Job Application/Cover Letter
To create an effective job application letter, use good document design and use the
reader-centered approach to information design: put the bottom line up front, show how
you will help the organization achieve its goals, explain how your experience matches the
job requirements, move from general to specific information to back up your claims.
Please note that this sample is double-spaced for readability only. Professional
documents are usually single-spaced.
224 Happy Drive #8
Middletown, OH 12345
April 14, 2008
Mr. Robert Robertson
Director of Human Resources
Data Systems Design
600 DSD Lane
Raleigh, NC 12345
Dear Mr. Robertson:
While attending the computer science job fair at the University of Dayton on April 7, 2008, I met
with Ms. Kathy Anderson from your networking and data transfer division. Ms. Anderson
mentioned that Data Systems Design has an entry-level Application Programmer position open, and
I would like to meet with you to discuss this opportunity further. For the past several years, I have
followed the growth of Data Systems Design from a small privately owned company to a
multinational corporation. Based on your aggressive growth in international markets, I believe my
skills in programming and systems analysis can help your company succeed in these areas.
Moreover, since you are planning to expand your operations in Asia, my fluency in Japanese
and French will help you in this potentially lucrative market.
Your introduction should discuss the following:
Where you saw or heard about the position
• A brief background on the organization and its goals
How your experience matches the position
How you will help the organization achieve its goals
Your objective: an interview
Job Application/Cover Letter 2
After speaking with Ms. Anderson, I looked at your website. From your online information, it’s
clear you are looking to compete in Asia in the networking and data transfer markets. Many
companies in this part of the world are migrating information from legacy systems. As a second-
semester senior at the University of Dayton, I will graduate in May with a B.S. degree in Computer
Science with a focus on Networking and Data Transfer Management. I believe my background
closely matches the goals you outline on your website. In fact, in Computer Science 390, I led a
group of students helping to design a new online database for the Dayton YMCA. This database
looked the same to users, but used a much more powerful search engine. This experience will help
Data Systems Design because many of your potential customers have similar needs: seamless data
transfer, transparent user interface, and high-level security.
Body Paragraph 1
This paragraph should discuss the following:
More detail on company goals/mission
• More detail supporting your claim that you can help them achieve goals/mission
Specific example based on information in résu
How you will help the organization
Job Application/Cover Letter 3
Your website states that entry-level Application Programmers must have experience using VSAM.
In addition, you state that applicants should have some real-world experience beyond the classroom.
I have experience with VSAM, and I have real-world experience. During my internship with
Dominick’s Food Stores, I used VSAM to develop a unique solution for accessing data in the
company’s capital expenditure database. My effort helped the company to monitor and report
capital expenses in a more timely and accurate manner. Additionally, my course work has included
assignments where I worked with outside companies on real-world programming projects. Through
my experiences, I have become very familiar in implementing all phases of the systems
development process. My background will help Data Systems Design because you will not have to
train me on your VSAM applications and development procedures.
Body Paragraph 2
This paragraph should discuss the following:
More detail on position requirements
• More detail supporting your claim that your experience fulfills these requirements
Specific example based on information in résumé
How you will help the organization
Job Application/Cover Letter 4
Data Systems Design is a growing company with the potential to expand even further in Asian
markets, and I would like to speak with you further about how my experience can help you increase
your operations in countries such as Japan. I will be contacting your office next week, but if you
have any questions, please call me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or email me at [email protected]. I look forward
to hearing from you soon. Thank you for reviewing my letter and my enclosed résumé.
Xxxx Xxxxxxx
Enclosure (Résumé)
Closing Paragraph
This paragraph should do the following:
Repeat your main objective: an interview
• Provide contact information
Close the letter in a professional manner
Provide signature block
Provide enclosure information