All About My Child
Welcome to the Classroom!
This document is designed to be used to gather information about the children in your classrooms. It will provide
you with important information to help you build a relationship with each and every child and family. Below are
some ideas for how to use the child information sheet.
1. The information sheet can be sent home to families with a welcome letter and the logistical information that
families might need about the program or school year (e.g., start time, parking, pick-up, meals). Ask families
to bring it with them or send it in with their child.
2. Translate the document into the home languages of families in your program.
3. Regard the information as private and resist the temptation to post the forms unless you specifically ask
families for permission to share certain pieces of information
4. If you have an event before the start of the program year (e.g., open house), you might complete the sheet as
you have conversations with families. Do this as a conversation, but let the family see that you are writing
down their answers. Then, ask follow-up questions to get to know the family and child better. Or better yet,
ask the families how they would prefer to provide the information.
5. If you do not receive a form back from a family, consider scheduling a phone call where you might ask these
questions. Below is a suggestion for structuring the call.
“Hi, I am your childs teacher, (name). I am so pleased to talk with you and to
welcome you and your child to our class. This call is to share a little information about
myself and learn more about your child. “
[Share information about yourself, it might be how long you have worked in the
program, where you live (town or part of town), information about your family (children
or not), and your goals for the children in your class.]
“Tell me one special thing about your child that you want me to know.” [Wait for response.]
“What else do you want me to know about your child?” [Wait for a response.]
[Follow up with any of the questions on the form that the family has not addressed.
Thank the caregiver for sharing the information and let them know how much you are
looking forward to working with their child.]
National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations |
The reproduction of this document is encouraged. Permission to copy is not required. If modified or used in another format, please cite original
source. This is a product of the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations and was made possible by Cooperative Agreement #H326B170003
which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. However, those contents do not necessarily represent
the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Pub: 0 8/11/21
All About My Child
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the information you want to
share with your child’s teacher. Add a photo if you have one.
My childs name is:
My child likes to be called:
(place photo here)
Some things I want you to know
about my child are:
My child lives with (people, pets):
The languages my child
hears at home are:
My child loves (tell me about toys, activities, or
favorite things):
My child has a difficult time when
(tell me what might frustrate your child):
Things I hope my child will learn in the next year:
To help my child calm down or feel better, you can:
All About My Child
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the information you want to
share with your child’s teacher. Add a photo if you have one.
My childs name is:
My child likes to be called:
(place photo here)
Some things I want you to know
about my child are:
My child lives with (people, pets):
The languages my child
hears at home are:
My child loves (tell me about toys, activities, or
favorite things):
My child has a difficult time when
(tell me what might frustrate your child):
Things I hope my child will learn in the next year:
To help my child calm down or feel better, you can: