July 2012 - June 2013
Dear Friends,
As many of you know, I have announced my retirement as
Executive Director of Huckleberry Youth Programs effective
June 30, 2014. When I became Executive Director in 1988, I never
would have guessed that I would be here for 26 years. Rather than focus on
fiscal year 2012-2013, the period of this annual report, please indulge me as I
describe the growth of Huckleberry Youth Programs during my tenure.
When I began as Executive Director, the agency was 22
years old and had three programs – the Huckleberry House shelter
in San Francisco, the 9 Grove Lane shelter in San Anselmo, and a Transitional
Residential program for foster youth in the Sunset district of San Francisco,
called Huckleberry House II. “Youth Advocates,” as it was called then, had
a budget of $800,000 and about 20 employees. In my first year, we closed
Huckleberry House II and sold the property rather than invest the more than
$300,000 required to repair the rapidly decaying structure.
During the next 25 years, the agency changed dramatically.
Today, it has over 60 employees and a budget just
under 4.5 million dollars. The only program that remains
from my first year is Huckleberry House, still the only licensed,
24-hour crisis shelter for teens in San Francisco. Over the years we
added, in chronological order, the Cole Street Clinic, now known
as the Huckleberry Youth Health Center; The Teen Tuesday clinic
and the Huckleberry Teen Health Program in Marin; the San
Francisco Community Assessment & Resource Center (CARC) and
the Huckleberry Wellness Academies in San Francisco and Marin.
Along the way, we changed the Agency’s name from “Youth
Advocates” to “Huckleberry Youth Programs.” And 5 years ago we
shut down our Marin shelter, “9 Grove Lane” when the utilization
went down and we lost some critical funding.
Bruce with Mayor Willie Brown
at Huckleberry’s 25th anniversary
celebration in 1992. Mayor Brown has
a long history with Huckleberry
beginning with representing sta
in 1967. For the story of the founding
of Huckleberry House, read David
Season of the Witch.
Bruce rallies the crowd of nonprofit employees at City
Hall as the chair of the Human Services Network.
Bruce channeling “...Jeremiah was
a bullfrog...” at a Huckleberry
holiday party in the 90s.
Tom Peters, President and CEO of the Marin
Community Foundation, with Bruce at the
grand opening of the Huckleberry Youth
Multi-Service Center-Marin in 2010.
Former Huckleberry Director
of Development Vicki Schwartz
and Bruce in the 90s.
Huckleberry Youth Programs 3310 Geary Boulevard San Francisco, CA 94118 • (415) 668-2622
I think the fact that Huckleberry was constantly changing and growing
was one reason why I stayed so long. I believe constant change
and growth are essential to non-profit social service
agencies – both to meet changing needs of the clients
and to revitalize the agency. Another reason I stayed, and maybe
the most important, were the wonderful people with whom I work at
Huckleberry. The dedication, commitment, and talent of the individuals
who are chosen to work at Huckleberry are the key to the agency’s
success with young people. But they are also the key to a very special
agency culture which has resulted in a supportive “family” of co-workers
that sustains each of us in work that is always challenging, always difficult,
and, most often, always rewarding.
I am likewise thankful for all the help and support given
to me by the many members of Huckleberry’s Board of
Directors over the last 26 years, who amaze me with the time and
energy they contribute (as well as dollars!) in their status as volunteers.
I am optimistic that Huckleberry will continue to grow and continue to
provide caring and committed support to thousands of youth annually
in the years to come. I will always be one of Huckleberry’s
biggest supporters.
Dear Friends,
As Huckleberry completes its 46
year of providing a wide array of services to
underserved youth, we at Huckleberry are preparing for a monumental change.
For 26 years, Bruce Fisher has dedicated his life to guiding, improving, and
expanding the services of Huckleberry Youth Programs.
The accomplishments that Bruce has shepherded over those years have improved
the lives of innumerable youth, and have enriched the lives of those of us
fortunate to have worked with him. Bruce has made San Francisco and Marin
counties much better places to live for all of us. Although Bruce has won awards
for his work, and has been repeatedly recognized by politicians and community
leaders, these acknowledgements pale to the gratitude that Bruce receives from
those of us who have been privileged to work with him over the years.
On behalf of Huckleberry’s Board of Directors, I would like to wish Bruce a
wonderful next stage to his dedicated life.
Bruce Fisher
Executive Director
Former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom at the
Huckleberry Community Assessment & Resource
Center in 2010 with Director of Juvenile Justice
Programs Denise Coleman and Bruce.
Bruce accepting Huckleberry’s National Network for
Youth Agency of the Year Award in 2010 from NN4Y
President and CEO Victoria Wagner.
Board President Jerry Peters, Marin Clinical Director
Susan Quigley, and Bruce at Huckleberry’s
Cirque du Soleil benefit in 2011.
Bruce with Lifetime Honorary Board Member Brian
Swift at Huckleberry’s Cirque du Soleil benefit in 2013.
Jerry Peters, Board President
Huckleberry was one of two San Francisco organizations
to recently win a highly competitive $50,000 regional
Northern California Kaiser Permanente grant to
expand services for youth exposed to trauma.
While the number of clients at Huckleberry House and
Huckleberry’s Community Assessment & Resource Center
has remained stable over the years, the complexity and
severity of the trauma experienced by clients are more
extreme than ever. This “Trauma-Informed Care” project
is consistent with Huckleberry’s current efforts to respond
to this growing need.
The grant will also expand our partnership with both
UCSF-San Francisco General Child and Adolescent
Services and Alliant International University who will provide
comprehensive assessments for youth exposed to trauma,
trainings, and technical assistance for Huckleberry staff.
Huckleberry also won a $50,000 grant from Kaiser San
Francisco Community Benefits Program, the only grant
awarded under their Access to Health Care focus. The
proposed project will increase clinic access amongst high-risk
youth, including low-income youth of color living/going to
school near Huckleberry Youth Health Center in the
Haight-Ashbury. We want to thank Kaiser for their support
of our programs and we look forward to partnering with them.
Huckleberry Health Educator Ashley Rojas at a recent
Homeless Prenatal Health Education event.
A Huckleberry Peer Health Educator works
on the “Unity in the Community” mural project.
Huckleberry’s San Francisco Counseling Team
will lead the “Trauma-Informed Care” project.
Kaiser Awards Huckleberry Two Major Grants For
Mental Health and Access to Health Care
Peer Health Educators Receive $10,000
Grant to Produce Traveling Mural Project
Huckleberry Peer Health Educators (PHE) are a team of high
school students trained on health education, outreach skills,
facilitation, and health equity. They are a key tool in successfully
unifying the youth community here in San Francisco and helping
Huckleberry spread our health ed curriculum in schools.
The “Unity in the Community” mural project, funded by a
$10,000 grant from the Youth Empowerment Fund, aims to create
opportunities for youth from many San Francisco high schools to
come together and create an artistic representation of beauty and
empowerment. Huckleberry PHEs will host mural events at various
high schools where youth will have the opportunity to participate
in mural art creation.
San Francisco DA Awards New Restorative Justice Grant to
Huckleberry’s Community Assessment & Resource Center (CARC)
We are expanding our role in the juvenile justice system by diverting even
more youth from juvenile detention and formal probation. Huckleberry, and
our partner agency Community Works, are piloting a Restorative Community
Conferencing (RCC) project for youth arrested for serious offenses.
RCC sessions are based on the theory of Restorative Justice which emphasizes
repairing harm caused by criminal behavior and considers crime and wrongdoing
to be an offense against an individual or the
community, rather than the state.
During RCC sessions, oenders are encouraged to
take responsibility for their actions and create a
dialogue with the victim. RCC sessions also include
law enforcement to discuss the crime.
The sessions culminate in a plan of action to repair the harm done to the victim, community, and self.
When arrested youth complete the program successfully, their charges may be dropped. During the first
year of the pilot project, CARC expects to work with an additional 25 youth and CARC Case Manager
Andres Rios will conduct follow up with each oender to ensure the oender follows through
on the RCC plan. CARC is one of the largest juvenile justice diversion programs in California, serving
approximately 400 youth annually.
The Huckleberry Youth Multi-Service Center in San Rafael’s
Montecito Plaza continues to expand its substance abuse
treatment services with a new three-year grant from the Marin
County Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
The Multi-Service Center was recently State certified as a
general outpatient adolescent substance abuse facility and
our two full-time Drug and Alcohol Counselors provide
brief intervention and substance abuse treatment. Services
include individual, family, and group counseling, case
management, and participation in pro-social activities.
Youth will be primarily referred to outpatient treatment from
juvenile probation and approximately 70 youth will be served
utilizing the Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach
(A-CRA) model.
Huckleberry therapists participated in a 2-day training
in this three-month treatment model, which has solid
evidence of efficacy with youth of color, homeless
youth, and youth on probation.
Susan Quigley, Huckleberry’s Marin Clinical Director,
will be certified as an A-CRA supervisor, eventually training
and certifying other therapists throughout Huckleberry.
A-CRA allows for treatment plans to be client centered
and customized to the particular needs of each client.
Huckleberry Marin staff: Therapist Gale Sandoval,
Associate Executive Director Jasmine Stevenson,
Clinical Director Susan Quigley, and
Therapist Shawna Dobson.
Huckleberry Expands Our Counseling Program in Marin with a New
Grant to Provide Outpatient Substance Abuse Services
Huckleberry Community Assessment & Resource Center staff
CARC Restorative Justice
Case Manager Andres Rios.
Clients Served
Huckleberry Youth Programs served over 6,000 clients in fiscal year
2012-2013. Since our inception in 1967, we have served over 170,000
youth and their families.
Statement of Operating Revenue & Expenses
7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013
Huckleberry Youth Programs, Inc.s nancial statements are audited annually. This condensed statement was extracted from audited nancial statements.
Complete audited nancial statements are available upon request.
Juvenile Justice Program
437 Youth who received case management, school reintegration
services, and delinquency prevention at the Huckleberry
Community Assessment & Resource Center (CARC).
Health and Wellness Programs
3,823 Youth who attended a Huckleberry Health Education
workshop in a Marin or San Francisco school or community
855 Youth who received medical services at the Huckleberry
Youth Health Center in San Francisco.
781 Youth who received medical services at the Huckleberry
Youth Multi-Service Center in Marin.
150 Youth who participated in the Huckleberry Wellness
Academies in San Francisco and Marin.
Counseling and Shelter Programs
212 Youth who received crisis intervention and/or shelter services
at Huckleberry House
454 Youth who received mental health services (4,003 encounters)
in Marin and San Francisco. This includes crisis counseling,
individual, parent and family therapy, and case management.
San Francisco Marin
San Francisco Programs
- Huckleberry House $ 739, 536 16%
- Huckleberry Youth Health Center $ 602 ,987 13%
- Huckleberry Wellness Academy - SF $ 350,075 8%
- Huckleberry Community Assessment
& Resource Center (CARC)
$ 854 ,987 19%
-SF Support Services $ 309,69 1 7%
Marin Programs
- Huckleberry Teen Health Program - Marin $ 582 ,964 13%
- Huckleberry Wellness Academy - Marin $ 385,99 1 9%
- Marin Support Services $ 1 1 7,789
Fundraising $ 543 , 1 52 12%
$ 4, 487,172 100%
Revenue and Support
Foundation Grants $ 1 , 1 08, 757 25%
Individual Donations $ 1 60, 245 4%
Corporate Donations $ 1 62 ,9 1 0 4%
Special Events $ 240,942 5%
Government $ 2, 782,9 1 0 61%
Other $ 33 , 564 1%
$ 4,489,329 100%
Operating Surplus $ 2, 1 58
San Francisco
Over 21
Pacific Islander
San Francisco Marin
*These demographics reflect our direct service clients
and do not include clients who attend our workshops.
Class of 2013: Where Are They Now
Academic support and tutoring
Education about health
issues and health careers
Psychosocial support
Placements in health internships
Assistance with college applications
and nancial aid submissions
Parent support and education
Student support through
their rst year in college
In 2013, 57 young people graduated from
the Huckleberry Wellness Academies in
San Francisco and Marin. This represents
the fourth graduating cohort from
SF and the second from Marin.
Many of these young people will be the first in
their families to attend college and they were
accepted into a prestigious and impressive list
of schools. Huckleberry Case Managers will
follow them through their first year in college
as they pursue careers in health.
The Huckleberry Wellness Academies
provided these students with:
To Erika Flores,
Thank you so much for
letting me come to case
management after I even
graduated [from high
school]. You are one of the
only people I trust with
everything I tell you. I also
appreciate how you are on
my case while I’m still in college. If it wasn’t for you
and Huckleberry, I wouldn’t be pursuing a career in
Thanks for being my friend, mentor, actually my best
friend, and just a person I can talk to about anything.
You are the best.
– Huizafa
currently attending Skyline Community College
Ruth is currently attending SF State University. While in HWA, she interned at Marin
Community Clinic and hopes to pursue a career in health or Social Work. She says,
“Being the oldest of ve, I want to show my siblings that
there is always an open door for college.
Luis is a freshman at SF State and says,
HWA helped me get closer to achieving my dream of being the
rst to attend and graduate from college in my family. My
career goal is to become a pharmaceutical researcher.
Due to the overwhelming popularity of this event, and the fact that we have sold
out two consecutive years, we are moving the event to a larger venue in Tiburon!
Your ticket purchase and generous bidding will help us serve youth and families
in San Francisco and Marin. For tickets visit www.huckleberryyouth.org.
For information on becoming a Table Captain, contact Betsy Hausman at
bhausman@huckleberryyouth.org or 415.668.2622 ext. 224.
Emcee Sportscaster
Vern Glenn of KPIX-TV
Select wineries from
Napa & Sonoma Valley
Grand Auction
Honorary Chair
Dan Duckhorn of Duckhorn Vineyards
Kentucky Derby Viewing
Exciting Raffle
Buffet Luncheon
This year’s event will feature:
SAVE THE DATE – Run for the Roses
Huckleberry Board Vice President
John Sullivan (left), John’s wife Junie
(far right), and Board President
Jerry Peters (front) with guests.
Cirque du Soleil AMALUNA Benefit
Performance raised $166,000 for Huckleberry!
$5,000 and above
Browne George Ross, LLP
Da Kitchen Cafe
Dodge & Cox
First Republic Bank
Hanson Bridgett, LLP
JMP Group, Inc.
Jerry Peters
Pacific Service Credit
Rotary Club of
Tiburon Sunset
Marcia & Michael
Steyer Lowenthal
Boodrookas Alvarez
& Smith, LLP
Dyann Tresenfeld
Veritable Vegetable
Backstrom, McCarley,
Berry & Co., LLP
Steve and Mary Jane
Brian & Leslie Baker
Bruce Bodaken
Carmen Castro-Franceschi
Mitch & Susan Cohen
Embarcadero Corporation
Oz Erickson & Rina Alcalay
Fidelity National Title
Bruce Fisher &
Marlene Litvak
Julie Harkins
Harrington Group
Latham & Watkins, LLP
George & Myrta Matula
Fran & David Meckler
Howard & Barbara Miller
Bernie & Gail Nebenzahl
Pacific Union International
Community Fund
John & Lisa Stone Pritzker
Robbins Geller Rudman &
Dowd, LLP
San Francisco Federal
Credit Union
Jeff Sosnaud and
Jean Curran, MD
Starboard TCN
Joelle Steefel
John & Junie Sullivan
U.S. Bank Private Client
Huckleberry would like to extend a huge thank you to Cirque du Soleil, our
generous event sponsors, and all who attended our benefit performance of
Amaluna on Friday, Dec. 6, 2013. The event was a huge success raising $166,000
for Huckleberry’s programs.
Huckleberry Board Member George Matula, MD
and new Board Member Rose Bentley
(fourth and fifth from left) with guests.
In-Kind Donors
Huckleberry thanks our 2012/2013 in-kind donors who donated goods and services, benefiting our programs as well as,
helping us create a successful 2013 auction.
Aato Korean Fusion
Absinthe Brasserie
Alchemist Cellars
American Conservatory Theater
Arkenstone Estate Winery
Arthur Court Designs
Setie Asfaha
Ashley Morgan Designs
B.R. Cohn Winery
Bank of America
Barbour Vineyards
Barnett Vineyards
Bay Area Discovery Museum
Bay Club Marin
Beautiful Orchids
Bi-Rite Family Business
Bill Black & Lenore Naxon
Nora Blay
Blue Waters Kayaking
BPIA, Inc.
Damon Bruce
Buena Vista Winery
Cade Estate Winery
Cakebread Cellers
CAL Athletics
Call of the Sea
Carmel Bach Festival
Casey Flat Ranch
Chalk Hill Vineyards
Cirque Du Soleil
City & County of San Francisco
John Coan
Comerica Bank
Cooper Alley Salon
Dorian Cougias
Jim & Claire Davis
Delfina Restaurant
DeLoach Vineyards
dipietro Todd Salon
District Restaurant
Dry Creek Vineyards
Duckhorn Vineyards
E. & J. Gallo Winery
Epic Roasthouse
Evo Spa
Ferrari-Carano Winery
Foreign Cinema
Forman Vineyard
Cline Cellars
Galante Vineyards
Galleria Park Hotel
Andrew Generalo
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center
Grgich Hills Estate
Hanzell Vineyards
Kamala Harris
Harry Denton’s Starlight Room
Rick Hicks
Hotel Erwin
Hotel Vitale
House of Prime Rib
Imperial Spa-Sauna
International Poster Gallery
Ashley Johnson
Kathy Kamei
Gigi Kaufman Jewelry
Sy Kaufman
Kaz Winery
Dan Kosta
La Mar Cebicheria Peruana
Ladera Vineyards
Ginny & Monte Lawrence
Ann Lazarus
Leaf and Vine Wines
Chuck & Liz Leone
LJS Productions
Madrona Manor
Magic Flute
Marin Optometric Group
Markham Vineyards
Leticia Márquez-Magaña
& Tomas Magaña
Marston Family Vineyard
Leslie Martin
Amy & Mac McConnell
Fran & David Meckler
Merry Edwards Winery
Michael Merrill Design Studio
Michael Mondavi Family
Paul Miller
Susan Millman
Miwok Livery Stables
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Mountain Play
Nam Mai
Napa Valley Film Festival
Napa Valley Wine Train
NASA-Ames Research Center
Thao Nguyen
Nikon Precision, Inc.
One Market Restaurant
Oracle Racing
Orsi Papale Estate
Pacific Catch
Paloma Vineyards
Park Chow
Patxi’s Pizza
Patz & Hall Winery
Pedros Cantina
Peju Province Winery
Jerry Peters
Piatti Restaurant
Russ Pitto
Pop! Pilates on Page
Cindy Potter Graphic Design
Red Dragon Yoga
Red Mare Wines
Repris Wines
Richard Mendelsohn
Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco
Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe
Robert Meyer’s Mangia Nosh
Russack Vineyards
Rustic Bakery
San Francisco Mayor’s Office
San Francisco Opera
San Francisco Toyota Scion
San Francisco Zoo
Schumacher Photography
Seaplane Adventures
Sequoia Grove Winery
SF Recreation and
Park Department
Shibumi Knoll Vineyards
Sift Cupcakes
Dan Spradling
St. Helena Winery
Strategic Hotels & Resorts
John & Junie Sullivan
John Sullivan III
Brian & Suzanne Swift
Tante Maries Cooking School
The Corner Store
The Maas Clinic
The Nick Traina Foundation
The San Francisco Giants
The Slanted Door
The Talbot Players
The Wine Group
Laurie Thomas
Tomales Bay Resort
Tre Balm
Dyann Tresenfeld
Giselle Velasquez
Wait Cellars
Brad Werner
Williams Selyem Winery
Williamson Wines
For over three decades, the Bernard E. and Alba Witkin Charitable
Foundation has been donating in amounts ranging from $500-$5,000
annually. Alba is the widow of Bernard E. Witkin who was an internationally
recognized authority on California law and the world’s bestselling author
of nonfiction legal books. Recently, Executive Director, Bruce Fisher, and
Director of Fundraising, Brooke Tao, had a chance to visit Alba at her home.
Alba commented that although the Charitable Foundation shifted funding
priorities almost exclusively to the East Bay, Huckleberry remains one of
the only agencies that she continues to fund in San Francisco because,
“the organization is doing such great work with youth.” We are truly
grateful for Albas support over the last three decades!
A special thank you to 30 year donor, 94-year-old, Alba Witkin
$20,000 and above
Mitch and Susan Cohen
John and Junie Sullivan
$15,000 - $19,999
Raymond and Joanne Lin
$10,000 - $14,999
Jerry Peters
Dyann Tresenfeld
Cecilia Valente
$5,000 - $9,999
Ronald Collins
Ron Conway
Dorian Cougias and Lynn Heiberger
Bruce Fisher and Marlene Litvak
Joe and Sarah Gallo
Betsy and Joel Hausman
Joe and Kathy Jolson
Laura Menicucci
Michael and Marcia Rubenstein
Lee and Perry Smith
$2,000 - $4,999
Nora Blay
Warren Browner
Bill and Maria Carlile
Jacqueline Fagerlin
Scott and Jennifer Fearon
Greg and Carmen Franceschi
Chris and Jaclyn Gallo
Alison Geballe
Bill and Gail Hutchinson
Grace Kase
Leslie and Michael Krasny
Christopher Lane
Jill & Joe Lervold
George and Myrta Matula
Fran and David Meckler
Leon Metz
George Miller
Howard and Barbara Miller
Peter and Carol Murphy
Jared Polsky & Debbie Levy
William and Barbara Peterson
John and Lisa Stone Pritzker
Donald Rubin and Olympia Martyn
Louise Schneider, M.D.
Scott Smith
Jerey and Jean Sosnaud
Rick Stubbleeld
Eric and Brooke Tao
William Tung
$1,500 - $1,999
Teena Berman and Owen Hart
Liane Collins
Bill and Anne Duy
Bob and Christine Feibusch
Mike and Margaret Fuson
Steven and Donna Gothelf
Amy and Mac McConnell
Jane Miller
Shelley and Paul Miller
Bernard and Gail Nebenzahl
Thao Nguyen
James and Nancy Saunders
Herbert and Nancy Tully
Barbara and Scott Waxman
$1,000 - $1,499
Richard and Connie Adams
Thomas Ainsworth
Robert and Marcia Allen
Michael Angotti
Woody and Connie Baker-Cohn
Michael Bien and Jane Kahn
William Black and Lenore Naxon
Craig Burke and Molly Lazarus
George and Teta Collins
Robert and Martha Copeland
Ruth Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Evans
Carolyn Friedman
Phil and Leslie Gardner
Gregg and Judy Gibson
Mark Gleason
Karen Goore and Nate Goore
Richard Grey
Sallie Grith
Sara Grith
Heather Hanly and Dan Purcell
Barbara and William Hazen
Jim and Bethany Hornthal
Michael Rugen and Jeannine Kay
Barbara and David Kimport
Lauren Loney and David Gunning
Allen Low
Leticia Márquez-Magaña and
Tomas Magaña
Mike and Georgie McConnell
Lee and Linda Meier
Tim and Nancy Muller
Valerie Pierce and Michael Stortz
Margaret and Douglas Robson
George and Maureen Sandison
Charles Slutzkin
Laura Talmus
Dale Smith
Steve Sockolov and Susan Snyder
Rod and Jo-Ann Sockolov
Tom Steyer and Kat Taylor
John Sullivan III
Steve Vanni
Rachel Weinstein and Georey Rotwein
Art and Janet Wong
$500 - $999
Linda and Je Aldrich
Jean Anicetti
Andi and David Arrick
Brian and Leslie Baker
Carol Banquer
Kurt and Johanna Beyer
Mollie Ward Brown
Jeaniesar Caluag
Jinyoung Choi
Mario and Jessica Cuellar
James and Claire Davis
Mark Dosker
Pamela Duy
S. Osborn Erickson
Paula and Gareth Fracchia
Roger Friedberger
Robert Galoob
Eric Goldman and Laurie Weisberg
Elaine Hausman
Oliver and Irene Holmes
Gail Jackson-McCray
Susan King
David Kremer and Marla Miller
Lauren Krasny
Mark and Sarah Kruttschnitt
Kenn Lau
Steve and Maribelle Leavitt
Chuck and Liz Leone
Shaila and Jack Lester
Leonard Lloyd
Leslie Lopato and Skip Getz
Mark Lopez
Steve Lowenthal
Thomas Lumsden
Barbara Meislin
Mr. David Melnick
Shelley and Paul Miller
Meridee Moore
Martha and Clarke Nelson
Laurie Nierenberg
Susanne Rivera
Patrick Ross
Stephen and Marcia Ruben
Je and Trisha Scales
Vicki Schwartz
Mary-Ann and Richard Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Finis Smith
Lenny Stein and Janni Lehrer-Stein
Noel Stubblefield
Brian and Suzanne Swift
Alba Witkin
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zack
$250 - $499
Je Appleman and Suzanne Engelberg
Mauna Arnzen
Dick and Diane Blackman
Ron Blatman and Emerald Yeh
Jennifer and Rob Chen
Jean Chickering
Timothy and Kristin Crudo
Paul and Laura Escobosa
Ernie Fazio and Marlene Braverman
Joanne Ferris
David and Vicki Fleishhacker
Ben and Katie Fort
Ken and Jean Freeman
Dennis and Susan Gilardi
George and Kathleen Hamilton
Syed and Shama Hasib
Margaret Hensley
William Nolan Highbaugh
Lorraine Honig
Michael and Katie Hooper
Mark and Lori Horne
Ruben and Mina Kalra
Patricia Miljanich
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Katz
Hal and Gigi Kaufman
Matthew Kelemen and Jeannette Lafors
Martin and Pamela Krasney
Frederick and Aura Kuperberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kustel
Preston and Mary Ann Lentz
Gregory Ligotti
June and John Lilienthal
Jane LiVigni
Miguel Marquez
Bernie and Leslie Martin
Charles Mathews
Marthas Vineyard
David McAulie and
Karen Anderson McAulie
Margo Murray and David Fox
Terrance Newmyer
Harry O’Brien and Joanell Serra
Neil O’Keee
Su-Moon Paik
Anne Pattee
E. Saul Pena
Lindsey Phillips
William Pomeranz and Harriet Prensky
Eddie Pun
Edgar Quiroz
Doug Robson
Connie Rubiano and Peter Yedidia
Marian Rubin
Rebecca Sarokin
Wade and Heather Schlueter
Nina Schwartz, M. D.
Steven Shatz and Nina Rivkind
Richard and Jill Sideman
Eugene and Julia Tao
Stephen and Britt Thal
Debbie Toizer
Ignatius Tsang and Jo Ann Lambros Tsang
Glenn Violett
Andrea Ward
Otto and Idell Weiss
Andrew Wells
Barbara and Chris Wilson
Paul and Betsy Zeger
Bennett and Cindy Zier
$100 - $249
Chris and Deb Albinson
Tom Allen and Beth Levison
Andi and David Arrick
Lauren Asher
Betsy Aubrey and Steve Lichtenberg
Stanley and Mary Baker
Don Baron
Alvin Baum, Jr.
Michael Baxter
Barbara Blasdel and Eugene Alexander
Leah Bluestone
Steven Blumlein and Arlyne Charlip
Michael Boland
Diane Bradford
Donna Broughan
Susan Burrell and Don Kerson
Don and Alison Carlson
Flora Cornett
George and Roseanne Dobbins
Mark Dober
Mr. and Mrs. David Epstein
Randall Faccinto
Mitchell Feldman
Gary Fiedel
Rachel Fierberg
Richard Firestone
George Fish
Danielle Fisher
Robert Freeman
Robert and Carol Freidenberg
John Fullerton and Kate McElroy
Amelia Goldberg
William Gordon
Linda Grin
Aaron Grizzell
Elena Groman
Howard Harband
James and Kathleen Hormel
Sarah and Jordan Hymowitz
John Jackson
Carolyn Kenady
Maggie Krier
Christopher and Elizabeth Lammert
Stephen Lanctot
Richard and Ann Lanzerotti
Barry and Barbara Lee
Stuart Lipton and Melanie Gnazzo
Steven and Maurie Louis
Robin MacNaughton
Jim Malaspina
Ramiro and Judith Maldonado
Huckleberry’s Generous Donors (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013)
Huckleberry acknowledges the generosity of our donors, without whom the work we do would not be possible. We apologize for any unintended omissions.
Huckleberry’s Generous Donors (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013)
Huckleberry acknowledges the generosity of our donors, without whom the work we do would not be possible. We apologize for any unintended omissions.
Catharine Martin
James Mashburn
Richard and Barbara Mendelsohn
Spencer and Roberta Michels
Memo Morantes
Ryan Murphy
Kathryn Niggeman
David Norman and Kathy Dell
Susan Obata, MD
Yvonne O’Hare
Jerry Pang
Brian Parker
John and Anne Parker
Bill and Joan Parmer
Nancy Parrish
Elizabeth Peiser
Kay Pellicciarini
Robert Peterson
Vivian Podesta
Julia Poelstra
Laurie Poett
Dee Marie Rawlinson
Caren and Matt Schmidt
Sandra Shapiro
Stefanie Smith and Daniel Throop
Rebecca Smullin
Janet Sollod
JJ Stein
Richard and Diane Stein
Tania and Michael Stepanian
Grover and Gretchen Stone
Mary Szczepanik and Matt Agard
Marina Tao
Brendan Thompson
Paul and Pearl Vapnek
Margaret and Ralph Voorhees
Donna Wagner
Jennifer and Ralph Wedge
Elana Weinberg
Elyse and Barry Weinstein
John Wharton
Charles and Frances Wisch
Peter and Barbara Wong
Rebecca Worley
Molly and Denis Wuthrich
Gary and Linda Zellerbach
Katie Zier
$50 - $99
Ian and Sheree Ahwah
Rachel Anicetti
Sherry and Richard Bridygham
Wendy and Michael Bronzo
Cathy and Thomas Brown
Mike and Carol Chase
Sheila Dominic
Erika and Mark Fagerlin
Bruce Fay
Thomas and Sally Freed
Clarence and Dayle Fung
David Geisinger, Ph.D.
Andrew and Karen Gordon
Katherine Green
Richard and Lorrie Greene
Harriette R. Grooh, Ph.D. and Tom Escover
Kevin Hensley
Sharon Horton
Donald and Virginia Humphreys
Gail Jackson McCray
Paula Katz
Carolyn and F.J. Klemeyer
Erik Lee
Rob and Naomi Leonard
Benjamin and Trudy Leung
Jane Levi
Hans Levi
Ray Lin
Tom and Carolee Mathers
Robert and Barbara Mendle
Alan Miller
Beth and Scott Minick
Harry O’Brien and Joanell Serra
Virginia Philhower
Ellen Pulleyblank Coey, Ph.D.
and Patrick Coey
Susan Quigley
Ruth Ramsey and Steven Ramsland
Chris and Amy Rankin-Williams
David Reese
Jessica Romm
Lary and Judy Schiller
Walter and Rosemary Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Seuss
Susan Severin
Henry and Marie Shapiro
Niel Shay
Andy and Aglae Shaw
Alissa Varricchione
Isabel Wade and Jan Cherno
Gay Weake
Under $50
Virginia Baldwin
Raquel Berlind
Norman and Jo Budman
Mandy Chang
Denise Coleman
Lisa Dalton
Jaclynn Davis
Stephanie Davis-Don
Bob DeMattei
Sharon Friel
Debra Heller
Hugh Hunter
Rita Jeremy and Barry Gurdin
Nancy Miljanich
Reed Minuth and Megin Scully
William and Sandy Mixsell
Declan Murphy
Claudia Perez
Onna Poeter
Rita Rosenbaum
Norman Schlossberg
Susan Schwartz
Erin Sears
Jasmine Stevenson
Karen Tao and Zac Imel
Peter Von Wiegandt
Alexa Winter
Businesses &
$20,000 and above
Genentech Foundation
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
$10,000 - $19,999
Giants Community Fund
Macy’s Foundation
Union Bank Foundation
US Bank
$5,000 - $9,999
Dodge & Cox
Merlone Geier Partners
Morrison Foerster Foundation
Pacific Service Credit Union
Rotary Club of Tiburon Sunset
$2,500 - $4,999
Backstrom McCarley Berry & Co., LLC
Chicago Title Company
Embarcadero Corporation
Farella Braun & Martell, LLP
Fidelity National Title Company
First Republic
Hanson Bridgett, LLP
Harrington Group
Latham & Watkins, LLP
Pacific Union International
Safeway Foundation
San Francisco FCU
TJX Foundation, Inc.
$1,500 - $2,499
Heernan Foundation
In-N-Out Burger Foundation
$1,000 - $1,499
Bassing Painting
Community Thrift Store
Eileen Fisher, Inc.
Falletti & Baldocchi Finer Foods, Inc.
Macy’s West
San Francisco Giants
$500 - $999
First American Title Company
Marin Horizon School
Restaurant Destinations, Inc
$250 - $499
Adventist Health
Cardoza Law Oce
Tabernacle Community
Wilkes Bashford
$100 - $249
Kelly Pacific Construction Co.
Under $100
Wine Country Crossfit, Inc.
$200,000 & above
Marin Community Foundation
$100,000 - $199,999
Marin Community Foundation -
Sutter Health Access to Care Fund
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
The California Wellness Foundation
Frances K. and Charles D. Field Foundation
The Kimball Foundation
Metta Fund
$20,000 - $49,999
Anonymous Foundation
Crescent Porter Hale Foundation
David B. Gold Foundation
Five Bridges Foundation
GGS Foundation
Mortar Foundation
The John and Lisa Pritzker Family Fund
The San Francisco Foundation
$10,000 - $19,999
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin
Anonymous Foundation
The Bothin Foundation
California HealthCare Foundation
George H. Sandy Foundation
Gilmore Foundation
Lefkofsky Family Foudation
Ruddie Memorial Youth Foundation
The Nick Traina Foundation
van Löben Sels/RembeRock Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Charles See Foundation
Eucalyptus Associates, Inc.
Farese Family Foundation
Leestma Family Foundation
Leo S. Guthman Fund
SF AIDS Foundation
The Isabel Allende Foundation
Walter & Elise Haas Fund
$1,000 - $4,999
Elinor Smith Charitable Trust
The Fred Gellert Family Foundation
Hilltop Foundation
Lurie Foundation
Marin Charitable Association
Rotasa Foundation
Public Funding
Federal Grants & Contracts
California Family Health Council (Title X)
US Department of Health & Human Services
- Administration for Children & Families
US Department of Justice
- Oce of Violence Against Women
State Grants & Contracts
California Emergency Management Agency
California Oce of Statewide Health
Planning and Development
San Francisco Contracts
SF Department of Children,
Youth and Their Families
SF Department of Public Health
- Community Behavioral
Health Services
San Francisco Human Services Agency
Marin Contracts
Marin Department of Health &
Human Services
• Division of Public Health
- Community Health and
Prevention Services
- Maternal Child & Adolescent
• Division of Alcohol, Drug, &
Tobacco Programs
• Division of Community
Mental Health
Huckleberry Youth
Programs Staff
Executive Director
Bruce Fisher
Associate Executive
Director, Marin
Jasmine Stevenson
Program & Community
Mollie Brown
Executive Assistant
Setie Asfaha
Research & Evaluation
Elizabeth Ascher
Data Management
Quyen Le
Human Resources
Frank Landin
Senior Director of
Wellness Academies
Vicky Valentine
Fiscal Director
Bruce Rice
Assistant Fiscal
Frances Shell
Senior Bookkeepeer
Vera Petrakovsky
Major Grants
Jenn Chen
Brooke Tao
Marketing & Events
Betsy Hausman
Heather Mathews
Ramiro Maldonado
Amy McConnell
Director of Juvenile
Justice Programs
Denise Coleman
Program Director
Stacy Sciortino
Case Managers
Imelda Acosta
Edwin Bernardez
Chrishaun Henderson
Kisai Henriquez
Jeff Lin
Harvey Lozada
Andres Rios
Assessor/Data Entry
Jorge Rodriguez
Megan Kearney
Director of Health
Services - SF
Krista Girty
Community Health
Eva Hom
Ramses Munoz
Manager of Behavioral
Health Integration
Genessa Trietsch
Health Educators
Ashley Rojas
Dwanna Schaedlich
Kimberly Fisher
Tiffany Lambright
Academic Case
Erika Flores
Tope Pedro
Nicole Salviejo
Program Director
Lissette Flores
Armando Franco
Academic Case
Rachel Anicetti
Lucia Diaz
Clinical Director -
Susan Quigley
Director of
Community Health
Jaclynn Davis
Drug & Alcohol
Shawna Dobson
Gale Sandoval
Health Educator
Nicole Gusman
Judy Hernandez
Cynthia Vergara
Monica Vargas
Program Director
Katie Reisinger
Gabi Perez
Case Manager
Debra Linley
Clinical Director - SF
Margo Levi
Residential Coordinator
Patrick Buckalew
Counseling Services
Katie Jennette
Residential Counselors
Matezsa Cheatham
Clelia Fernandez
Alex Miley
Elena Garcia
Frances Salovino
Michael Carnevale
Corinne Limbach
Isabel Arrastia
Katherine Breger
Regina Haugabook
Ashley McLaughlin
Angela Rasmussen
Jerry Peters
Partner, Latham & Watkins, LLP
John L. Sullivan
Chairman and CEO (ret.)
Majestic Insurance Co.
Elizabeth C. Leone
San Domenico School (ret.)
Leon Metz, CPA
Delagnes, Mitchell & Linder, LLP
George Matula, MD
Permanente Medical Group,
UCSF (ret.)
Adriane Armstrong
Managing Director of
Programs, JUMA Ventures
*Marianne Bamonte
Senior Vice President
& Division Manager,
Union Bank
*Berta Bejarano,
Director of Diversity
Linguistic & ADA Services,
Kaiser Permanente
*Rose Bentley
Director of NA Renewals, Lyris
Leonard Berry
Managing Director and
Principal, Backstrom,
McCarley, Berry and Co., LLC
Nora Blay
Director of Business
Sagebrush Solutions, LLC
Bill Carlile
Adjunct Professor of Finance,
University of San Francisco
Jackie Fagerlin
Cardoza Law Oces
Nolan Highbaugh
General Counsel,
KIPP Schools
Leticia Márquez-Magaña, PhD
Professor, Health Equity
Institute at SF State
Gail Jackson-McCray
Thao Nguyen
Senior Director of Strategic
Finance, ServiceSource
Jared Polsky
Polsky Perlstein Architects
Ashley Rodwick
Communications and
Evaluation Analyst
Koret Foundation
Louise Schneider, MD
Kaiser Permanente, SF
Je Sosnaud
Coro Center for Civic
Leadership (ret.)
Joelle Steefel
Board: Jewish Community
Center, Jewish Community
Federation, Osher Center for
Integrative Medicine, UCSF (ret.)
William Tung
Senior Vice President
US Bank
*New members as of Jan. 2014
Annemarie Clark
Ruth Cowan
Bernie Nebenzahl
Don Rubin
Brian Swift
Youth Programs
Board of Directors
Bruce Fisher with Huckleberry’s Board Members.
Huckleberry Youth Programs 3310 Geary Boulevard San Francisco, CA 94118 (415) 668-2622 www.huckleberryyouth.org