September 24, 2020
With COVID 19 protocols in place longer than expected there has been a disruption in the ability of PDA
and residential tenants to receive packages from on line delivery services. The apartment lobbies for
the Leland Building ( 7 units) and Lasalle Apartments ( 64 low income units) do not have a secure or
accessible location to receive deliveries for mail-order and internet parcels. The PDA office, which is not
currently open to the public, used to be the location of last resort for parcel delivery from FedEx, USPS,
UPS and Amazon on line orders. That business has closed. Until last month, a parcel drop at the Kress
grocery at Third and Pike served as an alternate location. Wanderers Mail Service provides this service
for subscription at the north end of the Market in the Soames Dunn Building.
Purpose to provide a place to handle deliveries for Pike Place Market operations and for residents of
the two nearby apartment buildings, the PDA will install a remote parcel check station in the Leland
lobby, near the existing central postal box station. This location has been selected as in meets several
conditions required for this service:
accessible to ADA standards,
accessible to residents of the immediate area after regular Market business hours not
exposed to weather
located in a public area with patrolled by security and observed by security cameras
associated with general services used by residents of the Market ( elevator/grocery/mailboxes)
not in conflict with any adjacent commercial tenant use
Accessible to electrical power and internet connections required to notify customers when
packages are received.
From past experience with Kress Grocery, PDA and residents have found this delivery locker system to
be very useful and an important service. This system functions as an alternative to staffed building
lobbies with mail rooms found in other properties, but not provided at the Market. This is especially
useful for receiving packages of high value such as medicines or other items of value that should not be
left outside an apartment or office entrance.
The PDA has selected the Amazon Hub system as it is NOT limited to deliveries from Amazon. It is a
general purpose service accessible to other commercial delivery services and US Mail.
Use is limited to residents and customers who have registered this as a preferred location to receive
mail order or web-ordered delivery service. Recipients are notified by email on receipt of package and
have a grace period of 3 days to collect their package.
Amazon provides the management of this service but does not require that it be labelled with their
business logo. In the Market installation, the PDA logo / trademark will be used. Color is basic black
(not the signature Amazon yellow). The package locker unit is provided on a lease basis we are not
able to confirm if a change in paint color is permitted.
Installation requires minimal modification to the building. The proposed unit ( similar to photo below
but without Amazon logo) is two section, each 3 ft wide by 2 ft deep. Height is approximately 7 ft.
Mounting is on freestanding base with unit bolted to the rear walls for security. The installation does
not require any structural modifications to the property.
Existing wall is not a part of historical fabric of the building and is part of an elevator lobby built in 2010.
Formerly it was a wall to the rear storeroom for the grocery store.
The PDA has proceeded with installation of this parcel locker as an immediate priority to respond to an
emergent need of residents and PDA operations to receive an increasing amount of delivered packages
at a time when there is a lack of suitable secure locations to hold these items.
Date of revision:
Location Name:
Pike Place Market
Pike Place Market
Location Address:
City, ST Zip:
Latitude: 47.6088978
SEATTLE, WA, 98101
Longitude: -122.3404676
PHONE: (206) 774-5248 PROPERTY TYPE:
Garden Style
FLOOR TYPE: Ceramic tile WALL TYPE: Drywall
(1) 9' Locker Unit: 9'-0" Long x 25" Deep x 7'-0" High
Configuration: ASQ
Locker Type:
outlets: data port:
outlets: data port:
ELECTRICAL INSTRUCTIONS: Host is responsible for electrical outlet installation.
[1] Electrical outlet must be placed at 7’ AFF, centered on Starter unit on Wall 1 and
cannot be installed behind or on the locker.
SITE PREP: [1] Relocate the trash bins.
SITE PREP: [1] Ensure the locker will be equipped with wireless modem. [2] Locker will
be secured to wall with (2) interior anchor bolts.
PLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Install locker in the hallway left of the elevator and
Rotary Grocery store.
DocuSign Envelope ID: F9EFC34A-8ABB-454F-BA12-1B6F63212CCE
DocuSign Envelope ID: F9EFC34A-8ABB-454F-BA12-1B6F63212CCE
Electrical Requirements
Interior Lockers
Provide one (1) standard duplex outlet on existing circuit
only if the existing 20A circuit load does not exceed 3.0A;
otherwise a new circuit must be installed
Must avoid sharing a circuit with a machine that has a
Each locker section, regardless of size (i.e. 6’, 9’ or 12’)
requires one (1) plug
Remote adders will require additional outlets. See “remote
adders” section for additional details.
Exterior Lockers
All exterior lockers are hardwired
Provide one (1) 20A dedicated circuit with standard disconnect
prior to installation. Electrician will need to return to site once
the locker has been installed to complete the final hookup.
The disconnect will be installed to the side of the locker
(between 36” and 55” off the ground) and secured with a zip
Each locker, regardless of size (i.e. 6’, 9’ or 12’) requires one (1)
If it is a freestanding exterior locker, the electrical disconnect
will need to be installed on a pole.
Standard breaker can be used, locker itself is already GFI
Amazon - Confidential
DocuSign Envelope ID: F9EFC34A-8ABB-454F-BA12-1B6F63212CCE
DocuSign Envelope ID: F9EFC34A-8ABB-454F-BA12-1B6F63212CCE