City of Conway, Arkansas - Planning & Development
1111 Main Street Conway, AR 72032 501-450-6105 www.conwayarkansas.gov
Effective on and after November 26, 1994
Guidelines for decision making by the City Council
1. The proposed land use will be designated, located and operated so that the public health, safety, and welfare are
2. The proposed land use must be compatible with the surrounding area.
3. The proposed land use will conform to all applicable provisions for the district as stated in the Conway Zoning Code.
4. The use will facilitate public convenience at the location.
5. The proposed conditional use will conform to the all off-street parking and loading requirements. Egress and
pedestrian ways shall be adequate.
6. Safeguards limiting noxious or offensive emissions, including lighting, noise, glare, dust, and odor will be addressed in
the proposed use application.
7. Landscaping and screening of the proposed use will conform to the Conway Zoning Code.
8. Proposed sign usage will conform to the provisions of the Conway Zoning Code.
9. Open space located on the proposed use will be maintained by the owner/developer.
10. The site size and shape, along with the proposed structure(s) size, shape and arrangement, will conform to the intent of
the Conway Zoning Code.
1. The petitioner must pay a non-refundable, filing fee of $325 for any conditional use permit request.
2. The Application for Conditional Use Permit must be submitted to the Planning & Development department in
accordance with the Planning Commission schedule (attached).
3. The application must show the location of the intended use of the site. A general graphic representation should be
submitted as well.
4. The petitioner must place a notice of public hearing in the Log Cabin Democrat or Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
appearing at least one time, 15 days prior to the public hearing (Please confirm copy deadlines directly with the
paper). The notice must include:
a. The conditional use permit being sought,
b. The location (including legal description and physical address. If no physical address is available, a description that
is clear to the average person will suffice),
c. The time, date, and location of the public hearing (see attached Planning Commission schedule. Meetings are held
at 6:30 pm in the City of Conway Municipal Building, 1111 Main Street,
d. Contact information (City of Conway website address, Planning & Development telephone number, etc.) where the
average person can find further information regarding the rezoning item,
e. The public notice must be headed “Public Notice” and include the name of the current chairperson of the Planning
5. The petitioner must post one or more public hearing signs at or near the front property line of the property to be
rezoned no less than 15 days prior to the public hearing. The sign should be clearly visible/unobstructed to the
passing general public and must remain on the property until the public hearing before the Planning Commission. The
disposable public hearing sign may be obtained from the Planning & Development department for $10.00.
6. The petitioner must notify all property owners within 200 feet of the petitioner’s property of the intention to rezone,
via USPS First Class mail and provide completed Certificates of Mailing (issued by the USPS) as evidence to the Planning
& Development department no less than 10 days prior to the public hearing. A map showing the location of the
property and a letter from the petitioner certifying that the map shows a complete list of property owners within 200
feet should be submitted OR a list of property owners within 200 feet may be obtained from the Planning &
Development department. The map/list is used to verify that all required parties have been notified.
7. Following the public hearing, the request may be approved as presented, or in modified form, by a majority vote of the
Planning Commission. If approved, the recommendation is forwarded to the City Council for action within seventy (70)
days. The recommendation will report on the effect of the proposed conditional use and/or proposed buildings upon
the character of the surrounding neighborhood, traffic conditions, public utilities, and other matters pertaining to the
general public welfare. Planning Commission bylaws require a representative for each request to be present at the
public hearing. If no representative is present the request will be held in committee.
8. The City Council then acts on the Planning Commission’s recommendation. A petitioner may withdraw a request until
noon on the Thursday preceding the City Council meeting at which the request will be heard. After this time, the
petitioner must appear in person at the City Council meeting to request a withdrawal of the request.
9. The City Council may impose conditions and restrictions to the Conditional Use Permit as may be necessary to reduce
or minimize any detrimental effects of the conditional use permit. Such conditions may be necessary to ensure that
the conditional use is compatible with the surrounding property.
10. The Planning Commission and the City Council shall in no case authorize less than the minimum requirements of the
Conway Zoning Ordinance relating to height, area, setbacks, parking, or landscaping.
Note: This is not an exhaustive guideline regarding conditional use permits/application. Additional information is available
in the City of Conway Zoning Ordinance, Article 801.
Checklist of Items for Conditional Use Permit Application
Application for conditional use permit- filed with the Planning & Development Department in accordance with the
Planning Commission calendar.
Statement and diagram explaining intended use - filed with the Planning & Development department in accordance
with the Planning Commission calendar.
Filing fee of $325 - paid at the Planning & Development department in accordance with the Planning Commission
calendar. Make checks payable to City of Conway.
Sign - the disposable sign can be obtained at the Planning & Development department for $10.00 and must be posted
no later than 15 days prior to the public hearing.
Proof of Publication - The notice must appear at least once no later than 15 days prior to the public hearing. The proof
of publication, obtained from the
Log Cabin Democrat or Arkansas Democrat-Gazette after publication of public notice,
is filed with the Planning & Development department no later than 10 days prior to the public hearing.
Certificates of Mailing [PS Form 3817] and/or petitions to all property owners within 200 feet - notifications to all
property owners within 200 feet must be postmarked no later than 15 days prior to the public hearing. Completed
certificates of mailings (issued by the USPS) and/or petition are filed with the Planning & Development department no
later than 10 days prior to the public hearing.
Map/List showing all property owners within 200 feet - a map/list (may be obtained from the Planning & Development
department) including all names of property owners within 200 feet must be filed with the Planning & Development
department in accordance with the Planning Commission calendar.
Conway Planning Commission
City of Conway, Arkansas
Proposed Location
Subdivision Name:
Block Number: Lot Number:
Legal description, if not in a subdivision:
Present zoning classification:
Description of Conditional Use Permit being sought:
Name of Applicant:
Signature of Owner/Applicant:
Mailing Address:
Email Address: Daytime Telephone:
(Attach all necessary maps and drawings)
The following information is to be included in the newspaper publication and notification letters.
Notice is hereby given that has filed an application with the Conway
name of petitioner
Planning Commission requesting that be allowed at a site
conditional use being sought
[insert physical address or a description clear to the average person if no physical address is available]
more particularly described as [insert legal description]
A public hearing on said request will be held at 6:30 pm on in the
meeting date
City of Conway Municipal Building, 1111 Main Street. All persons are called upon to show cause for or against the granting
of said permit.
For further information regarding this item please visit www.conwayarkansas.gov or contact the Planning & Development
department at 501-450-6105.
Rebekah Fincher
Chairman, 2024
Conway Planning Commission
This notice must appear in the legal notices section of a publication of general circulation within the City of Conway, such
as the Log Cabin Democrat or Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, no less than 15 days prior to the public hearing.
There is no timeline on how early your legal notice must be published.
Please contact the Log Cabin Democrat at legals@thecabin.net or by phone at (501) 327-6621 (or)
the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette at classifieds@arkansasonline.com or by phone at (501) 372-3733 to:
1. confirm submission deadline [usually 24-48 hours prior to publication] and
2. confirm format requirements [typically a copy and paste format such as Microsoft Word or RTF file].
I/We, the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby name and authorize
authorized representative
to act as agent of owner in my/our behalf in the matter of the application filed for conditional use permit before the
Planning Commission and City Council of Conway, Arkansas.
Executed this of , 2024.
day of the month month
Owner Name (please print) Owner Name (please print)
Owner Signature Owner Signature
1111 Main Street Conway, AR 72032
T 501.450.6105 www.conwayarkansas.gov
2024 Conway Planning Commission Schedule
Application Deadline
Review Comments
Available to Applicant
Staff Report
Planning Commission
December 14, 2023
December 27, 2023
January 4, 2024
January 11, 2024
January 16, 2024
January 19, 2024
January 31, 2024
February 8, 2024
February 15, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 16, 2024
February 28, 2024
March 7, 2024
March 14, 2024 March 25, 2024
March 15, 2024
March 27, 2024
April 4, 2024 April 11, 2024 April 15, 2024
April 19, 2024 May 1, 2024 May 9, 2024 May 16, 2024 May 20, 2024
May 17, 2024
May 29, 2024
June 6, 2024 June 13, 2024 June 17, 2024
June 14, 2024 June 26, 2024 July 5, 2024 July 11, 2024 July 15, 2024
July 19, 2024 July 31, 2024 August 8, 2024 August 15, 2024 August 19, 2024
August 16, 2024 August 28, 2024 September 5, 2024 September 12, 2024 September 16, 2024
September 20, 2024 October 2, 2024 October 10, 2024 October 17, 2024 October 21, 2024
October 18, 2024 October 30, 2024 November 7, 2024 November 14, 2024 November 18, 2024
November 15, 2024 November 27, 2024 December 5, 2024 December 12, 2024 December 16, 2024
Conway Planning Commission meetings are held the 3
Monday of each month at 6:30pm.
All meetings are held in the City Council Chambers of Conway City Hall, 1111 Main Street.
All applications/submissions are due by 3:00pm on the submission deadline date. The Planning & Development Department receives
submissions for planning and subdivision review via the Civic Access Portal at the following link. APPLY ONLINE.
Incomplete applications will be deferred to another month’s agenda. (refer to applications checklists)
The Planning Commission Meeting date associated with the Application Deadline is the earliest an item can be considered by the
Planning Commission if Staff determines that all comments have been addressed.
All comments on public hearing items, received by 4:30pm on the day of the meeting, will be forwarded to the Planning Commission
via email. To submit a comment or if you have questions please contact Planning Staff by email at [email protected] or
by phone at (501) 450-6105.
Submission deadline moved due to City Employee Appreciation Event
Meeting moved due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance
Meeting moved due to Presidents’ Day observance
Meeting date moved at the request of the Planning Commission
Meeting date and time for the March 25, 2024, Planning Commission meeting is set for 7:00pm at the discretion of the Planning Director by request of the Planning Commission