School of Performing Arts
course syllabus for
MUSI 3320: Music History II (3 credit hours)
Spring 2023
MWF 10:10–11:05 a.m. – FAC 1009
Professor: Dr. Mary Heiden
Office: FAC 1215
Email (preferred contact method): [email protected]
Office Phone: (903) 566-7450
Office Hours: M/W/F 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. or by appointment
Course Description: Survey of stylistic trends, major compositions, composers, and genres from
1750 to the present. Prerequisite: MUSI 2308.
Course Learning Objectives: The objective of Music History II is for the student to gain an
understanding of the development of Western Art Music from the 18
Century to the
present. Particular attention will be given to the general stylistic characteristics of each
musical era and the historical, technological, and societal reasons for their evolution. The
course includes the study of both sacred and secular music in all major genres. Listening to
and identifying various styles of music is strongly emphasized.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be expected to:
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of significant composers and works related to
Western music from 1750 to the present.
Apply understanding of stylistic trends through aural recognition and analysis of
representative works.
Identify the various genres of music and trace their development through the major
historical periods.
Understand and describe the development of instruments throughout music history.
Analyze music composed in different time periods and assess stylistic features that
are characteristic of each period.
Analyze representative works and evaluate how music was shaped by broad
political, cultural, and economic trends and by the values of the society that
produced it.
Evaluate the impact of past musical developments on present-day musical practices.
Improve writing skills throughout the semester thereby improving the final long historical
Required Materials:
1. A History of Western Music, 10th ed., J. Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, and Claude V.
Palisca. New York: W. W. Norton, 2019.
Must include Total Access for digital resources.
Ebook with Total Access is sufficient.
2-3. Norton Anthology of Western Music (8
ed.), J. Peter Burkholder and Claude V. Palisca, eds.
New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 2019:
Volume Two: Classic to Romantic and
Volume Three: The Twentieth Century and After
You will bring the appropriate anthology to every class meeting.
Additional Online Resources
https://www.scribbr.com/chicago-style/turabian/ (introduction to Turabian Style/Citations &
Assignments & Quizzes in Canvas (total 30%)
InQuizitive & Skill Builder Assignments = 10%
Chapter & Listening Quizzes = 20%
In-Class Activities (total 10%)
Class Participation = 5%
Attendance & Anthology Use = 5%
Writing Assignments (total 30%)
Bibliography Assignment = 5%
Scaffolded Research Paper = 20%
Social Condition Paper = 5%
Exams (total 30%)
Exams 1 & 3 = 5 % each
Midterm & Final = 10% each
Grading Scale: A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = 59% and below
Exams 1 and 3 will be administered online using Canvas.
The Midterm and Final Exams will be taken in class but may include an online component.
The Bibliography Assignment is a source documentation assignment intended to teach you to cite
sources according to the Turabian/Chicago Manual of Style format. You will format and complete a
bibliography and a collection of notes using a varied list of source types that is provided for you.
For the Scaffolded Research Paper, you will sequentially submit 1) a topic and thesis statement, 2)
an outline with potential bibliography, and 3) the completed research paper.
The Social Condition Paper assignment consists of 1) an assigned reading about a specific musical
work and its genesis, 2) writing a summary from your reading, 3) listening critically to the work, and
3) writing a critical response.
Due Dates and Excused Absences Policy: All assignments are due on the days indicated. At the
instructor’s discretion, reduced credit may be given for work that is late or missing due to unexcused
absences. If granted, late work for reduced credit must be submitted promptly, generally within one
week of the due date, after which it will not be accepted.
At the instructor’s discretion, absences may be considered excused only for legitimate, documented
reasons (serious illness, family emergency, etc.). Even in cases of excused absences, outstanding
assignments are due at the following class meeting. In all cases, it is the student’s responsibility to
inform the instructor of absences as soon as possible, and to document that absence if an excused
absence is being requested.
Attendance Policy: Full attendance and participation are expected in this course. Arrival after class
has begun will count as a tardy. Three tardies will count as one unexcused absence. Arrival more
than ten minutes late counts as an absence and impacts your attendance grade.
Additionally, avoidable distractions such as cell phone use/texting, eating food, outside work, and
unnecessarily leaving the room during class time may result in a tardy or absence for the day, at the
instructor’s discretion.
Communication: Students are required to regularly check their Patriot e-mail account and the class
Canvas page.
Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated (cheating, copying homework, plagiarism,
Other: On our course Canvas site, on the “Syllabus” page, please see these links:
“Student Resources” and
“University Policies and Information.”
MUSI 3320 Music History II
Spring 2023 Provisional Schedule
(subject to change)
Week of:
Assignments Due:
Jan. 9
Unit 1 Eighteenth-Century Classicism
Ch. 20 The Enlightenment
Ch. 21 Early Classic Opera & Vocal Music
Jan. 16
Ch. 22 Instrumental Genres
Jan. 23
Ch. 23 Classical Music in the Late 18
Jan. 30
Unit 2 Beethoven and the Romantics
Ch. 24 & 25 Revolution and Change, Song
and Piano Music
Exam 1 (Ch. 20-23)
Feb. 6
Ch. 26 Romanticism in Classic Forms
(No class on Fri., Feb. 10 TMEA)
Feb. 13
Ch. 27 & 28 Romantic Opera
Feb. 20
Unit 3 Late Romanticism into Modernism
Chapter 29 Later Romanticism
Midterm Exam
(through Ch. 28)
Feb. 27
Ch. 29 & 30 Later Rom., Diverging Trends
Assignment Due
Mar. 6
Ch. 31 & 32 Early 20
Mar. 13
Mar. 20
Chapter 33 Radical Modernists
Exam 3 (Ch. 29-32)
Topic & Thesis Due
Mar. 27
Unit 4 Twentieth Century and Beyond
Outline & Sources Due
Apr. 3
Ch. 34 & 35 Between the World Wars
Research Paper Due
Apr. 10
Ch. 36 & 37 - Postwar
Apr. 17
Ch. 38 Late 20
Social Condition Paper
Apr. 24
Ch. 39 21
Final Exam