Qt QML v HTML5 –
a praccal comparison
The Sequality boling demo applicaon
This white paper describes the development work needed to create
Qt and HTML5 versions of the same applicaon, and compares
the technologies from a technical and economic perspecve.
Sequality, 05/2017
From an end-user perspecve, the Qt QML version
behaved exactly as expected regardless of the browser
or screen being used to view it. This is because Qt-
based applicaons are compiled for the target, meaning
that in terms of user observaon, they behave exactly
the same no maer which plaorm they run on.
HTML5-based applicaons, on the other hand, run
on the browser of the target, for example Chrome,
meaning dierent plaorms can show dierent
behavior as the browser might use dierent rendering
engines depending on the plaorm.
In terms of the sustainability of the technology, Qt QML
is a mature technology (compared to most JavaScript
frameworks) that has been developed to ensure
backwards compability. The AngularJS framework for
HTML5 is relavely new, and a valid concern is whether
it will be replaced by a new framework in the future.
In contrast, QML is very likely to sll be supported in 5
Overall, Sequality found that the development of the
applicaons was very dierent and one needs to carefully
consider the benets and drawbacks of each technology
before deciding which one to use.
If the outcome of such an evaluaon does not show
major advantages of a parcular technology, we would
recommend Qt over HTML5. In our showcase, the Qt-
based applicaon was generally faster, more responsive,
and easier to implement.
Sequality is an Austrian soware engineering company
that creates industrial applicaons, user interfaces for
touch displays, and soware for embedded hardware
Over the past year, more and more customers had
been asking if they should use HTML5 or Qt using the
QML declarave UI language to develop soware for
embedded devices, and wanted to beer understand
the dierences in using the two technologies.
In order to give the most objecve advice to their
customers, Sequality decided set up a test: give the
same developer 160 hours to create a demo of an
embedded system using Qt and 160 hours to create
the demo using HTML5. These demos would show
exactly how the two technologies compare – in terms
of development, performance, and sustainability –
when used to create the same product. This white
paper describes the development work needed to
create the Qt and HTML5 demos, as well as the end
The developer tasked with creang the demos was
experienced with using HMTL5 and C++, but had lile
experience creang user interfaces using Qt and QML.
The demos were created independently without any
vendor input.
The demos showed that although the same amount
of development me was spent on both versions,
implementaon with Qt QMLdelivered a more
funconal and complete user interface than the
HTML5 version. The tesng and debugging process
was found to be more straighorward with Qt QML,
not least because it didn’t need tesng on mulple
In general, the Qt QML version responded more quickly
and enabled features, like keyboard and mul-touch,
that were not supported by HTML5 without addional
Over the past year, more
and more customers had
been asking if they should use
HTML5 or Qt using the QML
declarave UI language to develop
soware for embedded devices,
and wanted to beer understand
the dierences in using the two
Execuve summary
Sequality, 05/20172
Applicaon requirements
The boling demo applicaon represents a conal
boling plant supervisory control and data acquision
(SCADA) system. The dashboard-like user interface
contains most of the user interface (UI) elements that are
common in modern applicaons.
The applicaon was designed to visualize the process at
the boling plant. The following elements are shown in
the UI:
Drink ingredients
An animated bole lling process
The bole labeling process
Distribuon (stock, maps, etc.)
Metadata (users, alerts, etc.)
The applicaon also required the following elements:
Usability across mulple screens with adapve
design, including a 1024 x 600 touch screen, a 2560
x 1600 high-denion 10-inch tablet, and a 15-inch
1024 x 768 capacive touch screen
The ability to compensate for the very high pixel
density on a high-denion tablet so that fonts and
icons are easily readable for average users
A user interface with a at or minimalist design
A slider panel for sengs similar to an iPhone
Dierent color design themes switchable at run
me, for example a day and night design theme
A UI with pop-overs and pin dialogs
Icons for main menu items
Fading animaons when switching screens and
changing the size of navigaon bars
Round animated progress controls
Development approach
Qt demo
A developer who was quite experienced in C++ and
Qt but with lile QML experience implemented the
applicaon in 160 hours. The developer was able get
help from others with Qt and QML knowledge to get
things done more eciently.
HTML5 demo
Once the Qt demo was complete, the same developer
developed the HTML5 version of the boling demo.
The developer had knowledge of HTML5, but was not
experienced with AngularJS. 160 hours were also spent
developing this demo.
Implementaon details
of the Qt version
The applicaon uses QuickControls 2 with custom
styling. The user interface is wrien in QML with
models and logic implemented in C++ classes.
Temperature and pie indicators use a mixed approach
with graphics made with QPainter and wrapped into
QML components.
Overow animaon of progress bars and pie indicators
consists of two animaons being run depending on
value change:
A simple NumberAnimaon running if the next value
is greater than the previous value
A sequenal animaon consisng of two
NumberAnimaons otherwise:
NumberAnimaon from previous value to
maximum value
Unanimated reset of the current value to 0
NumberAnimaon from 0 to the next value
The boling demo
Sequality, 05/20173
Implementaon details of the
HTML5 version
There are dierent ways to handle complex animaons
in HTML applicaons:
jQuery/JavaScript approach. Although it provides
the best portability and enables complex animaons
easily, it was not used because it is outdated and very
CSS3 animaons:
transion: acvates on property changes.
Used in simple animaons and corresponds to
NumberAnimaon in QML
animaon with keyframes: can be used to
implement complex animaons
Overow animaon is not implemented in the HTML5
demo because there’s no easy way to reproduce complex
sequenal animaon from arbitrary value to arbitrary
CSS3 transions: it was necessary to animate from
the previous value to the max, then from 0 to the
next value. This would require at least two separate
animaons that must be watched to detect their
start and end. Another challenge was that the value is
changed but the animaon is incomplete
CSS3 keyframes: the nature of keyframes requires
specifying stac to/from values to animate. This
was not possible within the scope because the
values are dynamic and there are at least 100 * 100
combinaons of values (for percentage indicators)
Hardware setup (both versions)
Raspberry Pi 3
1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU
1 GB RAM (50% shared with GPU)
VideoCore IV 3D graphics core
15 inch capacive Touch-Display, 1024 x 768
Soware setup (both versions)
32-bit Raspbian Jessie (March 2017)
Qt/QML Demo: Qt 5.7.0, the “vanilla” version, cross-
compiled for Raspberry Pi 3 without custom patches
HTML5 Demo: stock Chromium browser from
Raspbian repositories
Results aer 160 hours
of development
Note: neither demo is a fully featured applicaon.
For example, some buons don’t work and with the
HTML5 demo there are bigger issues concerning
browser compability and touch gestures. However,
these demos clearly show the strengths and
weaknesses of the technologies.
Features comparison
Dynamic theme switching x x
Lists x x
Table view x x
Dynamic search x x
Swipe gestures x x
Map x
Virtual keyboard x
View a video comparing the Qt QML and HTML5
demos at hps://vimeo.com/207307640
Sequality, 05/20174
The Qt QML UI was faster than the HTML5 UI
with our setup. The performance dierence is likely
due to the lack of proper OpenGL support by the
Chromium browser on Raspberry Pi, whereas the
Qt QML demo is rendered using OpenGL by the
nature of Qt Quick Scene Graph
Usage of AngularJS didn’t aect performance in the
HTML5 demo since data binding or DOM generaon
is not used extensively. The whole DOM tree is
generated once at applicaon start, and there is a
small number of models watched by Angular engine
Enabling GPU rendering on Chromium in chrome://
gpu doesn’t x the HTML5 demo’s performance
problem. In fact, the CPU is ulized even more, which
leads to overheang
Power consumpon
The Qt QML UI used less power than the HTML5
demo – HTML5 is rendered on the CPU only and
therefore CPU ulizaon remains high
Browser engine
Browser Engine Blink was the layout and rendering
engine used by the Chromium browser on Raspberry
Pi, Chrome browser on Android, and Chrome browser
on Windows Desktop and various Linux avors. The
HTML5 demo was tested on Chromium for Raspberry
Pi, Chrome on Android, and Chrome on Windows,
and the touch event processing varied on these three
plaorms. For example, the slider widget didn’t work
as expected on Raspberry Pi, but the same code works
well on Android and Windows. Moreover, Chrome on
iOS uses WebKit as the layout engine due to Apple
Store’s limitaons, meaning addional tesng eort is
required when targeng this plaorm
Both demos use V8 as the JavaScript engine
Styling facilies
Qt QML approach
QML applicaons do not oer any decoupling of
styling, layouts, and actual components
The property binding mechanism helps to
implement model view-based architectures
Colors, font faces, and styles must be specied
explicitly for each component without any property
Sizes are specied in pixels only, so implemenng
an applicaon that should run on devices with
dierent DPIs might be tricky, the property binding
mechanism is used to bind QML element sizes to
available pixel space
Dynamic theming can be achieved using a singleton
object referenced by all other components. In this
case property binding helps to achieve dynamic
colors, font sizes, and faces
Dynamic layout requires either instanang several
components/layouts or using components in
Loader. With a high degree of responsiveness in the
requirements, the applicaon structure might quickly
become confusing
Code reuse might be achieved by nesng QML
objects or using C++ classes and class inheritance
HTML5/CSS3 approach
HTML applicaons can be easily styled with CSS
Very good decoupling of styling and markup is possible
Support for CSS breakpoints and usage of Flex layout
enables the creaon of uid and responsive user
interfaces with lile overhead
Important property inheritance (font face, size) works
Sizes can be specied in relave units, which helps a
lot in displaying UIs on devices with dierent DPIs
Dynamic theming or a totally dierent layout within
the same screen size can be achieved by loading
another CSS le
Comparison of the Qt QML
and HTML5 demos
Sequality, 05/20175
Usage of external CSS authoring tools like Less or Sass
provide for a high degree of code reuse like variables,
funcons, and mixins
CSS authoring tools usually contain funcons to
convert and manipulate color models, so it’s easy to
create dierent color schemes
Features comparison
Decoupling of styling and
Dynamic layout of
x x
Styling property inheritance x
Dynamic font faces x x
Relave units for sizes x
Code reuse x x
Manipulang color models x x
Project structure and
An important aspect of any project is keeping it
structured, comprehensible, and modularized. Project
parts should be decoupled as much as possible so that a
change in one module causes as few problems as possible
to other modules.
Some frameworks, like AngularJS, oer a project
structure model from the beginning. Some mature
programming languages like C++ have project structure
paerns that are used by most programmers.
Dening module interfaces in any way makes it easier
to wire project parts together. Singleton enes are
required in most data processing applicaons. Although
they might not be technically implemented (as a singleton
is considered an-paern) data models are a good
example of a semanc singleton enty.
Given the dependencies – for example, the fact that
Users must be instanated before Theming because
Theme depends on User – the task of maintaining a
singleton in an applicaon might become tricky.
C++/Qt/QML approach
Implemenng logic in C++ and keeping views in QML
is a way of naturally modularizing a project
C++ programmers tend to put C++ classes into two
les: a header and an implementaon
QML sll doesn’t have any common paerns for
modularizaon adopted by most developers, so it’s not
uncommon to see dierent approaches from project
to project
The interface of a component is dened by its
declared properes, slots, or Q_INVOKABLE
There is no concept of property visibility in QML
components per se, all exposed non-read-only
properes can be overwrien by component users
QML oers many choices on code recycling: inline
components, components in separate les in the
project structure, libraries in import paths (can also be
manipulated from C++ code), or creang components
dynamically from a string
Singleton enes can be exposed to QML in three
ways: registering a singleton type, seng a context
property, or declaring a QML component singleton in
All of them require special treatment if the object
being instanated has dependencies from other QML
or C++ objects, i.e. how to ensure in C++ code that
another QML singleton is instanated
Developers tend to put all context properes and type
registraons to main.cpp or to plugin.cpp which leads
to enormous wiring of these les with dependencies
and prevents good decoupling of otherwise
independent modules
Making a QML component singleton requires pung
it into a library
QML nests scope by default and it can’t be turned o
– misuse leads to loss of readability very quickly
Keeping QML parts of the project neat and
maintaining readability requires good discipline from a
Working with actual data doesn’t require any extra
servers or applicaons, Qt oers networking, le I/O,
database drivers, etc
HTML5/CSS3/AngularJS approach
Note: AngularJS was chosen to implement this demo.
Other frameworks might require other techniques.
With its direcves and components, Angular allows
the introducon of new tags to HTML markup,
eecvely incapsulang implementaon details
Direcves and components require an HTML
template and a controller (a controller is oponal
for a direcve)
Controllers, direcves, components, and HTML
templates are usually stored separately in separate
Sequality, 05/20176
The interface of a component or direcve is dened
by its bindings. Bindings also declare data ow (two-
way or one-way in either direcon)
Styling done in CSS is completely decoupled from all
other parts of the code, although maintaining good
readability and structure requires eort and external
Angular oers a convenient dependency injecon
Angular oers a single mechanism for singleton
Angular has a concept of scopes that oponally allows
the capture of data from parent scopes, though misuse
easily leads to loss of readability
A special topic is managing separate component/
direcve/template les in AngularJS projects:
in the most basic scenario, all these les must be
manually included in the index.html, which leads to
a radical increase in loading me
in the more common scenario, these les are
processed by an external tool to produce a single
output le which is included in the index.html
Actual data processing (working with a database,
le I/O, working with sensors) would require an
HTTP- or a WebSocket-Server that processes
upon request from the web interface. This
introduces addional complexity to the project
Features comparison
C++, Qt,
or QML
CSS3, or
Well-dened inial project
x x
Code recycling using
x x
Managing component
x x
Eort to maintain project
x x
Working with data directly x
Tesng and debugging
QML applicaons use a rendering engine provided with
Qt. Normally the Qt version required can be shipped
with the applicaon, which guarantees a consistent
environment for the applicaon.
Generally, AngularJS applicaons consist of many
JavaScript sources that are concatenated together
(possibly with dependency resoluon) and loaded as a
single bundle by the browser. Usage of transpilers and
polylls (for example, wring in ES6 and transpiling it to
ES5 in the end product) increases debugging eort as the
produced code is partly not the same as the actual one.
Using source maps helps but they have to be correctly
placed and recognized by the browser. Typos or errors
in AngularJS code are oen silently ignored and have
to be invesgated very thoroughly. There is quite a
steep learning curve with AngularJS when it comes to
data bindings and manipulang DOM in components,
leading to increased development eorts for quite simple
interacons like swipes or drags.
AngularJS has encouraged test-driven development from
the beginning (see Google’s tutorials on AngularJS). QML
and Qt provide unit-tesng frameworks as well, although
do not push into using them. Overall, a TDD approach
might be extremely useful for end-product quality but
requires a lot of eort in the creaon and maintenance
of tests with good coverage. This eort oen not only
compares to, but also exceeds the eort of wring the
actual code that is being tested.
The fact that HTML5 applicaons can be executed
on a number of plaorms – and a number of browser
engines on each plaorm – mulplies the tesng
me correspondingly. Requiring a specic version
of a browser might not be an opon for tablets or
smartphones where updates are installed automacally.
Even on desktop computers, the default seng is
nowadays to install browser updates without any
interference from the user.
Sequality, 05/20177
Sustainability of the technology
Web applicaons
With the rapid development of web applicaons
in recent years, new client-side and server-side
frameworks are constantly emerging. Major new
versions of frameworks are released in short cycles
and adopt new paerns in web engineering. This might
discard backwards compability and support for older
versions, increasing maintenance costs. Projects with
a longer lifespan may use outdated frameworks and
libraries unl it becomes cheaper to write everything
from scratch using completely new technology and
Moreover, the JavaScript language itself has undergone
revision in recent years. It now incorporates features
like scoped variables, classes, and modules (in
ECMAScript 6), leaving web developers to deal with
lack of support for all the features of the language in
major browsers. Supersets of ES6 like TypeScript are
acvely used as well, and are not directly supported by
browsers, forcing web engineers to use transpilaon to
the most portable old version of JavaScript. Luckily, the
new versions of the language are supersets of the older
versions and maintain backwards compability.
Apart from using exisng frameworks, there’s always
a temptaon to make your own in-house soluon to
exactly fulll the requirements of the project. This
might be considered feasible as long as the developers
working on it don’t leave the project, otherwise it
would be yet another framework to learn with most
probably non-existent or minimal documentaon and
no internet resources – creang the need to rewrite
the applicaon using exisng frameworks or invenng a
new one.
The nature of web engineering forces developers to
use a complex mul-step build process to produce a
working applicaon. Not only do frameworks change,
but the build tools change rapidly as well – like Grunt,
Gulp, webpack, etc.
Another queson to consider is the browser on the
client side. With mulple rendering engines on the
market, the applicaon has to be tested for all of them
and on all plaorms. With extremely short release
cycles of browsers (like Firefox) and seamless updates
(like Chrome or Edge), it’s virtually impossible to
keep up. Targeng older browser versions also brings
problems: they don’t support newer CSS/JavaScript
features and might behave dierently when rendering.
A supported version bump in the future doesn’t help
if some users keep the older version of their browsers
and are therefore unable to use the applicaon
The ne granularity of popular frameworks forces
developers to use several frameworks in one project
to achieve their goal. Each framework or library has its
own style, integraon level, documentaon, release
cycle, and level of support.
Though the web applicaon stack will somehow
stabilize in the next few years, it’s important to make
good decisions on what technologies to use, so that
the project won’t have to be rewrien from scratch
mulple mes.
Sustainability of C++/Qt/QML
C++ is a mature language that has proven to be
conservave and slow changing. The adopon of the
major C++11 standard in projects followed by its C++14
extension is fairly slow because of a lack of support by
major compilers. The 4th edion of Stroustrup’s The
C++ Programming Language including C++11 features
was published in 2013, two years aer the standard
was raed. All the C++ standards up to and including
C++17 are backwards compable with the older
The Qt framework has been on the market since 1995,
with major versions released in 1999 (Qt 2, lifespan of
2 years), 2001 (Qt 3, lifespan of 4 years), 2005 (Qt 4,
lifespan of 7 years) and 2012 (Qt 5, lifespan of at least
5 years). Source compability was largely maintained
during the transion from Qt 4 to 5, whereas previous
transions broke the compilaon process. That is, the
transion should have been made either completely or
not at all. Qt 4 introduced Qt3-support classes for a
smoother transion to the newer version of the library.
Paradigms and approaches used in Qt have remained
mostly the same throughout recent major releases.
That means having learned Qt once, one is able to
develop Qt applicaons for at least the current and
next major release. With a median cycle of major
releases every 4 years, this typically means sustainable
project development for at least 8 years.
As for now, Qt 5.x is developed in a 6-month cycle with
API and ABI compability.
Sequality, 05/20178
The Qt framework covers most areas of
applicaon development one might need in a
project oering uniform class names, a single
paradigm throughout the whole framework,
accurate documentaon, and good portability.
QML appeared in 2010 in Qt 4.7 and has been
developed and polished constantly ever since.
There’s been evoluonary development of the
language from the beginning while maintaining
backwards compability. Moreover, the module
version system ensures the correct outcome of an
applicaon being processed by newer versions of
QML engines.
As menoned earlier, unlike any HTML5
framework or library, Qt is a general-purpose
framework and more or less self-contained – an
applicaon using Qt wouldn’t require addional
libraries for widgets, networking, databases, serial
bus, etc.
Sequality, 05/20179
Both technologies are capable of separang design
from business logic
Both technologies are capable of rendering pixel-
perfect UI designs on mulple plaorms
The QML version of the demo is faster than the
HTML5 version
With HTML5, latency me between user interacon
and user interface response is higher with our setup
The QML version has complex swipe gestures
(setup-slider, mul-touch zooming) that are not
available in HTML5 out of the box
The QML version has a virtual keyboard – no such
component is available with HTML5 out of the box
Qt-based applicaons are compiled for the target,
meaning that in terms of user observaon, they
behave exactly the same no maer which plaorm
they run on
HTML5-based applicaons run on the browser of
the target (e.g. Chrome), meaning dierent plaorms
can show dierent behavior as the browser might
use dierent rendering engines depending on the
plaorm. Browser tesng is a major development
cost factor in HTML5 based applicaons
Connecon to hardware
Low-latency sensor connecons to direct hardware
components are easier with C++/Qt as you have
direct contact to the embedded hardware
With HTML5, if the applicaon has to react quickly
to sensor input (for example, CAN-Bus-Value, GPIO-
Pin, RS232, bluetooth, gyrometer), it can get very
dicult to route this signal through the hp-server,
browser, and javascript to the HTML5 frontend
Summary: comparing
Qt QML with HTML5
Qt QML has built-in support for animaons in the
language, and transions can be ne tuned
With HTML5, there are several ways to implement
animaons, which can make it quite tricky to get
exactly what you want from an animaon
Modern embedded applicaons benet by having a
dedicated OpenGL-capable graphics processer that
can render animaons in a smooth way. Making use
of the OpenGL processer in an HTML5-browser-
based seng is somewhat tricky – whether actual
rendering can be done with the help of OpenGL
depends on the browser. In the HTML5 demo with
our setup, most rendering is done only on the CPU.
In the QML demo, all rendering is done by the
OpenGL-based engine
Tesng and debugging
Both HTML5 and QML can get somewhat tricky
to test, which is true for most complex interacve
With QML, complex logic is usually implemented in
convenonal C++ code, which oers the benet of a
strictly typed programming language - an advantage
when tesng and debugging applicaons
With AngluarJS, all logic is wrien in a weakly typed
environment, unless you use TypeScript, which is
again a technology that has to be learned and used
Generally speaking, one uses third-party tools (e.g.
Babel, require.JS, webpack) to generate the runnable
HTML5/AngularJS applicaon out of a project. As
a result, the code running in the browser is oen
not the same as the code wrien in your IDE. In our
opinion, wring applicaons in AngularJS requires a
more profound knowledge of the whole technology
stack to develop and debug complex applicaons.
Addionally, the technology-stack-components within
an AngularJS applicaon change rather rapidly, which
makes it even harder to follow and understand
Sequality, 05/201710
Sustainability consideraons
Qt has been around since the 1990s and Qt QML
since 2011
Modern HTML5-based applicaons that use
frameworks like AngularJS are relavely new
and undergo changes from year to year – a valid
queson is whether AngularJS (or any other
currently trendy Javascript-library) will sll be a
relevant HTML5-technology in 10 years
Sequality, 05/201711
About Sequality
Sequality soware engineering is an
Austrian soware consulng company
that is your partner for creang soluons
in the area of industrial applicaons,
touch display user interfaces, and
embedded soware applicaons.
Usability plays an important role when
creang our applicaons. Together
with usability engineers and UX
designers, we can ship leading-edge UI
technology applicaons that contain
user-friendly funconality, look great,
and deliver a seamless user interface
sequality soware engineering e.U.• Sowarepark 26A-4232 Hagenberg
www.sequality.at • t. +43 7236 26 101 • m. +43 676 97 72 681
stefan.larndorfer@sequality.at • oce@sequality.at
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