Bank Funding Risk,
Reference Rates, and
Credit Supply
Harry Cooperman | Darrell Duffie | Stephan Luck |
Zachry Wang | Yilin (David) Yang
NO. 1042
Bank Funding Risk, Reference Rates, and Credit Supply
Harry Cooperman, Darrell Duffie, Stephan Luck, Zachry Wang, and Yilin (David) Yang
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 1042
December 2022; revised February 2023
JEL classification: G00, G01, G02, G20, G21, E4, E43
Corporate credit lines are drawn more heavily when funding markets are more stressed. This covariance
elevates expected bank funding costs. We show that credit supply is dampened by the associated debt-
overhang cost to bank shareholders. Until 2022, this impact was reduced by linking the interest paid on
lines to credit-sensitive reference rates such as LIBOR. We show that transition to risk-free reference
rates may exacerbate this friction. The adverse impact on credit supply is offset if drawdowns are
expected to be left on deposit at the same bank, which happened at some of the largest banks during the
COVID recession.
Key words: bank funding risk, credit supply, reference rates, credit lines, London Interbank Offered Rate
(LIBOR), Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR)
Luck: Federal Reserve Bank of New York (email: [email protected]). Cooperman, Duffie, Wang:
Stanford Graduate School of Business (emails: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]). Yang: City University of Hong Kong (email: yiliy[email protected]). The
authors thank discussants Anne Duquerroy, Dan Greenwald, David Glancy, Anil Kashyap, Elie Lewi,
Jose-Luis Peydro, and Peter Zimmermann, as well as Alena-Kang Landsberg for her excellent research
assistance. The authors are also grateful for conversations with Gara Afonso, Yacov Amihud, Leif
Andersen, Viral Acharya, Roc Armenter, Tom Baxter, Antje Berndt, Alastair Borthwick, Tim Bowler,
Laurent Clerc, Natalie Cox, Tom Deas, Fulvia Fringuelotti, Jason Granet, Vivien Lévy-Garboua, Andrei
Magasiner, John Marynowski, Bill Nelson, Peter Phelan, Michael Roberts, Richard Sandor, Gagan Singh,
Jeremy Stein, Jonathan Wallen, and Nathaniel Wuerffel, as well as seminar and conference participants at
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Stanford University, NYU Stern, Wharton, the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco, the Financial Stability Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
System Committee on Financial Institutions, Regulation, and Markets held at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Kansas City, ES European Winter Meeting 2022, EFA 2022, AFA 2023 in New Orleans, Banque de
France, Symposium on Private Firms at University of Chicago, and Summer Finance Symposium at
London Business School. Duffie is an NBER research associate, a CDI research fellow, and a resident
scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York.
This paper presents preliminary findings and is being distributed to economists and other interested
readers solely to stimulate discussion and elicit comments. The views expressed in this paper are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the
Federal Reserve System. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the author(s).
To view the authors’ disclosure statements, visit
1 Introduction
In the US, most bank credit to corporate borrowers takes the form of revolving credit lines that
give borrowers the option to draw any amount of credit, up to an agreed line limit, at any time
before maturity and at committed pricing terms. Until 2022, the majority of US corporate loans,
including revolvers, had interest rates set to the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) plus a
fixed spread.
In most of the world, however, banking has made a transition from credit-sensitive
interest rate benchmarks such as LIBOR to new “risk-free” benchmark reference rates such as the
secured overnight financing rate (SOFR). Credit-sensitive reference rates like LIBOR reduce borrowers’
incentives to draw on committed credit lines when the banks’ costs of funding drawdowns are high,
for example during the global financial crisis (GFC) and the COVID recession. Risk-free loan reference
rates, in contrast, typically fall when markets are stressed, encouraging borrowers to draw more
heavily on credit lines just when bank funding costs rise sharply. Because of this, a collection of
large US banks argued that transitioning to risk-free reference rates may reduce ex-ante incentives
for providing bank credit.
This paper shows how the choice of loan reference rate affects the supply of revolving credit lines.
We show that bank shareholders bear a disproportionate share of the interest expense for funding
line draws, a form of debt overhang. This debt-overhang wedge is priced ex-ante into the terms of
credit lines. The resulting adverse impact on credit provision is mitigated by using credit-sensitive
reference rates such as LIBOR that reduce borrowers’ incentives to draw on their lines when LIBOR
is high, which is most often when a bank’s funding spreads are high.
We show that the transition from LIBOR to SOFR will indeed lead to much heavier drawdowns
on credit lines when bank credit spreads rise sharply. Our calibrated representative bank prices this
behavior into the terms of new lines, increasing the expected cost of drawn credit by about 15 basis
points, reducing total line commitments by about 5%, and reducing the expected quantity of drawn
credit by about 3%. The corresponding welfare loss is about 3%. We also show that although these
results are quite sensitive to certain modeling assumptions, they are qualitatively robust.
Our analysis proceeds in three steps. First, we provide a simple equilibrium model of credit
We find that at the end of 2019, more than 70% of all US bank-firm lending referenced LIBOR as the underlying
floating interest rate.
See the letter of September 23, 2019 of banks in the Credit Sensitivity Group to Randall Quarles, vice chair of
supervision of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Joseph Otting, Comptroller of the Currency, and
Jelena McWilliams, Chair Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
provision. We show that giving borrowers the option to draw funds at a pre-agreed fixed spread
over a floating reference rate induces a debt-overhang cost to bank shareholders that is roughly
equal to the covariance between the quantity of line draws and credit spreads on bank funding
transactions. This debt-overhang wedge inefficiently dampens banks’ incentives to offer committed
lines of credit. However, the adverse impact on the provision of credit lines is attenuated to the extent
that (1) reference rates are credit-sensitive, which reduces borrowers’ incentives to draw heavily
under stressed-market conditions and (2) drawn funds are expected to be left on deposit at the bank,
thus reducing the bank’s funding costs.
The second part of our analysis is an empirical evaluation of funding costs associated with the
provision of revolving credit. We use several data sources, including confidential bank-level data
from the Federal Reserve, such as reporting forms FR 2052a, FR Y-14Q, and FR 2420, which cover the
largest US bank holding companies (BHCs). The high granularity of the balance-sheet data collected
in the FR2052a dataset—designed to monitor the liquidity profile of large US BHCs—allows us to
pin down the composition and dynamics of bank funding costs for large US BHCs in much more
detail than was possible in prior work.
As of the end of 2019, for our main sample consisting of the 20 largest US BHCs, non-financial
firms borrowed more from large banks by utilizing credit lines ($544 billion) than with conventional
term loans and other forms of commercial and industrial (C&I) lending ($444 billion). Moreover, the
largest 20 BHCs alone had around $1.3 trillion of undrawn credit-line commitments, more than the
total utilized credit from term lending and revolving credit combined. Contractually, these lines can
be drawn at any time, including under stressed market conditions times when wholesale bank
funding spreads, typified by the difference between LIBOR and overnight index swap (OIS) rates, are
Consistent with the premise of our theoretical model, we find that banks were indeed subject
to substantial drawdowns on credit lines during recent stress episodes, such as the GFC (Ivashina
and Scharfstein, 2010) and the COVID recession (Acharya and Steffen, 2020; Greenwald, Krainer,
and Paul, 2020). However, we show that bank funding sources were much different across these
two episodes. During the GFC, most line draws were not left on deposit. Instead a large fraction of
the funds left the banking sector, causing banks to fund the drawdowns with other new borrowing
just when wholesale bank funding spreads were extremely high (Acharya and Mora, 2015). In
contrast, we show that during the COVID recession, drawdowns were generally of a “precautionary”
nature. That is, firms largely kept the drawn funds in their corporate deposit accounts. Given their
uncertainty regarding their own future credit quality over the course of the ensuing pandemic, many
firms plausibly chose to draw the cash on their lines before their banks might have invoked covenants
that could have blocked them from doing so. We estimate that for every dollar drawn, an average
of 89 cents was placed into low-interest-rate corporate deposit accounts at the same set of banks.
Moreover, rates on uninsured corporate deposits did not exhibit sensitivity to the LIBOR-OIS spread.
Banks raised the remaining needed funds with secured advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank
(FHLBs), which tended to be cheaper than unsecured wholesale funding. Unlike during the GFC,
the high fraction of line draws that were left on deposit during COVID significantly insulated bank
shareholders from the costs of funding the draws, on average across banks. Nevertheless, some large
regional banks funded a substantially larger part of their drawdowns with FHLB advances. Thus,
even during the COVID recession, elevated funding costs arising from committed credit lines did
materialize for this subset of banks.
Were it not for the debt-overhang cost to bank shareholders of funding line draws, the choice of
reference rate would merely determine how funding-cost risks are shared between banks and their
corporate borrowers. With risk-free reference rates, banks bear the majority of this risk, whereas
with credit-sensitive reference rates, corporate borrowers absorb the bulk of this risk. However, our
paper brings to light a funding-cost wedge that is not related to risk sharing: the ex-ante expected
debt-overhang cost to bank shareholders associated with funding committed credit to corporate
borrowers at a pre-agreed spread to a reference rate. This wedge, roughly equal to the covariance
between bank funding spreads and the quantity of drawn credit, is higher under new risk-free
reference rates than under legacy credit-sensitive reference rates. For the alternative of term lending,
transitioning to risk-free reference rates does not affect this wedge because the quantity of credit is
fixed, eliminating the covariance component of expected bank funding costs. Reference-rate transition
therefore has a negligible impact on the incentives of banks to supply term loans.
In the third and final part of our analysis, we combine our theoretical and empirical results into a
calibrated equilibrium model of credit-line provision and estimate the impact on credit supply of
the transition from the legacy credit-sensitive reference rate, LIBOR, to the risk-free reference rate,
SOFR. For our calibrated representative bank, we find that transition from LIBOR to SOFR implies a
moderate reduction in both aggregate credit-line commitments and expected line draws, 5% and
3%, respectively. However, our model predicts a dramatic change in line utilization across states
of the world. The transition from LIBOR to SOFR increases the amount drawn by borrowers when
LIBOR-OIS is high. Borrowers will exploit the opportunity to draw on SOFR-linked lines under
stressed market conditions, to a much greater extent than they would for LIBOR-linked lines. For
instance, we estimate that in a scenario in which wholesale bank funding spreads reach GFC levels,
draws on SOFR lines will be nearly 55% higher than they would be on LIBOR lines. Because of
this, in equilibrium, the fixed spread over SOFR offered to credit-line customers incorporates the
increased cost to bank shareholders of funding more line draws when LIBOR-OIS is elevated. As a
consequence, when bank funding spreads are at normal low levels, borrowers will draw less credit on
lines linked to SOFR than they would have on lines linked to LIBOR. For our representative calibrated
bank, we find that a welfare-maximizing reference rate has about 80% of the credit sensitivity of
LIBOR. The welfare-maximal reference rate is estimated to be much closer to SOFR, however, for
banks with much lower funding costs than our representative calibrated bank.
Our calibration also implies that the impact of LIBOR-SOFR transition on credit supply varies
markedly across types of banks. Banks that face less severe debt overhang—whether due to lower
wholesale funding spreads or higher expected deposit inflows from drawn credit—are less affected
by the transition, or may even increase overall credit provision. As we discuss in more detail in
Section 6, our analysis suggests that low-debt-overhang banks may gain market share and that the
aggregate impact on credit provision of the transition from LIBOR to SOFR is thus likely to be more
muted than would be suggested by our partial-equilibrium analysis, especially for a borrower with a
low cost of switching its banking relationship to a new bank. A broader equilibrium analysis that
incorporates the industrial organization of banking relationships is, however, beyond the scope of
this paper.
Our analysis helps explain why some US banks have argued that the transition to risk-free
reference rates will exacerbate bank funding shocks and reduce incentives for credit provision. In
September 2019, a collection of banks, predominantly large regional banks that we show are the most
affected by this transition,
wrote to bank regulators:
Our empirical analysis shows that regional banks experienced significantly less depositing of line draws during the
COVID recession than did the larger money-center banks, and that regional banks have historically had somewhat higher
funding spreads.
“Specifically, borrowers may find the availability of low cost credit in the form of SOFR-linked credit lines
committed prior to the market stress very attractive and borrowers may draw-down those lines to ‘hoard’
liquidity. The natural consequence of these forces will either be a reduction in the willingness of lenders to
provide credit in a SOFR-only environment, particularly during periods of economic stress, and/or an increase
in credit pricing through the cycle. In a SOFR-only environment, lenders may reduce lending even in a stable
economic environment, because of the inherent uncertainty regarding how to appropriately price lines of credit
committed in stable times that might be drawn during times of economic stress.”
Banking regulators responded by convening the Credit Sensitivity Group,
a group of these banks
that were invited to a series of meetings at the New York Fed to discuss this issue and eventually to
consider a “credit sensitive rate/spread that could be added to SOFR.”
Since January 2022, supervisory guidance provided in interagency statements has suggested that
US banks should not reference LIBOR in their loan contracts.
Banks have generally followed the
guidance of the Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) and now use primarily SOFR as
their loan reference rate. For example, ARRC reported that over 95% of US syndicated loans issued
in April 2022 referenced SOFR.
LIBOR is no longer acceptable as a reference rate because of the small number of wholesale
unsecured funding transactions at short maturities that are available to support a robust daily fixing
of LIBOR. The reporting of US dollar LIBOR is scheduled to end on June 30, 2023.
This does not
rule out the possibility that some banks may choose to link some of their corporate lending contracts
to other credit-sensitive reference rates.
Our work is the first to probe the implications of reference rate choice for incentives to provide
credit, and the first to quantify the impacts of reference rate transition on credit provision based on
detailed data on bank assets and liabilities.
The rest of the paper unfolds as follows. Section 2 relates our work to the most relevant prior
See Transition from LIBOR: Credit Sensitivity Group Workshops, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, February 04,
See, for instance, SR 20-27 which states: Given consumer protection, litigation, and reputation risks, the agencies believe
entering into new contracts that use USD LIBOR as a reference rate after December 31, 2021, would create safety and soundness risks
and will examine bank practices accordingly.
See Alternative Reference Rates Committee May 18 Meeting Readout, May 18, 2022.
See "Federal Reserve Board invites comment on proposal that provides default rules for certain contracts that use the
LIBOR reference rate, which will be discontinued next year," Press Release, Federal Reserve Board, July 19, 2023.
Alternative US dollar credit sensitive reference rates currently include Ameribor, BSBY, and AXI. One of the authors of
this paper, Duffie, is a co-author of the proposal for AXI (Berndt, Duffie, and Zhu, 2020), but has no related compensation
or affiliation with its commercialization.
research. Section 3 provides a simple equilibrium model of credit-line provision. Section 4 describes
our data. Our main empirical analysis, in Section 5, consists of mapping bank funding risk for
large US BHCs and quantifying the importance of reference rates in mitigating funding shocks. In
Section 6, we calibrate our theoretical model to key empirical moments and quantify the effects of
the LIBOR-SOFR transition on credit-line supply and welfare-maximal reference rates. Section 7
2 Related Literature
Our paper is related to at least three strands of the literature. First, we contribute to the literature on
bank liquidity provision through revolving credit lines. Credit lines allow firms to access funds on
demand and can thus provide insurance against liquidity shocks (Holmström and Tirole, 1998). Banks
that are financed by deposits are naturally well positioned to provide this type of liquidity insurance
(Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein, 2002; Gatev and Strahan, 2006).
Existing work on the pricing of credit
lines typically emphasizes that drawdowns are more likely when a borrower’s financial condition
deteriorates (Thakor, Hong, and Greenbaum, 1981). Adverse selection with respect to borrower
credit quality thus creates incentives for banks to screen borrowers and to price credit lines with a
combination of spreads and fees (Thakor and Udell, 1987; Berg, Saunders, and Steffen, 2016). Our
paper focuses on a previously unstudied aspect of credit-line provision that stems from bank debt
overhang costs. We show that an extra source of debt overhang arises from the covariance between
bank funding spreads and the quantity of line draws. The associated cost to bank shareholders is
priced into line terms and inefficiently dampens the provision of revolving credit. We further show
that credit-sensitive reference rates mitigate the adverse impact of this debt-overhang wedge, relative
to risk-free reference rates.
Our paper also adds to prior work on elevated drawdowns during times of distress. During
the GFC, many non-financial firms drew on committed credit lines (see, for example, Ivashina and
Scharfstein, 2010; Campello, Giambona, Graham, and Harvey, 2011; Acharya and Mora, 2015).
Empirical evidence from Brown, Gustafson, and Ivanov (2021) and Santos and Viswanathan (2020) suggests that credit
lines indeed insure firms against liquidity shocks, although Chodorow-Reich, Darmouni, Luck, and Plosser (2021) find that
this insurance is only available to large firms but not to small firms. Other important work on credit lines includes Sufi
(2009), Acharya, Almeida, Ippolito, and Perez (2014), and Acharya, Almeida, Ippolito, and Orive (2020). Kiernan, Yankov,
and Zikes (2021) studies how interbank fronting networks mitigate bank funding risk in syndicated credit lines, from the
perspective of the borrower’s ability to quickly receive funds.
See also Berrospide, Meisenzahl, and Sullivan (2012), Acharya, Almeida, Ippolito, and Orive (2020), and Chodorow-
Drawdowns possibly resulted from concern by borrowers about their banks’ abilities to provide
credit in the future (Ivashina and Scharfstein, 2010; Ippolito, Peydró, Polo, and Sette, 2016). During
the COVID recession, firms drew on existing credit lines to an even larger extent than during the
GFC, with $300 billion to $500 billion drawn in March 2020 alone (Li, Strahan, and Zhang, 2020;
Acharya and Steffen, 2020) and these draws were accompanied by a large increase in deposits (Li
et al., 2020; Levine et al., 2021).
Using the novel FR 2052a data, we provide more detailed information on drawdowns and deposit
flows during the COVID recession. In contrast to the GFC, we show that drawing induced by COVID
was largely precautionary, in that borrowers left most of their drawn funds on deposit. Our evidence
bearing on the dynamics of bank balance sheets during the COVID recession thus emphasizes that
most banks did not need to raise costly external funding. However, heavy drawing on lines impinges
on bank capital requirements because drawn credit weighs more heavily on required capital than
unfunded commitments (Acharya, Engle, and Steffen, 2021; Greenwald, Krainer, and Paul, 2020;
Kapan and Minoiu, 2021).
Second, our paper adds to recent research concerning the transition from LIBOR to risk-free
reference rates.
Jermann (2019) shows that LIBOR-linked loan revenues act as a form of insurance
to banks against risks to their funding costs. Jermann (2021) shows, in effect, that SOFR is not as
effective as LIBOR for hedging his risk. Kirti (2022) models how reference rate choice affects loan
provision in a model with risk-averse banks and risk-averse borrowers. The risk-sharing properties of
alternative reference rates are not our concern. We focus instead on the implications of reference rate
choice for the equilibrium supply of credit lines. We calibrate an equilibrium model of credit line
provision and estimate the impact to both prices and quantities of switching from LIBOR to SOFR.
We find that the expected pricing of drawn credit is likely to be higher under SOFR, relative to LIBOR,
because banks adjust the terms of revolvers to reflect debt-overhang costs to their shareholders. By
Reich and Falato (2022).
After the 1998 Russian default, banks also experienced both credit-line drawdowns and transaction deposit inflows
(Gatev, Schuermann, and Strahan, 2007).
There is also work on LIBOR as a measure of bank funding costs, documenting historical divergences between
LIBOR and risk-free rates, such as SOFR or SOFR proxies. For example, Schrimpf and Sushko (2019) and Abate (2020)
document that the LIBOR-SOFR was extremely elevated for extended periods of time during past financial market stress
and recessions. Kuo, Skeie, and Vickery (2018) find that during the GFC, LIBOR broadly tracked alternative measures
of short-term bank funding costs but they also document a large dispersion in bank borrowing costs not captured by
LIBOR. However, Bowman, Scotti, and Vojtech (2020) question whether LIBOR is even a good measure of the marginal
funding costs of banks, noting that (1) wholesale unsecured funding is a tiny fraction of GSIB and non-GSIB liabilities and
(2) depending on time period and type of term SOFR (in arrears versus in advance), SOFR can be more correlated with
average funding costs than LIBOR.
contrast, our theory implies essentially no impact on term lending. This aligns with recent evidence
provided by Klingler and Syrstad (2022), who find only a small effect of reference rate transition on
the pricing of floating-rate bonds.
Third, we contribute to the theoretical literature on reference rates. Santomero (1983), Chang,
Rhee, and Pong (1995), and Kirti (2020) provide a rationale for floating-rate loans based on the
assumption that banks are risk averse. Ho and Saunders (1983) analyze hedging in the context of
fixed-rate unfunded loan commitments. Their model also highlights the importance of the covariance
between borrower draws and loan costs for pricing at origination. Risk aversion plays no role in
our analysis. In any case, only the credit-spread component of bank funding costs matters in our
analysis because uncertain changes in risk-free interest rates do not contribute to debt overhang in
this setting. By contrast, prior work that focuses on hedging total interest expense, including the
above cited work and Bowman, Scotti, and Vojtech (2020), applies even to banks that have no credit
spreads. In our model, banks maximize equity market value; they are not risk averse.
3 A Model of Credit Line Provision
This section provides a simple equilibrium model of credit lines that shows the degree to which
banks’ incentives to provide credit lines are affected by the choice of the floating reference rate. In
Section 6, we calibrate this model to the empirical experience with LIBOR credit lines originated by
large US banks, illustrating the potential impact of reference rate transition and the key economic
channels at work.
Credit lines are contracted at time 0, giving a borrower the option to draw on the line at time 1 at
an interest rate equal to a fixed contractual spread over the reference rate. We also analyze special
cases in which the reference rate
is either a credit-sensitive rate like LIBOR or the risk-free rate
These interest rates apply to loans funded at time 1 and maturing at time 2.
At time 0, as depicted in Figure 1, the bank offers the borrower a menu
s(L)) : L
credit-line terms distinguished by the size
of the line and the associated fixed spread
the variable loan benchmark rate
. The borrower selects its preferred choice
from this
menu. At time 1, information reveals the rates
, and the credit spread
of the bank for unsecured
wholesale funding maturing at time 2. By “wholesale," we mean that bank creditors break even in
market value by providing marginal quantities of new funding to the bank at the interest rate
r + S
and borrower
negotiate the line amount L
and the spread s over
the reference rate R.
reference rate R is realized.
Borrower draws q L and deposits d.
Bank funds q d at wholesale rate r + S.
ower pays bank q(1 + R + s).
If the bank survives, it pays
(q d)( 1 + r + S) + d(1 + r).
Figure 1:
Model timeline.
A credit-sensitive reference rate
such as LIBOR is of the form
r + W
, for some
credit-spread benchmark W. With a risk-free reference rate, for example SOFR, R = r.
At time 1, after observing
, and
, the borrower chooses the quantity
q L
of cash to draw
and leaves
d q
of the drawn funds on deposit at the same bank. In this basic version of the
model, the deposited fraction
ϕ = d/q
can be contingent on the state of the market at time 1 but
is exogenously chosen. In Appendix C, we endogenize
based on the borrower’s fear that the
condition of the borrower or the bank may deteriorate so as to block drawing on the line at an
intermediate date before maturity.
As shown in Figure 1, the undeposited quantity
q d
of drawn cash is funded by the bank at its
unsecured wholesale rate
r + S
. The interest rate offered to the borrower on the deposited amount
is assumed to be the risk-free rate
. (Empirically, we will later show that the interest rate paid
on corporate transaction deposits is near the risk-free rate.) At time 2, the bank’s total assets and
total liabilities are revealed and the bank is either solvent or not. For simplicity, the bank will not
default before time 2 because the bank has no liabilities maturing before time 2. If solvent at time
2, the bank pays back
( q d)(
+ r + S) + d(
+ r)
on the funding that it obtained at time 1. The
corporate borrower repays
+ R + s(L))
on the line, and receives
+ r)
in interest, whether or
not the bank is solvent at time 2. For simplicity, our basic model assumes that the borrower will
not default on the credit line. Borrower default risk plays no significant role in the debt-overhang
channel that is central to our results. It remains to specify the preferences of the bank’s shareholders
and the borrower, and then solve for the equilibrium line size
, contractual spread
, and amount
q drawn.
At time 1, the benefit to the borrower of access to
in cash
, where
is a liquidity-
preference shock that is revealed at time 1 and
is a function in two non-negative variables such that
(i) for any
is increasing, differentiable, and strictly concave with respect to
, and (ii), for
any x, the marginal benefit b
(x, y) of cash is at least 1 and is increasing in the outcome y of ψ.
At time 1, given the committed size
of the credit line and the borrower’s observations of
, the borrower chooses the amount
to draw that maximizes the benefit of receiving the
cash, net of the present value of the loan repayment less deposit proceeds. The net present value
to the borrower of giving up
in deposited cash at time 1 and receiving the corresponding cash
+ r)
at time 2 is
qϕ + δqϕ(
+ r) =
0, where
δ =
+ r)
, so we can ignore cash
deposit effects insofar as the borrower’s choice of
. The borrower’s liquidity benefit
however, reflects the benefit of immediate access to both the deposited and undeposited cash amounts.
State by state, Q(L) thus solves
q L
b(q, ψ) qδ(1 + R + s(L)). (1)
In the event that
ψ) δ(
+ R + s(L))
, the optimal cash draw
is zero. In the event
ψ) δ(
+ R + s(L))
, the optimal cash draw
. Otherwise, from the first-order
condition for optimality,
Q(L) = B
δ(1 + R + s(L)), ψ
, (2)
B( ·
is the inverse of
( ·
, meaning that
y) = z
. At time 0, the borrower
chooses the size L
of the credit line that achieves the maximal expected net benefit
b(Q(L), ψ) Q(L)δ(1 + R + s(L) )
f L, (3)
0 is the proportional line fee.
To simplify, we assume that the line fee
f L
bank shareholders for the cost of meeting any capital requirements associated with the committed
Our modeling of the liquidity benefit to the borrower is of a reduced form. Benefits from liquidity insurance can
be motivated, for instance, by a borrower’s ability to avoid liquidating otherwise profitable projects when obtaining an
amount of credit q when subject to a liquidity shock (see for example, Holmström and Tirole, 1998).
For notational simplicity, we vary from how revolver terms are stated in practice, with a proportional fee
on only the
undrawn amount
L Q(L)
and a fixed spread
over the reference rate
on the drawn amount. These contractual terms
are equivalent to those of our model, by taking
s = s(L) f
. The difference is purely notational. There are no implications
for drawn rates, line size, drawn amounts, or any other substantive equilibrium quantities.
line size
. There is also an equity capital requirement
for the drawn
, for
some constant capital ratio C.
From Theorem 1 of Andersen, Duffie, and Song (2019), the marginal increase
at time 1 in the
equity value of the bank associated with the given contractual credit line terms (L, s(L)) is
G(L) = p
δ(1 + C)(1 ϕ)Q(L)S, (4)
where p
is the conditional probability
at time 1 of bank solvency at time 2, and
= δQ(L)(1 + R + s(L)) Q(L)
is the bank’s profit on the drawn line, which is the net present value of the loan cash flows. The first
term of
is the expectation at time 1 of credit-line profit going to bank shareholders, noting that
equity owners get paid at time 2 if and only if the bank is solvent. The second term of (4),
τ = p
δ(1 + C)(1 ϕ)Q(L)S, (5)
is the debt-overhang cost to bank shareholders of funding
at the wholesale spread
For large US banks, the factor
+ C)
is typically close to 1 and the majority of the debt-overhang
wedge is the product of the bank’s wholesale credit spread
and the quantity
required wholesale (non-deposit) funding.
When the credit line is contracted at time zero, the bank prices the expected debt-overhang wedge
into the terms of the line. This expected wedge includes the effect of covariance between the
The impacts of capital requirements on credit provision are widely discussed in the literature. For example, Favara,
Infante, and Rezende (2022) show how drawdowns during March 2020 reduced bank participation in Treasury markets.
The market value of the bank’s equity at time 1, for some incremental quantity
of credit-line customers, is
V(c) =
[(X + cY)
, where
denotes conditional expectation at time 1,
is the payoff at time 2 of the bank’s legacy assets
net of its legacy liabilities, and
is the cash flow at time 2 per unit of credit-line customers, net of the associated payback
on the associated funding. Under mild technical regularity conditions, the marginal value of a credit line customer at time
1 is shown in Andersen, Duffie, and Song (2019) to be
, which is the right derivative
of the market value
of the bank’s equity with respect to the incremental quantity
of customers contracting credit lines with the bank,
evaluated at
c =
0. A sufficient set of technical conditions is that the legacy bank liabilities total to a fixed constant and
that X and Y are integrable and have a joint probability density function.
Given the fractional loss
at default to the bank’s unsecured creditors, we can solve for the credit spread
S = (
and substitute
. As shown by Andersen, Duffie, and Song (2019), for a borrower with default risk
that is positively correlated with the default risk of the bank, there is also a risk-shifting benefit to bank shareholders
δ cov
, where 1
is the indicator of the event
of bank solvency and cov
denotes covariance conditional on
information available at time 1. This term is zero in our setting because the borrower is default free.
credit spread
and the required quantity
of wholesale funding. Section 5 explains
that, empirically, this covariance has been significantly positive for LIBOR credit lines because firms
have tended to draw heavily on their revolvers when bank credit spreads are sharply elevated. In
Section 6, we calibrate this model to empirical evidence for LIBOR-linked credit lines. With the
resulting calibrated model, we show that most corporate borrowers will draw even more heavily on
SOFR-linked lines when bank wholesale funding spreads spike, given the opportunity to borrow
at a drawn rate that is far below LIBOR. This increases the covariance between the bank’s required
amount wholesale funding per credit line and the bank’s wholesale funding spread, exacerbating the
debt-overhang wedge for the representative calibrated large bank.
We also show in Section 6 that the resulting potential adverse impact of reference-rate transition
on credit provision is mitigated for banks with low debt-overhang wedges, whether due to high
levels of capitalization (low S), or an expectation of a high fraction ϕ of depositing of line draws.
We assume that the bank maximizes the initial market value of its equity and Bertrand-competes
against other banks of the same credit quality for providing credit lines. At time 0, the bank therefore
offers the borrower, for any line size
, a fixed spread
at which the bank’s shareholders break
even on marginal new credit lines, implying that
E[G(L)] =
0. This pins down the contractual spread
s(L) =
Q(L)(1 δ (1 + R (1 + C)(1 ϕ)S) )]
. (6)
The borrower then solves
for the optimal line amount
. An alternative would be to model
imperfect competition between banks, which would be more realistic with respect to the magnitudes
of profit markups, but would not alter the thrust of our characterization of the effect of reference
rate choice on incentives for loan provision. This is so because the rents associated with imperfect
competition are likely to be about the same for LIBOR-linked lines as for SOFR-linked lines.
In summary, in our setting, the switch from credit-sensitive reference rates like LIBOR to risk-free
reference rates could increase the expected pricing of credit obtained on committed lines because
borrowers will draw more credit when bank funding costs are sharply elevated. Section 6 shows,
As calibrated in Section 6 to empirical data for our sample of large banks, spanning 2015-2021, the borrower’s liquidity
and the bank’s funding spread
are affiliated random variables. This is so because the calibrated model has
ψ = (K(S) + e)
, where
is strictly increasing and
is independent of
. The affiliation of
and the concavity
of the liquidity benefit function
b( ·
imply that the drawn quantity
δ(1 + r + s(L))), ψ
are also affiliated for
the risk-free reference, and this covariance
is anticipated to be higher than for the case of a credit-sensitive
reference rate.
however, that this simple effect is sharply reduced, or even reversed, if corporate borrowers deposit a
sufficiently high fraction of their drawn credit. In Section 5 we therefore focus attention on the extent
to which corporate borrowers deposit their line draws under stressed market conditions, such as
during the COVID recession. We show that this propensity to deposit depends significantly on the
type of bank. We also show in Section 6 that the impact of reference rate choice on borrower welfare
has a somewhat different character, and also depends importantly on bank quality.
4 Data
Our empirical analysis builds mainly on two confidential data sets available at the Federal Reserve:
the FR 2052a and the FR Y-14Q. We use several additional sources such as the FR Y-9C, FR 2420,
FRED, RateWatch, Bloomberg, S&P Compustat, and Capital IQ. Here, we briefly describe these data.
A more detailed documentation of the data can be found in Appendix A.
Our primary data source is the FR 2052a data collection, which is designed to monitor the
liquidity profile of large US bank holding companies (BHCs). The respondent panel consists of
BHCs designated as global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) and foreign banking organizations
(FBOs) with US broker-dealer assets greater than $100 billion. The data collection was started in
December 2015 and expanded to a larger panel of banks in July 2017. This data source has two crucial
advantages over publicly available regulatory bank filings such as the FR Y-9C. First, the FR 2052a
data are more granular and report assets and liabilities by product type, maturity, collateral status,
and counterparty. This additional granularity allows us to establish several previously unreported
facts about US banks’ funding structures and exposures to variation in bank funding spreads. For
instance, Appendix Figure A.1 illustrates how the FR2052a data allow us to break down deposits and
wholesale funding by more detailed categories than would be possible from the publicly available
data in FR Y-9C. Second, the data are collected at a higher frequency. Firms with $700 billion or more
in total consolidated assets or $10 trillion or more in assets under custody must submit a report on
each business day. Firms with more than $50 billion but less than $700 billion in consolidated assets
report at the end of each month. These higher frequencies allow us to document how bank balance
sheets evolved during the COVID recession more precisely than was possible in previous work.
Our second main data source is the FR Y-14Q data collection, which is a supervisory data set
maintained by the Federal Reserve to support capital stress testing. The reporting institutions
comprise US BHCs, intermediate holding companies (IHCs) of foreign banking organizations, and
savings and loan holding companies with more than $100 billion in total consolidated assets. We
use the corporate loan schedule (H.1) and the commercial real estate schedule (H.2). Both schedules
contain loan-level information for commitments of at least $1 million. These data allow us to study
how reference rates are used in C&I and CRE lending. The corporate loan schedule (H.1) also
includes borrower reference information such as employer identification numbers (EINs), stock
tickers, and CUSIPs. We use these reference data to merge firm financials from S&P Compustat and
Capital IQ to analyze firm-level drawdowns and cash management during the COVID shock.
Combining the above data sets with publicly available information from the FR Y-9C and bank
call reports, our primary sample of banks consists of 24 of the largest US banks. We exclude the
US operations of foreign banks from the parts of our analysis that rely on the FR 2052a, as we do
not observe the full liability profile for these institutions. For our analysis, we distinguish between
different bank types: “universal” banks, “regional” banks, credit-card firms, trusts, and investment
banks. For some analyses, namely when using the FR Y-14Q to identify details on bank loan terms,
we restrict our sample further to a subset of 20 banks that reported Y-14Q data as of December 31,
2019. A list of all banks in our sample, their types, and the panels in which they report can be found
in Appendix Table A.1.
We also construct measures of bank funding rates using various sources. First, we use the FR
2420 to construct these measures for corporate deposits, interbank deposits, and other deposit and
wholesale funding rates. The FR 2420 is a transaction-based report that collects daily liability data on
federal funds purchased, certificates of deposits (CDs), and selected deposits by counterparty type,
allowing us to distinguish between rates paid by financial versus non-financial counterparties. The
reporting panel comprises US commercial banks and thrifts that have $18 billion or more in total
assets. Bank savings and checking deposit rates are taken from RateWatch. Additional information
on bank funding costs is sourced from FRED and Bloomberg, including term LIBOR, SOFR, and
BSBY rates. We also source data on fixed-rate advances provided by the Federal Home Loan Banks
(FHLBs) of Des Moines, Pittsburgh and Dallas.
5 Bank Funding Exposures and Revolving Credit at Large US Banks
In this section, we analyze the empirical implications of the provision of revolving credit for bank
funding risk. First, we provide a set of key facts about the composition of bank funding and document
the historical sensitivity of various bank funding rates to measures of bank funding spreads such
as the LIBOR-OIS spread. We measure LIBOR-OIS as the difference between three-month LIBOR
and three-month overnight index swap rates (OIS), for which the underlying rate is the effective fed
funds rate. Second, we investigate the extent to which revolving credit could pose bank funding risk
by studying the outstanding amounts of revolving credit for BHCs and the funding of drawdowns,
during both the COVID recession and the GFC.
5.1 The Composition of Bank Deposit and Wholesale Funding
Table 1 provides evidence bearing on the composition of bank funding, as reported in the FR 2052a,
allowing us to establish several important novel facts about the composition of bank funding. In
Panel A of Table 1 we report deposits by counterparty, maturity, and type. The level of granularity
offered by the FR 2052a was not available for US banks before the recent introduction of the FR 2052a
As of December 2019, deposits account for 59% of total bank assets. The largest providers of
bank deposits are retail customers, who provide around 50% of all deposit funding. The second most
important source of deposit funding is non-financial corporate deposits (23%) followed by deposits
from financial institutions (15%) and small businesses (7%). Most financial deposits are held by
non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), around 11%.
Across all counterparty types, more than 91% of all deposits are without a specified maturity
date and available on demand—this form of deposit is referred to as “open.” Time deposits are
uncommon. The share of deposits with a fixed term is largest among retail depositors, at less than
14%. Retail and small-business deposits are mostly FDIC insured, in contrast to deposits from all
other counterparties, which are almost entirely uninsured. Further, most deposits around 62%
are considered stable, labeled as “relationship” accounts in Table 1, and are thus unlikely to cause an
There is also heterogeneity across banks, see for instance Table E.1 in the Appendix that shows cross-bank distributions.
While most banks predominantly rely on retail deposits, the reliance on these deposits varies, as the interquartile range
varies from 43% to 83%. Regional banks are slightly more reliant on retail and small business deposits than the rest of the
increase in banks’ funding costs under stressed market conditions.
Finally, only a small portion of
deposits (under 5%) are brokered deposits, which are less stable and more rate-sensitive.
We turn next to the composition of wholesale funding in Panel (B) of Table 1. Around 16% of
outstanding bank assets are financed by wholesale funding. Reflecting regulatory reforms after the
GFC, the majority of wholesale funding of large US BHCs is longer term. As of December 2019, less
than one-third of outstanding wholesale funding was expected to mature within 12 months and only
13% within one month (see also Anderson, Du, and Schlusche, 2021). Most wholesale funding is
provided through unstructured or structured long-term debt issues, which together account for 71%
of total wholesale funding
and are mostly at fixed interest rates.
The second most important type of wholesale funding is an advance from a Federal Home Loan
Bank (FHLB). Banks that join the FHLB system can obtain secured loans from FHLBs, which in turn
raise funds from money market funds (Gissler and Narajabad, 2017). FHLB advances are typically
secured by real estate mortgages and a “super lien” on other bank assets. The maturity of FHLB
advances can range from very short term (overnight) to very long term (30 years). Overall, FHLB
funding is an important source of bank funding and accounts for 8% of wholesale funding.
There is relatively little reliance on other forms of wholesale funding, especially types of funding
that have significant credit sensitivity. For instance, large US banks rely very little on unsecured fund-
ing sources such as wholesale certificates of deposits (2.4%) and commercial paper (1.2%). Instead,
banks more often use secured funding provided by conduits (such as asset-backed commercial paper),
which constitute around 6% of wholesale funding. Free credits (deposits placed at broker-dealers)
account for around 6% of wholesale funding, half of which come from prime-brokerage clients.
We use categories of funding as defined in the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) rule to identify these types of deposits. For
retail and small business deposits, relationships accounts consist of transaction accounts (for example, demand deposits)
or non-transaction accounts (for example, savings accounts). For corporates and other counterparty types, relationship
accounts are operational deposits, defined as those used for cash management, clearing, or custody services.
Structured debt refers to debt instruments with original maturity greater than one year whose principal or interest
payments are linked to an underlying asset (for example, commodity-linked notes). Unstructured debt refers to vanilla
products with original maturity greater than one year, for instance floating rate notes linked to indexes like LIBOR or
effective fed funds or with standard embedded options (that is, call/put).
According to data obtained from Bloomberg, we find that most of long-term bank debt is fixed rate. Only 29% of
claims are floating rate, and of those 11% reference LIBOR, see Table E.2.
There is also cross-sectional variation in the types of wholesale funding used. For instance, regional banks rely more
on FHLB advances, which made up around 30% of their wholesale funding as of December 31, 2019. These regional
banks’ overall lending tends to have a larger share of C&I lending. They also rely relatively more on deposit funding
than the average bank, as 76% of all assets are financed by deposits and only around 11% by wholesale funding. The US
operations of FBOs also have a substantially different funding profile than the domestic U.S. banks. Nearly all deposits
are uninsured, and the US operations of FBOs rely primarily on corporate deposits and internal funding from overseas
branches (via deposits or wholesale funding). We exclude FBOs from our primary analyses because we do not observe the
full consolidated asset and liability profile of the institution – only that of their US operations.
Table 1: Deposit and Wholesale Funding Breakdown as of December 31, 2019
Panel A: Deposit Funding by Counterparty (percent)
Counterparty Open 1 Day- 1 Year+ Uninsured Relation Brokered Total Total
1 Year -ship Deposits Assets
Retail 86.6 9.2 4.2 28.6 67.8 7.2 50.0 29.5
Non-Financial Corp. 96.5 3.3 0.1 96.1 45.2 1.0 23.3 13.7
NBFI 94.7 3.7 1.6 94.6 60.2 1.6 11.2 6.6
Small Business 98.0 1.9 0.1 45.8 80.5 6.0 6.6 3.9
Bank 96.7 2.8 0.5 97.3 65.4 0.1 4.2 2.5
Other Counterparty 90.1 8.9 1.0 95.6 59.1 0.1 2.5 1.5
Public Sector Entity 96.0 3.7 0.2 97.3 50.6 0.3 2.4 1.4
All Counterparties 91.3 6.3 2.4 59.0 61.8 4.4
Panel B: Wholesale Funding by Type (percent)
Product Open- 1-6 6 Months- Long- Collateral Prime Wholesale Total
30 Days Months 1-Year Term -ized Brokerage Funding Assets
Unstructured LTD 1.1 4.5 5.3 89.1 0.0 0.0 59.1 9.1
Structured LTD 3.1 8.4 9.3 79.2 0.0 0.0 12.4 1.9
FHLB 22.5 31.9 13.0 32.6 100.0 0.0 8.1 1.3
Conduit and SPV 13.9 23.3 8.3 54.5 99.4 0.0 6.5 1.0
Free Credits 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.7 6.3 1.0
Other Wholesale 55.7 30.8 10.5 3.1 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.6
Wholesale CDs 15.9 54.9 25.3 3.8 0.0 0.1 2.4 0.4
CP 27.8 64.9 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.2
All Products 13.0 11.2 7.0 68.9 14.6 3.2
Notes: Data Sources: FR2052a, FR Y-9C. Panel A represents the distribution of deposit characteristics by counterparty type across
24 banks in the monthly FR 2052a panel. Other Counterparty includes central banks, debt-issuing special purpose entities (SPEs),
GSEs, multilateral development banks, sovereigns, other supranationals, counterparties categorized as "other" and deposits with
missing information on counterparty type. Maturity information reflects remaining maturity as of Dec. 31, 2019, and not maturity at
origination. Relationship deposits reflect retail and small business deposits classified as transactional accounts (for example, demand
deposits) or non-transactional relationship accounts (e.g. savings accounts), and operational deposits at all other counterparties.
Panel B represents the distribution of wholesale funding characteristics by product type in the monthly FR 2052a panel across all
banks. Conduit and SPV financing includes asset-backed commercial paper, other asset-backed securities, collateralized CP, covered
bonds, and tender option bonds. Other Wholesale Funding includes banks’ draws on committed lines, government supported debt,
onshore and offshore borrowing (for example, fed funds), structured notes, and unsecured notes.
5.2 Sensitivity of Bank Funding Rates to the LIBOR-OIS Spread
To understand which types of funding sources are relatively more expensive to bank shareholders
when used to fund drawdowns, we next study the sensitivity of various types of bank funding rates
to changes in funding conditions. Given the variation in market power, riskiness, sophistication, or
opportunity costs across different counterparties and product types, the extent to which the various
types of short-term debt empirically correlate with LIBOR-OIS spreads may vary.
We thus study the historical sensitivity of bank funding rates that correspond to the different
funding sources listed in Table 1 to LIBOR-OIS during periods of financial distress. Figure 2 shows
data bearing on some key funding rates during the GFC in Panel (a) and during the COVID recession
in Panel (b). During the GFC, LIBOR-OIS started to increase around August 2007, at the collapse of
the asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) market (Covitz, Liang, and Suarez, 2013). Between the
summer of 2007 and September 2008, LIBOR-OIS remained elevated and just below 100bp. Reported
LIBOR rates, however, were downward biased by manipulative reporting (Duffie and Stein, 2015).
LIBOR-OIS returned toward normal levels near the end of the crisis.
Rates for retail deposits (proxied by savings and checking account rates from RateWatch) were
insensitive to movements in LIBOR-OIS spreads during the GFC. This is unsurprising. Most retail
deposits are insured and banks exhibit substantial market power over depositors, implying a low
sensitivity to changes in economic conditions (Driscoll and Judson, 2013; Drechsler, Savov, and
Schnabl, 2017). Rates on financial CP, however, rose sharply with increases in LIBOR-OIS, as shown
in Figure 2. As documented by Ashcraft, Bech, and Frame (2010), rates on “safer" borrowing—such
as collateralized advances from FHLBs—were significantly lower than LIBOR in the early stages of
the crisis, but rates on these somewhat lower-risk instruments also increased at the peak of the GFC.
(a) Global Financial Crisis (b) COVID-19 Recession
Figure 2:
Bank funding rates during financial distress
. Various wholesale and deposit funding rates are
shown for periods covering the GFC (Panel (a)), and COVID pandemic (Panel (b)). Data Sources: FR2420, FRED, Bloomberg,
FDIC, RateWatch, FHLB Des Moines Historical Rate File. “All-in” FHLB spreads are calculated similarly to Ashcraft, Bech,
and Frame (2010), with additional parameters to capture equity cost for FHLB stock. Appendix A provides details. In the
COVID figure, Corporate Wholesale CD and Bank, Corporate, and NBFI O/N deposit rates are calculated from bank-level
transactions in the FR 2420 report. 3M CD rates reflect issuances with maturities between 89 and 92 days. "O/N" refers to
overnight rates. We aggregate trades by date, calculating the median daily interest rate weighted by transaction amount.
We exclude dates with fewer than 10 transactions, and carry forward the prior date’s rate. We then calculate a rolling
average rate that averages the interest rates paid on the five most recent trading dates, to smooth our series.
A similar pattern holds for the COVID recession, as shown in Panel (b) of Figure 2. LIBOR-OIS
increased throughout March, especially once the World Health Organization announced on March 11
that COVID-19 had become a global pandemic. However, LIBOR-OIS reached a much lower peak
than it had during the GFC.
For the COVID episode, we have more precise measures for bank funding costs. For instance,
we can obtain the rates for overnight corporate deposits and rates on deposits held by other banks
or non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs). These rates, unlike retail deposit rates, are sensitive to
the effective fed funds rate. However, spreads of deposit rates over the effective federal funds rate
are relatively insensitive to LIBOR-OIS during the COVID episode.
We find that an increase in
LIBOR-OIS of 100 basis points is associated with a mere 10-basis-point increase in overnight corporate
deposit spreads, a 5-basis-point increase in bank deposit spreads, and a 1-basis-point increase in
NBFI deposit spreads, as illustrated in Appendix Figure E.1.
As expected, wholesale bank funding spreads, such as spreads of corporate wholesale CDs
over OIS, closely track LIBOR-OIS during the COVID recession. A recently introduced Bloomberg
credit-sensitive three-month bank funding rate index, BSBY, also closely tracks LIBOR during the
COVID pandemic. In line with patterns observed during the GFC, “All-in” FHLB spreads also rose,
but peaked at less than 40% of LIBOR-OIS.
Our analysis of funding rate sensitivity shows that deposits are a cheap source of funding for
banks. While this is less surprising for retail deposits, it also holds for corporate deposits and for
open deposits from financial institutions, which are sensitive to risk-free rates but not to LIBOR-
OIS. Wholesale funding is, in contrast, credit sensitive and more expensive. FHLB advances are
the cheapest form of wholesale funding while CDs and CP closely track LIBOR. Our analysis in
Section 5.1 shows that banks make little use of these more credit-sensitive forms of funding and,
to the extent they are used, the funding tends to be longer term and at fixed rates. Our analysis,
however, does not preclude the use of unsecured wholesale funding—which is expensive for bank
shareholders especially during times of distress—to fund drawdowns. We next study the potential
need to fund drawdowns, using the funding sources discussed above.
5.3 Undrawn Commitments
Our theoretical analysis in Section 3 emphasizes that BHCs expose themselves to funding risk when
providing revolving credit. Table 2 shows that this risk is economically large. For the 20 largest
BHC, overall commitments sum to more than $3.5 trillion—more than twice the $1.6 trillion in
We construct these spread by averaging across overnight deposits held by either non-financial corporates, banks or
NBFIs as reported in the FR 2420 and subtract the effective fed funds rate.
Table 2: Bank Credit by Loan Type for Large U.S BHCs as of December 31, 2019
Loan Type Util ($B) Comm ($B) % Utilized No. Banks
All Loans 1579.16 3551.52 44.46 21
Credit Line 543.76 1876.39 28.98 20
Term Loan 310.37 375.26 82.71 20
Other C&I 133.88 540.05 24.79 21
Commercial Real Estate 591.16 759.82 77.80 20
This table displays the distribution of utilized and committed credit across loan products. We source exposures from the
FR Y-14Q Schedule H1 B (corporate loans) and Schedule H2 (commercial real estate). Data are as of 2019q4. We include
only domestic C&I and CRE lending. US subsidiaries of foreign banks are excluded from our analysis. “Other” C&I
loans include non-revolving credit lines, capitalized lease obligations, standby letters of credit, other assets, fronting
exposures, commitments to commit, and exposures classified as “other.”
funded credit across C&I and CRE lending. The BHCs in our sample alone had around $1.3 trillion
of undrawn credit-line commitments, more than the total utilized credit from term lending and
revolving credit combined.
These unfunded commitments represent a substantial risk to bank liquidity if drawn during
times of stressed funding markets when bank credit spreads are elevated. Our theory suggests,
however, that linking lines to credit-sensitive reference rates has historically mitigated this funding
risk. Approximately 70% of these loans are indexed to LIBOR as of 2019 (Appendix Table E.4). Going
forward, this will not be the case. Our theoretical analysis implies that the funding risk associated
with credit lines may become much higher when LIBOR is replaced with a risk-free alternative such
as SOFR.
If borrowers draw on their lines in periods of distress, banks may need to pay expensive funding
costs in order to obtain the cash demanded by their borrowers.
As we show in Section 3, the
funding-spread component of these costs is borne by bank shareholders. However, as we have shown,
the manner in which banks fund these draws significantly influences the funding spreads. We have
shown empirically that corporate deposit rates exhibit almost no credit sensitivity. Thus, the funding
cost to shareholders is minimal if borrowers leave most of their drawn funds on deposit at the same
bank. If, however, banks are forced to obtain funding at more credit-sensitive rates, shareholders can
bear a substantial cost.
For revolving credit lines, borrowers can draw and repay funds at their discretion, at least “on paper.” In practice,
however, not all commitments can be drawn, because covenants (Sufi, 2009) or other loan terms can limit the ability or the
incentives of borrowers to draw (Chodorow-Reich, Darmouni, Luck, and Plosser, 2021). Nonetheless, the extent to which
credit line draws need to be funded is largely out of a bank’s control.
5.4 Dynamics of Assets and Liabilities During Times of Distress
Given the large outstanding unfunded credit commitments of banks and the high associated potential
funding cost to bank shareholders, we next ask: How have bank balance sheets historically evolved
during periods of market stress accompanied by elevated bank funding spreads? Is the covariance
between drawdowns and bank funding spreads—a key determinant of credit supply according to
our theory in Section 3—positive and large? And how are drawdowns actually funded?
As descriptive evidence bearing on the evolution of bank balance sheets, Figure 3 shows cumu-
lative industry-level changes, in billions of dollars, of various balance sheet items in the periods
surrounding the COVID recession and the GFC. For the GFC, we rely on publicly available data
from the Federal Reserve H8 series, sourced via FRED. These data allow us to distinguish between
broad loan types (for example, C&I and home equity lines) on the asset side and, on the liability
side: deposits, interbank funding, and “other borrowing," which pools wholesale funding, FHLB
funding, and borrowing from the Federal Reserve. For the COVID recession, we use FR 2052a data,
which are more detailed. For instance, the FR 2052 gives us the ability to distinguish within the
categories of loans and deposits between counterparty types, allowing us to separate C&I lending to
large corporates and to small businesses. Figure 3 shows the dynamics of bank balance sheets, split
into assets and liabilities. Panels (a) and (b) show the dynamics for large US BHCs, which report
monthly in the FR2052a, around the COVID recession. Panels (c) and (d) show the dynamics for
large domestically chartered banks around the Lehman failure.
There is substantial growth in C&I lending following both shocks, partly or entirely driven by
credit line drawdowns, as shown in Panels (a) and (c) of Figure 3. During the COVID recession, we
observe for our sample of large banks that drawdowns on corporate credit lines increased by close to
$300 billion by April, which is an increase of almost 20% in total C&I lending (Li, Strahan, and Zhang,
2020; Acharya and Steffen, 2020). Most of these draws were from LIBOR-linked facilities
and were
driven by the largest firms (Greenwald, Krainer, and Paul, 2020; Chodorow-Reich, Darmouni, Luck,
and Plosser, 2021). Consistent with the presumption that firms drew on their lines to weather the
market turmoil, line draws were repaid quickly after the bond market started to recover (Darmouni
and Siani, 2022). Following Lehman’s failure, there was a $50 billion (6%) increase in C&I lending
overall, as large corporations drew on their lines in fear of future bank failures (Ivashina and
See Panel (a) of Figure E.3 in the Appendix.
(a) Loans During COVID Recession (b) Funding During COVID Recession
(c) Loans Around the Lehman Failure (d) Funding Around the Lehman Failure
Figure 3:
Industry Assets & Liabilities in Periods of Distress.
This figure shows the evolution of aggregate
assets and liabilities during the GFC (following Lehman’s collapse) and during the COVID pandemic (following the
declaration of the global pandemic in March 2020). Values represent cumulative growth/decreases compared to the starting
month in billions of dollars. Data from the GFC are sourced from the FRED series for large domestically chartered banks,
adjusted for large M&A based on public notes to H8 series. Data from COVID are sourced from the FR 2052a monthly
balanced panel of 24 banks. Due to balance reclassifications between business segments in the FR 2052a, we exclude one
bank from our aggregate series for: small business loans, small business deposits. We include a version of the COVID
graphs for U.S. Branches of FBOs in Appendix Figure E.2.
Scharfstein, 2010).
Altogether, the increase in C&I lending due to drawdowns during both episodes
suggests that the covariance between drawdowns and bank funding spreads is indeed large.
We next turn to the evolution of bank liabilities, shown in Panels (b) and (d) of Figure 3. In
contrast to corporate lending, which increased during both periods, the evolution of bank liabilities
varied more between the COVID pandemic and the Lehman failure. Starting with the COVID
pandemic, we notice that the increase in bank liabilities was driven by debt whose pricing exhibited
limited credit sensitivity. Both corporate and financial deposits increased by around $340 billion
(20%) in March 2020, almost entirely in open-maturity deposits (see Appendix Figure E.3). Rates
on these deposits largely tracked the federal funds rate during the COVID recession and were thus
far cheaper than unsecured wholesale funding (see Figure E.1). We also notice a striking increase
in FHLB advances—nearly $100 billion, or 40% of funding—in March 2020. The reliance on FHLB
advances in distress aligns with evidence from the GFC (Ashcraft, Bech, and Frame, 2010; Acharya
and Mora, 2015), as FHLBs provide cheaper funding than unsecured wholesale markets.
Retail deposits also rose significantly in March of 2020, by $200 billion, with steady increases in
subsequent months. The increase in retail deposits can be explained in part by government stimulus
checks and precautionary savings (Cox, Ganong, Noel, Vavra, Wong, Farrell, Greig, and Deadman,
2020). Small business deposits also increased starting in April-May, likely related to the disbursement
of PPP funds. We also see a decrease in more expensive sources of short-term wholesale funding,
such as commercial paper (CP), certificates of deposits (CDs), and funding from off-balance sheet
conduits. The sole increase in expensive funding was in the form of long-term debt issuance, starting
in April-May 2020, which may have been a response to reduced yields that came on the back of the
Fed’s announcement on March 23 that it would purchase corporate bonds.
Following Lehman’s failure, we see an increase of around $160 billion (approximately 15%) in
“other borrowing”—a broad category of liabilities that includes short-term unsecured wholesale
funding, as well as advances from FHLBs. Deposits grew by over $300 billion (about 9%), of which
There was also a sustained increase in C&I lending after the ABCP run in 2007, partly due to draws on corporate credit
lines (Berrospide, Meisenzahl, and Sullivan, 2012). Further, there was limited growth in other loans after the COVID shock.
Following the March 2020 pandemic declaration, there was a decrease in aggregate retail lending. Small business only
increased in April with the launch of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) (Granja, Makridis, Yannelis, and Zwick, 2022).
After Lehman’s collapse, there were continued draws on home equity lines and consumer loans (and, possibly, credit
cards), although both increases generally followed pre-Lehman growth trends.
See Federal Reserve announces extensive new measures to support the economy, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, March 23, 2021 as well as Boyarchenko, Kovner, and Shachar (2022). Further, note that most of these
aggregate trends for the COVID pandemic also hold true in the cross-section of banks.
a significant portion (by October 2008, nearly 50%) was in more expensive large time deposits. A
crucial difference between the GFC and the COVID recession is that the GFC saw a collapse of
interbank borrowing following Lehman’s failure (Afonso, Kovner, and Schoar, 2011), requiring some
banks to raise additional wholesale funds to make up for the lost interbank funding.
While both of these episodes saw significant credit line drawdowns, the composition of aggregate
bank funding tilts toward more expensive sources during the GFC than during the COVID recession.
During the COVID recession, cheap deposit funding increased and relatively expensive wholesale
funding decreased. In contrast, the evidence suggests that the increase of deposit funding during
the GFC was in the form of relatively more expensive time deposits, especially at weaker banks
(Acharya and Mora, 2015). Further, corporate drawdowns during the GFC were akin to a run on
some banks (Ivashina and Scharfstein, 2010), forcing some banks to turn to relatively expensive
wholesale funding.
5.5 How Credit-Line Drawdowns Are Funded
We next address how banks finance drawdowns. At the bank level, we can exploit the granularity
of FR 2052a data and use cross-sectional variation to tighten our empirical understanding of how
drawdowns are funded during the COVID recession. At the borrower level, we use data from FR
Y-14Q, Compustat, and Capital IQ to study the relationships between drawdowns and cash holdings
during both the COVID recession and the GFC.
Bank-level Evidence.
We first study the raw data and correlate changes in outstanding utilized
C&I exposure from the end of February 2020 through end of April 2020 with changes in corporate
deposits, FHLB advances, and unsecured wholesale funding. The left panel of Figure 4 shows linear
fits. Here, for confidentiality reasons, we group BHCs into bins, with several BHCs per bin.
There is a strong correlation between an increase in C&I loans on the one hand and corporate
deposits and FHLB advances on the other, with the slope being much higher for the former. Thus,
our findings suggest that drawdowns in March and April 2020 were by and large for precautionary
purposes, with corporates drawing their credit lines but leaving the drawn amounts in their deposit
accounts. Firms plausibly chose to draw the cash on their lines before lenders might have invoked
covenants that could have blocked them from doing so at a later stage. Further, to the extent that this
However, this was mostly driven by the largest banks in our sample. For the regional banks in our
sample, captured in in Panel (b), only around 40% of drawdowns were deposited. The regional
banks instead relied on advances from FHLBs, which funded around 40% of additional draws.
Importantly, the banks in our sample did not require additional unsecured wholesale funding to fund
corporate draws, irrespective of their business model. In fact, the largest banks experienced deposit
growth significantly in excess of their drawdowns, as shown in column (5) of Panel (a).
This was
driven by a growth in deposits at non-bank financial institutions, possibly because of Federal Reserve
asset purchases and the concentration of reserve balances at larger banks. The simultaneous increase
in deposits and drawdowns is also consistent with the theoretical synergies of banks as liquidity
providers through both deposits and committed credit lines (Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein, 2002).
Borrower-level Evidence.
Our findings thus far indicate that, during the COVID shock, a
substantial portion of drawdowns were deposited. However, our bank-level data do not include
account-level deposit information, so we cannot establish a direct link between drawdowns and
precautionary deposit increases at the borrower level. To address this concern, we turn to granular
borrower-level information from the FR Y-14Q, Compustat, and Capital IQ to examine the extent
to which draws were associated with an increase in borrower cash—a proxy for corporate deposit
holdings. We conduct this analysis for both COVID and the GFC to see how drawdown motives
differed across the two stress events.
The right panel of Figure 4 shows the correlation between changes in borrower-level drawdowns
and changes in cash holdings for both the GFC and COVID recession. The data indicate a strong
correlation for the COVID recession, in line with precautionary drawdown motives. This correlation
is not present during the GFC, in line with firms not depositing drawdowns in the banking sector
during this episode.
A potential explanation for the fact that regional banks had to raise relatively more funding from FHLBs is that
drawdowns on syndicated facilities may not be deposited at the lending bank but rather at the main relationship bank of
the borrower. See also Kiernan, Yankov, and Zikes (2021) for an analysis of liquidity co-insurance in syndicates. While we
do not observe each borrower’s relationship bank, there is a significant correlation between bank size and being agent
on a syndicated facility (which is possibly correlated with being the main relationship bank. Our results also echo the
findings of Glancy, Gross, and Ionescu (2020), that smaller banks saw a smaller portion of drawdowns deposited than did
larger banks. However, we show that even among the largest US banks (those with over $ 100 billion in assets), there were
differences in the fractions of deposited line draws.
This increase in both total deposits and drawdowns during COVID is also consistent with a “flight to safety” during
previous stress events (Gatev and Strahan, 2006), excluding the GFC when banks were at the center of the crisis (Acharya
and Mora, 2015).
Table 3: Drawdowns and Deposits in the Cross-Section: Monthly Data.
Dependent variable Corp. FHLB Unsec. Total Total
Deposits WSF Cols. (1-3) Deposits
Panel A: All Banks
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Drawdowns 0.01 -0.01 -0.00 0.00 -0.03
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.03) (0.03)
Drawdowns × COVID 0.89*** 0.16 0.02 1.07*** 1.79**
(0.27) (0.10) (0.05) (0.37) (0.78)
N 1107 1107 1107 1107 1107
No. Banks 25 25 25 25 25
0.397 0.177 0.100 0.394 0.424
Panel B: Regional Banks Only
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Drawdowns 0.01* -0.01 -0.00 -0.01 0.02
(0.00) (0.03) (0.01) (0.03) (0.02)
Drawdowns × COVID 0.42** 0.40*** -0.05 0.77*** 0.37
(0.20) (0.14) (0.06) (0.23) (0.46)
N 522 522 522 522 522
No. Banks 12 12 12 12 12
0.387 0.320 0.143 0.381 0.454
Notes: This table reports estimates from a bank-month-level panel regression of the form:
= α + Drawdowns
+ Drawdowns
× COVID + γ
+ η
+ e
Robust standard errors in parentheses; *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. We
exclude from our analysis the bank-month in which BB&T merged with SunTrust. We include bank and time fixed effects
in all specifications. The dependent variable in column (3), unsecured wholesale funding (WSF), captures short-term
wholesale funding categories: CP, CD, non-prime brokerage free credits, and other unsecured wholesale funding. The
dependent variable in column (4) is the change in the sum of corporate deposits, FHLB advances, and unsecured wholesale
funding. Data Source: FR2052a.
We next estimate cross-sectional regressions of the form:
= α + β
+ X
+ e
, (8)
is the change in the dollar amount of deposit holdings
of borrower
is the change in the dollar-amount of drawdowns over the same time period.
Results can be found in Table 4. The estimation confirms the patterns from the right panel of
Figure 4. We find that for this period, a one dollar increase in drawdowns is associated with an
increase in cash holdings of 86 to 97 cents, roughly in line with our bank-level evidence reported
earlier. In contrast, for the GFC, we find no statistically significant relationship between drawdowns
For our analyses using Compustat, we use CHQ to measure cash. Importantly, cash does not include money market
fund holdings or reverse repo transactions. For our analyses solely using the FR Y-14Q in columns 1 and 2 of Table 4, since
the FR Y-14Q does not separate cash from cash equivalents, these analyses pool both cash and cash-like instruments.
Table 4: Precautionary Draws: COVID versus GFC
Y-14 Y-14 / Compustat
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Util. 0.97*** 0.97*** 0.92*** 0.86*** -0.01 0.04 -0.01
(0.07) (0.07) (0.11) (0.09) (0.07) (0.07) (0.07)
Industry FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fiscal Year No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
Match Quality No No No No Yes
Data Y-14 Y-14 / Compustat Compustat/CIQ
.275 .275 .314 .303 .0791 .0859 .148
N 7130 7130 1635 1468 1317 1217 811
Notes: This table shows estimates from cross-sectional regressions of the form
= α + β
+ X
+ e
where the dependent variable is the change in cash for firm
before and after the shock,
is the change in
credit-line utilization of firm
, and
are firm controls, such as industry fixed effects and other cash flows. Columns
1-2 use quarterly data from the FR Y-14Q (aggregated by borrower TIN) of borrowers who reported financials in either
2019q3 or 2019q4 and also in March 2020. Columns 3-4 merge Y-14 credit line usage to updated financials as reported in
Compustat. Columns 5-7 conduct firm level analyses on annual data during the GFC using drawdowns from Capital IQ
and financials from Compustat. In Columns 2, 4, 6, and 7, we restrict to borrowers whose financial statement “as-of dates
correspond to calendar year quarters (that is, March, not February). In Column 7, we restrict our sample to a sub-sample
of firms where we match long-term debt between Compustat and Capital IQ within 10% on average. We trim both
draws at the 1% and 99% levels to attenuate the impact of outliers. Robust standard errors in parentheses; *, **, and
*** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
and deposits (columns 5-7).
This indicates that drawdowns were not deposited in the banking
system, but instead were deployed elsewhere either via other investments or for firm expenditures,
such as investment or compensation. Importantly, since these drawdowns were apparently not
merely left in deposit accounts,
banks would have been required to fund them via other methods,
which may have included costly unsecured wholesale funding.
6 Calibrated Impacts of Reference Rates on Credit Supply
In this section, we quantify how the choice of loan reference rate affects the equilibrium provision of
revolving credit by large US banks. To do this, we parameterize and calibrate versions of the simple
theoretical model presented in Section 3, based on the empirical analysis and insights of Section 5.
This is consistent with evidence from Ivashina and Scharfstein (2010) that drawdowns following Lehman’s failure were
of the form of a bank run on institutions with greater Lehman exposure. It is also in line with results from Berrospide
and Meisenzahl (2021) that drawdowns during the GFC were not precautionary in nature and instead funded capital
For drawdowns to be precautionary, it is necessary for deposit holdings to increase in response to credit-line drawdowns.
Since we do not observe an increase in deposit holdings following drawdowns, we can conclude that drawdowns following
Lehman’s failure were not precautionary. This does not preclude reshuffling of corporate deposits among banks; however,
that poses a different funding risk beyond the scope of this paper.
We consider the implications for credit provision of heterogeneous banks and borrowers. Further, we
analyze how ex-ante credit supply depends on the extent to which line draws are expected to be left
on deposit at times of high bank funding stress. Finally, we show how the welfare-maximizing degree
of credit sensitivity of a reference rate depends on the quality of the bank or the banking system.
Consistent with the insights gained from our theoretical model, welfare-maximal reference rates are
more credit sensitive for banking systems of lower credit quality, given their greater debt-overhang
costs for funding line draws during crisis periods.
Parametrization and Outcomes.
We start by parameterizing a version 75 of the model discussed
in Section 3. The probability density of the spread
between LIBOR and OIS is modeled as a
mixture of normals, as plotted in the left side of Figure 5. In our baseline model, with probability
log W
has a mean and variance fit by maximum likelihood to daily LIBOR-OIS observations
from January 2005 to April 2021. With a “crisis” probability of 0.04, however,
has a log-normal
distribution with a mean of 350 basis points, which is roughly the highest level reached by LIBOR-OIS
during the GFC, and with a standard deviation of 40 basis points. Because our model has annual
this corresponds to the assumption that a GFC-like event is expected to occur once every
quarter century. We later quantify the sensitivity of our results to varying the likelihood of this crisis
shock, among other key parameters.
Our representative bank is assumed to be of “LIBOR quality,” thus having an unsecured wholesale
credit spread of
. Later, we consider the implications of the model for banks with wholesale funding
costs that are higher or lower than LIBOR. The bank has a continuum of borrowers of total mass
A borrower’s cash liquidity benefit is specified as
b(q, ψ) =
1 α
, (9)
for a positive constant
, where
is the borrower’s liquidity preference shock.
The price elasticity
of drawn credit is 1
at any line utilization strictly between 0 and 1. We take a baseline assumption
α =
25, implying an elasticity of 25 that is in the range suggested by prior empirical work (for
Because we calibrate to quarterly LIBOR-OIS and our model has a single annual period of drawing, we are effectively
assuming that drawn loans are rolled over quarterly for one year.
This specification respects the natural restriction that, in equilibrium, the marginal value
of drawn funds is
at least 1 in every state.
business operations and leave very little on deposit. However, in crisis states, when LIBOR-OIS is
large, borrowers could potentially deposit a higher fraction of drawn funds, given the precautionary
motives that may apply in a macro shock like COVID, as documented in Section 5.5. The deposited
fraction Φ(x) of drawn funds that it increases with x to a “crisis limit” of D.
Section 5.5 shows that even when LIBOR-OIS rose to over 300 basis points during the GFC, there
was little depositing of drawn funds. What matters for credit line provision is the ex-ante expected
fraction of drawdowns left on deposit, conditional on LIBOR-OIS. Future shocks to LIBOR-OIS could
result in low depositing of drawn funds, as with GFC, or much higher depositing behavior, as with
COVID. Our base-case choice of
D =
0.2 is plausibly between the average GFC and COVID outcomes,
but represents an assumption rather than an empirically identified parameter. Given the crucial
role of this parameter, we will analyze the effect of varying
. We will also run experiments that
jointly with the bank’s expected unsecured wholesale funding costs, given the observed
heterogeneity of depositing behavior across bank types that we uncovered in Section 5.5.
From Section 3, the modeled optimal quantity of credit drawn from a line of size
with a fixed
spread s over the chosen reference rate R is
Q(L) = min
(K(W) + e)
(1 + R + s)
, L
. (11)
For states in which the borrower is drawing more than zero and less than the line limit
, the optimal
drawn amount
is strictly decreasing in the drawn interest rate
R + s
and strictly increasing in
both the macro liquidity shock K(W) and the idiosyncratic liquidity shock e.
The calculations in Section 3 determine, for any candidate reference rate
, the bank’s menu
s(L)) : L
of offers of line size
and fixed interest rate spread
over the reference rate.
In equilibrium, borrowers pick their optimal line size
from this menu. The exact law of large
numbers implies that the aggregate amount of drawn credit is
M · E[Q(L) | W] = M · E
(K(W) + e)
(1 + R + s)
, L
. (12)
This equality holds with probability equal to one under measure-theoretic conditions on the space of borrowers
and states of the world described by Sun (2006). The fraction of borrowers whose idiosyncratic liquidity shocks have
an outcome in any given interval
is the same as
P(e (a
. This implies
, by integration over the
probability distribution of e.
Similarly, the fraction of borrowers that draw their lines to the limit is
P[Q(L) = L | W] = P
(K(W) + e)
(1 + R + s)
. (13)
For simplicity, we take the risk-free rate
to be zero and the loss given default (LGD) on the bank’s
unsecured funding to be 50%. The proportional line fee
is assumed to be 20 basis points. The
parameters determining the macro component
and idiosyncratic component
of the borrowers’
liquidity preference shocks, and the quantity
of borrowers, are jointly fit to our data bearing on
the aggregate quantity of credit lines and the variation across borrowers and states of credit-line
utilization, for our sample of historical experience for LIBOR-linked credit lines, for which the
reference rate is
R = r + W
. Appendix D provides details on the fitting method. As Figure 5 shows,
is an increasing function, implying that the cross-sectional average of line utilization increases
with bank funding costs. Aside from parameters chosen to match specific empirical counterparts,
the parameters are chosen to minimize the weighted sum of squares of (i) the difference between
the empirical average of the total dollar quantity of lines and its model-implied analogue
M · L
, (ii)
for each quarter, the difference between the actual quantity of line draws and the model-implied
quantity of line draws given by
, and (iii) for each quarter, the difference between the actual
fraction of lines drawn to their limits and the model-implied analogue given by (13).
With the resulting parameters calibrated to our sample of historical experience for LIBOR-linked
credit lines, we next consider the effects of varying the chosen reference rate, bank quality, borrower
deposit behavior, and other properties of the model.
The Effects of LIBOR-SOFR Transition on Credit Supply.
The model-implied impact of a
transition from LIBOR to SOFR on credit provision through revolvers by large US banks is shown in
Figure 7. This figure displays, for each outcome of LIBOR-OIS, the equilibrium interest rate paid per
unit of credit drawn (left panel) and the aggregate amount of line commitments and drawn credit
(right panel). For the representative calibrated bank, transition from LIBOR to risk-free reference rates
causes a modest reduction of about 5% in equilibrium line sizes and a reduction of around 3% in the
expected quantity of drawn credit, but with a substantial change in line utilization across different
outcomes for LIBOR-OIS. For example, with SOFR as a reference rate, our baseline calibration implies
Based on an informal communication, we observed that a large non-bank borrower had line fees for its two revolvers
of 15 basis points and 25 basis points.
liquidity shocks exhaust their line limits. However, as LIBOR-OIS increases, the associated increase
in the drawn rate on LIBOR-linked lines eventually dominates the liquidity preference shocks of
most borrowers, and LIBOR lines are relatively less likely to be drawn than SOFR lines. By contrast,
when LIBOR-OIS is high, the low drawn interest rate on SOFR-linked causes most borrowers to draw
SOFR lines to the limit.
Our model is calibrated, in part, to approximate the empirical fraction of borrowers that draw
their lines to the maximum in normal times. The left panel of Figure 6 shows that, empirically,
around 5.5% of borrowers were at or close to their line limits in normal quarters, and that this fraction
doubles to around 9.9% during the COVID recession. In our calibrated model, as shown by the
middle panel of the figure, around 8% of borrowers are at their line limits during normal times, and
this modeled fraction increases to around 14% during the COVID recession. For SOFR-linked lines,
in contrast, while around 7% of borrowers draw the maximum amount during normal times, around
27% of borrowers would have been at the line limit during the COVID recession and a striking 49%
of borrowers are predicted by the model to be drawing revolvers to their limits if LIBOR-OIS reaches
its GFC level.
Model sensitivity.
Table 5 shows a sensitivity analysis of some of the main results with respect
to two key parameters: the price elasticity 1
of borrower demand for credit and the probability
of a GFC-like increase in LIBOR-OIS. For example, reducing the assumed price elasticity of credit
demand from 25 to 24 (by 4%) causes the model-implied impact of LIBOR-to-SOFR reference-rate
transition on the aggregate dollar amount of lines to change from a 5.5% reduction in lines at
baseline to a 7.5% reduction in lines, after re-calibrating other parameters for best fit following the
procedure described in Appendix D. Because of the resulting adjustment of other parameters, this is
a check on model robustness, and not a comparative-static analysis of the effect of price elasticity
on credit demand. Increasing the likelihood of a GFC shock from 4% at baseline to 5% leads to an
increase in the model-implied reduction in aggregate lines from 5.5% to 8.1%. A higher probability
of distressed funding markets implies relatively higher expected debt-overhang costs to banks for
offering SOFR lines. Overall, it is important to caveat that, while our findings are qualitatively robust,
the magnitudes of transition impacts are uncertain due to model sensitivity.
Table 5: Sensitivity of modeled transition impacts to demand elasticity and crisis probability
Total credit lines ($ billions) Impact on drawn rate (bps) Impact on drawn credit
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
linked linked at 28 bps at GFC level at 28 bps at GFC level
1/α = 25, p = 4% 1,444 1,365 5.5% 22.3 313.7 5.43% 67.6%
1/α = 24, p = 4% 1,602 1,483 7.5% 28.9 307.1 6.80% 53.2%
1/α = 25, p = 5% 1,538 1,412 8.1% 30.7 305.3 7.50% 60.9%
Notes: Row 1 of the table corresponds to the baseline model, which assumes an unconstrained price elasticity of credit
demand of 25 (
α =
0.04) and assumes a probability of
p =
4% for a GFC-like conditional distribution of LIBOR-OIS. Row 2
corresponds to the model that is re-calibrated to empirical data based on an assumed price elasticity of 24 (
α =
p =
4%. Row 3 corresponds to the model that is re-calibrated to empirical data based on an assumed price elasticity of
25 and
p =
5%. Column 1 is the modeled aggregate quantity of credit lines if LIBOR is the reference rate. Column 2 is
the aggregate quantity of credit lines if SOFR is the reference rate. Column 3 is the percentage difference between the
quantities of SOFR-linked lines and LIBOR-linked lines. Column 4 is the difference between the drawn interest rates on
SOFR-linked lines and LIBOR-linked lines when LIBOR-OIS is at its sample average of 28 basis points. Column 5 is the
difference between the drawn interest rates on SOFR-linked lines and LIBOR-linked lines when LIBOR-OIS is at the GFC
level of 360 basis points. Column 6 is the percentage difference in the drawn amounts of credit on SOFR-linked lines and
LIBOR-linked lines when LIBOR-OIS is at its sample average of 28 basis points. Column 7 is the percentage difference in
the drawn amounts of credit on SOFR-linked lines and LIBOR-linked lines when LIBOR-OIS is at the GFC level of 360
basis points.
Bank Heterogeneity.
Section 5 provides evidence of substantial heterogeneity across banks in
how drawdowns are funded during the COVID recession. We find that while banks, on average,
received 90 cents of corporate deposits for each dollar drawn, some banks receive much higher
deposit inflows than others. For instance, we find that regional banks (listed in Appendix Table A.1)
received only about 40 cents in deposits per dollar drawn and had to raise the remaining funds with
more expensive wholesale funding such as FHLB advances. There is also substantial heterogeneity
across large banks in unsecured funding spreads (Berndt, Duffie, and Zhu, 2021). We therefore turn
next to an analysis of how the implications of reference rate transition for credit provision vary with
the type of bank.
We first consider the effect of varying bank funding costs by taking the external funding spread
of the modeled bank to be
S = θW
, for some constant
that we allow to vary parametrically.
our base-case calibration, we took
θ =
1, corresponding to a LIBOR-quality bank. For instance, with
θ =
1.5, the credit spread of the modeled bank is 50% higher than that of an average LIBOR-quality
bank, state by state. The left panel of Figure 8 illustrates how the equilibrium dollar quantity of
From the results of Section 3, for a given θ, the contractual spread s(L) over LIBOR, with an LGD of 50%, is
s(L) =
E[2θWQ(L)(1 δ(1 + R (1 + C)(1 Φ(W))θW))]
to borrowers than a dollar of funding in normal states. One can view a credit line as a form of
insurance against liquidity shocks. Thus, the welfare-maximal reference rate could in principle be
quite different than the reference rate that maximizes the expected quantity of credit granted. We
now consider the welfare-maximizing degree of credit sensitivity of the reference rate, taking as our
welfare measure the expected liquidity benefit to borrowers, which is
. All other costs
and benefits in our model are merely transfers. Figure 10 shows how total welfare in our model
depends on the degree
of credit sensitivity of the reference rate. The risk-free reference rate, SOFR,
corresponds to
λ =
0. LIBOR corresponds to
λ =
1. A point
on the horizontal axis corresponds to
a reference rate that is the linear combination λ × LIBOR + (1 λ)× SOFR.
The vertical dotted line in the left-hand figure indicates the convex combination of LIBOR and
SOFR defining the reference rate that maximizes the welfare gain of a new credit line. As shown,
our analysis suggests that the welfare-optimal reference rate for our modeled LIBOR-quality bank
has about 80% of the credit sensitivity of LIBOR. The right-hand panel of the figure shows that the
reference rate that maximizes the provision of credit lines is slightly more credit sensitive.
Our marginal analysis of credit-line provision, however, ignores the impact of reference-rate
design on bank distress costs. Because there can be non-zero bank distress costs associated with
heavier drawing of lines in stressed states, our marginal analysis understates the credit sensitivity of
welfare-optimal reference rates that would apply in a full general-equilibrium setting.
The welfare-maximizing reference rate varies with the type of bank or banking system. Figure 10
corresponds to our base case of a LIBOR-quality bank (
θ =
and a maximal anticipated deposited
D =
0.2 of drawn funds. Figure 11 shows how welfare is affected by the credit sensitivity
of the reference rate for a “low-debt-overhang bank,” whose credit spread is only
θ =
75% of
LIBOR-OIS, and for a “high-debt-overhang bank," whose credit spread is assumed to be 50% higher
than LIBOR-OIS. Whereas the low-debt-overhang bank is assumed to receive in deposits a maximum
D =
75% of drawn funds, the high-debt-overhang bank is assumed to receive a maximum of only
D =
20% in deposits. A negative relationship between bank funding spreads and the fraction of
deposited line draws is natural, as we discuss in Appendix C.
Figure 11 shows that the welfare associated with credit-line provision by high-debt-overhang
banks is maximized by a reference rate whose credit sensitivity is close to that of LIBOR. Low-
debt-overhang banks, however, offer better credit provision, in the sense of this experiment, with a
reference rate that is closer to the risk-free rate, although the responsiveness of welfare to the credit
sensitivity of the reference rate is muted for low-debt-overhang banks.
This analysis may help explain why regional US banks have dominated the collection of banks
arguing that the transition to risk-free reference exacerbates bank funding shocks and reduces
incentives for credit provision. Their joint letter to the heads of the US banking authorities
emphasized that “borrowers may find the availability of low cost credit in the form of SOFR-linked
credit lines committed prior to the market stress very attractive and borrowers may draw-down those
lines to ‘hoard’ liquidity. The natural consequence of these forces will either be a reduction in the
willingness of lenders to provide credit in a SOFR-only environment, particularly during periods of
economic stress, and/or an increase in credit pricing through the cycle.” Our analysis in Appendix B
shows that the wholesale unsecured funding spreads of regional banks are only slightly higher than
those of the largest US bank holding companies,
an estimated average of 22 basis points higher
post-GFC, and about 10 basis points higher from 2015-2021, controlling for maturity and time fixed
effects. That reference-rate transition may have a higher impact on the provision of revolvers by
regional banks is also suggested by our finding in Section 5 that regional banks experienced a much
lower extent of depositing of drawn lines during the Covid shock of 2020 than did the largest banks
in our sample.
7 Discussion
Bank shareholders do not break even when banks raise cash to invest in assets unless the bank
extracts a profit margin from its counterparties that offsets the credit-spread component of the bank’s
funding cost. In market practice, this wedge is called a “funding value adjustment” (Andersen,
Duffie, and Song, 2019). We find that the transition from credit-sensitive reference rates like LIBOR
and EURIBOR to risk-free reference rates such as SOFR and ESTR increases this wedge by inciting
borrowers to draw on their lines even more heavily during periods of market stress. This is so
See the letter of September 23, 2019 from Credit Sensitivity Group to Randall Quarles, vice-chair of supervision of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Joseph Otting, Comptroller of the Currency, and Jelena McWilliams,
chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
These estimates arises from fitting the model
= β
+ β
+ β
+ δ
+ e
, where
is the average secondary-
market yield spread of debt instrument
during month
is its remaining maturity,
is an indicator for regional
banks (1 if regional, 0 otherwise),
is a month fixed effect, and
is a noise term. We fit by weighted least squares, with
weights proportional to traded volumes, corresponding to best linear unbiased estimation under the assumption that the
model is correctly specified with noise terms that are uncorrelated and have variances proportional to the reciprocals of
trade volumes.
because drawing on a line referencing a risk-free rate is typically very cheap when credit markets are
stressed. When a SOFR-linked line is originally contracted, the higher expected future funding cost
wedge is priced into the terms of credit facilities, leading to an equilibrium reduction in revolving
credit for our representative calibrated bank. We show that this impact on credit provision is smaller
for banks with lower funding spreads, or even reversed if it is anticipated that borrowers will leave
the majority of their future line draws on deposit at the same bank. Empirically, we find that the
extent to which line draws induced by the COVID pandemic shock were left on deposit was much
lower at regional US banks than at the largest US banks. Because of this, reference rate transition
is likely to impact the provision of credit lines more for regional US banks than for the largest US
As opposed to prior work offering a risk-sharing rationale for credit-sensitive reference rates, our
finding that credit-sensitive reference rates improve credit provision is not driven by hedging or risk
aversion, and does not apply to term loans, which do not give borrowers the option to increase the
loan size when market stress increases.
Our paper also identifies a new channel of synergy between deposit taking and credit-line
provision. Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein (2002) emphasize the synergy associated with a bank’s ability to
draw on a common pool of liquid assets, whether to meet line draws or for other funding needs. We
show that there is a complementary source of synergy between these two business lines revolvers
and deposit taking via a reduction in debt-overhang costs to bank shareholders. This synergy is
stronger for risk-free reference rates than for credit-sensitive reference rates because, when markets
are stressed and bank funding costs rise, borrowers are expected to draw more heavily on lines
linked to risk-free reference rates, making the inflow of cheap deposits especially valuable.
The synergy between revolvers and deposit taking is arguably weaker for syndicated loans,
because the associated deposit inflows tend to be more concentrated among the syndicate of banks,
especially at the lead arranger. Given that deposit inflows are relatively more valuable under risk-free
reference rates, we speculate that the transition away from credit-sensitive rates may create incentives
to change loan pricing terms across a syndicate or even lead to a reduction in loan syndication.
Our results also suggest that reference-rate transition may cause some credit-line provision to
move away from banks with high funding costs toward banks with lower funding costs. A key metric
here is the blended average spread on marginal sources of funding of credit-line draws, which is a
combination of the spreads on wholesale external funding and on corporate deposits, to the extent
that line draws are left on deposit. However, relationships between banks and corporate borrowers
are somewhat sticky; otherwise credit lines would already have been highly concentrated at banks
with the lowest funding costs, well before LIBOR transition. This is clearly not the case. Corporate
borrowers are paired with banks in somewhat stable relationships, whether because of monitoring
costs, geography, or other reasons (Chodorow-Reich, 2013; Schwert, 2018). It is beyond the scope of
our work to analyze the degree to which the stability of banking relationships could be disrupted by
reference-rate transition.
Adverse impacts of reference-rate transition on credit-line provision could seemingly be mitigated
by the ability of borrowers to substitute some of their credit lines with term loans, given the negligible
impact of reference rate transition on the pricing of term loans. In additional (unreported) analysis,
however, we find relatively little substitution into term loans. In our calibrated model, the demands
for term loans and credit lines are relatively separable; one is not a significant substitute for the
other. At least in our calibrated model setting, credit lines are primarily a form of insurance against
unanticipated liquidity shocks, whereas term loans are cost effective for meeting known funding
Actually, via a different channel, term-loan origination during periods of stress could be reduced
by the transition to risk-free reference rates. We have shown that, relative to LIBOR-linked lines,
revolvers linked to risk-free rates like SOFR are much more heavily utilized in stressed market
conditions. This could lead banks to become more capital-constrained in periods of stress, which
could further crowd-out new term-loan origination (Greenwald, Krainer, and Paul, 2020; Acharya,
Engle, and Steffen, 2021).
Indeed, for the same reason, forward-looking capital requirements such those arising implicitly
through the Dodd-Frank Acts Stress Tests could reasonably be adapted to incorporate the impact on
bank balance sheets of line draws in a stress scenario, especially given the much larger line draws
under stress that our modeling suggests for SOFR-linked lines, relative to LIBOR-linked lines. Banks
would then consider, when pricing revolvers, the additional debt-overhang costs to their shareholders
of having sufficient capital to pass the stress test. SOFR-linked lines could therefore become even
more expensive, relative to LIBOR-linked lines, than suggested by our model.
Finally, our findings should not be interpreted as suggesting that a transition away from LIBOR
has negative overall benefits. It is well documented that LIBOR is not a trustworthy benchmark,
given the extent of its past manipulation and the paucity of underlying transaction data needed
to determine LIBOR robustly, especially under stressed market conditions.
Our analysis does
suggest, however, that when debt overhang is high, alternative credit-sensitive reference rates can
have beneficial effects in the market for C&I lending.
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Appendix A: Data.
Appendix B: Heterogeneity in Bank Funding Costs.
Appendix C: Incitements to Draw Early or to Run.
Appendix D: Details on Calibration.
Appendix E: Additional Tables and Figures.
A Data
We make use of several confidential and public data sources to reconstruct bank balance sheets,
lending terms, funding costs, and exposure to LIBOR.
We source daily and monthly bank balance-sheet information from the FR 2052a. This confidential
regulatory report collects quantitative information on selected assets, liabilities, funding activities, and
contingent liabilities on a consolidated basis and by material entity subsidiary. Banks’ outstanding
balances are reported at a granular level, including by counterparty type, maturity bucket, product
type, and collateral category. U.S. bank holding companies designated as global systemically
important banks (G-SIBs) and foreign banking organizations (FBOs) with US assets greater than $100
billion are required to report.
For our analysis, we only include line items reported for the consolidated holding company level
(that is, the highest holder). We also exclude all FBO reporting banks, as we do not observe the full
asset and liability profile for these institutions (only that of their U.S. operations). Additionally, as
the reporting frequency varies by the size and risk profile of the institution,
we create two balanced
panels of banks for our analysis. The first of these is a daily panel of the eight largest banks in the
U.S, for which we include observations between Dec. 30, 2015, and May 21, 2021. The second is a
monthly panel of 24 large U.S. banks, for which we include observations between Sept. 30, 2017, and
April 30, 2021. A list of banks in each sample is included in Table A.1.
We rely primarily on a few select schedules within the FR 2052a. For bank liabilities (and
contingent liabilities), we focus on the Deposits-Outflow Schedule, the Wholesale-Outflow Schedule,
FHLB Advances and Exceptional Central Bank Operations from the Secured-Outflow Schedule, and
unfunded commitments on credit and liquidity facilities from the Outflows-Other Schedule. We
exclude other secured funding and contingent liabilities from our analysis.
For bank assets, we
restrict our attention primarily to bank loan balances—which we source from the Inflows-Unsecured
Schedule (Outstanding Draws on Revolving Credit Facilities and Other Loans) and the Inflows-
Secured Schedule (Margin Loans and Other Secured Loans)—and central bank reserves—which
we source from the Inflows-Assets Schedule (Restricted and Unrestricted Reserve Balances). We
reconcile the liabilities that we collect from the FR 2052a to total liabilities reported in the FR Y-9C for
the same bank and find that we cover most of our sample banks’ balance sheets with these schedules.
The largest institutions, which are those designated by the Federal Reserve as part of the Large Institution Supervision
Coordinating Committee (LISCC) portfolio or have more than $700 billion in assets, report the FR 2052a on a daily basis
with a T+2 day lag, while smaller institutions report monthly with a T+10 day lag.
For some of the analyses that we include in our appendix, we also consider a third balanced panel. This panel consists
of the consolidated US branches of 14 foreign banking organizations (FBOs): BARC, BNPP, TD, SOGN, DB, UBS, BMO,
BBVA, KN, CS, MUFG, SMBC, MFG, and RY. These banks are not included in our main analyses, as we do not observe the
full asset and liability profile of these institutions, only that of their US operations.
This primarily includes non-balance-sheet funding, such as collateral swaps and dollar rolls, as well as certain balance
sheet funding, namely repo.
Table A.1: Banks in FR 2052a and FR Y-14 Samples
Bank Name Bank Type Assets % Committed FR 2052a Y-14
C&I / Assets Monthly Daily
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO Universal 2687.8 0.16 Yes Yes Yes
BANK OF AMER CORP Universal 2434.1 0.25 Yes Yes Yes
CITIGROUP Universal 1951.2 0.19 Yes Yes Yes
WELLS FARGO & CO Universal 1927.6 0.20 Yes Yes Yes
MORGAN STANLEY IB 895.4 0.11 Yes Yes Yes
U S BC Regionals 495.4 0.35 Yes No Yes
TRUIST FC Regionals 473.1 0.34 Yes No Yes
PNC FNCL SVC GROUP Regionals 410.4 0.43 Yes No Yes
TD GRP US HOLDS LLC Other 408.6 0.16 No No Yes
CAPITAL ONE FC Cards 390.4 0.14 Yes No Yes
BANK OF NY MELLON CORP Trust 381.5 0.03 Yes Yes Yes
CHARLES SCHWAB CORP Trust 294.0 0.01 Yes No Yes
HSBC N AMER HOLDS Other 249.1 0.37 No No Yes
STATE STREET CORP Trust 245.6 0.02 Yes Yes Yes
AMERICAN EXPRESS CO Cards 198.3 0.26 Yes No No
ALLY FNCL Regionals 180.6 0.32 Yes No Yes
BMO FNCL CORP Other 172.9 0.40 No No Yes
MUFG AMERS HOLDS CORP Other 170.8 0.22 No No Yes
FIFTH THIRD BC Regionals 169.4 0.50 Yes No Yes
CITIZENS FNCL GRP Regionals 166.1 0.42 Yes No Yes
SANTANDER HOLDS USA Other 149.5 0.19 No No Yes
KEYCORP Regionals 145.6 0.49 Yes No Yes
RBC US GRP HOLDS LLC Other 139.7 0.09 No No Yes
NORTHERN TR CORP Trust 136.8 0.13 Yes No Yes
REGIONS FC Regionals 126.6 0.37 Yes No Yes
BNP PARIBAS USA Other 125.3 0.21 No No Yes
M&T BK CORP Regionals 119.9 0.24 Yes No Yes
DISCOVER FS Cards 114.0 0.00 Yes No No
DB USA CORP Other 109.4 0.03 No No Yes
HUNTINGTON BSHRS Regionals 109.0 0.36 Yes No Yes
SYNCHRONY FNCL Cards 104.8 0.01 Yes No No
BBVA USA BSHRS Other 93.6 0.33 No No Yes
Note: The table captures bank holding companies (BHCs) and intermediate holding companies (IHCs) of foreign banks operating in the US that are present in our final balanced
panel samples. As part of our data cleaning process, we drop certain banks from the FR 2052a and FR Y-14 samples even though they file the respective schedules. We exclude
IHCs of FBOs from our FR 2052a panels. We also exclude some banks from the Y-14 panel due to the data checks we apply. Assets and C&I values are sourced from the FR Y-9C
as of December 31, 2019. Committed C&I is calculated as the sum of C&I loans (BHCK1763 & BHCK1764) and unfunded C&I commitments (BHCKJ457).
One additional bank included in our FR 2052a monthly balanced panel and Y-14 panel but not listed above is Suntrust; in December 2019, Suntrust merged with BB&T to form
Truist (which is included). Given that we fully observe both the predecessor and successor entities for this merger, we do not drop Suntrust from our sample prior to the merger.
In regressions, we often exclude the bank-month in which the Truist merger occurred.
Figure A.1:
Y-9C vs. FR 2052a Total Liabilities Coverage.
Data Source: FR 2052a and FR Y-9C for
banks in the FR 2052a monthly panel.
We note only one institution with a deviation of more than 10% between the two reports in any
Importantly, we do not try to reconcile loans reported in the FR Y-9C with those reported
in the FR 2052a, as this requires banks to report the lifetime cash flows from a loan, which includes
both its principal and interest payments. This is in contrast to the FR Y-9C, which reports the book
(or market) value of bank loans.
We also make use of the FR Y-14Q, a confidential supervisory data set maintained by the Federal
Reserve to assess capital adequacy and to support stress testing. The FR Y-14Q data contain detailed
quarterly data on: various asset classes, capital components, and categories of pre-provision net
revenue. These data are for US bank holding companies, intermediate holding companies of foreign
banking organizations, and savings and loan holding companies with more than $100 billion in total
consolidated assets.
We primarily make use of the FR Y-14Q corporate loan and commercial real estate schedules to
analyze loan terms to C&I and CRE borrowers. For this purpose, the FR Y-14Q covers approximately
two-thirds of the bank C&I lending market (Chodorow-Reich et al., 2021). It includes key information
on loan-terms, including the utilized and committed amount each quarter, interest rate, interest rate
index (for floating rate loans), and interest rate floors and ceilings, if they exist. For some of our
analyses, we restrict our sample to a sub-sample of Y-14 loans. For our accounting counterfactal
analysis, we restrict our sample to domestic C&I and CRE loans so we can compare estimated Y-14
revenues to Y-9C call report income for the same line item. In most of our analyses, we include
Specifically, we compare total deposits and wholesale funding that we source from the FR 2052a to Total Liabilities less
Other Liabilities less Trading Liabilities less Repo in the FR Y-9C to construct a like-for-like comparison. We also compare
component balances to the extent possible. For deposits specifically, we note only a single bank-quarter observation with
a > 5% deviation between the FR 2052a and the FR Y-9C. The remaining deviations are expected, as values reported in
the FR 2052a reflect contractual cash flows, while values in the FR Y-9C reflect balance sheet book values, which can be
adjusted for various accounting reasons, such as securities recorded at fair value.
The size cutoff is based on: “(i) the average of the firm’s total consolidated assets in the four most recent quarters as
reported quarterly on the firm’s Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies (FR Y-9C); or (ii) if the firm has
not filed an FR Y-9C for each of the most recent four quarters, then the average of the firm’s total consolidated assets in the
most recent consecutive quarters as reported quarterly on the firm’s FR Y-9Cs.” Prior to 2020Q2, the respondent panel was
composed of any top-tier BHC or IHC with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets.
loans secured by owner-occupied real estate (which are reported on the Y-14Q C&I schedule) with
other loans secured by real estate (loans reported on the Y-14Q CRE schedule) to align with the Y-9C
reporting aggregation.
We also use the FR 2420 data collection to analyze bank funding costs prior to and at the onset
of the COVID pandemic. This confidential report is filed daily by US banks with greater than $18
billion in assets, and contains transaction-level information for bank wholesale Certificate of Deposit
(CD) and time deposit issuances of greater than $1 million, including interest rate, maturity term,
and counterparty type. It also includes transaction-level information for selected deposits of greater
than $1 million and with a maturity between 1 and 7 days. In our analyses of interest rates at the
onset of the COVID pandemic, we compute period-specific interest rates as volume-weighted means
or medians among banks that reported transactions during that period. For overnight deposit rates,
we include all transactions with the relevant counterparty (for example, bank, NBFI, or non-financial
corporate) that have a term of 1-day. For 3-month wholesale deposit rates, we include all transactions
with the specified counterparty that have terms between 89- and 92-days. This includes transactions
from banks that are both within and outside our main sample from the FR 2052a and FR Y-14
bank-level results.
For publicly available interest rates, including LIBOR and SOFR, we source data from FRED. We
source OIS, BSBY, and term SOFR rates via Bloomberg. Interest rates for Federal Home Loan Banks
(FHLBs) are not publicly available for all 11 FHLBs. We rely primarily on the publicly available
FHLB Des Moines historical rate file. However, we compared these rates to other publicly available
FHLB rates for the first six months of 2020 (FHLB Boston and FHLB Pittsburgh) and note that these
rates follow similar trends during the pandemic, after adjusting for required investment in FHLB
activity-based capital and dividends that FHLBs pay on those investments.
We adjust for FHLB dividends and for the cost of holding FHLB activity-based capital stock in a
way similar to Ashcraft, Bech, and Frame (2010),
using the formula:
Adjusted Rate
= r
× (1 h) + (h × LIBOR
) (c (1 h) d)
+ (c (1 h) (1 CET1 rw) LIBOR
) + (c (1 h) CET1 rw ROE),
Adjusted Rate
is the all-in FHLB rate,
is the notional FHLB rate for a given term
the collateral haircut,
is the LIBOR rate for term
is the FHLB’s activity-based capital
is a bank’s minimum CET1 ratio target,
is the risk weight that banks must
apply to FHLB stock, and ROE is the bank’s cost of equity (the ROE target). In essence, this formula
captures the all-in interest rate for funding a dollar of collateral via the FHLB. We assume that the
collateralized portion of the advance is funded at the FHLB notional rate (first term) and that the
un-collateralized portion of the FHLB advance is funded via LIBOR (second term). We also account
for the bank’s requirement to purchase additional FHLB activity-based capital that is partially funded
by unsecured funding at LIBOR (fourth term) and partially funded by equity at the bank’s ROE
target (fifth term). We also reduce the rate by the value of expected dividends that the bank receives
from the FHLB for its activity-based capital purchase (third term).
Details on our assumptions vary between the GFC and COVID period because collateral haircuts,
activity-based capital requirements, and dividend expectations have changed since the GFC. To
account for these time-varying parameters, we leverage the FHLB Des Moines historical dividend file,
which reports quarterly dividends on activity-based capital since 2000. We use the prior quarter’s
dividend rate in our calculations for the current quarter’s “All-in” rate. We also assume the existence
of a 4.45% activity-based stock purchase requirement until 2013, when SEC filings show that the
requirement decreased to 4%. For both periods, we assume a static 19% collateral haircut. We also
We build on this adjustment by also including factors to adjust for the cost of capital for holding FHLB activity-based
account for the incremental cost of capital to purchase FHLB stock using static adjustment parameters:
15% minimum bank CET1 ratio, 20% FHLB stock risk weight, and 15% ROE target.
We source additional bank-level information from the FR Y-9C and bank call reports, which
are public and reported quarterly. These reports include information on bank assets, capital ratios,
and quarterly interest income and expenses. For certain fields reported only in the call reports, for
instance small business loans, FHLB advances, and interest income on C&I loans, we aggregate
across all bank subsidiaries to estimate exposure at the holding company-level.
We obtain aggregate time series from FRED on bank assets and liabilities during the GFC. We
focus primarily on asset and liability series for large domestically chartered banks, and adjust these
for large non-bank mergers based on public notes on the Fed’s H8 series.
We also use data from S&P Compustat and Capital IQ to conduct firm-level analysis of drawdowns
during the COVID recession and the GFC. We source standard financial statement variables, including
cash (CHQ), cash and equivalents (CHEQ), annual operating cash flow (OANCFY), annual cash
dividends paid (DVY), and annual long-term debt issuance (DLTISY) from Compustat. We source
credit lines outstanding (IQ_RC) from Capital IQ. As credit lines outstanding are only reported on
an annual basis for most firms during the GFC, our main cross-sectional GFC analysis is conducted
at an annual frequency. In some analyses (for example, Table 4), we also filter, based on data quality
in Capital IQ, by restricting our sample to a sub-sample of firms for which we are able to match
long-term debt between Compustat (DLTTQ) and Capital IQ (IQ_TOTAL_DEBT - IQ_ST_DEBT)
within 10%, on average.
B Heterogeneity in Bank Funding Costs
This section provides further details on the calculation of heterogeneity in bank funding costs, with a
focus on the incremental funding costs of regional banks.
To estimate the heterogeneity in bank short-term funding costs, we use secondary market
transaction data from TRACE and FISD/Mergent between July 2002 and July 2021 for our sample of
large banks. We source these data via WRDS, using a cleaned version of merged TRACE/Mergent
data, aggregated to the monthly level at the instrument-level. The WRDS-cleaned version of this data
set has several advantages over the raw data, including the de-duplication of trades that are reported
by both buyer and seller, and the removal of canceled trades and variable-rate securities. We further
restrict our sample of transactions by dropping securities that are subordinated or convertible. We
restrict our focus to instruments with a remaining maturity of between 3 months and 3 years.
We calculate instrument-level yield spreads as the difference between the trade-weighted yield on
the instrument and the maturity-matched constant-maturity US Treasury yield.
We then estimate
the following equation via weighted least squares:
= β
+ β
+ β
+ δ
+ e
, (14)
is the yield spread on instrument
issued by bank
trading at time
is the remaining
maturity on that instrument in month
is an indicator variable bank set to 1 if and only if bank
is listed in Table A.1 as a regional bank, and
is a month fixed effect. A summary of the results
of this regression are in Table B.1, for three different sample periods. The results suggest that the
unsecured wholesale funding costs of regional banks are about 22 basis points higher than those of
For comparison, in December 2019 the median call report bank had a 15% CET1 ratio and 10% ROE.
We interpolate between the yield on 3-month and 3-year US Treasuries, based on the remaining maturity of the bank
debt instrument. For instance, a bank note with remaining maturity of 6 months would be spread against a rate that is
the 3-month US Treasury rate and
the 3-year US Treasury rate.
the largest banks in our sample, post-GFC (Column 2), and about 10 basis points higher since 2015
(Column 3).
These results are based on weighted-least-squares (WLS) estimation, with a weight on the squared
that is proportional to the total trade volume
of instrument
during month
. This
is the optimal linear unbiased estimator (generalized least squares) under the assumption that the
noise terms
are uncorrelated and that the variance of
is proportional to the inverse of the
trade volume of instrument
in month
. Ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation generated a much
poorer fit, a much higher
-value, and a counter-intuitive negative sign for the estimated coefficient
, the slope of the term structure of yield spreads.
Table B.1: Heterogeneity in Bank Funding Costs.
Variable (1) (2) (3)
Remaining Maturity 0.2137 0.2486 0.146
[0.0002] [0.0] [0.0]
Regional Indicator 0.015 0.2227 0.1053
[0.79] [0.00] [0.00]
Sample Full Post-GFC Recent
0.0014 0.0796 0.1432
N 39279 24560 12773
Notes: The table summarizes estimates of model
obtained by weighted-least-squares (WLS), with a weight on the
squared residual
that is proportional to the total trade volume
of instrument
during month
. The
corresponds to the weighted sum of squares. The
-values shown are rounded to two significant figures and estimated
with heteroskedastic robust standard errors, and reported in brackets. The “Full" sample period (Column 1) is July 2002
to July 2021. The Post-GFC period (Column 2) is January 2010 to July 2021. The “Recent” sample period is January
2015 to July 2021.
C Incitements to Draw Early or to Run
The following extension addresses a borrower’s incentives to draw on its credit lines even before they
are needed, and when drawing to deposit the resulting funds at the same bank. These incentives
are influenced by the combined effects of potential future deteriorations in the credit qualities of the
bank or the borrower. Ideally, we want to capture the following incentives:
There is a relationship benefit or convenience to keeping drawn funds on deposit in the same
If the bank’s credit quality is at risk of worsening significantly, the borrower has an incentive to
maintain liquidity by drawing early and placing the funds in another cash instrument, such as
deposits in a different bank. This could be part of a run on the bank.
If the borrower’s or the bank’s credit quality is at risk of worsening significantly, the borrower
has an incentive to draw on the line early, before the bank blocks the borrower from doing so
by claiming that the borrower has not met the necessary covenants. If the bank’s credit quality
were to deteriorate significantly, then the bank has an incentive to block the drawing on lines to
preserve its liquidity, even if the borrower’s quality has not deteriorated, in which case there is
an associated relationship cost to the bank.
First, however, we ignore for simplicity the borrower’s credit risk, which makes the problem
Lines are contracted at time 0, giving the borrower the option to draw on the line at time 1 or at
at an interest rate equal to a fixed contractual spread
over the reference rate. We analyze
cases in which the reference rate is either a credit-sensitive rate like LIBOR or a risk-free rate
SOFR. Purely for notational simplicity, given the increased model complexity, we assume that the
risk-free rate
is always zero. The reference rate is
for loans taken at time 1 and maturing at time
, and
for loans taken at time
and maturing at time 2. We ignore risk aversion throughout. For
the case of credit-sensitive reference rates, we take
to be positively correlated with the
unsecured borrowing rates of the bank, r + S
at time 1 and r + S
at time a.
The borrower will be blocked from drawing at time
, for some threshold
. Because we
are conducting a marginal analysis, we take
as given, although it may depend on the borrower
type. The spreads
are affiliated, so the conditional probability at time 1 that the borrower is
blocked from drawing at time
is increasing in
. The borrower will endogenously choose whether
to deposit any funds drawn at time 1. Any drawn funds outstanding at time
are for uses by the
borrower at that time, and are not left on deposit. If the borrower does not need cash at time a, any
previously drawn funds are repaid.
At time 0, the bank offers the borrower a menu
s) : L
of credit line terms distinguished
by the size
of the line and the associated fixed spread
over the variable loan benchmark rate
At time 1, information reveals the credit spread
of the bank for unsecured wholesale funding
maturing at time
. Likewise, at time
, the credit spread
of the bank for loans maturing at time 2
is observed. Information is symmetric throughout.
The borrower will use the drawn funds only at time
, if at all. At time
, the benefit to the
borrower of having access to
in cash is
, where
is a liquidity-preference variable that is
revealed at time 1 and
is a function with the same properties assumed in the basic model. At time 1,
given the committed size
of the credit line, the borrower chooses the amounts
to borrow at time
1. At time
, the borrower chooses the incremental amount
to borrow, if not blocked by the bank,
so as to maximize the benefit of access to the cash, net of the present value of the loan repayment. We
to be negative, subject to
+ q
0, with the idea that by time
, the borrower will either
have used the drawn funds or paid back funds drawn at time 1. At time 2, the total assets and total
liabilities of the bank are revealed and the bank is either solvent or not. For simplicity, the bank will
not default before time
, for example because the bank has no liabilities maturing before time 2. If
solvent at time 2, the bank pays back
+ S
+ S
) + q
+ S
. The corporate borrower repays
the outstanding loan amount,
+ q
, whether or not the bank is solvent at time 2. The proportional
reputational or convenience cost to the borrower of not leaving the drawn funds on deposit at the
same bank is
. For simplicity, we assume that the borrower will not default on the credit line and
= r + S
. We don’t take
= r + S
, because we want to allow for the risk that the bank will
become much worse at time
than “LIBOR quality,” which as a result could prevent the borrower
from drawing or even make the bank unable to fund the draw request.
State by state, the borrower thus solves
V(L) = sup
0 q
L, W
b(Q + q
, ψ) Wq
e Q(1 + R
+ s)( 1 + R
+ s) q
(1 + R
+ s) | S
, ψ
where q
is constrained to be non-positive on the event {S
S}, where
Q = q
(H + (1 H)W),
and where
is the indicator of the event that the bank honors its deposit obligation at time
. We
P(H | S
to be a simple given function, for example linear, assuming that
has a sufficiently
bounded range. Or, for another example, we can take
H =
, where
is a threshold above
As reflected in
, if the borrower loses its deposits at time
, then of course it is not obligated to
pay back the loan.
The problem can be solved inductively as follows. At time
, for each given amount
of funding
obtained at time 1, the optimal incremental borrowing amount
is the solution of the associated
Kuhn-Tucker conditions, which have an explicit first-order interior condition whenever the solution
is interior. We can thus treat
as an explicit function of variables observable at time
. We ignore for
now cases in which the fraction
of withdrawn cash may interior, and take
to be chosen as zero
or 1 for simplicity. Then, given
, the optimal amount
of funding at time 1 can be solved
by a line search for each of two cases,
W =
0 and
W =
1. The better of these two cases determines
and q
, state by state, and from these, q
The marginal increase at time 1 in the equity value of the bank associated with given contractual
credit line terms (L, s) is
= E
[(1 + R
+ s)( 1 + R
+ s) 1] + q
+ s) q
((1 + S
W)(1 + S
) 1) q
where 1
is the event of bank solvency at time 2. The first two terms inside the expectation of
are the bank’s profit markups. The third and fourth terms are debt overhang costs to shareholders.
For each line size
, the bank offers a competitive spread
at which the bank’s shareholders break
even on marginal new credit lines, meaning that
0. Given the resulting menu of feasible line
terms, the borrower solves (15) for the optimal line amount L
D Model Calibration Details
This section of the appendix provides additional details on the calibration of the theoretical model.
The main goal of the calibration is to match the aggregate quarterly credit line drawing behavior
from the first quarter of 2015 to the second quarter of 2021. We first provide some properties of the
model used in the calibration. In the following, we let e = e .
Theorem 1.
For a given credit line limit
, the optimal quantity
of drawn credit has the following
1. On the event {K(W) + e > 0, K(W) + e < L((1 + R + s)
E[Q(L) | W] = υ
L(K(W) + e L(((1 + R + s)
( e e)
+ υ
+ min(L,
+ (1 υ) min
(K(W) + e
(1 + R + s)
2. On the event {K(W) + e
0}, we have E[Q(L) | W] = 0.
On the event
{K(W) + e
{K(W) + e
, we have
E[Q(L) | W] = (
υ) min(L
4. On the event {K(W) + e L(1 + R + s)
}, we have E[Q(L) | W] = L.
Theorem 2.
For a given credit line limit
, the cumulative distribution function
of the cross-sectional
distribution of credit line utilization has the properties
F(0) = P(Q(L) = 0 | W) =
1 on the event K(W) + e
1 υ on the event K(W) + e 0 and K(W) + e
> 0
0 on the event
F(L) = P(Q(L) = L | W) =
1 on the event
0 on the event
< L
1 υ on the event
L and
+ 1 υ otherwise.
Motivated by calibrating the model so as to match the aggregate utilization of credit lines observed
in our sample, we assume the following functional form for the function
that determines the
macro component K(W) of borrowers’ liquidity shocks:
K(x) = C
+ C
min(x, x
) + C
(x x
1 + e
, (17)
for some constants
, and
to be calibrated. This functional form captures the
features of the data that borrowers sharply increased their total draw-down quantity during the
COVID shock when LIBOR-OIS rose to around
140 basis points, the level at which drawing
sharply increases for the median borrower. The sensitivity to LIBOR of this increase is captured by
the parameter C
We calibrate the model in the following steps
For any parameter choices
P = (M
, we can calculate the
bank’s marginal improvement in equity value per credit line when the equilibrium spread is
Π(P, s) = E[(1 2W)δE[Q(L) | W](s + W κ(W)W)],
by numerical integration with respect to the probability density of W.
2. Fixing P, we solve s(L) with a numerical binary search for the solution to
Π(P, s(L)) = 0.
3. Let
= (M, C
, C
, C
, C
, C
, C
, x
, 1.1L, e, e
, υ)
= (M, C
, C
, C
, C
, C
, C
, x
, 0.9L, e, e
, υ).
We solve s(1.1L) and s(0.9L) such that
, s(1.1L)) = 0
, s(0.9L)) = 0.
We fix a credit line fee
of 20 basis points. We solve for the line size
that maximizes a
borrower’s expected net benefit, using numerical integration. This expected benefit, for each of
three parameter choices, is
U(P, L, s(L) ) = E
(K(W) + e)
1 α
) Q(L)δ(1 + R + s(L))
f L
, 1.1L, s(1.1L)) = E
(K(W) + e)
1 α
) Q(1.1L)δ(1 + R + s(1.1L))
1.1 f L
, 0.9L, s(0.9L)) = E
(K(W) + e)
1 α
) Q(0.9L)δ(1 + R + s(0.9L))
0.9 f L.
In equilibrium, borrowers choose a line size L with the property that Ξ(P) = 0, where
Ξ(P) = max(U(P
, 0.9L, s(0.9L)), U( P
, 1.1L, s(1.1L)), U( P, L, s(L))) U(P, L, s(L)).
For the realization
of LIBOR-OIS observed in the data in quarter
, we solve the equilibrium
assuming that the equilibrium
are the actual spread and credit limit observed in the
historical data. From this, we calculate the modeled aggregate amount drawn,
( P ) =
M · E[Q(L) | W = w
. The empirical analogue is the actual aggregate quantity
drawn in
. Likewise, we compute the modeled fraction of borrowers utilizing their entire credit
line, which is
( P ) = P(Q(L) = L | W = w
. As an approximation of the precise empirical
analogue to
, we take the empirical analogue to be the fraction
of lines that were drawn in
to within 95% of their line limits. We also calculate the average across sample periods
of the total across borrowers of credit line sizes in the data. This average is denoted L
is conditionally uniformly distributed with probability
, we know that for any
in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
( P ) P
( ι + 1)L
W = w
= P
( ι
+ 1)L
W = w
In the data, we observe the fraction of borrowers with line utilization between
% for each
l {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
. These empirical fractions are roughly the
same across these “interior deciles. For each quarter, we calculate the average of these interior
fractions, denoted Z
As a first step in calibrating the model, we choose the model parameters
that minimize the
sum of squared model errors, defined by
( P ) = Ξ(P)
+ (L
M · L)
( P ) Q
( P ) Z
( P ) Z
Here, we abuse the conditional-expectation notation by using a regular version
w 7→ E[ Q(L) | W = w]
of the conditional
expectation, a function that exists under a mild technical integrability condition.
where the summation over i is across all N quarters in our 2015-2021 sample period.
Minimizing the unweighted sum
( P )
does not account for the quite different magnitudes
of the different types of terms in the sum. This could result in heavily overweighting some
types of model errors over other types. So, we perform a second calibration step by using the
first-step parameters P
to estimate the error moments
) |
· L|
( P
) Q
( P
) Z
( P
) Z
where M
denotes the quantity of borrowers associated with P
Our final model parameters
are those minimizing the weighted sum of squared model
( P ) =
M · L)
( P ) Q
( P ) Z
( P ) Z
At the fitted parameters, the first term is zero, so in fact plays no role in determining the fitted
It turns out that
is not well identified in our sample, because LIBOR-OIS spreads vary within
our sample by no more than 150 basis points, but
is 140.6 basis points. We ultimately chose
80 so that the modeled line utilization during the GFC is roughly 7% more than the
maximum sample utilization in non-crisis sample periods for which LIBOR-OIS is 80 basis
points or less. We experimented with a wide choice of
and found that our main results are
quite robust to this choice.
E Additional Tables and Figures
Figure E.1:
Bank Funding Rates and LIBOR
Notes: This table displays the coefficient on 3M LIBOR-OIS in a regression of the form
= β × [LIBOR
] + e
, where y
is the interest rate or OIS spread on date t. Table E.3 in the Appendix also shows the corresponding detailed regression output. Confidence
intervals calculated from robust standard errors. Series represent different maturities and different start dates, which are further detailed in Table E.3. Checking and Saving series
represent demand deposit rates. NBFI, Bank and Corporate Deposit are spreads over the effective fed funds rate. 3M SOFR, 3M “All-in” FHLB Advance, 3M CD (corporate), 3M CD
(NBFI), and 3M BSBY represent spreads over 3M OIS.
Figure E.2:
Corporate Drawdowns and Funding Sources: U.S. Operations of Foreign Banking
Organizations (FBOs). Data Source: FR 2052a. This figure shows the evoluation of aggregate assets and liabilities during the COVID pandemic for the
consolidated US branches of a balanced panel of 14 FBOs: BARC, BNPP, TD, SOGN, DB, UBS, BMO, BBVA, KN, CS, MUFG, SMBC, MFG, and RY. Values represent cumulative
growth/decreases compared to the starting month in $ billion.
Table E.2: Bank-Level Distribution of Floating Rate Long-Term Debt
in % Industry Mean 25
% Median % 75
% No. Banks
Fixed 69.93 78.24 69.70 78.56 88.73 14
Floating 29.02 21.51 11.27 21.34 30.30 14
LIBOR 11.36 11.94 8.97 10.82 18.67 14
SOFR 11.34 5.70 0.00 0.00 9.67 14
This table displays statistics from the cross-sectional distribution of banks for which we were able to “confidently" source
long-term debt issuance terms via Bloomberg. Data are as of June 30, 2021. We define our “confidence" by measuring
the bank-level difference between outstanding amounts as reported in Bloomberg and borrowings as reported in the FR
Y-9C. Borrowing in the FR Y-9C is defined as other borrowed money plus subordinated debt less advances from FHLBs.
“Confidence” is defined as matching Y-9C within 10% or matching non-deposit liabilities within 5%. Floating rate debt
includes both current floating rate notes, as well as variable notes (which start paying fixed and convert to floating at a
future date).
Table E.3: Interest Rate Correlations with LIBOR-OIS
Deposit & Risk-Free Rates
Checking Saving ON Corp ON NBFI ON Bank SOFR
LIBOR-OIS -0.01 -0.01 0.09*** 0.01 0.05*** 0.04***
(0.01) (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01)
N 447 447 696 696 693 615
Start Date 14 May 2009 14 May 2009 01 Oct 2018 01 Oct 2018 04 Oct 2018 03 Jan 2019
Wholesale Rates
LIBOR-OIS 0.51*** 0.62*** 0.77*** 0.88*** 0.89*** 0.93***
(0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.04) (0.02) (0.01)
N 4875 4875 4639 1340 1385 1351
Start Date 04 Dec 2001 04 Dec 2001 04 Dec 2001 15 Jan 2016 11 Jan 2016 06 Jan 2016
This table displays the coefficient on LIBOR-OIS in regressions of the form
= α + β × LIBOR-OIS
+ e
where Y
is the interest rate or OIS spread on date t. The rates displayed in this table are: Interest and Savings Rate, sourced from FDIC calculations using RateWatch Data; overnight
corporate, non-bank financial, and bank deposit spread vs. effective fed funds, where O/N rates are calculated by counterparty type from FR 2420 data; 3M term SOFR and 3M
BSBY spreads to 3M OIS, sourced from Bloomberg; 3M Financial CP-OIS spread, sourced from FRED; the 3M FHLB Des Moines rate on fixed rate advances spread to 3M OIS; and
the average 3M non-financial corporate CD and non-bank financial CD rates, calculated from the FR 2420, spread to 3M OIS. Regression coefficients can be interpreted as the average
relationship between LIBOR-OIS and the corresponding rate or spread. Note: The relatively low observation count for savings and checking deposit rates is due to the weekly nature
of the data series, compared to other series, which are reported daily.
Table E.4: Floating Rate Loans at Large US BHCs (as of December 31, 2019)
(in %) Industry Bank Holding Company No. of
25th Median 75th Banks
Panel A: Credit Lines
% LIBOR 70.51 53.75 74.95 84.79 20
% Prime 6.92 2.51 5.07 9.22 20
% Fixed 6.22 0.52 2.52 6.75 20
% Other 16.36 9.36 13.82 32.14 20
Panel B: Term Loans
% LIBOR 72.80 51.73 84.01 89.88 20
% Prime 4.15 0.10 0.83 1.64 20
% Fixed 14.99 4.74 12.65 17.84 20
% Other 8.05 0.58 1.60 5.57 20
Panel C: Commercial Real Estate
% LIBOR 65.61 54.82 75.06 83.27 20
% Prime 3.58 0.08 0.98 2.78 20
% Fixed 28.38 9.89 18.80 29.77 20
% Other 2.43 0.45 1.32 2.69 20
Panel D: C&I and CRE Loans
% LIBOR 68.49 62.21 75.37 80.75 21
% Prime 5.08 0.61 2.49 4.90 21
% Fixed 17.18 8.18 12.71 15.69 21
% Other 9.25 4.21 7.85 10.49 21
LIBOR Util. / Assets 7.39 1.99 10.81 20.38 21
LIBOR Util. / STWF 129.73 34.13 171.79 287.65 21
This table displays the distribution of floating rate loan terms across banks that file the FR Y-14Q Schedule H1 B (corporate loans) and FR Y-14Q Schedule H2 (commercial real estate).
In Panels A and B, we restrict our sample to domestic C&I loans only. In Panel C, we restrict our sample to domestic loans secured by real estate. In Panel D, we pool loans across
C&I and CRE schedules. We also exclude all holding companies that are owned by foreign (non-U.S.) banks. Data are as of December 31, 2019 and reflect utilized loans (and not
unfunded commitments). We define short-term wholesale funding (STWF) similarly to Bowman et al. (2020), as the sum of commercial paper, fed funds purchased, and large time
deposits with remaining maturity less than one year, as reported in the FR Y-9C. We add to their definition other borrowed money maturing in one year or less.