Sell Smarter on Amazon:
The Metrics You Need
to be Tracking© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Table of Contents
Tracking Data Starts With Identifying
Your Account Type
How Data Impacts Growth on Amazon
Product Ranking
Buy Box Placement
Product Reviews and Seller Ratings
Tracking Data and Adhering to Benchmarks
Business Report
Inventory Report
Seller Performance Report
What If You’re Not Meeting These Benchmarks
Low Conversion Rate
Low Product Availability
Poor Performance Metrics
Low Seller Rating
Metrics & Benchmark Wrap-Up
Using Numbers to Grow Your Amazon Business
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Every ecommerce seller knows the rule — utilize your data to increase
sales. Though everyone may have heard this rule, not everyone knows how
to use data to increase their revenue. With so many metrics to track, it can
be difficult to know which ones to focus on and improve.
Sellers on Amazon who want to boost their revenue have to consider a
unique set of data. Their account metrics don’t just indicate sales numbers
— they also directly impact how these sellers are positioned in Amazon’s
marketplace. A high order rate, for example, doesn’t just mean greater
revenue — it could also mean more product reviews, better Buy Box
placement, and ranking high in product searches. Data determines how
buyers perceive sellers and their products on Amazon, so merchants have
to track their metrics to ensure that they’re set up to stay successful on the
This ebook will help you understand which metrics you need to be tracking
on Amazon, and how to use data from the marketplace to grow and
strengthen your business.
We hope you find it useful!
- The makers of Sellbrite© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Tracking Data Starts
With Identifying Your
Account Type
When you sign up to sell on Amazon, you register either as an Individual
seller or a Professional seller. The account type you choose determines
the data available to you as a seller.
Individual Amazon sellers have less data access than Professional sellers.
They can only access the:
Payment report
Return reports
Tax Document Library reports
Seller performance metric
Tracking Data Starts With Identifying Your Account Type
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Professional sellers have access to all of these Individual seller metrics in
addition to Business and Inventory reports, which provide key insights on
sales, traffic, and the stock status of products.
The Individual account does cost less upfront than the Professional account.
Individual sellers only have to pay a $.99 fee for each item that sells, while
Professional sellers have to pay a $39.99 monthly fee.
With this fee structure, Individual accounts are cost-effective for merchants
selling less than 40 items. If a merchant sells more than 40 items each
month, they should opt for the Professional account. At that point it’s more
cost effective—and also provides data insights from the Business and
Inventory reports.© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
How Data Impacts
Growth on Amazon
When buyers visit Amazon, their likelihood of engaging with a seller
depends on the merchant’s:
Product Ranking: the point at which the product appears in search results
Buy Box Placement: whether the seller’s product made the Buy Box or not
Product Reviews and Seller Ratings: how many product reviews and seller
ratings the merchant has and how positive or negative this feedback is.
By knowing which metrics affect each factor, sellers can attract the attention
of more customers and build relationships with repeat customers.
Product ranking
According to One Click Retail, over 80% of people never go past the first
page search and 64% click one of the top three results. Your product
ranking has a huge impact on whether a customer engages with your
product or not.
Amazon has not released information on their product ranking algorithm, so
no one can definitively say what is needed to rank high on the marketplace.
However, the Amazon search engine A9 does provide a few clues on their
website. For example, A9 explains how, for the search “Harry Potter in
books,” they would break the search down by keywords. In regards to data,
A9 offers no clear insights other than stressing that they provide “the most
relevant results” to the users.
How Data Impacts Growth on Amazon
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Most Amazon sellers interpret “relevant” here to mean the results that the
buyer is most likely to purchase, leading merchants to believe that their
unit session percentage rates (conversion rates) affect product rankings.
If many people are buying a product (and the item’s keywords match with
the buyer’s interests), there’s a good chance that buyer will want to make a
purchase as well.
The two main components of conversion rate are sales and traffic rates,
so these two metrics also impact product ranking and should be tracked.
Amazon defines sales as the number of units ordered and traffic as the
number of sessions. Sessions are visits to your product page within a 24-
hour period. Multiple views within 24 hours only count as one session.
Buy Box placement
When you’re sharing an Amazon listing with a seller offering the same
product, winning the sale is all about winning the Buy Box.
The Buy Box is the first price option a buyer sees when they view an
Amazon listing. If a buyer clicks “Add to Cart,” they are purchasing the offer
in the Buy Box.
How Data Impacts Growth on Amazon© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
The Buy Box’s prime visibility increases sellers’ chances of engaging with
customers. To get a sense of the feature’s value, consider that 82% of all
Amazon sales happen through the Buy Box.
Buy Box eligibility and winning is determined through a variety of data
factors. Eligibility is determined by considering sellers’ performance
metrics with Order Defect Rate (ODR) being the most important
performance factor. Amazon also considers customers’ shopping
experience when determining Buy Box eligibility. Stock statuses
are assessed to determine whether products are available for buyers,
and seller ratings are reviewed as a measure of customers service.
Sellers who want to check whether products are Buy Box eligible can
click Manage Inventory, select Preferences, choose “Buy Box Eligible”
as a displayed column, and save changes.
How Data Impacts Growth on Amazon
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Winning the Buy Box, according to Amazon, mainly depends on product
pricing and availability. While there isn’t an Amazon metric for price
competitiveness, sellers can view the Buy Box percentage metric to
see the percentage of times their product was placed in the Buy Box.
Sellers can also improve their chances of winning by reviewing inventory
metrics since availability is considered.
Product reviews and seller ratings
Since online shoppers don’t have the opportunity to meet sellers
face-to-face, they seek out product reviews and seller ratings to assess
merchant credibility. Buyers rely on social proof and use the experiences
and opinions of others to validate their own purchases.
Buyers, however, won’t be convinced by a single five-star review.
According to MarketingProfs, 67% of customers read at least 6 reviews
before they trust a merchant enough to purchase their product. Sellers
need to present a large amount of positive feedback to earn buyers’ trust
and encourage them to purchase.
To get a high number of positive product reviews and seller ratings,
merchants need to receive a high number of orders. To obtain more
feedback, sellers should assess their number of orders by checking
their unit session percentage (conversion) rate and units ordered
amount. To avoid negative feedback, sellers should frequently check
their seller rating and performance metrics to ensure that they’re
providing excellent customer service.© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Tracking Data
and Adhering to
Tracking data and adhering to benchmarks
Sellers have to know where to find the metrics that impact product ranking,
Buy Box placement, and product reviews in order to improve customer
engagement and acquisition on Amazon.
This data can be found in three types of Amazon reporting:
1. The Business report includes the:
Unit session percentage rate
Units ordered amount
Sessions amount
Buy Box percentage rate
2. Inventory reporting includes the:
Stock status of products
3. Seller performance reporting includes the:
Seller rating
Performance metrics
- Order defect rate
- Pre-fulfillment cancel rate
- Late shipment rate
We’ll explain where to find these reports and metrics, and identify healthy
benchmarks for this data to help sellers win new customers and keep repeat
buyers loyal.
Tracking Data and Adhering to Benchmarks
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Business report
As mentioned earlier, the Business report is only available to Professional
Amazon sellers, not Individual sellers. Merchants with a professional
account can access their Business Report by logging into Seller Central,
going to the Reports tab at the top, and clicking Business Reports.
From Business Reports, sellers can view the growth metrics for each of their
products by clicking on “Sales and traffic by ASIN.”
Tracking Data and Adhering to Benchmarks© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
From this page, sellers can view the metrics discussed earlier: unit session
percentage rates, units ordered, sessions, and Buy Box percentage rates.
Healthy benchmarks for sales and traffic are difficult to pinpoint since
they’re pretty relative to the individual seller and their products. For
example, $10,000 in monthly Amazon revenue with 2,000 sessions may
be great for one merchant and disappointing for another. Instead, it makes
sense to start with conversion rate benchmarks and use those reference
points to understand your sales and traffic.
The average unit session percentage (conversion) rate on Amazon is
This rate shouldn’t be viewed as a strict conversion benchmark since it does
vary by category, but it’s a good starting point for assessing your own rate.
If your conversion rate is low, you need to increase your sales, or number of
units ordered.
Tracking Data and Adhering to Benchmarks
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Alternatively, your conversion rate could be low due to low traffic, or a low
sessions metric. With less listing visitors, a seller is less likely to receive
orders. If the order rate drops at a steeper rate than the traffic,
the conversion rate will also decrease
In the example above, notice how the conversion rate decreases when the
number of units ordered decreases by half, and the number of sessions
decreases slightly less by a fifth.
For a Buy Box percentage benchmark, this rate should ideally be as close
to 100% as possible. However, the level of competition in a listing can make
it impossible to get a Buy Box rating this high. If multiple sellers are offering
competitive pricing, they may each only win the Buy Box 15-30% of the
time. Instead of only aiming to reach 100%, sellers should also evaluate
their Buy Box percentage over time to determine average levels for the rate,
whether it’s improving or weakening, and what a healthy benchmark might
be for the specific listing.
Inventory report
Like the Business Report, the Inventory Report is also only available to
Professional Amazon sellers. Merchants with a Professional account can
access their Inventory report by logging into Seller Central, going to the
Inventory tab at the top, and clicking Manage Inventory.
Tracking Data and Adhering to Benchmarks© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Once you’ve clicked Manage Inventory, you can easily check the stock
status of your products. Check off Active Listings and review the Available
column to make sure all of your current products are stocked.
For healthy restocking benchmarks, don’t wait until your inventory drops to
zero to restock your item. Pick a higher number to check for when you re-
view the Available column so that you have time to restock the item.
Tracking Data and Adhering to Benchmarks
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Seller Performance report
Performance metrics and seller ratings are accessible to all Amazon seller
account types. This data can be accessed by logging into Seller Central,
clicking the Performance tab at the top, and clicking Performance Metrics to
view the ODR, late shipment, and pre-fulfillment cancellation rate.
Amazon provides the following benchmarks for their three main performance
Order defect rate <1%
Pre-fulfillment cancel rate < 2.5%
Late shipment rate < 4%
Your Seller Rating can also be viewed by clicking the Performance tab and
then clicking Customer Feedback.
The healthy benchmark for seller ratings is 4 stars or above. Ratings that
are lower are considered neutral or poor by Amazon, which can cause you
to become ineligible to win the Buy Box.© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
What if You’re Not
Meeting These
If you’re not meeting the benchmarks for these metrics, there are steps
you can take to improve your stats for greater customer engagement and
Low conversion rate
When your conversion rate is too low, it often means your sales are too low.
Here are a few tips to boost your number of orders:
Evaluate your pricing. You may need to lower your price in order to win the
Buy Box more and increase your sales. Check your competitors’ rates to see
how your prices compare and whether they need to be decreased.
Consider offering free shipping. Free shipping not only makes your order
more attractive to buyers, but it also makes you more likely to win the Buy
Box. Amazon considers shipping as a part of the order price, so offering free
shipping will make your price more competitive.
Improve your Amazon seller reputation. Whether it’s soliciting more product
reviews or making your customer service transparent, boosting your seller
reputation will make buyers more likely to trust you and buy your products.
What if You’re Not Meeting Benchmarks…
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
A low conversion rate could also mean your traffic isn’t high enough. The
fewer visitors you have, the more likely your orders will drop. Here are a few
tips to increase your listing traffic:
Use SEO keywords in your listing. Using terms and phrases that are
frequently searched will drive traffic to your listing.
Use high-quality, clear images. When buyers are going through search
listings, they’ll be much more likely to buy your product if they see a good-
looking photo.
Advertise your listing. Consider using Amazon’s advertising solutions to make
it easier for customers to discover your listings and buy your products.
Whether it’s increasing your orders or increasing your traffic, finding a way
to boost your conversion rate is critical in encouraging more sales from old
and new customers.
Low product availability
If a seller’s active listings are consistently running out of stock, they need to
improve their inventory management plan to ensure that their products are
always available to order and ship.
For all types of Amazon sellers, FBA or not, inventory management is the
merchant’s responsibility. Sellers who don’t feel confident in handling their
own inventory management should consider using a tool like Sellbrite.
What if You’re Not Meeting Benchmarks…© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Poor performance metrics
Poor performance metrics can make you ineligible to win the Buy Box and
are also usually paired with negative reviews from customers. To avoid
these damaging effects, here are a few strategies for improving each metric.
Lower a high order defect rate by:
Providing excellent customer service to avoid receiving negative order
feedback. If you’ve already received negative order feedback, resolve the
customers issue and they may potentially remove their feedback.
Accurately describing your products on your listings. If you deliver a
product that’s not as it was described, a buyer can file an A-to-Z guarantee
claim, causing your ODR to increase.
Delivering your products on time. Buyers can also file A-to-Z guarantee
claims if their orders aren’t delivered on-time, so avoid increasing your ODR
with late shipments.
Decrease a high pre-fulfillment cancel rate and a high late shipment rate by:
Making sure your items are in-stock and ready to ship. With this preparation,
sellers can avoid canceling orders prior to ship-confirmation and sending
late shipments. Tools, like Sellbrite, can also assist with inventory
Sellers who use these strategies to keep their performance metrics at
healthy levels will enjoy the benefit of maintaining Buy Box eligibility.
Low seller rating
A low seller rating can hurt your customer engagement and acquisition
efforts by making you ineligible to win the Buy Box. To increase your seller
rating, you need to make sure you’re providing excellent customer service
Responding to all buyer messages and solving all customer issues as they
Having an inventory management plan to ensure product availability and on-
time deliveries.
Working with buyers to remove negative feedback.
What if You’re Not Meeting Benchmarks…
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Maintaining a high seller rating gives you peace-of-mind in knowing
that you’re keeping customers happy and encouraging them to continue
engaging with your business.© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Metrics and
Benchmarks Wrap-up
Can’t remember each metric and benchmark? Here’s a wrap-up to help you
Metric Benchmark Reporting
Units ordered n/a Business
Sessions n/a Business
Unit session percentage Amazon average =12.3% Business
Buy Box percentage
Ideally close to 100% but varies
depending on seller and product
circumstances Business
Stock status
The amount available should always
be greater than zero for active
listings Inventory
Order defect rate <1% Performance
Pre-fulfillment cancel rate <2.5% Performance
Late shipment rate <4% Performance
Seller rating 4 stars or above Performance
© 2018 Sellbrite, Inc.
Using Numbers to
Grow Your Amazon
Amazon merchants can’t interact with their customers because they sell
online. Unable to give memorable, in-person customer service, these sellers
have to monitor and improve their engagement and acquisition efforts
with data. By tracking metrics, merchants are able to assess their position
in the Amazon environment and encourage both old and new customers
to continue doing business. With buyer behavior constantly changing
over time, sellers who continuously monitor their data and iterate on their
engagement and acquisition efforts will stay successful on the marketplace.
We hope you enjoyed going through this ebook!
Still have questions? Ask us on Twitter.
Sellbrite is a leading multichannel inventory and order control solution
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