Privacy Data Sheet
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Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Webex Meetings
This Privacy Data Sheet describes the processing of personal data (or personally identifiable information) by Webex Meetings.
Webex Meetings is a cloud-based and video conferencing solution made available by Cisco to companies or persons who
acquire it for use by their authorized users.
1. Overview
Webex Meetings (the “Service” or “Webex Meetings”) is a cloud-based web and video conferencing solution made available by
Cisco to companies or persons (“Customers,” “you,” or “your”) who acquire it for use by their authorized users (each, a “user”).
The Service enables global employees and virtual teams to collaborate in real time from anywhere, anytime, on mobile devices
or video systems as though they were working in the same room. Solutions include meetings, events, training, and support
services. For more information regarding optional features for Webex Meetings, please see the Addendums below.
This Privacy Data Sheet covers Webex Meetings, Webex Webinars, Webex Training, and Webex Support. If you use the Service
together with the Webex App, see the Webex App Privacy Data Sheet (available on The Cisco Trust Center) for descriptions of
the data that may be collected and processed in connection with those services.
For a detailed overview of the Service, please visit the Cisco Web Conferencing homepage.
2. Personal Data Processing
The Service allows users to instantly connect in a way that is almost as personal as a face-to-face meeting. If you are a user and
your employer is the Customer that acquired the Service, your employer serves as the “data controller” of data processed by
the Service (see the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Map for a visualization of who is doing what with data). The information
described in the table below and in this Privacy Data Sheet is accessible to your employer and is subject to your employer's
policies regarding access, use, monitoring, deletion, preservation, and export of information associated with the Service.
Similarly, if users participate in meetings hosted by users in other companies, the meeting host and/or co-host will control any
meeting recordings or files shared during the meeting, which will be subject to the host’s corporate policies regarding access,
use, monitoring, deletion, preservation, and export of information. The meeting host has the option to record meetings, which
may be shared with others or discoverable in a legal matter. In addition, meeting co-hosts and participants may also have the
option to record meetings, if this feature is enabled by the Customer in Webex Control Hub. The meeting host should inform all
meeting attendees prior to recording and Webex Meetings displays a red circle and plays an audio prompt to all participants
indicating that the meeting is being recorded. Note, Cisco has no control over, and is not responsible or liable for the privacy of
any information that you have shared with others. Even after you remove information from the Webex Meetings platform,
copies of that information may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared with others.
Webex Meetings does not:
Produce decisions that would result in legal or other significant effects impacting the rights of data subjects
based solely by automated means.
Sell your personal data.
Serve advertisements on our platform.
Track your usage or content for advertising purposes.
Monitor or interfere with your meeting traffic or content.
Monitor or track user geolocation.
Because the Service enables collaboration among its users, your personal data is required to use the Service. Cisco will process
your personal data consistent with this Privacy Data Sheet to serve legitimate interests and in accordance with your
instructions. In jurisdictions that distinguish between Data Controllers and Data Processors, Cisco is the Data Controller for
personal data processed to administer, manage, and improve the customer relationship and service. Cisco is the Data Processor
for personal data processed by the Service solely to provide its functionality.
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
The table below lists the personal data processed by Webex Meetings to provide its services and describes why the data is
Used for billing purposes.
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
User Information
Email Address
Phone Number (Optional)
Mailing Address (Optional)
Profile Picture or Avatar image
(optional, only applicable if
provided by you)
User Information Included in Your
Directory (if synced)
Unique User ID (UUID) (a
pseudonymized 128-bit number
assigned to compute nodes on a
Provide you with the Service
Enroll you in the Service
Respond to Customer support requests
Authenticate and authorize access to your account
Display directory information to other Webex users
Display your user avatar and profile to other users (Avatar
may be cached locally on devices of other Webex users that
attend meetings with you for a period of 2 weeks)
Customer relationship management (e.g., transactional
Bill you for the Service
Host and Usage Information
IP Address
User Agent Identifier
Hardware Type
Operating System Type and
Client Version
IP Addresses Along the Network
Path MAC Address of Your Client
(as applicable)
Service Version
Actions Taken
Geographic Region (i.e., Country
Meeting Session Information (e.g.,
date and time, frequency, average
and actual duration, quantity,
quality, network activity, and
network connectivity)
Number of Meetings
Number of Screen-Sharing and
NonScreen-Sharing Sessions
Number of Participants
Screen Resolution
Join Method
Performance, Troubleshooting,
and Diagnostics Information
Meeting Host Information
o Host Name and Email
o Meeting Site URL
o Meeting Start/End Time
Meeting Title
Call Attendee Information,
including Email Addresses, IP
Addresses, Usernames, Phone
Numbers, Room Device
Information Submitted Through
Attendee Registration Form
(optional, only applicable if
Provide you with the Service
Diagnose technical issues
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis for Customer to
provide Customer administrators visibility into usage
Respond to Customer support requests
Help organize, sort, and/or prioritize your Webex App
messages or spaces in a way that is relevant to you and your
Provide you the Collaboration Insights feature (including
Personal Insights) (optional)
Bill you for the Service
Diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
For data and purposes processed under legitimate interest, Cisco has taken into account its interests and those of the
individuals and balanced it against potential impact and reasonable expectation of individual privacy. Section 13 Exercising Data
Subject Rights contains information on how to object.
If you use a Webex plug-in with your Calendar service, we will only use the data set forth above regarding meeting dates, times,
title and participants. For more information on Webex Hybrid Calendar Service see the Office 365 and Google Calendar
integration references.
Technical Support Assistance
If a Customer reaches out to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for problem diagnosis and resolution, Cisco TAC may
receive and process personal data from the Service. The Cisco TAC Service Delivery Privacy Data Sheet describes Cisco’s
processing of such data.
Control Hub
Webex Control Hub analytics provides usage trends and valuable insights that can be used to help with strategies to promote
and optimize adoption across teams. Webex Control Hub analytics uses Host and Usage Information to provide advanced
analytics capabilities and reports.
As a presenter, you can use a poll to create and share questionnaires. Any polling data collected from participants will be
deleted once the meeting has ended. Some Webex Meetings may feature Slido, which is a cloud-based polling and Q&A
solution; for details around the processing of personal data by the Slido feature, please see Addendum 6 to this Privacy Data
Extended Security Pack
If you purchase the extended security pack, please see the Cloudlock Privacy Data Sheet for Cloudlock data privacy information.
3. Data Center Locations
The Service leverages its own data centers as well as third-party cloud hosting providers to deliver the Service globally. If you
join a meeting using Webex App, please see the Webex App Privacy Data Sheet for applicable privacy information, including
data center locations. Those data centers are currently located in the following countries (data center locations may change
from time to time and this Privacy Data Sheet will be updated to reflect those changes):
provided by you)
User-Generated Information
Meeting Recordings (if enabled by
Transcriptions of Meeting
Recordings (optional, only
applicable if enabled by you)
Uploaded Files (for Webex
Webinars and Training only)
Whiteboard content (optional,
only applicable if enabled by you)
Provide you with the Service
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
User-Generated Information is stored in the data center in Customer’s region as provided during the ordering process. Data is
replicated across data centers within the same region to ensure availability.
An Internet Point of Presence (iPOP) Location is used to route traffic geographically from nearby areas to a Cisco Data Center
Location. It is intended to route Webex Meetings traffic through Cisco's infrastructure and improve performance. Data routed
through iPOP Locations remains encrypted and is not stored in that location.
For free user accounts, the data defined in this Privacy Data Sheet may be stored in a Webex data center outside the account
holder’s region.
Data Center Locations
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bangalore, India
California, USA
Frankfurt, Germany
London, UK
Montreal, Canada
New York, USA
North Carolina, USA
Singapore, Singapore
Sydney, Australia
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
4. Webex Data Residency
Webex data residency provides Customer administrators the ability to choose where their organization’s data is stored. Data
residency is currently available for Customers in the European Union (EU) (“EU Customers”), Customers in Canada (“Canadian
Customers”), and Customers in the United States (“US Customers”) for personal data processed by Webex Meetings, including
User Information, Host & Usage Information, and User-Generated Information (other than as noted below).
EU Customers that
became Webex Meetings Customers after July 2021, can choose to provision their data in the EU. For EU Customers who were
provisioned before July 2021, Customer administrators were offered the option to migrate their user data to the EU, and this
was completed as of December 2021. Canadian Customers that became Webex Meetings Customers after July 2022, can
choose to provision their data in Canada. For Canadian Customers who were provisioned before July 2022, Customer
administrators were offered the option to migrate their user data to Canada. US Customers who are provisioned in the US by
their Customer administrators will have their personal data processed and stored in the US.
To facilitate certain operations and aspects of the Service, certain exceptions to Webex data residency exist; specifically, cross-
border transfers of personal data may still occur when (a) a user registers on any Cisco platform (for example, through or or through any Cisco service to learn more about Cisco products or events; (b) a Customer
provides ordering information (business contact information); (c) a user engages in collaboration with users outside of their
region; (d) a user requests technical support, including through Cisco TAC (in which case the information that a user provides
within the initial TAC request may be transferred outside the region); (e) a user enables certain optional functionalities; or (f) a
user enables cell phone “push” notifications (in which case the cell phone provider associated with iOS or Android functionality
may transfer data outside of the region).
For free user accounts, the data defined in this Privacy Data Sheet may be stored in a Webex data center outside the account
holder’s region, including for EU and Canadian Customers.
5. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Cisco has invested in transfer mechanisms to enable the lawful use of data across jurisdictions:
Binding Corporate Rules (Controller)
APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules
APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors
EU Standard Contractual Clauses
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the U.K. Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
6. Access Control
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex Meetings to carry out the Service, who can access that data, and why.
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
User Information
User through My Webex Page
Modify, control, and delete User Information
Customer through the Site Admin
Page or Webex Control Hub
Modify, control, and delete in accordance with Customer’s
personal data policy
Support the Service in accordance with Cisco’s data access and
security controls process
Host and Usage Information
Host through the My Webex Page
View meeting session information
Customer may view this
information through the Site
View usage, meeting session and configuration information
For Canadian Customers, certain Usage Information, including Usage Information related to billing will continue to be stored in the US.
Texas, USA
Toronto, Canada
Virginia, USA
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Admin Page, Webex Control Hub,
or may be otherwise provided by
Diagnostic and troubleshooting
User-Generated Information
User through the My Webex Page
Modify, control, and delete based on user’s preference
Customer using APIs provided with
the Service or through the Site
Admin Page or Webex Control Hub
Modify, control, and delete in accordance with Customer’s
personal data policy
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco will not access this data
unless it is shared with Cisco by Customer, and will only access it
in accordance with Cisco’s data access and security controls
Other Customers and users (when
shared during a meeting)
Content you choose to share during a meeting may be accessed
by users in the meeting, wherever they are located. Even after
you remove information from the Service, copies of that content
may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared
with others
7. Data Portability
The Service allows Customers and users to export all User-Generated Information. A Customer’s administrator may do so using
APIs provided with the Service (recordings only) or through the Site Admin Page; while individual users may do so through the
My Webex Page. Meeting recordings are available in standard mp4 format.
Customers are permitted to export personal data collected about their users on the Webex Meetings platform using APIs or via
the Site Admin Configuration.
8. Data Deletion and Retention
Subject to their employer’s corporate retention policies, users with an active subscription can delete User-Generated
Information from their account through the My Webex Page at any time during the term of their subscription. Users with an
active enterprise or paid online subscription may also request their organization’s full administrator(s) to delete their host and
usage information. Enterprise Customers have the ability to set organization-wide retention periods for recordings using APIs.
Cisco provides free account users up to 6 months of free storage.
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex Meetings, the length of time that data needs to be retained, and why we
retain it.
Users seeking deletion of User Information and User-Generated Information retained on their employer’s Webex Meetings site
must request deletion from their employer’s site administrator.
Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
User Information
Active Subscriptions:
User Information will
be maintained as long
as Customer maintains
active subscription
(paid or free)
Terminated Service:
Deleted once the
Service is terminated
Name and UUID are
maintained 7 years
from termination
Name and UUID are maintained 7 years from termination as part of Cisco’s
business records and are maintained to comply with Cisco’s financial and
audit requirements. Any billing information is also subject to this retention
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Host and Usage Information
13 months
Host and Usage Information such as analytics and troubleshooting is kept to
provide technical support when requested by customers and to improve
the experience for Webex users.
* Any billing information is retained for 7 years as part of Cisco’s business
records and are maintained to comply with Cisco’s financial and audit
requirements. Once the specified retention period has expired, data will be
User-Generated Information
Active Subscriptions:
At Customer’s or user’s
Terminated Service:
Deleted within 60 days
User-Generated Information, except for recordings, is not retained on the
Webex Meetings platform when Customer or user deletes this data.
Recordings are “soft deleted” and retained for 30 days before being
removed from the platform, to allow a Customer or user to retrieve a
recording they have inadvertently deleted.
User-Generated Information is retained for 60 days after services are
terminated to give Customers opportunity to download.
9. Personal Data Security
The Service adopts technical and organizational security measures designed to protect your personal data from unauthorized
access use or disclosure. Additional information about our encryption architecture is summarized in the table and paragraphs
Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
User Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Passwords (stored if Single Sign On is not
Encrypted and hashed in transit and at rest
Host and Usage Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest
User-Generated Information
Recordings prior to May 2018 were encrypted in transit with the option to encrypt at rest.
Recordings created after May 2018 are encrypted in transit and at rest by default. Recordings
created in the Webex Meetings FedRAMP-Authorized service after October 2019 are encrypted in
transit and at rest.
Protecting Data at Rest
The Service encrypts User Information, Passwords and User-Generated Information, as described above, at rest.
Encryption of Data in Transit
All communications between cloud registered Webex App, Webex Room devices and Webex services occur over encrypted
channels. Webex uses the TLS protocol with version 1.2 or later with high strength cipher suites for signalling.
After a session is established over TLS, all media streams (audio VoIP, video, screen share, and document share) are encrypted.
Encrypted media can be transported over UDP, TCP, or TLS. Cisco prefers and strongly recommends UDP as the transport
protocol for Webex voice and video media streams. This is because TCP and TLS are connection orientated transport protocols,
designed to reliably deliver correctly ordered data to upper-layer protocols. Using TCP or TLS, the sender will retransmit lost
packets until they are acknowledged, and the receiver will buffer the packet stream until the lost packets are recovered. For
media streams over TCP or TLS, this behaviour manifests itself as increased latency/jitter, which in turn affects the media
quality experienced by the call’s participants.
Media packets are encrypted using either AES 256 or AES 128 based ciphers. The Webex App and Webex Room devices use
AES-256-GCM to encrypt media; these media encryption keys are exchanged over TLS-secured signalling channels. SIP and H323
devices that support media encryption with SRTP can use AES-256-GCM, AES-128-GCM, or AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1 (AES-256-
GCM is the Webex preferred media encryption cipher).
Zero Trust Security Based End-to-End Encryption
For standard Webex Meetings, where devices and services use SRTP to encrypt media on a hop by hop basis, Webex media
servers need access to the media encryption keys to decrypt the media for each SRTP call leg. This is true for any conferencing
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
provider that supports SIP, H323, PSTN, recording and other services using SRTP.
However, for businesses requiring a higher level of security, Webex also provides end-to-end encryption for meetings (“Webex
Zero Trust Security end-to-end encryption”). With this option, the Webex cloud does not have access to the encryption keys
used by meeting participants and cannot decrypt their media streams. Webex Zero Trust Security end-to-end encryption uses
standard track protocols to generate a shared meeting encryption key (Messaging Layer Security (MLS)) and to encrypt meeting
content (Secure Frame (S-Frame). With MLS, the meeting encryption key is generated by each participant’s device using a
combination of the shared public key of every participant and the participant’s private key (never shared). The meeting
encryption key does not traverse the cloud and is rotated as participants join and leave the meeting. For more details on Zero
Trust Security based end-to-end encryption see the Zero Trust Security for Webex white paper.
With end-to-end encryption, all meeting content (voice, video, chat, etc.) is encrypted using the locally derived meeting
encryption key. This data cannot be deciphered by the Service.
Note that when end-to-end encryption is enabled, Webex services and endpoints that need access to meeting keys to decrypt
content (e.g., devices using SRTP where encryption is performed hop by hop) are not supported. This restricts meeting
participants to those using the Webex App or cloud registered Webex devices only, and excludes services such as network-
based recording, speech recognition etc. The following features are also not supported:
Join Before Host
Video-device enabled meetings
Linux clients
Network-Based Recording (NBR)
Webex Assistant
Saving session data transcripts, Meeting notes
PSTN Call-in/Call-back
10. Sub-processors
We may share data with service providers, contractors or authorized third parties to assist in providing and improving the
Service. We do not rent or sell your information. All sharing of information is carried out consistent with the Cisco Privacy
Statement and we contract with third-party service providers that can provide the same level of data protection and
information security that you can expect from Cisco. Below is a list of sub-processors for Webex Meetings. Data shared with
these sub-processors follows Webex data residency, except for those sub-processors who may be implicated by one of the
exceptions listed in that section.
All Cisco sub-processors undergo a rigorous security and privacy assessment to confirm their compliance with our requirements.
They are further bound by a data processing agreement which incorporates the EU Standard Contractual Clauses and places strict
limits on their use and processing of any data provided by us or our Webex customers and users.
Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data
IP Address
Browser and
Geographic Region
Akamai is used as content delivery network (CDN)
services provider for static content.
Akamai does not store content but may store IP
addresses in logs for a maximum of 3 years.
Location generally
maps to Customer’s
Webex data center
To the extent Akamai
receives IP addresses
of Webex Meetings
Customers, those IP
addresses may be
transmitted to the
United States with
strict access control
means and
safeguards under the
EU Standard
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Contractual Clauses
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Limited Host & Usage
Meeting Recording Files
(if applicable)
AWS cloud infrastructure is used to host the Webex
signaling service that processes meeting participant
UUIDs, meetings start and end times. Data will be
deleted within 15 days of the meeting. (Location
maps to Customer’s Webex data center assignment.)
AWS cloud infrastructure is used to host Webex
media nodes that may process real-time meeting data
such as VoIP, video and high frame rate sharing data.
This information is not retained in AWS once your
meeting has ended.
AWS cloud infrastructure is also used to store
Meetings recording files, if meeting record is enabled
by the Customer. (Location maps to Customer’s
Webex data center assignment).
United States
United Kingdom
User Generated
Microsoft is leveraged to provide some of the Webex
AI features
European Union
United States
Unique User ID (UUID)
and user region
Provides user with a step-by-step tour and guidance
on how to use Webex Meetings on the online site.
If a Customer acquires the Service through a Cisco partner, we may share any or all of the information described in this Privacy
Data Sheet with the partner. Customers have the option of disabling this information-sharing with Cisco partners. If you use a
third-party account to sign-in to your Webex account, Cisco may share only the necessary information with such third party for
authentication purposes.
11. Information Security Incident Management
Breach and Incident Notification Processes
The Information Security team within Cisco’s Security & Trust Organization coordinates the Data Incident Response Process and
manages the enterprise-wide response to data-centric incidents. The Incident Commander directs and coordinates Cisco’s
response, leveraging diverse teams including the Cisco Producƒt Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), the Cisco Security
Incident Response Team (CSIRT), and the Advanced Security Initiatives Group (ASIG).
PSIRT manages the receipt, investigation, and public reporting of security vulnerabilities related to Cisco products and
networks. The team works with Customers, independent security researchers, consultants, industry organizations, and other
vendors to identify possible security issues with Cisco products and networks. The Cisco Security Center details the process for
reporting security incidents.
The Cisco Notification Service allows Customers to subscribe and receive important Cisco product and technology information,
including Cisco security advisories for critical and high severity security vulnerabilities. This service allows Customers to choose
the timing of notifications, and the notification delivery method (email message or RSS feed). The level of access is determined
by the subscriber's relationship with Cisco. If you have questions or concerns about any product or security notifications,
contact your Cisco sales representative.
12. Certifications and Compliance with Privacy Requirements
The Security & Trust Organization and Cisco Legal provide risk and compliance management and consultation services to help
drive security and regulatory compliance into the design of Cisco products and services. The Service is built with privacy in mind
and is designed so that it can be used in a manner consistent with global privacy requirements, including the EU General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), Canada’s Personal
Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Customers may turn this feature off at any time. Feature is currently enabled for non-enterprise Webex sites.
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Further, in addition to complying with our stringent internal standards, Cisco also maintains third-party validations to
demonstrate our commitment to information security. The Service has received the following certifications:
EU Cloud Code of Conduct Adherence by SCOPE Europe
o For more information about the EU Cloud of Conduct see: Cisco Webex EU Cloud Code of Conduct and the
Verification of Declaration of Adherence.
ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27017:2015, ISO/IEC 27018:2019, ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Certification
SOC 2 Type II Report
BSI Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue (German C5)
CSA STAR Level 2 Certification
HIPAA Attestation
Spanish Esquema Nacional de Seguridad Certification
Italian AgID (Agency for Digital Italy) Certification
Australian IRAP (Information Security Registered Assessors Program) Certification
Digital Trust Label (Switzerland)
Electronic Transactions Development Agency Certification (Thailand)
13. Exercising Data Subject Rights
Users whose personal data is processed by the Service have the right to request access, rectification, suspension of processing,
or deletion of the personal data processed by the Service.
We will confirm identification (typically with the email address associated with a Cisco account) before responding to the
request. If we cannot comply with the request, we will provide an explanation. Please note, users whose employer is the
Customer/Controller, may be redirected to their employer for a response.
Requests can be made by submitting a request via:
1) the Cisco Privacy Request form
2) by postal mail:
Chief Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 W. Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Americas Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 W. Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
APJC Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Bldg 80, Lvl 25, Mapletree Biz City,
80 Pasir Panjang Road,
Singapore, 117372
EMEA Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Haarlerbergweg 13-19, 1101 CH
Amsterdam-Zuidoost NETHERLANDS
We will endeavor to timely and satisfactorily respond to inquiries and requests. If a privacy concern related to the personal data
processed or transferred by Cisco remains unresolved, contact Cisco’s US-based third-party dispute resolution provider.
Alternatively, you can contact the data protection supervisory authority in your jurisdiction for assistance. Cisco’s main
establishment in the EU is in the Netherlands. As such, our EU lead authority is the Dutch Autoritiet Persoonsgegevens.
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
14. General Information
For more general information and FAQs related to Cisco’s Security and Privacy Program please visit The Cisco Trust Center.
Cisco Privacy Data Sheets are reviewed and updated on an annual, or as needed, basis. For the most current version, go to the
Personal Data Privacy section of the Cisco Trust Center.
This Privacy Data Sheet is a supplement to the Cisco Online Privacy Statement. To the extent this document differs from the
Cisco Online Privacy Statement, this document will take precedence. If there is a difference in translated, non-English versions
of this document, the U.S.-English version will take precedence.
To receive email notifications of updates to the Privacy Data Sheet, click the “Subscribe” link in the upper right corner of the
Trust Portal.
Privacy Data Sheet
Doc type
Cisco public
©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Addendum One: People Insights for Webex
This Addendum describes the processing of personal data (or personal identifiable information) by People Insights for Webex
Meetings and the Webex App.
People Insights for Webex Meetings and the Webex App is a cloud-based company directory solution made available by Cisco
to companies or persons who acquire it for use by their authorized users.
Cisco will process personal data from People Insights for Webex Meetings and the Webex App in a manner that is consistent
with this Privacy Data Sheet. In jurisdictions that distinguish between Data Controllers and Data Processors, Cisco is the Data
Controller for the personal data processed to administer and manage the Customer relationship. Cisco is the Data Processor for
the personal data processed by Webex Meetings and the Webex App to provide its functionality.
Note: This Privacy Data Sheet is a supplement to the Cisco Online Privacy Statement.
2. Overview
The People Insights feature (“People Insights” or the “Feature”) provides Webex Meetings and Webex App users with
comprehensive, publicly available business and professional information for meeting participants giving users context and
increased insight about the people with whom they collaborate. People Insights only displays publicly available information,
similar to what can be found in search engine results for a persons name and profession. People Insights will also display
internal company directory information to users in the same company. This internal directory information is not visible to users
outside the company. The People Insights database does not look behind logins or paywalls, which means your profile will not
be populated with content from sites like Facebook.
People Insights was designed with data protection and privacy in mind, and is aligned to global privacy requirements, including
GDPR. This Feature provides users with a convenient single view into their already existing public presence and digital footprint.
As outlined below, People Insights includes functionality to honor data subject rights. Users fully own their People Insights
profile and can change or hide the profile to keep information private.
People Insights is enabled by default for U.S. provisioned Customers. Customers provisioned in the EU must opt-in to this
feature. Users at an enabled organization can opt out of People Insights by suppressing their profile in the Webex App. This is
accomplished by signing into and clicking on “Hide Profile.
If you join a Webex Meeting, or a space in Webex App, hosted by a Cisco Customer that has People Insights enabled on their
Site Admin Page or Webex Control Hub, all participants’ People Insight profiles will be visible unless they have chosen to hide
their profiles as described above.
3. Personal Data Processing
People Insights compiles business and professional profiles for Webex App users and Webex Meetings participants using
publicly available and legitimately sourced information, published authored works, news articles, search engine results, via APIs
and through content supplied by the profile owner.
The table below lists the personal data processed by People Insights to provide the Feature and describes why the data is
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
Publicly Available Business and
Professional Biographical Data
Profile Photos
Authored Works
Employment History
Education History
Web Links for a specific person
Provide you with the Feature
To source the People Insights profile and to enable search
within the Feature
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
3. Data Center Locations
People Insights data is stored on third party servers provided by Amazon Web Services (“AWS”). AWS servers are located in the
United States.
4. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Cisco has invested in transfer mechanisms to enable the lawful use of data across jurisdictions:
Binding Corporate Rules (Controller)
APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules
APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors
EU Standard Contractual Clauses
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the U.K. Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
5. Access Control
The table below lists the personal data used by People Insights, who can access that data, and why.
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
Publicly Available Business
and Professional Biographical
To provide the Feature
Users of Customer Webex site with
enabled People Insights
Account & Usage Information
User Level Account Details (including
email, name, and web interactions and
platform usage)
Provide you with the Feature
Product analytics (e.g., frequency of profile edits, number of
successful profile loads in a meeting, etc.)
Directory Data
If the directory option is enabled
by the site administrator,
professional information including
the following may be collected
from the internal company
directory (as selected by the
Phone Number
Reporting Structure
Pronouns (optional, only
applicable if available in your
Provide you with the Feature
To augment the user’s People Insights profile by providing
company specific context to Webex App users and Webex
Meetings participants who belong to the same organization.
This data will only be visible to participants within the user’s
User-Generated Information
Information that the user adds in
their People Insights profile.
Provide you with the Feature
Augment the user’s own People Insights profile (visible to
People Insights users)
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Account & Usage Information
Registration Support
Correlate users with correct profiles
Analytics to improve service
Feature enablement/disablement
Directory Data
Customer (Admin)
People Insight users within the
Customer’s organization
Directory data is provided and maintained by Customer
administrator to allow integration into People Insights profile
Directory data is imported and integrated with Customer profile
data to support profile development
User-Generated Information
Users may access their own User-Generated Information to edit
or delete content
6. Data Portability
Individuals can receive a copy of their own People Insights profile, including their self-generated information, through the Cisco
Privacy Request form.
7. Data Deletion and Retention
The table below lists the personal data used by People Insights, the length of time that data needs to be retained, and why we
retain it.
Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
Publicly Available Business &
Professional Data
Obtained from public websites: three
(3) years
Obtained through third-party APIs: In
accordance with contractual
Publicly Available Business & Professional Data is derived from public
sources. It is retained for three (3) years. Upon request, publication and
links to source data can be suppressed and restricted from view and
As publicly available data originates from outside of the Webex App and
Webex Meetings, any permanent changes or deletions must be
addressed and requested with the primary source.
At the request of users, the data can be archived to not appear. This
allows for the data to remain permanently hidden rather than re-
appearing with a new search after being previously purged.
Account & Usage Information
Active Subscriptions:
At Customer’s or user’s discretion
Deactivated Accounts:
Deleted within thirty (30) days
Users can request to remove their Account Information by opening a
TAC service request. Cisco will respond to such requests within thirty
(30) days.
Directory Data
Active Subscriptions:
At Customer’s or user’s discretion
Deactivated Accounts:
Deleted within thirty (30) days
Administrators can disable the Active Directory feature while still
enabling People Insights. Directory data will be hard deleted in this case
of deactivation. Non-directory data will remain, with the exception of
name and email for users who had only directory data in their profile
before the deactivation.
User-Generated Information
Active Subscriptions: At Customer’s or
user’s discretion
Deactivated Accounts: Deleted within
thirty (30) days
Users can delete User-Generated Information from their profile at any
8. Personal Data Security
Cisco has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to secure personal data from accidental
loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.
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Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
Publicly Available Business & Professional
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage, Keys managed through AWS KMS
Host & Usage Information
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage, Keys managed through AWS KMS
Directory Data
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage, Keys managed through AWS KMS
User-Generated Information
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage, Keys managed through AWS KMS
9. Sub-processors
Cisco partners with service providers that act as sub-processors and contract to provide the same level of data protection and
information security that you can expect from Cisco. A current list of sub-processors for the Feature is below:
Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data
Amazon Web Services
Publicly Available
Business & Professional
Host & Usage
Directory Data
Cloud Storage
United States
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Addendum Two: Facial Recognition for Webex
Meetings (Optional)
This Addendum describes the processing of personal data (or personal identifiable information) by the Facial Recognition
feature for Webex Meetings. The Facial Recognition feature is only available when using Webex Meetings on certain Cisco
Endpoint devices.
Facial Recognition feature for Webex Meetings is a cloud-based feature solution made available by Cisco to companies or
persons who acquire it for use by their authorized users.
Cisco will process personal data from Facial Recognition feature for Webex Meetings in a manner that is consistent with this
Privacy Data Sheet. In jurisdictions that distinguish between Data Controllers and Data Processors, Cisco is the Data Controller
for the personal data processed to administer and manage the Customer relationship. Cisco is the Data Processor for the
personal data processed by Webex Meetings to provide its functionality.
Note: This Privacy Data Sheet is a supplement to the Cisco Online Privacy Statement.
1. Overview
Cisco introduced the facial recognition feature (“Facial Recognition” or the “Feature”) to provide Webex Meetings users with
the ability to identify and recognize registered Webex Meetings participants (i.e., associate participant names with their
positions in a Webex Meetings video), giving users increased connection to meeting participants. The Feature recognizes a face
by converting it to an abstracted facial vector. A facial vector is a list of numbers that characterizes salient facial features of a
user that is then used to identify who is in the meeting. This level of abstraction allows the system to recognize the same face
even when things like lighting and position change.
Facial Recognition is disabled by default, and requires affirmative action by both the Customer and the user to enable. First, the
administrator for the Customer may enable Facial Recognition using Webex Control Hub. However, the feature will not be
available on the user’s account until the user opt-ins at Because the Feature is based on facial
vectors derived from profile images, the user must have a picture taken at the time of enablement.
2. Personal Data Processing
If the user opts in to the Feature, the Service uses the camera of the user’s device to take a profile picture. This picture is sent
to the Webex cloud where the Feature algorithm generates a facial vector from the picture so that it can be used for matching
as further described below. Both the picture and the facial vector are encrypted and stored securely. The picture may be used
to generate a new facial vector in the event Cisco updates or modifies the Feature algorithm by which facial vectors are
generated. In the event a Customer or user reaches out to Cisco for support with the Feature, Cisco may also use the picture
during the troubleshooting process. During each Webex Meeting, a second facial vector is generated, which is then matched in
the Webex cloud against the stored facial vector. This second facial vector is not retained.
The table below lists the personal data processed by Facial Recognition to provide the Feature and describes why the data is
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
User Information
Name (First, Last)
User ID
Enroll you in the Feature and enable opt-in
To display name of recognized user
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
3. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Cisco has invested in transfer mechanisms to enable the lawful use of data across jurisdictions:
Binding Corporate Rules (Controller)
APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules
APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors
EU Standard Contractual Clauses
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the U.K. Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
4. Access Control
The table below lists the personal data used by Facial Recognition to provide the Feature, who can access that data, and why.
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
User Information
To display name of recognized user
Enroll you in the Feature and enable opt-in
View user facial recognition registration status
Users through
View and modify facial recognition registration details
To provide the Feature
Algorithm improvement
To troubleshoot issues in the event Customer or users request
Host & Usage Information
To provide support and product analytics
Proximity data is used to improve Facial Recognition to assure
facial vectors are matched to the correct users in the correct
Calendar information is used to improve Facial Recognition to
assure facial vectors are matched to the correct users in the
correct locations
User facial image
Facial vector mapping
To create facial vector mapping and provide the Feature
To generate a new facial vector in case of a modification or
update to the Feature algorithm
Host & Usage Information
Information regarding accuracy of
product, including:
o Successful and unsuccessful
facial vector matching
o User feedback
To provide support and product analytics
Make improvements to the Feature
Diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes
Meeting Room Proximity data
Proximity data is used to improve Facial Recognition to assure
facial vectors are matched to the correct users in the correct
Meeting Room Calendar
Calendar information is used to improve Facial Recognition to
assure facial vectors are matched to the correct users in the
correct locations
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
5. Data Portability
While Webex Meetings allows Customers and users to export data as described in Section 7 of the Webex Meetings Privacy
Data Sheet, it does not support the automatic export of Facial Recognition data.
6. Data Deletion and Retention
The table below lists the personal data used by Facial Recognition, the length of time that data needs to be retained, and why
we retain it.
Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
User Information
User ID is maintained for all active Webex
Meetings users. Once a user is deleted
from a Customer’s account, the User ID is
also deleted from the Feature.
All other User Information is not stored or
retained by the Feature as this information
is already stored by Webex Meetings.
User ID is used to track your enrollment in the Feature.
Names are displayed upon a match in the Feature.
Images: Users control their image
retention. The image is retained as long as
the Feature is enabled and the user leaves
the image associated with their profile.
The image can be deleted at any time by
the user.
Images for all users are deleted upon
Customer’s discontinuation of the Service.
The image is used to provide the Feature, update the facial vector in
case of an update to the Facial Recognition algorithm, and to
troubleshoot issues when requested by a Customer or user.
Facial vectors are retained as long as the
facial images, but are stored separately.
Facial vectors are deleted upon
discontinuation of the Service.
The facial vectors are used to provide the Feature.
Host & Usage Information
2 weeks
To provide support and product analytics.
2 days
Proximity data is used to improve Facial Recognition to assure
images are assigned to the correct users in the correct locations.
Facial Recognition does not store or retain
this information separately than already
maintained by Webex Meetings.
7. Personal Data Security
Cisco has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to secure personal data from accidental
loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.
The table below summarizes encryption architecture of data stored specifically for the Feature.
Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
User Information
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage
Host & Usage Information
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage
Encrypted in transit, AES 256 for storage
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Addendum Three: Closed Captioning for
Webex Meetings (Optional)
This Addendum describes the processing of personal data (or personal identifiable information) by the Closed Captioning
feature for Webex Meetings (“Closed Captioning” or the “Feature”).
Cisco will process personal data from Closed Captioning in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Data Sheet. In
jurisdictions that distinguish between Data Controllers and Data Processors, Cisco is the Data Controller for the personal data
processed to administer and manage the Customer relationship. Cisco is the Data Processor for the personal data processed by
Cisco Webex Meetings to provide its functionality.
Note: This Privacy Data Sheet is a supplement to the Cisco Online Privacy Statement.
1. Overview
To make your Webex Meetings and Webex Webinars more accessible, Webex provides automated closed captioning which you
can turn on without needing to turn on Webex Assistant for Webex Meetings. As people speak, closed captioning will appear
above the Webex Meetings or Webex Webinar controls. A closed captions panel is also available, which shows users the closed
captions from the moment they joined the Webex Meeting, so they can easily catch up if they miss anything that’s being said.
Closed Captioning is a cloud-based feature that is enabled “ON” by default; Customer administrators can select enablement for
specific users or, if a Customer administrator intends to disable for all users, he or she can request that Cisco disable at an
organization level. Users can also disable Closed Captioning, so that captions do not appear for themselves; however, if other
users in their Webex Meeting(s) have Closed Captioning ON, data belonging to users who have disabled the functionality will
still be processed in accordance with the privacy disclosures below.
If a host turns on Webex Assistant for Webex Meetings in addition to Closed Captioning, then they will have additional
capabilities to make voice commands and highlight captions to capture audio snippet notes, as detailed in Addendum Four.
Additionally, hosts can record the Webex Meeting and receive a post-meeting transcript, which they can choose to share with
other Webex Meetings users.
Customer administrators can also enable or disable the Captions & Highlights panel for their site.
2. Personal Data Processing
The table below lists the personal data processed by Closed Captioning to provide the Feature and describes why the data is
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
Audio Information
Audio captured during meeting
Provide Closed Captioning
When you utilize the real-time translation and transcription
feature in multiple languages, data may be used for product
improvement. You may opt out of this use by submitting a
request here.
Transcript Information
Webex Meetings Transcript
Text of real-time speech for
Provide Closed Captioning
When you utilize the real-time translation and transcription
feature in multiple languages, data may be used for product
improvement. You may opt out of this use by submitting a
request here.
Host and Usage Information
Usage of Closed Captioning,
including number of Webex
Meetings with Closed Captioning
Provide Closed Captioning
Provide Customer with usage information
Diagnose technical issues
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
3. Data Center Locations
Closed Captioning data center locations track the data center locations for Webex Assistant for Webex Meetings, which are
outlined in Addendum Four below. Please refer to Addendum Four below.
4. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Closed Captioning cross-border data transfer mechanisms are the same as those listed for Webex Assistant for Webex
Meetings, which are outlined in Addendum Four below. Please refer to Addendum Four below.
5. Access Control
The table below lists the personal data used by Closed Captioning, who can access that data, and why.
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
User Information
Enroll users in Closed Captioning.
Enable/disable Closed Captioning for specific Webex Meetings users or
an entire site.
Audio Information
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco will not access this data unless
it is shared with Cisco by Customer and will only access in accordance
with Cisco’s data access and security controls process.
Customer will continue to have access to Meetings Recordings (if the
meeting was recorded by host) in accordance with Customer’s
personal data policy and as described in the Webex Meetings Privacy
Data Sheet.
No highlights or meeting audio information is retained after the
meeting when Close Captioning only is used during the live meeting
Transcript Information
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco will not access this data unless
it is shared with Cisco by Customer and will only access in accordance
with Cisco’s data access and security controls.
By default, no transcript is retained when Closed Captioning only is
used during the live Webex Meeting unless recording was enabled.
If recording was enabled, a transcript will be available in the recording
page and review tab in the post meeting experience, a meeting host
will be able to view, access and/or share transcript Information. A host
may share and give certain edit permissions to other Webex Meetings
Host and Usage Information
Support and improve the Service in accordance with Cisco’s data
access and security controls.
View and analyze usage information.
6. Data Portability
Webex Meetings hosts and users with edit privileges to a given meeting can download the meeting transcript in txt or
vtt formats.
Webex Meetings hosts and users with edit privileges to a given meeting can email highlights to a selected email
Webex Meetings hosts and users with edit privileges to a given meeting can share a meeting in an existing or a newly
created Webex space.
enabled, and troubleshooting
Improve the technical performance of the Service
Understand how Closed Captioning is used
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
7. Data Deletion and Retention
Subject only to their employer’s corporate retention policies, users with an active subscription have control over their Audio
and Transcript Information and can delete such information from their account through the My Webex Page as described
below. If you have any questions regarding deletion or deletion requests, please contact Cisco through the Cisco Privacy
Request Form.
The table below lists the personal data used by Closed Captioning, the length of time that data needs to be retained, and why
we retain it.
Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
User Information
User Information is not separately
stored or retained as part of Closed
Captioning, as this information is
already stored by Webex Meetings.
Audio Information
Active Subscriptions: Audio
Information deleted at Customer’s or
user’s discretion.
Terminated Service: Deleted within
60 days
Audio Information is retained to provide you with the Service and will be
deleted once it is no longer necessary to provide the Service.
Audio Information retained after the Service is terminated is done to
make it available to Customers for download.
Audio Information related to real-time translation and transcription in
multiple languages is retained for 2 years for product improvement. You
may opt out of this use by submitting a request here.
Transcript Information
Active Subscriptions: Highlights may
be deleted at Customer’s or user’s
Terminated Service: Deleted within
60 days
Transcript Information is retained to provide you with the Service and
will be deleted once it is no longer necessary to provide the Service.
Transcript Information retained after the Service is terminated is done to
make it available to Customers for download.
Transcription Information related to real-time translation and
transcription in multiple languages is retained for 2 years for product
improvement. You may opt out of this use by submitting a request here.
Host and Usage
Deleted after 3 years.
Usage information used to conduct analytics and measure statistical
performance is retained but pseudonymized.
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
8. Personal Data Security
Cisco has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to secure personal data from accidental
loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.
The table below summarizes the encryption architecture of data stored specifically for Closed Captioning.
Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
User Information
Closed Captioning does not store or retain this information separately than the information already
maintained by Webex Meetings.
Audio Information
Encrypted in transit. Closed Captioning is not stored at rest.
Transcript Information
Encrypted in transit. Closed Captioning is not stored at rest.
Host and Usage
Encrypted in transit and at rest.
9. Sub-processors
Cisco partners with service providers that act as sub-processors and contract to provide the same level of data protection and
information security that you can expect from Cisco. A current list of sub-processors for Closed Captioning is below:
Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data
Amazon Web Services
Audio Information
Cloud Infrastructure (transient storage only)
US, Singapore,
France, Japan,
Ireland, Sweden
Audio and transcript of Voice
Command only (e.g., “OK,
Webex, create a note”).
Please note that the core
transcription technology that
processes and stores all other
Audio and Transcript
Information is owned,
managed and executed by
Speech-to-Text service (voice commands only)
Text-to-Speech service (voice command responses
US, Germany,
Netherlands, Belgium,
Transcript Information
Provide translation and/or foreign language
transcription using text of real-time speech.
Google may process but not store transcript
Information to provide speech-to-text services
Transcript data is processed by Google at global
endpoints, except when a Customer is provisioned in
the European Union (EU). For EU Customers,
transcript data processed by Google is processed
within region as part of Webex Data Residency.
For EU Customers,
within the EU
Audio Information (except if
spoken language chosen is
English, French, German,
Italian, Spanish)
When you add-on and use the real-time translation
and transcription feature in multiple languages,
Google may process but not store Audio Information
to provide speech-to-text services.
Audio data is processed by Google at global
endpoints, except when a Customer is provisioned in
the EU. For EU Customers, audio data processed by
Google is processed within region as part of Webex
Data Residency.
For EU Customers,
within the EU
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Transcript Information
Provide translation and/or foreign language
transcription using text of real-time speech.
Azure may process but not store transcript
Information to provide speech-to-text services
Transcript data is processed by Azure at global
endpoints, except when a Customer is provisioned in
the European Union (EU). For EU Customers,
transcript data processed by Azure is processed
within region as part of Webex Data Residency.
For EU Customers,
within the EU
Audio Information (except if
spoken language chosen is
English, French, German,
Italian, Spanish)
When you add-on and use the real-time translation
and transcription feature in multiple languages, Azure
may process but not store Audio Information to
provide speech-to-text services.
Audio data is processed by Azure at global endpoints,
except when a Customer is provisioned in the EU. For
EU Customers, audio data processed by Azure is
processed within region as part of Webex Data
For EU Customers,
within the EU
* These sub-processors will only apply to You if You have purchased and are using real-time translation and transcription in
multiple languages.
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
Addendum Four: Webex Assistant for Meetings
This Addendum describes the processing of personal data (or personal identifiable information) by Webex Assistant for Webex
Meetings (“Webex Assistant”) feature for Webex Meetings.
Webex Assistant is a cloud-based feature made available by Cisco to companies or persons who acquire it for use by their
authorized users. Webex Assistant provides additional functionality to Closed Captioning, for example, allowing users to use
voice commands, highlight closed captions during the meeting, and edit or share highlights after a meeting.
Cisco will process personal data from Webex Assistant in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Data Sheet. In
jurisdictions that distinguish between Data Controllers and Data Processors, Cisco is the Data Controller for the personal data
processed to administer and manage the Customer relationship. Cisco is the Data Processor for the personal data processed by
Webex Meetings in order to provide its functionality.
Note: This Privacy Data Sheet is a supplement to the Cisco Online Privacy Statement.
1. Overview
Webex Assistant is an intelligent, interactive virtual meeting assistant that makes meetings searchable, actionable, and more
productive. When Webex Assistant is turned on, the meeting host and participants can capture meeting highlights with one
click or through a voice command. Even when Webex Assistant joins a Webex Meeting, it will only be activated by the wake
word, “OK Webex.” Once the wake word is detected, the voice command is streamed to the cloud for speech-to-text
transcription and processing. Any participant can use one of many voice commands and create a meeting highlight. Meeting
highlights can include meeting key points, notes, summaries, agendas, action items or decisions.
Webex Customer administrators can enable or disable Webex Assistant for a Webex site and can restrict use of Webex
Assistant to certain users or groups of users at any time.
Cisco has put several controls in place to ensure user transparency. When Webex Assistant is enabled, the Webex Assistant icon
appears in the lower left of the host and participants screen. On Webex endpoint devices, there will be a visual cue similar to
the existing one you see when a Webex Meeting is recorded. Additionally, when the host turns on Webex Assistant in a Webex
Meeting, there will be an audio announcement made to all participants on the call, even if they join late (unless the Webex
Customer administrator has disabled the announcement). As further described below, the host can choose to share the
transcript and meeting highlights with other Webex Meetings users.
2. Personal Data Processing
The table below lists the personal data processed by Webex Assistant to provide its services and describes why the data is
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
User Information
Name (First, Last)
Unique User Identifier (UUID)
Enable Webex Assistant for specific Webex Meetings
users or for an entire site
Provide Webex Assistant
Audio Information
Webex Meetings Recordings
Audio Commands to Webex
Audio captured during meeting
Provide Webex Assistant
When you utilize the real-time translation and transcription
feature in multiple languages, data may be used for product
improvement. You may opt out of this use by submitting a
request here.
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
3. Data Center Locations
Cisco leverages its own data centers as well as third-party hosting providers and business partners to deliver the Service,
including Webex Assistant, globally.
Webex Assistant Audio and Transcript Information will be stored in the same location in which the Customer is provisioned for
Webex Meetings recordings. Although Webex Assistant may process data in AWS as listed in Section 9 below, no data will be
stored there.
4. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Cisco has invested in transfer mechanisms to enable the lawful use of data across jurisdictions:
Binding Corporate Rules (Controller)
APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules
APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors
EU Standard Contractual Clauses
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the U.K. Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
5. Access Control
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex Assistant, who can access that data, and why.
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
User Information
Enroll users with Webex Assistant.
Enable Webex Assistant for specific Webex Meetings users or for an
entire site.
Audio Information
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco will not access this data unless
it is shared with Cisco by Customer and will only access in accordance
with Cisco’s data access and security controls process.
Customer will continue to have access to Meetings Recordings in
accordance with Customer’s personal data policy and as described in
the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Sheet.
A meeting host will be able to view, access and/or delete highlights. A
host may share and give certain edit permissions to other Webex
Meetings users.
Transcript Information
While Cisco operates the Service, Cisco will not access this data unless
it is shared with Cisco by Customer and will only access in accordance
with Cisco’s data access and security controls.
Transcript Information
Webex Meetings Transcript
Text of meeting Highlight
Text of real-time speech for
Provide Webex Assistant
When you utilize the real-time translation and transcription
feature in multiple languages, data may be used for product
improvement. You may opt out of this use by submitting a
request here.
Host and Usage Information
Usage of the Webex Assistant
features, including number of
meetings with Webex Assistant
enabled, number/type of Highlight
troubleshooting events
Provide Webex Assistant
Provide Customer with usage information
Improve the technical performance of the Service
Diagnose technical issues
Understand how Webex Assistant is used
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©2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Version 11.0, February 22, 2024
A meeting host will be able to view, access and/or share transcript
information. A host may share and give certain edit permissions to
other Webex Meetings users.
Host and Usage Information
Support and improve the Service in accordance with Cisco’s data
access and security controls.
View and analyze usage information.
6. Data Portability
Users have the option to email any transcript or highlight to a selected email account.
7. Data Deletion and Retention
Subject only to their employer’s corporate retention policies, users with an active subscription have control over their Audio
and Transcript Information and can delete such information from their account through the My Webex Page as described
below. If you have any questions regarding deletion or deletion requests, please contact Cisco through the Cisco Privacy
Request Form.
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex Assistant, the length of time that data needs to be retained, and why we
retain it.
Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
User Information
User Information is not separately
stored or retained by Webex Assistant
as this information is already stored
by Webex Meetings.
Audio Information
Active Subscriptions: Audio
Information deleted at Customer’s or
user’s discretion.
Terminated Service: Deleted within
60 days
Audio Information is retained in order to provide you with the Service
and will be deleted once it is no longer necessary to provide the Service.
Audio Information retained after the Service is terminated is done in
order to make it available to Customers for download.
Audio Information related to real-time translation and transcription in
multiple languages is retained for 2 years for product improvement. You
may opt out of this use by submitting a request here.
Transcript Information
Active Subscriptions: Highlights may
be deleted at Customer’s or user’s
Terminated Service: Deleted within
60 days
Transcript Information is retained in order to provide you with the
Service and will be deleted once it is no longer necessary to provide the
Transcript Information retained after the Service is terminated is done in
order to make it available to Customers for download.
Transcription Information related to real-time translation and
transcription in multiple languages is retained for 2 years for product
improvement. You may opt out of this use by submitting a request here.
Host and Usage
Deleted after 3 years.
Usage information is used to conduct analytics and measure statistical
8. Personal Data Security
Cisco has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to secure personal data from accidental
loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.
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The table below summarizes encryption architecture of data stored specifically for Webex Assistant.
Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
User Information
Webex Assistant does not store or retain this information separately than the information already maintained
by Webex Meetings.
Audio Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest.
Transcript Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest.
Host and Usage
Encrypted in transit and at rest.
9. Sub-processors
Cisco partners with service providers that act as sub-processors and contract to provide the same level of data protection and
information security that you can expect from Cisco. A current list of sub-processors for Webex Assistant is below:
Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data
Amazon Web Services
Audio Information
Cloud Infrastructure (transient storage only)
US, Singapore,
France, Japan,
Ireland, Sweden
Audio and transcript of Voice
Command only (e.g., “OK,
Webex, create a note”).
Please note that the core
transcription technology that
processes and stores all other
Audio and Transcript
Information is owned,
managed and executed by
Speech to Text service (voice commands only)
Text to Speech service (voice command responses
US, Germany,
Netherlands, Belgium,
Transcript Information
Provide translation using text of real-time speech.
Transcript data is processed by Google at global
endpoints, except when a Customer is provisioned in
the European Union (EU). For EU Customers,
transcript data processed by Google is processed
within region as part of Webex Data Residency.
For EU Customers,
within the EU
Audio Information (except if
spoken language chosen is
English, French, German,
Italian, Spanish)
When you add-on and use the real-time translation
and transcription feature in multiple languages,
Google may process but not store Audio Information
to provide speech-to-text services
Audio data is processed by Google at global
endpoints, except when a Customer is provisioned in
the EU. For EU Customers, audio data processed by
Google is processed within region as part of Webex
Data Residency.
For EU Customers,
within the EU
Transcript Information
Provide translation using text of real-time speech.
Transcript data is processed by Azure at global
endpoints, except when a Customer is provisioned in
the European Union (EU). For EU Customers,
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transcript data processed by Azure is processed
within region as part of Webex Data Residency.
For EU Customers,
within the EU
Audio Information (except if
spoken language chosen is
English. French, German,
Italian, Spanish)
When you add-on and use the real-time translation
and transcription feature in multiple languages, Azure
may process but not store Audio Information to
provide speech-to-text services.
Audio data is processed by Azure at global endpoints,
except when a Customer is provisioned in the EU. For
EU Customers, audio data processed by Azure is
processed within region as part of Webex Data
For EU Customers,
with the EU
* These sub-processors will only apply to you if you have purchased and are using real-time translation and transcription in
multiple languages.
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Addendum Five: Webex Assistant for Devices
This Addendum describes the processing of personal data (or personal identifiable information) by Webex Assistant for Devices.
Webex Assistant for Devices is a cloud-based feature made available by Cisco to companies or persons who acquire it for use by
their authorized users.
Cisco will process personal data from Webex Assistant for Devices in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Data Sheet. In
jurisdictions that distinguish between Data Controllers and Data Processors, Cisco is the Data Controller for the personal data
processed to administer and manage the Customer relationship. Cisco is the Data Processor for the personal data processed by
Cisco Webex Meetings in order to provide its functionality.
1. Overview
Webex Assistant for Devices gives you a new way to control your devices by using voice commands. Through voice commands,
a user is able to join meetings, control meeting settings and more. Webex Assistant for Devices is disabled by default and can
be enabled by the Customer’s administrator in Webex Control Hub.
Webex Assistant for Devices is activated by the wake word, “OK Webex.” Once the wake word is detected, speech is streamed
to the cloud for speech-to-text transcription. As wake word processing is local on the device, no audio data is stored, processed
or streamed to the cloud until the wake word is detected. After the wake word and command are processed, the resulting text
from the speech engine is returned to the Webex Assistant client on the endpoint device and displayed to the user. Although
Webex Assistant for Devices securely manages functional interactions with Google Speech Services to enable the service, data
is not stored or further processed by Google for any other purpose than to provide you with the service.
2. Personal Data Processing
The table below lists the personal data processed by Webex Assistant for Devices to provide its services and describes why the
data is processed.
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
User Information
Synched Corporate Directory
information (e.g., name, email,
For users who pair with Cisco
endpoint device:
o Unique User Identifier
o First Name
o Display name
Provide Webex Assistant
Improve Webex Assistant’s accuracy to user’s command
User audio commands
Provide Webex Assistant
Text of command
Provide Webex Assistant
Train and/or improve Cisco language services
Webex Assistant usage
information (e.g., number of
queries from endpoint devices,
Endpoint devices used
Diagnose technical issues
Improve the technical performance of Webex Assistant
Understand how Webex Assistant is used
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3. Data Center Locations
Cisco leverages its own data centers as well as third-party hosting providers and business partners to deliver Webex Assistant
for Devices globally. These entities are currently located in the following locations (data center locations may change from time
to time and this Privacy Data Sheet will be updated to reflect those changes):
Data Center Locations
United States
4. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Cisco has invested in transfer mechanisms to enable the lawful use of data across jurisdictions:
Binding Corporate Rules (Controller)
APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules
APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors
EU Standard Contractual Clauses
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the U.K. Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
5. Access Control
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex Assistant for Devices, who can access that data, and why.
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
User Information
Enable, support and improve Webex Assistant in accordance with
Cisco’s data access and security controls process.
Provide Webex Assistant.
Support, train and improve Webex Assistant. Understand how the
product is being used.
Usage Information
Support and improve the Service in accordance with Cisco’s data
access and security controls process. Understand how the product is
being used.
View and analyze some usage information on Control Hub.
6. Data Portability
While Webex Meetings allows Customers and users to export data as described in Section 7 of the Webex Meetings Privacy
Data Sheet, it does not support the export of Webex Assistant for Devices data.
7. Data Deletion and Retention
The table below lists the personal data used by Webex Assistant for Devices, the length of time that data needs to be retained,
and why we retain it.
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Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
User Information
Stored while Customer is enrolled in
Webex Assistant for Devices.
After Customer disables Webex
Assistant, User Information is deleted
within a week.
If you have paired with a device, the
relevant data is retained for 1 year.
User Information is retained in order to provide you with the Service and
will be deleted once it is no longer necessary to provide the Service.
Not retained
1 year
Transcripts are retained to evaluate and improve Webex Assistant and
understand how the product is being used. Text transcripts (e.g., “OK
Webex, Start a Meeting”) will be de-identified and may be stored
Deleted within 2 years
Usage is retained to evaluate the service and understand how Webex
Assistant is being used.
8. Personal Data Security
Cisco has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to secure personal data from accidental
loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.
The table below summarizes encryption architecture of data stored specifically for the Webex Assistant for Devices.
Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
User Information
Encrypted in transit, encrypted at rest
Encrypted in transit, encryption at rest is not applicable
Encrypted in transit, encrypted at rest
Encrypted in transit, encrypted at rest
9. Sub-processors
Cisco partners with service providers that act as sub-processors and contract to provide the same level of data protection and
information security that you can expect from Cisco. A current list of sub-processors for Assistant for Devices is below:
Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data
Amazon Web Services
AWS cloud infrastructure is used to host Webex
Assistant for Devices applications in Germany,
Singapore, and the US.
Transcripts routed to and processed in the EU
(Frankfurt data center) are not stored. All other
transcripts generated are stored in their closest
region of storage (Singapore or the US).
United States
The Webex platform and Google Cloud do not store audio; therefore, encryption at rest is not available for audio.
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Google Cloud
Speech to text service
Google Cloud
• Transcript
• Usage
Cloud storage region
United States
• Transcript
• Usage
Data analysis platform
United States
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Addendum Six: Slido in Webex (Optional)
This Addendum to the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Sheet describes the processing of personal data (or personally identifiable
information) by the Slido feature in Webex Meetings (“Slido” “Slido in Webex,” or the “Service”).
1. Overview of Slido in Webex Meetings Capabilities
Slido in Webex is a cloud-based polling and Q&A solution aimed at B2B customers. Users stay engaged during meetings by
voting in live polls and asking questions. Slido is an integrated part of Webex Meetings or available to hosts and meeting
participants as a web application. For a detailed overview of the Service, please visit the Slido in Webex website.
2. Personal Data Processing
The table below lists the personal data processed by Slido in Webex to provide the Service and describes why the data is
Because of the nature of the Service, we do not expect any sensitive data to be sent through Slido.
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
Host Information
Name, email address, organization ID
Provide you with the Service
Respond to Customer support requests
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis in
aggregate form to improve the technical
performance of the Service
Participant Information
Name, email address, organization ID
Provide you with the Service
User-Generated Information
Questions, answers, ideas, chats - any content
shared or created by participants
Provide you with the Service
User Technical Information
Device data (e.g. hardware model, operating
system version, unique device identifiers),
Log data (e.g., your search queries, details about
your connection such as IP address, date, time,
edge-location, ssl-protocol, ssl-cipher or time-
taken to serve you requested site, device event
information such as crashes, system activity,
hardware settings, browser type, browser
language, the date and time of your request and
referral URL)
Location information (IP address)
Unique users IDs
Browser local storage and application data caches
Provide you with the Service
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis in
aggregate form to improve the technical
performance of the Service
Essential cookies collected through embedded
browser utilized in the Webex-Slido interface
Provide you with the Service
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis in
aggregate form to improve the technical
performance of the Service
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Technical Support Assistance
If a Customer reaches out to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for problem diagnosis and resolution, Cisco TAC may
receive and process personal data from the Service. The Cisco TAC Service Delivery Privacy Data Sheet describes Cisco’s
processing of such data.
3. Data Center Locations
Cisco uses third-party infrastructure providers to deliver the service globally. Please see Section 9 for a list of sub-processors,
including infrastructure providers. US data centers are used automatically for Webex customers with US data residency. For all
other Webex customers, EU data centers are used.
Data Center Locations - default
Data Center Locations
Virginia, USA
Oregon, USA
4. Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms
Cisco has invested in transfer mechanisms to enable the lawful use of data across jurisdictions:
Binding Corporate Rules (Controller)
APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules
APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors
EU Standard Contractual Clauses
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework and the U.K. Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
5. Access Control
The table below lists the personal data used by Slido to carry out the service, who can access that data, and why. Content you
choose to share during an event may be accessed by users in the event, wherever they are located. Even after you remove
information from the Service, copies of that content may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared with
Support Information
We collect contact data of people reaching out through for support:
Usually name, email, company
Provide you with the Service
Respond to Customer support requests
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis in
aggregate form to improve the technical
performance of the Service
Personal Data Category
Who has Access
Purpose of the Access
Host Information
View host profile data through
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6. Data Portability
Slido allows Customers and hosts to export event content data through
7. Data Retention
The table below lists the personal data used by Slido, the length of time that data needs to be retained, and why we retain it.
Type of Personal Data
Retention Period
Reason for Retention
Host Information
Host Information is retained until
account termination.
Provide the Service
Manage, delete user’s slido profiles through
Provide the Service
Participant Information
View joined participants through
Support the Service in accordance with Cisco’s data access and
security controls
User-Generated Information
Delete participant content data by submitting privacy request form
View submitted User-Generated Information through
Support the Service in accordance with Cisco’s data access and
security controls.
Cisco will not access this data unless authorization is granted by the
Customer, and will only access it in accordance with Cisco’s data
access and security controls.
User Technical Information
Provide, tailor and improve the Service
Provide, tailor and improve the Service
Support Information
Support Information is kept as part of record of service delivery
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Participant Information
Participant Information associated
with a specific meeting is retained
until account termination.
Participant Information associated
with a specific meeting can be
deleted by deleting all Slido data
associated with that meeting.
As request must be submitted
through a privacy request.
Provide the Service
User-Generated Information
User-Generated Information
associated with a specific meeting
is retained until account
User-Generated Information
associated with a specific meeting
can be deleted by deleting all Slido
data associated with that meeting.
As request must be submitted
through a privacy request.
Provide the Service
Technical Information
Deleted 180 days after collection
Technical Information is kept as part of Cisco’s record of service
delivery, conduct analytics and measure statistical performance.
Maximum of one year
To provide, tailor and improve the Service
Support Information
Not deleted
Support Information is kept as part of record of service delivery
8. Personal Data Security
Slido has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to secure personal data from accidental
loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.
Personal Data Category
Security Controls and Measures
Host Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Participant Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest
User-Generated Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest
User Technical Information
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Encrypted in transit and at rest
Support Form Information
Encrypted in transit
9. Sub-processors
Cisco partners with service providers that act as sub-processors and contract to provide the same level of data protection and
information security that you can expect from Cisco. A current list of sub-processors for the service is below:
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Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data
Amazon Web Services
Host Information
Participant Information
User Technical Information
Support Information
Infrastructure as a Service
Dublin, Ireland
Frankfurt, Germany
Virginia, USA
Oregon, USA
10. Information Security Incident Management
Breach and Incident Notification Processes
The Information Security team within Cisco’s Security & Trust Organization coordinates the Data Incident Response Process and
manages the enterprise-wide response to data-centric incidents. The Incident Commander directs and coordinates Cisco’s
response, leveraging diverse teams including the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), the Cisco Security
Incident Response Team (CSIRT), and the Advanced Security Initiatives Group (ASIG).
PSIRT manages the receipt, investigation, and public reporting of security vulnerabilities related to Cisco products and
networks. The team works with Customers, independent security researchers, consultants, industry organizations, and other
vendors to identify possible security issues with Cisco products and networks. The Cisco Security Center details the process for
reporting security incidents.
The Cisco Notification Service allows Customers to subscribe and receive important Cisco product and technology information,
including Cisco security advisories for critical and high severity security vulnerabilities. This service allows Customers to choose
the timing of notifications, and the notification delivery method (email message or RSS feed). The level of access is determined
by the subscriber's relationship with Cisco. If you have questions or concerns about any product or security notifications,
contact your Cisco sales representative.
11. Certifications and Compliance with PrivacyRequirements
The Security & Trust Organization and Cisco Legal provide risk and compliance management and consultation services to help
drive security and regulatory compliance into the design of Cisco products and services. The Service is built with privacy in mind
and is designed so that it can be used in a manner consistent with global privacy requirements, including the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Further, in addition to complying with our stringent internal standards, Slido also maintains third-party validations to
demonstrate our commitment to information security. The Service has received the following certifications:
ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27017:2015, ISO/IEC 27018:2019, ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Certification
SOC 2 Type II Report
HIPAA self assessment
As part of its integration, Slido intends to pursue other privacy certifications, including those associated with Webex.
12. Exercising Data Subject Rights
Users whose personal data is processed by the Service have the right to request access, rectification, suspension of processing,
or deletion of the personal data processed by the Service.
We will confirm identification (typically with the email address associated with a Cisco account) before responding to the
request. If we cannot comply with the request, we will provide an explanation. Please note, users whose employer is the
Customer/Controller, may be redirected to their employer for a response.
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Requests can be made by submitting a request via:
1) the Cisco Privacy Request form
2) by postal mail:
Chief Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 W. Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Americas Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 W. Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
APJC Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems (USA) Pte Ltd
Bldg 80, Lvl 25, Mapletree Biz City,
80 Pasir Panjang Road,
Singapore, 117372
EMEA Privacy Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Haarlerbergweg 13-19, 1101 CH
Amsterdam-Zuidoost NETHERLANDS
We will endeavor to timely and satisfactorily respond to inquiries and requests. If a privacy concern related to the personal data
processed or transferred by Cisco remains unresolved, contact Cisco’s US-based third-party dispute resolution provider.
Alternatively, you can contact the data protection supervisory authority in your jurisdiction for assistance. Cisco’s main
establishment in the EU is in the Netherlands. As such, our EU lead authority is the Dutch Autoritiet Persoonsgegevens.
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Addendum Seven: Cisco-Developed Embedded
Apps (Optional)
This Addendum to the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Sheet describes the processing of personal data (or personally identifiable
information) by Cisco-developed embedded apps in Webex Meetings. Embedded apps developed by third parties, as stated in
the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Sheet, are governed by the respective third party’s privacy policies.
Shared Timer
1. Overview
Shared Timer (the “Service”) is a cloud-based application that allows meeting hosts and participants to set a timer, using preset
intervals, during a particular meeting. The countdown timer is displayed with other meeting participants.
Personal data processing for Shared Timer is largely covered by the disclosed personal data processing associated with the Webex
Meetings Service; for that, please refer to the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Sheet above.
A Customer administrator controls whether user-level personal data can be shared with Shared Timer. In Webex Control Hub,
the Customer administrator can set enable or disable personally identifiable information (“PII”) sharing through “PII
Restrictions.” PII Restrictions are disabled by default (i.e., without any action by the Customer administrator) and the only
pseudonymized user-level personal data will be processed by Shared Timer, as described below.
The following information is supplementary privacy data information associated specifically with Shared Timer.
2. Personal Data Processing
The table below lists the personal data processed by Shared Timer to provide the Service and describes why the data is processed.
If PII Restrictions are enabled, PII sharing mode is on, and the following applies:
To the extent personal data is shared with sub-processors, it is encrypted at transit. Sub-processors do not have access to the
data in the raw.
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
User Information
Display Name
UUID is used to identify which user within the
meeting performed specific activities (e.g., who
paused the timer);
Display Name is used to identify the user-specific
activities (to display that a certain individual set or
reset the timer)
Host and Usage Information*
IP Address
User Agent
Operating System
Device Type
Provide you with the Service
Diagnose technical issues
Respond to Customer support requests
Make improvements to the Service and other Cisco
products and services
Understand how the Service is used
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis in
aggregate form to improve the technical
performance of the Service
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If the PII Restrictions are disabled, PII sharing is off, and the following applies:
2. Sub-processors
Shared Timer does not use the sub-processors listed in the Webex Meetings Privacy Data Sheet. Shared Timer uses only the
following third-party sub-processor.
Personal Data
Service Type
Location of Data Center
Amazon Web Services
Display Name
Used to provide Shared Timer
United States
Collected through use of Webex Meetings processed in connection with Shared Timer.
When PII sharing mode is ON. When PII sharing mode if OFF, data is pseudonymized.
Personal Data Category
Type of Personal Data
Purpose of Processing
User Level
Personal data that is collected (e.g., UUID and
Display Name) is pseudonymized
UUID used to identify which user within the
meeting performed specific activities (e.g.,
who paused the timer);
Name is processed to identify the user-
specific activities (to display that a certain
individual set or reset the timer)
Host and Usage Information
IP Address
User Agent
Operating System
Device Type
Provide you with the Service
Diagnose technical issues
Respond to Customer support requests
Make improvements to the Service and other
Cisco products and services
Understand how the Service is used
Conduct analytics and statistical analysis in
aggregate form to improve the technical
performance of the Service