A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 1
Using the TWAIN Datasource
Starting the Scan Validation Tool ....................................................... 2
The Scan Validation Tool dialog box.................................................. 3
TWAIN Settings screen ................................................................. 4
Using the TWAIN Datasource............................................................ 5
How do I begin?................................................................................. 5
Creating a new Setting Shortcut ........................................................ 6
Changing Image settings................................................................... 7
Changing Device settings .................................................................. 8
The main Kodak Scanner window ..................................................... 9
The Image Settings window............................................................. 13
Preview area................................................................................ 14
General tab.................................................................................. 16
Size tab........................................................................................ 18
Adjust tab: black and white.......................................................... 21
Adjust tab: color or grayscale ...................................................... 23
Enhance tab ................................................................................ 25
Detect tab.................................................................................... 28
Advanced Image Setup.................................................................... 30
Advanced tab............................................................................... 30
Content Settings tab.................................................................... 33
Creating color/grayscale or black and white images based on the
content of your documents, Example 1.......................................... 35
Creating multiple images for each side of a document, Example 2. 37
Creating different settings for each side of a document, Example 3 39
The Device Settings window............................................................ 40
Device - General tab.................................................................... 42
Device - Printer tab...................................................................... 45
Device - Multifeed tab.................................................................. 49
The Diagnostics window .................................................................. 51
Diagnostics - General tab............................................................ 52
Diagnostics - Debug tab .............................................................. 53
Diagnostics - Logs tab................................................................. 54
The Kodak i3000 Series Scanners provide the ability to process
scanned images to improve their quality by using image processing
features. This guide provides information for the Kodak i3200, i3250,
i3300, i3400 and i3450 Scanners. Any differences between the scanner
models will be noted.
Image processing refers to features of the scanner that allow you to
automatically adjust each image that may improve the resulting images
(i.e., correcting any skew in the fed document, cutting the edges of the
image off to remove unneeded borders or cleaning up extraneous
“noise” on the image).
2 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
The information in this guide provides procedures for using the TWAIN
Datasource as well as descriptions of the features. The same features
should be available on the user interface of the scanning application
you are using (i.e., Kodak Capture Software).
Starting the Scan
Validation Tool
1. Select Start>Programs>Kodak>Document Imaging>Scan
Validation Tool.
2. Select TWAIN for the Driver Type, the KODAK Scanner i3000 as
the driver and click OK.
The Scan Validation Tool dialog box will be displayed.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 3
The Scan Validation
Tool dialog box
The Scan Validation Tool (SVT) is a diagnostic application provided by
Kodak Alaris. The SVT user interface allows access to all the features
of the scanner and is a good way to verify that the scanner is working
properly. The Scan Validation Tool allows you to verify scanner
functionality using the TWAIN Datasource.
Toolbar buttons
Setup — displays the user interface for the selected driver.
Start Scanning — scans the documents in the input tray.
Scan One Page scans only one page.
Stop Scanning — ends the scan session.
Change/Open Driver — closes the currently opened driver and
displays the Driver Choice window.
Destination — allows you to select a directory to store scanned
images and their file names. This option is only available when
Save Images To Files is selected.
License Key — displays the License Key window.
No Image Display mode closes the Image Viewer window
(no images will be displayed).
One Image Display mode — displays one image at a time.
Two Image Display mode — displays two images at a time.
Four Image Display mode — displays four images at a time.
Eight Image Display mode — displays eight images at a time.
TWAIN Settings — displays the TWAIN Settings screen. See
the next section for more information.
About — displays the About window.
4 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
TWAIN Settings screen When you click the TWAIN Settings icon the following screen is
Transfer Type (ICAP_XFERMECH) — allows you to select which
TWAIN transfer type to use.
File (TWSX_FILE): the driver saves the image directly to a file. SVT
reads the image from that file for display.
Memory (TWSX_MEMORY): the driver transfers the image into
memory created by SVT.
Native (TWSX_NATIVE): the driver transfers an uncompressed
bitmap representation of the image into memory created by the driver
and then the memory ownership is given to SVT.
Files To Save
Images — when selected, scanned images will be saved to the
specified Destination directory with the specified Destination prefix.
NOTE: This is not available for Transfer Type - File (TWSX_FILE).
Image information (DAT_EXTIMAGEINFO) the information is
saved in a .xml file. The file will be saved to the specified Destination
directory with the specified Destination prefix and with the associated
image number.
(none): no image information is saved.
All: all image information will be saved.
Only barcode data: just barcode related image information will be
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 5
Using the TWAIN
The Kodak i3000 Series Scanners can provide a wide variety of
electronic images. This can be done by using the TWAIN Datasource
Kodak Alaris provides in concert with your scanning application. The
TWAIN Datasource is the part of the capture system which links the
scanner to your scanning application.
When using the TWAIN Datasource, the main Kodak Scanner window
will display a list of Setting Shortcuts. Each Setting Shortcut is a group
of specific image and device settings. The supplied Setting Shortcuts
represent some common electronic image outputs used for a wide
variety of input documents. If none of the Setting Shortcuts meet your
scanning needs, you can create a customized Setting Shortcut. For
example, you could create a Setting Shortcut called “Invoices” and
whenever you want to scan invoices, you simply select that Setting
Shortcut. For more information, refer to the sections entitled, “Creating
a new Setting Shortcut” and “Changing image settings” later in this
How do I begin? The goal is to make scanning as simple as possible. This is
accomplished by selecting a Setting Shortcut from the main Kodak
Scanner window and then selecting OK/Scan.
The scanner comes with some Setting Shortcuts already defined. In
most cases, you will find that these shortcuts are all you will need. If you
find that you need different settings, then you should create your own
Setting Shortcut. Your shortcut will be added to the list of Setting
Shortcuts and available for all future scanning.
Most of the options you will want to set are available on these two
Image Settings: clicking the Settings button on the main Kodak
Scanner window, displays the Image Settings window. From this
window you can set your image processing parameters by using the
General, Size, Adjust, Enhance and Detect tabs. You can also
access the Device settings, by clicking the Device button or the
Advanced settings by clicking the Advanced Image Setup icon.
Device Settings: the Device button is located on the Image Settings
window. When you select Device, you will have access to the
General and Multifeed tabs (and Printer tab if you have the printer
installed). From the Device Settings window, you can also access
6 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
The procedures that follow describe how to configure a customized
Setting Shortcut. Complete descriptions of the features and options on
the Kodak Scanner window and tabs are found in the section entitled,
“The main Kodak Scanner window”.
NOTE: Setting Shortcuts can sometimes be overridden by your
scanning application. If this happens, the shortcut you call will
appear in the main Kodak Scanner window in italics with the
word <Changed> next to it. This is normal behavior for an
application that does not use Setting Shortcuts and downloads
its preferred individual settings to the scanner first and then
provides access to the TWAIN Datasource.
When you click OK to begin scanning, you will be asked if you
want to save the changed settings. When using an application
that does not use Setting Shortcuts, select No to this prompt
and continue scanning.
Creating a new
Setting Shortcut
From the main Kodak Scanner window:
1. Select a Setting Shortcut from the Setting Shortcuts list. It is
recommended that you select a Setting Shortcut that best describes
the desired image output.
2. Determine if you want to capture an electronic image of the front of
your document, back of your document or both sides of your
document and make the selection from the Input document is drop-
down list.
3. Select Settings on the main Scanner window. The General tab of
the Image Settings window will be displayed.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 7
4. Select the appropriate options on the General tab.
NOTE: If necessary, review each setting on the other tabs and
make any changes.
5. Place one representative document in the input elevator of the
6. Select Preview to review the resulting image.
NOTE: If the images are not acceptable, you can either select a
different predefined Setting Shortcut or make additional
changes on the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings
7. Define the desired Device settings by selecting Device on the
Image Settings window to display the Device Settings window.
8. Review each tab and select the appropriate options or actions you
want the scanner to perform.
9. Select Home to return to the main Scanner window.
10.Select Save As to display the Save As window.
11. Enter a new shortcut name that is meaningful to you and select
Changing Image
1. From the main Scanner window select a Setting Shortcut from the
Setting Shortcuts list that best describes the desired image output.
2. Select an Input document is option from the main Scanner
3. Select Settings to display the Image Settings window.
4. Before making any adjustments, browse through the tabs on the
Image Settings window to get familiar with options that are
5. For each option you want to use, make the appropriate selections
you want the scanner to perform when scanning.
6. When finished, select Home to return to the main Scanner window
and then select Save to save your selections to the shortcut.
8 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Changing Device
1. From the main Scanner window select a Setting Shortcut from the
Setting Shortcuts list that best describes the desired output.
2. Select Settings to access the Image Settings window.
3. Select Device. The Device Settings window will be displayed.
4. Before making any adjustments, click through the tabs on the
Device Settings window to get familiar with features that are
available. See the section entitled, “The Device Settings window” for
information about these features.
5. For each option you want to use make the appropriate selections
you want the scanner to perform when scanning.
6. When finished, select Home to return to the main Scanner window
and click Save to save your selections to the Setting Shortcut.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 9
The main Kodak
Scanner window
The main Kodak Scanner window is the home window of the scanner’s
user interface. You can scan by simply selecting a Setting Shortcut and
then selecting OK/Scan.
Setting Shortcuts — provides a listing of the Setting Shortcuts
currently set up. The supplied shortcuts are:
Default — the scanner’s default settings
Black and White Perfect Page Document
Color Perfect Page Document
Color Photograph
10 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
NOTE: If you have made changes to a Setting Shortcut and have not
saved your changes, the Setting Shortcut will be appended with
the text <changed>, and the name will be displayed in italics
(e.g., *Default<changed>).
Input document is — allows you to select which sides of the document
has information that you want an electronic image of.
Two Sided: scans the front and back of the document.
One Sided - Front: scans only the front side of the document.
One Sided - Back: scans only the back side of the document.
NOTE: Be sure to place your documents face down in the input
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 11
Delete, Rename, Restore, Import and Export are not available if
the selected Setting Shortcut is being changed (e.g., name is in italics
and appended with <changed>).
When you move a Setting Shortcut, it will stay in that position until
you move it again.
If you want to transfer Setting Shortcuts to another PC: select Export
on the PC that has the shortcuts you want to transfer and then select
Import on the other PC.
If you want to add a Setting Shortcut to an existing shortcut set:
1. Select Import to load the shortcut set.
2. Create the new Setting Shortcut.
3. Replace the shortcut set by selecting Export and save using the
same name.
Save — saves any changes made to the selected Setting Shortcut.
Save As — displays the Save As window allowing you to save your
current settings as a new Setting Shortcuts.
Delete — deletes the selected Setting Shortcut; you will be
prompted for confirmation. This is only available for shortcuts you
have created.
Rename — allows you to rename the selected Setting Shortcut. This
is only available for shortcuts you have created.
Reset — allows you to undo any unsaved changes that have been
made to the selected Setting Shortcut (e.g., name is in italics and
appended with <changed>).
Restore — displays the Restore window allowing you to undo any
changes that have been made to the shortcuts supplied with the
scanner. This is only available when one or more supplied shortcuts
have been changed or removed.
Import — imports a set of Setting Shortcuts by replacing all current
shortcuts. When selected, you will be prompted for confirmation and
the operating system’s File Open window is displayed allowing you
to select the shortcut set you want to import.
Export — exports all the current Setting Shortcuts to a shortcut set.
When selected, the operating system’s File Save window is
displayed allowing you to select the folder and file name for the
shortcut set.
Move Up — moves the selected Setting Shortcut up one position in
the Setting Shortcut list. When you move a Setting Shortcut, it will
stay in that position until you move it again.
Move Down — moves the selected Setting Shortcut down one
position in the Setting Shortcut list.
12 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Settings — displays the Image Settings window which allows you to
make changes to the selected Setting Shortcut. From this window you
can also access the Device settings and Diagnostic windows.
Preview — initiates a scan and then displays the Image Settings
window with the scanned image placed in the preview area. The image
displayed is a sample based on your current shortcut settings.
OK/Scanwhen selected, you will be prompted to save any unsaved
NOTE: If this button is OK, any unsaved changes will remain in effect
for the current scan session.
Cancel — closes the main Kodak Scanner window without saving any
Information Icons
About: displays the scanners’ version and copyright information.
Help: displays help information for the window currently being
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 13
The Image Settings
From this window you can define image processing options by using
the available tabs. The values used in Image Settings are saved in the
selected Setting Shortcut. The Image Settings window includes the
following tabs: General, Size, Adjust (color/grayscale and black and
white), Enhance and Detect.
Side — allows you to select which side and image to configure
(e.g., Front, Back, Both: Color (24-bit), etc.). All image settings will be
applied to the selected image.
NOTE: The Side option is only available when advanced settings have
been selected on the Advanced tab.
Advanced Image Setup: displays the Advanced tab.
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Toolbar buttons
Preview area The preview area displays a sample image that is based on your
current shortcut settings. An image will be displayed in this area after a
preview scan has been performed.
Outline — if you select Document: Manually Select or Image: Part of
document on the Size tab, the preview area will also show the current
Outline selections. If the outline does not align with your preview image,
you may use the mouse to adjust the size and location of the outline. As
the mouse cursor moves around the outline, the cursor will change
indicating that you can adjust the outline by pressing and holding the
left mouse button.
Move: place the mouse cursor within the outline to adjust the location
of the outline.
Corner: place the mouse cursor over one of the corner graphics to
adjust two sides at the same time.
Side: place the mouse cursor over one of the side graphics to adjust
that side.
Zoom In: enlarges the image that is currently being displayed in
the preview area.
Zoom Out: reduces the image that is currently being displayed
in the preview area.
Rotate Outline: rotates the outline 90 degrees.
NOTE: This is only available if the rotated outline fits in the
scanner’s maximum width.
Center Outline: adjusts the X origin of the outline such that the
outline is centered within the scanner’s maximum width.
Preview Quality: selects the quality of the scanning image.
Normal: displays acceptable image quality at a lower
High: displays the most accurate representation of the actual
image. The image that is displayed in the preview area is a
good representation of what the final image will look like.
NOTE: Depending on the document content, you may need to
zoom in to see a true representation of the image.
Units: selects the unit of measurement for the scanner; this
includes the preview area and any size-related options. The
Units options are: Inches, Centimeters and Pixels.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 15
Rotate: place the mouse cursor over the rotate graphic to adjust the
angle of the outline.
Home — returns you to the main Kodak Scanner window.
Device — displays the Device Settings window.
Preview — initiates a scan and places the image in the preview area.
The image displayed is a sample based on your current shortcut
OK/Scan — when selected, you will be prompted to save any unsaved
NOTE: If this button is OK, any unsaved changes will remain in effect
for the current scan session.
Cancel — closes the main Kodak Scanner window without saving any
16 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
General tab The General tab contains commonly used image options. In most
cases, you will not have to change options on other tabs.
Scan as — allows you to select the electronic image format.
Color (24-bit): produces a color version of your document.
Grayscale (8-bit): produces a grayscale version of your document.
Black and white (1-bit): produces a black and white version of your
NOTE: The Scan as option is only available when Images per side:
One is selected on the Advanced tab.
Document type — allows you to select the type of content on your
Text with Graphics: the documents contain a mix of text, business
graphics (bar graphs, pie charts, etc.) and line art.
Text: the documents contain mostly text.
Text with Photographs: the documents contain a mix of text and
photographs. Unlike the other Document type options, the scanner
will analyze each document. Based on that analysis the scanner will
perform different processing on each area of the document.
Photographs: the documents contain mostly photographs.
Media type — allows you to select the type of paper you are scanning,
based upon the texture/weight. The options are: Plain Paper, Thin
Paper, Glossy Paper, Card Stock, and Magazine.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 17
Resolution — allows you to select the dots per inch (dpi), which is a
determinant of a better quality image. It may also increase scanning
time and image size. The options are: 100, 150, 200, 240, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600 and 1200 dpi.
NOTE: This option is not applied to the preview image when Preview
Quality is set to Normal.
Compression — allows you to reduce your electronic image size.
Type: the scanner will produce a color version of your document.
NOTE: The Group-4 and (none) are the only options available
for Scan as: Black and White (1 bit).
- (none): no compression, which may produce a large image size.
- Group-4: uses a CCITT standard to compress a black and white
image, often used in conjunction with TIFF files.
- JPEG: uses JPEG techniques to compress a color/grayscale
Quality — if you choose JPEG compression, select one of the quality
- Draft: maximum compression which produces the smallest image
- Good: a fair amount of compression but still produces acceptable
image quality.
- Better: some compression which produces decent image quality.
- Best: minimal compression which produces very good image
- Superior: the least amount of compression which produces the
largest image size.
NOTE: This option is not applied to the preview image.
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Size tab The Size tab provides the following options.
Document — allows you to select how the scanner will detect your
document as it is being fed through the scanner.
Automatically Detect and Straighten: the scanner will
automatically find each document (regardless of size) and will
straighten any document that may have been fed crooked.
Automatically Detect: the scanner will automatically find each
document (regardless of size). If a document is fed crooked, it will not
be straightened.
Photograph: the scanner will locate the photograph on the
document and return an image that contains just the photograph. If
the scanner finds more than one photograph on a document, one
image is still returned which contains all photographs.
Manually Select: the scanner will return an image based on the area
you specify with the Outline options. It is suggested that you only use
this option for scan jobs that contain same-size documents.
Continuous: the scanner will split the document into separate
images based on the area you specify with the Outline options. It is
suggested that you select an Outline that covers the entire width of
the document and a height around 11 inches (297 mm).
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Image — allows you to select which part of the document you want to
use for creating your electronic image.
Entire Document:
- if you select Document: Automatically Detect and Straighten,
Document: Automatically Detect or Document: Manually
Select, returns the entire document.
- if you select Document: Photograph, the entire document is
used to locate the photograph.
Part of Document:
- if you select Document: Automatically Detect and Straighten
or Document Continuous, returns the portion of the document
which you specify with the Outline options.
- if you select Document: Photograph, only the portion of the
document which you specify with the Outline options will be used
to locate the photograph.
Outline — allows you to select the location and size to use for creating
your electronic image. The preview area will show the outline.
Origin (x, y):
- if you select Document: Automatically Detect and Straighten
or Document Photograph (x) this is the distance from the left
edge of the document and (y) is the distance from the top edge of
the document.
- if you select Document: Manually Select or Document:
Continuous (x) is the distance from the left edge of the scanners
paper path and (y) is the distance from the first portion of the
document detected by the scanner.
Size (w, h):
- if you select Document: Automatically Detect and Straighten
or Document: Manually Select, this is the width and height of
the electronic image.
- if you select Document: Photograph, this is the width and height
of the area of the document to use to locate the photograph.
- if you select Document: Continuous, this is the width and height
of each separate electronic image.
NOTE: The electronic image may be shorter than you specified if the
outline goes beyond the end of the scanned document.
Angle: allows you to select the angle of the outline.
Predefined sizes: provides a list of commonly used paper sizes.
Selecting an item in this list will automatically set the size of the
outline to that papers size. Custom will be displayed when the
outline size does not match any sizes in the list.
NOTE: You can also adjust the outline displayed in the preview area
using your mouse.
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Border — allows you to select what action to perform on the edges of
your electronic image. This option is not applied to the preview image.
Add: includes up to approximately 0.25 cm (0.1 inches) of border
around all of the image edges.
NOTE: This option is only available for Document: Automatically
Detect or Document: Manually Select.
Remove: produces an image that contains just the document by
eliminating any residual border. Residual border can be caused by
variations in a document edge; for example, when a document is not
a perfect rectangle and/or was fed crooked.
While this option will not remove large amounts of residual
border, there is a possibility that a small amount of the document
will be lost.
This option is only available when both Document:
Automatically Detect and Straighten and Image: Entire
Document are selected.
Post-scan rotation — allows you to select any rotation to be applied to
the electronic image after is has been scanned. This option is not
applied to the preview image.
Automatic — the scanner will analyze each document to determine
how it was fed and will rotate the image to the proper orientation.
Automatic - default to 90: the scanner will analyze the content of
each document to determine how it was fed and will rotate the image
to the proper orientation. If the scanner cannot determine how the
document was fed, it will rotate the image 90 degrees.
Automatic - default to 180: the scanner will analyze the content of
each document to determine how it was fed and will rotate the image
to the proper orientation. If the scanner cannot determine how the
document was fed, it will rotate the image 180 degrees.
Automatic - default to 270: the scanner will analyze the content of
each document to determine how it was fed and will rotate the image
to the proper orientation. If the scanner cannot determine how the
document was fed, it will rotate the image 270 degrees.
90, 180, 270 degrees — the amount of rotation.
The following example shows how these settings effect a document
that was fed landscape:
Landscape Feed
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 21
Adjust tab: black and white The options available on the Adjust tab depend on the Scan as
selection on the General tab. The following options are based on a
Scan as selection of Black and White.
Conversion quality — these settings effect how the scanner analyzes
a grayscale version of the document which is used to produce the black
and white electronic image.
Best - Intelligent QC: this performs the same analysis as Best with
the additional benefit of Intelligent QC (Quality Control). For
challenging documents the grayscale version of the document is
produced, allowing you final control over image quality within your
application software.
NOTE: This option is only available with Kodak Capture Pro
Software, refer to the software's documentation for more
Best (iThresholding): the scanner analyzes each document to
produce the highest quality image. This option allows scanning of
mixed documents with varying quality (i.e., faint text, shaded
backgrounds, color backgrounds) and when scanning with consistent
document sets.
Normal (ATP): allows you to determine the optimal settings to
produce the desired image quality. This option works best when
scanning with consistent document sets. You may also want to use
this option if you have difficult documents such that you cannot find a
Contrast setting for Best that produces the desired quality.
Draft (Fixed): allows you to select the grayscale threshold used to
determine if a pixel is black or white. This option works best for high
contrast documents.
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Contrast — allows you to make an image sharper or softer. Decreasing
this setting will make the image softer and reduce noise in the image.
Increasing this setting will make the image clearer and make light
information more visible. The options range from -50 to 50. The default
is 0.
NOTE: This is only available for Conversion quality: Best and
Conversion quality: Normal.
Threshold — aids in controlling the level at which a pixel is considered
black or white. Decreasing this setting will make the image appear
lighter, and can be used to subdue background noise. Increasing this
setting will make the image appear darker, and can be used to help pick
up light information. This options range from 0 to 255. The default is 90.
NOTE: This is only available for Conversion quality: Normal and
Conversion quality: Draft.
- Lone Pixel: reduces random noise by converting a single black
pixel to white when it is completely surrounded by white pixels or
by converting a single white pixel to black when it is completely
surrounded by black pixels.
- Majority Rule: sets each pixel based on its surrounding pixels.
The pixel will become white if the majority of the surrounding
pixels are white and visa versa.
- Halftone Removal: enhances dot matrix text and images with
halftone screens (e.g., newspaper photographs).
Invert Colors — allows you to select how the black pixels will be stored
in the image. By default the black pixels are stored as black and the
white pixels are stored as white. Turn this option on if you want the
black pixels stored as white and the white pixels stored as black.
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Adjust tab: color or
The options available on the Adjust tab depend on the Scan as
selection on the General tab. The following options are based on a
Scan as selection of Color or Grayscale.
NOTE: Most options have additional settings. Those settings will only
be visible when the option is turned on. If all of the settings do
not fit on the screen, a scroll bar will be displayed giving your
access to all settings.
Brightness and contrast
Automatic: automatically adjusts each image.
Manual: allows you to se specific values that will be used for all
- Brightness — changes the amount of white in the color or
grayscale image. The values range from -50 to 50.
- Contrast — makes the images sharper or softer. The values range
from -50 to 50.
24 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Color Balance
Automatic: adjusts the white background of each document to pure
white. This option compensates for the variations that occur between
different weights and brands of paper. This is not recommended for
use with Photographs.
Automatic - advanced: for advanced users that want to further
adjust the Automatic option.
- Aggressiveness — allows you to adjust the extent of the
variation. Increasing this value can help with documents that
have yellowed due to age. The values range from -2 to 2.
Manual allows you to set specific values that will be used for all
- Red: changes the amount of red in the color image. The values
range from -50 to 50.
- Green: changes the amount of green in the color image. The
values range from -50 to 50.
- Blue: changes the amount of blue in the color image. The values
range from -50 to 50.
NOTE: Color Balance is not available for Grayscale images.
Sharpen — increases the contrast of edges within the image.
Foreground Boldness — use this option for documents or forms
where you want the foreground (e.g. text, lines, etc.) to be more
Automatic: all of the foreground will be bolder.
Automatic - advanced: for advanced users that want to further
adjust the Automatic option.
- Aggressiveness - allows you to adjust the extent at which the
foreground is determined. The values range from -10 to 10.
Background Smoothing — using this option for documents or forms
with a background color will help produce images with a more uniform
background color. This option improves image quality and may reduce
file size.
Automatic: smooths up to three background colors.
Automatic - advanced: for advanced users that want to further
adjust the Automatic option.
- Aggressiveness — allows you to adjust the extent at which the
background(s) are determined. The values range from
-10 to 10.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 25
Enhance tab The options on the Enhance tab depend on the Scan as selection on
the General tab.
NOTE: Most options have additional settings. Those settings will only
be visible when the option is turned on. If all settings do not fit
on the screen, a scroll bar will appear giving you access to all
Hole Fill — allows you to fill in the holes that are around the edges of
your document. The types of holes that are filled include: round,
rectangular, and irregularly shaped (e.g., double-punched or those
having a slight tear that could have occurred when the document was
removed from a binder).
On: turns hole fill on.
Blank Image Detection — allows you to configure the scanner to not
give blank images to the scanning application.
(none): all images are given to the scanning application.
Based on Document Content: images will be considered blank
based on the document content within the image.
- Content amount: allows you to select the maximum amount of
content that the scanner will consider to be blank. Any image that
has more content than this value will be considered non-blank
and will be given to the scanning application. The values range
from 0 to 100 percent.
26 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
-: Content amount will be filled in with the amount of content in
the preview image. If you have a representative blank document
(e.g., blank sheet with letterhead), this can be used to assist with
determining the setting for Content amount (i.e., perform a
preview scan, click this button, and adjust Content amount as
NOTE: This option is only available when there is a preview
Based on Size: images will be considered blank based on the size of
the image that would be given to the scanning application (i.e., after
all other settings have been applied).
- Final image size: allows you to select the minimum image size
that the scanner will consider to be non-blank. Any image that is
less than this value will be considered blank and will not be given
to the scanning application. The values range from 1 to 1000 KB
(1 KB equals 1024 bytes).
Image Edge Fill — fills the edges of the final electronic image by
covering the area with the specified color.
Color: allows you to select the color to fill the edges with.
- (none)
- Automatic: the scanner will automatically fill the edges of the
image using the surrounding color.
- Automatic - include tears: in addition to filling the edges, the
scanner will also fill in tears along the edge of document.
- Black
All sides match: when turned on, an equal amount will be filled in on
all sides.
NOTE: This option is only available for White or Black.
Top: determines how much of the top edge will be filled in.
NOTE: This option is not available when All sides match is turned
Left/Right: the option on the left will determine how much of the left
edge will be filled in and the option on the right will determine how
much of the right edge will be filled in.
NOTE: These options are not available when All sides match is
turned on.
Bottom: determines how much of the bottom edge will be filled in.
NOTE: This option is not available when All sides match is turned
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 27
When using Image Edge Fill, be careful not to enter a value too large
as it could fill in image data that you want to keep.
This option is not applied to the preview image.
Streak Filter — allows you to configure the scanner to filter vertical
streaks from your images. Streaks are lines which may appear on an
image and are not part of the original document. Streaks may be
caused by contaminants on your documents (e.g., dirt, dust or frayed
edges) or by not following the recommended cleaning procedures for
your scanner.
On: turns streak filter on.
Aggressiveness: allows you to adjust the extent at which the streaks
are filtered. The values range from -2 to 2. The default is 0.
Color Dropout — used to eliminate a form's background so that only
the entered data is included in the electronic image (i.e., remove the
form’s lines and boxes). For black and white images, these settings
effect the grayscale version of the document which the scanner
analyzes to produce that electronic image.
Color: select the desired dropout color.
- (none)
- Multiple: drops colors other than dark shades (e.g., black or dark
blue ink)
- Predominant: drops the predominant color
Aggressiveness: allows you to adjust the extent at which colors are
dropped. The values range from -10 to 10. The default is 0. This
option is only available when Color is set to Multiple or
NOTE: The Color Dropout options are only available when the Scan as
selection is Black and White or Grayscale.
28 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Detect tab The Detect tab provides the following options.
Blank Image Deletion — allows you to configure the scanner to not
give blank images to the scanning application.
(none): all images are given to the scanning application.
Based on Document Content: images will be considered blank
based on the document content within the image.
- Content amount: allows you to select the maximum amount of
content that the scanner will consider to be blank. Any image that
has more content than this value will be considered non-blank and
will be given to the scanning application. The values range from 0 to
100 percent.
-: Content amount will be filled in with the amount of content in
the preview image. If you have a representative blank document
(e.g., blank sheet with letter head), this can be used to assist with
determining the setting for Content amount (i.e., perform a preview
scan, click this button, and adjust Content amount as appropriate).
NOTE: This option is only available when there is a preview image.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 29
Based on Size: images will be considered blank based on the size of
the image that would be given to the scanning application (i.e., after
all other settings have been applied).
- Final image size: allows you to select the minimum image size that
the scanner will consider to be non-blank. Any image that is less
than this value will be considered blank and will not be given to the
scanning application. The values range from 1 to 1000 KB
(1 KB equals 1024 bytes).
Barcode — allows you to configure the scanner to search your images
for a barcode. The scanner will search each image and decode the first
barcode it finds and return the information to the scanning application.
The following barcodes can be detected:
Interleaved 2 of 5
Code 3 of 9
Code 128
On: turns barcode detection on.
30 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Advanced Image
Advanced tab The Advanced Image Setup icon is located at the top of the Image
Settings window next to the Side drop-down box.
When you select the Advanced Image Setup icon, the Advanced tab
will be displayed.
Input document is — select Two Sided, One sided - Front, or One
sided - Back depending on what side(s) you want to configure.
Different settings per side — by default, the settings you select apply
to both sides of the image. Turn this option on if you want to select
different image processing settings for each side of the document you
are scanning. For example, if you want the front side to be color and the
rear side to be black and white, first make sure that you have selected
the Two Sided option from the Input document is drop-down list, then
select the Different settings per side checkbox.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 31
Once you have done this, the Side option on the Image Settings
window will no longer be grayed out and you can select different
settings for each side. Now that you have enabled Different settings
per side, your initial selections will apply only to the front side of the
document you are scanning. After you have made your selections for
the front side, use the Side option to select the back side and then
make the settings you want to apply to the back.
Combine front and back images — typically, for a document, one
image is created for the front side and another image is created for the
back side. Turn this option on if you want one image that contains both
the front side and back side of the document. The selections are:
Front on Top: front side will be above the back side within the image.
Front on Bottom: back side will be above the front side within the
Front on Left: front side will be to the left of the back side within the
Front on Right: back side will be to the left of the front side within the
This option is only available when Input document is is set to Two
Sided, Different settings per side is turned off and Images per side
is set to One; and the document is scanned from the Document
This option is not applied to the preview image.
32 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Images per side — indicates how many images the scanner will create
for a side, based on your imaging selections.
One: indicates you want the scanner to create one image.
One - Based on Document Content: indicates you want the
scanner to automatically detect if the document is color/grayscale or
black and white.
One - Based on Toggle Patch: indicates you want to tell the
scanner, via a toggle patch document, if the document is color/
grayscale or black and white.
Multiple: indicates you want the scanner to create more than one
NOTE: If you select One - Based on Document Content from the
Images per side option, the Content Settings tab will be
Images to Configure — indicates which electronic images you need to
NOTE: This is only available if you select anything other than One from
the Images per side option. For procedures on how to configure
advanced options, see the sections that follow, entitled:
Creating color/grayscale or black and white images based
on the content of your documents, Example 1.
Creating multiple images for each side of a document,
Example 2.
Creating different settings for each side of a document,
Example 3.
When available, use the up and down arrows to select the order the
images will be delivered by the scanner to the scanning application.
Toolbar buttons:
Done — returns you to the Image Settings window.
Add: adds an image type to the bottom of the configuration list.
Change: allows you to change the currently selected image
Delete: removes the selected image type.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 33
Content Settings tab The options on the Content Settings tab can be used for either one- or
two-sided jobs.
Side — determines which side the Sensitivity settings are applied to.
This option is only available if Different settings per side is checked
on the Advanced tab.
Low: documents requiring only a small amount of color to be saved
as color/grayscale images. Used for capturing documents that are
primarily black text with small logos, or contain small amounts of
highlighted text or small colorful photos.
Medium: documents requiring more color, as compared with the Low
option, before they are saved as color/grayscale images.
High: documents requiring more color, as compared with the Medium
option, before they will be saved as color/grayscale images. Used for
distinguishing documents containing medium- to large-size colorful
photos from plain black text. Photos with neutral colors may require
adjustments to the Color Threshold or Color Amount values in order
to be captured correctly.
34 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Custom: allows you to manually adjust the Color amount and/or
Color threshold.
NOTE: When setting Sensitivity values, it is suggested that you start
with the Medium option and scan a typical job set. If too
many documents were returned as color/grayscale vs. black
and white, then change to the High option and re-run the job.
If too few documents were returned as color/grayscale vs.
black and white, then change to the Low option and re-run
the job. If none of these options provide the desired result,
select Custom to manually adjust Color Amount and/or Color
Threshold. Custom also allows access to the Learn mode
which provides a method for the scanner to analyze
documents and recommend settings.
Color amount — the amount of color that needs to be present in a
document before it will be saved as either color/grayscale. As the value
of Color Amount increases, more color pixels are required. Valid values
are 1 to 200.
Color threshold — the color threshold or saturation (i.e., pale blue vs.
dark blue) at which a given color will be included in the color amount
calculation. A higher value indicates that a more intense color is
required. Valid values are 0 to 100.
Learn — allows you to calculate your settings based on representative
color documents scanned. Before selecting Learn, place at least 5
representative color documents in the input elevator. The documents
will be scanned and analyzed to determine the recommended Color
NOTE: These Color amount and Color threshold sliders will be updated
automatically. If these values do not provide the desired results
with your job set, you may need to manually adjust the Color
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 35
Creating color/grayscale or
black and white images
based on the content of
your documents,
Example 1
In this example, let’s assume you want to configure a scan session that
has a mix of color and black and white documents with information on
both sides. In addition, you want the scanner to detect whether the
page is color or not, and then output either a color or black and white
image based on that.
1. Select a Setting Shortcut from the main Kodak Scanner window
that closely describes your desired output.
2. Select Settings to display the Image Settings window.
3. Select the Advanced Image Setup icon on the Image Settings
window to display the Advanced tab.
4. Select Input document is: Two Sided.
5. Select Images per side: One – Based on Document Content.
NOTE: The Images to Configure area will now be displayed on the
Advanced tab and will contain a color image item and a
black and white image item. The Content Settings tab will
also be displayed.
6. If you want a grayscale image instead of a color image, when
enough color is detected in the document:
make sure Color (24-bit) is selected
select Change to display a list of options
select Grayscale
36 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
7. Go to the Content Settings tab.
8. Select a Sensitivity option.
9. Select Done to return to the Image Settings window.
NOTE: You will notice that the Side option now has two entries:
Both: Color (24-bit) and Both: Black and White (1-bit).
10.Select Sides: Both: Color (24-bit).
NOTE: Make any other adjustments to the color image settings on
the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings window.
11. Select Sides: Both: Black and White (1-bit).
NOTE: Make any other adjustments to the black and white image
settings on the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings
12.When finished, select Home to return to the main Kodak Scanner
window and then select Save to save your selections to the
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 37
Creating multiple images
for each side of a
document, Example 2
In this example, let’s assume you want to configure a scan session that
has documents with information on both sides and you want the
scanner to produce both a color and a black and white image for each
side of each document.
1. Select a Setting Shortcut from the main Kodak Scanner window
that closely describes your desired output.
2. Select Settings to display the Image Settings window.
3. Select the Advanced Image Setup icon on the Image Settings
window to display the Advanced tab.
4. Select Input document is: Two Sided.
5. Select Images per side: Multiple.
NOTE: The Images to Configure area will now be displayed on the
Advanced tab and will contain a color image item and a
black and white image item.
6. If you want a grayscale image instead of a color image, when
enough color is detected in the document:
make sure Color (24-bit) is selected
select Change to display a list of options
select Grayscale
38 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
7. By default the scanner will produce the color/grayscale image first
and deliver it to the scanning application, then it will produce and
deliver the black and white image. If you want the black and white
image to be produced and delivered first:
make sure Black and White(1-bit) is selected
select Move up to place the black and white image first in the list.
8. Select Done to return to the Image Settings window.
NOTE: You will notice that the Side option now has two entries:
Both: Color (24-bit) and Both: Black and White (1-bit).
9. Select Sides: Both: Color (24-bit).
NOTE: Make any other adjustments to the color image settings on
the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings window.
10.Select Sides: Both: Black and White (1-bit).
NOTE: Make any other adjustments to the black and white image
settings on the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings
11. When finished, select Home to return to the main Kodak Scanner
window and then select Save to save your selections to the
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 39
Creating different settings
for each side of a
document, Example 3
In this example, let’s assume you want to configure a two-sided
document stream of business documents that have color on the front of
the document but the rear side is fine in black and white.
1. If you are not already on the Advanced tab:
Select a Setting Shortcut from the main Kodak Scanner window
that closely describes your desired output.
•Select Settings to display the Image Settings window.
Select the Advanced Image Setup icon on the Image Settings
window to display the Advanced tab.
2. Select Input document is: Two Sided.
3. Turn on the Different settings per side option.
4. Select Images per side: One.
5. Select Done to return to the Image Settings window.
NOTE: You will notice that the Side option now has two entries:
Front and Back.
6. Select Sides: Front.
40 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
7. Select Color (24-bit) for the Scan as option on the General tab.
NOTE: Make any other adjustments to the front side settings on
the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings window.
8. Select Sides: Back.
9. Select Black and White (1-bit) for the Scan as option on the
General tab.
NOTE: Make any other adjustments to the back side settings on
the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings window.
10.When finished, select Home to return to the main Kodak Scanner
window and then select Save to save your selections to the
NOTE: If you selected any option other than Images per side: One in
Step 4, two Images to Configure option groups will become
available. You can then individually setup the images that will be
produced for each side of the document.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 41
The Device Settings
From this window you can set all scanner-specific options, as well as
diagnostics, by using the available tabs. The values used in Device
Settings are saved in the selected Setting Shortcut. The Device Setting
window includes the following tabs: General, Printer and Multifeed.
Home — returns you to the main Kodak Scanner window.
Image — displays the Image Settings window.
Preview — initiates a scan and then displays the Image Settings
window with the scanned image placed in the preview area. The image
displayed is a sample based on your current shortcut settings.
OK/Scanwhen selected, you will be prompted to save any unsaved
NOTE: If this button is OK, any unsaved changes will remain in effect
for the current scan session.
Cancel — closes the main Kodak Scanner window without saving any
Information Icons
About: displays the scanners’ version and copyright information.
Help: displays help information for the window currently being
42 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Device - General tab The General tab allows you to set scanner-specific options and
provides access to scanner diagnostics.
Paper source
Automatic: looks for paper in the document feeder first. If there are
no documents in the input tray, the scanner will scan from the flatbed.
Automatic - 100 Sheets: looks for paper in the input elevator first, if
there are no documents in the input elevator, the scanner will scan
from the flatbed. This selection is recommended when you are
scanning between 25 and 100 sheets from the input elevator.
Automatic - 250 Sheets: looks for paper in the input elevator first, if
there are no documents in the input elevator, the scanner will scan
from the flatbed. This selection is recommended when you are
scanning between 100 and 250 sheets from the input elevator.
Document Feeder: the input elevator is in the highest position. This
selection is recommended when you are scanning 25 sheets or less
from the input elevator.
100 Sheets: this selection is recommended when you are scanning
between 25 and 100 sheets from the input elevator.
250 Sheets: this selection is recommended when you are scanning
between 100 and 250 sheets from the input elevator.
Flatbed: scanner will scan from the flatbed.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 43
Power Saver — allows you to set the amount of time, in minutes, the
scanner has to be inactive before going into power saver mode.
Power Off — allows you to set the amount of time, in minutes, the
scanner has to be in power saver mode before it automatically turns
NOTE: The Power Saver setting is shared with all Setting Shortcuts.
Any changes will affect other shortcuts unless you turn on the
Only save to this Setting Shortcut option.
Document Feeder
Timeout: allows you to select the amount of time, in seconds, the
scanner will wait once the last document enters the feeder before the
timeout occurs. This option can be turned off.
Action when timeout occurs: indicates the action that will be taken
when the document feeder timeout has been reached.
- Stop Scanning: scanning will stop and control will return to the
scanning application (i.e., ends the job).
- Pause Scanning: scanning will stop but the scanning application
will be waiting for additional images (i.e., stops the feeder).
Scanning may be resumed by pressing the Start/Resume button
on the scanner. Scanning may be stopped by pressing the Stop/
Pause button on the scanner or via the scanning application.
Automatically start scanning — if selected, the scanner will wait for
up to 10 seconds for documents to be placed in the input elevator
before scanning will begin. In addition, once the input elevator has been
emptied, the scanner will automatically resume scanning when paper is
placed in the input elevator. The scanner will wait the amount of time
specified by the document feeder timeout.
NOTE: The Document Feeder settings are shared with all Setting
Shortcuts. Any changes will affect other shortcuts unless you
turn on the Only save to this Setting Shortcut option.
Sheet Counter — enter the number to be assigned to the next physical
sheet of paper entering the scanner. This is incremented sequentially
by the scanner and is returned in the image header.
NOTE: Changing this will affect the Counter option on the Device -
Printer tab.
44 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Document Management
Intelligent Protection — allows you to select how aggressively the
scanner detects documents that enter the scanner incorrectly. This
can occur when documents are not prepared properly for scanning
(e.g. stapled or paper clipped documents).
- (none)
- Minimum: select this option if the scanner is stopping too
frequently on documents that you do not want it to detect.
NOTE: Documents may become more damaged before
detection occurs.
- Normal: this is the recommended option as it provides a balance
between minimizing document damage and stopping the scanner
- Maximum: select this option to get the least amount of document
NOTE: This may cause the scanner to stop unnecessarily.
Handling — allows you to select how the scanner transports
documents through the scanner. This affects how the documents are
fed into the scanner, how fast they move through the scanner, and
how they are placed in the output tray.
- Special: for irregularly shaped documents (e.g., pages with
coupons removed or documents with large holes or cutouts in
Maximum Length — select a value that indicates the length of the
longest document in your document set.
- Changing this value will affect the maximums for the following
settings: Image Size - Outline; Printer - Offset From Lead Edge;
Multifeed - Length Detection.
- Not all combinations of settings are supported at the larger
lengths (i.e, resolution, color, grayscale, etc.). To allow for greater
flexibility with applications, the scanner will not generate an error
until it sees a document whose length is not supported.
- The scanner’s throughput may be reduced for larger lengths.
Diagnostics — displays the Diagnostics tab.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 45
Device - Printer tab The printer provides a vertical print capability and supports
alphanumeric characters, date, time, document count and a custom
message. All print information is captured in the image header of each
On — turns printing on and makes the rest of the options on this tab
Template: Format — allows you to define your print string. The
maximum amount of characters for the print string is 40 characters
(including spaces).
Toolbar buttons
NOTE: As you build your print string, only items that will fit in the 40-
character limit will be available from the Add and Change lists.
Add: displays a list of items you can add to your print string. When
you select an item, that item will appear at the end of the Format list.
Change: allows you to change the currently selected item in the
Format list with one of the items from the list that is displayed.
Delete: allows you to remove the currently selected item from the
Format list.
46 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Items — when an item is selected, any associated options will be
displayed to the right of the Format list.
Counter: this is the document count for the scan session. This value
is incremented sequentially by the scanner and returned in the image
- Starting value: allows you to set the document count for the next
document that will be scanned.
NOTE: Changing this value will affect the Sheet Counter option on
the Device - General tab.
- Field width: allows you to configure the width of the counter from 1
to 9. However, if for example, you only have 6 characters left in the
print string, then the field width would be limited to 6.
- Leading zeroes: allows you to configure the format of the counter
when the width of the value is less than the field width (the
examples indicate a field width of 3 and the counter at 4). Options
Display: “004”
Do Not Display: “4”
Display As Spaces: “ 4”
- Format:
DDD (Julian)
YYYYDDD (Julian)
- Separator: (the examples indicate a format of YYYYMMDD)
Slash: 2015/08/24
Hyphen: 2015-08-24
Period: 2015.08.24
Space: 2015 08 24
- Specific date: allows you to select a specific date if you do not want
to use the current date within the scanner.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 47
•Time: the format is HH:MM.
- Specific time: allows you to select a specific time if you do not want
to use the current time within the scanner.
- Space: adds a space.
- Message: allows you to specify custom text to be included in your
print string. A maximum of 40 characters (including spaces) is
NOTE: To view the Japanese characters correctly you must get the
MS Gothic font set by installing the Microsoft Global IME 5.01
for Japanese - with Language Pack, English Language
Version which can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/
Example — shows a sample of what the print string will look like. As
you select items in the Format list, the corresponding portion within the
example will be highlighted.
Font — you can select what orientation you want your information to be
Style: available character styles: Normal, Bold and Extra Bold.
Orientation: while the characters are printed vertically (starting at the
lead edge of the document) this allows you to select the orientation of
the print string. Available options are: 0 and 90.
Normal: 90° rotation Bold: 90° rotation Extra Bold: 90° rotation
Direction 0 90
48 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Offset from lead edge — select a value to determine how far the
printed information will appear from the leading edge of the document.
Printing automatically stops 6.3 mm (1/4-inch) from the trailing edge
of the document even if the information has not been completely
The horizontal print position is determined by the location of the print
cartridge in the scanner. See the User’s Guide for information about
setting print positions.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 49
Device - Multifeed tab Multifeed detection aids in document processing by detecting
documents that may go through the feeder overlapped. Multifeeds can
happen due to stapled documents, adhesives on documents, or
electrostatically charged documents.
Ultrasonic Detection
Sensitivity — controls how aggressively the scanner will work to
determine if more than one document is fed into the scanner. Multi-
feeds are triggered by detecting air gaps between documents. This
allows multifeed detection to be used with job sets containing
documents with mixed thicknesses.
Low: least aggressive setting and is less likely to detect labels, poor
quality, thick or wrinkled documents as multi-fed documents.
Medium: use if your job set has varying document thicknesses or
labels attached to the document. Depending on the label material,
most documents with labels should not be detected as a multi-fed
High: the most aggressive setting. This is a good setting to use if all
documents have a thickness no greater than 75.2 g/m
(20-lb.) bond
NOTE: Regardless of the setting, “sticky” notes may still be detected
as multi-fed documents.
50 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Length Detection — allows you to select the maximum length of the
documents in your job set. If the scanner detects a document longer
than this value, it will determine that a multifeed has occurred. You can
turn this option off or set a length.
Action When Detected — select what action you want the scanner to
take when a multifeed is detected.
Stop Scanning: scanning will stop and control will return to the
scanning application (i.e., ends the job). Verify that the paper path
has been cleared and restart the scan session from the scanning
Stop Scanning - generate image(s): scanning will stop and control
will return to the scanning application (i.e., ends the job). Image(s) of
the multifed document will be generated. Verify that the paper path
has been cleared and restart the scan session from the scanning
Stop Scanning - leave paper in path: scanning will stop
immediately (i.e., making no attempt to clear the paper path) and
control will return to the scanning application (i.e., ends the job).
Clear any documents from the paper path prior to restarting the scan
session from the scanning application.
Continue Scanning: the scanner will continue to scan.
Pause Scanning: scanning will stop but the scanning application will
be waiting for additional images (i.e., stops the feeder). Scanning
may be resumed by pressing the Start/Resume button on the
scanner. Scanning may be stopped by pressing the Stop/Pause
button on the scanner or via the scanning application.
Play sound on PC — turn this option on if you want the PC to make a
sound when a multifeed is detected. You can click the Browse button to
select the desired .wav file.
NOTE: The sound on the PC may not occur at the exact time the
multifeed is detected by the scanner.
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 51
The Diagnostics window From this window you can access the diagnostic functions of the
scanner. The Diagnostics window includes the following tabs: General,
Debug and Logs. The Diagnostics window can be accessed via the
Diagnostics button which is located on the General tab of the Device
Settings window.
Device allows you to select which device to perform diagnostics on.
The options are: Document Feeder or Flatbed.
Done — returns you to the Device Settings window.
52 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Diagnostics - General tab The General tab allows you to perform a scanner test and displays the
scanner time.
Scanner: similar to, but more extensive than, a power-on self test.
Selecting this will immediately put the device through a series of
checks to determine that all the scanner hardware is working.
Count only — counts the number of documents entering the scanner
without actually sending the images to the scanning application. This
test is performed during any scan session in which this option is
turned on.
Printer — tests the functionality of the printer (e.g., are all ink jets
working). This test is performed during any scan session in which this
option is turned on.
NOTE: The Count only and Printer tests are automatically turned
off when the scanning application disconnects from the
Scanner Time
Actual (GMT): displays the Greenwich Mean Time of the scanner.
Corresponding local time: displays the scanners Greenwich Mean
Time in the PC’s local time zone.
: Refresh: redisplays the scanner time.
Calibrate — displays the Calibration window.
NOTE: Frequent calibration is not necessary or recommended. Only
perform a calibration when instructed to do so by your support
A-61788/TWAIN January 2016 53
Diagnostics - Debug tab The Debug tab allows you to turn on options that allow support
personnel to diagnose any issues you may encounter with using your
scanner. It is suggested that you only make changes on this tab when
instructed by your support personnel.
All of the options on this tab apply to all Setting Shortcuts, not just the
currently selected Setting Shortcut
In order for any changes on this tab to take effect, you must restart
your application.
Logging — saves the communications between the scanner and a
scanning application. The options are: Off, On or Custom.
Received From Scanner: saves the images received at the PC from
the scanner.
Sent To Application: saves the images received at the scanning
application from the scanner.
Simulation — allows you to use the TWAIN Datasource without using
the actual scanner.
Model: allows you to select the specific scanner model to simulate.
Flatbed: allows you to select which flatbed accessory to simulate.
Flags: if supported by your TWAIN Datasource, this will contain a list
of accessories your simulated scanner has installed.
54 A-61788/TWAIN January 2016
Diagnostics - Logs tab The Logs tab allows you to view scanner information.
General: displays the scanner’s version information, serial number,
attached/installed accessories, meters, etc.
Operator: displays the scanner’s log. This log can only be cleared by
Kodak Alaris support personnel.
Toolbar buttons
Save As: saves all the logs for viewing by Kodak Alaris support
personnel. When selected, a Save As window will be displayed:
Description: enter a brief description of problem/reason for saving
the logs.
Folder: the location to save the logs.
Browse: displays the operating system’s File Open window so you
can find the folder that you want to use.
Include debug images: includes any generated debug images
with the logs. This is turned on by default and should only be
turned off when recommended by your support personnel.
Save: saves the logs into a file with the extension .eklog.
Refresh: refreshes the currently displayed log.