An Open Letter from Legal Scholars on Trump
Impeachment Inquiry
For only the fourth time in American history, there is a serious inquiry concerning the
impeachment of the President of the United States. We write as law professors because
impeachment is a legal proceeding provided for by the Constitution of the United States. We
write because the core principle of the rule of law is that no one, not even the President, is above
the law and impeachment is the ultimate check provided for by the Constitution. We are
writing not to express an opinion as to whether President Donald Trump should be impeached
or removed, but to clarify the legal standards and procedures that should be followed.
Impeachment by the United States House of Representatives followed by a conviction in the
United States Senate is one of only two methods under the Constitution for removing a
President. (The 25th Amendment provides for the removal of the president due to incapacity,
and while some have called for that as well, this letter does not address it.) Article II, §4, of the
Constitution provides for impeachment for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and
Misdemeanors.” There is no definitive answer to what constitutes a “high crime or
misdemeanor.” There is no Supreme Court case addressing it. But the history of the phrase and
the experience of prior impeachments make clear that “high crimes and misdemeanors” include
a serious abuse of power while in office whether or not a crime has occurred. In other words, a
criminal act is often sufficient to be an impeachable offense, but it is not necessary.
We urge that the President and those in the Executive Branch cooperate with an impeachment
inquiry. Prior Presidents facing such inquiries Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill
Clinton cooperated with the House of Representatives and its committees. We urge the House
to act expeditiously, while providing the President and those in the Executive Branch a full and
fair opportunity to be heard. This, however, does not include the right of the President, or the
public, to know the identity of the whistleblower. Federal law explicitly provides for secrecy of
whistleblowers precisely so they will come forward and report wrong-doing.
We strongly disagree with White House Counsel Pat Cipollone’s statements in an October 8,
2019 letter that the impeachment inquiry is “contrary to the Constitution … and all past
bipartisan precedent” and violates “fundamental fairness and constitutionally mandated due
process.” Quite the contrary, the Constitution does not mandate the process for impeachment
and there is no constitutional requirement that the House of Representatives authorize an
impeachment inquiry before one begins. Cipollone wrongly condemns the impeachment
inquiry as the House “seeking to overturn the result of the 2016 election.” This fails to recognize
the seriousness of the charges against President Trump for abusing executive power for
personal political gain and violating federal election law.
If there is an impeachment by the House of Representatives, we believe that the Senate is
constitutionally obligated to hold a trial to be presided over by the Chief Justice of the United
States. Unlike past trials following impeachments, we urge that this trial be conducted in public,
not behind closed doors.
Erwin Chemerinsky
Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law
Berkeley Law School
Mark Aaronson
Professor of Law Emeritus
UC Hastings College of the Law
Susan Abraham
Professor of Law
New York Law School
Miriam Albert
Professor of Skills
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at
Hofstra University
Anthony Alfieri
Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
Penelope Andrews
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law
New York Law School
Claudia Angelos
Clinical Professor of Law
NYU School of Law
Catherine Archibald
Associate Professor of Law
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Jonathan Askin
Professor of Clinical Law
Brooklyn Law School
Barbara Atwood
Professor of Law Emerita
University of Arizona James E. Rogers
College of Law
Beverly Balos
Clinical Professor of Law Emerita
University of Minnesota Law School
Mark Bartholomew
Professor of Law
University at Buffalo School of Law
Heather Baxter
Professor of Law
Nova Southeastern University
Shepard Broad College of Law
Ron Beal
Professor of Law
Baylor Law School
Gordon Beggs
Clinical Professor Emeritus
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Affiliations noted for identification purposes only.
Julia Belian
Associate Professor of Law
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Roxana Bell
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Anya Bernstein
Professor of Law
University at Buffalo School of Law
Wendi “Warren” H. Binford
Professor of Law
Willamette University College of Law
Susan Bitensky
Professor of Law
Michigan State University School of Law
Derek Black
Professor of Law
University of South Carolina School of Law
Henry Blair
Robins Kaplan Distinguished
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Christopher Blakesley
Professor Emeritus of Law
UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law
Beryl Blaustone
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Grace Ganz Blumberg
Distinguished Professor Emerita
UCLA School of Law
Elise Boddie
Professor of Law and Henry Rutgers Professor
Rutgers Law School
Carl T. Bogus
Professor of Law
Roger Williams University School of Law
Vincent Bonventre
Justice Robert H Jackson Distinguished
Professor of Law
Albany Law School
Michael Boucai
Associate Professor of Law
University at Buffalo School of Law
Bruce Boyer
Curt and Linda Rodin Professor of
Law and Social Justice
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Robin Boyle
Professor of Legal Writing
St. John's University School of Law
James Brook
Professor of Law Emeritus
New York Law School
Susan L. Brooks
Associate Dean and Professor of Law
Drexel University Kline School of Law
Patricia Broussard
Professor of Law
Florida A&M University College of Law
Allison Brownell Tirres
Associate Professor of Law
DePaul University College of Law
Mary Burns
Academic Director, On-line Masters in
Jurisprudence Degree in
Children's Law and Policy
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Mark Cammack
Professor of Law
Southwestern Law School
Eduardo Capulong
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Susan Carle
Professor of Law and Vice Dean
American University
Washington College of Law
Catherine Carpenter
Professor of Law
Southwestern Law School
Gilbert Carrasco
Professor of Law
Willamette University College of Law
David Cassuto
Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Kim D. Chanbonpin
Professor of Law
UIC John Marshall Law School
Luis Chiesa
Professor of Law
University at Buffalo School of Law
Gabriel Chin
Edward L. Barrett Jr. Chair and
Martin Luther King Jr. Professor
UC Davis School of Law
Carol Chomsky
Professor of Law
University of Minnesota Law School
Eric Christiansen
Professor of Law and Associate Dean
Golden Gate University School of Law
Morgan Cloud
Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law
Emory University School of Law
James Coben
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
David S. Cohen
Professor of Law
Drexel University Kline School of Law
Anna Cominsky
Visiting Associate Professor of Law
New York Law School
Jenny-Brooke Condon
Professor of Law
Seton Hall Law School
Kim Diana Connolly
Professor of Law and Vice Dean for Advocacy
and Experiential Learning
University at Buffalo School of Law
Terrye Conroy
Research Instructor
University of South Carolina School of Law
Laura Cooper
Professor of Law Emerita
University of Minnesota Law School
Caroline Mala Corbin
Professor of Law and
Dean's Distinguished Scholar
University of Miami School of Law
Nathan Cortez
Callejo Endowed Professor of Law
SMU Dedman School of Law
Phyllis L Crocker
Dean and Professor of Law
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
McKay Cunningham
Associate Professor of Law
Concordia University School of Law
Christopher Czerwonka
Special Professor of Law
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at
Hofstra University
Lisa Davis
Associate Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Kate Nace Day
Professor of Law Emerita
Suffolk University Law School
Frank Deale
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Joy Delman
Professor Emerita
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Meera Deo
Professor of Law
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Michael Dorf
Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law
Cornell Law School
Joshua Douglas
Thomas P. Lewis Professor of Law
University of Kentucky College of Law
Joshua Dressler
Distinguished University Professor of
Law Emeritus
The Ohio State University
Moritz College of Law
Olympia Duhart
Professor of Law
Nova Southeastern University
Shepard Broad College of Law
Ilene Durst
Associate Professor of Law
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Mira Edmonds
Clinical Assistant Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School
Heather Elliott
Alumni, Class of '36 Professor of Law
University of Alabama School of Law
Atiba Ellis
Professor of Law
Marquette University Law School
Monica Eppinger
Associate Professor of Law
Saint Louis University School of Law
Samuel Erman
Professor of Law
USC Gould School of Law
Marc Falkoff
Associate Dean and Professor of Law
Northern Illinois University College of Law
Daniel Farber
Sho Sato Professor of Law
Berkeley Law School
Stephen Feldman
Jerry W. Housel/Carl F. Arnold Distinguished
Professor of Law and Adjunct Professor
of Political Science
University of Wyoming College of Law
Eric Fink
Associate Professor of Law
Elon University School of Law
Pamela Foohey
Associate Professor of Law
Indiana University Maurer School of Law
William Forbath
Lloyd M. Bentsen Chair in Law
The University of Texas at Austin
School of Law
Caroline Forell
Professor Emerita
University of Oregon School of Law
Eleanor Fox
Walter J. Derenberg Professor of
Trade Regulation
NYU School of Law
James Francis
Distinguished Lecturer
CUNY School of Law
Alexandra M. Franco
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Eric M. Freedman
Siggi B. Wilzig Distinguished Professor
of Constitutional Law
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at
Hofstra University
Craig Futterman
Clinical Professor of Law
University of Chicago Law School
Ruben Garcia
Professor of Law
UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law
James Gardner
SUNY Distinguished Professor
University at Buffalo School of Law
Frederick Mark Gedicks
Guy Anderson Chair and Professor of Law
Brigham Young University Law School
Bennett Gershman
Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Nancy Gertner
Retired Federal Judge, Senior Lecturer
Harvard Law School
Doni Gewirtzman
Professor of Law
New York Law School
A. Thomas Golden
Professor of Law Emeritus
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Julie Goldscheid
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Brandt Goldstein
Visiting Professor of Law
New York Law School
Jared Goldstein
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and
Professor of Law
Roger Williams University School of Law
Natalie Gomez-Velez
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Anne Gordon
Clinical Professor of Law
Duke Law School
Mitchell Gordon
Associate Professor of Law
University of St. Thomas School of Law
Mark Graber
Regents Professor
University of Maryland Carey School of Law
John Greabe
Professor of Law
University of New Hampshire
Franklin Pierce School of Law
Steven Green
Fred H. Paulus Professor of Law
Willamette University College of Law
Elayne Greenberg
Professor of Legal Practice, Assistant Dean of
Dispute Resolution Programs
St. John's University School of Law
Julie Greenberg
Professor Emeritus
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Kent Greenfield
Professor of Law and
Dean’s Distinguished Scholar
Boston College Law School
Lissa Griffin
Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Carolyn Grose
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Jill Gross
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and
Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Samuel Gross
Thomas and Mable Long Professor
of Law Emeritus
University of Michigan Law School
Catherine Grosso
Professor of Law
Michigan State University School of Law
Martin Guggenheim
Fiorello LaGuardia Professor of Clinical Law
NYU School of Law
Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Professor of Law
Santa Clara University School of Law
Jennifer Gundlach
Emily and Stephen Mendel Distinguished
Professor of Law and Clinical Professor of Law
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at
Hofstra University
Susan Pace Hamill
Professor of Law and Honors Professor
University of Alabama School of Law
Vinay Harpalani
Associate Professor of Law
University of New Mexico School of Law
James Hathaway
James E. and Sarah A. Degan Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School
Kenney Hegland
James E Rogers Professor of Law
University of Arizona
James E. Rogers College of Law
Lynne Henderson
Emerita Professor of Law
UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law
Laura Hermer
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Helen Hershkoff
Herbert M. and Svetlana Wachtell Professor of
Constitutional Law and Civil Liberties
NYU School of Law
Kathy Hessler
Clinical Law Professor
Lewis & Clark Law School
Steven Heyman
Professor of Law
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Jim Hilbert
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Martha R. Hochberger
Visiting Professor of Law
New York Law School
Michael Hoffheimer
Professor of Law and Jamie L. Whitten Chair
of Law and Government
University of Mississippi School of Law
K. Babe Howell
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Margaret Hu
Associate Professor of Law
Washington and Lee University School of Law
Loren Jacobson
Assistant Professor of Law
UNT Dallas College of Law
Sandra Janin
Professor of Legal Writing
New York Law School
Eric Janus
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Danielle Jefferis
Clinical Fellow
University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Kari Johnson
Professor of Research and Writing
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Lawrence Joseph
Tinnelly Professor of Law
St. John's University School of Law
David Kairys
James E. Beasley Professor of Law Emeritus
Temple University Beasley School of Law
Anil Kalhan
Professor of Law
Drexel University Kline School of Law
Ken Katkin
Professor of Law
Northern Kentucky University
Chase School of Law
Michael Kaufman
Dean and Professor of Law
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Eileen Kaufman
Professor of Law Emerita
Touro Law School
Mehmet Konar-Steenberg
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Gerald Korngold
Professor of Law
New York Law School
Minna Kotkin
Professor of Law
Brooklyn Law School
Alex Kreit
Professor of Law
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Ellen Kreitzberg
Professor of Law
Santa Clara University School of Law
Mae Kuykendall
Professor of Law
Michigan State University School of Law
Brian Landsberg
Professor of Law Emeritus
University of the Pacific
McGeorge School of Law
Eric Lane
Eric J. Schmertz Distinguished Professor
of Public Law and Public Service
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at
Hofstra University
Kyle Langvardt
Associate Professor
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Michael Lawrence
Professor of Law
Michigan State University College of Law
Anne Lawton
Professor of Law
Michigan State University School of Law
Laurie Leader
Clinical Professor of Law
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Donna Lee
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Philip Lee
Professor of Law
UDC David A. Clarke School of Law
Brant Lee
Professor of Law
University of Akron School of Law
Nancy Leong
Professor of Law
University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Raleigh Hannah Levine
James E. Kelley Chair in Tort Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Sanford Levinson
W. St. John Garwood and W. St. John
Garwood, Jr. Centennial Chair and
Professor of Government
The University of Texas at Austin School of Law
Justin Levitt
Associate Dean for Research and
Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
Anne Marie Lofaso
Arthur B. Hodges Professor of Law
West Virginia University College of Law
Stephen Loffredo
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Gregory Magarian
Thomas and Karole Green Professor of Law
Washington University in St. Louis
School of Law
Matthew Main
Law Instructor
CUNY School of Law
Peter Malaguti
Professor of Law
Massachusetts School of Law
Suzette Malveaux
Provost Professor of Civil Rights Law
University of Colorado Law School
Maya Manian
Visiting Professor
Howard University School of Law
Francisco Martin
Former Ariel F. Sallows Professor
of Human Rights
University of Saskatchewan College of Law
Goldburn Maynard
Associate Professor of Law
University of Louisville Brandeis
School of Law
Thomas McAffee
Professor of Law
UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law
Andrea McArdle
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Martha McCluskey
Professor Emerita
University at Buffalo School of Law
Karen McDonald Henning
Associate Professor of Law
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Thomas McDonnell
Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
M. Isabel Medina
Ferris Family Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola University New Orleans
College of Law
Vanessa Merton
Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Elizabeth Mertz
John and Rylla Bosshard Professor
of Law Emerita
University of Wisconsin Law School
Carlin Meyer
Professor of Law Emerita
New York Law School
Jon Michaels
Professor of Law
UCLA School of Law
John Montgomery
Dean Emeritus
University of South Carolina School of Law
Margaret Montoya
Professor Emerita of Law
University of New Mexico School of Law
Jennifer Moore
Professor of Law
University of New Mexico School of Law
Robin Morris Collin
Professor of Law
Willamette University College of Law
Alan Morrison
Associate Dean for Public Interest
and Public Service Law
The George Washington University
Law School
Steven Mulroy
Bredesen Professor of Law
University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys
School of Law
Russell Murphy
Research Professor of Law
Suffolk University Law School
Ann Murphy
Professor of Law
Gonzaga Law School
Justin Murray
Associate Professor of Law
New York Law School
Sheldon Nahmod
University Distinguished Professor
of Law Emeritus
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Burt Neuborne
Norman Dorsen Professor in Civil Liberties
NYU School of Law
Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Gerald L. Bepko Chair in Law
Indiana University McKinney School of Law
Gene Nichol
Boyd Tinsley Distinguished Professor of Law
University of North Carolina School of Law
Anthony Niedwiecki
Dean and Professor of Law
Golden Gate University School of Law
Luke Norris
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Richmond Law School
Kevin O'Neill
Associate Professor of Law
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Timothy O'Neill
Professor Emeritus
UIC John Marshall Law School
John Orcutt
Professor of Law
University of New Hampshire
Franklin Pierce School of Law
Brian Owsley
Assistant Professor of Law
UNT Dallas College of Law
Stephen Paskey
University at Buffalo School of Law
Juan Perea
Professor of Law
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Michael Perino
George W. Matheson Professor of Law
St. John's University School of Law
Michael Perry
Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Law
Emory University School of Law
Daniel Pi
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Justin Pidot
Professor of Law
University of Arizona
James E. Rogers College of Law
Tamara Piety
Professor of Law
University of Tulsa College of Law
Ascanio Piomelli
Professor of Law
UC Hastings College of the Law
Stacey Platt
Curt and Linda Rodin Clinical Professor of
Law & Social Justice
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Alicia Plerhoples
Professor of Law
Georgetown University Law Center
Leah Plunkett
Associate Dean and Associate Professor
University of New Hampshire
Pierce School of Law
Samantha Pownall
Visiting Associate Professor of Law
New York Law School
Sharon Press
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Charles Press
Clinical Professor of Law
The University of Texas at Austin
School of Law
Edward Purcell, Jr.
Joseph Solomon Distinguished Professor
New York Law School
Asifa Quraishi-Landes
Professor of Law
University of Wisconsin Law School
Richard Reuben
James Lewis Parks Professor of Law
and Journalism
University of Missouri School of Law
Deborah Rhode
McFarland Professor of Law
Stanford Law School
Michelle Richards
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
David Ritchie
Professor of Law and Philosophy
Mercer University School of Law
Allie Robbins
Associate Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Anna Roberts
Professor of Law
St. John's University School of Law
Ruthann Robson
Professor of Law and
University Distinguished Professor
CUNY School of Law
Sarah Rogerson
Professor of Law
Albany Law School
Tom Romero, II
Associate Professor
University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Stephen Rosenbaum
Frank C. Newman Lecturer
Berkeley Law School
Darren Rosenblum
Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Laura Rovner
Professor of Law
University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Judith Royster
Professor of Law
University of Tulsa College of Law
Kenneth Rumelt
Professor of Law
Vermont Law School
Tifani Sadek
Clinical Assistant Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School
Rosemary Salomone
Kenneth Wang Professor of Law
St. John's University School of Law
Joyce Saltalamachia
Professor Emeritus
New York Law School
Jack Sammons
Griffin B. Bell Professor of Law Emeritus
Mercer University School of Law
James Sample
Professor of Law
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at
Hofstra University
Eli Savit
Adjunct Professor
University of Michigan Law School
Christopher Schmidt
Professor of Law
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Elizabeth Schneider
Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law
Brooklyn Law School
Joshua Schwartz
E.K. Gubin Professor of Law
The George Washington University Law School
Herman Schwartz
Professor of Law Emeritus
American University
Washington College of Law
Christopher Seaman
Associate Professor of Law
Washington and Lee University School of Law
Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
Professor Emerita
University of New Mexico School of Law
Robert Sedler
Distinguished Professor of Law
Wayne State University Law School
Eric Segall
Professor of Law
Georgia State College of Law
Rachel Settlage
Associate Professor of Law
Wayne State University Law School
Bijal Shah
Associate Professor of Law
Arizona State University
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
Sarah Shalf
Professor of Practice
Emory University School of Law
Jeffrey Shaman
Vincent de Paul Professor of Law Emeritus
DePaul University College of Law
Peter Shane
Jacob E. Davis and Jacob E. Davis II
Chair in Law
The Ohio State University
Moritz College of Law
Joan Shaughnessy
Roger D. Groot Professor of Law
Washington and Lee University School of Law
Richard Sherwin
Wallace Stevens Professor of Law
New York Law School
Franklin Siegel
Distinguished Lecturer
CUNY School of Law
Andy Silverman
Joseph Livermore Professor Emeritus of Law
University of Arizona
James E. Rogers College of Law
Gary Simson
Macon Chair in Law
Mercer University School of Law
Eric Sirota
Clinical Teaching Fellow
University of Michigan Law School
William Slomanson
Instructor and Professor Emeritus
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Charisa Smith
Associate Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Nicole Smith
Associate Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Rachel H. Smith
Professor of Legal Writing
St. John's University School of Law
Robert Solomon
Clinical Professor of Law
UC Irvine School of Law
Sophie Sparrow
Professor of Law and Associate Dean
of Faculty Research and Development
University of New Hampshire
Franklin Pierce School of Law
Professor of Law
Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall
School of Law
Mai Linh Spencer
Associate Clinical Professor
UC Hastings College of the Law
Mike Steenson
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Michael Steinberg
Professor from Practice
University of Michigan Law School
Joan Steinman
Professor of Law Emerita, University
Distinguished Professor Emerita
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Geoffrey Stone
Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service
Professor of Law
University of Chicago Law School
Seth Stoughton
Associate Professor of Law
University of South Carolina School of Law
Symeon Symeonides
Professor of Law
Willamette University College of Law
Dan Tarlock
University Distinguished Professor Emeritus
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Kim Taylor-Thompson
Professor of Clinical Law
NYU School of Law
Benjamin Templin
Professor of Law
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Leslie Tenzer
James D. Hopkins Professor of Law
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Claire R. Thomas
Adjunct Professor
New York Law School
Dana Thompson
Clinical Professor of Law
University of Michigan Law School
Gerald Tschura
Professor of Law
Western Michigan University
Cooley Law School
Jenia Turner
Robert G. Storey Distinguished Faculty
Fellow and Amy Abboud Ware
Centennial Professor in Criminal Law
SMU Dedman School of Law
David Uhlmann
Jeffrey F. Liss Professor from Practice
University of Michigan Law School
Joseph Vining
Hutchins Professor of Law Emeritus
University of Michigan Law School
Michael Vitiello
Distinguished Professor of Law
University of the Pacific
McGeorge School of Law
Michele Vollmer
Clinical Professor of Law
Penn State Law
Rachel Vorspan
Professor of Law
Fordham University School of Law
Dov Waisman
Vice Dean and Professor of Law
Southwestern Law School
Ari Waldman
Professor of Law
New York Law School
Adrian Walters
Ralph L. Brill Professor of Law
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Lu-in Wang
Professor of Law
University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Ettie Ward
Professor of Law
St. John’s University School of Law
G. Ray Warner
Professor of Law
St. John’s University School of Law
Daniel Warshawsky
Professor of Law
New York Law School
Julie Waterstone
Associate Dean
Southwestern Law School
Anita Weinberg
Curt and Linda Rodin Clinical Professor
of Law and Social Justice
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Brandon Weiss
Associate Professor of Law
University of Missouri-Kansas City
School of Law
Donal Wells
Emeritus Associate Professor of Law
Mercer University School of Law
Keith Werhan
Ashton Phelps Chair in Constitutional Law
Tulane Law School
Sonja West
Brumby Distinguished Professor of
First Amendment Law
University of Georgia School of Law
Meijken Westenskow
Professor of Practice
UNT Dallas College of Law
Verna Williams
Dean and Nippert Professor of Law
University of Cincinnati College of Law
Anthony Winer
Professor of Law
Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Michael Wise
Professor Emeritus
Willamette University College of Law
Richard Wright
University Distinguished Professor and
Professor of Law
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Theresa Wright
Adjunct Professor
Willamette University College of Law
Sofia Yakren
Associate Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Anne Yantus
Professor of Practice
University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Deborah Zalesne
Professor of Law
CUNY School of Law
Michelle Zierler
Professor of Legal Writing
New York Law School
Paul Zwier
Professor of Law
Emory University School of Law