Thanks to its seemingly endless benets, video calling is becoming more and more popular among
business professionals. There are a few well-known apps that provide video calling and we’re prey
sure you’ve tried at least one or two.
Just as with everything in life, there are plenty of opons when it comes to recording your video calls.
Some are beer, some worse, some work for bigger companies, and some are perfect for small teams.
There are lots of tools, ps and tricks to make things easier and quicker. But how do you know which
soware or app is best for you and your company?
To help you out with the decision making, we’ve created this guide explaining how to make call re-
cordings with Google Hangouts, Skype and other apps. We concentrate on the most popular video
calling apps and outline how you can successfully record your video calls with them.
Although Google Hangouts has no built-in feature for recording calls, we outline two
dierent ways it can be done.
The rst opon is to set up a Live Streaming Event in the YouTube Creator Studio and
use Google Hangouts on Air for the video call.
Using this combinaon, you can broadcast a live event and make it public for people to
watch, or keep it private for yourself and the people you share the recording with.
A big advantage here when screen sharing is that you can decide to share either your whole
screen or just a chosen applicaon window. This makes the transion between various windows
Aer your broadcast has ended, you can nd your recording in the Videos secon of YouTube’s Video
Manager, but it might be a while before the video recording becomes downloadable. You can download an
MP4 video for further use, or share a link to it on YouTube.
The recording quality is average and, especially when recording screen sharing sessions, the quality is quite
poor. Here is the enre guide on combining Hangouts on Air with YouTube Live.
The second, and in our opinion, easier way to record your Hangouts calls involves using a generic screen
capturing program. We will have a look at these later.
The free version of Skype doesn’t allow you to record your calls navely, i.e., without
using addional soware. But you can always use some of the screen capturing so-
ware menoned below to record your online video meengs. Skype even provides a list
of applicaons from third-party developers that plug into your Linux, Mac, and Windows
Classic Skype clients, allowing you to make call recordings.
On the other hand, the paid version, Skype for Business, included in Oce 365, has an in-built
call recording feature that lets you record your meengs and capture audio, video, instant mes-
saging, screen sharing, PowerPoint slides, whiteboard acvity and polling.
Probably the most popular video calling app for Mac and iOS devices, FaceTime
doesn’t support call recording navely either, so you have to download or buy addi-
onal soware to record your FaceTime conversaons. The good news is that there
are various programs out there to help you with this. One of them is Call Recorder for
FaceTime by Ecamm.
Of course, there is always the opon of using a screen capturing program (we discuss this
in greater detail below). ApowersoMac Screen Recorder is a good soluon that supports
recording on your Mac. There is also the iPhone/iPad Recorder for iOS devices. Another one is
QuickTime Player, the default media player on Mac, that can also act as a FaceTime recorder. You
can record a call on your Mac as well as on your iPhone with it.
The call recording feature is included in the Gruveo Pro subscripon and makes it easy
for you to record video, voice and screen sharing calls on your computer, as well as in
Gruveo’s nave apps for iOS and Android.
You won’t need any addional soware for call recording - and using screen capturing pro-
grams will possibly just complicate the process as the built-in soluon is so simple. On top of all
that, Gruveo stores your call recordings in the cloud, where they are always available for you to
watch or download.
Last but not least, a universal approach to video call recording is to use a generic screen
capturing program. You can choose from a variety of screen recorders - there are some
great ones available at no cost. Here are some for you to take a look at:
Flashback Express (Microso Windows)
Movavi Screen Capture Studio (Microso Windows and Mac)
Apowerso (web-based, Android and iOS apps)
Snagit (Microso Windows and Mac)
QuickTime Player (Mac)
There are many call recording soluons for Hangouts, Skype, FaceTime and Gruveo,
both nave and third-party. In the end, it comes down to your preference and whether
you like a nave soluon for recording your video calls. If this is the case you can choose
from Skype for Business and Gruveo Pro. Alternavely, you can work with third-party screen
capturing soware, in which case it doesn’t maer which video calling app you use, as long as
you nd your perfect screen capturing tool.
All of these let you record your audio, a video of the whole screen or just a specic secon, and usu-
ally oer addional features to help you make your recordings more aracve. This comes in handy
when you want to include the recorded footage into another video and create a tutorial.
The downside of these programs is that you always need to install them, and even the web-based
one needs a launcher to be installed rst. They are also not cheap, even though many oer a free
trial. Perhaps the most important negave is that, oen, a lot of sengs are required in order for the
recording to look good. And, if you need to switch windows during a call, you need to take special
measures to stop the other windows appearing in the recorded area of the screen.
As an example, we will show you how to use the web-based recorder Apowerso.
There is an opon to download a desktop version, but we’ll use the web-based version instead.
As menoned above, before you make your rst recording, you’ll need to download the Apowerso
Online Launcher. This means that for each device you want to use for recording, you need to down-
load the launcher rst and keep it there.
Aer clicking the big Start Recording buon on the Apowerso website, a recording box will appear.
You can adjust the size of the recorded area of your screen and also set up other details you need in
advance. The recording quality is good, and when you’re done with the recording, you are asked to
download it or upload it to Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. where you’ll keep it.