Adult Retreat at Bearskin Meadow Camp
July 13-15, 2018
This is your weekend! All activities and sessions are optional.
4pm: Arrive and Explore!
Tours of camp leave every 15 minutes
5:30pm: Games and Icebreakers
Join us on the Field for some fun games to get to know each other
6pm: Wine and Cheese Reception
Join us in the Dining Hall for a casual reception and to meet other participants
7pm: Dinner
8pm: Welcome Address and Opening Circles
Dining Hall: Opening Circle for Ages 40 and up, led by Dr. Mary Simon
Upper Craft Hall: Opening Circle for Under 40, led by Dr. Justin Altschuler
10pm: S’mores by the Campfire
Roast marshmallows around the campfire and engage in conversation and camaraderie.
6:30am: Sunrise hike to Cathedral Dome
Meet in front of Headquarters for a hike to the top of Cathedral Dome. This hike is approximately 2
miles round trip and ends with a steep incline up a granite slope for beautiful views of the area.
7:00am: Yoga by the Creek
Enjoy the calm and quiet mountain morning and join us on the Field for some yoga and stretching. All
abilities and experience levels are welcome.
8:30am: Breakfast
9:30am: Breakout Groups
Creating a Strong Partnership with your Significant Other
Upper Craft Hall: Lorraine Stiehl
Diabetes can really be a 3
wheel in a relationship! If you are the partner of a person with
T1D, this session with Lorraine Stiehl is sure to strengthen your dialogue and connection
with your T1D partner.
Precision in Carb Counting, with Strategies and Tips
Dining Hall Patio: Sherri Shafer, RD, CDE
Even the Type 1 veterans need a refresher in Carb Counting! Join Sherri Shafer, a Registered
Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator, for an advanced session in nutrition and Carb
Interested in the Medtronic 670G? A Beginner’s Guide to the Newest Technology
Dining Hall: Mary Simon, MD
Automode? Hybrid Closed Loop? Learn what it’s all about in this introduction to the newest
insulin pump: the Medtronic 670G.
Introduction to Insulin pumps
Diabetes Education Room, Medical Building: Jeannie Hickey, RN, BS, CDE
What is an insulin pump all about? Learn about what pumps are, what they do, and the
variety of options available. Get your questions answered and even try out a pump site if
you want!
10:45am: Breakout Groups
Dogs 4 Diabetics: Demo and Info Session
Dining Hall
Can dogs really sense low and high blood sugar? Learn about how it works, see some dogs
in action, and get information on D4D’s programs and application process.
Carb Counting for Beginners
Diabetes Education Room, Medical Building: Sherri Shafer, RD, CDE
New to Carb Counting? Learn the basics and get some practice!
Navigating Young Adulthood with T1D
Ellen’s Place Living Room and Patio: Marcela Arregui-Reyes, MS, PMP
Insurance, college, jobs, living away from home…. Adulting + Type 1 can be hard! Marcela
will give you some tips and talk about ways you can be successful in this time of transition.
This session is geared for ages 18-25 with T1D.
Advocating for Yourself with Insurance Companies
Dining Hall Patio: Lorraine Stiehl
The frustration of dealing with insurance companies can be the most infuriating part of life
with diabetes. Learn how to get what you need from your insurance company in this session
with Lorraine.
Getting The Most out of your 670G
Upper Craft Hall: Mary Simon, MD and Jeannie Hickey, RN, BS, CDE
You’re wearing your 670G… what? This new system can be tricky, and there is a lot to
learn in order to be more successful while wearing it. Come discuss the tips and tricks so
that you can get the most out of your Hybrid Closed Loop system.
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Free Time
Meet Uncle Rich down at the Archery Range any time from 1pm-6pm. All abilities and
experience levels are welcome.
Enjoy the warm pool by floating in a tube or playing a game of volleyball. Our lifeguard will
be present from 1pm-6pm, so come on by for swimming or relaxing on the pool deck.
Arts and Crafts
Engage in some camp classics like Tie Dye and Lanyards, along with other ways to express
your creative side in the Craft Hall.
One-on-one Meetings with the Pro’s
Take advantage of our talented medical team! Whether you have T1D or not, we want you
to have access to all possible resources for living well. Sign-ups will be posted on the
bulletin board in front of Headquarters for meetings with psychiatrists, dieticians, CDEs,
MDs and more.
Big Baldy hike
Meet in front of Headquarters at 1:30pm for a hike to Big Baldy. The trailhead is a 15
minute drive from camp, so we will arrange carpools and coordinate travel before
departure. This hike is of Moderate level and is 4.4 miles roundtrip with 650 feet of
elevation gain. Join us for a fun adventure and beautiful views!
Additional activities at Hume Lake: SUP, The “Blob,” Canoes, Kayaks, Swimming
Just down the road is a beautiful Hume Lake, which offers swimming and fishing at
Sandy Cove along with recreational activities and delicious milkshakes on the farther
end of the lake. We have reserved the “Blob” (a giant water trampoline) from 2pm-4pm
and will have a staff person located in front of the Snack Shop to direct you where to go.
If you choose to rent a kayak or paddleboard, you may do so on your own at the Rental
Shop, which is located directly behind the Snack Shop. If you’d like to carpool to the
lake, meet in front of Headquarters at 1:30pm to organize and drive together.
4pm: The History of Bearskin Meadow Camp with Dr. Mary
Upper Craft Hall: Mary Simon, MD
Bearskin Meadow Camp is one of the longest running diabetes camps in the country, with 81 summers
of operation. Learn about our fearless founders, Doc and Ellen, and hear stories about our rich history.
5pm: Reporting from the U.S Secretary of State Meeting on Diabetes Research
Upper Craft Hall: Lorraine Stiehl
Lorraine was recently appointed by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services to the National
Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Council. Learn about what was discussed at the
most recent meeting and get the inside scoop on diabetes research.
6pm: Receptions
Dining Hall: BMC Alumni
If you have been a camper or staff at BMC, please join us for an Alumni reception in the Dining
Upper Craft Hall: All Other Guests
Join us for a reception and enjoy good food and drinks in the Upper Craft Hall.
7pm: Dinner
8pm: Keynote: A Look into the Future of Diabetes Technology
Dining Hall: Lisa Norlander, MD
The current technological advancements in the world of diabetes are moving quickly and there are so
many opportunities ahead. Learn about the research that is currently being conducted and get a sneak
peak on upcoming ideas, studies, and devices.
9pm: Cathedral Dome Stargazing Hike OR “Alumni-style” Campfire
Join us either for a stargazing night hike to Cathedral Dome or a group campfire incorporating the
songs, skits, and stories of Bearskin’s rich history. All are welcome and encouraged to attend either
6:30am: Polar Bear Plunge at Glacier Pool
Start off your morning with a refreshing dip into Glacier Pool, a 1 mile roundtrip hike leaving from
camp. We will meet in front of Headquarters; wear your swimsuit and bring a towel!
6:30am: Yoga by the Creek
Enjoy the calm and quiet mountain morning and join us on the Field for some yoga and stretching. All
abilities and experience levels are welcome.
8am: Breakfast
9am: Breakout Groups
Exercise and Sports with T1D
Dining Hall: Monica Mueller, RN, PT, CDE
Exercise and diabetes can be a challenging combination! Learn about how exercise affects
BG levels, as well as tips and tricks for managing diabetes before, during, and after exercise.
T1D Sugar Mommas: Panel on Diabetes and Pregnancy
Upper Craft Hall
Pregnancy with type 1 can be intimidating but completely possible. Learn from two T1
moms who have been through it all and are here to share their stories and answer your
Weight Control, Heart Health, and Blood Pressure
Diabetes Education Room, Medical Building: Sherri Shafer, RD, CDE
Learn about overall general diet and the effect on weight, heart health, and blood pressure.
Get your general health questions answered and gain knowledge on how to live a healthy
life with or without diabetes.
How to Live Well with a T1D Partner
Dining Hall Patio: Sarah Altschuler, MD
Geared towards those without T1D, come join Dr. Sarah and talk about the challenges of
being in a relationship with a person with diabetes with a group of people who understand.
This will be an interactive workshop and a safe place to vent, problem solve, and brainstorm
constructive ways to support a partner with T1D.
10am: Breakout Groups
Understanding and Using CGMs
Dining Hall: Lisa Norlander, MD
Continuous Glucose Monitors are advancing rapidly and gaining popularity in the T1D
world. Come learn about what they are, how they are used, and how you can get the most
out of the information they provide.
Nutrition, T1D, and Pregnancy
Diabetes Education Room, Medical Building: Sherri Shafer, RD, CDE
Join Sherri, a Pregnancy and Diabetes Specialist, to learn about adjustments needed in your
diabetes management before, during, and after pregnancy.
Drugs and Alcohol with T1D
Upper Craft Hall: Justin Altschuler, MD
Learn how drugs and alcohol affect the body and diabetes management, along with how
you can be prepared before, during, and after consuming drugs and alcohol.
Afrezza: Inhaled Insulin and What you Need to Know About It
Ellen’s Place Living Room and Patio
Inhaled insulin? Is it finally here? Hear from Dr. Mary (a user of the product), and an Afrezza
rep, to learn about what it is, how it works, and what you need to know about it.
11am: Closing Keynote: From Discouraged to Encouraged: A Bolus of Hope
Dining Hall: Susan Jung Guzman, PhD
Difficult feelings about diabetes are a common experience of T1D life, and can lead to Diabetes
Burnout. Learn about the common emotional and behavioral pitfalls and new ways to feel more self-
compassionate, encouraged and hopeful.
12pm: Lunch
See you next year, August 9-11, 2019!
Speakers and Healthcare Professionals
Justin Altschuler, MD, MS
As the Medical Director for DYF programs, and as a person with diabetes, Justin is passionate about the
sense of community and belonging DYF creates for those affected by T1D. In his life outside of camp, Dr. Justin
runs a private practice called SequoiaMD, caring for patients with type 1 diabetes, substance abuse disorders,
and as their primary care doctor.
Sarah Altschuler, MD
Sarah is a Psychiatrist whose work in the community specializes in caring for people living with chronic
and persistent mental illness. At BMC, she works to help support people living with TID who are also struggling
with mental health issues and to build resiliency in the community so everyone can live well no matter what
life throws them.
Marcela Arregui-Reyes, MS, PMP
Marcela works as the Transition Coordinator for UCSF at the Madison Clinic for Pediatric Diabetes. It
has become her passion to coach young adults and support them in their dreams and aspirations, as well as to
help them with the journey of transition from pediatrics to adulthood when it comes to diabetes management
and its logistics.
Dogs 4 Diabetics
D4D is an innovative nonprofit organization that trains assistance dogs to recognize and alert rapid
blood sugar changes in people with insulin dependent diabetes. With their astonishing sense of smell, D4D
dogs can reliably and accurately alert their partners to rapidly dropping blood sugar even faster than most
consumer devices on the market. D4D pairs their Medical Alert Service Dogs with children and adults to help
improve quality of life and reduce the risks associated with diabetes.
Susan Jung Guzman, PhD
A clinical psychologist specializing in diabetes, Dr. Guzman is passionate about helping to change the
conversations in diabetes away from shame, blame and judgment to those based on facts, empathy, and
encouragement. She has been part of a joint ADA/AADE effort to address problematic language and messages
in diabetes. In 2003, Dr. Guzman co-founded the Behavioral Diabetes Institute (BDI), the first non-profit
organization devoted to the emotional and behavioral aspects of living with diabetes.
Jeannie Hickey, RN, BS, CDE
Assistant Medical Director for DYF since 2006, Nurse Jeannie first attended BMC as a camper in 1965
just one month after her diagnosis at age 12. Jeannie loves teaching, sharing and encouraging others with T1D
so that they can live their lives to the fullest.
Monica Mueller, RN, PT, CDE
Monica began her career in health care as a physical therapist, initially working with adults and later
with children with neuromuscular impairments. When Monica developed type 1 diabetes in her mid-40’s, she
found support with DYF and Bearskin Meadow Camp. After several summers at camp and involvement with
other diabetes organizations, Monica was inspired to go back to school, earned her Bachelor’s of Science in
Nursing and RN. Monica now works as a Certified Diabetes Educator at the UCSF Madison Clinic for Pediatric
Lisa Norlander, MD
Lisa works at Stanford in the Pediatric Endocrine Department helping with closed-loop and artificial
pancreas clinical trials. In addition, she also works as an emergency room physician in a variety of hospitals in
California. She is passionate about upcoming diabetes research and technology, and enjoys sharing knowledge
with the type 1 community.
Sherri Shafer, RD, CDE
Sherri Shafer has been a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator in the outpatient diabetes
specialty clinics at UCSF Medical Center since 1992. She has lectured extensively to medical professionals and
public audiences, contributed to healthcare websites and professional publications, and developed dozens of
diabetes educational materials. She is the author of "Diabetes and Carb Counting For Dummies" (2017).
Mary Simon, MD
A long-time person with diabetes and certified Diabetologist, Dr. Mary Simon served as DYF’s Medical
Director for over 30 years, retiring in 2016. Mary has a private practice in Fresno where she sees children and
young adults with type 1 diabetes.
Lorraine Stiehl
Lorraine has been a diabetes advocate for 33 years, after marrying a man who has now survived type 1
diabetes for nearly six decades. Last fall, Lorraine and co-author, Dr. Nicole Johnson (Miss America 1999),
launched their new book, “What To Do When Your Partner Has Diabetes: A Survival Guide.” Lorraine
advocates for diabetes regulatory, reimbursement and access issues, and regularly represents the diabetes
community in the U.S. Congress, FDA, CMS, and CDC. Lorraine served as a JDRF local, regional and national
staff member for 14 years. Lorraine was employed by the UCSF Diabetes Center for 13 years, and currently
consults for UCSF on diabetes clinical trial recruitment including TrialNet. Through her family’s consulting firm,
StiehlWorks, Lorraine has provided marketing and communications leadership to the Florida Diabetes
Prevention Program, The diaTribe Foundation, and numerous other organizations including Students With
Diabetes, Diabetes Research Connection, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and the Washington
DC-based public policy and advocacy firm, HCM Strategists.
T1D Sugar Mommas
T1D Sugar Mommas is a group of moms with Type 1 Diabetes that come together for community
building, events, and support. Sugar Mommas is excited to present a panel of moms at the Adult Retreat to
answer questions about family planning, pregnancy, and motherhood with T1D. Their events can be found on
their Facebook page,