Version 08/2024, Copyright © 2018, BACB® | All rights reserved.
Task List (2nd ed.)
This document should be referenced as:
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2018). RBT task list (2nd ed.).
The BACB’s Registered Behavior Technician
(RBT®) Task List includes the primary tasks that are likely to be performed by
behavior technicians with some, but not necessarily all, clients. It is at the discretion of an RBT supervisor to determine any
activities outside of this task list that a behavior technician is competent to perform as a behavior technician.
The RBT Task List content serves as the basis for the RBT training requirement and the RBT examination. The Task List
is organized into the following primary content areas: Measurement, Assessment, Skill Acquisition, Behavior Reduction,
Documentation and Reporting, and Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice.
A. Measurement
A-1 Prepare for data collection.
A-2 Implement continuous measurement procedures (e.g., frequency, duration).
A-3 Implement discontinuous measurement procedures (e.g., partial & whole interval, momentary time sampling).
A-4 Implement permanent-product recording procedures.
A-5 Enter data and update graphs.
A-6 Describe behavior and environment in observable and measurable terms.
B. Assessment
B-1 Conduct preference assessments.
B-2 Assist with individualized assessment procedures (e.g., curriculum-based, developmental, social skills).
B-3 Assist with functional assessment procedures.
C. Skill Acquisition
C-1 Identify the essential components of a written skill acquisition plan.
C-2 Prepare for the session as required by the skill acquisition plan.
C-3 Use contingencies of reinforcement (e.g., conditioned/unconditioned reinforcement,
continuous/intermittent schedules).
C-4 Implement discrete-trial teaching procedures.
C-5 Implement naturalistic teaching procedures (e.g., incidental teaching).
C-6 Implement task analyzed chaining procedures.
C-7 Implement discrimination training.
C-8 Implement stimulus control transfer procedures.
C-9 Implement prompt and prompt fading procedures.
C-10 Implement generalization and maintenance procedures.
C-11 Implement shaping procedures.
C-12 Implement token economy procedures.
Behavior Analyst Certification Board | RBT Task List (2nd ed.) | 2
Version 08/2024, Copyright © 2018, BACB® | All rights reserved.
D. Behavior Reduction
D-1 Identify essential components of a written behavior reduction plan.
D-2 Describe common functions of behavior.
D-3 Implement interventions based on modification of antecedents such as motivating operations
and discriminative stimuli.
D-4 Implement dierential reinforcement procedures (e.g., DRA, DRO).
D-5 Implement extinction procedures.
D-6 Implement crisis/emergency procedures according to protocol.
E. Documentation and Reporting
E-1 Eectively communicate with a supervisor in an ongoing manner.
E-2 Actively seek clinical direction from supervisor in a timely manner.
E-3 Report other variables that might aect the client in a timely manner.
E-4 Generate objective session notes for service verification by describing what occurred during the sessions, in
accordance with applicable legal, regulatory, and workplace requirements.
E-5 Comply with applicable legal, regulatory, and workplace data collection, storage, transportation, and
documentation requirements.
F. Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice
F-1 Describe the BACBs RBT supervision requirements and the role of RBTs in the service-delivery system.
F-2 Respond appropriately to feedback and maintain or improve performance accordingly.
F-3 Communicate with stakeholders (e.g., family, caregivers, other professionals) as authorized.
F-4 Maintain professional boundaries (e.g., avoid dual relationships, conflicts of interest, social media contacts).
F-5 Maintain client dignity.