Copyright © American Dietetic Association. This handout may be duplicated for client education.
Carbohydrate Counting for People With Diabetes – Page 1
Client Name ______________________________________ Date ________________
RD/DTR ______________________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________ Phone ______________________
Carbohydrate Counting for
People with Diabetes
Why Is Carbohydrate Counting Important?
Counting carbohydrate servings may help you to control your
blood glucose level so that you feel better.
The balance between the carbohydrates you eat and insulin determines what your blood
glucose level will be after eating.
Carbohydrate counting can also help you plan your meals.
Which Foods Have Carbohydrates?
Foods with carbohydrates include:
Breads, crackers, and cereals
Pasta, rice, and grains
Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn, and peas
Beans and legumes
Milk, soy milk, and yogurt
Fruits and fruit juices
Sweets, such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, jam, and jelly
Carbohydrate Servings
In diabetes meal planning, 1 serving of a food with carbohydrate has about
15 grams of carbohydrate:
Check serving sizes with measuring cups and spoons or a food scale.
Read the Nutrition Facts on food labels to find out how many grams of carbohydrate are
in foods you eat.
The food lists in this handout show portions that have about 15 grams of carbohydrate.
Carbohydrate Counting for People with Diabetes – Page 2
Food Lists for Carbohydrate Counting
1 serving = about 15 grams of carbohydrate
1 slice bread (1 ounce)
1 tortilla (6-inch size)
¼ large bagel (1 ounce)
2 taco shells (5-inch size)
½ hamburger or hot dog bun
(1 ounce)
¾ cup ready-to-eat cereal
½ cup cooked cereal
1 cup broth-based soup
4-6 small crackers
cup pasta or rice (cooked)
½ cup beans, peas, corn, sweet
potatoes, winter squash, or
mashed or boiled potatoes
¼ large baked potato (3 ounces)
¾ ounce pretzels, potato chips, or
tortilla chips
3 cups popcorn (popped)
1 small fresh fruit (4 ounces)
½ cup canned fruit
¼ cup dried fruit (2 tablespoons)
17 small grapes (3 ounces)
1 cup melon or berries
2 tablespoons raisins
½ cup fruit juice
1 cup fat-free or reduced-fat milk
1 cup soy milk
cup (6 ounces) fat-free yogurt
sweetened with sugar-free
Sweets and Desserts
2-inch square cake (unfrosted)
2 small cookies ( ounce)
½ cup ice cream or frozen yogurt
¼ cup sherbet or sorbet
1 tablespoon syrup, jam, jelly,
table sugar, or honey
2 tablespoons light syrup
Other Foods
Count 1 cup raw vegetables or ½ cup cooked nonstarchy vegetables as zero
carbohydrate servings or “free” foods. If you eat 3 or more servings at one
meal, count them as 1 carbohydrate serving.
Foods that have less than 20 calories in each serving also may be counted as
zero carbohydrate servings or “free” foods.
Count 1 cup of casserole or other mixed foods as 2 carbohydrate servings.
Carbohydrate Counting for People with Diabetes – Page 3
Meal Planning Tips
A meal plan tells you how many carbohydrate servings to eat at your meals and snacks. For
many adults, eating 3 to 5 servings of carbohydrate foods at each meal and 1 or 2
carbohydrate servings for each snack works well.
In a healthy daily meal plan, most carbohydrates come from:
o 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
o 3 servings of whole grains
o 2 to 4 servings of milk or milk products
Check your blood glucose level regularly. It can tell you if you need to adjust the timing of
when you eat carbohydrates.
Eating foods that have fiber, such as whole grains, and having very few salty foods is good
for your health.
Eat 4 to 6 ounces of meat or other protein foods (such as soybean burgers) each day. Choose
low-fat sources of protein, such as lean beef, lean pork, chicken, fish, low-fat cheese, or
vegetarian foods such as soy.
Eat some healthy fats, such as olive oil, canola oil, and nuts.
Eat very little saturated fats. These unhealthy fats are found in butter, cream, and high-fat
meats, such as bacon and sausage.
Eat very little or no trans fats. These unhealthy fats are found in all foods that list “partially
hydrogenated” oil as an ingredient.
Label Reading Tips
The Nutrition Facts panel on a label lists the grams of total carbohydrate in
1 standard serving. The label’s standard serving may be larger or smaller than 1 carbohydrate
To figure out how many carbohydrate servings are in the food:
Look first at the label’s standard serving size.
Then check the grams of total carbohydrate. This is the amount of carbohydrate in 1 standard
Divide the grams of total carbohydrate by 15. This number equals the number of
carbohydrate servings in 1 standard serving. Remember: 1 carbohydrate serving is 15 grams
of carbohydrate.
Note: You may ignore the grams of sugars on the Nutrition Facts panel because they are
included in the grams of total carbohydrate.
Carbohydrate Counting for People with Diabetes – Page 4
Sample 1-Day Menu
Total Carbohydrate Servings: 15
1 small banana (1 carbohydrate serving)
¾ cup corn flakes (1 carbohydrate serving)
1 cup fat-free or low-fat milk (1 carbohydrate serving)
1 slice whole wheat bread (1 carbohydrate serving)
1 teaspoon soft margarine
2 ounces lean meat (for sandwich)
2 slices whole wheat bread (2 carbohydrate servings)
Raw vegetables: 3-4 carrot sticks, 3-4 celery sticks, 2 lettuce leaves
1 cup fat-free or low-fat milk (1 carbohydrate serving)
1 small apple (1 carbohydrate serving)
¼ cup canned apricots (1 carbohydrate serving)
¾ ounce unsalted mini-pretzels (1 carbohydrate serving)
Evening Meal
3 ounces lean roast beef
½ large baked potato (2 carbohydrate servings)
1 tablespoon reduced-fat sour cream
½ cup green beans
1 vegetable salad: lettuce, ½ cup raw vegetables, and 1 tablespoon
light salad dressing
1 small whole wheat dinner roll (1 carbohydrate serving)
1 teaspoon soft margarine
1 cup melon balls (1 carbohydrate serving)
6 ounces low-fat fruit yogurt with sugar-free sweetener (1
carbohydrate serving)
2 tablespoons unsalted nuts
Approximate Nutrition Analysis:
Calories: 1,675; Protein: 84g (20% of calories); Carbohydrate: 247g (57% of calories),
Carbohydrate Servings: 15; Fat: 44g (23% of calories); Sodium: 2,243mg; Fiber: 24g;
Cholesterol: 154mg