Participation Rules for ARKIAWARDS 2024 BY arkitectureonweb
Let's shine a light on creativity and beauty!
1. Introduction Arkiawards is an event organized by the editorial staff of arkitectureonweb, first
launched in 2023 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the online portal. The competition aims to
showcase and share beauty, art, and design skills, offering designers from around the world an
opportunity to compete and display their creations.
2. Participants The competition is open to designers from around the world who have completed a
project in the triennium 2022-2024 (by September).
3. Reasons to Participate Participating in Arkiawards offers the opportunity to:
Promote your studio and work.
Connect with a highly targeted international community.
Gain visibility through digital communication on the arkitectureonweb portal and social
4. Participation Procedure Applications will be open from July 15 to October 15. Participants
must complete an online form and can apply in one of the following categories:
5. Submission Method
5.1 File Format Participants must submit their projects via an online form provided by 123 Form
Builder. Compressed folders containing all required materials can be uploaded. Specific details are
as follows:
Text Documentation: Must be uploaded in a compressed folder with a maximum limit of
100 MB. Accepted compression formats are .zip and .rar. The folder must contain all
descriptive texts of the project, including any support documents, technical reports, and
other relevant information.
Images and Videos: Must be uploaded in a second compressed folder, also with a
maximum limit of 100 MB. Accepted compression formats are .zip and .rar. This folder
must contain high-resolution images (minimum 300 dpi) and, if applicable, videos
illustrating the project. Images can be in JPEG or PNG format, while videos must be in MP4
5.2 Submission Procedure
1. Access the Form: Access the application form available on the arkitectureonweb website,
managed via 123 Form Builder.
2. Fill out the Form: Complete all required fields, providing information about the project and
3. Upload Files: Upload the two compressed folders (.zip or .rar) as specified. One folder
should contain all descriptive texts, and the other should contain images and videos.
4. Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and Contest Rules: These two fields are mandatory to
proceed with the project submission.
5. Submission Confirmation: Once the files are uploaded and the form is completed, confirm
the submission. A confirmation notification will be sent to the email address provided in the
registration form.
5.3 Submission Deadline Entries must be submitted no later than October 15, 2024. Entries
submitted after this date will not be accepted.
6. Categories and Description Each submitted project can apply for only one category among the
three described below. The following is a list of the types of projects admitted for each category.
Architecture: Awards projects that integrate aesthetics, sustainability, and utility. Includes:
Villas, residential complexes, hotels, commercial buildings, skyscrapers, museums and
cultural spaces, school buildings, healthcare infrastructure, urban infrastructure (stations,
Outdoor: Dedicated to creative solutions for outdoor spaces, includes:
Squares, parks, botanical gardens, installations, pedestrian and bike paths, playgrounds,
outdoor sports facilities (basketball courts, skateparks), seafronts, and seaside promenades
Design: Recognizes excellence in product design, includes:
Furniture, home accessories (mirrors, vases), technology (smartwatches, speakers, computer
accessories), designer appliances (refrigerators, coffee machines), lighting (floor lamps,
chandeliers), lifestyle items (bikes, skateboards, scooters)
7. Jury The jury will consist of 12 experts selected from architects, designers, journalists, art critics,
artists, and photography schools. Jury members are:
Arch. Fabio Sciacca, Owner of arkitectureonweb
Arch. Giulia Schellino Puccio, Head of arkitectureonweb portal
Marco Morosini, Artist, Designer, and Photographer
Arch. Mara Pasquini, Owner of Thus Newswire
Designer Pietro Traviglini, Architect and Designer
Simona Gavioli, Independent Curator and Art Critic
Roberto Alfano, Co-founder Spazio Labo' - Photography Center
chromastudio, Design Studio specializing in interior design
Marco Zanardi, Founder and Creative Director Orea Malià
Officina Abitare, Architecture Studio specializing in energy-efficient and green building
Roberto Grandi, Mass Communication and Cultural Processes Expert
Blam, Collective of under-35 female architects specializing in participatory urban
regeneration processes
8. Evaluation Criteria and Methods The jury will evaluate the projects based on the evaluation
criteria listed for each category, assigning a score from 0 to 5 for each criterion. Each criterion has
equal weight. The total scores assigned by all judges will be summed to determine the winner,
which will be the project with the highest score.
In case of a tie: If two or more projects achieve the same total score, the following criteria will be
applied to determine the winner:
1. Innovation: The highest score in the "Innovation" criterion will be considered. The project
with the highest score in this criterion will be declared the winner.
2. Sustainability: If the tie persists, the highest score in the "Sustainability" criterion will be
considered. The project with the highest score in this criterion will be declared the winner.
3. Jury Tiebreaker Vote: If the tie still persists, the jury will proceed with a tiebreaker vote.
Each jury member will vote for one of the tied projects, and the project with the most votes
will be declared the winner.
Evaluation Criteria: Architecture:
Context Integration
Community Engagement
Context Integration
Technological Innovation
Lifecycle Sustainability
Functionality (Usability)
Concept (Creativity)
9. Winner Announcement and Recognition
9.1 Notification to Winners
Notification to Winners: On November 16, 2024, all candidates will be informed of the
jury's decision via the email provided in the application form.
9.2 Proclamations Proclamations will be held on December 3, 4, and 5, 2024, on
arkitectureonweb's Instagram channel, with three live streams during which the winners will be
announced. The winners will receive:
A recognition plaque designed and produced by designer Chizu Kobayashi.
Dedicated digital communication: newsletters and mentions on arkitectureonweb's social
Unlimited use of the label "arkiawards by arkitectureonweb 2024 Winner" on all
communication media.
10. Project Originality and Copyright
10.1 Project Originality
Originality Requirement: The submitted projects must be original works of the participant.
Each participant must ensure that the project is not a copy or unauthorized adaptation of
existing works.
10.2 Copyright
Intellectual Property: Participants retain the copyright to their projects. Arkitectureonweb
does not claim any ownership rights to the submitted materials.
Authorization for Use: By participating in the competition, participants grant
arkitectureonweb a non-exclusive, free, and unlimited license to use, publish, and distribute
the submitted materials on any media, digital or printed, for promotional purposes related to
the competition.
Liability: Participants ensure they have all the necessary rights to submit the project to the
competition and release arkitectureonweb from any liability related to third-party claims
regarding copyright infringement.
11. Terms and Conditions
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these rules.
The submitted projects must be original and created by the participant.
12. Contacts For further information, contact the arkitectureonweb editorial staff at: