulatives in a math course of an elementary school: An
exploratory study. Accepted paper presentation, Association of Educational
Communications and Technology.
Engerman, J.A., Schroth, S. Hein, R. Bayeck, R. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016)
American Educational Resaerch Association (AERA), Washington DC. “Boys and
the Common Core: Video Games to Improve Literacy.
Engerman, J.A, Hein, R. Bayeck, R. Yan, S. Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). American
Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC. “Re-engaging Boys:
How Designed learning spaces teach boys 21
Century Skills.”
Carr-Chellman, A.A., AECT Assoociation for Educational Communications and
Technology. Indianapolis, IN “Cultural Issues and Game-Based Learning.” (Nov. 4,
Carr-Chellman, A.A. AECT Association of Educational Communications and
Technology, Indianapolis, IN Using games in the Classroom: Reports from Three
Perspectives, Presidential Session” (Nov. 5, 2015).
Carr-Chellman, A.A. AECT, Association of Educational Communications and
Technology. Indianapolis, IN “Human Agency: Implications for Instructional
Design & Technology.” (Nov. 6, 2015).
Carr-Chellman, A. A., ISTE International Society for Technology in Education
Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Video Games to Engage Boys and meet common
core: A teachers’ guide. (June 28, 2015).
Carr-Chellman, A.A. AECT Webinar: Improve Adhesion with Culture and Gaming.
(March 24, 2015).
Alison A. Carr
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Carr-Chellman, A. A., Centennial Celebration Speaker Series, University of
Wyoming, Laramie, WY, "Research Findings on Boys & Gaming: What learning
occurs?," Keynotes/Plenary Addresses. (September 22, 2014).
Carr-Chellman, D. J., Carr-Chellman, A. A., Levitan, J., Method Matters, Colorado
State University, Ft. Collins, CO, "Accidental Ethnography: An exploration of new
methodological terrain," (September 19, 2014).
Carr-Chellman, A. A., Denver Teacher Residency Fall Symposium, Denver Teacher
Residency, Speaker Series, Denver, CO, "Change your Classroom for the Better!
Boys & Games," Keynotes/Plenary Addresses. (September 18, 2014).
Carr-Chellman, A. A., James Beard House Invitation, Paula Seibel Associates, New
York City, "Games, Boys & Learning for the Entrepreneur," Keynotes/Plenary
Addresses. (July 15, 2014).
Carr-Chellman, A. A., Engerman, J., Games Learning & Society Conference,
Madison, WI, "Boys and their Toys: Video Game Learning & the Common Core,"
Presentations, peer-reviewed/refereed. (June 12, 2014). International.
Carr-Chellman, A. A., Carr-Chellman, D. J., USA Science and Engineering Festival,
USA Science and Engineering STEM, Washington, DC, "What is Social Science seen
through the Men on Campus project," (April 23, 2014).
Carr-Chellman, A. A., New Learning and Teaching Spaces, California Council on
Teacher Education, San Jose, CA, "Boys, Gaming, and School Culture: Re-engaging
the Lost Boy," Keynotes/Plenary Addresses. (March 27, 2014).
Carr-Chellman, A. A., Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
(SITE), SITE, Jacksonville, FL, "Dive Right In, The Gaming is Fine!,"
Keynotes/Plenary Addresses, peer-reviewed/refereed. (March 20, 2014).
Carr-Chellman, A. A. (Presenter & Author, Harvard University), Harvard University,
Boston, MA, "Boys, Games & Traditional Classroom Culture," Invited Lecture.
(March 14, 2014).
Recent Grants & External Funding
Learning with Technology: Doceo Center, Ali Carr-Chellman, PI, 2017-2020.
Idaho Building Capacity Project, Ali Carr-Chellman, PI, 2017-2020. $2,403,094.
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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Editorial and Advisory Boards (selected)
American Educational Research Journal, reviewer (2018-present)
Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) Editorial board member and
reviewer. (2018-present)
Quality Matters, K-12 Strategy Committee. (September, 2017-present)
Rural Schools Multi-State Initiative, Advisory Board (2017-present)
The National Athletic and Professional Success Academy, Advisory Board. (2016-
Council to Establish a White House Commission for Boys and Men (2010-2016).
Educational Technology Research and Development, Editorial board member and
reviewer. (2008-present)
eLearn Magazine, Editor in Chief. (May 1, 2013 - June 15, 2017), K-12 editorial
reviewer (August 2017-present). Responsible for all
content in online magazine, created new processes and editorial board memberships,
along with specific column responsibilities. Revamped website, logo, and review
processes. Involved several meetings in NYC with Association of Computing
Machinery (ACM).
Centre Learning Community Charter school. President, School Board. (August
International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, Editorial
Board. (March 1, 2011 - December 1, 2015).
School Community Journal, Editorial Board. (February 1, 2000 - February 1, 2015).
Palouse Pathways, Advisory board member. (2019-present)
Recent Creative Works (selected)
OP Academics: Podcast. Episode #4, created by Adam Lopez. A.A. Carr-Chellman
interviewed on topics of gaming, e-sports and learning.
South by Southwest 2018: Reflections for e-Learn Magazine (2018). Refereed
contribution to e-Learn Magazine, video taped interviews, reviews, of South by
Alison A. Carr
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Southwest conference, Austin, TX. Available at:
TED Talk: Bring Back the Boys: Gaming to Re-engage boys in their own learning.
Global January 2011. More than 1,000,000 views.
Engerman, J. A., Carr-Chellman, A. (Interviewers) & Darvasi, P. (Interviewee).
(2014). Ludic Learning and Games in Education with Paul Darvasi [Video file].
Retrieved from
Carr-Chellman, A.A., Peck, K., & Ragan, L. (2014). Center for online innovation in
learning (COIL) podcast.
Carr-Chellman, A.A., Engerman, J., & Wilson, D. (2014). Bring Back Boys website
development. Serves as a portal for information for parents and teachers on how to
better serve boys’ educational needs. Includes a wide variety of resources, research
findings, podcasts, videos, popular press, reviews of books, movies and games.
Partially funded by foundation grants.
Honors & Press (selected)
Jonassen Award for Outstanding Research (2019). Association of Educational
Communication and Technology.
Outstanding Book Award (2017), Design & Development Division of Association of
Educational Communications and Technology. For Carr-Chellman, A.A., Rowland,
G. (Eds.), (2017). Classic Dialogues: Exploring the Field of Educational
Technology. Routledge.
2015 Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Research
and Theory Division Outstanding Book Award for Instructional Design for Teachers.
2014 Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Distinguished Development Award for work in applications of gaming and
Instructional Design to classrooms as leverage points to systemically transform
James W. Brown Publication Award for Instructional-design theory, vol. III:
Building a common knowledge base. (2009) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Awarded
by ECT Foundation, Association of Educational Communications and Technology,
Winner (co author) AERA SIG for Systems Thinking in Education “Outstanding
Publication Award for Established Scholar.” For book chapter, Creating Shared
Visions of the Future for K-12 Education.
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
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Outstanding Service Award, CHANGE Division, Association of Educational
Communications and Technology (AECT), 2010.
WNYC (2011): Brian Lehrer Show appearance as expert in online k-12 learning,
cybercharters and educational technology use in schools.
WBUR: Here and Now with Robin Young, appearance as expert on gender and
digital media learning. (July 2011).
Professional Development
Innovative Educators
Recruiting and Retaining Faculty & Staff of Color: Challenges, Opportunities & Strategies (2020)
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
CAEP Con 2019
Academic Impressions
Essential Leadership Skills (2019), Leading Through Change (2019), Badging & Microcredentials
Cornell Conflict Resolution Certificate
Interpersonal Communications (2018-19)
Diagnosing Workplace Conflict (2019)
Applying a Problem-Solving Approach to Conflict (2019)
Leading Challenging Conversations (2019)
Western Academic Leadership Academy
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (2018-19)
Arizona State University/Georgetown University
Academy for Innovative Higher Education (2017-18)
Green Dot Safety & Bystander Training (2018)
Institutional Service
Major Committee Assignments:
Chair, UI Program Prioritization re-design (2018-2019)
University Finance Committee (2018-2019)
Chair, University Scientific Misconduct Investigative Board (2018-2019)
Faculty Promotion Compensation Taskforce (2018-2019)
Search member, Chief Information Officer (2017)
Tribal Summit, led by College of EHHS (2017)
CCC Curriculum Committee, (2017-present)
Distinguished faculty selection committee (2017-2019)
University Recruitment Council (2019-present)
NWCCU Accreditation Steering Committee (2019-present)