70 November-December 2007 MILITARY REVIEW
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas G. Clark, U.S. Army, Retired, Ph.D.
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas G. Clark,
U.S. Army (Retired) is an assistant
professor with the Center for Army
Tactics, U.S. Army Command and
General Staff College, Fort Leaven-
worth, KS. He holds a Ph.D. from
Texas A&M University with a re-
search focus in professional military
N 1968, U.S. Army Field Manual (FM) 101-5, Staff Ofcers’ Field
Manual: Staff Organization and Procedure, established problem solving
as the bedrock of Army doctrine.
In all subsequent versions of FM 101-5,
its successor FM 5-0, Army Planning and Orders Production, and a wide
range of other doctrine manuals, writers consistently framed professional
competence in terms of solving problems. Military as well as civilian prob-
lem-solving models share one core concept—the first step is to identify the
Yet, neither Army doctrine nor professional military education cur-
ricula offer a problem-structuring methodology. Thus, for over three decades
we have based our military doctrine on the indispensable capacity to solve
problems, but without a clear method to satisfy the first requirement: how
to synthesize critical facts and relationships into a problem statement that
can guide planning and decision-making. To fill the gap in Army doctrine,
this article offers a teachable problem-identification method.
A Few Basics
In any discussion of problem identification, a definition or common ref-
erence point is helpful for two key terms: problem and factor. According
to doctrine, a problem is well structured when all necessary information is
available and a verifiable answer can be determined. A problem is medium-
structured when some information is available and routine solutions are
insufficient. Ill-structured problems require information that is missing and
have no verifiable solution.
Donald Schön also stratifies problems, but into two types: messy and hard.
Like doctrine’s ill-structured problem, messy problems defy direct solutions;
they require continuing interplay between problem solvers in “processes that
are ever changing in form” while “decisions made at any stage will tend
to alter the configuration of future choices to be addressed.”
ing democratic government structures in a failed state is one example of a
messy or ill-structured problem. Hard problems, on the other hand, can be
solved through persistent and dedicated efforts, such as by preparing a joint
task force movement order. The premise in this article is that capabilities to
deal with messy or ill-structured problems subsume abilities to solve less
difficult problems.
There is no definition in problem-solving doctrine for the term “factor.” How-
ever, discussion points to a component of the environment that can be observed,
measured, and applied to achieve (or prevent) an effect.”
This definition is
71MILITARY REVIEW November-December 2007
consistent with nonmilitary definitions of “factor” as
“a variable that can assume a wide range of values.”
Time-distance, terrain, weather, civil considerations,
and forces available are among the factors commonly
used in identifying military problems.
Overview of Problem Solving
and Army Doctrine
This section traces Army doctrine for planning
and decision making. The sources describe an
ongoing commitment to a deductive approach for
analytical problem solving to identify solutions to
difficult problems. Across a period of 38 years, there
were 3 perceptible shifts:
● Adoptionofproblemsolvingasthepreferred
approach to planning.
● A change in focus from the commander’s
estimate to staff estimates as the centerpiece of
planning activity.
● Areturntothecommanderasthefocalpoint
in problem-based planning.
Benchmark 1. The year 1968 serves as a bench-
mark for the union of planning and problem solving.
Doctrine writers discussed decision-making as a
nine-step process designed to move from receipt of
a new mission through the preparation, approval,
and supervision of plans and orders. All nine steps
focused on the five-paragraph commanders esti-
mate of the situation, the primary mechanism for
mission analysis and course of action development.
“Military problem solving techniques defined
the commander’s estimate as “a problem solving
process to find the best way to accomplish a given
Writers stipulated that the first step in
decision-making was to recognize the problem.
regard to identifying the problem, paragraph 2 of the
commander’s estimate (the situation and courses of
action) offered guidelines for two actions. The first
action focused on identifying facts and assumptions
related to the situation. The second focused on listing
“significant difficulties or difficulty patternsthat
could work against accomplishing the mission.
Over three decades, writers worked on the mar-
gins, leaving problem solving and the commander’s
estimate at the core of planning doctrine. In a 1972
revision of FM 101-5, writers expanded the first step
in problem solving from “recognizing the problem”
to “recognizing and defining the problem.”
A 1984
update framed military decisions around problem
solving. In tactical decisions, writers modeled the
Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP) as an
ongoing set of steps to orchestrate commander and
staff activities. The MDMP mirrored the nine-step
problem-solving approach of 1968, but added a tenth
step: “mission accomplished.”
In the portion of the
commanders estimate dealing with the situation and
courses of action, guidelines pointed commanders
to consider “facts of the situation that will influence
friendly and enemy actions and, therefore, may
influence the choice of action.”
Examples included
unit compositions, significant activities, weather,
terrain, political, and economic factors.
the 1984 version of FM 101-5, the commander’s
estimate was the primary mechanism to identify and
solve problems. Staff estimates were important, but
occupied a clearly defined supporting role.
Benchmark 2. In a 1997 revision, doctrine writ-
ers established a second benchmark in the union of
planning and problem solving. In describing the
MDMP as an adaptation of analytical problem solv-
ing, writers defined the tactical problem as a “result
of mission analysis.”
Rather than highlighting the
commanders estimate, the MDMP was more a
checklist of “inputs and outputs” assigned to each
of the seven MDMP steps. Interestingly, the tacti-
cal problem was a result—but not an output—of
mission analysis. Instead of describing the five-
paragraph commanders estimate with a discussion
of problem identification considerations, writers
reduced the commanders estimate to a focus on
“assessing the intangibles of training, leadership
and morale, and results in a decision.”
admonished staff officers, rather than command-
ers, to determine “exactly what the problem is and
precisely and clearly define the problem’s scope
and limitations.”
In 2005, FM 5-0, Army Planning and Orders Pro-
duction, replaced FM 101-5 as the primary planning
and problem-solving reference. It discussed problem
solving as a systemic activity applicable to “all
Army activities, not just operations.”
The problem-
solving model consisted of seven steps with problem
identification at the top of the list. In connecting
problem solving to planning, writers described the
seven-step MDMP as an analytical planning process
and “an adaptation of Army problem solving.”
capacity to solve tactical problems constituted the
“foundation of effective planning.”
72 November-December 2007 MILITARY REVIEW
FM 5-0 first described the problem solver in
terms of his (or her) ability to reason critically,
state a problem clearly, work in an orderly manner,
seek information diligently, identify and apply
criteria reasonably, focus on the problem at hand,
and be precise.
The manual highlighted important
factors for tactical problems in terms of mission,
enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support,
time-distance, and civil considerations (METT-
In step-by-step directions, writers outlined
six primary tasks that set the conditions for the
planner-problem solver to develop a plan to solve
the problem:
1. Compare the current situation to the desired
end state.
2. Define the problem’s scope or boundaries.
3. Answer the following questions—
a. Whom does the problem affect?
b. What is affected?
c. When did the problem occur?
d. Where is the problem?
e. Why did the problem occur?
4. Determine the cause of obstacles between here
and the solution.
5. Write a draft problem statement.
6. Redefine the problem as new information is
acquired and assessed.
Benchmark 3. The third benchmark in the union
of planning and problem solving occurred in March
2006. Previously, doctrine writers tended to com-
partmentalize large parts of discussions concerning
a) analytical problem solving and b) analytical
planning. Now, they linked the two, and in the
process highlighted the importance of identifying
problems in relation to developing and selecting a
course of action. In Field Manual (Interim) 5-0.1,
The Operations Process (2006), writers addressed
problem statements in terms of a) a commanders
visualization and b) a source for criteria to evalu-
ate success in achieving the commander’s intent.
According to FMI 5-0.1, the visualization process
begins with situational awareness when the planner
(the problem solver) frames the important factors
in order to set parameters for in-depth analysis.
Upon achieving situational understanding, the
planner frames a description of the relationships
between and among the important factors in order
to “determine the implications of what is happen-
ing and [to] forecast what may happen.”
two-frame process is consistent with the analytical
problem-solving goal to “ensure that all key factors
relevant to the problem are considered and that all
relationships between variables are anticipated and
accounted for in the solution.”
This is where Army problem-solving doctrine
stands today. Once again it embraces the com-
manders role as planner-problem solver. At no
point in doctrine do we find even a hint that problem
solving is anything short of a baseline professional
competency for Army officers. While the journey
from 1968 to now has shown much progress, doc-
trine still does not provide a method to identify
tactical problems.
Discussions in pre-1997 versions of FM 101-5
hinted at important considerations such as “signifi-
cant difficulties or difficulty patterns” that could
work against mission accomplishment.
in 1997 and 2005 provided instructions to identify
a problem, but in a bit of circular reasoning these
instructions used the problem as the means to iden-
tify a problem.
In the final analysis, the problem
remains: How do we identify a tactical problem?
A Teachable Method to
Identify Problems
Army doctrine can serve as a foundation for a
three-step procedure to identify tactical problems
and produce a problem statement. I define a problem
statement as “an approximately 130-word synthesis
of critical facts and relationships and the important
factors or variables that shape an operational envi-
ronment in such a way that cause-and-effect relation-
ships point to leverage points that bring competitive
advantage to friendly forces.” A problem statement
is a guide to planning and decision making.
Step 1. The first step in identifying a tactical
problem is to analyze the operational environment
in order to reach conclusions from facts related to
the following variables:
● Context.
● Capabilities.
● Structure.
● Time.
The analysis should follow a systematic framework
such as METT-TC or other analytic lens.
Context. By definition, context establishes
the foundation for rational decision-making and
purposeful activity. Context deals with concrete
73MILITARY REVIEW November-December 2007
factors like topography and geography as well as
political, economic, social, and cultural variables
and values-based beliefs. In problem solving, each
factor and variable has its value as well as a more
complex value under analysis in an interdependent,
competitive situation.
We can frame a mission-
analysis question to deal with context: “What con-
ditions must friendly and enemy forces establish
and prevent?”
Capabilities. Capabilities constitute a capacity
to influence or achieve specified conditions. Capa-
bilities are the basis of planning that links ways
and means to ends. We can also frame a mission-
analysis question to deal with capabilities: “What
are the friendly and enemy forces available to cause
an outcome?”
Structure. Structure refers to the arrangement of
friendly and enemy forces as well as other govern-
ment and non-government actors within a given
context. Structure is physical reality and a driver for
a commanders visualization, which is the means
to assess an operation from inception through end-
state. A mission-analysis question related to friendly
and enemy structure might be: “How do units fit or
relate to each other from the perspectives of com-
mand, control, and objectives?”
These context, capability, and structure questions
are exemplary. Commanders and staffs may develop
complementary questions to generate information
for a specific situation.
Step 2. The second step in identifying a tactical
problem is to describe the operational environment
in terms of—
● Height.
● Width.
● Depth.
● Time.
This description helps us to understand the maneu-
ver relationships that friendly and enemy forces
must establish and prevent.
Height, width, and depth factors are spatial vari-
ables. Height describes a vertical or perpendicular
extension of the operational environment. Height
areas of interest include communications, visibility,
and air space. Width is a lateral or breadth consid-
eration. Width areas of interest include maneuver
corridors, roads, and bodies of water. Depth is
a horizontal dimension that is at right angles to
width and height. Depth areas of interest include
movement formations, fire control, and an area
of operations. Height, width, and depth constitute
three physical coordinates of a particular activity
or event.
In a tactical problem, time is the fourth coordi-
nate. It is a variable with three potential values.
First, time has a component of discrete values such
as seconds, minutes, or hours to account for events
that must occur within a precise period as well as
events that must occur sooner or later than a given
moment. The discrete component functions around
specific “counts.” Second, time has a component of
periods, seasons, or cycles to account for clumps
of similar activities or characteristics. The clumps
component functions around themes and continu-
ity. Finally, time has a spatial component, such as
“before” and “after,” to account for relationships
between objects or entities. The spatial component
functions around velocity, the rate of movement of
the organization as a whole toward an objective or
end state. A problem statement may incorporate all
time components, but must incorporate a minimum
of one time factor.
Step 3. The third step in identifying a tactical
problem is to calculate the time-distance factors
of combatants as well as interagency actors, neu-
trals, and other entities in relation to objectives or
key terrain in order to understand which defeat
mechanisms and/or stability mechanisms favor
friendly forces.
Time-distance calculations are basic computa-
tions based on a known distance covered at a
constant speed in a specified direction. Their yield
is “elapsed time.” By definition, ratios represent
a comparison of two values. In a problem state-
ment, we can express a ratio as a relation between
factors such as momentum (movement toward a
desired outcome); velocity (speed and direction of
the entire force); or reaction cycles (elapsed time
from observation to effective response). If the
resulting ratio favors friendly forces, the ratio must
be protected. If the resulting ratio favors enemy
forces, we must calculate a second ratio that sets
conditions favorable to friendly forces. Part of the
problem becomes changing the ratios to achieve
the favorable conditions.
A problem statement is the key output from
mission analysis rather than a shortcut en route to
a course of action. A problem statement has two
74 November-December 2007 MILITARY REVIEW
components. In the first component, planners define
conditions that must be established or prevented.
Planners describe conditions in sentences that
address structure of forces involved, time-distance
measurements, and time-based relationships such
as “before” or “after.” The second component of
the problem statement consists of critical planning
factors that affect course-of-action development
and analysis and decision-making.
While developing a problem statement requires
an investment of time and effort, the effectiveness
dividend is a fact-based explanation of the mission
in terms of relationships, patterns, and critical tasks.
The problem statement’s efficiency payoff comes
in time saved when developing all other mission
analysis outputs such as planning guidance, infor-
mation requirements, and commanders intent.
Developing a Problem
Statement: An Example
So how do we develop a problem statement? An
historical example, Custer at Little Bighorn, should
help illuminate the process. My intent is to frame the
situation from General Custer’s perspective on the
morning of 25 June 1875 before he initiated a course
of action. The facts come from multiple historical
accounts that incorporate some assumptions and
inferences. First, I will list relevant information drawn
from the accounts for each of the three steps discussed
above. Second, I will present a statement of General
Custer’s tactical problem as a synthesis of facts that
he could have derived from a mission analysis.
Step 1. The first step deals with conclusions
related to the context, capabilities, and structure of
friendly and enemy forces.
Context. With regard to context, sources indicate
that having lost the element of surprise, Custers
cavalry units needed to approach the Indian’s vil-
lage with stealth in order to prevent the occupants
from moving to escape or fight.
Custers units had
to move at midday under clear visibility across low
rolling hills and through tall grass with Indian scout-
ing parties deployed throughout the area of opera-
tions. The Little Bighorn River valley appeared
relatively open and flat. On the other hand, ravines
and streams compartmented the area of operations
as a whole.
Capabilities. Custers command consisted of
about 650 soldiers, scouts, and guides armed with
breech-loading carbines but no artillery support.
On the opposing side, an estimated 1,500 warriors
carried a mix of firearms along with traditional
Indian weapons.
Structure. Custers cavalry regiment consisted of
12 companies with established command and con-
trol suited for tailored task-organization options.
In contrast, the Indian tribes were a loosely affiliated
coalition organized more around a warrior society
code of bravery in the face of danger.
Step 2. The second step considers height, width,
and depth factors in the operational environment
over time in order to comprehend the maneuver
relationships friendly and enemy forces must estab-
lish and prevent.
Height. Low rolling hills dominated the area.
Due to the absence of clouds and full sun, visibility
allowed observation of a moving force at a distance
of perhaps six miles or more throughout much of
the area.
Width ranged from about one-quarter to one-half
mile along the Reno Creek to approximately one-
half to one mile in the Little Bighorn River valley,
to one-half mile or less on high ground east of the
Little Bighorn River valley.
Depth. Approximately 16 miles separated the
cavalry from the suspected Indian village. The cav-
alry initially moved along a creek bed (Reno Creek)
for about 13 miles to the Little Bighorn River. After
crossing the river, a move of just over two miles,
more or less, remained to the Indian village.
Time. From a spatial perspective, the cavalry had
to control the Little Bighorn River valley before the
Indians detected movement and reacted to escape
or fight. Additionally, U.S. reinforcements had to
move along exterior lines to assist cavalry units in
contact before the Indians could mass forces along
interior lines.
Step 3. In step three, the planner calculates
time-distance factors of friendly and enemy forces
in relation to objectives or key terrain in order
to understand the defeat mechanisms that favor
friendly forces. The distance from the start point at
Reno Creek to the expected line of contact at the
Little Big Horn River was about 13 miles. If the
leading cavalry units crossed the line of contact
before being detected, they had the speed to keep
the Indians from reacting effectively. If detected
east of the line of contact, the cavalry units had to
75MILITARY REVIEW November-December 2007
destroy the Indians’ command and control and any
organized resistance in less than 30 minutes.
After gathering and analyzing information, the
next action is to synthesize findings and conclusions
into a statement of the tactical problem. The follow-
ing problem statement of approximately 130 words
synthesizes the facts related to Custers attack:
Problem: How to move 600 troopers in 12
companies about 15 miles along a creek bed
to disintegrate a coalition of 1,500 mounted
warriors before the Indians with interior lines
can react to escape or fight. Detection east of
the river requires hastened contact to control
the village in less than 30 minutes.
Critical Planning Factors:
● ManeuverspaceintheLittleBighornRiver
valley up to one mile in width; visibility of six miles
or more, low hills, ravines, and tall grass shape the
area. Movement causes a dust plume.
● Regimentmovesatmiddayandmustreinforce
units in contact along exterior lines.
● Regiment must conduct an in-stride river
● Indianarmsincluderepeatingrifles;scouting
parties are working throughout the area.
Conclusions and
Problem identification is a professional com-
petency that applies across the full spectrum of
military operations. Since the late 19th century, the
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College has
followed a problem-solving approach to instruction.
But instruction focused on building expertise in the
MDMP does not develop competence in identify-
ing tactical problems. In order to fill the gap, Army
doctrine and officer education should emphasize
how to—
● Analyzetheoperationalenvironmenttograsp
facts related to the variables of context, capabilities,
and structure.
● Analyzeheight,width,depth,andtimefactors
to understand maneuver relationships that friendly
forces must establish and prevent.
● Assess time-space factors to understand the
defeat mechanisms that favor friendly forces.
● Summarize conclusions developed during
analysis and assessments in order to develop a
statement of the tactical problem that will guide
planning and decision making.
● Writecogentproblemstatementsbasedonstruc-
tured analysis that produces findings and conclusions
concerning critical relationships between and among
the important factors of a given situation.
For 30 years, analytical planning has been impor-
tant to Army doctrine, but doctrine writers have
neglected to define how to meet the first require-
ment in analytical planning: identifying the tactical
problem. If we are to make good use of what we
know, doctrine writers, curriculum developers, and
76 November-December 2007 MILITARY REVIEW
Army educators must realize that merely hoping
MDMP exercises will somehow lead to competent
problem identification simply is not prudent. We
can only gain by instituting a systematic, workable
problem identification process. As inventor Charles
Kettering has said, A problem well stated is a
problem half solved.”
The all-important first step of developing a
method to identify a problem is now behind us. The
path to problem-solving competency is open. MR
1. U.S. Army Field Manual (FM) 101-5, Staff Ofcers Field Manual: Staff Orga-
nization and Procedure (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office [GPO], June
1968), 6-1.
2. For civilian sources on problem structuring, refer to Raymond McLeod Jr., Jack
William Jones, and Carol Sanders, “The Difficulty in Solving Strategic Problems:
The Experiences of Three CIOs,” Business Horizons (January/February, 1995),
28-38; Henry Mintzberg, Duru Raisinghani, and André Théorêt, “The Structure of
‘Unstructured’ Decision Processes,” Administrative Science Quarterly 21 (June,
1976): 246-275; Jonathan Rosenhead and John Mingers, eds., Rational Analysis
for a Problematic World Revisited: Problem Structuring Methods for Complexity,
Uncertainty, and Conict, 2d ed. (New York: Wiley, 2001).
3. FM 5-0, Army Planning and Orders Production (Washington, DC: GPO,
January 2005), 2-5.
4. Donald Schön, “The New Scholarship Requires a New Epistemology,” Change
(November-December 1995): 26-34. For additional insight into problems, see Russell
L. Ackoff, Redesigning the Future: A Systems Approach to Societal Problems, (New
York: John Wiley, 1974), 21; Donald Schön, Educating the Reective Practitioner
(San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1990), 324.
5. Jonathan Friend, “Supporting Developmental Decision Processes: The
Evolution of an OR Approach,” International Transactions in Operational Research
2, 3, 225.
6. FM 5-0, 2-2.
7. L. R. Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application,
5th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996), 627.
8. FM 101-5 (1968), 6-1.
9. Ibid., 6-1.
10. Ibid., 6-3.
11. FM 101-5 (July 1972), 5-1.
12. FM 101-5 (May 1984), 5-6.
13. Ibid., E-2.
14. Ibid., E-3.
15. FM 101-5, Staff Organization and Operations (May 1997), 5-1, 5-5.
16. Ibid., C-2.
17. Ibid., D-1.
18. FM 5-0, 2-1.
19. Ibid., 3-1.
20. Ibid., 1-12.
21. Ibid., 2-4, 2-5.
22. Ibid., 1-7, 1-11; FM 3-0, Operations (Washington, DC: GPO, June 2001), 5-36.
23. Ibid., 2-7.
24. Field Manual Interim (FMI) 5-0.1, The Operations Process (Washington, DC:
GPO, March 2006), 5-2.
25. Ibid., 1-20.
26. Ibid., 2-2.
27. FM 101-5 (1968), 6-3.
28. FM 101-5 (1997), D-1 and FM 5-0, 2-7.
29. Walter J.M. Kickert, “Autopoiesis and the Science of (Public) Administration:
Essence, Sense and Nonsense,” Organization Studies 14, no. 2 (1993): 261-264.
30. Discussion of time is based on ideas and principles in Henri Bergson, Time
and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness, trans. F. L.
Pogson (London: George Allen and Company, 1913); Henri Bergson, The Creative
Mind, trans. Mabelle L. Andison (New York: Philosophical Library, 1946); T. K. Das,
“Time: The Hidden Dimension in Strategic Planning,” Long Range Planning24, no.
3 (1991): 49-56; Peg Thoms and David Greenberger, “The Relationship Between
Leadership and Time Orientation,” Journal of Management Inquiry 4, no. 3 (1995),
272-291; Robert R. Leonhard, Fighting by Minutes: Time and the Art of War (Westport,
CT: Praeger Publishers, 1994); Donald M. Lowe, History of Bourgeois Perception
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
31. Army Comprehensive Guide to Modularity, version 1.0 (Fort Monroe, VA:
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, 2004), 6-6—6-9. Defeat mechanisms
are also discussed in Jack D. Kem, Campaign Planning: Tools of the Trade (U.S.
Army Command and General Staff College: Department of Joint and Multinational
Operations, 2005), 27.
32. Dennis K. Clark, “Surprise At the Little Bighorn,” 10th Annual Symposium
Custer Battleeld Historical & Museum Association, Inc, June 1996, 41-42.
33. Robert M. Utley, Little Bighorn Battleeld: A History and Guide to the Battle
of the Little Bighorn (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1994), 48;
Bruce R. Liddic, Vanishing Victory: Custer’s Final March (El Segundo, CA: Upton
& Sons, 2004), 34.
34. John S. Gray, Centennial Campaign: The Sioux War of 1876 (Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1988), 145-151.
35. John M. Carroll, Cyclorama of General Custer’s Last Fight (El Segundo, CA:
Upton and Sons, 1988), 35; Thomas B. Marquis, Custer on the Little Bighorn (Lodi,
CA: End-Kian Publishing, 1967), 6.
36. Dennis “DK” Clark, “Following the Guidon’s Trail,” 16th Annual Symposium
Custer Battleeld Historical & Museum Association, Inc., June 2002, 41-46, 54.
37 Utley, 52. Dennis “DK” Clark, personal correspondence, 20 October 2006,
described the Indians’ approach to command and control in terms of a loose alliance
that followed a warrior code of bravery.
38. Ibid. Clark noted that bluffs of up to 300 feet framed the east side of the Little
Bighorn River Valley, a critical fact that Custer did not know until later in the day
because Sharp Shooter’s Ridge blocked his view in the morning.
39. Utley, 51; Marquis, 41.
40. Utley, 44.
41. Liddic, 52; Utley, 64-65; David C. Gompert and Richard L. Kugler, “Custer in
Cyberspace,” Defense Horizons, February 2006, 6.
42. Utley, 51-53.
43. Clark. Dennis “DK” Clark confirmed this calculation based on Custer’s previous
experience with the Hancock expedition, when an Indian village escaped because
contact was not made until approximately an hour after detection.
PHOTO: (previous page) Column of cavalry, artillery, and wagons, commanded by General George A. Custer, crossing the plains of Dakota Territory. By W.H.
Illingworth, 1874 Black Hills expedition. (NARA)