Appendix S: Curatorial Care of Objects Made From
Leather and Skin Products
A. Overview ................................................................................................................................................S:1
What information will I find in this appendix?.........................................................................................S:1
Why is it important for me to practice preventive conservation with these objects? ............................S:1
How can I find the latest information on care of these types of materials? ..........................................S:1
B. The Nature of Leather and Skin Products.........................................................................................S:2
What is the structure of skin?.................................................................................................................S:2
How is animal skin processed?..............................................................................................................S:3
How do I recognize different species?...................................................................................................S:3
C. Agents of Deterioration .......................................................................................................................S:7
What is the threat of biological infestation? ...........................................................................................S:7
How do I prevent pest problems? ..........................................................................................................S:8
What about the loss of hair and fur?......................................................................................................S:8
How can I stop hair and fur loss?...........................................................................................................S:9
What is the threat of thermal reaction?..................................................................................................S:9
How can I minimize the threat of thermal reactions? ............................................................................S:9
What about water and moisture damage?.............................................................................................S:10
What are the measures for limiting water and moisture damage? .......................................................S:10
What is the threat of prolonged exposure to oxygen?...........................................................................S:11
How can I minimize these oxidation reactions? ....................................................................................S:11
What about pollutants?...........................................................................................................................S:11
How can I minimize the effects of pollutants? .......................................................................................S:11
What harm can light cause?...................................................................................................................S:11
How can I minimize the effects of light? ................................................................................................S:12
D. Preventive Conservation: Guidelines for Leather and Skin Object
Care, Handling, and Storage...............................................................................................................S:12
How do I provide a stable and appropriate humidity? ...........................................................................S:13
How do I monitor the condition of objects?............................................................................................S:13
How do I clean
objects? .........................................................................................................................S:13
How do I handle skin and hide materials?.............................................................................................S:14
What about catalog labeling?.................................................................................................................S:14
How do I provide adequate physical support for objects? ....................................................................S:16
How do I store objects properly?............................................................................................................S:16
E. Summary: Leather and Skin Product Deterioration and Preventive Care...................................S:19
F. Conservation Treatment Issues .........................................................................................................S:20
What are the perils of saddle soap? ......................................................................................................S:20
What are the drawbacks of leather dressings? .....................................................................................S:20
What about neutralization of acids?.......................................................................................................S:21
G. Selected Bibliography..........................................................................................................................S:22
List of Figures
Figure S.1 The Structure of Skin...........................................................................................................S:2
Figure S.2 Degrees and Types of Tannage .........................................................................................S:3
Figure S. Characteristics of Leather and Skin Products ....................................................................S:4
Figure S. Thickness of Skins and Hides.............................................................................................S:5
Figure S. Cleaning Techniques for Leather and Skin Objects in Good Condition............................S:15
Figure S. Constructing a Saddlemount...............................................................................................S:18
Figure S. Leather and Skin Product Deterioration and Preventive Care...........................................S:19
B. Overview
1. What information will I find
in this appendix?
2. Why is it important for me to
practice preventive
conservation with these
You will find the National Park Service's present understanding of objects
made of leather and skin products. You also will learn about preventive
care for these objects including:
agents of deterioration posing the greatest threat to these objects
measures for preventing or minimizing the impact of these agents
techniques for handling, marking, and cleaning these objects
methods and techniques for improving storage and exhibit conditions
methods for monitoring the condition of these objects
Advancements in the treatment of leather and skin products have not kept
pace with the progress made in conserving other kinds of museum objects.
The conservation field only can offer limited solutions to the problems
facing objects made of leather and skin. Conservators and the scientific
community have begun to focus more specifically on developing new
treatment strategies for the preservation of leather and skin. While new
information is provided as it becomes available, you need to practice sound
preventive conservation now because:
preventive measures stabilize objects and leave opportunity for
appropriate future interventive treatments
conservators can only offer limited treatment solutions
Conservators discourage traditional interventive treatments, such as the
application of saddle soaps and dressings. Avoid interventive conservation
treatment of leather and skin objects whenever possible.
See NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (MH-I), Chapter 3, Museum
Objects Preservation: Getting Started, for a discussion of preventive
conservation and conservation treatment.
3. How can I find the latest Refer to the following sources for new information and techniques:
information on care of these
types of materials?
NPS Conserve O Gram series
e-mail NPS Museum Management Newsletter
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:1
C. The Nature of Leather and
Skin Products
The skins and hides from vertebrates constitute the class of natural materials
called skin products. Leather is one type of skin product that is produced by
a particular tanning process. Processed and unprocessed animal skins have
supplied the basic fabric for making utilitarian and decorative objects since
prehistoric times. You will often find these materials in art, history,
ethnology, and science collections.
1. What is the structure of Animal skin is a fibrous layer of living tissue that protects an organism from
skin? the elements. Figure S.1 illustrates its structure.
Figure S.1. The Structure of Skin
Once removed, an unadulterated skin is a proteinaceous sheet containing
hair, sweat glands, fat and blood vessels, as well as its basic constituent
of collagen fibers. These protein fibers are composed of coil-like
molecules built of tiny fibrous strands that are twisted together, then
aligned side by side overlapping one another, much like cotton fibers are
arranged in a textile yarn. (To prevent separation of the cotton fibers the
yarn is twisted during manufacture to produce a strong and usable
2. How is animal skin Animal skin can be tanned and untanned. Examples of untanned skin
S:2 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
processed? include rawhide, parchment, and vellum. Stable skin is processed by
chemically binding fibers together, commonly referred to as tanning. The
amount and type of bonding that occurs within a skin establishes its
"degree of tannage." The term "leather" refers technically only to the
fully tanned skin products. Figure S.2 describes degrees and types of
tannage of most skin and leather objects in park collections.
Un-tanned Semi-tanned Native-tanned Fully-tanned
rawhide oil tannage smoke tannage vegetable tannage
parchment alum tannage brain tannage mineral tannage
oil tannage combination
3. How do I recognize different
Figure S.2. Degrees and Types of Tannage
People have preserved or “tanned” skin products in many ways to render
them strong, insoluble, and more resistant to temperature and moisture.
Nearly all of the methods of skin processing techniques used by skin and
leather workers throughout the ages achieve some degree of tannage. Many
of these procedures rely on mechanical properties more heavily than
chemical tanning, such as the softening that results from introducing oils.
Unfortunately, determining an object's original manufacture requires
considerable study. While laboratory treatments vary for different types of
skins and leathers, preventive conservation procedures are similar for most
of these materials. Your familiarity with the general skin processing
categories can be very useful since these methods are responsible for many
of the object's functional characteristics. See Figure S.3 for physical
characteristics of these products.
The skin or hide of each animal species is recognizable by its physical
characteristics. The principle variations among animal types are the size,
density, and distribution of the animal’s hair, which gives rise to a
distinctive grain pattern.
The relative thickness of hide and skin products is traditionally measured in
“ounces.” Each ounce represents 1/64 of an inch. The black solid lines in
Figure S.4. represent the thickness of leather being measured.
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:3
Figure S.3. Characteristics of Leather and Skin Products
S:4 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
TANNING No Tannage
Aldehydes Animal Brains Extracts
MATERIAL Applied Oil
Other Aluminum
WoodChips, Sulphates
Oils Sulphates Smoke Bark, Leaves, Chlorides
Chlorides Roots,
White to
Dull Yellow
Yellow Yellow/ Yellow
Light Brown
Stiffens, Water Stiffens, Water Water
WATER Dissolves, Absorbed,
Water Resistant
Absorbed, Absorbe,d, Tan
Turns Stable Removes Absorbed Water Stable
Saddle Trees, Gloves, Gloves,
Native Shoe Soles, Clothing Shoe
Drumheads, Wettable
Furs, American American Saddles, Book Uppers
Scabbards Leathers Book Bindings Clothing, "Buckskin" Bindings
Lodges Clothing and
Figure S.4. Thickness of Skins and Hides
The characteristics and uses of common animal skins and hides are listed
Cow Hide
Grain/hair pattern: pebbly, pronounced with large, equidistant hair
Thickness: 2 to 20 ounces
Processing note: often split into several pieces
Special feature: very durable, excellent for tooling and carving
Uses: shoe soles, belting, trunks, clothing
Calf Skin
Grain/hair pattern: same as cowhide only smaller
Thickness: 1.5 to 4 ounces
Special feature: greater uniformity and fineness than cowhide
Uses: upholstery, shoe uppers, clothing, bookbindings
Bison Hide
Grain/hair pattern: similar but less uniform than cattle
Thickness: 5 to 20 ounces
Special feature: loose-knit fibers on flesh side; very large hide size; stiff
hump between shoulders
Uses: 19th century boots, sleigh blankets, Native American shields,
robes, clothing, tipis
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:5
Horse Hide
Grain/hair pattern: resembles cow hide but less dense
Thickness: 3 to 7 ounces
Special feature: strength, texture and thickness are inferior to cow hide;
compact fibers, especially in butt region
Uses: whips, aprons, base for enameled leathers, trunks
Deer Skin
Grain/hair pattern: large follicles form definite single rows; closely
spaced fine hairs are similar to goat skin
Thickness: 2 to 9 ounces
Processing note: hairs are sometimes left on
Special feature: loose structure (like sheep) results in a very stretchy
Uses: parchment, gloves, clothing; Native American clothing,
moccasins, containers
Sheep Skin
Grain/hair pattern: linear groupings of large and small groups
Thickness: 1.5 to 3 ounces
Special feature: weaker, less durable skin (loose interweave of fibers);
loosened texture (fibers run parallel to skin surface)
Uses: suede leathers, bookbindings, jackets, gloves, chamois
Goat Skin
Grain/hair pattern: groupings of three coarser hair follicles with closely
spaced fine hair follicles
Thickness: 2 to 3 ounces
Special feature: close-knit collagen fibers; more durable and stronger
than sheep skin
Uses: linings, billfolds, shoe uppers
Pig Skin
Grain/hair pattern: very coarse hairs are sparsely distributed in groups of
Thickness: 3 to 4 ounces
S:6 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
Special feature: high fat cell content produces tough but spongy leather;
very rough surface; limited water resistance
Uses: shoes, bags, gloves, pants
Exotic Leathers
Special feature: surface patterns distinguish reptile type: crocodile,
alligator, snake, or lizard
Special feature: light, thin, grainless leathers often are made from bellies
Special feature: structure is different from mammals but scales are
comparable to hair on mammals
Special feature: proportionally stronger than other leather materials; fur
is left on for coats, fur is removed from base for enameled leather
D. Agents of Deterioration
The ways that skin products deteriorate can be identified and categorized.
The interdependency of these mechanisms cannot be overstated. For
example, temperature changes directly affect a skin or hide's moisture
content, the rate at which chemical deterioration proceeds, and the object's
susceptibility to biological infestation.
1. What is the threat of A great variety of biological organisms are attracted to skin and hide
biological infestation? products making these materials subject to quick and irreversible damage or
total destruction. For example, insects are frequently attracted to the oils
present in skin products as well as surface soils. Also, poorly cleaned
materials are particularly attractive as a nutrient material for insects and
microorganisms, as are all items made from rawhide.
Most insects prefer skin products made from fur and unborn animal skins.
The most frequent infestations involve dermestid beetles and clothes moths,
but other beetles and moths also attack skin and fur on occasion, as do
silverfish and cockroaches.
Insect development usually relies on higher levels of humidity and
Since skin products are acidic in nature, microbic deterioration of skin
products is generally limited to molds and occasionally bacteria. This
deterioration is primarily due to environmental factors such as high
humidity (above 65% RH) and a wide temperature range (in most cases
10-40C [50-104F]). These organisms produce organic acids and
enzymes that bleach and stain the skin. Fungal growths are often
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:7
characterized by a white, gray, or green fuzzy appearance. These growths
occur most commonly on objects made from rawhide and on those skin
products that have become heavily soiled.
2. How do I prevent pest Here are some measures to prevent or minimize biological infestation:
Monitor all areas of the museum continually and systematically to
identify insect and microbial problems at an early stage. Use insect
monitoring traps and routinely inspect objects for frass, nesting
materials and damage. See MH-I, Chapter 5, Biological Infestations,
for guidance on developing a museum Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) Program.
Identify dead or living pests that you suspect of attacking skin objects.
Develop a pest control program that includes a designated staff
coordinator, with guidelines for preventive and emergency measures.
Its focus should be pest control through good housekeeping and
modifying the environment.
Minimize microbiological attack of skin products by keeping relative
humidity below 65% and by keeping areas clean.
Never apply insecticides and fungicides directly to hide artifacts
because they can damage the objects, complicate long term
preservation, and contaminate the material for future handling and
Gaseous fumigation methods available for skin and hide materials are
few and require coordination by a conservator. In addition, contact the
park, center, or your IPM coordinator prior to pesticide use.
Technology is constantly changing and the coordinator will have access
to the latest and most appropriate solutions. Your IPM coordinator
must authorize and approve all pesticide use before application.
3. What about the loss of hair
and fur?
Non-toxic means of extermination such as freezing are preferable. See
NPS Conserve O Gram 3/6, An Insect Pest Control Procedure: The
Freezing Process, for guidance on the technique of freezing for
controlling pest infestations.
The loss of hair and fur from skins and hides not only devalues an object,
but also can destroy its potential usefulness. The causes of hair or fur loss
are complex and usually depend on the form and structure of the animal, the
hide's original processing techniques, and the environmental conditions to
which it has been subjected.
There are numerous types of hair loss:
Epidermal slippage: hair is lost as the epidermal layer separates from
the dermal layer.
Deterioration of the individual hair follicles: hair roots become loose
and hair falls out.
S:8 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
4. How can I stop hair and fur
5. What is the threat of thermal
6. How can I minimize the
threat of thermal reactions?
Hair shaft breakage: mechanical damage weakens the hair and it
breaks at its base.
Biological attack: insects feed on the hair itself or epidermal layer,
resulting in the hair being severed.
You can't do much about hair loss that is due to insufficient fixing during
processing, but you can control many of the other causes, such as high
temperatures, low relative humidity, photochemical degradation, and insect
To limit the loss of hair and fur:
Minimize the exposure of fur or hair products to lighting; illuminate
only to the minimum level necessary to see the object. Recommended
levels are 50 lux (5 footcandles) or less.
Minimize handling.
Stabilize the relative humidity and temperature to which hides with hair
and fur are exposed. Don't expose them to rapid changes of either
temperature or humidity and protect them from desiccation.
Routinely inspect hair and fur products for insect damage. Remove
loose or broken hair by brushing and vacuuming, and store materials in
insect-proof containers such as metal museum storage cabinets with
door gaskets.
Skin and leather products are thermosensitive. Skin tissue has a heating
threshold, or point of thermal contraction, which is referred to as its
shrinkage temperature. For newly processed skins and hides, this point is
frequently between 60-75C (140-167F). However, the shrinkage
temperature of degraded hides of aged objects can be considerably lower.
Heating dries out, embrittles, and deforms skin and leather objects.
Changes in temperature also can destabilize relative humidity levels.
Exhibit lighting, direct sunlight, and proximity to heating registers and
radiators can easily damage leather and skin objects, which also become
more sensitive to heat as they age.
Elevated temperatures cause eventual damage not only by speeding up the
chemical deterioration processes, but by causing unstable fats and oils to
come to the surface where they often deposit as unsightly spews. Spews
(also spelled spues) are surface deposits of solidified fats and oils that exude
from the interior of the leather/skin material. They appear as a white
crystalline deposit or as a whitish bloom. Desiccation can also result from
Try these preventive measures to minimize thermal reaction:
Safeguard skins from exposure to warm, moist air. The acceptable
minimum and maximum temperature levels are from just above
freezing to 20C (70F).
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:9
7. What about water and
moisture damage?
8. What are the measures for
limiting water and moisture
Reduce the damaging effect of heat cycling by placing objects away
from external building walls, exterior doors and windows, exposed
pipes, heating and air conditioning vents, direct sunlight, exhibit
lighting sources, and locations such as hot attic spaces.
While skin materials have a great affinity for water, inappropriate levels of
atmospheric moisture or direct wetting usually cause serious damage. The
direct wetting of skin products initiates deterioration because these
materials have only a limited degree of water resistance. Rawhide,
parchment and vellum are most prone to damage. Aged objects made of
full-tanned leather are also highly susceptible to stiffening and darkening
from wetting.
All animal materials readily absorb moisture from the air. Excessive
moisture (levels above 65% RH) causes swelling of the skin's fibers and
encourages biological infestation. Excessive dehydration (humidity levels
below 22% RH) forces the skin to give up moisture permanently, which
results in shrinkage and deformity.
Dehydration reduces the skin's ability to take up and hold moisture, thus
weakening it and dramatically decreasing its flexibility. Repeated exposure
to moist and dry cycles will, eventually, physically stress the hide's fibers
enough to induce mechanical damage and increase its susceptibility to
chemical deterioration. The hide's soluble components are frequently
displaced, leached, or deposited on the surface resulting in the alteration of
physical characteristics.
When skin material is subjected to either excessive moisture or high
humidity in conjunction with heat and acid conditions, its chemical
structure is attacked, causing shrinkage and embrittlement. If allowed to
continue, the skin will lose its structure and become gelatinous. The boiling
of skin to produce gelatin or hide glue is an example of this process.
To minimize water and moisture damage:
Keep hide materials dry by protecting them from wetting and exposure
to relative humidity levels above 65%. House objects in water-resistant
containers, such as storage cabinets and exhibit cases. Whenever
possible, include moisture absorbing materials to buffer enclosed
spaces against extreme fluctuation of RH. These materials may include
commercially-available buffers such as cotton or linen cloth, acid-free
paper products, or silica gel. See MH-I, Appendix I, Curatorial Care of
Archeological Objects, for a discussion of the use of silica gel.
Control the relative humidity to conform to the recommended levels
suitable for the collection's circumstances. Stabilize humidity
fluctuation to the recommended range of 40-60% RH. Normally, you
will regulate humidity through the central air-handling system, but you
also can use localized and portable sources of humidification/
dehumidification to protect objects from unnecessary damage.
If you discover mold on objects made of leather or skin, consult a
conservator regarding vacuum cleaning and disinfectant procedures.
S:10 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
9. What is the threat of
prolonged exposure to
10. How can I minimize these
oxidation reactions?
11. What about pollutants?
12. How can I minimize the
effects of pollutants?
13. What harm can light cause?
For organically-based materials like skin products, prolonged exposure to
oxygen is one of the more serious and avoidable chemical factors that
causes deterioration and is responsible for altering both the skin's chemical
structure and many of its tanning compounds.
Its long-term effects include the hardening of skin and hide material,
embrittlement, cracking and crazing of the skin surface and overall
yellowing or darkening as well as a number of serious internal structural
changes. Oxidative degradation is caused by high temperatures and
humidities and exposure to light radiation.
By taking the following preventive measures:
While it is impractical to keep most of these materials from being
exposed to oxygen, if an object is extremely rare, consult with a
conservator about storage and display in a hermetically sealed container
filled with inert gas (such as nitrogen or helium).
Don't expose hide materials to excessive humidity or heat. Use air
conditioning, storage design and exhibit design to eliminate the
detrimental effects of these environmental stimulants of oxidation.
Reduce the level of visible light to the minimum required and eliminate
exposure to ultraviolet light.
The threatening forms of pollutants to skin products are particulate and
gaseous pollutants. Particulates are solids that are suspended in air and
range in composition from inorganic to organic. Because skin has such a
porous and absorbent surface, these solid foreign materials easily work their
way into the fibrous network of skin products causing soiling, staining, and
eventual stiffness.
Little data is available regarding the effect of gaseous pollutants on skin but
it is probable that oxidant, acidic and sulphating gases play some role in the
deterioration process. Native-tanned and semi-tanned materials seem
relatively more resistant than do commercial, vegetable-tanned leathers. It
is likely that pollutants promote oxidation, hydrolysis and overall
To minimize their effects:
Modify the building's central air conditioning and filtering system.
Various filters can trap different size particles, and effectively remove
gaseous contaminates.
Exhibit and store your objects in tightly sealed enclosures constructed
of the highest quality inert materials. Install specialized pollutant
absorbers with individual storage cabinets.
Light is an important factor in the process that degrades skin products. Its
damage is cumulative and irreversible.
Certain wavelengths break down polymeric bonds and are detrimental to all
skin materials. The ultraviolet range of light is one of the most dangerous
wavelengths for skin products; however, visible light also causes structural
damage and color change.
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:11
Light can act as a catalyst when oxygen, water vapor and various pollutants
in the atmosphere combine to increase the rate of deterioration. The rate of
degradation is generally related to the intensity and length of light exposure.
Fading of smoked and pigmented hides is a particular problem where
prolonged light exposure is involved.
14. How can I minimize the Take these preventive measures:
effects of light?
Minimize the exposure of skin materials to visible light; illuminate only
to the minimum level necessary to see the object. Recommended
maximum levels are 150 lux (15 footcandles) for most materials and 50
lux (5 footcandles) for painted skins and hides with fur.
Eliminate ultraviolet (UV) radiation through the use of UV absorbing
filters installed between the light source and the artifact or on the light
source itself. Select lighting systems with low proportions of UV
radiation. The maximum acceptable proportion of UV radiation is 75
microwatts per lumen.
Maintain stored objects in darkness. Ensure that unfiltered light does
not reach stored skin and hide materials.
Monitor and adjust lighting fixture locations and light bulb wattage
individually. Use timers and dimmers for controlling light in exhibits.
E. Preventive Conservation:
Guidelines for Leather
and Skin Object Care,
Handling, and Storage
See MH-I, Chapter 4, The Museum Environment, for general guidance
on temperature, relative humidity, light, and pollution.
The most successful method of preserving leather and skin products is a
good preventive conservation program. This program needs to include
systematic collection care, handling and storage practices, and regular
inspection and condition evaluation. This approach replaces the traditional
practices and remedies of the past that have been found to be detrimental to
museum objects.
For longer life of skin and leather objects follow these general guidelines:
Identify the general category of the skin product correctly.
Understand the product's basic characteristics, as well as its
deterioration features.
Upgrade the general environment that includes controlling climatic
conditions, minimizing light exposure, providing physical support, and
protecting from mishandling, soil accumulation, and pest infestation.
S:12 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
1. How do I provide a stable
and appropriate humidity?
2. How do I monitor the
condition of objects?
3. How do I clean objects?
Inspect, evaluate, monitor, and document an object's condition,
periodically; record the urgency for conservation treatment.
Provide specialist care for those objects requiring complex or
considerable conservation treatment.
And follow these specific guidelines:
Use enclosures such as exhibit cases or storage cabinets to stabilize
humidity and reduce handling, soil accumulation, and attack from
microorganisms and insects.
Set relative humidity to an acceptable range: less than 5% RH change
within a 24-hour period and an annual change of no more than ±8%
fluctuation from the set point.
Humidity parameters are frequently 40%-60% RH; however, the specific
set points will vary according to:
climatic considerations
an object's state of deterioration
your facility's air handling capability
requirements of any composite and associated materials present
the relative humidity with which the object has reached equilibrium
Inspect objects for deterioration regularly. If you do not regularly evaluate
and document their state of degradation, deterioration of leather and skin
objects can go undetected and unchecked. Evaluate the condition of objects
thoroughly when they are acquired. Then, inspect the objects periodically
to identify progressive damage, such as lengthening of tears, increases in
surface or pigment loss, and evidence of biological attack. Finally, use a
conservator to assist in periodic surveying of significant objects in order to
establish conservation treatment needs. See MH-I, Chapter 3, Museum
Objects Preservation: Getting/Started, for guidance on Collection
Condition Surveys.
The degree to which each soiled object can be cleaned is a function of the
nature of the soil and the sensitivity of the object. Clean an object only as
necessary to remove airborne soil accumulation.
Don't directly apply chemical reagents such as cleaners, dressings,
waxes, and coatings: they are not beneficial and will complicate future
conservation treatment.
You can't remove some surface soils by simple cleaning methods, and other
soils are not removable at all. Highly deteriorated objects cannot be cleaned
by routine procedures so degraded surfaces should be noted and protected
so that cleaning will be avoided.
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:13
When decorative elements on an object are extensive and very delicate,
refer cleaning to a professional conservator. Surfaces that have specialized
finishes also may require exemption from cleaning. Figure S.5 describes
cleaning techniques that can be considered for objects in good condition.
4. How do I handle skin and Much of the damage caused to leather and skin products is due to improper
hide materials? handling. Therefore, you need to train staff in proper handling techniques.
See MH-I, Chapter 6, Handling, Packing, and Shipping Museum Objects,
for general handling rules.
In addition to the general rules there are a few essential rules for the safe
handling of these objects:
Be prepared before handling these objects by having a clean area ready
to receive the object. Arrange for assistance from others when
Consider the weight of the entire object before lifting; aged and
deteriorated fibers cannot tolerate much physical stress. Avoid
suspending, creasing, and folding items.
Move leather and skin artifacts on a tray support, in a drawer, or in a
box; if direct handling is necessary, use both hands and support the
object from underneath, not from original handles and straps.
Accommodate the special handling requirements of appendages and
decorative elements such as beadwork and dangles.
Handle skin and hide materials only while wearing clean, cotton
gloves; if hand contact is required, wash hands just before handling.
See MH-I, Appendix I, Curatorial Care of Archeological Objects, for a
discussion of support trays for objects.
5. What about catalog Marking and labeling leather and skin artifacts for cataloging purposes can
labeling? present a number of preservation problems:
The porous, absorbent nature of all skin products can cause labeling
inks, paints and varnishes to be absorbed into the skin tissue causing
irreversible staining and stiffening.
The adhesives associated with commercial labeling tapes have poor
long-term stability.
Pressure sensitive tapes and embossed plastic tapes tend to fall off in
time, and their adhesives are generally not removable from the skin.
Any type of metal tag (including aluminum) or metal ringed tag can
cause corrosion. Aluminum in contact with skin and hide materials
causes dark spots on the surface of the object.
S:14 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
Cleaning Techniques
VACUUMING - This is the safest
cleaning method, if carefully
Use fine plastic screening and a
vacuum cleaner with adjustable
suction or a rheostat and a small
standard nozzle attachment.
Screening between the leather and
the nozzle protects the leather, but
movement of the screen can also
cause abrasion. Flaking surfaces
and loose parts may be accidentally
DUSTING - This is the most
Use camel hair brushes.
Dust acts as an abrasive; each time
frequently used technique. It can
a material is brushed, surface
be combined with vacuuming.
material may be removed.
Brushing also increases the danger
of knocking off delicate pieces.
FORCED AIR - Compressed air
cleaning must be done outside the
collection area or dust will simply
be redistributed.
Use a compressor, air hose, and
broad compressed air nozzle.
Loose or fragile pieces can be
blown off if too great a pressure is
used; 40 pounds/square inch is
ARTIST'S ERASER - This method
Use artist's block or powder eraser.
This technique is not useful on
can occasionally remove stubborn
(Testing has shown "Magic Rub"
deteriorated surfaces or where skin
surface deposits from the grain side
block and "Scum X" powder to be
or decorative layers may be
of firm, intact leathers and skins.
the least damaging.)
susceptible to flaking. Remnants of
the eraser may become deposited in
textured surfaces and require
Figure S.5. Cleaning Techniques for Leather and Skin
Objects in Good Condition
You can determine the specific labeling technique you will need by
considering the individual object. Maintain consistency throughout the
collection and use the least damaging method. Consider both indirect and
direct labeling.
Indirect labeling allows you to avoid irreversibly damaging the hide
material with ink. The two recommended methods of indirect labeling
are tie-on tags and fabric labels.
Make tie-on tags from high quality, acid-free paper products or
inert plastic materials. Corners should not be sharp. Attach tags in
a manner that does not cause undue stress, such as to an orifice,
strap or handle. Use soft cotton string or a non-abrasive plastic
loop for attachment.
If you can't label an object with a tie-on tag, use a fabric label,
such as those made from cotton twill tape or non-woven spun-
bonded polyester; these can be sewn to soft skin products using a
beading needle and single strand, white cotton thread. You can
usually attach these labels without passing completely through the
skin, and you can limit stitches to the upper edge of the label.
Attach at a seam or inconspicuous area of the skin or hide material,
or loop to a permanent strap.
Direct labeling on skin products can be recommended only for firm
leathers and rawhide. You can apply a barrier coating or ground of
clear Acryloid B-72 resin to a small, inconspicuous area
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:15
(approximately 1 cm x 3 cm in size). When dry, apply the catalog
number directly. The ink should have different solubility than that of
the ground resin, so it may be changed if necessary.
6. How do I provide adequate
physical support for
7. How do I store objects
See NPS Conserve O Gram 1/4, Use of Acryloid B-72 Lacquer for
Labeling Museum Objects and the Museum Handbook, Part II, Chapter
3, Cataloging. In addition to normal health precautions, exercise
additional caution when using solvents around leather and skin products
because excessive amounts can cause deterioration.
Label the object neatly in the most inconspicuous place possible. Your
labels should be small yet clearly readable from a distance of one foot. Use
a high quality and iron-free ink, such as India ink.
Most organic materials lose their structural integrity as they age. Collapsed,
creased, or folded materials will develop local weaknesses and damage if
not protected by custom mounts and supports.
Use high quality, non-reactive materials:
rigid acrylic sheeting
acid-free matboard and unbuffered paper tissues
washed and undyed cotton and linen fabrics
polyester batting
polyethylene foam products
Attached components can cause deterioration when in contact with other
materials (such as metal parts). Separate components by a barrier of
polyethylene sheeting or layers of acid-free tissue.
Store skin and leather objects in a space that is dedicated to the storage of
museum collections, where climate control and security can be adequately
controlled. Although storage requirements vary somewhat for individual
leather and skin materials, basic conservation principles recommend that
you provide a spacious and secure storage area, appropriate cabinets and
containers, an area that is as free as possible from environmental threats,
and individual storage supports. See MH-I, Chapter 7, Museum Collections
Storage, for guidance on storage of museum collections.
The storage needs of tanned and untanned materials can be discussed at two
levels. The first level addresses the overall collections storage facility with
its system of shelving, cabinets, drawers, and trays. The second level
focuses on individualized object supports. The following discussion
provides more guidance based on these basic principles.
Provide Appropriate Cabinets and Containers
Protect objects made of skin products within cabinets or on
shelving with dust covers. Items should not be piled, folded,
squashed or leaned. Use cabinets and storage furniture made of
S:16 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
metal with a baked enamel finish. Don't use wooden cabinets and
shelving, because wood products emit damaging vapors.
Use storage trays and containers to house and support individual
objects as well as to reduce stress and damage during handling.
Any material that directly contacts the specimen, such as boxes,
tubes and tissue papers, must be of acid-free unbuffered paper.
Limit your use of plastics to pure polyethylene, acrylic and
polyester products.
Vacuum and dust your storage areas regularly. Dust is acidic,
abrasive and damaging to these materials. Routine and systematic
housekeeping also lessens the chance of insect problems that can
harm leather and skin objects.
Provide Individual Storage Supports
You will need custom supports for many leather and skin artifacts
just as you do for other sensitive organic materials. As skin
products age, they become more susceptible to damage resulting
from the lack of physical support. Many three-dimensional objects
and most large objects (such as saddles) have additional
requirements for either internal or external reinforcement.
Individual supports shouldn't constrict or interfere with the
expansion and contraction of the skin materials, restrict the gain
and release of moisture as the hide responds to environmental
changes, be permanently attached to be object, or provide
harborage for damaging insect pests.
Use supports to provide specific reinforcement to all vulnerable
areas that are prone to damage under the object's own weight or
because of the limitations of the storage container. Disfigurement
and folding of skin materials frequently leads to permanent
deformity, the straining of fibers and eventual cracking.
The design and materials (see page 16, item 6) you will use in your
supports depends on the shape, weight and needs of the individual
object. For instance, you can roll flat hides and robes around large
diameter (minimum of 6" diameter) tubes. Store garments flat and
stuffed with a light weight support to eliminate creasing. Place
saddles on a rigid saddle tree or dummy support if fenders are
likely to become deformed. See Figure S.6 for an illustration of
how to construct a saddle mount.
Hide objects can deteriorate because of poorly selected and
inappropriate support materials. Harmful materials are those that
emit damaging vapors and organic compounds.
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:17
Figure S.6. Constructing a Saddlemount
S:18 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
Fabricate a muslin sleeve filled with acrylic polyester batting to a diameter of 4 to 5 inches. The padding
should not be overly tight
loase to permit firm support.
2. Use a heavy cardboard tube 6" in diameter.
3. Tie the rings
the filled muslin sleeves around the cardboard tubes with twill tape
the location of the
saddle bow (front) and hind bow (back) for ful! support. The acrylic polyester padding will compress to fil!
the interior dimensions
the saddle so that the saddle will not rock or slip when placed on the mount.
The weight of the saddle should keep it in place, although the saddle can be tied to the padded tube with
wide twill tape in the area
the cinch belt as an added precaution.
Loop a sling made
ill tape
a strip of muslin around the saddle to support the stirrups.
, l
x 4"
F. Summary: Leather and
Skin Product
Deterioration and The previous two sections discussed deterioration, the causes of
Preventive Care deterioration, and ways to limit deterioration through preventive
conservation efforts. Figure S.7 summarizes some of this information.
(contraction, cockling, cupping,
Physical alteration during
use, storage or exhibition ..................................................... Support in unconfined space
Desiccation............................................................................... Raise & stabilize ambient RH
Alternate wetting or drying.......... .............................................Use container to protect against humidity extremes
Excessive heating.....................................................................Lower ambient temperature
Photochemical reaction ............................................................Filter UV radiation, lower visible light
Disuse, absence of flexing .......................................................None available
(rigid, inflexible, brittle)
Desiccation................................................................................Raise and stabilize ambient RH
Soil impregnation ......................................................................Use container, filter air
Deterioration, loss of fat............................................................Filter UV radiation, lower visible light
Detanning..................................................................................Use container
Photochemical reaction ............................................................Filter UV radiation, lower visible light
Low cohesive strength
(weakened, powdering,
separating, fibrous)
Poor manufacture .....................................................................None available
Mechanical abuse.....................................................................Use container, eliminate handling
Chemical air pollution ...............................................................Use container, filter air
High acidity................................................................................Use container, filter air, stabilize ambient RH
Oxidation ...................................................................................None available
Loss of fat or water content ......................................................Stabilize ambient RH
Photochemical reaction ............................................................Filter UV radiation, lower visible light
Physical Damage
(abrasion, tearing, splitting,
holes, missing parts, disjoined
Historic usage ...........................................................................Support, limit handling
Inherent stress ..........................................................................Support, limit handling
Dimensional movement............................................................Stabilize ambient RH
Handling ....................................................................................Use container, limit handling
Stitching failure..........................................................................Use container, limit handling
Adhesive failure.........................................................................Use container, limit handling
Biological attack ........................................................................Inspect, initiate control program
Soil or stain
Use during historical period......................................................Document, identify using remaining characteristics
Improper handling.....................................................................Instruct staff in proper handling, limit handling
(oiliness, water staining)
Unprotected storage or display ................................................Use container, filter air
Unstable fat spew formation.....................................................Stabilize ambient temperature
Soiling or staining......................................................................Use container, filter air
(fading, darkening, lightening)
Excessive fat content................................................................None available
Acid deterioration......................................................................Use container, filter air
Photochemical reaction ............................................................Filter UV radiation, lower visible light
Loss of grain layer or
Morphological feature of skin ...................................................Use container, limit handling
exterior surface
Poor manufacture .....................................................................Use container, limit handling
Mechanical abuse.....................................................................Limit handling
Uneven consolidation ...............................................................None available
Loss of fur or hair
Morphological feature of hair....................................................Use container, limit handling
(slippage, breakage)
Poor manufacture .....................................................................Use container, limit handling
Desiccation................................................................................Stabilize RH
Insect attack ..............................................................................Initiate periodic inspection and control program
Figure S.7. Leather and Skin Product Deterioration and Preventive Care
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:19
G. Conservation Treatment
Curators, collectors, and conservators alike have been guilty of relying on
old treatments to preserve skin materials, and far too frequently they
accepted the promotions of commercial products designed for contemporary
leathers. This history of haphazard treatment and unsystematic evaluation
of skin products has resulted in considerable damage and loss. Common
criticisms of past treatments of skin and leather products are that
preservation attempts have not differentiated among the distinct categories
of skin materials and have relied too heavily on the application of
The traditional remedies and reagents once routinely used in museum
collections are now being carefully scrutinized by museum conservators.
With the aid of scientific investigation and the assessment of the results of
past treatment, several important new directions are being taken. The
findings on past treatments have not been encouraging.
The routine application of preservatives (such as saddle soaps and
leather dressings) is discouraged.
1. What are the perils of
saddle soap?
2. What are the drawbacks of
leather dressings?
There are many problems associated with the use of "saddle soap" on
historic and artistic objects made from animal skin products. With the best
of intentions, this commercial product has been inappropriately applied to
just about every form of skin material in the past.
"Saddle soap" was not developed as a cleaner, but as a 19th century leather
conditioner. Its basic components of neatsfoot oil and cod or sperm oil
were emulsified with soap in water to produce an emulsion fat-liquor
introduced during early tanning. As a conditioner, saddle soap is
considered obsolete by tanners today.
Its application has caused considerable permanent damage to skin and
leather objects since its components cannot be easily rinsed out and
adequately removed (as manufacturer instructions often suggest). Saddle
soap effectively softens and emulsifies surface oil and dirt, however it
usually distributes them deeper into the material. The mixture's high
moisture content presents a hazard to aged skin materials that should not be
wetted, as well as light colored vegetable and/or alum tanned leathers.
Commercial formulations of saddle soap differ in their ingredients, some
containing abrasives and even colorants. Saddle soap quality fluctuates
greatly among manufacturers.
Perhaps most importantly, conservators now suspect that the surface
cracking on many older skin and leather objects may well be due to past
"saddle soap" application. Avoid it.
The care of skin and leather goods has traditionally involved the routine use
of leather dressings, solutions of fats and oils that lubricate skin products to
increase flexibility. Modern research has shown, however, that the
haphazard use of dressings has been the cause of considerable deterioration
within museum collections.
S:20 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
3. What about neutralization of
These solutions should never be applied to Native-tanned materials or
objects comprised of untanned or semi-tanned skin products. Avoid the
use of leather dressings on museum objects.
Numerous drawbacks are associated with dressing of skin products. For
example, dressings frequently:
darken lighter colored leathers
encourage biological attack
form fatty spews at the surface
oxidize over time and stiffen the material
wick into surrounding materials
soften original finishes and decoration
cause dust to accumulate
impede future conservation treatment
contaminate the material for future analysis
The chemical decay and disintegration of leather resulting from exposure to
acids is a well-known problem and its solution for older leathers remains
unresolved. Vegetable-tanned leathers produced since the mid-19th century
frequently exhibit a condition of internal fiber degradation known as "red
rot." The color of the leather actually reddens as the deterioration
progresses. In its advanced state, affected leather will disintegrate into a
powdery form.
This condition is most always associated with sulfuric acid, introduced
either during the tanning process or from atmospheric contact with the
contaminant sulphur dioxide. (Leather readily absorbs acid from the air.)
Sulphur dioxide, when absorbed, becomes sulphur trioxide, which unites
with water to form sulfuric acid, resulting in a devastating effect on
collagen fibers. Certain vegetable tannages (the ones categorized as
condensed tannins) have been identified as being much more susceptible to
this mechanism of deterioration.
Modern leathers are fortified against acid formation by incorporating
buffering salts that repress acid formation and action. Some of the museum
preservation literature during the last decade recommended that older
leathers be treated with similar buffering salts, such as potassium lactate
and potassium citrate, to protect them from acid attack.
The problem that museum curators face is that there is no easy and safe
method for long-term neutralization of acids that are present in historic
leather objects. There are three drawbacks associated with the treatment of
leather with standard buffering salt solutions:
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:21
The salts must be introduced in an aqueous solution yet water can be
very damaging to historic leather causing stiffening, color change and
disruption of applied finishes.
Salt solutions are meant only for vegetable-tanned leather and will de-
tan and damage mineral-tanned materials; the applicator must,
therefore, be able to distinguish between them, which is not an easy
The addition of buffering salts will do nothing for leathers that have
already begun to deteriorate from acid exposure.
The conservation field is looking at other methods of deacidifying leathers;
vapor phase reagents and non-aqueous chemicals are being investigated.
The importance of this conservation issue is clear to those involved, and
acceptable procedures should be available to museum staffs in the near
H. Selected Bibliography
Canadian Conservation Institute. Leather Skin and Fur, CCI-ICC Notes, No. 1-4 (Notes on Curatorial Care).
Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1986.
Fogle, Sonja, Toby Raphael and Katherine Singley. Recent Advances in Leather Conservation. Washington,
DC: Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, 1985.
Haines, Betty. The Conservation of Bookbinding Leather, A Report by the British Leather Manufactures'
Research Association for the British Library. The British Library, Great Russell Street, London, England
WC1B 3DG, 1984.
__________. Monograph Series on Leather. The Leather Conservation Center Ltd., 34 Guildhall Road,
Northampton, England NM1 1EW, 1991.
Krahn, Ann Howatt. “Conservation: Skin and Native-Tanned Leather.” American Indian Art Magazine
(Spring), 1987.
Nathanson, David, and Diane Vogt-O'Connor. “Care and Security of Rare Books.” Conserve O Gram 19/2.
Washington, DC: National Park Service, Curatorial Services Division, 1993.
Raphael, Toby, and Ellen McCrady. “Leather Dressing: To Dress or Not To Dress.” Conserve O Gram 9/1.
Washington, DC: National Park Service, Curatorial Services Division, 1993.
__________. Ethnographic Skin and Leather Products: A Call for Conservative Treatment. Published
Proceedings of Symposium '86: The Care and Preservation of Ethnological Materials. Ottawa, Canada:
Canadian Conservation Institute, 1986.
Raphael, Toby. “Preventive Conservation Recommendations for Organic Objects.” Conserve O Gram 1/3.
Washington, DC: National Park Service, Curatorial Services Division, 1993.
__________. “An Insect Pest Control Procedure: The Freezing Process.” Conserve O Gram 3/6. Washington,
DC: National Park Service, Curatorial Services Division, 1994.
Reed, R. Ancient Skins, Parchments and Leathers. London: Seminar Press, 1972.
S:22 NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996)
Stambolov, T. Manufacture, Deterioration and Preservation of Leather: A Literature Survey of Theoretical
Aspects and Ancient Techniques. ICOM, Amsterdam: Central Research Laboratory, 1969.
Storch, Paul (Editor). Leather Conservation News, Objects Conservation Laboratory, Minnesota History
Center, 345 Kellogg Boulevard, West St. Paul, MN 55102-1906.
Sullivan, Brigid and Donald R. Cumberland, Jr. “Use of Acryloid B-72 for Labeling Museum Objects.”
Conserve O Gram 1/4. Washington, DC: National Park Service, Curatorial Services Division, 1993.
Waterer, John. A Guide to the Conservation and Restoration of Objects Made Wholly or in Part of Leather.
New York, NY: Drake Publishers Inc., 1972.
NPS Museum Handbook, Part I (1996) S:23