(English Print) Last Name _______________ First Name ________________
(Hebrew Print) Last Name ______________ First Name ________________
Passport # __________________ Nationality _________________
Current Address ______________________________________________
City State Zip Country__________________________________________
Phone No. ___________________ Mobile No.___________________
Email Address _________________________________________________
Gender: Male / Female Marital Status: S / M / D / W Number of Children : ___
Date of Birth ____/____/___ Country of Birth _________ DD MM YYYY
Status: Tourist / Oleh Chadash (New Immigrant)
Date of Aliyah _______ Were did you make Aliyah from (City Country) ___________
Would you like to apply for a Dorm-room? Yes / No
Made Aliyah with: Parents / Siblings / Husband / Wife / Alone
Father's Name: ______________ Country of Birth ____________
Mother's Name: ______________ Country of Birth ____________
Contact Details of Parents (if currently abroad): (To be contacted in case of emergency)
Full Address ____________________________________________
Home Phone No. __________________
Father's Mobile No. ______________ Mother's Mobile No. ______________
Email Address:_________________________________________________
Details of a Relative or a Close Friend in Israel: (To be contacted in case of emergency)
Name _________________________ Phone No. __________________
Full Address _______________________________ Relation: ________________
םיטנדוטסה ןקיד תכשל
םילועל הניכמה
Office of the Dean of Students
Pre- Academic Program
for new Immigrants
Tel: 03 531 8653 :לט Fax: 03 738 4015 :סקפ mechina.office@mail.biu.ac.il http://www.biu.ac.il/Dean/mechina
Bar-Ilan University (RA), Ramat Gan 52900, Israel www.biu.ac.il רב תטיסרבינוא- ןג תמר ,( ןליא52900לארשי ,
3 I.D
Year of Graduation _____ SAT's (or Psychometric) Score:____
Name / Period of Study / Degree
High school
College / University
Jewish Institutions
Army Service:
1. I Served _______ years, from _________ to ______________
2. I did not Serve
3. I Served abroad : Country ___________ No. of years ________
Which Health insurance do you have: __________________________?
Do you have any special health problems: _______________________?
Applicant's signature
Please include the following with this application form:
3 Pictures
• High School Diploma + Grade Sheet
• $100 Registration Fees
• Ulpan Diploma (if available)
• Copy of ID Card or Passport (details page)
• Copy of Health Insurance Card (if available)
םיטנדוטסה ןקיד תכשל
םילועל הניכמה
Office of the Dean of Students
Pre- Academic Program
for new Immigrants
Tel: 03 531 8653 :לט Fax: 03 738 4015 :סקפ mechina.office@mail.biu.ac.il http://www.biu.ac.il/Dean/mechina
Bar-Ilan University (RA), Ramat Gan 52900, Israel www.biu.ac.il ב תטיסרבינואר- ןג תמר ,( ןליא52900לארשי ,
1. I hereby agree to pay the full tuition for this program ____________ , including all
students' fees and all other required fees as detailed from the instructions detailed
on the University's website (www.biu.ac.il/Dean), and all decisions made by the
University's authorities, which may vary from time to time.
2. I am well aware that any delay in payment of said fees will result in overdue
fines in linkage rates posted on the University's website. I am also aware that
regardless of any other legal remedies in such matters, the University is entitled
to take different actions (such as discontinuing my education or services
rendered, etc.), all included in the relevant abovementioned instructions.
3. I am aware that in all matters regarding debts, unpaid fees and standing debts, the
University's records will be considered evidence in my case.
4. I hereby agree to resolve all tuition payment issues within 90 days from the first
date of studies at the latest.
5. I am fully aware that should I unregister from the program before the first
semester has began, I will be charged with the cost of a Summer Ulpan, and at
any case, with no less than 25% of the full program's tuition fees.
I am also aware that should I unregister from the program after the first semester
has began but before it has ended, I will be charged with 50% of the full
program's tuition fees.
6. I confirm that I was informed of the University's policies and requirements
regarding studies discontinuation notice, and the different rates to be charged
pending date of discontinuation notice. I am also aware that in addition to the
aforementioned requirements, the studies discontinuation notice will go into
effect if and only if and when my notice is received in writing by registered mail
or by personal delivery with a signed approval of acceptance by the Mechina
office, and that any other form of discontinuation notice is null and void.
I hereby agree to act according to the conditions detailed above and pay the
remaining sum of my debt to the University accordingly.
Applicant's signature
Please send this application form via email: [email protected]
םיטנדוטסה ןקיד תכשל
םילועל הניכמה
Tel: 03 531 8653 :לט Fax: 03 738 4015 :סקפ mechina.office@mail.biu.ac.il http://www.biu.ac.il/Dean/mechina
Bar-Ilan University (RA), Ramat Gan 52900, Israel www.biu.ac.il רב תטיסרבינוא- ןג תמר ,( ןליא52900לארשי ,