Assessment in Malaysian School Mathematics: Issues and Concerns
LIM, Chap Sam
School of Educational Studies
Universiti Sains Malaysia
As in many Asian countries, assessment and examinations are viewed as
highly important in Malaysia. Often, public examination results are taken as
important national measures of school accountability. Yet, too much
emphasis on assessment and examination may constraint or distort the
implemented curriculum and produce unintended consequences. This paper
discusses the issues and concern regarding mathematics assessment in
Malaysia. To set the context, the paper will begin with a brief introduction of
the school system and public examinations in Malaysia. The first issue
includes the overemphasizing of public examination results that lead to three
unintended consequences: “Teach to the test” syndrome; rushing to finish
syllabus and learned paralysis. The second issue refers to drill and practice
as the main mathematics teaching approach which resulted in two
unintended consequences that cause concern: lessons that are boring and
meaningless, as well as the failure to promote mathematical thinking or
communication among pupils as espoused in the mathematics syllabus.
Angelo (1995) defined the term ‘assessment’ appropriately as “an ongoing process” which
“aimed at understanding and improving student learning.” (p.7). White (2007) echoed that
assessment “is seen as a process for gathering evidence and making judgement about
students’ needs, strengths, abilities and achievements.” (p.44). Hence, the primary aim of
assessment should be “to monitor improvement of student learning; to provide feedback
about students; to inform future action of both learners and teachers; and to report students’
progress.” (White, p.44). Seemingly, however, the above meaning and aims of assessment
have not been properly implemented in the Malaysian context, particularly assessment in
school mathematics.
In Malaysia, the school system is divided into three levels: primary (6 years), lower
secondary level (3-4 years), upper secondary (2 years) and Form Six or matriculation (2
years). There are four major public examinations conducted at each level. At the primary
level, there is the Primary School Assessment Test (UPSR); at the lower secondary level, the
Lower Secondary Assessment (PMR); at the upper secondary level, the Malaysian Certificate
of Education Examination (SPM) and at the Sixth Form, the Malaysian Higher Education
Certificate Examination (STPM).
Mathematics is taught as a compulsory subject from pre-school to upper secondary level. It is
also a compulsory passing subject in all Malaysian major public examinations as mentioned
above, namely UPSR PMR and SPM. For each public examination, the standardized
mathematics paper and pencil test is always composed of two papers: Paper I consists of
multiple choice questions while Paper II is made up of short-answer questions.
Besides public examinations, school assessment also constitutes a major part of mathematics
teaching and learning in most Malaysian schools at all levels. At the school level,
mathematics assessment is usually in the form of formative tests such as short tests or
monthly tests, as well as summative tests given at the end of every semester or yearly. The
above assessment practice may sound familiar to many other countries as national testing
through national public examinations has been a major instrument for measuring school
success and for guiding schools towards attaining government objectives (Stacey & Flynn,
2007). So what are the issues of concern?
Issues and concerns
There are at least two major issues of concerns of various stakeholders such as the
government, policy makers, educators, and parents.
Issue 1: Overemphasis on public examination performance
Public examinations performances are viewed as extremely important in Malaysia. Schools
are ranked and classified according to their students’ performance in major public
examinations. It is a very common practice of the mass media (such as Television and local
newspapers) to highlight the examination results league table and the names of schools and
individual student’s outstanding performances. This phenomenon is especially obvious when
the major public examination results such as UPSR, SPM or STPM are announced every year.
This shows that all examination results are taken seriously by both schools and society
(especially parents) as a measure of school accountability and individual pride. This is
understandable as all schools aim for high performance and all students should be proud of
their achievement.
However, this attitude of overly obsession with public standardised examinations has resulted
in several unintended consequences:
(a) “Teach to the test” syndrome
Teachers tend to focus only on contents and skills that will be tested in the public
examinations. Both teachers and students will not “waste time” on exploring or learning new
content areas or skills that were not tested in the syllabi. Students are made to memorise the
“model answers” to would be examination questions. This phenomenon is so prevalent that
there was an instance in the newspapers report several years ago that a primary school
principal who quarantined a few of his very weak pupils from taking a public examination
because he was worried that these pupils’ performance might bring down his school
achievement result. This is really a cause for concern.
(b) Rushing to finish the syllabus/content
Finishing syllabus becomes the sole responsibility of the teachers. Teachers have to make
sure that they complete teaching the content of the assigned syllabus so that they have ample
time to revise with their pupils before the public examinations. It was a common practice for
teachers to finish the syllabus three to six months ahead of the examination date. For example,
if the UPSR examination is held in September, then the syllabus must be completed by
March or latest by June.
The concern is if the syllabus content is planned to be completed in a year, can it be shorten
to just half a year? Will the students understand the content fully? Why is there a need to
finish the syllabus if the students could not understand? The following cartoon (Figure 1)
appears to depict the dilemma.
In fact, an informal survey of a few primary and secondary schools shows that most schools
are required to set at least four test each school year, that is first monthly test (March); mid-
year examination (May-June); second monthly test (August) and final year examination
(October). However, this testing phenomenon might have been overemphasized by some
schools. There were schools that set as many as six tests per year. Since one year has two
semesters and each semester is about 20 to 22 weeks, this means that for every 6-7 weeks
there is a test. Moreover, each test is scheduled for about a week for revision, a week for
testing and a week for discussing the results. Thus, how many weeks are left for teaching?
As a consequence of “rushing to finish the syllabus”, some teachers have opted to teach by
mainly “show and tell” approach. Two weeks ago I observed one “Excellent” mathematics
teacher teaching a mathematics lesson. After showing an example, he gave another question
for the pupils to try. After a few minutes, he asked one pupil to verbally solve the question
while the teacher wrote the working on the blackboard. I was curious to know why the
teacher did not ask the pupil to show his answer directly on the blackboard. The teacher
reasoned that, “Normally I will ask the pupils to show their answers on the blackboard, but
this is a primary six class. I have to finish the syllabus by June. So it is better for me to write
the answer on the blackboard for them. It saves time.”
While it might save the teacher’s “time” and allows him to “finish” the syllabus, will this
negate pupils’ “time” to communicate their mathematical thought that might further enhance
their understanding?
(c)Learned paralysis
The term “Learned Paralysis” was coined by the former Malaysian Chief Director of
Education, Tan Sri Dr Wan Zahid Nordin as a “subtle form of mental inertia” which he
argued that most Malaysian students were suffering as a result of the examination oriented
school system. He elaborated that students with learned paralysis are:
Adopted from White, 2007, p.48
Figure 1
Insofar as on the surface, it has the appearance of desirable intellectual activity and
indeed accepted by educational institutions as proof of high quality learning. I am
referring to the ability to regurgitate information thrown at them when they are orally
questioned or when they are taking examinations. You can be sure that the majority of
students in schools and tertiary institutions who obtain straight A’s are expert at
regurgitating information as required by the way the examination papers are designed.
There is no need to fully understand what is being put down in the answers. The
marking scheme does not require that.
(Wan Zahid Nordin, 2009)
Therefore, students with learned paralysis might appear to obtain straight As in the public
examinations, but “they do not possess soft skills. They are predictably hesitant and diffident
and not forthcoming with ideas. They lack creativity and innovative skills. They lack the
interpersonal skills to bring into play the unique diversity that characterizes our nation. They
do not demonstrate a capacity for thinking. “(Wan Zahid Nordin, 2009)
Issue 2: Mismatch between the intended and the implemented curriculum
Although the Malaysian school mathematics syllabus listed its main aim as:
“The Mathematics curriculum for secondary school aims to develop individuals who
are able to think mathematically
and who can apply mathematical knowledge
effectively and responsibly in solving problems and making decision. This will enable
individual to face challenges in everyday life that arise due to the advancement of
science and technology.”
(Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2003, p.1)
Subsequently, the document also suggested the following five elements to be focused on in
the teaching and learning of mathematics:
i) Problem solving in mathematics;
ii) Communication in mathematics;
iii) Reasoning in mathematics;
iv) Mathematical connections; and
v) Application of technology
To achieve the above aims, the document further proposed that various teaching approaches
such as cooperative learning, contextual learning, mastery learning, constructivism, enquiry-
discovery and future studies should be considered.
These are indeed noble aims and suggestions. The concern is to what extent have these noble
intentions and suggestions been implemented successfully in the Malaysian classrooms?
More often than not, many local studies have shown that drill and practice was the most
common teaching approach adopted by Malaysian mathematics teachers. These teachers
argued that they have to finish syllabus within a limited period of time, so the most expedient
way is drill and practice since most of them strongly believe that “practice make perfect”.
Hence, this kind of procedural learning where teachers provide examples then exercises for
pupils to practice and practice becomes the quick fix method which apparently produces
instant outcome. However, as a result, this practice might produce a number of unintended
consequences which raise concern, such as:
(a) Boring and meaningless lessons
Merely drill and practice may get pupils to feel that mathematics lessons as boring and
meaningless. Consequently fewer pupils are interested to study mathematics.
(b) Not promoting mathematical thinking or communication among pupils
With drill and practice approach, pupils are not encouraged to communicate mathematically
their solutions, to justify or explore new ways of solving problems. This kind of rote learning
is clearly not going to promote pupils’ creativity and innovation.
Suggestion for change
As observed by Yeap (2009) that the national test is also high stakes in Singapore and
teachers tended to “teach to the test”. Based on analysis of test items in the recent primary
grade national test, he proposed that the standardized national test can be used as a catalyst to
promote good instructional practice. This is because since the national test emphasizes on
higher order competencies instead of procedural skills, school teachers adjust and refine their
instructional program to meet the demands of the national test. Therefore from the Singapore
experience, one suggestion for change in the Malaysia mathematics assessment could be to
gradually change the emphasis from procedural skills to higher order thinking competencies.
In addition, to support the teachers for this change, teacher professional development
programme such as Lesson Study might be needed to help teachers to collaborate and get
ready for the change.
Assessment is supposed to reflect the intended curriculum (Wong, 2002) and to show what is
valued. Very often, assessment ‘defines in detail what is regarded as acceptable and what
methods for solving problems are preferred’ (Kaye Stacey, 2002, p.11). Yet, too much
emphasis on assessment and examination may constraint or distort the implemented
curriculum. For instance, assessment that focuses on skills will encourage “the teachers to
use the ‘explain and practice’ strategy and the students will resort to ‘practice and
memorization’” (Wong, 2002, p.3). On the other hand, assessment that emphasizes on
problem solving and proof may encourage teachers to use teaching strategies that stress
conceptual understanding. Therefore, the kind of assessment may determine the kind of
mathematics teaching strategy and thus result in the kind of mathematics learning outcome of
To ensure future generation of Malaysians are capable of meeting the global challenges, it is
the right time that Malaysian educators, policy makers and teachers make appropriate
changes in the assessment system of both the public and school examinations. It is pointless
and wasteful to have an education system with noble intention, formulate for the good of
everyone, yet not implemented fruitfully to achieve what is intended at the classroom level.
Pupils are the future asset and human capital of the country. Hence, it is the utmost
importance to ensure that the Malaysian assessment system is assessing the right things and
not resulting in unintended negative consequences that defeat the whole purpose of the
national education system.
Angelo, T. A. (1995). Reassessing (and defining) assessment. AAHE Bulletin, 48(3), 7-9.
Nordin, Wan Zahid (2009). Learned paralysis: The unintended consequences of the
classroom process. Keynote address of the Chairman of the Board of UiTM at Universiti
Pendidikan Sultan Idris International Seminar on Education, 23 November 2009.
Stacey, K., & Flynn, P. (2007). Principles to guide assessment with technology. In In Noraini
Idris (Ed.), Classroom assessment in mathematics education, pp. 1-16. Kuala Lumpur:
McGraw Hill Education
White, A. (2007). Assessment in School Mathematics. In Noraini Idris (ed.), Classroom
assessment in mathematics education, pp. 43-58. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill Education.
Yeap, B. H. (2009). Improving mathematical literacy through assessment. In U. H. Cheah et
al., (Eds.,), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science and
Mathematics Education [CoSMED 2009], Plenary paper, pp.25-29, 10-12 November
2009, Penang, Malaysia.