Predicting Premier League Final Points and
Rank Using Linear Modeling Techniques
By Junyuan Gao
Advisor: David Aldous
Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------2
Description of Data ----------------------------------------------------3
Preliminary Analysis --------------------------------------------------4
Model Construction and Simulation---------------------------------6
Test and Model Selection---------------------------------------------11
Prediction --------------------------------------------------------------13
Future Developments ------------------------------------------------15
Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------15
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------- 16
I. Introduction
Soccer, one of the most popular sports in the world, has its own fascination. Soccer
fans enchant in the tense and exciting moments of goals, especially those last-gasp goals
that determine the game result and then determine the final rank and points of teams.
For example, in the 2015-16 season of English Premier League, the dark horse team
Leicester, who just ascended to the Premier League in 2014-15 season, surprisingly beat
all the other teams and won the champion. This phenomenon reflects one of the most
charming part of soccer complexity, which makes the game result hard to be
Though soccer game results and team ranks are hard to predict, curious people
always want to figure out the keys to determine the game result for their own reasons.
Betting companies has to correctly, or as correctly as possible, predict the game results
and ranks since they have to design a series of odds that produce stable profit from
gamblers. Their methodology might be complex and variousfrom analyzing the
strength of two teams and the possible strategies of two coachs, to the choice of the
referee at the game day, the injury situation of two teams and both teams’ future
schedule, etc. Gamblers and sports fans want to predict the game results and ranks
correctly since gamblers want to predict correctly since gamblers want to earn money
from betting companies and gain pleasure from correctly predict their favorite club
winning the game and the seasonal championship. Restricted to the lack of information
and experience in the industry, they have to make prediction based on less parameters
such as general performance of two teams in this season(which can be easily obtained
from game table), historical game records and odds from betting companies.
As a statistician and a soccer fan, I mainly focus on predicting the game results
using statistical modeling techniques. I choose to predict the game results and the team
ranks in a very straight waypredicting the number of the goals for each team. The
reason I choose to predict the number of goals is that regardless what strategies that
coachs use or what types of the goals are, whenever a team achieve more goals than the
other, that team will win the game. Within each game result produced, I can easily
generate the results to make a final table contains team ranks and final points. The goal
of the project is to predict the final ranks and points of 2016-17 premier league season.
This goal will be achieved mainly in following steps:
(1) Data collection and re-organization in order to be used to construct prediction
(2) Several models will be evaluated and tested on 2015-16 season
(3) Select the one among those models
(4) Predictions will be made via the best model on selected in step(2)
II. Description of Data
The data that I used in this project are collected from github and
www.premierleague.com. I collected the detailed match data of 2015-16 premier league
season, which can be regard as my training set, from github and obtained the completed
game results and future game schedule of 2016-17 premier league season, which can
be regard as the prediction set, from www.premierleague.com. Moreover, all execution
on data is under R.
The original data is a data frame with 380 rows and 49 columns, in which each row
stands for full information of one game in 2015-16 season. The information contains
team names, managers of teams, general information(date, location, name of referee,
etc.) and detailed statistics(e.g. number of assists, number of goals, number of tackles,
etc.). We can have a rough glance of the data in figure 1:
Figure 1: first 12 rows and 8 columns of original data frame
However, the data is too messy for the further researchas I mentioned in part I,
what I need is only the number of goals of home and away teams, so I simplify the
original data and produced the reduced data that only contains 380 rows and 4 columns,
which can be seen in Figure 2.
After obtaining the original match results in 2015-16 season, I created a function
Table() to generate the match results into a result table. Besides the similar statistics on
the other result tables, this table contains detailed statistics like the numbers of wins
that particular team play as home team and so on. The 2015-16 season table is shown
Figure 2: first 13 rows and
4 columns of reduced data.
on Figure 3.
Figure 3: The detailed result table of 2015-16 Premier League season. P=number of matches played,
H= Home, A= Away, w=number of winning games, D=number of draw games, L=number of losing
games, HF/AF=Goal scored in home/away games, HA/AA= number of goals against in home/away
games, Hpts/Apts=points earned in home/away games, GD= goal difference.
By the same way, game results data and result table of 2016-17 season can also be
generated. Within this data, we are ready to step to the next part.
III. Preliminary Analysis
At first, I tried to figure out whether there is a trend, regardless of the difference
between home game and away game, of the number of goals in each match. The
following visualization can provide a directly perception:
Figure 4: Distribution of
numbers of goals of a team
in one match (regardless
the difference of home or
Inspired by Rasmus Baath’s paper “Modeling Match Results in Soccer using a
Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model”, I realized that if we assume both teams have
equal probability of making a goal in each chance and both teams have many chances
in the equally long game time(90 minutes), the distribution of the number of goals
should follows a Poisson Distribution. To intuitively confirm this hypothesis, I plotted
a random draw of a Poisson Distribution whose mean is equal to the mean of number
of goals in each match and resulted in the following graph:
Observing Figure 4 and 5, we can easily detect that they looks really same, which
strengthen the power of this hypothesis. However, to officially check whether it’s true
or not, I made a hypothesis testing by using function goodfit() from package “vcd”. I
set the null hypothesis H
: The distribution of number of goals in one game is
approximately Poisson distributed. The test result can be viewed through figure 6:
Figure 6: Test statistics of goodness-of-fit test for Poisson distribution
This test statistics shows that X
= 8.457959 with 8 degrees of freedom and p-
value= 0.3900596, which indicates that the probability of the data follows the
distribution is approximately 39%. Though it looks a little bit small, it is quite
significant since our amount of data is also large. Just as Prof. Aldous noted: All models
are wrong but some are useful. Thus, by intuitively thinking, empirical observation and
Figure 5: Distribution of
results of random draw from
Poisson(mean= the mean of
goals scored in one match in
2015-16 season).
statistical test, I think that the test statistics could be a strong evidence to accept my null
hypothesis that the distribution of number of goals in each match in 2015-16 season
follows Poisson distribution.
IV. Model Construction and Simulation
After accepting the assumption of the number of goals in each match follows
Poisson distribution, I can start construct regression models based on the assumption.
In this part, two models are considered:
Model 1: Poisson regression separately on 2 parameters: home goals(Offence) and
away goals(Defence) of teams.
Model 2: Based on Model 1, consider an extra parameterhome advantage parameter.
Theoretically, the Poisson regression formula for this project can be represented as
Y=exp(Xβ), where Y is a vector of dependent variable that consists of the home goals
and away goals in games, X is a matrix of explanatory variables that records the home
and away teams corresponding to the games. β is a vector containing the parameters,
Offence and Deffence, of the model. Note that Y and β are at length 2n which is 2 times
of number of mathces since each of 20 teams has its Offence parameter and Defence
parameter, and each of the times will appear as either a home team or an away team.
Thus we can say Y and β are of the forms: Y=(y
i1, j1
, y
i1, j1
, )
and β= (O
, …,O
, …,D
, where y
is the number of goals scored by team a versus team b in game
i; O
and D
stands for the Offence and Defence parameter of team j. To be specific, I
will show readers the structure with a naïve example:
Example: Assume we have 3 teams: Man Utd, Man City and Chelsea plays 3 games
pairwisely. Then we can write following table and representations:
Table 1: example of 3 games
Home team
Away team
# of away
Man Utd
Man City
Man Utd
Man city
Hence, we have Y=(0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1)
, O
, O
, D
, D
If we consider the home advantage parameter in model 2, our β and X will change
into β= (O
, O
, O
, D
, D
MU Che MC MU Che MC home
Moreover, to construct both model 1 and model 2 in practice, the following
guideline is considered:
(1) Estimate the Poisson parameters of each team based on the average amount of
home goals and away goals in each match.
(2) Produce a table of probabilities for the set of results possible for a football
match based on (1)
(3) Simulate game results of a season based on (1) and (2), then using bootstrap to
diminish the randomness
For the first step, I set the mean of the home/away goals of one team in the season
as its Poisson parameter , and create a function Y_beta_x() to calculate the Poisson
parameters. Inside the function, the build-in function glm() is used to calculate the
Poisson parameters. However, when dealing with model 2, I observed that the matrix
X in this case contains 41 columns while the rank is 40, which means that the glm
function will not produce a unique least square estimator of β. So I just modified the
function Y_beta_x() to make Y vector fit on X after reduced the 1
Equivalently, we can write the Poisson regression R code as
glm(Y~ 0+ X_reduced_1
Column, family= poisson).
Within this modification, the number of columns of X is reduced to 40 and the
function will return a least square estimate of β. The result of the estimated parameters
in 2015-16 season is shown on Figure 7:
For the second step, I designed a function ProbTable() that produce a probability
matrix to show the probability of possible game result of two teams. The basic formula
to calculate the probability of a certain outcome is:
For team A, B whose number of goals scored are j and k, P(A v.s B has result j v.s
k)= P(# of goals of A= j) x P(# of goals of B= k).
For each team A, B whose number of goals scored are j and k, I used function
dpois() to obtain the probability P(A=j) under the Pois(O
- D
) distribution and obtain
the probability P(B=k) under the Pois(O
- D
) distribution. When using model 2, since
the home parameter is added, the distributions correspondingly change into Pois(O
+) and Pois(O
- D
). An example in figure 8 shows the probability matrix of the
possible outcomes of the game (in season 2015-16) between Leicester and Manchester
Figure 8: The probability matrix of the outcomes of the game between Leicester City and
Manchester United(in percentage, e.g. 0-0 has 15.92% chance). The numbers 0~7+ on the row
indicates the possible number of goals of Leicester while the numbers on the column indicates the
number of goals of Manchester United.
Figure 7: Estimated Offence
and Defence parameters of
each teams as well as the
home advantage parameter
of model 2.
For the third step, I designed a function GameResult() to simulate the game results
for a whole season based on repetitively using the methods I mentioned in part (1) and
(2). After the game results of a whole season created, I used the Table() function
mentioned above to generate the game results into a final result table, which is more
clear and readable to readers. The following figure 9 is a nice example of the result of
one-time simulation of a whole season:
Figure 9: A result table of one-time simulation of games of the whole 2015-16 season of model 1
However, since one-time simulation might be badly affected by randomness, I used
the 1000 times bootstrap to produce game results of 1000 seasons and then take average
of them, which will weaken the effect of randomness. Since this part will mainly work
for the next section, only the bootstrapping game results, average rank and final points
are recorded after the bootstrap. Figure 10 is a comparison of average ranks and final
points between model 1 and model 2 after bootstrapping.
Figure 10: Comparison of average ranks and final points between model 1 and model 2 after
bootstrapping. Left: model 1 Right: model 2
Moreover, I created a function Accuracy() to calculate the bias= E(-_hat) and
the standard deviation dev= of every parameters of each team over
the bootstrap process. The smaller the bias and standard deviation are, the less
randomness does the simulation have. Figure 11 is the generated result of bias and
standard deviation of model 2 after 1000-times bootstrapping:
Figure 11: bias and std deviation of parameters model 2 over 1000-times bootstrapping
From the figure, we can see that the standard deviation for most of parameters are
less than 0.30, which is a very small number and indicates that the set of parameters
using the original ones are very closed to the original estimators I got in part (1).
Furthermore, the bias values also appears to be very small, which shows that little bias
occurred during the 1000-times bootstrapping process. Both the results of bias and
deviation reflect that my method of estimating parameters is doing well, and
surprisingly, the low bias and standard deviation of home parameter indicates that the
home advantage parameter is useful.
V. Test and Model Selection
The object of this section is to select the best model based on the real world result
of 2015-16 Premier League season. In order to choose the best model for the future
prediction, I designed three tests to determine which model is optimal.
The first test is the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test on team ranks and final
points towards model 1 and model 2. Observing and comparing figure 10 and figure 3
by eye, we can see that both 2 models have a nice prediction of the top 6 rank teams
and the bottom 3 rank teams towards the real-world result. However, it’s hard to
determine the goodness of simulation of those middle-ranked teams. By using
Wilcoxon rank sum test, I can quantitatively determine the rank sum of two simulated
tables and figure out its goodness of simulation. I set the null hypothesis H
: The
simulation ranks does not shift from the real-world ranks and test result is shown on
figure 12.
Figure 12: Wilcoxon rank test statistics for model 1(above) and model 2(bottom)
Looking at the test statistics of two models, I saw that they are really same: both of
them fail to reject null hypothesis due to the really large p-value, and there is nearly no
difference between their rank sum and p-value. To classify the best model more
efficiently, I designed the second test.
The second test is a percentage testthat is, to test the percentage of the teams
occur to be at their correct rank(i.e. the real-world rank) in the simulation. In this part,
I created a function percentage_test() to solve the problem. Moreover, I calculated the
sum of percentages of each team. The larger the summation is, the more accurate the
model performs. Test results is shown on figure 13.
Figure 13: Percentage of teams at their right place and the summation of the percentages.
Left: model 1 Right: Model 2
From the test results, I noticed that model 2 has much better accuracy on middle-
ranked teams and has an average 5.635% higher accuracy on each team than model 1,
which indicates that generally speaking model 2 performs a significantly higher
accuracy than model 1.
The third test that I designed is about the accuracy of simulating the champion,
which is measured by the percentage of each teams win the champion in simulated
2015-16 season. Since Leicester City was a surprising dark horse in last year, I required
my best model for predicting 2016-17 season to do its best on predicting the
championship without influence the accuracy of other ranks. To complete the test, I
wrote a function rank1_rate() and the next figure is the result of the tests:
Figure 14: Test results of the percentages of win a champion. Left: model 1 Right: model 2
From the above figure, I saw that model 1 does better in predicting the champion.
However, an interesting appearance is that in model 2, all the top 6 teams except
Leicester has extremely high percentage to win the champion while on the other side,
many middle-ranked teams and relegation avoiders still have considerable chance to
win the chance, which is ridiculous and might indicates that even though model 1
performs better in predicting the champion, it sacrifices a lot in accuracy of other ranks.
After general consideration of all 3 tests, I choose model 2 as my prediction model
in the next section.
VI. Prediction
Knowing that model 2 is the better one, now I start predict the 2016-17 Premier
League final points and team ranks. Since there were 3 teams from 2015-16 season
degraded down to the Football League Championship and 3 new teams upgraded to
Premier League, I can’t simply take the model 2 in 2015-16 season to predict the results
in 2016-17 season. Therefore, I chose to re-construct a model that based on the ideas of
model 2 in 2015-16 season.
One crucial problem occurred in this part is the estimation of Poisson parameters
of each team. Since the season is still in progress, I imported and select the completed
14 rounds of game results(last updated at 12/06/2016, total 14 rounds) as training sets
and estimate the Offence, Defence and home parameters to predict the result of rest of
games. Like what I have shown on section IV, I predicted the result of rest of games
and combined them with the finished games to produce the following predicted final
table of 2016-17 Premier League Season:
Figure 15: Top: Result table of finished 14 rounds of games(up to 12/06/2016)
Bottom: Predicted result table of 2016-17 Premier League Season using first 14-round
games data
Comparing the top and the bottom of figure 15, we can see that the top 5 teams in
the first 14 rounds stay consistent in the rest of the matches and Chelsea, who has
outstanding home results and steady away performance win the champion of 2016-17.
Tragically, the defending champion, Leicester city, performs bad in this season and
could only strive to avoid relegation. Surprisingly, Spurs who ranks 5
in first 14 rounds
seems to have huge potential in the next 24 rounds and finally win a 2
rank while
Arsenal seems to become laxity in the second half and wastes their accumulated
advantages in the first 14- rounds.
VII. Future Developments
The project might be improved in those ways:
1. Our predictors only cover those naïve ones and more possible parameters that may
have influence on the game results should be considered. For instance, the injuries
situations is neglected in this project but is actually crucial in the real world. If
haunted by a large amount of injuries, those top teams like Arsenal and Chelsea
might face a hard time even when they are playing with those less competitive teams.
Another nice example is the influence of schedule and other game events like
champions league. If Manchester United has to play against Real Madrid in the
weekdays on Champions league and has also to play against Arsenal at the weekend,
the travel fatigue and the intense schedule might make them lose the game that they
ought not to lose.
2. There might be other models that performs better than naïve Poisson regression
model. For example, Hierarchical Bayesian Poisson Model introduced by Rasmus
Baath seems to have full use of given data as prior information, and its detailed
hierarchy might lead to more accurate results. Moreover, stepwise prediction that
produces new estimation of parameters for the next step might also have a higher
prediction accuracy.
3. One possible way to improve the accuracy in the current project is to augment the
matrix and increase the data of those teams that are never relegated from the Premier
League to figure out more accuracy estimators of those teams’ parameters.
VIII. Conclusion
In this project, I discovered that the goals of each game follows Poisson distribution
and figured out the least square estimator of Poisson parameter λs for each team by
fitting the number of goals Y with a generalized linear model onto the team indicator
matrix X. Based on this, I constructed two models with several modeling techniques
and simulated the game results to obtain the predictions. Then, I designed three tests on
two models and chose the best one for the prediction after an overall consideration of
various aspects.
Within the best model, I successfully predicted the final result table of 2016-17
Premier League within the completed games. An overall observation indicates that my
predicted results have a consistent trend as the completed games, which indicates that
the result is reasonable and acceptable.
IX. References
1. Rasmus Bååth. “Modeling Match Results in Soccer using a Hierarchical Bayesian
Poisson Model”.
2. Pinnacle.com. https://www.pinnacle.com/en/betting-articles/soccer/how-to-
calculate-poisson-distribution, Aug 12, 2014
3. Premier League website. https://www.premierleague.com/
4. Github user Jargnar. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jargnar/premier-league-