Creating Text Based PDF Files
CM/ECF prefers text based PDF files. Some PDF files must be created from scanned images.
This is true of pre-existing exhibits. But many documents exist in digital form, and all newly
created documents, such as motions and memoranda should be created as text PDF files. Text
based PDF files allow the use of copy-and-paste text selection, and searching for key words.
Text PDF files are much smaller than scanned PDF files.
50 page text document File Size KB
PDF output from word processor
100 K
Scanned document
1000 – 2000 K
To create a text based PDF
document, create the
document normally in your
word processor.
Then, print the document, to a PDF
printer program. (This handout later
describes some programs you may
Then, a SAVE dialog box appears. Find a
location to SAVE the file where you can
find it later to upload to CM/ECF. Note the
file will save with a PDF suffix.
It is a good idea to VIEW
the document in PDF
format, to ensure that it
"printed” correctly:
(Just as printing to a
different printer may cause
different output formatting,
printing to PDF may cause
different output
You now have TWO versions of the document, one in word processing format, and another in
PDF format:
Recommendation.doc Recommendation.pdf
WordPerfect includes a Publish to PDF
feature. You do not need any special
PDF creation software if you use
Microsoft announced October 1, 2005,
that its next version of MS Office will
include PDF creation.
PDF Creation Software
If you are using a current version of MS Word, or another word processor, you will probably
need PDF creation software. Check first to see if you already have PDF creation software you
may have received with another software program, such as PaperPort. Free standing PDF
creation software is available. Some examples are:
Adobe Acrobat Standard/Pro
Cute PDF Writer/Cute PDF Plus (free)
pdfFactory/pdfFactory Pro
PDF Viewing Software
–Adobe Acrobat Reader – free
For More Information:
PDF Issues
PDF Creation Software
Using Adobe PDF Printer to Convert Documents to PDF Format
Setting Acrobat Preferences
Creating PDF Documents with a Scanner
Scanner Comparison
Scanning Tips
Checking PDF Document Properties
Optimizing PDF files in WordPerfect® 11
rev. 10.4.05