Minister Breen Q3 2018 (1 July 30
September 2018)
3 Jul
09:15 09:45
09:45 10:30
13:30 14:30
14:00 14:30
14:30 15:00
15:00 15:45
15:30 15:45
15:45 16:15
17:30 18:15
18:30 22:00
22:00 23:30
4 Jul
07:45 09:15
10:30 11:30
12:00 12:30
16:00 17:00
17:50 18:40
20:40 23:30
5 Jul
09:00 12:00
12:00 12:30
12:45 13:30
14:00 17:00
15:00 16:00
17:00 17:50
17:50 22:50
18:00 20:00
6 Jul
10:30 18:30
9 Jul
13:50 14:00
14:00 14:30
15:00 15:15
15:15 15:45
17:00 18:30
10 Jul
12:00 12:30
13:30 14:30
14:00 23:00
15:47 17:17
18:00 18:30
19:00 23:30
11 Jul
10:00 13:30
10:30 23:30
11:00 13:30
11:30 12:30
15:00 16:00
17:30 19:00
17:35 23:30
12 Jul
09:15 09:45
10:30 12:00
10:30 22:48
12:00 12:30
12:47 13:30
14:00 14:30
14:00 17:00
16:00 17:00
17:00 17:50
17:50 23:00
19:30 20:30
15 Jul
08:00 16:00
12:15 16:00
16 Jul
08:00 16:30
17:15 18:40
17 Jul
09:00 End of Day
18 Jul
Start of Day 09:30
09:00 15:30
17:30 19:00
20:10 21:30
19 Jul
09:45 10:30
10:15 10:45
10:45 11:00
11:00 13:00
12:15 14:45
15:30 16:00
16:45 17:00
17:00 17:30
22:00 23:30
23 Jul
09:00 End of Day
12:55 16:55
24 Jul 26 Jul
All Day
Minister travelling to Washington
27 Jul
Start of Day 09:30
Minister travelling to Washington
August 2018
8 Aug
10:00 11:00
Attend photo/media opp for 1st work day
Edwards Lifesciences staff
12 Aug
10:30 12:30
15 Aug
11:30 12:00
16 Aug
10:00 End of Day
17 Aug
All Day
Milwaukee Irish Fest
18 Aug
All Day
Milwaukee Irish Fest
19 Aug
Start of Day 10:30
Milwaukee Irish Fest
16:00 18:00
Flight Chicago to Dublin EI 122
20 Aug
05:00 05:30
21 Aug
10:00 11:00
Meeting Matthew Thomas Shannon Group
22 Aug
14:45 15:00
15:00 16:00
24 Aug
18:30 21:00
25 Aug
10:45 11:15
12:15 13:15
18:30 19:00
26 Aug
12:40 12:45
14:30 17:30
28 Aug
11:30 14:00
Google event for SMEs
29 Aug
12:30 13:00
Briefing with Officials
14:00 14:30
German media interview request - Die Zeit
(phone interview)
15:30 16:00
Photo call launch for Gourmet Food Parlour
Jobs Announcement with Legacy Consultancy
September 2018
4 Sep
08:00 09:00
17:00 18:30
5 Sep
09:30 11:30
6 Sep
10:00 10:30
Minister to attend with An Tánaiste at an
announcement with Chanelle Group - opening
new €10m manufacturing facility
13:00 20:00
Fine Gael Annual Think In.
7 Sep
05:55 08:30
09:00 11:00
9 Sep
09:00 End of Day
10 Sep 11 Sep
All Day
EI Trade Mission to Brazil
12 Sep
All Day
10:45 12:30
13 Sep
All Day
12:15 14:00
14 Sep
All Day
EI Trade Mission to Brazil
21:55 23:55
Fly Rio to Amsterdam
15 Sep
Start of Day 16:30
EI Trade Mission to Brazil
14:30 15:00
Arrive Amsterdam
16:00 16:40
Return to Dublin KLM Flight (from
Amsterdam) KL937 at 16:40pm
17 Sep
09:30 10:30
Ibec Mid-West and Kerry REC - briefing for
19:00 21:00
Address and present awards at the EI
International Buyers Dinner and EI's
Innovation Arena Awards 2018
18 Sep
08:00 09:00
To address EI US Healthcare Forum
11:00 12:00
HSA launch/demo
11:00 17:30
Ploughing Championships
12:00 13:00
Opening the Local Enterprise Village at the
Ploughing championships
13:00 14:00
Attend EI Innovation Arena
14:00 14:30
Dáil will resume at 2pm after Summer Recess
15:30 16:00
Visit WRC stand
16:00 16:30
Visit SFI stand
18:30 21:00
Data Summit evening event with Taoiseach
19 Sep
12:00 21:30
15:30 16:00
17:30 19:00
20 Sep
08:30 09:30
Meeting with UAE Minister for Infrastructure
and Maritime
09:30 10:30
Pre-brief Ministers meeting with Minister
10:30 12:30
Minister's Budget meeting with Minister
12:30 13:00
Pre-briefing meeting for the IDC on the DSM
12:47 13:30
21 Sep
12:00 13:30
24 Sep
09:30 16:30
25 Sep
08:30 11:30
Taking Care of Business (TCOB) Event
(Opening address 8:50am)
11:30 12:15
Visit to Reagecon Diagnostics Ltd in Shannon
14:00 22:00
Dail Voteable all day until 10pm
15:30 16:30
Ministerial Management Board Meeting
15:30 17:00
IDC on DSM (Brexit & INCL Geo-blocking)
18:30 19:00
Attending the 69th anniversary of the
founding of the Peoples Republic of China
20:00 22:00
Definite vote on conclusion of private
members business tomorrow evening at
26 Sep
10:30 12:00
11:50 12:30
14:00 14:30
14:47 15:35
20:30 21:30
27 Sep
09:00 09:30
10:00 11:00
12:00 13:00
12:30 13:30
17:00 17:48
18:00 20:30