The 2009 Economic Landscape
The Sand States: Anatomy of a Perfect Housing-
Market Storm
The historic boom and subsequent decline in the nation’s
housing market has been a defining feature of the current
recession. The housing downturn has been most acute in
four states—Arizona, California, Florida, and Nevada
that had experienced some of the highest rates of home
price appreciation in the first half of the decade. While
these states are not all contiguously located, their similar
housing cycles and abundance of either beaches or deserts
have led some analysts to label them “Sand States.” This
article discusses the factors that led to an expanding
housing sector in these states and the market imbalances
that culminated in a sharp correction in home prices.
The article also explores the ripple effects that the hous-
ing downturn has had on the local economies.
Rapid Population Growth in the Sand States
Propelled Housing Markets
For many years, rapid population growth in the Sand
States spurred higher than average rates of home
construction. Favorable weather and relatively afford-
able housing are two factors that attracted retirees as
well as younger families to these states. In the 1980s
and 1990s, population growth rates in Arizona, Florida,
and Nevada were between two and four times the
national rate. Certain parts of California, such as the
Riverside–San Bernardino metropolitan area, experi-
enced similarly high rates of population growth. Rapid
population growth continued into the early years of this
decade. From 2004 to 2007, Arizona and Nevada
ranked as the two fastest growing states in the nation,
followed closely by Florida, which ranked ninth.
The influx of new residents into Arizona, Florida, and
Nevada also contributed to strong employment growth.
Job creation in these states frequently outpaced the rest of
the nation during the past few decades. From 2000 to
2006, these states repeatedly ranked among the top ten
for job growth, far exceeding the national average.
California generally reported job growth similar to the
national average during this period, although the state was
hit hard by the dot-com recession from mid-2001 to 2003.
U.S. Census Bureau.
Affordability Mortgages Contributed to
Housing Imbalances
During this decade, strong demand for housing,
supported by a growing population and an expanding
economy, contributed to growing housing market
imbalances across the Sand States. Perhaps the best
measure of the imbalances that accumulated in boom-
ing housing markets during this decade was the rela-
tionship between home prices and incomes. In the years
leading up to the housing downturn, escalating home
prices far outpaced income growth. For example, in
2003, housing in Nevada was considered relatively
affordable, both in absolute terms and as compared to
other states. According to one analysis, a family earning
the median income in Nevada in 2003 could afford a
home that was priced approximately 20 percent above
the median house price in the state using traditional
mortgage financing.
However, by late 2005, home
prices had risen so much that a family earning the
median income could only afford a home priced at
24 percent below the state’s median price.
A combination of factors drove the housing sector
imbalances in the Sand States to unprecedented levels.
Under normal market conditions, strained affordability
tends to limit housing demand because fewer house-
holds can purchase a home using traditional mortgage
financing. However, in this cycle, new mortgage “afford-
ability” products were commonly used to finance home
purchases. Besides traditional adjustable-rate mortgages
(ARMs), affordability products included hybrid ARMs,
which have a low, fixed interest rate for several years
followed by a market rate that is frequently much
higher. Affordability products also comprised the
so-called nontraditional mortgage products, which
included interest-only loans, where amortization of prin-
cipal was not required during the first few years of the
Moody’s Affordability Index. The calculation assumes
a 30-year maturity and a down payment of 20 percent. It also assumes
that the monthly principal and interest payments do not exceed 25
percent of the median family income. To interpret the indices, a value
of 100 means that the family earning the median income can afford
only 100 percent of the traditional mortgage payment of the median-
priced home, taking into consideration the 20 percent down payment.
FDIC QU A R T E R L Y 30 2009, VO L U M E 3, NO. 1
2009 Economic Landscape
loan; negative-amortization loans that offered initial
payments well below the amount required to cover
interest and amortize principal; and balloon payment
loans, which typically required a large lump-sum
payment at the end of the loan. Unlike subprime mort-
gage products that were designed for home buyers with
limited or weaker credit histories, these nontraditional
mortgages were marketed broadly and often used by
first-time home buyers and investors who did not
provide a down payment. In addition, originators of
these products frequently did not require buyers to verify
that their income could support the mortgage payments.
By 2006, nearly half of total U.S. originations of privately
securitized affordability mortgages were made in the four
Sand States alone. Moreover, the proportion of these
mortgages originated in these states, including nontradi-
tional mortgages, rose as home prices escalated. During
2002, these products accounted for roughly half of the
privately securitized mortgage originations in each of the
Sand States, comparable to the rest of the nation. By 2006,
however, the proportion of these products had increased to
80 percent of privately securitized mortgage originations.
Nationwide, the percentage was about 70 percent.
The increased presence of speculators or investors in the
Sand States also contributed to growing imbalances in
the housing sector. Data from mortgage servicers indicate
that nonowner, investor, and second-home mortgage
originations increased noticeably in Arizona, Florida, and
Nevada between 2000 and 2005.
Investor and second-
home purchases tended to be more heavily concentrated
in major metropolitan areas in these states, such as
Las Vegas, West Palm Beach, Miami, and Phoenix.
Strong housing demand coupled with escalating home
prices served as a dual incentive for builders to increase
the supply of homes, arguably at a rate that exceeded
short-term demand. New home construction started to
accelerate in 2002, and, over the next three years,
housing starts in these four states increased an average
of 11 percent annually, or about twice the rate of
increase elsewhere in the nation. Housing construction
in the Sand States far outpaced annual growth in the
number of households, which peaked at 1.6 percent in
2004 and 2005.
Data are from Loan Performance. Affordability mortgage products
include ARM loans, interest-only loans, negative amortization mortgages,
balloon loans, and hybrid ARMs. Affordability originations are measured
as a percentage of privately securitized origination, first liens only.
In contrast, California had less investor activity during the period,
likely because the median home price in the state was relatively high,
resulting in a less attractive rate of return for potential investors.
Labor market imbalances also arose as job growth became
skewed toward the housing sector. During the height of
the boom, construction employment grew 10 percent per
year in these states, far outpacing growth in other indus-
try sectors. During this time, construction jobs accounted
for a disproportionate 25 percent share of new jobs, while
representing less than 10 percent of total employment.
Tipping Point: Imbalances Lead to Housing Collapse
Ultimately, the housing boom in the Sand States
proved to be mostly a mirage. The first signs of trouble
came in the form of sharply decelerating rates of home
price appreciation. Between 2003 and 2006, annual
home price appreciation rates in these states had consis-
tently exceeded the national average. Year-over-year
house price appreciation in Nevada peaked in 2004 at
37 percent. In Arizona and Florida, appreciation peaked
in 2005 at rates more than twice the national average.
Since then, average home prices in the four states have
declined between 27 and 38 percent from their peak.
Price declines have been most severe in metropolitan
markets such as Phoenix and Las Vegas, which regis-
tered the largest percentage declines in the nation at
34 percent and 33 percent, respectively, during 2008.
As home prices slumped, foreclosure activity rose at a
startling pace. While this phenomenon was occurring
across the nation, it was most pronounced in the Sand
States. According to the Mortgage Bankers Associa-
tion, the Sand States accounted for more than 40
percent of all mortgage foreclosures started in 2008,
which is nearly double the share of mortgages held by
borrowers in these four states (see Table 1). This
disproportionate share of troubled mortgages in the
Sand States was most acute among ARMs. In 2008,
these states held 46 percent of the prime ARMs
outstanding nationwide and 64 percent of foreclosures
started within this mortgage category.
In fourth quarter 2008, foreclosure resales accounted for
more than 55 percent of all California resale activity,
almost three times the level of a year ago. Foreclosure
resales were also prevalent in Las Vegas and Phoenix,
where this type of transaction accounted for about 71
and 65 percent, respectively, of house and condominium
Federal Housing Finance Agency, purchase-only index data through
fourth quarter 2008.
S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index, data as of December 2008.
Data Quick Information Systems through
Las Vegas and Phoenix data are for February 2009.
FDIC QU A R T E R L Y 31 2009, VO L U M E 3, NO. 1
Table 1
Chart 1
The Sand States Account for a
Disproportionately High Share of
Foreclosure Activity
National Share of
National Share of
Sand States Total: 42.5% 24.6%
Source: Mortgage Bankers Association.
Note: Data from first quarter 2008 through fourth quarter 2008. “Sand States” is the
aggregate of California, Florida, Arizona, and Nevada.
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Year-over-Year Change in Sand State Nonfarm Employment
The Construction Sector in the Sand States
Has Been an Important Driver of Job Growth
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (Haver Analytics).
Note: “Sand States” is the aggregate of California, Florida, Arizona, and Nevada. “All Other
Sectors” is the state aggregate nonfarm employment minus the construction sector.
All Other Sectors
Job Growth
Construction Sector
Job Growth
Economic Conditions Remain Fragile as the Effects
of the Housing Collapse Spread
Compounding the housing-sector problems in the Sand
States, and elsewhere, has been the virtual shutdown of
private mortgage-backed securities (MBS) issuance
since 2007. MBS issuance had largely financed the
subprime and nontraditional lending that fueled the
boom. Total issuance of private MBS, which had
topped $1 trillion annually in both 2005 and 2006, fell
precipitously thereafter, totaling just over $50 billion in
2008. Meanwhile, the difficulties that market partici-
pants have had in valuing complex mortgage securities
and the derivatives based on them have contributed to
wider risk aversion in financial markets, which has
reached historic proportions. For housing markets,
particularly in the credit-fueled boom markets of these
four states, these financial market disruptions are
compounding what would in any case have been a steep
and extended housing market downturn.
The housing market downturn in the Sand States is
now having serious ripple effects on other parts of the
local economy. Each of the Sand States lost jobs in
2008. The losses have been most pronounced in the
construction sector, which has shed more than 450,000
jobs, or about 24 percent, between fourth quarter 2006
and fourth quarter 2008 (see Chart 1). In addition, job
losses have spread to the financial services and retail
trade sectors. Retail sales also have declined, particu-
larly for home improvement, furniture, and electronics
store sales, contributing to additional layoffs.
Although the Sand States entered this downturn with
relatively low rates of unemployment, joblessness
increased during 2008 to levels not seen since the 2001
recession. The unemployment rates for California,
Florida, and Nevada ranked among the top ten in the
nation as of fourth quarter 2008. While Arizona’s
unemployment rate remained slightly below the
national average as of fourth quarter 2008, it too rose
markedly during the year. These rising unemployment
rates are due primarily to widespread job losses and, to a
lesser degree, to additional people entering the labor
force in search of employment, including college gradu-
ates and retirees.
Also, rising unemployment claims are
putting more pressure on already strained state budgets.
Nonetheless, a few positive, albeit very preliminary,
signs may be emerging. The volume of home sales in
Arizona, California, and Nevada improved during
2008 relative to year-ago levels. The increase in fore-
closures sales is likely contributing to some renewal in
sales activity. In addition, while a sharp decline in
housing starts is eliminating construction jobs in the
near term, it should eventually facilitate the return to
a more stable housing landscape. Seasonally adjusted
housing starts in the Sand States dropped 40 percent
in 2007 and again in 2008. Also, despite the weakened
housing and labor markets, population growth in
Arizona, California, and Nevada was estimated to be
above the national rate in 2008.
This continued
growth will be an important source of long-term hous-
ing demand that will eventually help bring a measure
of stability to these troubled housing markets.
Authors: Shayna M. Olesiuk, Regional Manager
Kathy R. Kalser, Assistant Director
California Employment Development Department.
U.S. Census estimates of state-level population growth between
July 1, 2007, and July 1, 2008, the latest data available.
FDIC QU A R T E R L Y 32 2009, VO L U M E 3, NO. 1