Common Sense Institute
Arizona Housing Affordability Update:
August 2022
As expected, the U.S. and Arizona housing markets are changing rapidly in response to quickly rising
interest rates. For the first time since 2011, Phoenix-area home prices fell in July, and despite continued
increases in target interest rates average mortgage rates fell between June and August in response to
flagging demand.
Key Findings
The Phoenix Homebuyer Misery Index remains severely elevated, at 203.8 in July nearly double
its long-run average level of 103.2.
The Misery Index will likely fall to 200.7 in August, reflecting the ongoing cooling of the valleys
housing market. The last time the index fell for multiple consecutive periods was in early 2019.
At $2,016/month, the typical mortgage payment for an Arizona homebuyer remains extremely high
(though slightly below the all-time peak of $2,045 set in June). A typical household would have to
work 66.4 hours at the average hourly Arizona wage to make this payment.
If mortgage rates rose to 7.0%, at current prices it would take over 77 hours of work to make a
monthly mortgage payment tying 2006 for the highest level on record
Given the direction of interest rates and current economic conditions, Arizona’s housing market is likely to
continue cooling. Consider that the state’s nascent housing construction boom is slowing rapidly: monthly
permit applications slowed from nearly 7,000 in March to just over 5,000 in July
, suggesting forward-
looking home builders are growing less optimistic about real estate prospects in the next 12-18 months.
Phoenix Homebuyer Misery Index
After peaking at 205.1 in May
an all-time high and reflecting
homebuying costs roughly
double their long-run average -
the Homebuyer Misery Index has
fallen (0.7%) to 203.8 in July. As
a reminder, the long-run average
index value is approximately
100.0. This is the first month-
over-month decline in the Index
since July 2020. The misery
index equally weights both
interest rates and nominal home
values since 1989; CSI has
considered various alternative
formulations that try to account
for the changing share of interest costs as a function of total housing purchase costs over time, but in
general, we believe a simple “equal weighting” formulation is reasonable and intuitive for consistent
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comparisons across time. This approach implies a homebuyer is equally sensitive to both changes in prices
and changes in interest rates.
After rising rapidly this year, 30-year average rates have stabilized in the low-5.0% range, even as the
Federal Reserve has continued increasing its interest rate targets. This suggests there is substantial
contemporary consumer and market resistance to rates significantly higher than 5.0%. As of August, the
average rate was 5.22%, down from a current-period peak of 5.52% in June. Prices in the Phoenix area
have begun to fall despite rate stabilization and will likely fall further in the coming months since the index
values tend to lag the market data. In July, prices fell (0.4%) according to Zillow
the first general
decline in month-over-month average valley home prices since August 2011. Based on preliminary market
data reviewed by CSI, we project that Phoenix prices will fall another (1.1%) in August, and that the
Index will decline (1.5%) to 200.7.
At current rates, interest costs are approximately half of total home purchase costs over a 30-year loan.
This means a homebuyer spending $450,000 on a home can expect to pay approximately $450,000 in
interest over 30 years.
Arizona Mortgage Affordability
After peaking at $2,045 in June,
the typical monthly mortgage
payment in Arizona fell (1.4%) in
July to $2,016. At the states
prevailing hourly wage one
would have to work 66.4 hours
to make this mortgage payment
down from a current-period
peak of 68.6 hours in June. As a
reminder, since 1989 the hours
of work required to make a
typical mortgage payment in
Arizona averaged about 45.0 and
this measure reached an all-time
peak of 77.2 hours in July 2006.
A typical Arizona household likely works between 200 and 240 hours per month.
Assuming 1.5 (full-time) workers per homebuying household and lender parameters generally consistent
with the “28% Rule” (no more than 28% of gross monthly income should go to mortgage costs), a
reasonable rule of thumb is that mortgage service costs in terms of time cannot sustain above about 67
hours per month for an average-priced home and an average-rate loan. During the prior housing market
peak, costs remained above this level for exactly 24 months (between October 2005 and October 2007),
before falling precipitously through 2010. Since 1989 there is no other period during which mortgage costs
remained persistently above this threshold level.
If as some analyst’s project
30-year mortgage rates rise to 7.0% over the next 12 months, and
prevailing hourly wages rise only 2%, then home prices in Arizona would need to fall at least 13% to meet
the 67-hour target threshold. This should not be read as a formal forecast as markets may respond
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creatively to borrowing constraints. Interest rates could rise less than projected; households could
increase their hours worked in response to higher prices; sellers may hesitate to list homes in a declining-
price environment, constraining supply and keeping prices elevated while locking all but the most-qualified
buyers out of the market; etc. Instead, we present this as a hypothetical case study of the possible
implications of continued rapidly rising interest rates on the Arizona housing market.
CSI will continue monitoring local homebuying conditions over the coming months in order to provide
timely insights into the states(and particularly the Phoenix-areas) rapidly changing market.
© 2022 Common Sense Institute
“Building Permits Survey”. U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved on August 29, 2022.
“Zillow Home Value Index. Zillow. Retrieved on August 29, 2022.
Stern, Gina. “Mortgage Rate Predictions for 2023. PropertyOnion. July 18, 200.