Reach business customers
on Amazon
This guide gives you an overview of how to become a business selling partner and the
features and benefits available in Europe.
What is
Amazon Business?
Amazon Business is a competitive business-to-
business (B2B) Store on Amazon that serves the
procurement needs of businesses of every type and
Businesses can register without any additional cost
and save time and money while buying over a
hundred million products from our new optimized
business purchasing website.
Who buys on
Amazon Business?
In just a few months, hundreds of thousands of
business customers have started using Amazon
Business on our European Stores (including UK,
Germany, France, Italy and Spain), offering a great
opportunity for selling partners to reach new
customers and grow their B2B sales on Amazon.
An optimized purchasing website.
Automatic Invoicing and VAT-exclusive price display
Business Prices
Quantity Discount
Business-Only Offers
B2B Central
Business Reports
Amazon Business Registration
VAT Calculation Settings
Seller University
Automatic invoicing and VAT-exclusive
The free VAT Calculation Service automatically provides VAT invoices on your behalf for your Amazon orders, making
you save time and effort on manual invoice generation. After activation, the “Downloadable VAT Invoice” badge will
be displayed on your offers to business customers, making it easier for them to identify offers for which an invoice
can be downloaded directly from their account.
VAT-exclusive prices will also be displayed on your offers to businesses to further increase your offers visibility and
chances of winning the Buy Box.
Reduce the effort of manual invoice creation.
Display VAT-exclusive prices on your offers to European business customers.
Increase the visibility of your offers and chances on winning the Buy Box for business customers.
More information on the VAT Calculation Service can be found here.
*If you want to generate your own invoices based on Amazon’s VAT calculations, learn how to automate the upload of your
documents in Section 7 or directly in Seller Central.
Experience for Business customers:
VAT-exclusive price display:
“Downloadable VAT Invoice” badge:
Invoice Search Refinement:
Business Prices
Business Prices are discounted prices available to Amazon Business customers regardless of the quantity
purchased. It is important that the Business Price is lower than the customer price; otherwise, it is not effective.
Offer prices that specifically target Amazon Business customers.
Get the attention of Amazon Business customers and increase your chances to win the Buy Box.
Further information on how to create a Business Price, can be found here.
Experience for Business selling partners:
Experience for Business customers:
Quantity Discounts
Quantity discounts are tiered discounts available to business customers for higher-volume purchases. You can set a
quantity discount on your offers yourself or match a customer request.
Business customers can request a quantity discount on a specific ASIN by clicking the Buying in bulk-link on the
product detail page. All business sellers offering the ASIN will then receive a detailed request. Once a discount has
been set, it is available to all Amazon Business customers.
Increase the visibility of your products by gaining the chance to be featured on the “Products with Quantity
Discount” section.
Provide incentives for Amazon Business customers to order larger quantities and increase your order quantity
on Amazon Business.
Manage quantity discount requests easily and clearly from your Seller Central account.
Further information, as well as a tutorial on how to add quantity discounts can be found here.
Experience for Business selling partners:
Set up quantity discounts:
Manage quantity discount requests:
Experience for Business customers:
Quantity discounts:
Request for a quantity discount:
B2B Central
B2B Central provides a focal point for you to better understand, manage, and grow your B2B channel on Amazon
directly from your Seller Central account.
Gain insights into your B2B sales and other key metrics on Amazon.
Analyse which of your products are frequently purchased from Amazon business customers.
Learn from which industries businesses are buying.
See buyer requests for quantity discounts at a glance.
Access your B2B Central here.
Business Only Offers
A Business Only offer is an offer exclusively available to verified business customers. The offer will only have a
business price and will not appear in B2C customers’ searches on Amazon.
You carry products with channel rights restrictions from the manufacturer, limiting sales to consumers.
You carry fragile products that can break or fail without professional handling or installation.
You carry specialty products that may injure the customer without professional handling or installation.
More information on B2B only offers can be found here.
Experience for Business selling partners:
Business Reports
The Sales and Traffic Time reports in Business Reports contain important information that can help you increase your
sales on Amazon: traffic, Buy Box percentage, and conversion.
In addition, the Amazon Selling Coach offers personalized recommendations to guide you in maximizing your
effectiveness as a selling partner.
Get a quick overview of the customer’s interests in your products, e.g. through the number of page views.
View details of business buyers’ sales and traffic by date and ASIN.
Analyse your products in detail and see how they can become more competitive.
A more extensive explanation of different business reports metrics can be found here.
Automation allows you to integrate your systems with Amazon’s systems by transferring documents. When working
with large amounts of data, it can be convenient to send and receive data using an automated solution especially
when listing new products and inserting business prices.
There is also an option where you can use the VAT Calculation Service and upload your own invoices. This is possible
if you use one of our solution providers supporting the invoice upload feature or an own integration. You can find a
general overview about options to upload your invoices, a list of solution providers here as well as their guides on
how to activate it.
If you do not work with a third-party solution provider supporting the feature but want to build your own automation
solution, follow this development guide.
For further general automation topics, you can visit our Marketplace Appstore:
Here you can find automated solutions to manage and grow your business, available from external Developers and
More information the Appstore can be found here.
VAT Calculation Settings
To activate VAT calculation on your account, provide basic tax information in Seller Central and activate the VAT
Calculation Service.
Based on your settings, we will be able to calculate the VAT included in your listing price and apply the right VAT
rate to your orders on Amazon’s European marketplaces.
Information required to complete your VAT calculation settings:
VAT registration number(s) associated with your business.
Primary place of business or the address that you fulfil from most frequently.
Product Tax Code that applies to most of your listings.
If you want to learn more about how we perform VAT calculation, please visit our methodology.
Business Account
Already selling on Amazon
If you are already selling on Amazon, all you have to do is check in
your account settings if you registered for Amazon Business. The
B2B feature set comes with no additional cost for selling partners
under the PRO plan, so if you did not yet register do not miss this
great opportunity.
Seller University
Seller University helps you to gain insights into Selling on Amazon, our tools and policies for selling partner, and the
products and services that can help you swiftly grow your business. This curriculum of educational videos is designed
to help selling partners master the B2C and B2B Marketplaces.
Via this link, you can find education videos to all topics included in this guide.
No problem! The Amazon Business team is
happy to help you figure out your
next steps just contact your account