United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
A Sunday School Guide for
Younger Elementary
Lesson 1: The Church as the People of God
Trinity Sunday
First Sunday after Pentecost
June 16, 2019
General Concept: The Church is the people called and chosen by God.
Biblical Reference: Romans 1:11-12
Age Level Concepts
We belong to God.
We are part of the Church.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
Point out who belongs to God
Picture out what the Church looks like
Thank God for being part of the Church
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket of offering, crayons, picture of an outline of local church
Biblical Background
Romans 1:11-12
Paul had heard of the church at Rome, but he had never been there, nor, had any of the others
apostles. Evidently the church had been begun by Jews who had come to faith during
Pentecost. They spread the faith on their return to Rome, and the church grew.
Paul prayed for the chance to visit these Christians so that he could encourage them with his
gift of faith and be encouraged by theirs. As God’s missionary, he could help them understand
the meaning of the Good News about Jesus. As God’s devoted people, they could offer him
fellowship and comfort. When Christians gather, everyone should give and receive. Our mutual
faith gives us a common language and a common purpose for encouraging one another.
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Greet the children as they arrive with a Big smile. Allow them to sit in their
designated seat assignment.
Opening Hymn “We Are the Church”
I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together!
All who follow Jesus all around the world, yes, we're the church together!
The church is not a building; the church is not a steeple;
the church is not a resting place; the church is people.
Opening Prayer
Dear God we are grateful for your great love by guiding us every Sunday
of learning. Please be with us as we learn new things today and as we
listen to your Word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Getting Ready
Ask the children why they come to church regularly on Sundays. Allow them to
express their opinion. Write them on the board. You may appreciate the answers
as a result of your discussions. (You may give them appreciation through
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth. Read the text in Romans 1:11-12.
The Apostle Paul wanted to visit the Church in Rome. He could not do it so he
wrote them and said, 11 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some
spiritual gift to strengthen you, 12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged
by each other’s faith both yours and mine.
Discuss the following:
1. What church did Paul want to visit?
2. Why did Paul visit the church in Rome? (He would like to share some spiritual
gifts to the Romans. He wanted the Christians in Rome to be strong in faith.
He wants to fellowship with other members so that they will make each
other stronger in faith)
Lessons Learned
Ask the following questions.
1. What is a church? (The meaning of the church is not just a building. The
church is a group of believers which is the body of Christ and Jesus in the
2. What is the name of our church? (UCCP so you belong to UCCP, I belong to
UCCP, your family belongs to UCCP.)
3. Do you go to church regularly?
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
4. Why do you go to church?
a. I go to church regularly because I belong to the church.
b. I go to church because I want to be with other children.
c. I want to go to church because I want to pray with friends.
d. I want to go to church because I want to eat and play with other children.
e. I go to church because I want to know more about Jesus and the church.
Applying the Lessons Learned
a. Teaching the memory verse.
12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith both
yours and mine.
b. Let the children draw a Church or you may distribute a printed
coloring picture of the church. Let them color it! Let them write the
following: “I am a member of UCCP and I thank God for it”
Closing Worship
Ask them to offer their gifts to God.
Closing Hymn “I Was Glad”
I was glad when they said unto me, let us go to the house of the Lord (2X)
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us worship together the Lord (2X)
I was glad when they said unto me let us love and care for each other’s (2X)
Closing Prayer
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Dear God, thank you for making us aware of our being a part of our
beloved UCCP. We thank you for your love and guidance. All these we
ask in Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
Lesson 2: The Church as an Organic and Dynamic Movement
Second Sunday after Pentecost
June 23, 2019
General Concept: The Church has life: growing, developing and evolving.
Biblical Reference/s: Galatians 3:26-28
Age Level Concepts
Our Church is alive.
Our Church is growing.
We grow in our Church.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
Picture out that the Church is alive and growing
Cite examples of what they do in Church
Express how they feel about their Church
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket, picture of a sad face and a happy face
Biblical Background
Galatians 3: 26-28
The Book of Galatians is the charter of Christian freedom. In this profound letter, Paul
proclaims the reality of our liberty in Christ- freedom from the law; and the power of sin, and
freedom to serve our living Lord.
By becoming Christians and being baptized, the Galatian believers were becoming spiritually
grown up and ready to take on the privileges and responsibilities of a more mature. Christians
are now growing developing and evolving into more productive life.
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Hymn
“I’m Awake, Alive, Enthusiastic”
I’m awake, alert, alive, enthusiastic
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
I’m awake, alert, alive, enthusiastic
I’m awake, alert, alive I’m awake, alert, alive
Opening Prayer
Dear God, we praise and thank you for beautiful Sunday morning. May
we feel your presence as we learn good things from you. Open our hearts
and mind O God. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Getting Ready
Let the children do this exercise. Allow them to shake.
Stand up, arms forward raise, arms sideward raise
Raise your hands upward (shake 20 times)
Your hands downward (shake 20 times)
Your hands side ward (shake 20 times)
Then jump (10 times)
And the say Amen!
Let them repeat the exercise.
Tell the class to recall what they have discussed last week.
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Read Galatians 3: 26-28
“For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.”
Ask the following questions.
a. Who are the “children” of God?
b. What should you do as children of God?
c. How did you feel being called children of God?
Lessons Learned
Discuss. As children in the church, can you help make the church alive and grow?
Mention ways you can do to help make the church grow and alive.
Applying the Lessons Learned
a. Teaching the memory verse: Galatians 3: 26-28
“For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.”
b. Read the following statement. Ask the children to show their “happy face”
when the statement signifies a growing/living church. And show their “sad
face” when statement does not signify a growing /loving church.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
1. The church is alive when I attend Sunday School every Sunday.
2. The church is alive when I do not attend Sunday School every
3. The church is alive when I pray, read and study the Word of God.
4. The church is alive when I do not pray, read and study the Word of
5. The church is alive when they love and care each other.
6. The church is alive when they do not love and care each other.
(You may add some more situations to enhance learning)
Tell the children to write the memory verse on a coupon bond and
decorate it. Galatians 3: 26
Closing Worship
Offertory. Let them give their offerings.
Closing Hymn “God is so Good”
God is so good, God is so good, God is so good. He’s so good to us.
God loves us all, God loves us all, God loves us all. He’s so good to us.
We trust in God, we trust in God, we trust in God. He’s so good to us
We grow and live, we grow and live, we grow and live He’s so good to us.
We do what’s right, we do what’s right, we do what’s right. He’s so good
to us.
Closing Prayer
Loving God, we thank you for looking on us as we grow and live. Thank
you for your unending love and grace. Continue O Lord to guide us! In
Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Lesson 3: The Church as an Institution and Organization
Third Sunday after Pentecost
June 30, 2019
General Concept: The Church has evolved as an institution and organization to be effective and
Biblical Reference/s: Ephesians 4:11-13
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Age Level Concepts
We see women, men, young people and children in Church.
We choose leaders of the Church.
We worship, study and play with other children in Church.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
Mention the different groups of people found in the Church
Identify some of the leaders of the Church
Thank God that they are part of the Church
Thank God that the Church takes care of children
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket, picture of our Bishop, presence of pastors, picture or
presence of Church Chairperson, lettering of CYF, CYAF, CWA, UCM, UCWO
Biblical Background
Ephesians 4:11-13
In this letter to the Ephesians, Paul explains the wonderful things that we have received
through Christ and refers to the church as a body, a temple, a bride, and a soldier. These all
illustrate unity of purpose and show how each individual member is a part that must work
together with all the other parts (Zondervan Life Application Study Bible, p. 2029).
Paul wanted to teach us that our oneness in Christ does not destroy our individuality. The
Holy Spirit has given each Christian special gifts for building up the church. As members of
Christ’s body, we do different tasks, and we can accomplish more together than working alone
by ourselves. Working together, the church can express the fullness of Christ (Zondervan Life
Application Study Bible, p. 2036-2037).
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Song
Make Me A Servant
Make me a servant humble and meek
Lord let me lift up those who are weak
And may the prayer of my life always be
Make me a servant, make me a servant today.
Opening Prayer
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Almighty God, we come to worship you with praise and thanksgiving for
Your greatness. Please guide us as we study your word. This we ask in
Jesus’ name, Amen.
Getting Ready
Write on the board the Chorus of “That’s Why We Are UCCP”
That’s why we are UCCP for we are taught what the Lord had said
To live in life in community with God and all
Assured of life even after death no more sorrows and no more defeat
There’s only love, justice and peace, UCCP”
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Read the biblical text. Let them listen carefully.
11 and his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some
evangelists, some pastors and teachers. 12 To equip the saints for the work of
the ministry for building up the body of Christ, 13until we all attain knowledge of
the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ.
Ask the following questions.
1. What are the gifts given by God to the church? (Apostle, prophets,
evangelist, pastor and teachers)
Discuss briefly their functions and cite names.
An Apostle is taught and sent to deliver or spread Jesus teachings to others.
He is a messenger of the Lord. Apostles originally refers to the 12 disciples of
Jesus and Paul in the early church times.
A Prophet is one that is called by God to announce God’s message of hope
and mercy and denounce people’s unfaithfulness without fear. Amos, Micah,
Hosea are prophets of the Lord.
An Evangelist is a person who travels from town to town and from church
to church spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An evangelist is a public
preacher. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the evangelist of God.
2. How can we help the church by using our God-given gifts?
Lessons Learned
Paste on the board the lettering you’ve prepared. (CYF, CYAF, CWA, UCM,
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Discuss further Christian Youth Fellowship, Christian Young adult, Christian
Women’s associations, United Church Men, United Church Workers
Or you may invite the presidents of the said organizations. In advance, invite
them to talk short statements about their organizations. Show appreciation after
each speaker.
Present the following pictures. Tell them about our General Secretary, Bishop
assigned to our Jurisdiction, our Conference Minister, our assigned Pastor, the
Church Chairman.
Applying the Lessons Learned
a. Teach the memory verse. Ephesians 4:11-12
11 So Christ gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and
teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of
Christ may be built up.
b. Distribute the color sheet, cotton and painting materials. Tell the children to
do cotton printing. Dip the cotton to the paint of their desired color and
paint the picture. Write on their papers these words: “I LOVE UCCP.
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn (chorus of “That’s Why We are UCCP”)
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
That’s why we are UCCP for we are taught what the Lord had said
To live in life in community with God and all
Assured of life even after death no more sorrows and no more defeat
There’s only love, justice and peace, UCCP”
Closing Prayer
Dear God, thank you for your nurturing power. Thank you for your guidance.
Thank you for we are UCCP. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Lesson 4: The Church Has a Structure
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
July 7, 2019
General Concept: As an institution and organization, the Church needs a structure for efficient
and systematic implementation of its work.
Biblical Reference/s: 1 Samuel 3:1-19
Age- Level Concepts
Our Church needs to do its work properly.
Our Church needs to arrange its work and people.
People do different kinds of work in our Church.
Every member of the Church has tasks to do.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
List down the positions in the Church (local church) into which people are chosen
Share what tasks they would like to do to help the Church
Thank God for people who are willing to accept the tasks given them
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket
Biblical Background
First Samuel is a book of great beginnings… and a tragic ending. Eli must have begun his life
with a close relationship to God. In his communication with Hannah, and his training of her son
Samuel, he demonstrated a clear understanding of God’s purpose and call.
Although God had spoken directly and audibly with Moses and Joshua, his words became rare
during the three centuries of rule by judges. By Eli’s time, no prophets were speaking to God’s
message to Israel. Why? Look at the attitude of Eli’s sons. They either refused to listen to God
or allowed greed to get in the way of any communication with him.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Listening and responding is vital in a relationship with God. God does not always use the
sound of a human voice; he always speaks clearly through his Word. To receive his messages,
we must be ready to listen and to act upon what he tells. Like Samuel, be ready to say “Here I
am” when God calls you to action.
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Hymn
“I Will Make You Fishers of Men”
I will make you fishers of men. Fishers of men, fishers of men.
I will make you fishers of men if you follow me.
If you follow me, if you follow me
I will make you fishers of men if you follow me.
Opening Prayer
Lead the prayer and tell the learners to follow after you. “Dear God thank
you for bringing us again in this place. Thank you for our teachers and
friends. Be with us again as we continue study your Word. This we ask in
Jesus name we pray, Amen.”
Getting Ready
Divide the class into two groups. Tell each group to form a circle and sit down.
Whisper to one child, “God called Samuel.” Let this child whisper it to the next
until all the children in the group have heard the whispered message. The last
child will whisper back to the teacher the message.
Do the same procedure with the other group. This time whisper to one child,
“Samuel said, “Here I am.” Congratulate each group when they have delivered
the correct message. Then let the first group say the message aloud followed by
the second group. (“God called Samuel.” “Samuel said, “Here I am.”)
Process the activity and ask the class what makes it easy or difficult to transfer a
message. Draw from the class the importance of listening well.
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth
God Calls Samuel
(Based on 1 Samuel 3: 1-19)
One night Samuel lay resting in the tabernacle. The Lord called him,
“Samuel, Samuel.”
“Here I Am!” said Samuel, and ran to Eli’s room. “Did you call me”
“No,” Eli answered, “go back to bed, my son.”
The same thing happened a second time.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Samuel didn’t know God then, or God’s words. Then Samuel was called a
third time. At last, Eli understood that the Lord was calling the boy. Eli
told Samuel how to answer.
The Lord came and stood there calling as before. Samuel answered,
“Speak Lord, your servant listening.”
Lessons Learned
Discuss the story by asking the following:
a. How many times did God call Samuel? (Four times)
b. Who did Samuel think was calling him? (The Priest Eli)
c. What did Samuel tell Eli? (“Here I am. You called me.”)
d. Who realized that God was the one calling Samuel? (The Priest Eli)
e. What did the Priest Eli teach Samuel to say to God? (“Speak, Lord, for your
servant is listening.”)
f. Why was God calling Samuel? (God wanted to tell Samuel the things
Samuel will do for Israel.)
g. How will you answer God when He calls you? Let them recall their first
activity. Let a member of the first group to stand away from the group. Ask
the other members to call out the name of the child twice. Instruct the child to
say, “Here I am Lord. I’m listening.” Do this with the second group.
Do you agree that God is still calling us today? (Yes, God is still calling us today)
Say: “Our leaders in the church is called by God to be efficient and have
systematic life and ministry of the church.”
People in the Church I Know. Write on the board the positions in the Local
Church Council! Or you may invite the Local Church Council. Discuss briefly their
roles and functions or you may allow them to talk about their positions.
Applying the Lessons Learned
a. Teach the memory verse: I Samuel 3: 16
Samuel answered “Speak Lord, your servant listening.”
b. Provide each child an outline of a left ear and a right ear and a headband.
The hairband is a rabbit size for the boys and girls.
Tell the class to cut the ears and attach them to the headband. On the
headband write “I will listen to the Lord! “
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Let the learners wear their headband, and ask each of them to say, “I can help
the church by _____________________”
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn “Building up the Church”
(Tune: Building up the Temple, Words by Iris Tibus)
Building up the church (2x)
Building up the church of the Lord
The Lord is calling workers, the Lord is calling workers
To guide God's people in the church.
Building up the church (2x)
Building up the church of the Lord
Members care for pastors, Members help the pastor
We are one body of the Lord.
Closing Prayer
“Dear God, we thank you for calling workers to serve, guide, and
lead your people in the church. Bless our pastor and guide them as they serve
your church with love and care. This is our prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Lesson 5: The UCCP has Vision, Mission and Goals
Trinity Sunday
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
July 14, 2019
General Concept: The purpose and direction of the UCCP is expressed in its Vision, Mission and
Biblical Reference/s: Luke 10:25-28
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Age- Level Concepts
VMG stands for the Vision, Mission and Goals of the Church.
The Vision, Mission and Goals tell us what to do and where to go as a Church.
We need to know the Vision, Mission and Goals of our Church.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
State what VMG stands for
Understand the need for the Church to have an aim and direction
Pray for God to help the Church reach its aim and direction
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket
Biblical Background
The Gospel of Jesus according to Luke affirms the divinity of Jesus, but the real emphasis is the
humanity of Jesus- Son of Man. Luke gives a glimpse of Jesus at the age of 12. After the experience
of temptations, Jesus returned to Galilee to preach, teach and heal. Later Jesus commissioned
the disciples and sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God.
This expert in the law was quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18. He correctly understand
the law demanded total devotion to God and love for others neighbor. The expert of the law
displayed his eagerness to inherit the kingdom of God. He had the spirituality to attain his
purpose and direction. Jesus replied to him, ““That’s right. Do this and you’ll have life.”
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Hymn
“They’ll Know We Are Christians” by Carolyn Arends
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord (2x)
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
They will know we are Christians by our love.
Opening Prayer
Lead the prayer and tell the learners to follow after you: “Dear
God, we thank you for this day. We thank you for our friends and
teachers. We thank you for the church. Help us to know your word today.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.”
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Getting Ready
Prepare the class to play the game “Revival Tag”. Choose a child who will play
king, Instruct the king to tag a child and tells him or her to serve the Lord. The
tagged child will say, Yes, I will the Lord!” Then that child will tag another child
and together they will say, “We will serve the Lord!” Continue this until they are
able to tag the rest of the class. When everyone is part of the line, the king will
ask them what they stand for and together, they will all say, “We will stand for
what is right in the sight of the Lord!” Then the king will say, we are now
connected in the eyes of the Lord.”
Ask the children how they felt when they were all together in one line and
saying about their aim to serve God.
Say: Our lesson for today is about the aim and direction of our Church.
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Read the Story below.
“The Lawyer”
Nearby stood a lawyer who knew the Jewish law. This man asked the
Lord. “What should I do to get eternal life?
“What does the law say?” asked Jesus.
Love God with your whole heart,” answered the lawyer. And love your
neighbor like you love yourself.”
“That’s right. Do this and you’ll have life,” said Jesus.
Ask the following questions.
1. Who are the characters of the story?
2. What is the question of the lawyer?
3. What is the answer of Jesus?
4. Do you think the lawyer signifies his aim to get eternal life?
5. Do you think the lawyer is wanting to know if his direction in life is
6. Do you think that we UCCP should have an aim and direction in the
future as the lawyer did?
Lessons Learned
Introduce the following words and discuss its importance in the life and
ministry of UCCP.
VISION- is the declaration of the Church of what it intends to achieve and
the commitment to shape its whole life for a world according to
God’s plan.
MISSION- is what the church intends to do to be able to reach its dream.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
GOALS-are the attainable ways by which the church’s mission are carried
out to achieve its vision.
Ask. “If UCCP doesn’t have Vision, Mission and Goals, what do you think
might happened to us?”
Applying the Lessons Learned
1. Teach the memory verse
Luke 10:28: “That’s right. Do this and you’ll have life.” Said Jesus.
2. Distribute wheel of VMG! Distribute to the learners and let them color it!
Collect their papers and add to their clippings. Write the following on the
wheel, vision, mission, goals, name of your church, write “Thank you Lord
for our VMG” and the last shade, let them write their promise to upkeep
the VMG.
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn
“Little by Little Bit”
Little by little bit everyday
Little by little bit every way
Yes, Jesus is changing me.
Since I've made turn about that face
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
I've been walking in His grace
My Jesus is changing me
Closing Prayer
“Dear God, we thank you for changing us to become better children.
Continue to change our hearts that we may live like you. Teach to remember
and obey Your word. Amen.
Lesson 6: What is a church’s vision?
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
July 21, 2019
General Concept: A Vision is a church’s aspiration, which is aligned with God’s intention.
Biblical References: Joel 2:28, Isaiah 65: 17-25
Age- Level Concepts
Our Church dreams of a world wherein God’s presence is in the lives of the people.
Our Church’s dream is shared by all.
Our Church’s dream includes other people too.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
To picture out the dream of the Church where God’s presence is felt in the lives of the
To explain why other people should be included in the Church’s dream.
To thank God for the beautiful dream of the Church and pray for it to happen.
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket
Biblical Background
Joel 2:28
Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.
The whole book of Joel can be divided in to two parts: the call to repentance and the age and
time when the Spirit of God would fully reign. Joel emphasized that true repentance results to
divine transformation which we eventually would usher in the receiving of spiritual gifts which
are manifestations of God’s presence in the lives of persons and communities.
Isaiah 65: 17-25
It is within this context of war and conflict that Isaiah prophesied about the “new heaven and
the new earth”. His pronouncements about this new life contrasted the life that the people
have endured for a very long time. It is not an improved version of the life in Israel nor that of
Judah but a vision of an entirely new life. In this new creation, the quality of life will be totally
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
different from what people are experiencing. Instead of grieving, there will be rejoicing. People
will not go weary nor hungry; people will enjoy life as God intended it to be. In this vision of
new creation, people and the rest of creation will live in peace and harmony and in perfect
fellowship with God.
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Song
“Here we are in Sunday School, Sunday School, Sunday School
Here we are in Sunday School, here we grow”
Opening Prayer
Dear God thank you for the past days in our lives. Continue to bless us
as we continue to study your Word. Open our hearts and minds O Lord,
as we listen to our teacher and learn from each other! This we ask in
Jesus name we pray. Amen!
Getting Ready
You may ask the children what profession they want to have in the future. Let
them share. Let them dramatize or make some gesture in portraying their
chosen career for the class to guess.
Say, “All of these are your beautiful dreams in your life, right? God will help you
achieve your dreams. Shall we give a round of applause to all of us.
“The church has a beautiful dream in the future. Listen carefully to the text
below as I read to you and we will discover what it is all about.”
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Read the text in Isaiah 65: 17-25.
17 “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former
things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
18 But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create for behold I
create a new Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy.
19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people. No more shall be
heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of the distress.
Ask the following questions:
1. What does God want to create?
2. Why did God wants to create new heaven and a new earth?
3. How do you think people would feel when the new heaven and new
earth happens?
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Then discuss the following Joel 2:28.
Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young
men shall see visions.”
The whole book of Joel can be divided in to two parts: the call to repentance
and the age when the Spirit of God would fully reign. Joel emphasized that
true repentance results to divine transformation which eventually would
usher in the pouring out of spiritual gifts which are manifestations of God’s
presence in the lives of persons and communities.
Lessons Learned
Discuss the following:
1. The new heaven and a new earth envisioned by Isaiah, is a dream of
our Church today. The church dream of a beautiful world where we
feel God’s presence in our lives. Share your opinion.
2. This is a beautiful dream, all is accepted in the new heaven and the
new earth. Men, women, boys and girls, adult and children even
people of different gender preferences are accepted. Why? Share
your opinion.
Applying the Lessons Learned
1. Teach the memory verse. Joel 2:28
“Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.”
2. Creative Activity
Let the children trace their hands using coupon band and pentel
pen. Let them trace their left hand and right hand then paste them
together. Let them color the praying hand. Let them write “Thank
you Lord for the dream our Church has for everybody”.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn “The Kingdom of God is Where God is” Children Praise God, 178
The Kingdom of God is where God reigns
A place of love, joy and peace
The Kingdom of God is where God reigns
A place of love, joy and peace.
Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, we thank you for this time of learning. Thank you for our
Church’s dream. May love and peace forever prevails. Amen
Lesson 7: Why does a church need to have a vision?
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
July 28, 2019
General Concept: The church needs a vision to set the direction of its journey towards the
fulfillment of God’s work.
Biblical References: Acts 2:42-47. 4:32-35
Age- Level Concepts
Our Church needs to have a dream as it guides us in doing God’s work in the world.
We need a reason for working together as God’s people.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
Listen to the story of the early church.
Suggest ways of how to help the Church make its dreams come true
Thank God for being part of the journey of the Church
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket
Biblical Background
Acts 2: 42-47, Acts 4: 32-35
The Early Christian community manifested a different kind of life that attracts other people
around them. They exuded a strong sense of unity, fellowship, worship, study and care for
those in need to the point that they brought their money and possessions together from which
help can be extended according to the needs of people. This kind of community life inspired
other believers from different places to emulate and live out. Our church today looked at this
early church experience as something that believers need to look forward to and work on.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Hymn
“Walking with Jesus”
Walking with Jesus, walking every day, walking all the way.
Walking with Jesus, walking with Jesus alone.
Walking in the sunshine, walking in the shadow,
Walking every day, walking all the way.
Walking with Jesus, walking with Jesus alone.
Opening Prayer
Dear God, we honor you and we thank you for your love and care. Give
us understanding as we learn your word today. Help us to understand
your vision as you entrusted to the church. This we ask in the name of
Jesus. Amen.”
Getting Ready
Decorate the classroom. Write Vision in a cartolina. Let the children read the
word Vision. Ask them what is their opinion about vision. You can inculcate the
importance of the past-present-future. Help those who cannot read by
explaining what vision means.
Say: “We are now 71 years old as UCCP! We going to study the story of
the early church so that we will know where we came from and where
we are going.”
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Read the following text. Let them listen carefully.
Acts 2: 42-47, Acts 4: 32-35
Explain the following biblical background.
b. The Early Christian community manifested a different kind of
life that attracts other people around them.
c. They exuded a strong sense of unity, fellowship, worship,
study and care for those in need to the point that they brought
their money and possessions together from which help can be
extended according to the needs of people.
d. This kind of community life inspired other believers from
different places to emulate and live out.
e. Our church today looked at this early church experience as
something that believers need to look forward to and work on.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Lessons Learned
Ask the following:
“What can you do in reaching UCCP’s dream?
What are some of the particular activities you can do?
Applying the Lessons Learned
Teach the memory verse: Acts 2:42
“And they devoted themselves to the apostle’ teaching and fellowship,
to the breaking of breads and to the prayers”.
Tell the class to do the following:
a. Find a partner. Let them talk about what particular activity they will
do in achieving UCCP’s dream. How frequent? How they will be going
to sustain? Assist them by saying “Lord help me to achieve church
b. Complete the following sentences by filling the blank with the
unscrambled word
o I will show my ________ for God by helping the church. ( e v o l )
o I will participate in attaining _________________ dream. ( h c r
u h c )
o I will pray that God will __________ the church in attaining our
dream. ( h p l e )
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn “The More We Work Together
(Tune: The More We Get Together,
Words: Iris H. Tibus)
The more we work together, together, together
The more we work together, God's kingdom is built.
Church workers and members are working together
When we do our part together, God’s glory is served
Closing Prayer
Loving God, we thank you for giving us vision. Help us that we may work on
it. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Lesson 8: What does it mean to be a responsible church?
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
August 4, 2019
General Concept: A responsible church can be trusted to actively do its mandated tasks for the
realization of its vision.
Biblical Reference/s: Luke 4:18-19
Age -Level Concepts
Our Church can be trusted.
Our Church can do its tasks responsibly.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
Tell in their own words why they believe that their Church can be trusted
Give examples of the tasks the Church are doing responsibly
Ask God for help so that they can also be trusted to do the tasks given them
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket
Biblical Background
Luke 4:18-19
Jesus quoting from Isaiah 61:1-2. But the release from Babylonian Exile had not brought the
fulfillment the people had expected; they were still conquered and oppressed people. So Isaiah
must have been referring to a future messianic age. Jesus boldly announced. “Today this scripture
is fulfilled in your hearing.” Jesus was proclaiming himself as the One who would bring this good
news to pass, but in a way that the people would not yet be able to grasp. Jesus was trusted in
fulfilling the task God had given to him.
In the same way, the church being Christ’s body is to fulfill the same tasks. The community of
believers take on the responsibility to carry out such tasks and trusted to commit themselves to
fulfill them.
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Hymn "God is so Good"
God is so good, God is so good.
God is so good, God's so good to me.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Opening Prayer
“Eternal God, we give you thanks for this day. We thank you for
bringing us together to once again learn more about being responsible.
Getting Ready
1. Show a picture of a traffic light to the children. Ask them to name the
three colors that they see in the traffic light. Let the children say what
each color means.
Green: Go Yellow: Ready Red: Stop
2. After hearing their answers, tell them that obeying the traffic light is
a responsible action. Being responsible to obey traffic signals will lead
us to safety.
3. Ask the children what rules at home or in school do they follow. Let
them share why following rules is important. Emphasize that God is
pleased when children are responsible and trusted in obeying rules.
4. Say, “Today we are going to talk about the UCCP being trusted and
responsible in its mission and ministry given by God.”
Learning Time
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Read the following biblical reference. Luke 4:18-19
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he anointed me to preach
good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release of the
captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those
who are oppressed
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord
Ask the following questions:
a. Who reads this phrase? (Jesus)
b. What does Jesus want to convey? (The Spirit of the Lord is upon
c. What are the mentioned tasks? (Preach good news to the poor,
release of the captives, recovering sight to the blind, set liberty to
those who are oppressed)
d. The above-mentioned tasks are what also the tasks of the church.
Can our church be trusted to do its mission? Share your opinion.
Lessons Learned
Solicit opinion from the learners about being trusted by God to do Christ’s
mission. They may cite examples of being trusted or being responsible at home,
in school and in the church.
Example: At home, did you fixed your beddings every morning?
At School, did you do your assignments?
At Church, did you behave all the time in the church?
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
The facilitator may add some situations or activities the church is
engaged in. Ask the learners if it shows about the church being
responsible or being trusted of God’s work.
Applying the Lessons Learned
Teach the memory verse. Luke 4: 18
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he anointed me to preach
good news to the poor.
Show and Tell. Prepare pictures of being responsible and not being
responsible. Show the pictures to the learners. Give the children show
cards showing a happy face and a sad face.
Show them the pictures. If the picture is a picture of being
responsible, tell them to stand showing the happy face, if not, then
they will show the sad face.
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn “Read Your Bible, Pray and Obey”
Read your Bible, pray and obey (3x).
Read your Bible, pray and obey
And you grow, grow, grow (3x).
Read your bible, pray and obey.
And you grow, grow, grow.
Closing Prayer
Ever living and everlasting God, we thank you for guiding us to be a
responsible church. May you continue to guide and bless us. In Jesus’
name we pray. Amen.
Lesson 9: Why do we need to become a responsible church?
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
August 11, 2019
General Concept: We need to be a responsible church to express our love, obedience and
accountability to God and God’s people.
Biblical Reference/s: Matthew 25:14-30
Age -Level Concepts
We need to be responsible in doing our tasks because people trust us.
We need to be responsible to show our love and obedience to God.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
Perform responsibly a task assigned to them
Tell how to be responsible in doing a task
Express how they feel when people trust them
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket
Biblical Background
Matthew 25:14-30
The master divided the money (talents) among his servants according to their abilities. No one
received more or less that he could handle. If he failed in his assignment, his excuse could not be
that he was overwhelmed. Failure could come only from laziness or hatred toward the master.
The talents represent any kind of resource we are given. God gives us time, gifts and other
resources according to our abilities, and he expects us to invest them wisely until he returns. We
are responsible to use well what God has given us. The issue is not how much we have but how
well we use what we have. We are bound to be responsible and be trusted as an expression of
our love, obedience and accountability to God and others.
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Hymn
“It’s A Great Thing to Serve the Lord”
It’s a great thing to serve the Lord (3x).
Walking in the light of God.
Walk, walk, walk in the light (3x).
Walking in the light of God.
“Serve Him”
Serve Him, serve Him.
Serve Him in the morning, Serve Him in the noontime,
Serve Him, serve Him. Serve Him when the sun goes down.
Opening Prayer
“Dear God, thank you for the gift of life. Please teach us to be
responsible. We pray for your blessing and your help to enable us to
serve others. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Learning Time
1. Let the children sit together. Point to the crown and ask the children
what it is. Ask them who they know wears a crown (a king or queen)
and why a crown is worn. (A crown is a symbol of power.)
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
2. Prepare the class to play the game “Bring Me”. Tell the pupils that
you will play the king in this game. The teacher gives instruction and
the children obey. Ex. Bring me a Bible. Continue asking the children
other things available in the classroom.
3. After the game, ask the children.
a. What did the king make you do in the game?
b. What did you feel when you cannot give what the king wants?
c. What did you feel when you were able to give or do the task
what the king wants?
d. What makes you think that you were responsible?
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Tell the story, taken from Matthew 25:14-30.
Prepare and use stick puppets in telling and learning the lessons of the
a. What was the story all about?
b. Who will go to a trip?
c. What did the master tell to his servants?
d. How many talents did he give to the first servant??
e. How many talents did he give to the second servant?
f. How many talents did he give to the third servants?
g. Was the first servant responsible?
h. Was the second servant responsible?
i. Was the third servant responsible?
j. What did the master say to the first servant? The second servant?
The third servant?
k. Who among the three is a responsible servant?
Lessons Learned
At home, who do we obey? (Mom, dad, lolo, lola, ate and kuya)
Why do we have to obey and be responsible in doing our tasks?
Share your experience in doing your task responsibly?
Applying the Lessons Learned
Teach them the memory verse.
Matthew 25:23 “His master replied. ‘Well done, good and faithful
servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge
of many things, Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Poster making. Give each child a poster showing the words: “GUIDE ME O
LORD IN DOING MY TASK RESPONSIBLY" and tell them to make it colorful.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn “I'll Praise the Lord Forever”
I'll praise, I'll praise, I'll praise the Lord forever.
I'll praise, I'll praise, I'll praise the Lord forever.
I'll do my best, I'll do my best,
I'll do my best for You, Oh, oh, oh.
I'll obey, I'll obey, I'll obey the Lord forever
I'll obey, I'll obey, I'll obey the Lord forever
I'll do my best, I'll do my best,
I'll do my best for You, Oh! Oh! Oh!
Closing Prayer
“Dear God, we want to grow in You. Help us to be responsible. Help us to
read your word. Teach us to obey your word. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Lesson 10: What does it mean to be an empowered church?
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 18, 2019
General Concept: An empowered church is enabled and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Biblical Reference/s: Acts 2:14-39
Age- Level Concepts
The Holy Spirit is with us.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
The Holy Spirit moves and helps our Church.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, the learners should be able to
Review that the Holy Spirit is God’s spirit that is always with us
Tell the Bible story of God’s people being helped by the Holy Spirit
Thank God that the Holy Spirit moves and helps our Church
Materials: The Holy Bible (preferably the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) song chart,
offering plate or basket
Biblical Background
Acts 2:14-39
Peter had been an unstable leader during Jesus’s ministry, to the point that he was even denying
he knew Jesus. But Jesus had forgiven him and restored him. This is a new Peter, humble but
bold. His confidence came from the Holy Spirit, who made him powerful and dynamic speaker.
Peter tells why they should listen to the testimony of the believers. Peter answered the
accusations about them being drunk by saying it was too early for that. At Pentecost the Holy
Spirit is released throughout the entire world- to men, women, slaves, Jews, Gentiles. Now
everyone can receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit continues to move and helps the church.
Suggested Lesson Outline
Greeting Time
Announcements and/or Birthday Greetings
Opening Hymn “O God in Heaven”
Hymnal of Faith journey,50
O God in heaven, grant to your children
Mercy and blessings, songs never ceasing
Grace to invite us, peace to unite us
O God in heaven, author of love.
Spirit unending give us your blessing
Strength for the weary, help for the needy
Hope for the scornful, peace for the mournful
Spirit unending, comfort and guide.
Opening Prayer
“Dear God we thank you that we are here again in Sunday school
to have fellowship with one another and with you. Be present in our
class. This is our prayer in Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
Learning time
Provide the children a cut-out flame in the form of a tongue or printed out flame
representing the Holy Spirit. Let them hold while discussing the lesson for today.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Discovering the Biblical Truth
Tell the story below.
Pentecost in Jerusalem
Acts 2:12-39
Everyone was amazed and puzzled. They each heard their own language!
“What does this mean?” some asked.
Others sneered, “They’re drunk on new wine.”
Then Peter stood up. “People from Judea and all who live in Jerusalem.
We’re not drunk. It’s only nine in the morning. Long ago the prophet Joel
wrote: “In the last days I’ll pour my Spirit on everyone. Then, those who
call on the Lord’s name will be saved.’ Jesus of Nazareth did miracles
among you, but in God’s plan, you killed him. This same Jesus, God
brought back from death. We have seen him. He’s now He’s now at God’s
right hand. The Father has given Jesus the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Peter’s words cut them to the heart.
They asked. “What shall we do?”
Everyone, turn from your sins, be forgiven, and be baptized in the name
of Jesus Christ. You’ll be given the Holy Spirit as a gift. This promise is for
you, your children, and all who are far away,” Peter declared.
Three thousand people believed in Jesus that day.
Ask the following questions.
i. Who are the characters of the story? (Peter and the group of
ii. What happened to the people? (some sneered at Peter and others
said Peter was drunk)
iii. What happened to Peter? ( Peter gave a very strong sermon)
iv. Who is Jesus of Nazareth? (The God who made miracles, promised
Holy Spirit to be with us always)
v. What does the Father promised in Jesus Christ? (Holy Spirit)
vi. What was the effect of Peter’s words to the people? (cut the heart
of the people)
vii. What should the people do in order to have a close relationship
with God? (turn from your sins, be forgiven, and be baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ)
viii. How did the Holy Spirit help Peter?
Lessons Learned
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Present an apple. Cut a slice. Ask the class to describe the apple and its
parts skin, flesh, and core.
Ask: Does the apple remain the same even though it has three parts?
Say: “There is one mystery that I will tell you today: God is one God, in
three persons - God, Our Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit.
This is called the Trinity.” God is always with us guiding and uplifting.
The Holy Spirit is at work helping the church to move forward.
Ask: When is God with us? (God is always with us through the Holy
Say: The Holy Spirit is at work and always helping his people. God is
helping always the church to move and work.
Applying the Lessons Learned
a. Distribute patchwork in a shape of the symbol of
"Trinity" with the label "God with us" Tell the children to
paste the words in each of the circles: FATHER, SON. and
HOLY SPIRIT. Then let them color the circles (Father:
yellow, Son: red, and Holy Spirit: blue)
b. Tell the children to label their work: “God with us” Explain to them that
God has promised to be with us always. With God’s presence through the
Holy Spirit,
c. Ask the children to think of ways of showing appreciation for God’s
presence as their commitment. Expect the children to include the
following sample commitments.
1. I will remember to pray always.
2. I will remember to read God’s word.
3. I will remember to thank God who is always with us and helps
4. I will thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit who helps the church to
move forward.
United Church of Christ in the Philippines Younger Elementary
Closing Worship
Closing Hymn Come, Holy Spirit I need you.
Come, Holy Spirit I pray.
Come with your strength and your power,
Come in your own special way.
Closing Prayer
Loving God, thank you for being with us always. In the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.