For Finding the Healthiest Foods in
Supermarkets, Health Food Stores,
Directly Purchased from Farms
and by Mail Order
The WesTon A. Price
for WiseTraditions
in Food, FArming And The heAling ArTs
subscribe To geT Access To The
WebsiTe And mobile APP version oF This shoPPing guide AT
4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, PMB 106-380
Washington, DC 20016
(703) 820-3333
Education Research Activism
The Wise Traditions Diet
for Healthy Families
Good health begins with plants and animals raised in
healthy ways on mineral-rich soil; and with meats, eggs, milk
products, fish, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables that are
packaged and processed in ways that preserve and enhance
their naturally occuring nutrients.
Good health also requires avoiding foods that are de-
void of nutrients or that can do us harm, foods like refined
sweeteners, industrial liquid vegetable oils, partially hydro-
genated vegetable oils, modern soy-based imitation foods
and additives like MSG, hydrolyzed protein and artificial
sweeteners, and by avoiding the overuse of white flour.
This booklet is designed to serve as a guide for shopping
in supermarkets and health food stores. We have provided
phone numbers or, when a phone number is not available,
Internet addresses for items available primarily by mail order.
General guidelines and specific brand names are listed for
each food category.
Foods found widely in stores are listed first in some
categories, followed by foods available through the Internet
and by mail order, or locally.
Use the guidelines to make wise choices from among
the brands available to you that are not listed specifically.
We also encourage you to avoid all processed foods and
fast foods and to prepare most of what you eat, including
children’s school lunches, in your own kitchen using the best
possible ingredients that you can find and afford.
The best rule is to eat foods that our traditional ancestors
ate, prepared in the way they prepared them. Look to the
elders in your communities for ancestral dietary wisdom.
Community Supported
Many people are making an effort these days to con-
sume clean, healthy foods. Unfortunately, some of the healthiest
foods are unavailable in stores. Clean raw milk from grass-fed
cows usually must be purchased directly from a farm. The farm
may also be the only source available for humanely raised animal
products, pastured poultry and eggs, and organic or biodynamic
vegetables. For this reason, many people have banded together
throughout the country to support local farmers who are engaged
in traditional methods of agriculture. This is known as the Com-
munity Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement. Raw milk is
often available through cow- or herd-share programs.
We encourage you to support your local farmers by direct
purchases, cow-shares and membership in a CSA or similar buying
group. For information about cow-shares, CSAs and traditional
farms engaged in direct sales in your area, contact a local chapter
of the Weston A. Price Foundation listed at westonaprice.org under
Find Food, or by calling (703) 820-3333. A good source for nding
raw milk is realmilk.com.
Shopping Guide App
This Shopping Guide is now available as a searchable web-
site with store locations, or as a mobile app for your iphone and
android. Would you like to search this guide online or use your
mobile phone to nd stores near you that carry WAPF-approved
foods? Subscribe and learn more here: RealFoodMobileApp.com.
To Our Readers
The Weston A. Price Foundation has no nancial interest in
the companies listed in the shopping guide.
Our Shopping Guide is updated yearly. Visit our website
at westonaprice.org to purchase the latest guide or to become a
memberWAPF members receive the updated guide every year.
For a list of products that have been reviewed and rejected,
along with the reasons why, see https://goo.gl/btyd8f.
If you have brand names or sources of high-quality foods
that you can recommend, or comments about items that have been
included, please submit them to the Weston A. Price Foundation
(contact information below).
The WesTon A. Price FoundATion
PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
(703) 820-3333
Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cheese - Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cheese - Aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Yogurt and Kefir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Butter and Ghee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Fats and Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Seafood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Meat - Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Meat - Processed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Pemmican and Jerky . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Fruits and Vegetables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Lacto-Fermented Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . 42
Lacto-Fermented Starters . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Grains and Legumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Flour and Baking Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Crackers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Nuts and Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Coconut Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Condiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Salt and Spices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Soups and Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Snack Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Cookies, Bars and Muffins . . . . . . . . . 78
Sweeteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Ice Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Fish Liver Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
BEST: Clean raw whole milk from certied healthy grass-fed animals,
cow milk preferably from old-fashioned breeds that produce high-fat
milk, such as Jerseys and Guernseys.
We are pleased to announce that raw milk is available for sale in
stores in ten states (CA, WA, AZ, NM, ID, CT, PA, NH, ME and SC).
Sources of retail raw milk have become too numerous to list. To nd
high-quality, unprocessed milk in your area, either in a store or from
the farm, visit realmilk.com or contact a local chapter of the Weston
A. Price Foundation (westonaprice.org or 703-820-3333).
GOOD: Full-fat, pasteurized, non-homogenized milk from grass-
fed animals, without added vitamins. This milk is best if made into
cultured dairy products such as yogurt and ker.
Alexandre Family Farm (707-487-1000)
Cruze Farm (TN)
Hartzler Family Dairy (OH and IN)
Hatcher Family Dairy (TN) (615-368-34050
Hy-Vee Health Market organic whole milk (800-289-8343)
Kilby Cream (MD, PA and DE) (410-658-8874)
Mill-King Market & Creamery (TX)
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand (Mid-Atlantic) (717-288-2154)
Organic Valley whole Grassmilk (888-444-6455)
Promised Land Dairy
Saint Benoit Creamery (CA) (707-996-4477)
Sky Top Farms (East Coast) (646-859-9333)
Traderspoint Creamery (317-733-1700)
Working Cows Dairy (AL) (334-886-3839)
AVOID: Lowfat and skim milk; ultra-pasteurized milk; homogenized
milk; avored milk like chocolate milk; milk from animals that are
not grass-fed; milk with added vitamins; processed imitation “milk”
made from soy, rice, almonds, oats, hemp, etc.
Fresh Cheese
BEST: Raw whole cottage cheese, cream cheese and fresh cheese from
grass-fed animals, with no additives.
Buttercup Farm grass-fed raw cottage cheese (717-548-2982)
Green Acres Farm raw cottage cheese (717-768-3504)
Meadow Ridge Farm raw goat chevres, cow cream cheese,
cow and goat cottage cheese with cream (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm raw cow cottage cheese, cream cheese;
goat cottage cheese, chevre (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw cow cottage cheese with cream,
cream cheese; goat, water buffalo and sheep cottage
cheese; fresh cow, goat, water buffalo and sheep
cheeses; cheese spread (717-556-0672)
Pleasant Pastures raw cottage cheese and cream cheese;
goat chevres (717-768-3437)
Rocky Ridge Dairy raw cottage cheese, cream cheese
The Farm Connection raw creamed cottage cheese; raw
fresh cheese curds and mozzarella cheese
Willow Run Dairy raw cow cottage cheese with cream, cream
cheese; goat cottage cheese; fresh cow and goat
cheeses (except seafood chevre) (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Cottage cheese, cream cheese and fresh cheese from pas-
teurized whole non-homogenized milk, preferably grass-fed, with
no additives.
Bellwether Farms fromage blanc, whole Jersey ricotta
Cedar Grove Cheese quark, fresh water buffalo mozzarella,
cheese curds, fresh sheep cheese (608-546-5284)
Chapel’s Country Creamery Farm cordova white fresh
cow cheeses (410-820-6647)
Cherry Grove Farm cheddar cheese curds, brie, fromage
blanc (609-219-0053)
Colonial Goat Dairy fresh goat cheese (717-768-7492)
Cowgirl Creamery fresh cow cheeses, fromage blanc,
clabbered cottage cheese (866-433-7834)
Cricket Creek Farm fresh and Berkshire bloom cheeses
Dutch Meadows Farm camembert cheese (717-442-9208)
Farm Fromage fresh cow, goat and sheep cheeses
Hawthorne Valley Farm quark, bianca and mayhill fresh
cow cheeses (518-672-7500)
Hidden Springs Creamery driftless fresh sheep cheeses
(except those with sugar) (608-606-3840)
Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese cheese curds, brie
Laurel Valley Creamery fresh cheeses (740-245-9044)
LoveTree Farmstead fresh sheep cheeses (715-488-2966)
Meadow View Jerseys cheese curds (717-656-2261)
Miller’s Organic Farm water buffalo mozzarella cheese
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand cheese curds (717-288-2154)
Otterbein Acres sheep camembert cheese (717-423-6689)
Saint Benoit Creamery yogurt cheese (CA) (707-996-4477)
Sierra Nevada Cheese Company goat chevre (530-934-8660)
Spring Hill Jersey Cheese Co. fresh curds and quark
Sweet Grass Dairy fresh cheeses (229-227-0752)
Traderspoint Creamery cottage cheese and fromage blanc
Twilight Dairy fresh cheese curds and mozzarella cheese
Vermont Creamery quark, fresh goat cheeses (833-882-7679)
AVOID: All lowfat and fat-free cottage cheese, cream cheese and
fresh cheese, and those made with additives; cottage cheese, cream
cheese and fresh cheese made from homogenized milk and/or cream.
Aged Cheese
BEST: Whole raw cheese made with milk from grass-fed animals,
preferably using animal rennet, and heated no higher than 110°. If
smoked, must be naturally smoked. Many imported and artisan cheeses
are of this type. Many artisanal cheeses can be found through websites
such as cheesesociety.org.
5 Spoke Creamery (845-651-7763)
Meadow Creek Dairy (except Mountaineer Alpine-style
cheese) (276-236-2776)
Rogue Creamery raw cheeses (541-200-2353)
Spring Brook Farm Reading raw cheese (802-484-1226)
Traderspoint Creamery raw cheeses (317-733-1700)
Bellwether Farms raw sheep cheeses (707-763-0993)
Bobolink Dairy (908-864-7277)
Breezy Meadows Farm goat cheese (717-821-7547)
Buttercup Farm (717-548-2982)
Cada Dia Cheese (541-604-1390)
Canal Junction (419-399-2350)
Cato Corner Farm (except Alpine-style Dairyere, Dairyere
Reserve, and Arietta Estiva) (860-537-3884)
Chapel’s Country Creamery Farm (410-820-6647)
Cherry Grove Farm raw cheeses (609-219-0053)
Clover Creek Cheese Cellar (814-515-9873)
Colonial Classics Farmstead Cheese (412-290-2904)
Colonial Goat Dairy (717-768-7492)
Cricket Creek Farm raw cheeses (413-458-5888)
Dutch Meadows Farm (717-442-9208)
Farm Fromage raw cow and sheep cheeses (484-798-4429)
Fields of Athenry Farm raw cheddar (703-300-5765)
Green Acres Farm (717-768-3504)
Green Hills Farm raw cheeses (717-786-8093)
Hawthorne Valley Farm raw cheeses (518-672-7500)
Hidden Springs Creamery raw sheep cheese (608-606-3840)
Hilltop Meadow Farm (except smoked cheddar)
Holy Cow Beef artisan cheese (806-777-1302)
Jacobs and Brichford Farmstead Cheese Ameribella and
Briana raw cheeses (765-692-0056)
James Ranch (970-799-0782)
Jasper Hill Farm raw cheeses (802-533-2566)
Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese raw cheeses (270-434-4124)
Keswick Creamery (717-440-4652)
Laurel Valley Creamery raw cheeses (740-245-9044)
Life-Enhancing Acres (717-768-7848)
LoveTree Farmstead raw cow, goat and sheep blended cheeses
Lykens Valley Creamery raw cow cheese (717-692-4361)
Meadow Made Farm (330-674-1289)
Meadow Ridge Farm cow, goat and sheep cheeses
Meadowview Jerseys (717-656-2261)
Meant To Be Natural Food supervision kosher raw cheese
Miller’s Bio Farm raw cow, goat and sheep cheeses
Miller’s Organic Farm raw cow, goat, water buffalo and
sheep cheeses (717-556-0672)
Mountain View Dairy (315-858-0536)
Nature’s Sunlight Farm (717-776-3417)
Nittany Valley Organics (570-726-7799)
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand raw grass-fed cow and sheep cheeses
Oliver Farms cheddar (810-356-1799)
Organic Pastures (877-RAW-MILK)
Otterbein Acres cow and sheep cheeses (717-423-6689)
P. A. Bowen Farmstead raw cow cheese (301-579-2727)
Paradise Pastures raw cow and sheep cheeses (717-768-0101)
Pleasant Pastures raw cow and goat cheeses (717-768-3437)
Pleasant View Farms (608-553-0787)
Robinson Farm Swiss, Hardwick Stone and Tekenink Tomme
raw cheeses (413-477-6988)
Rocky Ridge Dairy cow and sheep cheeses (607-742-9566)
Saxon Creamery glacial lakes raw cheese (920-693-8500)
Shelburne Farms (802-985-8686)
Shepherd’s Hollow Farm raw sheep and cow/sheep cheeses
Spring Bank Acres raw cheeses (814-349-5594)
Spring Gap Mountain Creamery (304-947-5414)
Steckler Grassfed (812-683-3098)
Sunny Crest Pastures raw cheeses (717-768-0101)
Sweet Grass Dairy raw cow cheeses (229-227-0752)
The Family Cow raw cow and goat cheeses (717-491-4004)
The Farm Connection (812-939-3027)
Twilight Dairy (765-569-5677)
Uplands Cheese Company (888-935-5558)
Veldhuizen Cheese raw cheeses (except Greens Creek)
Wil-Ar Farm (717-776-6552)
Willow Run Dairy cow, goat and sheep cheeses
Artisanal (877-797-1200)
Farmstead Fresh (800-780-7303)
Formaggio Kitchen (888-212-3224)
Fromages.com raw grass-fed French cow, goat and sheep
Marky’s European raw cheeses (305-758-9288)
Miller’s Natural Foods raw cow cheeses (717-768-7582)
Stryker Farm raw cow cheeses (570-269-2995)
US Wellness cow and goat cheeses (877-383-0051)
Zingerman’s raw cheeses (888-636-8162)
GOOD: Whole raw cheese made with milk from animals not
grass-fed. Whole milk cheese made from milk heated over 110° or
pasteurized milk, preferably from grass-fed animals. If smoked, must
be naturally smoked. (Note: Some cheeses labeled “raw” are actually
made from milk that has been heated. Some are heated to just below
the pasteurizing point. We have included these in the “Good” category
rather than “Best.”)
Applegate havarti, monterey jack, provolone,
muenster and extra sharp cheddar cheeses
Bellwether Farms (707-763-0993)
Boar’s Head (800-352-6277)
Boone Creek Creamery cheese (except those with coffee)
Brunkow Dairy (608-776-3716)
Burroughs Family Farms (209-874-9400)
Cabot Creamery (except those with citric acid, canola oil or
natural flavors) (888-792-2268)
Cato Corner Farm Alpine-style Dairyere, Dairyere Reserve
and Arietta Estiva (860-537-3884)
Cedar Grove Cheese (608-546-5284)
Cherry Grove Farm (609-219-0053)
Country Castle Limburger cheese (608-325-4343)
Cowgirl Creamery (866-433-7834)
Crowley Cheese Company raw cheese (800-683-2606)
Farm Fromage raw goat cheese (484-798-4429)
Fields of Athenry Farm (703-300-5765)
Finlandia whole milk cheeses
Fromages.com French cow, goat and sheep cheeses
Giving Nature
Grafton Village Cheese (800-472-3866)
Great Hill Blue (888-748-2282)
Green Hills Farm mozzarella (717-786-8093)
Hawthorne Valley Farm Alpine cheeses (518-672-7500)
Hidden Springs Creamery sheep and cow cheeses
Jacobs and Brichford Farmstead Cheese Everton cheese
Jasper Hill Farm (802-533-2566)
Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese (270-434-4124)
Laurel Valley Creamery (740-339-2001)
LeRaysville (570-744-2221)
Lykens Valley Creamery raw goat cheese (717-692-4361)
Maple Hill Creamery (518-758-7777)
McCluskey Brothers (608-986-3760)
Meadow Creek Dairy Mountaineer Alpine-style cheese
Miller’s Natural Foods (717-768-7582)
Miller’s Organic Farm cow mozzarella (717-556-0672)
Misty Creek Goat Dairy raw goat cheese (717-656-4628)
Mt. Sterling goat cheese (608-734-3151)
Natural Valley goat cheese (608-654-7444)
Nordic Creamery cow and goat cheeses (608-634-3276)
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand raw goat cheese (717-288-2154)
Organic Valley cheese (888-444-6455)
Paradise Pastures Swiss and Parmesan cheeses (717-768-0101)
Pasture Pride Cheese (608-654-7444)
Point Reyes (800-591-6878)
Redwood Hill goat cheese (877-238-3543)
Robinson Farm (413-477-6988)
Rogue Creamery (541-200-2353)
Rumiano Cheese Company (866-328-2433)
Salemville Amish blue and Gorgonzola cheese
Saxon Creamery (920-693-8500)
Shiloh Farms goat cheese (800-362-6832)
Sierra Nevada Cheese Company cow, goat and sheep cheeses
Sonnet Farms (802-221-0547)
Spring Bank Acres mozzarella (814-349-5594)
Spring Brook Farm (802-484-1226)
Spring Hill Jersey Cheese Co. (707-762-3446)
Sunny Crest Pastures mozzarella (717-768-0101)
Sweet Grass Dairy (229-227-0752)
Tom’s Amish Dairy Products raw cheese (717-615-4713)
Trader Joe’s monterey jack cheese, raw milk cheddar cheese
Traderspoint Creamery cheese (317-733-1700)
Veldhuizen Cheese (254-968-3098)
Vermont Creamery cheese (833-882-7679)
Woodstock Foods organic whole milk cheeses (855-423-2630)
AVOID: Lowfat and processed cheese; cheese slices; cheese spreads
and other cheese-like substances; imitation cheese made from soy,
almonds, hemp, rice, etc.; cheese made from homogenized milk;
smoked cheese made with smoke avoring or liquid smoke.
BEST: Fresh or cultured raw cream from grass-fed animals. As with
raw milk, this usually must be purchased directly from a farmer or
through a cow-share program or co-op.
Alexandre Family Farm pasteurized cream (707-487-1000)
Buttercup Farm raw cream, sour cream (717-548-2982)
Claravale Dairy raw cream (CA) (831-628-3219)
Dutch Meadows Farm raw cream (717-442-9208)
Green Hills Harvest raw cream (660-244-5858)
Meadow Ridge Farm raw cow cream, sour cream and creme
fraiche; goat cream and sour cream (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm raw cow cream, sour cream and
creme fraiche; goat cream (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw cow cream, sour cream and
creme fraiche; goat, water buffalo and sheep cream
Nature’s Sunlight Farm raw cream (717-776-3417)
Organic Pastures raw cream (CA) (877-RAW-MILK)
Pleasant Pastures raw cream, sour cream (717-768-3437)
Rocky Ridge Dairy raw cream, sour cream (607-742-9566
Sunny Crest Pastures raw cream (717-768-0101)
Willow Run Dairy raw cow cream and sour cream; goat
cream and sour cream (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Pasteurized non-homogenized cream, cultured cream and
sour cream without additives.
Butterworks pasteurized cream (New England)
Clover Sonoma pasteurized cream (West) (800-237-3315)
Kilby Cream pasteurized cream (MD, PA and DE)
Lewes Dairy pasteurized cream (East Coast) (302-645-6281)
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand pasteurized cream (Mid-Atlantic)
Organic Valley pasteurized cream (888-444-6455)
Paint Valley Farms pasteurized cream (OH) (330-231-6834)
Seven Stars Farm pasteurized cream (PA) (610-935-1949)
Sky Top Farms pasteurized cream (East Coast) (646-859-9333)
Snowville Creamery pasteurized cream (740-698-2340)
South Mountain Creamery pasteurized cream (East Coast)
The Family Cow pasteurized cream (717-491-4004)
Working Cows Dairy pasteurized cream (AL) (334-886-3839)
Bellwether Farms creme fraiche (707-763-0993)
Cowgirl Creamery creme fraiche (866-433-7834)
Marky’s creme fraiche (305-758-9288)
Vermont Creamery creme fraiche (833-882-7679)
AVOID: Ultra-pasteurized cream; homogenized cream, cultured cream
and sour cream; cream, cultured cream and sour cream with additives;
canned whipped cream; imitation whipped cream made with vegetable
oils; non-dairy creamers.
Yogurt and Kefir
BEST: Raw plain naturally cultured yogurt and ker without additives,
made with whole non-homogenized milk from grass-fed animals.
Buttercup Farm raw yogurt, kefir (717-548-2982)
Desert Farms raw camel milk kefir (800-430-7426)
Dutch Meadows Farm raw kefir (717-442-9208)
Green Acres Farm raw yogurt (717-768-3504)
Meadow Ridge Farm raw cow yogurt and kefir; goat yogurt,
kefir and 11-strain probiotic drink (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm raw cow, goat and sheep yogurt; Greek
style cow and goat yogurt; cow, goat and sheep kefir;
goat 11-strain probiotic drink (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw cow, goat, camel, water
buffalo and sheep yogurt; Greek style cow and goat
yogurt; cow, goat, water buffalo, camel and sheep
kefir; goat 11-strain probiotic drink (717-556-0672)
Nature’s Sunlight Farm raw yogurt and kefir (717-776-3417)
Pleasant Pastures raw cow yogurt and kefir; goat yogurt
and probiotic drink; Greek style cow and goat yogurt
Rocky Ridge Dairy raw cow yogurt and kefir, goat yogurt
The Farm Connection raw kefir (812-939-3027)
Willow Run Dairy raw cow, goat and sheep yogurt; cow, goat
and sheep kefir; Greek Style yogurt (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Plain, whole yogurt and ker from non-homogenized milk,
without added vitamins, preferably grass-fed.
Alexandre Family Farm plain and grass-fed yogurts
Bellwether Farms sheep yogurt (707-763-0993)
Brown Cow plain cream top yogurt (888-429-5459)
Butterworks yogurt (802-744-6023)
Dahlicious Lassi lassi (978-600-0904)
Dutch Meadows Farm yogurt (717-442-9208)
Erivan yogurt (215-887-2009)
FAGE Total Classic Greek yogurt (866-962-5912)
Hawthorne Valley Farm yogurt (518-672-7500)
Kalona SuperNatural kefir (877-378-5990)
Maple Hill Creamery creamline yogurt (518-758-7777)
Mohawk Drumlin Creamery Greek sheep yogurt (Northeast)
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand yogurt (Mid-Atlantic) (717-288-2154)
Redwood Hill goat yogurt and kefir (877-238-3543)
Saint Benoit Creamery yogurt (707-996-4477)
Seven Stars Farm yogurt (610-935-1949)
Sidehill Farm yogurt (MA) (413-339-0033)
Sierra Nevada Cheese Company plain whole cow yogurt,
rich & creamy plain goat yogurt (530-934-8660)
The Family Cow yogurt (717-491-4004)
AVOID: Lowfat and sweetened yogurt and ker; yogurt and ker from
homogenized milk; yogurt and ker with added vitamins.
Butter and Ghee
BEST: Raw butter from grass-fed animals.
Buttercup Farm raw sweet and cultured butter (717-548-2982)
Dutch Meadows Farm raw sweet and cultured butter
Green Hills Harvest raw butter (660-244-5858)
Life-Enhancing Acres raw butter (717-768-7848)
Meadow Ridge Farm raw cow and goat butter (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm raw goat butter; sweet and cultured
cow butter (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw goat and sheep butter; sweet and
cultured cow butter; sweet and cultured water buffalo
butter (717-556-0672)
Narvon Natural Acres raw butter
Nature’s Sunlight Farm raw butter (717-776-3417)
Organic Pastures raw original and cultured butter
(CA) (877-RAW-MILK)
Paradise Pastures raw butter (717-768-0101)
Pleasant Pastures raw butter (717-768-3437)
Rocky Ridge Dairy raw sweet and cultured butter
Sunny Crest Pastures raw butter (717-768-0101)
The Farm Connection raw cultured butter (812-939-3027)
Triangle Organics raw butter (814-349-4890)
Twilight Acres raw butter (484-930-5908)
Willow Run Dairy raw sweet and cultured cow butter;
sweet and cultured goat butter (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Pasteurized butter and ghee (claried butter) without
natural avors, preferably grass-fed.
Anchor New Zealand butter (+64 9 369 6002)
Cabot Creamery salted butter (888-792-2268)
Clover Sonoma butter (West) (800-237-3315)
Double Devon cream butter
Fields of Athenry Farm butter (703-300-5765)
Finlandia butter
Fond O’ Foods German butter (209-267-5867)
Full Moon Ghee ghee (413-695-5968)
Hartzler Family Dairy butter (OH and IN)
Healthy Traditions butter (except whipped butter)
Humboldt Creamery organic butter (888-316-6064)
Isigny Ste Mere French butter
Jana Valley New Zealand butter
Kerrygold butter (877-955-9064)
Kilby Cream butter (MD, PA and DE) (410-658-8874)
Latta Russian kefir butter
Lewis Road Creamery New Zealand butter (lewisroadcream-
Marky’s European butter (305-758-9288)
Meyenberg goat butter (800-891-4628)
Minerva Dairy butter (garlic herb butter, smoked maplewood
butter) (330-868-4196)
Mountain Home Farm cultured butter (802-989-2813)
Mt. Sterling goat butter (608-734-3151)
Nanak ghee (604-594-9190)
Nordic Creamery butter (except cinnamon-sugar butter)
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand butter (717-288-2154)
Organic Valley butter (888-444-6455)
Red Feather canned grass-fed butter (877-967-3196)
Rumiano Cheese Company butter (866-328-2433)
Sierra Nevada Cheese Company sheep butter, cultured cow
butter (530-934-8660)
Smjör Icelandic butter (smjor.is)
Somerdale English butter (somerdale.com)
South Mountain Creamery butter (East Coast) (844-762-6455)
Spring Hill Jersey Cheese Co. butter (707-762-3446)
Sweet Meadows butter (740-452-9151)
The Family Cow butter (717-491-4004)
Trader Joe’s organic sweet cream butter
US Wellness butter (877-383-0051)
Vermont Creamery butter (833-882-7679)
Vital Farms butter (vitalfarms.com)
Welsh Mountain Farm butter (717-768-3652)
Whole Foods 365 butter
Woodstock Foods organic butter (855-324-2630)
Ancient Organics organic ghee (510-280-5043)
Bulletproof grass-fed ghee (206-203-4576)
Carrington Farms grass-fed organic ghee (800-505-9546)
Caveman Truck grass-fed ghee (352-213-1855)
Fatworks cordyceps grass-fed goat milk ghee, organic grass-fed
cultured cow milk ghee (888-18-4838)
Fourth & Heart grass-fed ghee (323-686-2868)
Gail’s Cupboard grass-fed organic ghee, coconut ghee
Gold Nugget Ghee grass-fed organic ghee
Grass Fed Gourmet grass-fed organic cocoghee (except those
with cacao or coffee)
Julian Bakery paleo butter (grass-fed ghee) (760-721-5200)
Kelapo grass-fed ghee (800-230-5952)
Miller’s Bio Farm grass-fed organic ghee, cultured ghee
Miller’s Organic Farm grass-fed organic ghee
Moon Juice organic mum’s ghee (310-399-2929)
Mt. Capra grass-fed goat milk ghee (877-682-2772)
Organic India grass-fed organic ghee (888-550-8332)
Organic Valley grass-fed organic ghee (888-444-6455)
Pure Indian Foods grass-fed organic ghee, cultured ghee,
spiced ghee, coconut ghee (877-LUV-GHEE)
Pure Traditions grass-fed cultured ghee
Radiant Life grass-fed organic ghee (888-593-8333)
Rocky Ridge Dairy grass-fed organic ghee (607-742-9566)
Selina Naturally grass-fed organic ghee (800-867-7258)
Simply Ghee grass-fed organic ghee (717-587-6841)
SVAyurveda organic mum’s ghee (888-324-2634)
Thrive Market grass-fed ghee (866-419-2174)
Tin Star Foods grass-fed ghee, cultured ghee (tinstarfoods.com)
Triangle Organics grass-fed organic ghee (814-349-4890)
Willow Run Dairy grass-fed organic ghee (717-556-0285)
AVOID: Margarines and spreads; partially hydrogenated vegetable
oils; shortenings; spreads combining butter with vegetable oils;
whipped butter; butter and ghee containing natural avors.
BEST: Fresh eggs from pastured poultry, preferably soy-free and
Alexandre Family Farm fertile pastured eggs (West Coast)
Beneficial Farms free-range eggs (505-470-1969)
Blue Sky Family Farms pastured eggs (574-267-7545)
Burroughs Family Farms pastured eggs (CA) (209-874-9400)
Frenzs New Zealand free-range eggs
Jeremiah Cunningham’s World’s Best soy-free pastured
eggs (TX, LA, OK, AR, FL)
Larry Schultz Organic Farm free-range eggs (Midwest)
Lily’s free-range eggs (lilyseggs.com)
Meant To Be Natural Food organic soy-free fertile pastured
kosher white eggs (NY, NJ, PA) (845-535-1354)
Pete and Gerry’s Organics organic free-range eggs
Polyface Farm pastured eggs (VA, MD and DC) (540-885-3590)
RedHill Farms pastured eggs (CA) (760-344-2160)
The Happy Egg Co. organic free-range eggs, free-range eggs
Vital Farms pastured eggs (vitalfarms.com)
Buttercup Farm soy-free pastured eggs (717-548-2982)
Dutch Meadows Farm pastured duck eggs. soy-free
pastured chicken eggs (717-442-9208)
Fields of Athenry Farm fertile pastured eggs (703-300-5765)
Healthy Traditions soy-free pastured eggs
Meadow Ridge Farm soy-free fertile pastured eggs
Miller’s Bio Farm pastured chicken eggs, soy-free pastured
chicken eggs, free range duck eggs (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm soy-free fertile pastured chicken
eggs, soy-free pastured duck eggs, soy-free pastured
goose eggs (717-556-0672)
Mint Creek Farm soy-free fertile pastured eggs
Pleasant Pastures fertile pastured eggs, soy-free fertile
pastured eggs (717-768-3437)
Pleasant View Farms soy-free fertile pastured eggs
Rainbow Ranch Farms soy-free corn-free pastured eggs
Rambling River Pastured Farm fertile pastured eggs
Rocky Ridge Dairy soy-free fertile pastured eggs
Salmon Creek Ranch pastured duck eggs (707-876-1808)
Sunny Crest Pastures pastured eggs (717-768-0101)
Thankful Harvest organic soy-free pastured eggs
The Family Cow soy-free pastured eggs (717-491-4004)
Willow Run Dairy soy-free fertile pastured eggs(717-556-0285)
GOOD: Organic or high-omega-3 eggs.
Blue Sky Family Farms organic free-range eggs (574-267-7545)
Clover Sonoma organic eggs, organic omega-3 eggs (West)
Eggland’s Best organic eggs
Farmers’ Hen House organic eggs (319-683-2206)
Full Circle organic eggs
Giving Nature
Glaum Egg Ranch organic cage-free eggs (CA) (831-688-3898)
Good & Gather (Target) organic cage-free eggs (800-316-6151)
Organic Valley organic free-range eggs (888-444-6455)
The Country Hen (978-928-5333)
Trader Joe’s organic free-range eggs
AVOID: Most commercial eggs, but if this is all that is available, buy
them anyway, but do not eat them raw.
Fats and Oils
BEST: Organic extra virgin olive oil; organic cold pressed macadamia,
avocado, almond, high oleic sunower and high oleic safower oils;
organic virgin coconut oil; unrened organic palm oil; fat and lard
from pigs allowed to graze; tallow and suet from grass-fed cows and
sheep; poultry fat from pastured poultry.
Alderspring Ranch beef suet (alderspring.com)
Broth of Life tallow, brellow, lamb broth fat
Burgundy Pasture pork fat (817-866-2247)
Caw Caw Creek pork fat (803-917-0794)
Christiansen’s Family Farm lard (385-215-4557)
Corner Post Meats beef suet, pork fat (303-898-0642)
Deck Family Farm beef suet, pork fat (541-998-4697)
Desert Farms camel hump fat (800-430-7426)
Dutch Meadows Farm lard (717-442-9208)
EPIC beef and bison tallow (512-944-8502)
Fatworks beef, buffalo and lamb tallow; lard, pastured duck
fat, pastured goose fat (720-438-4530)
Fields of Athenry Farm lard, pork fat, beef suet (703-300-5765)
Flying Pigs Farm lard, pork fat (208-284-1986)
Good Earth Farms pork fat (603-529-2170)
GrassRoots Meats beef suet (970-582-0166)
Green Hills Harvest lard (660-244-5858)
Heritage Foods USA pork fat (718-389-0985)
Hershberger Heritage Farm lard (215-500-7301)
Hunter Cattle Co. beef suet (912-823-2333)
Jpp Apothercary beef tallow and brellow, bison and lamb
brellow, chicken schmaltz, lard (855-552-7684)
KOL Foods kosher beef suet, unrendered chicken and
duck fats (888-366-3565)
Larga Vista Ranch lard (719-947-0982)
Love Raw Foods coconut oil (540-745-5040)
Many Hands Organic Farm lard (978-355-2853)
Meadow Ridge Farm lard, tallow (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm lard, pork fat, lamb tallow, beef tallow
Miller’s Organic Farm beef suet and tallow; sheep tallow,
lard, raw and rendered chicken fat, rendered goose fat,
water buffalo tallow, lamb fat and tallow (717-556-0672)
Mint Creek Farm lamb and veal suet (815-953-5682)
NorthStar Bison lamb fat, beef suet, bison suet, pork fat
PaiDom beef suet and pork fat (806-570-6328)
Paleo on the Go beef tallow, duck fat (855-447-2536)
Pangaia raw coconut oil (808-989-3457)
Pete’s Paleo beef tallow (619-363-7136)
Pleasant Pastures tallow, lard, pork fat, rendered chicken fat
Pleasant View Farms lard (608-553-0787)
Rambling River Pastured Farm lard (717-624-2141)
Rock House Farm lard, pork fat, beef suet (828-438-3881)
Rocky Ridge Dairy lard (607-742-9566)
Smoky Mountain Mangalitsa lard (828-246-7372)
Stryker Farm pork fat, lard (570-269-2995)
Tendergrass Farms pork fat (800-929-1785)
The Brothery rendered beef marrow & knuckle fat
The Family Cow beef suet, pork fat (717-491-4004)
US Wellness Meats beef suet, beef and lamb
tallow, bison fat, duck fat (877-383-0051)
Victorian Farmstead Meat Company beef and lamb suet,
pork fat (707-332-4605)
White Oak Pastures beef suet (229-641-2081)
Wild Idea Buffalo Co. fat (866-658-6137)
Willow Run Dairy tallow, lard (717-556-0285)
Bariani organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Bioitalia organic extra virgin olive oil
Bionaturae organic extra virgin olive oil (844-535-0494)
Bragg organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Field Day organic extra virgin olive oil
Full Circle organic extra virgin olive oil
Kirkland organic extra virgin olive oil
Les Moulins Mahjoub organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Napa Valley Naturals organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Newman’s Own Organic organic extra virgin olive oil
Núñez de Prado organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Riojana organic extra virgin olive oil
Rozzano organic extra virgin olive oil
Soler Romero organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Spectrum organic extra virgin filtered and unfiltered olive oil
Apollo organic extra virgin olive oil (877-776-0703)
Aunt Patty’s organic extra virgin olive oil (800-456-7923)
Bari organic extra virgin olive oil (599-595-9260)
Berkeley Olive Grove 1913 organic extra virgin filtered and
unfiltered olive oil (530-533-1814)
Brad’s Organic organic extra virgin olive oil
Burroughs Family Farms flavored and unflavored organic
extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (209-874-9400)
Canaan Fair Trade organic extra virgin olive oil (360-980-2580)
Casa Rosa Farms organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Castillo de Canena biodynamic extra virgin olive oil
Chaffin Family Orchards extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Ciao Organics organic extra virgin olive oil
(845-363-6253, ext 113)
Country Life Natural Foods organic extra virgin olive oil
DeLallo organic extra virgin filtered and unfiltered olive oil
Earth Circle Organics organic extra virgin olive oil
EatRaw extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (866-432-8729)
Eliki organic extra virgin filtered and unfiltered olive oil
Ellyndale Foods organic extra virgin olive oil (888-669-3663)
Emile Noel organic extra virgin olive oil (emilenoel.com)
Enzo’s Table organic extra virgin olive oil (888-942-3552)
Essential Living Foods organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Flora organic extra virgin olive oil (800-498-3610)
Flora Fine Foods organic extra virgin olive oil (954-785-3100)
Gaea organic extra virgin olive oil (954-923-7723)
Healthy Harvest organic extra virgin olive oil (636-405-1960)
Healthy Traditions organic extra virgin olive oil
Jovial organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (877-642-0644)
Kasandrinos organic extra virgin olive oil (888-316-1716)
Kevala organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (877-379-1179)
La Masia organic extra virgin olive oil (425-398-9761)
Live Superfoods organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Living Tree organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Lucini Italia organic extra virgin filtered and unfiltered olive
oil (530-592-3792)
McEvoy Ranch organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Mediterranean Delicacy organic extra virgin unfiltered olive
oil (267-240-0184)
Miller’s Organic Farm extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Mountain Rose Herbs organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Mt. Olive Organic Farm organic extra virgin filtered and
unfiltered olive oil (805-237-0147)
Napoleon organic extra virgin olive oil (425-455-3776)
Natural Zing organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Okonatur organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Olea Estates organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
OliFlix organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (oliflix.com/en)
Olio Beato organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Olivar de la Luna organic extra virgin olive oil (425-398-9761)
Omega Nutrition organic extra virgin olive oil (604-253-4677)
Pitchouline organic extra virgin olive oil (951-234-8164)
Pure Indian Foods organic extra virgin olive oil (609-785-9100)
Puritan’s Pride organic extra virgin olive oil (800-645-1030)
Radiant Life organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Rocky Ridge Dairy organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Roland organic extra virgin olive oil (800-221-4030)
Selina Naturally organic extra virgin Nabali tree olive oil
Sigona’s Fresh Press organic extra virgin olive oil
Sky Organics organic extra virgin olive oil (888-899-9305)
Soaper’s Choice organic extra virgin olive oil(833-257-6627)
The Meadow organic extra virgin olive oil (888-388-4633)
The Olive Bar organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Thrive Market organic extra virgin olive oil (866-419-2174)
Tudor House Tea & Spice organic extra virgin filtered and
unfiltered olive oil (269-425-1512)
US Wellness organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Venice Olive Oil Co. organic extra virgin olive oil
Vitacost organic extra virgin olive oil (800-381-0759)
Vital Choice organic extra virgin olive oil (866-482-5887)
Vom Fass organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil
Wildly Organic organic extra virgin olive oil (218-226-3985)
Zoe organic extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (212-563-2707)
Alpha coconut oil (888-826-9625)
Barlean’s coconut oil (800-445-3529)
Garden of Life virgin coconut oil
Great Value organic virgin coconut oil
Hain virgin coconut oil
Jarrow Formulas extra virgin coconut oil
Kirkland organic virgin coconut oil
Native Forest organic virgin coconut oil
NSI coconut oil
SimplyNature (Aldi) organic virgin coconut oil
Spectrum virgin coconut oil
Trader Joe’s organic virgin coconut oil
Tropical Plantation organic virgin coconut oil (808-244-4800)
Anjou extra virgin coconut oil (888-456-8468)
Anthony’s Goods organic virgin coconut oil (213-793-8178)
Artisana coconut oil (866-237-8688)
Aunt Patty’s organic virgin coconut and palm oils
Azure Standard extra virgin coconut oil, virgin coconut oil,
coconut ghee (971-200-8350)
Beyond A Century coconut oil (800-777-1324)
Brad’s Organic extra virgin coconut oil (bradsorganic.com)
Bright Earth raw extra virgin coconut oil, vanilla coconut oil
Carrington Farms extra virgin coconut oil (800-505-9546)
Ceylon Pure organic virgin coconut oil (650-752-8865)
Chocola Tree pure coconut oil; grilling herb, Mediterranean
herb, herbs de provencal and cinnamon bun coconut
oils/butters (928-282-2997)
Coconut Oil Supreme (800-922-1744)
Coconut Secret raw extra virgin coconut oil (888-369-3393)
Country Life Natural Foods organic virgin coconut oil
Dansk Farms coconut oil (407-965-5551)
Divine Organics raw coconut oil (415-884-4477)
Dr. Bronner’s coconut oil (877-786-3649)
Dr. Mercola coconut oil (877-985-2695)
Dr. Vita coconut oil (800-211-4188)
Earth Circle Organics raw virgin coconut oil (888-501-7170)
EatRaw coconut oil (866-432-8729)
Ellyndale Foods organic virgin coconut oil (888-669-3663)
Essential Living Foods organic extra virgin coconut oil
FBomb raw virgin coconut oil (844-693-2662)
Fields of Athenry Farm coconut ghee (703-300-5765)
Fuatino’s raw virgin fermented coconut oil (685-727-5285)
Glaser Organic Farms raw coconut oil (305-238-7747)
Green Pasture virgin coconut oil, coconut ghee(402-858-4818)
Health From The Sun organic raw virgin coconut oil
Healthy Traditions virgin organic coconut oil
International Harvest, Inc. raw coconut oil (914-699-5600)
Jedwards International, Inc. virgin coconut oil
Juka’s palm oil (855-465-8527)
Kelapo coconut oil (800-230-5952)
Kevala coconut oil (877-379-1179)
La Tourangelle organic virgin coconut oil (866-688-6457)
Life-flo organic extra virgin coconut and cold pressed
macadamia oils (435-655-6000)
Live Superfoods infused organic coconut oils, raw virgin
coconut oil (800-481-5074)
Living Tree raw coconut oil (800-260-5534)
Meadow Ridge Farm coconut oil (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Organic Farm coconut oil, coconut ghee
Mountain Rose Herbs virgin coconut and palm oils
Munkijo organic virgin coconut oil (949-861-2798)
Natural Zing raw coconut oil (888-729-9646)
Nature’s Approved coconut oil (914-428-6800)
Nature’s Blessings coconut oil (626-935-0770)
Nature’s Way organic extra virgin coconut oil (800-962-8873)
NOW Foods organic virgin coconut oil (888-669-3663)
NUCO organic extra virgin coconut oil (626-921-6826)
Nutiva virgin coconut and palm oils (800-993-4367)
Nuts.com organic raw coconut oil (800-558-6887)
Okonatur extra virgin coconut and palm oils (786-260-1643)
Omega Nutrition virgin coconut oil (604-253-4677)
Optimally Organic raw coconut oil (888-211-4263)
Original Living Coconut raw coconut oil (800-906-3064)
Perfect coconut oil (866-802-3860)
Pleasant Pastures coconut oil, coconut ghee (717-768-3437)
PuraCoco raw coconut oil
Pure Indian Foods coconut oil (609-785-9100)
Pure Planet coconut oil (800-695-2017)
Puritan’s Pride extra virgin coconut oil (800-645-1030)
Radiant Life coconut and palm oils (888-593-8333)
Raw Revelations raw virgin coconut oil (951-677-2222)
Selina Naturally coconut and palm oils, coconut ghee
Skinny & Co. raw virgin coconut oil (888-865-4278)
Sky Organics extra virgin coconut oil (888-899-9305)
Soaper’s Choice organic extra virgin coconut and palm oils
Starwest Botanicals virgin coconut oil (800-800-4372)
Stutzman Farms organic virgin coconut oil (330-674-1289)
Swanson extra virgin coconut and palm oils (800-824-4491)
Terrasoul Superfoods extra virgin coconut oil (800-458-8773)
The Olive Bar coconut oil (408-370-1901)
Thrive Market organic virgin coconut oil (866-419-2174)
Virgin Oil de Coco-Creme coconut oil (877-870-1018)
Vita Coco raw coconut oil (vitacoco.com)
Vitacost organic extra virgin coconut oil (800-381-0759)
Vital Choice organic virgin coconut oil (866-482-5887)
Vitamin Research Products coconut oil (800-877-3292)
Viva Naturals organic virgin coconut oil (800-921-8482)
Weil Farms organic virgin coconut oil (631-680-6897)
Wilderness Poets raw coconut oil (844-945-3649)
Wildly Organic virgin coconut oil (218-226-3985)
Willow Run Dairy coconut oil, coconut ghee (717-556-0285)
Century Sun Oil organic sunflower oil (866-810-9902)
Dr. Mercola organic sunflower oil (877-985-2695)
Driftless Organics organic sunflower oil (608-624-3735)
Emile Noel organic macadamia and sweet almond oils
Mountain Rose Herbs organic avocado oil (800-879-3337)
Platteville Sunflower Oil Co. organic sunflower oil
Pure Indian Foods organic almond oil (609-785-9100)
Rejuvenative Foods organic almond oil (831-291-4008)
Sky Organics organic sweet almond oil (888-899-9305)
Gail’s Cupboard mayonnaise (570-561-6970)
Miller’s Organic Farm mayonnaise (717-556-0672)
Willow Run Dairy mayonnaise (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Cold pressed or expeller pressed unrened sesame, sunow-
er, peanut, macadamia, avocado, almond, walnut, pecan, pistachio,
hazelnut, chia seed, brazil nut, pumpkin seed, camelina, ax and high
oleic safower oils in small amounts; rened palm oil; rened coconut
oil; extra virgin olive oil.
Alpha palm oil
Andreas Seed Oils organic black sesame, flax, pumpkin and
sunflower seed oils; 5 seed oil blend
Aptera extra virgin olive oil (801-273-8078)
Aunt Patty’s extra virgin olive, sunflower and refined
coconut oils (800-456-7923)
Azure Standard flax oil, Ciranda palmfruit shortening, refined
coconut oil (971-200-8350)
Bari extra virgin olive oil (877-638-3626)
Barlean’s flax oil
Bioitalia organic sunflower oil
Brad’s Organic refined coconut oil (bradsorganic.com)
Buttercup Farm lard (717-548-2982)
California Olive Ranch extra virgin olive oil (530-846-8000)
CalPure avocado oil
Camelina Gold camelina (wild flax) oil (406-396-1420)
Carlini (Aldi) extra virgin olive oil (800-325-7894)
Carrington Farms organic chia oil, flax chia oil, pumpkin seed
oil, refined coconut oil, coconut oil & ghee blend
Castillo de Canena extra virgin olive oil (425-398-9761)
Catusse goose fat
Cherokee Bison Farms sunflower oil (715-223-3644)
Chocola Tree extra virgin olive oil, Premier coconut oil
Chosen Foods extra virgin avocado and sesame oils
Country Life Natural Foods extra virgin olive oil, refined
coconut oil (269-236-5011)
D’Artagnan duck fat (800-327-8246)
Dancing Goat extra virgin olive oil (dancingfoods.com)
DeLallo extra virgin olive oil (877-335-2556)
Dietrich’s lard (610-756-6344)
Eden extra virgin olive and organic unrefined sesame oils
Ellyndale Foods organic extra virgin sesame oil (888-669-3663)
Emile Noel organic hazelnut, walnut, sesame, sunflower and
pumpkin seed oils (emilenoel.com)
EPIC pork lard, duck fat (512-944-8502)
Essential Living Foods organic coconut oil (310-319-1555)
Fabrique Délices duck fat
Fatworks cage-free duck fat, organic free-range chicken fat
FBomb raw extra virgin olive; raw virgin macadamia oil; house
blend oil (844-693-2662)
Field Day extra virgin olive oil
Flora organic almond, pumpkin seed, sunflower and
sesame oils (800-498-3610)
Flora Fine Foods extra virgin olive oil (954-785-3100)
Foods Alive organic gold flax, black sesame and chia oils
Frontera extra virgin olive oil (800-509-4441)
Gaea extra virgin olive oil (954-923-7723)
Gold Mine refined coconut oil (800-475-3663)
Grimaud Farms duck fat (800-466-9955)
Grow and Behold Foods kosher beef suet (888-790-5781)
Hain cold-pressed oils
Health From The Sun flax oil (800-269-2198)
Healthy Harvest extra virgin olive oil (636-405-1960)
Healthy Traditions organic palm shortening; virgin palm
and refined coconut oils (healthytraditions.com)
Imlak’esh Organics brazil nut oil (805-689-2269)
Kevala organic sesame oil (877-379-1179)
Kirkland extra virgin olive oil
La Tourangelle walnut, pumpkin seed, pecan, hazelnut,
almond, sunflower, peanut, pistachio and refined
coconut oils (866-688-6457)
Laconiko extra virgin olive oils (571-292-1394)
Liberty Ducks unrendered duck fat (800-953-8257)
Life-flo sesame, sunflower and walnut oils (800-258-8337)
Loriva cold-pressed oils
Lucini Italia extra virgin olive oil (855-972-0555)
MacNut Oil macadamia oil (800-605-3734)
Marky’s duck fat, goose fat (305-758-9288)
Marianne’s Harvest Brands avocado oil
Marx Foods duck fat (866-588-6279)
Matiz extra virgin olive oil (425-398-9761)
Mitoku sesame oil
Mountain Rose Herbs organic sesame, macadamia and
refined coconut oils (800-879-3337)
Napa Valley Naturals organic sesame oil
Napoleon extra virgin olive oil (425-455-3776)
Native Forest organic refined coconut oil
Nature’s Way coconut oil (800-962-8873)
Neus extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (425-398-9761)
North American Herb & Spice betapalm and cocapalm oils
NUCO organic refined coconut oil (626-921-6826)
Nutiva shortening, refined coconut oil (800-993-4367)
Okonatur refined palm oil and extra virgin macadamia oils
Omega Nutrition sesame, sunflower and flax oils
Paeleon extra virgin olive oil (920-359-1796)
Penna Gourmet Foods extra virgin olive oil (530-865-9810)
Peter’s Paleo duck fat (619-363-7136)
Prairie Pride Farm lard (866-245-7675)
Premier Research Labs coconut, olive and sesame oils
Pure Indian Foods organic sesame oil (609-785-9100)
Puritan’s Pride organic flax and macadamia oils
Ranch Foods Direct beef suet, pork fat (866-866-6328)
Rejuvenative Foods organic sunflower, sesame, poppy
seed and evening primrose oils (831-291-4008)
Riojana extra virgin olive oil
Roland macadamia, hazelnut, pumpkin seed, walnut and
pistachio oils (800-221-4030)
Rougié duck fat
Schiltz Foods goose fat (877-872-4458)
Siberian Tiger Naturals pine nut and camelina (wild flax) oils
Sigona’s Fresh Press extra virgin olive oil (650-368-6993)
Smoking Goose Meatery leaf lard, smoked lard(317-638-6328)
Spectrum organic palm shortening; extra virgin olive,
refined coconut and unrefined sesame oils
Sultan extra virgin olive oil
Synergistic Nutrition organic black sesame, flax, pumpkin and
sunflower seed oils; 5 seed oil blend (888-988-3325)
Terroirs d’Antan duck fat, goose fat
The Brothery rendered chicken fat (226-779-5222)
The Meadow extra virgin olive oil (888-388-4633)
The Olive Bar extra virgin unfiltered olive oil (408-370-1901)
Trader Joe’s premium 100% Greek kalamata, California estate
and premium extra virgin olive oils
Tropical Plantation organic refined coconut oil (800-229-5459)
US Wellness Meats lard and chicken fat (877-383-0051)
Venice Olive Oil Co. extra virgin olive oil (941-483-4200)
Vitacost extra virgin coconut oil, refined coconut oil
Whole Foods 365 organic flax oil
Wildly Organic palm, sesame, refined coconut, popcorn
and Mary’s sauté oils (218-226-3985)
Chosen Foods mayonnaise (except those with citric acid)
DeLouis Fils mayonnaise
Primal Kitchen mayonnaise (888-774-6259)
Sir Kensington’s avocado oil mayonnaise, organic mayonnaise
Terroirs d’Antan French mayonnaise
Tessemae’s mayonnaise (855-698-3773)
Thrive Market coconut oil mayonnaise (866-419-2174)
AVOID: Most commercial vegetable oils including cottonseed, soy,
corn, canola, rice bran, hemp and grapeseed oils; all margarines,
spreads and partially hydrogenated vegetable shortenings.
BEST: Fresh or smoked caviar and roe without added colorings; fresh
or frozen ocean-going sh, especially herring and mackerel; shellsh
(crab, lobster, oysters, clams and mussels) in season; fresh or frozen
wild shrimp (US shrimp from Maine is wild); Pacic or Alaskan
salmon, fresh or frozen; kippered (naturally smoked), dried or pickled
herring, eel, mackerel and salmon that have not been canned; dried,
salted small sh (available in Asian markets); trout and catsh guar-
anteed from clean waters; canned cod liver.
Alaskan Leader Seafoods wild Alaska cod (206-965-1881)
Blue Hill Bay wild salmon, wild smoked fish
Cannon Fish Company wild seafood
Echo Falls wild Alaskan smoked sockeye salmon; wild
salmon and whitefish caviars (206-285-6800)
Eden dried bonito flakes
Henry & Lisa’s frozen wild salmon and cod
Icicle Seafoods wild salmon (206-282-0988)
Natural Sea frozen wild salmon (855-423-2630)
Peter Pan Seafoods wild salmon (206-728-6000)
Raincoast Trading wild smoked salmon lox (866-754-3191)
Ruby Bay wild smoked salmon
SeaBear fresh and smoked wild seafood (800-654-3474)
Spence & Co. wild smoked salmon, mackerel and trout
Trident Seafoods wild salmon (800-426-5490)
iCan canned cod liver
King Oscar canned cod liver
Officer canned smoked cod liver
Roland canned smoked cod liver (800-221-4030)
Skansen canned cod liver
911caviar.com caviar (except those from China)
Alaska Gold Brand wild seafood, smoked fish (844-833-0120)
Alderspring Ranch wild salmon (alderspring.com)
Balducci’s caviar (800-346-8763)
BLiS wild roe (616-942-7545)
Buttercup Farm wild haddock (717-548-2982)
Caviar Russe caviar, roe (800-222-8427)
Copper River Fish Market wild salmon, halibut, smoked
salmon (907-253-9453)
Copper River Seafoods wild seafood, smoked salmon and
cod (907-865-5033)
Corner Post Meats wild salmon (303-898-0642)
Dr. Mercola wild fish, smoked salmon (877-985-2695)
Dutch Meadows Farm wild fish, smoked salmon
Ed’s Kasilof Seafoods wild seafood, smoked fish
Fishhugger wild seafood and salmon roe (602-286-9233)
Grande Premium Meats wild seafood (888-338-4581)
Grow and Behold Foods gefilte fish, wild salmon
HarvestBox wild salmon (616-878-1578)
Heritage Foods USA wild salmon (718-389-0985)
Imperia Caviar caviar (323-991-9232)
Japan Gold USA dried bonito flakes (858-486-1707)
Kodiak Island WildSource wild seafood, smoked fish
KOL Foods wild salmon (888-366-3565)
Krinos tarama carp roe caviar (718-729-9000)
Kwee-Jack Fish Co. wild salmon, halibut (406-272-2466)
Loki Fish Co. wild salmon, smoked salmon, roe
Lummi Island Wild Co-op wild seafood and caviar; smoked
salmon and caviar (360-366-8786)
Marky’s caviar (except those from China) (305-758-9288)
Marx Foods dried roe, fresh caviar and roe (all without added
colorings), wild seafood, smoked salmon (866-588-6279)
Miller’s Bio Farm wild fish (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm wild salmon and haddock
Mitoku dried bonito flakes (800-324-1878)
Moink wild salmon (217-717-9448)
MW Polar anchovies in olive oil, salmon, sardines in water,
kipper snacks, jack mackerel, mussels, tuna (except oys-
ters from China) (888-496-9187)
Northern Fish wild seafood, wild smoked salmon
Orca Bay Seafoods wild seafood (206-285-7445)
Otolith Sustainable Seafood (215-426-4266)
Pete’s Paleo wild caught fish (619-363-7136)
Pleasant Pastures wild salmon (717-768-3437)
Port Clyde Fresh Catch wild seafood, roe (207-691-4154)
Radiant Life dried anchovies (888-593-8333)
Ranch Foods Direct wild seafood, smoked salmon
Rocky Ridge Dairy wild salmon and haddock
Seattle Caviar Company caviar (888-323-3005)
Sena Sea wild seafood, smoked fish (206-486-2344)
Solomon Falls wild smoked salmon, salmon caviar
Sugartown Smoked Specialties, Inc. wild smoked salmon
and scallops (610-429-4080)
The Gefilteria gefilte fish (347-688-8561)
Tsar Nicoulai Caviar caviar, roe (415-543-3007)
US Wellness wild seafood (877-383-0051)
Vital Choice wild seafood and roe, smoked fish
Wild Alaska Salmon & Seafood Co. wild salmon, smoked
salmon (907-290-0992)
Wild Alaskan Company wild salmon and white fish
Wild for Salmon wild seafood and roe, smoked fish
Wild Run Salmon wild salmon and cod (907-299-0730)
Willow Run Dairy wild salmon (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Canned tuna without hydrolyzed protein and other additives;
canned sardines or anchovies in water or olive oil; canned Alaskan
salmon; canned shellsh; canned roe and caviar without added col-
orings. *All products in BPA-free containers. **Some products in
BPA-free containers.
Acme Smoked Fish homestyle herring, herring in wine sauce,
herring in dill sauce* (718-383-8585)
American Tuna tuna* (866-817-0497)
Angelo Parodi sardines in olive oil
Bar Harbor canned seafood (800-632-0580)
Bela sardines in spring water, tuna, mackerel
Bellino anchovies in glass* (800-882-3686)
Blue Hill Bay homestyle and spiced matjes herring; herring in
wine sauce, herring in dill sauce* (718-383-8585)
Brunswick sardines in spring water, sardines in olive oil
Bumble Bee plain canned salmon, mackerel, sardines
in water (800-800-8572)
Cento anchovies and sardines in olive oil (800-882-3686)
Cole’s sardines, mackerel, tuna*
Crown Prince Natural canned seafood and clam juice
(except those from China and those with citric acid)**
Deming’s canned wild salmon* (206-728-6000)
Double “Q” canned wild salmon* (206-728-6000)
Henry & Lisa’s natural shrimp, canned salmon and tuna*
Kirkland canned salmon and tuna**
Matiz sardines in olive oil, sardinillas, tuna, cockles, octopus,
Natural Sea pouched tuna; canned salmon, tuna and clams**
Natural Value tuna* (916-836-3561)
Ortiz tuna, sardines, mackerel and anchovies in olive oil**
Pillar Rock wild salmon
Pastene fancy light tuna, sardines and anchovies in olive oil
Raincoast Trading wild salmon, tuna, sardines in water,
sardines in tomato sauce; smoked salmon, tuna and
oysters* (866-754-3191)
Reese flat anchovies in glass* (973-338-0300 ext. 1002)
Romanoff Red (salmon) caviar (888-254-5423)
Rubinstein’s canned wild salmon
Rustichella d’Abruzzo anchovies*
Safe Catch canned and pouched salmon and tuna (except
those with citric acid or vinegar powder)**; sardines**
SeaBear canned and pouched wild seafood (except smoked
oysters with soy)
Season sardines, anchovies, kipper snacks, salmon, tuna
mackerel, sprats (except those with soybean oil)*
Sultan sardines in olive oil
Tonnino tuna and salmon* (833-866-6466)
Trader Joe’s Tongol tuna in water*
Wild Selections tuna, plain salmon in olive oil (855-813-6419)
Awers Inc. caviar (888-297-9196)
Alaska Gold Brand canned tuna and salmon**(844-833-0120)
BLiS natural and jalapeño spiced albacore tuna
Copper River Seafoods canned, jarred and pouched salmon*
Dave’s Albacore tuna and salmon (206-999-5517)
DeLallo anchovies in olive oil (877-335-2556)
Dr. Mercola canned salmon and sardines** (877-985-2695)
Ed’s Kasilof Seafoods canned salmon (907-262-9572)
Island Trollers albacore tuna (877-253-2761)
King Oscar sardines (except those with soybean oil), kippers,
mackerel, anchovies* (203-221-8008)
Les Trois Petits Cochons salmon terrine
Loki Fish Co. canned salmon (206-937-1048)
Marinella tuna, anchovies* (800-722-1982)
Napoleon anchovies in olive oil (425-455-3776)
Oregon’s Choice canned seafood** (877-289-8862)
Patagonia Provisions pouched original smoked sockey salmon;
Pacific Northwest smoked sockeye salmon; canned
mackerel and mussels* (888-221-8208)
Radiant Life sardines, tuna, mackerel* (888-593-8333)
Sea Fare Pacific pouched tuna and salmon* (except jalapeño
tuna) (541-266-TUNA)
Seafood Connection albacore tuna (360-268-1328)
Sustainable Seas canned tuna (800-998-9946)
Thrive Market canned tuna, salmon, sardines in water
US Wellness canned and pouched wild fish* (877-383-0051)
Vital Choice canned and pouched wild fish** (866-482-5887)
Wild for Salmon canned and pouched salmon (570-387-0550)
Wild Planet canned and pouched wild seafood (except
those with citric acid or aqueous (liquid) smoke)**
Zoe canned tuna and sardines** (212-563-2707)
AVOID: Farmed salmon, catsh and trout; seafood containing soy
oil, vegetable oil, hydrolyzed protein, citric acid, smoke avoring or
liquid smoke; seafood from China.
Fresh Meat
BEST: Fresh or frozen beef, veal, lamb, poultry, goat and pork, includ-
ing fat and organ meats, from (preferably soy-free and GMO-free)
animals allowed to graze; venison and other game meat. (For a list
of farmers providing grass-fed animal products, see eatwild.com or
localharvest.org, or contact a chapter of the Weston A. Price Foun-
dation, westonaprice.org or 703-820-3333.) Note: It is important to
consume organ meats and meat with the fat. Consumption of lean
meats can lead to deciencies.
Applegate grass-fed beef burgers
Atkins Ranch New Zealand lamb, venison (510-440-8700)
Australian Lamb
Bubba Foods grass-fed beef burgers (877-879-2822)
Chiappetti Meats beef (773-733-7110)
D’Artagnan beef, lamb, buffalo, venison, wild boar, wild hare
wild game birds (800-327-8246)
Dakota Beef beef (888-586-2209)
Jones Creek beef
Lamb from New Zealand or Iceland
Mary’s pastured chicken (888-666-8244)
SimplyNature (Aldi) organic 100% grass-fed ground beef
Smart organic chicken (402-786-1000)
Strauss Brands beef, free raised veal, meadow reserve veal,
lamb (414-421-5250)
Thankful Harvest organic grass-fed beef (712-830-3281)
Thousand Hills Cattle Company beef (877-854-8422)
Wegmans organic grass-fed beef (Mid-Atlantic)
5 Bar Beef beef (714-749-5717)
Alderspring Ranch beef, lamb (alderspring.com)
Anderson Ranches lamb (541-466-5866)
Arizona Grass Raised Beef Company beef (480-569-3330)
Ayrshire Farm beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey(540-592-7018)
Baldwin Charolais Beef (336-694-1620)
Bane Family Meats beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey
Bar 10 Ranch beef (435-680-8206)
Becker Lane Organic pork (563-543-4513)
Belcampo Meat Co. ground beef (510-250-7810)
Beltie Beef (906-282-9240)
Blackwing, Inc. beef, bison, pork, lamb, goat, elk, venison,
ostrich, turkey, wild boar (800-326-7874)
Border Springs Farm lamb (276-229-7598)
Broadleaf grass-fed beef, buffalo, venison, elk, lamb,
wild boar (800-336-3844)
Broken Arrow Ranch venison, elk, antelope, wild boar
Burgundy Pasture beef, pork, lamb (817-866-2247)
Butcher Box beef (getbutcherbox.com)
Buttercup Farm beef, chicken, turkey (717-548-2982)
Carrell Farms water buffalo, lamb, alpaca, venison
Caw Caw Creek pork (803-917-0794)
Cedar Farms beef (800-727-BEEF)
Circle C Farm beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck
Corner Post Meats beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey
Deck Family Farm beef, pork, chicken, lamb, goat
Double Diamond Ranch beef, lamb (541-853-2320)
Dr. Mercola beef (877-985-2695)
Drakes Bay Family Farms beef (415-669-1149)
Dutch Meadows Farm beef, veal, pork, lamb, chicken, bison,
turkey, rabbit (717-442-9208)
Farmers Cart beef, chicken (800-281-0614)
Fields of Athenry Farm beef, lamb, pork, poultry
Fishhugger beef (602-286-9233)
Flying Pigs Farm pork (208-284-1986)
Foxhollow Farm beef (502-241-9674)
Glacier Grown bison, beef (406-407-7039)
Good Earth Farms beef, pork, lamb, poultry (715-652-3520)
Grande Premium Meats elk, venison, wild boar
Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative beef, lamb, pork, chicken,
turkey (501-613-0184)
Grass Run Farms beef (563-277-0052)
GrassRoots Meats beef, lamb (970-582-0166)
Green Acres Farm chicken, beef (717-768-3504)
Green Hills Harvest beef, lamb, pork (660-244-5858)
Grow and Behold Foods kosher lamb, chicken, turkey, duck,
rose veal (888-790-5781)
Hardwick grass-fed beef (860-434-9402)
HarvestBox grass-fed beef, pork, chicken (616-878-1578)
Health Hero Farm beef (802-378-5246)
Healthy Traditions beef, bison, lamb, poultry
Heritage Foods USA meats (718-389-0985)
High Sierra beef (530-635-0183)
Holy Cow Beef grass-fed/finished beef, pork, chicken
Hunter Cattle Co. beef, pork (912-823-2333)
JX Ranch Natural Beef beef (575-403-6904)
Kettle Range Meat Co. beef, lamb, pork (414-882-7000)
KOL Foods kosher beef, lamb, poultry (888-366-3565)
Lasater Grasslands Beef (866-454-2333)
Lava Lake Lamb lamb (208-788-1710)
Liberty Ducks duck (800-953-8257)
Lil’ Ponderosa Enterprises beef (717-245-2820)
Longhorns Head To Tail beef (740-758-5050)
Maypop Farm poultry and pork (843-395-0793)
Marx Foods beef, wild boar, lamb, bison, kangaroo, venison,
antelope (866-588-6279)
McCluskey Brothers beef (608-986-3760)
Meadow Oaks Angus beef, pork, lamb (219-285-2182)
Meadow Ridge Farm beef, pork, goat, duck, chicken, rabbit
Miller’s Bio Farm beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, duck
Miller’s Organic Farm beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, goat,
poultry, rabbit, water buffalo (717-556-0672)
Millstone Mountain Farm beef, chicken (203-843-2605)
Mint Creek Farm lamb, veal, beef, pork, goat, poultry
Moink beef, lamb, pork, chicken (217-717-9448)
Nature’s Sunlight Farm beef, veal, poultry, lamb
Ney’s Big Sky beef, buffalo, chicken (414-254-2664)
Northeast Family Farms beef (781-935-1234)
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand beef, pork, lamb, chicken
Organic Prairie grass-fed beef (877-662-6328)
Oswald Cattle Company beef (719-942-4361)
PaiDom Meats beef, lamb, goat, chicken (806-570-6328)
Pasture Prime Family Farm beef, pork (352-266-9504)
Peaceful Pastures grass-fed meats (615-683-4291)
Pineshine Farms beef, pork (561-374-9261)
Pleasant Pastures beef, pork, poultry (717-768-3437)
Pleasant View Farms beef, pork, chicken, turkey
Prairie Pride Farm beef, chicken (866-245-7675)
Rain Crow Ranch beef, pork, poultry (866-255-5002)
Rainbow Ranch Farms chicken, turkey (920-349-7675)
Rambling River Pastured Farm pork, mutton, lamb, beef
Ranch Foods Direct lamb, bison (866-866-6328)
Rock House Farm beef, pork (828-438-3881)
Rocky Ridge Dairy beef, pork, lamb, poultry (607-742-9566)
Salmon Creek Ranch beef, goat, goose (707-876-1808)
Schenker Family Farms beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry
Shepherd Song Farm lamb, goat (715-265-7637)
Stemple Creek Ranch beef, lamb (415-883-8253)
Stryker Farm beef, pork, goat (570-269-2995)
Sunny Crest Pastures beef (717-768-0101)
Tallgrass Beef Company beef (312-846-1361)
Tendergrass Farms beef, pork, chicken, turkey (800-929-1785)
Teton Waters Ranch beef (720-340-4590)
Thankful Harvest beef, lamb, poultry (712-830-3281)
The Family Cow poultry, beef, pork (717-491-4004)
The Grass Fed Cattle Company beef (612-581-7787)
Thompson Farms pork (229-263-9074)
US Wellness Meats beef, lamb, bison, chicken (except free
roam cutlets and ground chicken), whole turkeys, duck
Vermont Highland Cattle Company beef (888-243-8218)
Victorian Farmstead Meat Company beef, pork, lamb, veal,
chicken, turkey (707-332-4605)
Vital Choice beef, chicken, bison (866-482-5887)
Waseda Farms beef, pork, chicken (920-632-7271)
White Oak Pastures beef, poultry, lamb, pork, rabbit
Willow Run Dairy beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry, rabbit, goat
Wise Organic Pastures kosher beef, poultry (718-596-0400)
Golden Valley buffalo (888-270-7147)
Great Range Brand Bison bison (800-327-2706)
High Wire Ranch bison (970-835-7600)
Intermountain Bison bison (208-227-9008)
NorthStar Bison beef, bison, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey,
goat, rabbit (715-458-4300)
Straight Arrow Bison bison (308-870-4045)
The Honest Bison bison (360-399-6363)
Wild Idea Buffalo Co. buffalo (866-658-6137)
GOOD: Organic or naturally raised poultry, pork, veal and rabbit;
beef, bison, lamb and goat.
Applegate turkey burgers
Bell & Evans chicken, turkey, duck, cornish hen
Blackwing, Inc. chicken, quail, duck, guinea hen, pheasant
Buffalo Guys buffalo (888-330-8686)
Butcher Box pork, chicken (getbutcherbox.com)
Buttercup Farm pork (717-548-2982)
Chapman 3C Cattle Company beef (254-977-4337)
Coleman pork, chicken
D’Artagnan pork, rabbit, poultry (800-327-8246)
Diestal turkey (888-446-2253)
Grande Premium Meats goat, rabbit, bison (888-338-4581)
Grass Run Farms pork (563-277-0052)
GrassRoots Meats chicken (970-582-0166)
Grimaud Farms duck, guinea hen (800-466-9955)
Grow and Behold Foods kosher beef (888-790-5781)
HarvestBox beef (616-878-1578)
Manchester Farms quail (800-845-0421)
Marx Foods pork, poultry, free-range veal (866-588-6279)
Mary’s free-range poultry (888-666-8244)
Murray’s Chicken chicken, turkey (800-588-5051)
Niman Ranch pork, beef, lamb, chicken
NorthStar Bison elk (715-458-4300)
Organic Prairie meats (877-662-6328)
PaiDom Meats pork (806-570-6328)
Petaluma Poultry Rosie, Rocky and Rocky Jr. chicken
Pinn-Oak Ridge Farms lamb (262-728-9629)
Plainville Farms organic chicken and turkey (800-724-0206)
Prairie Pride Farm pork (866-245-7675)
Ranch Foods Direct beef, pork, poultry, elk, goat, rabbit, veal
Roseda Farm beef (410-800-8035)
Shelton’s poultry
Smart chicken (402-786-1000)
South Mountain Creamery beef, lamb, pork, chicken
(East Coast) (844-762-6455)
Springer Mountain Farms chicken (877-826-2322)
Straka Meats Inc. beef, pork, poultry (608-546-3301)
Trader Joe’s meats and poultry
US Wellness Meats pork, rabbit, free roam chicken cutlets,
ground chicken, ground turkey (877-383-0051)
AVOID: Most commercial chicken, turkey and pork, which is raised
in connement on industrial farms.
Processed Meat
BEST: Sausage, bacon and processed meats from (preferably soy-free
and GMO-free) animals allowed to graze, processed without additives
such as mono-sodium glutamate (MSG). (Note: Products containing
hydrolyzed protein, citric acid, “spices,” or “natural avors” usually
contain MSG.) Pastured meats cured with salt, a small amount of
sugar and naturally smoked. Also ne, pastured meats cured with
sodium nitrite and added sodium erythorbates or ascorbates, which
are antioxidants required by the USDA.
D’Artagnan lamb sausage, Mangalica ham, wild boar
prosciutto and sausage (800-327-8246)
Olli Salumeria prosciutto (877-OLLI-YES)
Smart chicken sweet Italian, breakfast maple and country
breakfast sausages (402-786-1000)
Strauss Brands free raised veal chorizo (414-421-5250)
5 Bar Beef beef organ meat sausage, steak & liver sausage
Alderspring Ranch lamb sausages (alderspring.com)
Anderson Ranches Moroccan lamb sausage (541-466-5866)
Ayrshire Farm ham, sausages (except bangers)
Belcampo Meat Co. lamb merguez sausage, bratwurst, pork
sausages (except jalapeño-cheese), head cheese
Beltie Beef summer sausage (906-282-9240)
Blackwing, Inc. bacon, Italian pork sausage, mild Italian and
pineapple pork brats; wild boar bacon and pineapple
brats; elk tendons and plain brats (800-326-7874)
Broadleaf lamb Italian sausage (800-336-3844)
Broken Arrow Ranch venison and wild boar summer sausages
Burgundy Pasture pork bratwurst and sausages (817-866-2247)
Caw Caw Creek ham, sausages, bacon, cured fatback
Charlito’s Cocina salamis, sausages, chorizo (718-482-7890)
Circle C Farm pork, lamb, chicken, turkey and duck sausages
Corner Post Meats bacon, ham, pork sausages (303-898-0642)
Deck Family Farm fresh garlic pork sausage, lamb link
sausages; goat sausages, links (541-998-4697)
Dutch Meadows Farm pork sausages (717-442-9208)
Edwards Virginia Smokehouse smoked hog jowls, Virginia
bacon, sausage links (800-222-4267)
Fields of Athenry Farm bacon, country ham, pork sausages
pork sausages, kielbasa, lamb sausages (703-300-5765)
Flying Pigs Farm bacon, ham, ham steaks, smoked chops,
smoked hocks, sausages (208-284-1986)
Good Earth Farms bacon, ham, sausages, bratwurst
smoked ham hocks, wieners; beef sausage; chicken
hot dogs (715-652-3520)
Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative pork sausage, bratwurst,
maple links and mesquite lime kielbasa (501-613-0184)
Grass Run Farms beef bacon, bratwurst and Polish sausage
Grow and Behold Foods kosher turkey fennel sausage
Healthy Traditions bison hot dogs, brats, sausages, ham;
lamb summer sausage (healthytraditions.com)
Holy Cow Beef beef, chicken & pork breakfast sausage; beef
& pork breakfast sausage patties; German sausage (spicy
& not spicy); beef summer sausage (806-777-1302)
Hunter Cattle Co. bacon, smoked ham hocks; Vidalia
onion, southern Italian, hot GA night and mooma’s
original pork sausages (912-823-2333)
KOL Foods kosher beef merguez sausage, hot dogs,
bratwurst and kielbasa; lamb sausage; roasted turkey
La Quercia acorn Tamworth pancetta, spallacia, prosciutto
and coppa (515-981-1625)
Lava Lake Lamb lamb sausages (208-788-1710)
Let’s be Frank bratwurst, Italian sausage (888-Be-Frank)
Marx Foods wild boar bacon and Italian sausage, lamb
merguez and fennel sausages (866-588-6279)
Meadow Ridge Farm bacon, beef bologna, pork and goat
sausages (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm bacon, bacon burgers, ham, sausages,
liverwurst, scrapple, smoked pork roll; dried beef,
sweet beef bologna, beef liverwurst, kielbasa beef
sausage; chicken and goat sausages (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm bacon, ham, sausages, liverwurst,
scrapple, spare ribs, bologna; beef sausage and bologna;
turkey sausage and scrapple; smoked chicken and turkey;
mutton sausage; water buffalo bacon (717-556-0672)
Mint Creek Farm bacon, ham, andouille, Italian, Polish and
breakfast sausages; lamb chorizo, ham, Italian and
breakfast sausages (815-953-5682)
Moink bacon, pork sausage (217-717-9448)
Ney’s Big Sky beef bacon, brats; beef/pork brats, buffalo brats
NorthStar Bison bison hot dogs, plain bratwurst, onion leek
bratwurst, salt free bratwurst, sausages, braunschweiger;
beef hot dogs, plain bratwurst, summer sausage; lamb
bratwurst; pork bacon, bratwurst, breakfast sausage
Oasis at Bird-in-Hand bacon, ham, pork sausages
Oui Charcuterie salami (203-901-3099)
PaiDom Meats beef bratwurst and sausages; lamb bratwurst
and sausages (806-570-6328)
Pete’s Paleo sun-dried tomato beef sausage (619-363-7136)
Pleasant Pastures bacon, ham, bologna, pork sausages
Rain Crow Ranch bacon, bratwurst, pork sausages
Rocky Ridge Dairy bacon, pork scrapple (607-742-9566)
Smoking Goose Meatery beef pastrami (317-638-6328)
Stryker Farm bacon, scrapple, pork franks, beer bratwurst;
breakfast, sweet Italian, hot Italian and Nancy’s
country sausages (570-269-2995)
Sugartown Smoked Specialties, Inc. pastured pork loin
Tendergrass Farms pork breakfast sausage, sausage breakfast
links, Italian sausage and franks (800-929-1785)
Thankful Harvest breakfast and Italian sausages
The Family Cow bacon, ham, kielbasa, sausages, scrapple;
beef bologna, sausages (717-491-4004)
The Honest Bison bison onion leek bratwurst, breakfast
sausage (360-399-6363)
Thompson Farms fresh and smoked pork country sausages
US Wellness Meats sugar-free beef bacon tips, sugar-free
beef bacon, Italian and Polish beef sausages, salami,
braunschweiger, liverwurst, head cheese, summer
sausage, sliders; chicken braunschweiger; bison chorizo
sausage (877-383-0051)
Victorian Farmstead Meat Company thick sliced bacon, ham,
smoked hocks, chorizo, corned beef; pork, lamb and
chicken sausages (707-332-4605)
White Oak Pastures pickled beef tongue, beef sausages, ham,
pork sausages (except andouille); lamb, duck, goose,
turkey, guinea and rabbit sausages; herb turkey breast
Wild Idea Buffalo Co. Italian, chorizo and breakfast sausages
Willow Run Dairy pork sausages, liverwurst; beef kielbasa,
sweet bologna, liverwurst (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Sausage, bacon and processed meats made with the help of
celery juice, celery powder, celery seed, spinach juice, spinach powder,
carrot juice, carrot powder, beet juice, beet powder, sodium nitrate or
sodium phosphate but without MSG and other questionable additives.
Aidells chorizo, Cajun andouille, garlic & gruyere,
spinach & feta, and tomato with mozzarella sausages;
tomato & garlic salame (800-546-5795)
Al Fresco country style link chicken sausage, oven roasted
turkey breast (800-426-6100)
Applegate salami
Ayrshire Farm bangers (540-592-7018)
Beeler’s bacon, ham, wieners, li’l bites, sausage links, Italian
hot pork and breakfast sausages (877-378-8520)
Belcampo Meat Co. bacon, ham, kielbasa, jalapeño-cheese
pork sausage, beef hot dogs (510-250-7810)
Bices Quality Critter Ranch bacon, sugar free bacon, ham,
sugar free ham; beef summer sausage, landjaeger, hot
dogs, bacon; goat summer sausage, landjaeger;
special orders (715-424-5159)
Bilinski’s chicken sausages (877-873-9102)
Blackwing, Inc. ham, elk hot dogs, Kobe beef franks
Buffalo Guys buffalo hot dogs and sausages (888-330-8686)
Burgundy Pasture beef frankfurters (817-866-2247)
Buttercup Farm bacon, ham, ham hocks, sausages,
scrapple, pork roll; beef bologna (717-548-2982)
Citterio salami
Coleman bacon, chicken sausages
Continental Sausage, Inc. bacons (except stuffed bacon),
hams, landjaegersmoked German bratwurst, headcheese,
chicken sausages, liverwursts, blood and tongue luncheon
meat (866-794-7727)
Creminelli Fine Meats salamis, deli meats (except mortadella),
hams (801-428-1820)
D’Artagnan patés, 100% corn-fed duck foie gras, terrines,
beef hot dogs, sausages (except French garlic and
chorizo), bacon, ham, prosciutto, pancetta, saucisson
sec, duck hot dogs, smoked chicken breast
Deck Family Farm beef hot dogs, salami, pepperoni, ham,
pastrami, andouille; pork sausages, bratwurst, bacon,
Edwards Virginia Smokehouse ham, slab bacon
EPIC bacon and chicken bits (512-944-8502)
Fabrique Délices duck rillettes, pork rillettes (510-441-9500)
Fields of Athenry Farm sugar cured ham, lunch meats
(salami, ham and turkey) (703-300-5765)
Flying Pigs Farm hot dogs, brats (208-284-1986)
Garrett Valley pork bacon (except those with yeast extract),
bacon bits (856-769-8933)
Goya corned beef*
Grass Run Farms pork bacon; beef hot dogs, brisket and
bologna (563-277-0052)
Grimaud Farms duck confit, natural smoked duck breast
Grow and Behold Foods kosher beef sausages, kosher for
Passover hot dogs (888-790-5781)
Hénaff pork paté and rillettes
Heritage Foods USA maple sugar cured ham (718-389-0985)
Hormel corned beef*
Hunter Cattle Co. southbound beer brats (912-823-2333)
KOL Foods kosher roast beef, corned beef (888-366-3565)
La Quercia cured pork products (515-981-1625)
Les Trois Petits Cochons patés, mousses, cooked ham,
sausages, duck leg confit, duck rillettes (except those
processed meats with nonfat dry milk)
Let’s be Frank hot dogs (888-Be-Frank)
Libby’s corned beef*
Longhorns Head To Tail beef hot dogs; canned beef, pork and
turkey (740-758-5050)
Marky’s bresaola (air dried beef) (305-758-9288)
Miller’s Bio Farm pork hot dogs (717-786-7895)
Mint Creek Farm pork bratwurst, lamb bratwurst
Neese’s liver pudding, liver mush, scrapple, souse, fresh pork
sausages (800-632-1010)
Ney’s Big Sky beef hot dogs and summer sausage; buffalo
hot dogs (414-254-2664)
Niman Ranch bratwurst, salami, sausages, ham, bacon, franks,
pastrami, corned beef
NorthStar Bison elk hot dogs, summer sausage; bison bacon
and ham; pork ham and hocks (715-458-4300)
Nueske’s smoked bacon (800-392-2266)
Olli Salumeria cured pork products (877-OLLI-YES)
Organic Prairie processsed meats (except deli meats and
turkey bacon)
PaiDom pork bratwurst, bacon, sausages; beef bacon
Palacios Autentico Chorizo
Paleo on the Go no sugar bacon, no sugar kielbasa smoked
sausage (855-447-2536)
Pederson’s Natural Farms beef bacon and hot dogs without
natural flavors; chicken andouille sausage and feta &
spinach sausage; pork bacon, chorizo, kielbasa, original
German sausage, jalapeño sausage, bacon & pork
sausage, seasoned pork burger (254-386-4790)
Pete’s Paleo bacon; chorizo, pork and wild boar sausages
Plainville Farms organic turkey breasts (not pre-sliced)
Pleasant View Farms bacon, ham (608-553-0787)
Prairie Pride Farm bacon, ham, ham links, pork sausages,
brats, weiners; chicken spinach feta and mango jalapeño
sausages; blueberry and cranberry summer sausages
Rain Crow Ranch beef summer sausage, hot dogs
Ranch Foods Direct ham, pork bratwursts, liverwurst and
sausages; beef hot dogs and chorizo sausage; chicken
sausages (866-866-6328)
Shelburne Farms bacon, ham (802-985-8686)
Shelton’s turkey sausage and franks
Singing Pastures salami, chorizo (singingpastures.com)
Siskiyou Alpaca alpaca landjaeger (541-415-2614)
Smart chicken andouille, hot smoked and Polish sausages
Smoking Goose Meatery bacon, pancetta, tasso, lardo, pig
and fig terrine, sausages, salumi; lamb bacon, sausage
and salumi; elk terrine and salumi; veal bratwurst; duck
prosciutto, sausage, smoked breast (317-638-6328)
Stiglmeier Sausage Co. processed meats (except those
containing soy) (800-451-8199)
Sugartown Smoked Specialties, Inc. poultry, pork
Tallgrass Beef Company hot dogs, smoked sausage
Tendergrass Farms pork bratwurst (800-929-1785)
Teton Waters Ranch beef frankfurters; andouille, Polish and
Thuringer beef sausages (720-340-4590)
Thankful Harvest beef bacon, bratwurst, hot dogs, Polish
sausage, summer sausage (712-830-3281)
Thousand Hills Cattle Company beef hot dogs, franks,
summer sausage, cocktail weiners (877-854-8422)
Underground Butcher processed meats (608-338-3421)
US Wellness Meats pork bacon, ham, bratwurst sausages;
beef franks and bologna; chicken and turkey sausages
Valley Fresh organic canned chicken (800-523-4635)
Vermont Smoke & Cure maple brined bacon, ham, pork
sausages, blue cheese and hard cider bratwursts, summer
sausage (802-482-4666)
Victorian Farmstead Meat Company no added nitrate
bacon, beef hot dogs, hot Italian sausage (707-332-4605)
Vital Choice bison hot dogs (866-482-5887)
Volpi Foods processed meats (except those with soy, citric
acid or smoke flavoring) (800-288-3439)
Wellshire Farms bacon, scrapple, uncured pepperoni
Whole Foods 365 mild Italian chicken and pork sausages;
organic applewood smoked and cracked black pepper
turkey breast
Wild Idea Buffalo Co. brats, salami, kielbasa (866-658-6137)
Wild Planet organic canned chicken (800-998-9946)
Willow Run Dairy pork hot dogs (717-556-0285)
* While not perfect foods, these compromise products may offer
benefits to those on a limited income or with limited access
to better foods (including prisoners), and serve as a source of
animal fat, gelatin and meat when nothing else is available.
AVOID: Most commercial sausage, bacon and processed meats con-
taining MSG, smoke avoring, liquid smoke, torula yeast, sodium
lactate, dry milk powder or high levels of additives; processed meats
that are high-pressure treated.
Pemmican and Jerky
BEST: Pemmican, jerky and other meat snacks made from (preferably
soy-free and GMO-free) animals allowed to graze, processed without
additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG). (Note: Products con-
taining hydrolyzed protein, citric acid, “spices,” or “natural avors”
usually contain MSG.) Pastured meats cured with salt, a small amount
of sugar and naturally smoked. Also ne, pastured meats cured with
sodium nitrite and added sodium erythorbates or ascorbates, which
are antioxidants required by the USDA.
Belcampo Meat Co. peppered beef jerky (510-250-7810)
Biltong USA grass-fed beef biltong (888-438-2458)
Dutch Meadows Farm beef jerky, sticks, stick bites
EPIC beef cranberry sriracha, venison sea salt & pepper,
venison beef and salmon maple & coconut oil bites;
wagyu beef steak, venison sea salt & pepper, and smoked
salmon maple strips (512-944-8502)
Kodiak Island WildSource wild salmon jerky (907-486-4449)
Loki Fish Co. wild salmon jerky (206-937-1048)
Miller’s Bio Farm beef jerky and stix, Aaron’s signature meat
stix (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm beef jerky, water buffalo jerky and stix
Mint Creek Farm lamb jerky, snack sticks; beef jerky, snack
sticks (815-953-5682)
NorthStar Bison beef jerky; bison jerky, snack sticks (except
BBQ flavor) (715-458-4300)
Pleasant Pastures beef jerky and sticks (717-768-3437)
Sophia’s Survival Food beef jerky chews
Tanka slow smoked original, spicy pepper and onnit warrior
bison bars; slow smoked original and spicy pepper bison
bites (800-416-7212)
The Family Cow beef jerky and sticks (717-491-4004)
The Honest Bison bison jerky, snack sticks (360-399-6363)
The New Primal beef jerky and thins (866-723-1386)
Think Jerky beef and Thanksgiving turkey jerky
US Wellness Meats beef pemmican, jerky, snack sticks;
bison jerky (877-383-0051)
White Oak Pastures duck jerky, gluten and soy-free beef jerky
Willow Run Dairy beef sticks (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Pemmican, jerky and other meat snacks made with the help of
celery juice, celery powder, celery seed, spinach juice, spinach powder,
carrot juice, carrot powder, beet juice, beet powder, sodium nitrate or
sodium phosphate but without MSG and other questionable additives.
Biltong USA beef biltong (888-438-2458)
Buffalo Guys buffalo jerky (888-330-8686)
Chomps beef, turkey and venison sticks (312-871-3889)
EPIC bison, beef, lamb, pork, wild boar, venison, salmon,
chicken and turkey bars (except chicken sesame BBQ
bars); beef liver, bison, pork, chicken and turkey bites;
turkey cranberry sage strips (512-944-8502)
Farmers Box beef sticks (800-281-0614)
Gary West Meats beef, buffalo and elk jerky (except angus
beef teriyaki jerky) (800-833-1820)
Krave Jerky honey peach barbeque pork jerky; lemon garlic
and chardonnay thyme turkey jerky; sea salt original,
garlic chili pepper, cabernet rosemary, five peppercorn,
and sesame ginger beef jerky (877-208-8433)
Mighty Organic black pepper chicken bars, beef bars, original
beef sticks, beef jerky (except teriyaki) (877-662-6328)
Nick’s Sticks beef and turkey snack sticks (319-442-3244)
NorthStar Bison elk jerky (715-458-4300)
Patagonia Provisions original buffalo jerky (888-221-8208)
Prairie Pride Farm pepperjack and cheddar snack sticks
Rain Crow Ranch beef sticks (866-255-5002)
Shelton’s turkey jerky and sticks
Simply Snackin’ signature beef - bold original snacks
Tanka apple orange peel bison bars, bites and sticks; bison
jerky (800-416-7212)
The New Primal beef and turkey sticks, turkey and chicken
snack mates (866-723-1386)
Thousand Hills Cattle Company beef sticks (877-854-8422)
Trader Joe’s organic beef jerky
US Wellness Meats turkey jerky (877-383-0051)
Vermont Smoke & Cure bacon pork, spicy Italian pork,
ancho pepper turkey and honey mustard turkey sticks
Vital Choice bison jerky (866-482-5887)
Volpi Foods original and chorizo salame stix (800-288-3439)
Wellshire Farms pepperoni and turkey snack sticks
Wild Idea Buffalo Co. buffalo jerky (866-658-6137)
AVOID: Most commercial pemmican, jerky and other meat snacks
containing MSG, smoke avoring, liquid smoke, torula yeast, sodium
lactate, dry milk powder or high levels of additives.
Fruits and Vegetables
BEST: Fresh organic, biodynamic or wild fruits and vegetables, pref-
erably local and in season. Dried organic, biodynamic or wild fruits
and vegetables with no added sugar, oil, additives and preservatives,
and not from China. Unsprayed whole sea vegetables not from China.
(Lists of organic and biodynamic produce farmers can be found on
many websites, such as localharvest.org.)
A Little Nuts organic dried fruit (559-725-1901)
Anna and Sarah organic dried fruit (848-229-2235)
Anthony’s Goods organic dried fruit, tigernuts (213-793-8178)
Aunt Patty’s organic dried fruit (800-456-7923)
Aurora Products organic dried fruit (203-375-9956)
Azure Standard organic dried fruit (971-200-8350)
Bella Viva Orchards organic dried fruit (855-888-8482)
Burgie’s Berry Farm organic dried aronia berries
Buttercup Farm chemical-free fresh vegetables
Chaffin Family Orchards citrus (530-533-8239)
Chocola Tree dried fruit (928-282-2997)
Country Life Natural Foods organic dried fruit (269-236-5011)
Date Lady organic dates (417-414-2282)
Divine Organics dried fruit and tomatoes (415-884-4477)
Earth Circle Organics dried fruit (888-501-7170)
Earthbound Farms organic dried plums, dates and mangos
Equal Exchange organic dried fruit (774-776-7333)
Food to Live organic dried fruit and tomatoes (718-717-1029)
Glaser Organic Farms organic dried fruit, tomatoes and
mushrooms (305-238-7747)
Gold Mine dried fruit and tomatoes (800-475-3663)
Grain Place Foods organic dried fruit (888-714-7246)
Healthy Traditions fresh produce, freeze-dried fruit
Healthy Truth organic dried fruit (774-256-5800)
Higher Power organic dried fruit (877-684-8763)
Imlak’esh Organics golden berries (805-689-2269)
Indus Organics organic dried fruit (925-895-6535)
International Harvest, Inc. dried fruit and tomatoes
Jaffe Bros. organic dried fruit (877-975-2333)
Just Dates Syrup organic dates (justdatesyrup.com)
Karen’s Naturals organic dried fruit and tomatoes
Live Superfoods organic dried fruit and tomatoes
Living Tree dried fruit and tomatoes (800-260-5534)
Made In Nature dried fruit (800-906-7426)
Mavuno Harvest organic dried fruit (mavunoharvest.com)
Mediterranean Organic sun-dried tomatoes - bag
Miller’s Bio Farm chemical-free fresh vegetables
Miller’s Organic Farm chemical-free fresh fruits and vegetables
Moon Juice organic dried mango (310-399-2929)
Morning Glory organic prunes (530-695-3750)
Mt. Olive Organic Farm organic dried fruit (805-237-0147)
Natierra organic freeze-dried fruits (except those with
chocolate), beets, roasted corn (natierra.com)
Natural Zing dried fruit, tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms
Navitas Organics organic dried golden berries and mulberries
Newman’s Own Organics dried fruit
NOW Foods organic dried apricots (888-669-3663)
Nuts.com organic freeze-dried fruit, dried fruit and tomatoes,
raspberry and noni fruit leathers (800-558-6887)
Obis One organic garlic bulbs (609-202-9766)
Organic Gemini organic raw tigernuts (347-662-2900)
Organic Traditions dried fruit (888-968-6747
Pangaia dried fruit and tomatoes (808-989-3457)
Patagonia Provisions organic dried chile mango
Peeled Snacks dried fruit (212-706-2001)
Puritan’s Pride organic dried fruit and tomatoes
Raisin Valley Farms organic raisins (559-846-8138)
Ranch Foods Direct fruits and vegetables (866-866-6328)
Rhythm Superfoods organic dried beets (naked and sea salt),
carrots (naked and sea salt), watermelon (512-441-5667)
Shields Date Garden organic dates (800-414-2555)
Shiloh Farms organic dried fruit (800-362-6832)
Sol Simple organic dried fruit (312-637-9831)
Solely organic dried fruit, fruit jerky (except those with nuts
or cacao) (888-776-5359)
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium biodynamic fresh and
dried fruit; organic dried fruit (301-654-4899)
Sunfood Super Foods dried fruit and tomatoes (888-729-3663)
SunOrganic Farm dried fruit (888-269-9888)
Sunset Valley Organics dried berries (541-752-0460)
Terrasoul Superfoods organic dried fruit (800-458-8773)
Thrive Market organic dried fruit (866-419-2174)
Tierra Farm dried fruit and tomatoes (888-674-6887)
Tiger Nuts organic raw tigernuts (305-407-3844)
Trader Joe’s organic dehydrated carrots
United With Earth dates (510-210-4359)
US Wellness fresh produce (877-383-0051)
Vitacost organic dried mango slices (800-381-0759)
Vital Choice dried apricots (866-482-5887)
Vivapura organic dried fruit (520-394-0200)
Wild & Raw organic dried fruit
Wilderness Poets dried fruit (844-945-3649)
Wildly Organic organic dried fruit (218-226-3985)
Woodstock Foods organic dried fruit (855-423-2630)
Atlantic Mariculture dulse
Eden sea vegetables
Emerald Cove sea vegetables (except those from China)
Izumi raw nori
BC Kelp sea vegetables (250-622-7085)
Brittany Sea Salt sea spaghetti (866-671-7451)
Bright Earth raw nori sheets (541-201-0420)
Dr. Linda’s seaweed soup mix (drlindas.com)
GimMe sushi nori (415-479-8272)
Gold Mine sea vegetables (except those from China)
Great Eastern Sun sea vegetables (800-334-5809)
Healing Spirits Herb Farm kelp (607-566-2701)
Live Superfoods sea vegetables (800-481-5074)
Maine Coast Sea Vegetables (except those from China)
Maine Seaweed Company (207-546-2875)
Mitoku sea vegetables (800-324-1878)
Mountain Rose Herbs seaweed (800-879-3337)
Natural Zing sea vegetables (888-729-9646)
Naturespirit Herbs seaweed (541-846-7995)
Ocean Harvest Sea Vegetable Company sea vegetables
Ocean Balance kelp puree, dulse, kombu, wakame
Ohsawa sea vegetables
Pangaia seaweed (808-989-3457)
Rising Tide Sea Vegetables sea vegetables (except those from
China) (707-964-5663)
Sea Tangle Noodle Company mixed sea vegetables
SeaMama seaweed (310-882-5503)
SeaSnax organic raw nori (310-882-5503)
SeaVegi seaweed salad mix (310-882-5503)
Starwest Botanicals sea vegetables (800-800-4372)
Terrasoul Superfoods seaweed (800-458-8773)
VitaminSea Seaweed sea vegetables (207-929-8678)
GOOD: Fresh fruits and vegetables in season. (Note: wash well to
remove as much pesticide residue as possible.) Frozen organic fruits
and vegetables without ascorbic acid and citric acid, and not from
China. Canned organic tomato products without sugar and citric acid
in BPA-free containers that are not aseptic boxes.
Aurora Products organic oat floured dates (203-375-9956)
Bioitalia tomato products in glass jars
Bionaturae tomato products in glass jars
Cascadian Farm frozen fruits (except those with citric acid),
plain vegetables (except edamame and those from
China), hash browns
Ciao Organics tomato sauce, sun-dried tomatoes and
cherry tomatoes in glass jars (845-363-6253, ext 113)
Columbia Fruit organic frozen fruits (except those with citric
acid) (360-225-9575)
Dr. Mercola organic frozen wild blueberries (877-985-2695)
Earthbound Farms organic frozen fruits and vegetables (except
those with citric acid or canola oil) (800-690-3200)
Eden crushed tomatoes in glass jars
Glaser Organic Farms raw kelp noodles (should be cooked)
Gold Mine kelp noodles (should be cooked) (800-475-3663)
Jovial tomatoes in glass jars (877-642-0644)
Kirkland organic tomato paste (BPA-free cans)
Lucini tomatoes in glass jars
Miller’s Organic Farm chemical-free frozen fruits and
vegetables, tomato puree in glass jars (717-556-0672)
Natural Zing raw kelp noodles (should be cooked)
Pleasant Hill Farm frozen blueberries (269-561-2850)
Prunotto organic tomato puree in glass jars
Puritan’s Pride organic dried apricots (with rice flour)
Rhythm Superfoods organic sea salt cauliflower bites
Rocky Ridge Dairy organic frozen pumpkin puree
Safeway O Organics frozen fruits and vegetables
San Marzano tomato products in glass jars
Sea Tangle Noodle Company raw kelp noodles (should be
cooked) (408-966-3109)
SimplyNature (Aldi) organic frozen blueberries, strawberries,
peas and green beans (800-325-7894)
SnoPac frozen fruits, vegetables (except edamame, Midwest
soup mix and soycutash) and hash browns
Sunset Valley Organics frozen berries (541-752-0460)
Vital Choice organic frozen berries (866-482-5887)
Whole Foods 365 frozen organic fruits (except those with
ascorbic acid or citric acid) and vegetables
Woodstock Foods frozen organic fruits (except those with
ascorbic acid or citric acid) and vegetables (except
edamame and those from China) (855-423-2630)
Yellow Barn tomato puree and concentrate in glass jars
AVOID: Most canned fruits and vegetables; most Hawaiian papaya
(which is genetically engineered); goji berries. Fruits, vegetables and
seaweed (even organic) from China. Any fruits and vegetables coated
with Apeel. (Apeel is often used on organic fruits and vegetables.)
Lacto-Fermented Vegetables
BEST: Unheated, organic lacto-fermented vegetables (in glass jars)
made with unrened salt and/or a culture, not vinegar.
Alive & Well fermented olives (except those with vinegar)
Ancient Awakenings cultured vegetables (404-310-8100)
Angelica’s Garden cultured vegetables (Midwest)
Brassica and Brine cultured vegetables (323-284-6268)
Buttercup Farm fermented vegetables (717-548-2982)
Dutch Meadows Farm fermented vegetables (717-442-9208)
Fab Ferments cultured vegetables (513-562-7531)
Farmland Organics fermented vegetables and sauces
Fermenti Artisan cultured vegetables (317-493-1652)
FinAllie Ferments fermented vegetables (802-380-5185)
Firefly Kitchens fermented vegetables (206-436-8399)
Fizzeology Foods cultured vegetables (608-606-9573)
Flack Family Farm lacto-fermented vegetables (VT)
Gail’s Cupboard fermented vegetables, salsa (570-561-6970)
Glaser Organic Farms sauerkrauts, kimchi, ginger
Gold Mine sauerkrauts, kimchi (800-475-3663)
Hawthorne Valley Farm lacto-fermented vegetables
Healthy Traditions atchara (fermented green papaya),
sauerkraut veggie mix (healthytraditions.com)
HEX Ferments fermented vegetables and miso kimchi
Hidden Pond Farm sauerkrauts, kimchi (765-960-5092)
Meadow Ridge Farm fermented vegetables (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm fermented vegetables (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm cultured vegetables, salsa
Obis One organic fermented black garlic (609-202-9766)
Oregon Brineworks lacto-fermented vegetables
Ozuke fermented kraut, kimchi and beets (Midwest)
Pickled Planet cultured vegetables (pickledplanet.com)
Pleasant Pastures fermented vegetables (717-768-3437)
PureLiving fermented vegetables (800-362-6832)
Real Pickles cultured vegetables (Northeast) (413-774-2600)
Rejuvenative Foods cultured vegetables (831-291-4008)
Rocky Ridge Dairy fermented vegetables (607-742-9566)
Spirit Creek Farm lacto-fermented vegetables (715-742-3551)
Steve’s Paleogoods krauts, kimchi (856-356-2258)
Sunja’s organic fermented beets (802-244-7644)
The Brinery fermented vegetables (734-717-4469)
The Farm Connection cultured vegetables (812-939-3027)
Wellness Found Organic Foods sauerkrauts (262-305-2141)
Wildbrine organic sauerkrauts and coleslaw (707-657-7607)
Willow Run Dairy cultured vegetables (717-556-0285)
Wise Goat Organics fermented vegetables (303-905-9723)
GOOD: Unheated, non-organic lacto-fermented vegetables made with
unrened salt and/or a culture; vegetables cultured with raw vinegar.
Alive & Well fermented olives with vinegar
Caldwell/Deep Root cultured vegetables (819-849-2000)
Cleveland Kraut sauerkrauts (except gnar gnar)
Farmhouse Culture sauerkrauts (831-466-0499)
Farmstead Ferments fermented vegetables (VA, MD, SC)
Glaser Organic Farms raw pickled vegetables (305-238-7747)
King’s kimchi (415-222-6100)
Mediterranean Delicacy preserved lemons (267-240-0184)
Morse’s cultured vegetables (207-832-5569)
Number 1 Sons fermented vegetables (DC, MD, VA and DE)
Sonoma Brinery sauerkrauts, Manhattan style fresh pickles
Sunja’s kimchee (802-244-7644)
Whole Foods 365 old fashioned sauerkraut
Wildbrine sauerkrauts, kimchis, salsas (707-657-7607)
Zymbiotics fermented vegetables (414-881-8017)
AVOID: All pasteurized or heated pickles and sauerkraut. Lacto-
fermented vegetables containing additives such as calcium chloride.
Lacto-Fermentation Starters
BEST: Natural culturing starters for kombucha, dairy products, bread
and vegetables, except those containing maltodextrin.
A.F. Kombucha mushrooms (818-602-2455)
Anahata Balance kombucha mushrooms (231-360-7043)
Body Ecology kefir and culture starters (800-511-2660)
Cultured Food Life (culturedfoodlife.com)
Cultures for Health (except those with maltodextrin)
Custom Probiotics yogurt starters (800-219-8405)
Cutting Edge Cultures kefir and vegetable starter cultures
Dairy Connection dairy cultures (608-242-9030)
Danisco dairy cultures (dupontnutritionandbiosciences.com)
Dom’s Kefir In-Site starter cultures
Dr. Mercola kinetic culture vegetable starter (877-985-2695)
Garrick’s sourdough starter (realsourdoughbreadrecipe.com)
GEM Cultures bread, soy, kombucha and dairy cultures
GetKombucha.com kombucha cultures (888-542-4448)
Glengarry Cheesemaking and Dairy Supply Ltd. dairy cultures
Gluten-Free Sourdough Co. sourdough starters(508-733-5399)
Happy Herbalist (919-518-3336)
Homesteader’s Supply yogurt culture (928-583-0254)
Kefir Lady milk and water kefir grains, kombucha cultures
King Arthur classic fresh sourdough starter (800-827-6836)
Kombucha Kamp kombucha and jun cultures, milk and water
kefir grains (424-245-5867)
Live Superfoods kefir and culture starters (800-481-5074)
Meadow Ridge Farm kombucha mushrooms (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm kombucha mushroom kits, kefir grains
Miller’s Organic Farm kombucha mushrooms, kefir grains
Mitoku koji and natto starter spores (800-324-1878)
Moonwise Herbs piima, kefir and sourdough cultures
Natren yogurt starter (866-462-8736)
New England Cheesemaking Supply dairy cultures
Nick’s Natural Nook (stores.ebay.com/Nicks-Natural-Nook)
Oregon Kombucha kombucha starter kits (503-477-4601)
Oregon Trail sourdough starter (carlsfriends.net)
Pure Indian Foods vegetable starter culture (609-785-9100)
Rhapsody Natural Foods koji starter cultures (802-563-2172)
Selina Naturally kefir and culture starters (800-867-7258)
The CheeseMaker dairy cultures (877-424-3393)
The Family Cow kombucha mushrooms, kefir grains
The Kombucha Shop kombucha cultures and kits
Tribest Yolife yogurt starter (888-254-7336)
Willow Run Dairy kombucha mushrooms, kefir grains
YemoosNourishing Clutures (512-819-1561)
Yogourmet yogurt and kefir starters (800-863-5606)
Grains and Legumes
BEST: Organic dried beans (except soybeans unless used for making
fermented foods such as natto), lentils, whole grain rice, whole grains
(except bulgur) and whole grain hot cereals (which must be soaked
before cooking); wildcrafted wild rice; organic popcorn (to pop at
home); organic sprouting seeds except alfalfa and soybean. All grains
should be soaked in an acidic medium to minimize enzyme inhibitors
and phytic acid. Purchase brown rice and hot cereals in sealed pack-
ages, not from bins, to avoid rancidity.
Alford organic oatmeal
Arrowhead Mills organic grains, legumes; rice & shine,
quinoa rice & shine, bear mush and 4 grains plus flax
hot cereals
Bob’s Red Mill organic grains, legumes and hot cereals
except high fiber and white wheat farina
Country Choice organic Irish style steel cut oats, old fashioned
oats, multigrain hot cereal
Lotus Foods organic whole grain rice
Lundberg Family Farms organic brown, red and wild rice;
sprouted rice
Ohsawa organic brown rice
SimplyNature (Aldi) organic quinoa, organic dried green lentils
Alter Eco quinoa (415-701-1212)
Amira organic brown rice (949-852-4468)
Ancient Grains organic whole grains (208-557-4351)
Ancient Harvest quinoa, quinoa flakes (310-217-8140)
Anna and Sarah organic amaranth (848-229-2235)
Anson Mills grains, legumes (803-467-4122)
Anthony’s Goods organic whole grains, popcorn
Aurora Products organic legumes (203-375-9956)
Azure Standard organic grains, legumes and sprouting seeds
(except alfalfa) (971-200-8350)
Back Roads Food Company organic gluten-free rolled oats
Bakery On Main organic gluten-free rolled oats
Bioitalia organic dried legumes
BKW Farms white sonora wheat (bkwazgrown.com)
Blue Mountain Organics organic rolled oats (540-283-9589)
Bluebird Grain Farms grains, hot cereals, pilaf (888-232-0331)
Brad’s Organic organic quinoa and brown rice
Bread Beckers, Inc. organic grains and legumes(770-516-5000)
Buttercup Farm chemical-free popcorn (717-548-2982)
Carlton Farms grains (770-655-1503)
Central Milling Company organic whole grains; steel cut
cracked rye, wheat and 6-grain (707-778-1073)
Ceylon Pure organic whole grain rice (650-752-8865)
Chosen Foods organic quinoa (877-674-2244)
Country Life Natural Foods organic grains, 7 grain cereal,
legumes and sprouting seeds (except alfalfa)
Dragon Herbs organic black and red rice (888-558-6642)
Dutch Meadows Farm chemical-free popcorn (717-442-9208)
Eden wildcrafted wild rice; organic grains, dried legumes,
sprouted brown rice mochi
Edison Grainery organic whole grains and legumes
Einkorn wheat berries (einkorn.com)
Farm Girl Fresh organic dried beans (320-434-1510)
Farmer Direct Organic whole grains, legumes (306-352-2444)
Food to Live organic whole grains, legumes and sprouting
seeds (except alfalfa seeds and those from China)
Gardens of Grace pre-soaked oatmeal cereals (except cashew
berry crunch; all must be cooked) (262-443-7522)
GF Harvest organic gluten-free oats (888-941-9922)
Glaser Organic Farms grains, legumes; sprouting grains,
legumes and seeds (except alfalfa) (305-238-7747)
Gold Mine organic grains, legumes and sprouted brown rice
(except those from China) (800-475-3663)
Golden Prairie Oats organic gluten-free oats (970-897-2505)
Goya organic quinoa and brown rice
Grain Place Foods organic grains, legumes, popcorn
GrandyOats organic rolled oats (207-935-7415)
Handy Pantry Sprouting organic sprouting seeds (except alfalfa
and soybean) (801-491-8700)
Heartland Mill grains (800-232-8533)
Heritage Foods USA organic wild rice (718-389-0985)
Heritage Grain Conservancy organic einkorn berries, cracked
einkorn (growseed.org)
Indus Organics quinoa, sprouting seeds (925-895-6535)
Jaffe Bros. grains, legumes, sprouting seeds (except alfalfa and
those from China) (877-975-2333)
Jiva Organics legumes (713-661-2972)
Jovial einkorn wheat berries (877-642-0644)
Lindley Mills yellow corn grits (336-376-3916)
Living Tree grains (800-260-5534)
Marx Foods organic grains (866-588-6279)
Massa Organics brown rice (530-519-8628)
Miller’s Bio Farm chemical-free popcorn (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm chemical-free popcorn (717-556-0672)
Montana Flour & Grains organic grains (800-622-5790)
Mountain Rose Herbs sprouting seeds (except alfalfa)
Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds grains, legumes, sprouting seeds
(except alfalfa and those from China) (sprouting.com)
Natal wild rice
Native Harvest wild rice (218-375-4602)
Natural Value organic popcorn
Natural Way Mills organic whole grains, legumes and hot
cereals (218-222-3677)
Natural Zing sprouting seeds (except alfalfa) (888-729-9646)
Nature’s Earthly Choice organic whole grains, legumes
Nature’s Legacy organic grains (517-448-2050)
New Hope Mills organic rolled oats (315-252-2676)
NOW Foods organic grains (888-669-3663)
Nuts.com organic grains, legumes, 6 grain hot cereal, kamut
hot cereal, popcorn (except those from China)
One Degree Organic Foods grains, legumes (855-834-2642)
Organic Traditions sprouted risotta mix and quinoa
Our Fathers Foods crushed quinoa, rolled oats, wheat #3 and
#4 (419-790-8868)
PaiDom organic wheat berries (806-570-6328)
Patz Maple & Honey Farms whole grains (800-897-2488)
Pleasant Hill Grain organic grains and legumes (866-467-6123)
Purcell Mountain Farms organic grains, legumes and sprouting
seeds (except alfalfa); organic whole wheat farina,
organic hot brown rice cereal (208-267-0627)
Pure Indian Foods raw whole grains, legumes (609-785-9100)
Pure Living organic sprouted popcorn (800-362-6832)
Puritan’s Pride organic grains (800-645-1030)
RiceSelect organic brown rice (800-226-9522)
Rocky Ridge Dairy organic lady finger popcorn(607-742-9566)
Royal Lee Organics grains (844-781-5080)
Serrv wild rice (800-422-5915)
ShaSha Co. grains, legumes; sprouted grains and legumes
Shiloh Farms organic grains and legumes (800-362-6832)
Small Valley Milling organic whole grains (717-362-6455)
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium biodynamic grains;
organic grains and legumes (301-654-4899)
Sproutman organic sprouting seeds (800-695-2241)
Sproutpeople sprouting grains, legumes, nuts and seeds
(except alfalfa and soybean) (800-777-6881)
Starwest Botanicals organic sprouting seeds (except alfalfa)
Stutzman Farms organic grains and legumes, 7 whole grain
mix (330-674-1289, ext 2)
SunOrganic Farm grains, legumes, sprouting seeds (except
alfalfa and those from China) (888-269-9888)
Sunrise Flour Mill grains (651-674-8050)
Terrasoul Superfoods organic white quinoa (800-458-8773)
The Birkett Mills organic buckwheat groats, cream of
buckwheat, kasha (315-536-3311)
The Pasta Shoppe sprouted wheat pasta (800-247-0188)
The Urban Homemaker organic grains and legumes
Thrive Market organic sprouted quinoa, brown rice and
popcorn (866-419-2174)
Timeless Food whole grains, legumes (406-866-3340)
To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co. organic sprouted popcorn
TruRoots whole grains, sprouted grains, sprouted legumes
Vitacost organic grains and legumes (800-381-0759)
Viva Naturals organic quinoa (800-921-8482)
Wheat Montana Farms & Bakery organic grains
Wildly Organic organic grains, wildcrafted wild rice
Zocalo Gourmet kaniwa grain, pussac punay dried beans
GOOD: Organic soaked granola; organic canned legumes (except
soybeans unless used for making fermented foods such as natto),
eaten only once or twice a month; organic whole grain, buckwheat,
corn, brown rice and legume pasta.
Gardens of Grace organic pre-soaked oatmeal cereals
Miller’s Organic Farm organic soaked granola (717-556-0672)
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium organic soaked granolas
Stutzman Farms organic sprouted spelt maple crunch,
sprouted spelt granola (330-674-1289, ext 2)
Sweet Water Baking Co. (in PA) organic soaked granola
Sweet Water Baking Co. (in VA) organic soaked coconutty,
swamp mix and tropical daydream granolas
Willow Run Dairy organic sprouted grapenuts cereal
Amy’s organic refried and baked beans
Bearitos organic fat free refried beans (800-434-4246)
Bioitalia organic canned legumes (except baked beans)
Brad’s Organic organic canned legumes (except those with
canola oil) (BPA-free cans) (bradsorganic.com)
Cascadian Farm organic frozen grains and beans
Eden organic canned legumes (BPA-free cans)
Field Day organic canned beans (except those with canola
oil or sugar) (BPA-free cans)
Fig Food Co. organic pouched beans (BPA-free pouches)
Furmano’s organic canned chick peas (877-877-6032)
Goya organic canned beans
Hayden Flour Mills whole grains (480-557-0031)
Jovial organic canned beans in glass jars (877-642-0644)
Jyoti organic pouched beans (BPA-free pouches)
Karine & Jeff organic canned chickpeas in glass jars
La Preferida organic canned beans (773-254-7200)
Natural Value organic canned legumes, fat free refried beans
(BPA-free cans)
Omena Organics organic canned legumes (BPA-free cans)
SimplyNature (Aldi) organic canned kidney, black and
garbanzo beans (800-325-7894)
Stahlbush Island Farms organic frozen grains and legumes
Thrive Market organic pouched beans (BPA-free pouches)
Timeless Food organic semi-pearled farro (406-866-3340)
Vitacost organic canned beans (BPA-free cans) (800-381-0759)
Walnut Acres organic canned and baked beans
Westbrae Canned Legumes
Whole Foods 365 organic canned beans
Azure Standard organic whole wheat and brown rice pasta
Berlin Natural Bakery whole spelt pasta (800-686-5334)
Bioitalia organic whole wheat pasta
Bionaturae organic whole wheat pasta
Brad’s Organic organic whole wheat pasta (bradsorganic.com)
Bread Beckers, Inc. organic brown rice pasta (770-516-5000)
Canaan Fair Trade organic whole wheat couscous
Country Life Natural Foods organic whole wheat, spelt and
brown rice pasta; whole wheat couscous (269-236-5011)
DeLallo organic whole wheat pasta (877-335-2556)
Eden organic whole grain pasta (except pasta with quinoa),
organic sweet brown rice mochi
Explore Asian organic black bean spaghetti, mung bean
fettuccini (888-208-9471)
Field Day organic whole wheat and brown rice pasta
Food to Live organic whole wheat couscous (718-717-1029)
Garden Time Organic organic whole wheat pasta
Gold Mine organic whole grain pasta (800-475-3663)
Healthy Traditions organic whole grain einkorn, whole wheat
and brown rice pasta (healthytraditions.com)
Heritage Grain Conservancy organic einkorn pasta
Japan Gold USA organic 100% whole buckwheat soba noodles
Jovial organic whole grain einkorn and brown rice pasta (made
with soaked flour) (877-642-0644)
Lotus Foods organic whole grain noodles
Lundberg Family Farms organic brown rice pasta
Miller’s Bio Farm organic soaked spelt noodles (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm organic sprouted spelt noodles
Mitoku organic whole grain pasta (800-324-1878)
Nature’s Earthly Choice organic whole wheat couscous
Nature’s Legacy organic whole spelt pasta (517-448-2050)
Purcell Mountain Farms organic whole wheat, whole spelt
and brown rice pasta (208-267-0627)
RiceSelect organic whole wheat couscous (800-226-9522)
Rizopia organic brown rice pasta and wild rice pasta
Rustichella d’Abruzzo organic whole wheat, brown rice and
red lentil pasta
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium organic whole wheat
couscous, whole wheat pasta with biodynamic flour
The Pasta Shoppe organic whole spelt and kamut pasta
Tinkyada organic brown rice pasta (619-609-0016)
Tolerant organic red lentil and black bean pasta
Trader Joe’s organic sprouted wheat pappardelle pasta and
brown rice pasta
Whole Foods 365 organic whole wheat pasta
Willow Run Dairy organic soaked spelt noodles
AVOID: All non-organic grains and legumes (most of which are
sprayed with Roundup); extruded cold breakfast cereals; unsoaked
granola; bulgur; quick cooking grains; white rice and white our
products including pasta; quinoa pasta; non-organic canned baked
beans and similar products; puffed grain products, such as rice cakes;
factory-made modern soy foods; soybeans unless used for making
fermented foods such as natto; soybean sprouting seeds and sprouts;
alfalfa seeds and sprouts. Grains, legumes and sprouting seeds (even
organic) from China.
BEST: Sourdough, soaked or sprouted breads made from freshly
ground organic whole grain our, without additives such as gluten,
soy, bran and partially hydrogenated oils.
Berlin Natural Bakery sourdough and sprouted spelt breads
Bread of Heaven sourdough breads and tortillas (219-883-
Buenatural organic corn tortillas (800-952-4453)
Food for Life organic sprouted corn tortillas (800-797-5090)
La Tortilla Factory organic corn tortillas (800-446-1516)
Le Pain Quotidien levain breads
Manna Organics sourdough breads; sprouted breads (except
banana walnut hemp and multigrain) (630-795-0500)
Sonoma organic corn tortillas (800-446-1516)
Traditional organic pumpernickel breads from Germany
(without yeast)
Acme Bakery sourdough rye and pain au levain
Berkshire Mountain Bakery spelt and whole meal spelt
breads (413-274-3412)
Bernhard’s Bread Bakery organic whole grain sourdough
breads (farmers, German, Russian, rustic rye, spelt harvest,
spelt millet) (770-218-1153)
Columbia County Bread & Granola panko; country wheat
and pocket pita breads; sesame cumin, pretzel crisps,
hearty spelt, garlic pepper, ancient grains, kernza and rye
caraway flat breads (570-441-4031)
Cow and Clementine biodynamic sourdough breads
(heritage wheat and rye) (304-322-2138)
Dimpflmeier Bakery organic spelt bread with wild rice, organic
100% rye breads (800-268-2421)
Glaser Organic Farms sprouted breads (305-238-7747)
Gluten-Free Sourdough Co. teff sourdough muffin tops and
English muffins (508-733-5399)
Grindstone Bakery breads (except those containing brown
rice syrup or cocoa) (707-515-6666)
Hawthorne Valley Farm plain, spelt, fruited and old world
rye sourdough breads; spelt and honey raisin walnut
sourdough breads (518-672-7500)
Heritage Grain Conservancy einkorn sourdough sprout bread,
croutons (growseed.org)
Mi Rancho Tortilla Factory organic corn tortillas
Miller’s Organic Farm sourdough heritage wheat bread
O Bread Bakery whole rye, whole spelt and multi grain breads
Orchard Hill Breadworks whole wheat, whole spelt, currant
rye and six seed and grain breads (603-835-7845)
Pleasant Pastures prairie brown and 100% spelt breads
Pleasanton Brick Oven Bakery spelt kamut bread
Serenity Farm whole wheat sourdough bread and focaccia;
whole spelt sourdough bread and focaccia(870-447-2211)
ShaSha Co. sourdough spelt breads, multigrain and spelt
bread crumbs, spelt pizza crust (416-255-0416)
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium biodynamic 100%
whole wheat, rye and spelt sourdough breads
Sweet Water Baking Co. (in VA) mountain brown, prairie
brown, spelt and sunflower rye breads (540-593-3191)
The Family Cow organic whole wheat sourdough bread
Vital Vittles sourdough rye and Russian sourdough
GOOD: Breads made with organic our, at least 50% organic whole
grain our, without additives such as gluten, soy, bran and partially
hydrogenated oils.
Alvarado Street Bakery organic sprouted wheat tortillas
Berlin Natural Bakery whole grain spelt, raisin spelt, flaxseed
spelt and heirloom spelt bistro breads; whole spelt
stuffing (800-686-5334)
Bernhard’s Bread Bakery organic country sunflower, Finnish
rye, harvest festival, hazelnut, lucky linen, monastery,
prairie, sesame star, spelt whole grain, and whole
wheat breads (770-218-1153)
Blue Mountain Organics organic basil, curry and tomato wraps
Bread Alone organic whole grain health, whole wheat
catskill and whole wheat sourdough (miche) breads
Columbia County Bread & Granola organic orange poppyseed,
cinnamon toast and almond biscotti flat breads
DeLand Bakery all natural organic millet breads, flats, buns,
dinner rolls and bagels (386-734-7553)
Delba organic whole rye breads (except those with sugar
beet syrup)
Garden of Eatin’ organic taco shells (800-434-4246)
Gluten-Free Sourdough Co. focaccia; corn, coconut and
banana breads (508-733-5399)
Hawthorne Valley Farm organic peasant, sunflower flax, olive
rosemary and sesame sourdough breads; seven grain,
millet sunflower, sesame sunflower and yeasted spelt
breads; peasant and sunflower flax sourdough rolls
Julian Bakery organic paleo coconut, honey and cinnamon
raisin breads (all gluten-free) (760-721-5200)
La Tortilla Factory organic whole wheat tortillas
Live Superfoods sunflower caraway sprouted bread
Lydia’s Foods sunflower caraway sprouted bread
Manna Organics organic gluten-free breads (630-795-0500)
Maria and Ricardo organic yellow corn tortillas
Meadow Ridge Farm organic sprouted wheat bread
Mestemacher organic whole rye breads (except those with
oat fiber or sugar syrup)
Miller’s Bio Farm organic breads (except zucchini and
pumpkin) (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm organic breads (except zucchini and
pumpkin) (717-556-0672)
Paleo Mama Bakery cassava pizza crust (608-692-3715)
Pleasant Pastures organic multigrain bread (717-768-3437)
Pleasanton Brick Oven Bakery organic manna grain, manna
seed and whole wheat breads (231-941-1964)
Serenity Farm organic sourdough rye bread (870-447-2211)
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium biodynamic mountain
brown, seed, multigrain, oatmeal, sesame French, walnut
raisin and sunflower rye sourdough breads
Stone Sisters Organics sprouted spelt pizza crust
The Maine Sea Kitchen organic einkorn bread
Thuro Bread organic sourdough buckwheat bread
Whole Foods organic whole wheat sourdough bread, pain
de campagne (sourdough), organic corn tortillas
Willow Run Dairy organic breads (except zucchini and
pumpkin) (717-556-0285)
AVOID: Breads made with non-organic grains (most of which are
sprayed with Roundup); most commercial breads based on white our
and containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, soy, bran, added
gluten, or numerous additives. Breads containing ascorbic acid, hemp,
brown rice syrup, sugar syrup, oat ber, chocolate, cocoa or cacao.
Flour and Baking Supplies
BEST: Freshly ground and then soaked, organic whole grain ours;
freshly ground organic sprouted/dehydrated grains; aluminum-free
baking powder; organic roasted carob and roasted carob powder.
Central Milling Company organic sprouted grains
Granite Mill Farms organic sprouted grains (406-827-1095)
One Degree Organic Foods organic sprouted grains
PureLiving organic sprouted grains and legumes(800-362-6832)
Stutzman Farms organic sprouted grains (330-674-1289, ext 2)
To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co. organic sprouted grains
and legumes (334-584-7875)
Bob’s Red Mill aluminum-free baking powder
Frontier aluminum-free baking powder (800-669-3275)
Rumford aluminum-free baking powder
Frontier organic roasted carob powder (800-669-3275)
Mountain Rose Herbs organic roasted carob (800-879-3337)
GOOD: Organic sprouted ours and baking mixes made with them;
organic whole grain ours (which should be soaked); limited use of
organic unbleached white our.
Ancient Grains Organics whole grain flours (208-557-4351)
Anthony’s Goods organic tigernut flour(anthonysgoods.com)
Arrowhead Mills organic sprouted wheat flour
Baker’s Field Flour and Bread organic whole grain flours
Berlin Natural Bakery whole spelt flour (800-686-5334)
Central Milling Company organic whole grain flours
Country Life Natural Foods organic sprouted spelt flour
Divine Organics organic raw almond flour (should be soaked)
Dowd & Rogers chestnut flour (800-669-8877)
Essential Eating organic sprouted flours (570-586-1557)
Flour of Life organic sprouted flours (except those from China)
Food to Live organic whole grain flours (718-717-1029)
Gluten-Free Sourdough Co. sourdough bread mixes
Grain Place Foods organic whole grain flours (888-714-7246)
Granite Mill Farms organic sprouted flours (406-827-1095)
Heritage Grain Conservancy organic einkorn flour
Jovial organic einkorn whole wheat and sprouted flours
Let’s Do...Organic organic green banana flour (805-684-8500)
Lindley Mills organic sprouted flours, whole grain flours
Live Superfoods organic raw almond flour (should be soaked)
Manna Organics organic sprouted almond flour(630-795-0500)
One Degree Organic Foods organic sprouted flours
Organic Gemini organic tigernut flour (347-662-2900)
Otto’s Naturals cassava flour (732-654-6886)
Our Fathers Foods crushed wheat #1 and #2 (419-790-8868)
Palouse Heritage organic landrace whole grain flours
PureLiving organic sprouted flours (800-362-6832)
ShaSha Co. organic sprouted flours (416-255-0416)
Shiloh Farms Essential Eating organic sprouted flours
Small Valley Milling organic whole grain flours (717-362-6455)
Stutzman Farms organic sprouted flours (330-674-1289, ext 2)
Thrive Market organic sprouted flours (866-419-2174)
Tiger Nuts organic tigernut flour (305-407-3844)
To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co. organic sprouted flours
and baking mixes (334-584-7875)
Wildly Organic organic almond flour (should be soaked)
Bob’s Red Mill organic masa harina
Gold Mine organic corn masa (800-475-3663)
Bob’s Red Mill organic unbleached white flour
King Arthur organic unbleached white flour
Small Valley Milling organic unbleached white spelt flour
AVOID: Unsoaked whole grain ours, bleached white our, soy
our and baking mixes made with them; baking powder containing
aluminum; chocolate, cocoa and cacao. Sprouted grains, legumes and
ours (even organic) from China.
BEST: Sourdough, soaked or sprouted crackers made from freshly
ground organic whole grain our, without additives, added gluten,
soy our, unsoaked quinoa, partially hydrogenated oils and agave.
Jovial organic sourdough einkorn crackers (877-642-0644)
Keep It Real Food Co. organic grain free seedy crackers
Moon Juice green fermented seed crisps (310-399-2929)
Stutzman Farms savory sprouted spelt crackers
(330-674-1289, ext 2)
GOOD: Organic whole grain crackers, made without additives,
added gluten, soy our, unsoaked quinoa, partially hydrogenated
oils and agave.
Ak-Mak organic whole wheat crackers, whole wheat round
and country style cracker breads
Blue Mountain Organics organic corn, savory cranberry, sweet
potato and simply raw flax crackers (540-283-9589)
Chocola Tree organic plain chia crackers (928-282-2997)
Doctor in the Kitchen organic flackers flax seed crackers
Edward & Sons organic brown rice snaps (except cheddar and
FBomb cheddar and buffalo cheese crisps (844-693-2662)
Finn Crisp organic rye crispbread
Foods Alive organic onion garlic, Mexican harvest, Italian zest,
and maple & cinnamon flax crackers (260-488-4497)
Genmai Life organic brown rice crackers (800-475-3663)
Glaser Organic Farms organic flax seed and nori crackers
Higher Power crackers (except those with hemp)
It’s Alive! sprouted sauerkraut and kimchi crackers
Jilz Gluten Free gluten-free crackers (805-585-5297)
Julian Bakery paleo thin crackers (760-721-5200)
Livin’ Spoonful organic sprouted crackers (except kale)
Lydia’s Foods luna nori, ginger nori, and Italian crackers
Mauk Family Farm organic raw sprouted crusts and crisps
Paleo Mama Bakery cheddar crisps (608-692-3715)
Potter’s organic crackers and crisps (608-663-5005)
Raw Food Central flax crackers (855-632-8729)
Rustic Bakery organic sourdough crackers, rusticbakery.com
RW Garcia organic sweet potato crackers (408-287-4616)
Stutzman Farms organic homemade spelt crackers
(330-674-1289, ext 2)
AVOID: Crackers made with non-organic grains (most of which are
sprayed with Roundup); most commercial crackers based on white
our and containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, soy our
or additives. Crackers containing unsoaked quinoa, agave, chocolate,
cocoa or cacao.
Nuts and Seeds
BEST: Fresh organic or wild raw nuts and seeds (except hemp) in
sealed packages (not from bins); organic raw almonds by mail order
(as store-bought organic raw almonds have been heat-treated); soaked/
sprouted organic or wild raw nuts, seeds and butters (except hemp).
Soaked/sprouted nuts and seeds must be soaked in salted water. Nut
and seed butters must be made with nuts and seeds soaked/sprouted
in salted water. Note: Soak raw nuts and seeds in salted water for 6-8
hours and dry in a dehydrator or in an oven at a warm setting. Store
in airtight containers. Walnuts should be stored in the refrigerator.
A Little Nuts organic raw and soaked nuts (559-725-1901)
Ancient Grains organic chia seeds (208-557-4351)
Anderson Almonds organic raw almonds (209-667-7494)
Anna and Sarah organic raw nuts and seeds (848-229-2235)
Anthony’s Goods organic raw nuts and seeds
Aurora Foods organic raw nuts and seeds (203-375-9956)
Azure Standard organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Bella Viva Orchards organic raw nuts (855-888-8482)
Big Tree Organic Farms organic raw almonds (209-669-3678)
Brad’s Organic organic chia seeds (bradsorganic.com)
Bremner Farms organic raw almonds (530-893-4950)
Burroughs Family Farms organic raw almonds (209-874-9400)
Capay Canyon Ranch organic raw almonds (530-662-2372)
Carrington Farms organic chia and whole flax seeds
Chocola Tree raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Chosen Foods organic chia seeds (877-674-2244)
Country Life Natural Foods organic raw nuts and seeds
(except those from China) (269-236-5011)
Divine Organics raw nuts and seeds (415-884-4477)
Dr. Linda’s organic almonds and wild pecans soaked with
seaweed (drlindas.com)
Earth Circle Organics organic raw nuts and seeds (except
hemp) (888-501-7170)
EatRaw organic raw cashews (866-432-8729)
Edison Grainery organic raw nuts and seeds (707-590-7010)
Enzo’s Table organic raw almonds (888-942-3552)
Equal Exchange organic raw nuts (774-776-7333)
Farmer Direct Organic flax seeds (306-352-2444)
Feel Good Superfoods organic chia and flax seeds
Food to Live organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp seeds
and those from China) (718-717-1029)
Foods Alive raw nuts and seeds (except hemp) (260-488-4497)
Frontier organic seeds (800-669-3275)
Garden of Life raw organic chia seeds
Gardens of Grace raw nuts; soaked nuts, seeds and butters
(except those with stevia extract) (262-443-7522)
Glaser Organic Farms raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Gluten-Free Sourdough Co. sprouted nuts and seeds
Gold Mine organic raw nuts and seeds (800-475-3663)
Grain Place Foods organic raw seeds (888-714-7246)
Healthy Truth organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp, flax
and those from China); plain sprouted nuts; flavored
sprouted nuts (except those with kale, sunflower or
hemp oil) (774-256-5800)
Higher Power raw nuts, salted sprouted pumpkin seeds
Indus Organics organic chia seeds (925-895-6535)
International Harvest, Inc. raw nuts and seeds (914-699-5600)
Jaffe Bros. raw nuts and seeds (except hemp) (877-975-2333)
JEM sprouted nut butters (except those with cacao or coffee)
Jiva Organics raw nuts and seeds (713-661-2972)
Kevala organic raw sesame seeds (877-379-1179)
Lark Ellen Farm raw sprouted almonds (805-272-8448)
Live Superfoods raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Living Nutz organic raw nuts and seeds (207-780-1101)
Living Tree raw nuts and seeds (except hemp) (800-260-5534)
Love Raw Foods raw nuts and seeds; raw nut and seed butters
(except hemp and those from China) (540-745-5040)
Lupa’s Kitchen maple bliss sprouted nut clusters
Mamma Chia organic chia seeds (855-588-2442)
Manna Organics raw nuts (630-795-0500)
Marian Farms biodynamic raw almonds (559-276-6185)
Massa Organics raw almonds (530-519-8628)
Meadow Ridge Farm soaked nuts and seeds; seasoned nut
mix, sweet & spicy nut mix (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm organic crispy nuts and seeds; sweet & spicy
nut mix (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm soaked nuts, seeds and cashew butter;
honey & spice nuts, seasoned nut mix, sweet & spicy nut
mix (717-556-0672)
Missouri Northern Pecan Growers organic pecans
Moon Juice activated almonds, cashews, maca mesquite
walnuts, and turmeric, coconut & lime pepitas;
sprouted almond butter (310-399-2929)
Mt. Olive Organic Farm organic raw nuts (805-237-0147)
Nate’s Raw Harvest organic raw nuts, sprouted nut butters,
sprouted nuts and seeds (214-546-2023)
Natierra organic chia seeds (natierra.com)
Natural Zing organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Navitas Organics organic chia seeds, raw cashews
NOW Foods organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Nussli118 organic sprouted nuts (857-242-4188)
Nutiva raw organic chia seeds (800-993-4367)
Nuts.com organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Old Dog Ranch organic raw walnuts (707-849-4439)
One Degree Organic Foods flax seeds (855-834-2642)
Organic Traditions raw nuts and seeds (888-968-6747)
Pangaia organic raw nuts (808-989-3457)
Pecan Shop raw nuts, sprouted nuts and seeds (except
mesquite smoked pecans, unsalted pecans and unsalted
walnuts) (254-307-9386)
Philosopher Foods sprouted almond butters (except with
cacao) (philosopherfoods.com)
Pili Hunters sprouted pili nuts (except those with cacao),
sprouted pili nut butters (Himalayan salt & coconut oil
and pumpkin spice with lion’s mane) (628-227-7454)
Pleasant Pastures soaked nuts and seeds, seasoned nut mix,
sweet & spicy nut mix (717-768-3437)
Purcell Mountain Farms organic raw nuts and seeds
Pure Indian Foods raw nuts and seeds (609-785-9100)
Pure Traditions sprouted pili nuts (puretraditionsfoods.com)
RawGuru raw almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and sesame seeds
Puritan’s Pride organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Shiloh Farms raw nuts and seeds (800-362-6832)
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium biodynamic raw nuts
and seeds; organic raw nuts and seeds (301-654-4899)
Stutzman Farms organic flax seed (330-674-1289, ext 2)
Sunbiotics original and truffle sprouted probiotic almonds
Sunfood Super Foods raw and soaked nuts and seeds (except
hemp) (888-729-3663)
SunOrganic Farm raw nuts and seeds (888-269-9888)
Terrasoul Superfoods raw nuts and seeds (except hemp and
those from China) (800-458-8773)
Thrive Market organic raw nuts and seeds (866-419-2174)
Tierra Farm raw nuts and seeds (888-674-6887)
Timeless Food flax seeds (406-866-3340)
TruRoots organic chia seeds (800-288-3637)
Vitacost organic raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Vital Choice organic raw nuts (866-482-5887)
Viva Naturals organic chia seeds (800-921-8482)
Vivapura raw nuts and seeds (except hemp) (520-394-0200)
Whole Foods 365 organic chia seeds
Wilderness Poets raw nuts and seeds (except hemp)
Wildly Organic raw nuts and seeds (218-226-3985)
Willow Run Dairy soaked nuts, seeds and butters; seasoned
nut mix (717-556-0285)
Woodstock Foods organic raw nuts and seeds (855-423-2630)
GOOD: Fresh raw and dry roasted nuts and seeds (except hemp);
peanut butter made from roasted peanuts, and other nut and seed
butters (except hemp) without partially hydrogenated vegetable oils,
sugar, agave, chocolate, cocoa, cacao, avorings or other additives.
Note: Soak raw nuts and seeds in salted water for 6-8 hours and dry
in a dehydrator or in an oven at a warm setting. Store in airtight con-
tainers. Walnuts should be stored in the refrigerator.
Adams peanut butter
Barney Butter bare and raw + chia almond butters
Brad’s Naturals nut butters (bradsorganic.com)
Brad’s Organic nut butters and tahini (except those with
sugar, milk powder or cocoa) (bradsorganic.com)
Crazy Richard’s peanut butter
East Wind Nut Butters nut butters and tahini (417-679-4682)
Field Day organic peanut butter
Good & Gather (Target) organic stir nut butters (800-316-6151)
Joyva sesame tahini
Justin’s classic peanut, classic almond and maple almond
Kirkland organic peanut butter
MaraNatha tahini and nut butters
Natural Value organic tahini
Omega Nutrition pumpkin seed butter (604-253-4677)
Once Again nut and seed butters (except those with sugar)
Orchard Valley Harvest raw almonds (847-289-1800)
Pangaia organic raw nut and seed butters (808-989-3457)
Redmond’s almond butter
Santa Cruz Organic peanut butter
Smucker’s peanut butter (except those with sugar or
Trader Joe’s almond butter
Whole Foods almond butter, raw almonds, organic peanut
Woodstock Foods tahini and nut butters (855-423-2630)
Artisana raw tahini and nut butters (866-237-8688)
Aunt Patty’s organic almond butter (800-456-7923)
Better Than Roasted sprouted nuts, seeds and butters
(except those from China) (540-745-5040)
Bremner Farms raw walnuts (530-893-4950)
Burroughs Family Farms organic almond butter(209-874-9400)
CB’s Nuts peanut butters (360-881-0369)
Chocola Tree raw tahini, nut butters, sprouted almonds
Country Life Natural Foods nut and seed butters (except
those with sugar or safflower oil) (269-236-5011)
Dastony raw nut and seed butters (except hemp), sprouted
nut and seed butters (800-925-0577)
Divine Organics nut butters (415-884-4477)
Dr. Cow cashew cream cheese, aged nut cheeses (except
those with hemp) (718-486-5919)
Dutch Meadows Farm nut butters (except those with
chocolate) (717-442-9208)
Enzo’s Table almond butter (888-942-3552)
FBomb macadamia, macadamia coconut and macadamia
pecan nut butters (844-693-2662)
Georgia Grinders nut butters (except those with cocoa or
natural flavors) (866-327-9301)
Glaser Organic Farms spicy cashews, nut butters, tahini, patés,
nut ricotta, sprouted almonds, sprouted sunflower seeds,
maple cinnamon walnuts, maple pecans, ginger maple
pumpkin seeds (305-238-7747)
Go Raw Real Live Food sprouted pumpkin, watermelon, flax
and sunflower seeds, sprouted simple and spicy seed
mixes (408-272-4722)
Gopal’s sprouted nuts, seeds, butters; raw tahini(866-646-7257)
Higher Power soaked nuts and seeds (877-684-8763)
International Harvest, Inc. tahini and nut butters
It’s Alive! sprouted seeds (503-230-0215)
JEM cashew curry tahini (541-728-3844)
Jiva Organics raw tahini and cashew butter; sprouted nut and
seed butters (713-661-2972)
Kevala nut butters, tahini (877-379-1179)
Live Superfoods raw tahini, sprouted pumpkin seeds,
sprouted almond butter (800-481-5074)
Living Intentions rosemary garlic pistachios & almonds, spicy
chipotle pistachios & pumpkin seeds, cilantro lime mojo
pistachios & pepitas, sesame teriyaki almonds & cashews,
mesquite pod maple walnuts, Ayurvedic chili pumpkin
& sunflower seeds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, sprouted
sunflower seeds & greens, Cajun pepper almonds;
sprouted almonds, pecans and walnuts (415-824-5483)
Living Nutz soaked nuts and seeds (except those containing
agave or chocolate) (207-780-1101)
Living Tree nut and seed butters (except hemp and those with
cacao) (800-260-5534)
Longhurst Farms sprouted almonds (except those with
chocolate), almond butter, sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Lydia’s Foods sprouted nuts and seeds (707-992-0776)
Manna Organics nut butters (except those with cacao or cane
juice crystals), sprouted almond butter (630-795-0500)
Massa Organics almond butter (530-519-8628)
Miller’s Bio Farm organic peanut butter, roasted coconut
cashew butter (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm organic almond and peanut butters
Miyoko’s Creamery cashew cream cheeses (415-521-5313)
Nate’s Raw Harvest raw and sprouted pecans, sprouted pecan
butters (214-546-2023)
NaturAlmond almond butter (866-327-9301)
Nuts.com tahini and nut butters (800-558-6887)
NuttZo original and peanut-free nut and seed butters
Old Dog Ranch organic just walnut butter, raw honey & sea
salt walnut butter (707-849-4439)
Pecan Shop unsalted sprouted pecans and walnuts
Pili Hunters turmeric & ashwagandha sprouted pili nut butter
PureLiving organic sprouted nuts and seeds (800-362-6832)
Radiant Life sprouted nuts, seeds and butters (except those
from China) (888-593-8333)
RawGuru organic sprouted sunflower (800-925-0577)
Rejuvenative Foods raw nut and seed butters (except hemp
and those with cacao) (831-291-4008)
Roland organic tahini (800-221-4030)
Sacred Foods raw nut butters (415-883-1311)
Selina Naturally pumpkin seed butter (800-867-7258)
Steve’s Paleogoods original and cinnamon paleonutbutters
Sunbiotics cheesy sprouted probiotic almonds (800-925-0577)
SunButter organic sunflower seed spread (877-873-4501)
SunOrganic Farm nut and seed butters (888-269-9888)
The Sprouted Nut Company sprouted nuts (818-424-7528)
Thrive Market tahini, nut butters (866-419-2174)
To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co. organic sprouted nuts and
seeds (334-584-7875)
Tohum Natural Foods tahini (510-717-7614)
US Wellness sprouted nuts (877-383-0051)
Vitacost tahini, nut butters, raw nuts (800-381-0759)
Vivapura raw tahini and nut butters (520-394-0200)
Wild Friends Foods classic creamy peanut and almond butters
Wilderness Poets raw nut and seed butters (except hemp)
Wildly Organic soaked nuts, seeds and butters (except those
with cacao or agave) (218-226-3985)
Willow Run Dairy peanut butter (717-556-0285)
AVOID: Peanut butter, other nut and seed butters, and nut mixtures
containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, sugar, agave,
chocolate, cocoa, cacao, avorings or other additives; hemp seeds
and products. Nuts and seeds (even organic) from China.
Coconut Products
BEST: “Water,” “milk” and “cream” extracted from fresh coconuts;
whole canned (not in aseptic boxes) coconut milk without additives;
canned (not in aseptic boxes) coconut cream without additives; un-
sweetened desiccated coconut meat; raw coconut butter; raw coconut
spread; raw creamed coconut; raw coconut creme; coconut vinegar.
All canned products preferably in BPA-free containers. *Available
in BPA-free containers.
Desiccated coconut (in most health food stores)
Alpha coconut flour
Anna and Sarah organic coconut chips (848-229-2235)
Anthony’s Goods organic coconut flour, unsweetened
shredded coconut, toasted coconut chips with
muscovado sugar (anthonysgoods.com)
Aroy-D whole coconut milk in cans, coconut cream in cans*
Arrowhead Mills coconut flour
Artisana organic raw coconut butter (866-237-8688)
Aunt Patty’s shredded coconut (800-456-7923)
Big Tree Farms organic coco aminos (541-488-5605)
Bob’s Red Mill fine macaroon coconut, shredded coconut,
coconut flakes, coconut flour
Body Ecology coconut water kefir (800-511-2660)
Brad’s Organic coconut flour (bradsorganic.com)
Bragg organic coconut aminos (800-446-1990)
Burgie’s Organics coconut kefir (920-349-3154)
Carrington Farms organic coconut flour (800-505-9546)
Ceylon Pure coconut flour, raw creamed coconut, coconut
flakes and chips, toasted coconut chips (650-752-8865)
Chocola Tree organic raw coconut creme (928-282-2997)
Coco Symbiosis frozen organic young coconut meat, coconut
jerky and coconut water (917-685-2586)
Coconut Secret raw coconut flour, raw coconut vinegar,
coconut aminos, coconut aminos garlic and teriyaki
sauces, original coconut ungranola bars (888-369-3393)
Coconut Supreme coconut flakes, coconut chips, coconut
flour (800-922-1744)
Cocopura raw organic coconut cremes (877-PUR-OILS)
Country Life Natural Foods coconut flakes and chips, organic
coconut flour (269-236-5011)
Dang Foods caramel sea salt and salted unsweetened toasted
coconut chips (646-450-6501)
Dastony raw coconut butter (800-925-0577)
Dr. Mercola organic raw coconut butter (877-985-2695)
Earth Circle Organics coconut flour, coconut flakes, coconut
chips (888-501-7170)
Edison Grainery organic coconut flour (707-590-7010)
Food to Live organic shredded coconut (718-717-1029)
Glaser Organic Farms fresh organic coconut water, shredded
coconut, raw shredded coconut (305-238-7747)
Healthy Traditions coconut flour, coconut flakes, coconut
chips, raw coconut water vinegar, coconut cream
Higher Power coconut flakes (877-684-8763)
Inner-eco original plain fresh coconut water probiotic, frozen
young coconut meat (844-341-1776)
Indus Organics raw coconut flakes (925-895-6535)
International Harvest, Inc. raw shredded coconut, coconut
chunks (914-699-5600)
Jaffe Bros. coconut flakes, coconut chips (877-975-2333)
Latta organic coconut water kefir, organic coconut milk kefir
(201-512-8400, ext 303)
Let’s Do...Organic coconut flakes, toasted coconut flakes,
shredded coconut, coconut flour, heavy coconut
cream* (805-684-8500)
Live Superfoods raw coconut flour, coconut butter, coconut
flakes and chips, toasted plain coconut chips, coconut
vinegar; coconut aminos, coconut aminos garlic and
teriyaki sauces (800-481-5074)
Living Tree coconut vinegar, coconut flakes, coconut chips
Made In Nature cinnamon, maple vanilla and ginger masala
chai toasted coconut chips (800-906-7426)
Mavuno Harvest organic dried coconut (mavunoharvest.com)
Mountain Rose Herbs coconut flakes (800-879-3337)
Munkijo raw natural coconut vinegar (949-861-2798)
Native Forest organic simple whole coconut milk*
Natural Value organic whole coconut milk, coconut cream*
Natural Zing coconut aminos; raw coconut vinegar, coconut
flour, coconut butter, shredded coconut, paleo coconut
wraps (888-729-9464)
Nature’s Blessings organic coconut flour (626-935-0770)
Nature’s Flavors organic coconut shreds (714-744-3700)
Nature’s Way organic raw whole coconut (800-962-8873)
NOW Foods organic shredded coconut (888-669-3663)
NUCO organic coconut cider vinegars, organic raw coconut
wraps (626-921-6826)
Nutiva coconut flour (800-993-4367)
Nuts.com organic coconut flour, shredded coconut, coconut
chips (800-558-6887)
Organic Traditions shredded coconut (888-968-6747)
Original Living Coconut organic raw coconut cream (plain
and lime) (800-906-3064)
Radiant Life raw coconut spread, coconut flour, raw coconut
flakes and chips (888-593-8333)
RawGuru organic Dastony coconut flakes (800-925-0577
Sacred Foods raw coconut butter (415-883-1311)
Shiloh Farms coconut flour, shredded coconut (800-362-6832)
Terrasoul Superfoods coconut flour, coconut flakes and chips
The Coconut Cult coconut yogurt (except those with matcha,
cacao or chocolate) (thecoconutcult.com)
The New Primal coconut aminos (866-723-1386)
The Philosopher’s Stoneground - Ostara organic raw coconut
butter (ostarafoods.com)
Thrive Market organic shredded coconut, coconut chips,
coconut flour, raw coconut butter, coconut aminos,
coconut wraps, regular coconut milk, coconut cream*
Tierra Farm shredded coconut (888-674-6887)
Trader Joe’s organic whole coconut milk, coconut cream*
Vitacost organic shredded coconut (800-381-0759)
Viva Naturals organic coconut flour (800-921-8482)
Vivapura raw organic coconut flour, coconut chips, coconut
flakes (520-394-0200)
Wilderness Poets raw coconut butter (844-945-3649)
Wildly Organic raw coconut spread, coconut flour, raw
coconut flakes and chips, raw coconut vinegar
Woodstock Foods shredded coconut (855-423-2630)
Zuma Valley organic frozen young coconut meat and cream
GOOD: Canned (not in aseptic boxes) whole coconut milk and
cream with emulsiers; canned (not in aseptic boxes) coconut water.
*Available in BPA-free containers.
A Taste of Thai whole coconut milk
Brad’s Organic whole coconut milk (bradsorganic.com)
Cocojune organic pure coconut yogurt (cocojune.co)
Field Day organic classic unsweetened coconut milk
GT’s pure, raspberry and ginger turmeric coconut kefirs;
raw coconut yogurt (pure flavor) (877-735-8423)
Kame whole coconut milk
Native Forest organic classic whole coconut milk, coconut
Natural Value whole coconut milk, coconut cream*
Roland organic coconut milk (800-221-4030)
Thai Kitchen whole coconut milk
Amy & Brian canned coconut water* (17.5 oz cans)
Blue Monkey 100% canned coconut water* (604-336-3977)
C2O canned coconut water in cans (except those with
coffee), organic bottled coconut water* (877-295-0873)
CocoRidge 100% coconut water* (970-368-3272)
Eliya organic king coconut water* (551-226-1977)
Harmless Harvest raw organic coconut water* (original and
cinnamon & clove) (347-467-0733)
Nature Factor organic canned coconut water*
Taste Nirvana coconut water*
Zola canned coconut water* (17.5 oz cans) (888-879-9652)
Aunt Patty’s creamed coconut (800-456-7923)
Healthy Traditions coconut creme concentrate
Kevala organic coconut butter (877-379-1179)
Living Tree coconut butter (800-260-5534)
Munkijo organic coconut spread (949-861-2798)
Nikki’s Coconut Butter vanilla cake batter, honey pecan pie
and macadamia nut cookie coconut butters
NUCO raw coconut wraps, organic coconut crunch cereal
Nutiva coconut manna (800-993-4367)
P.A. Products creamed coconut (718-763-5888)
AVOID: “Lite” coconut milk; sweetened coconut meat; coconut
products containing preservatives; coconut products in aseptic boxes.
BEST: Organic raw vinegars; organic aged balsamic vinegars; organic
raw naturally fermented soy sauce, tamari and miso; organic arrow-
root; organic mustard; organic avoring mixes; organic mirin; organic
fermented ketchup and sauces; organic natto; fresh gelatin made from
animals fed non-GMO feed.
Aceto Beato DeMarco organic balsamic vinegar(888-421-6546)
Acetum raw organic apple cider vinegar
Aunt Patty’s raw organic apple cider vinegar (800-456-7923)
Bionaturae organic balsamic vinegar
Brad’s Organic organic balsamic vinegar, raw organic apple
cider vinegar (bradsorganic.com)
Bragg raw organic apple cider vinegar (800-446-1990)
De Nigris organic balsamic vinegar
Dynamic Health Laboratories raw organic apple cider vinegar
Eden raw organic apple cider
Emperor’s Kitchen organic mirin (800-334-5809)
Enzo’s Table organic balsamic vinegar (888-942-3552)
Field Day organic balsamic vinegar
Harmony Farms raw organic apple cider vinegar
Healthy Traditions organic balsamic and organic apple cider
vinegars (healthytraditions.com)
Hoskins Berry Farm raw organic blackberry vinegar
Miller’s Bio Farm raw apple cider vinegar (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw apple cider vinegar (717-556-0672)
Mitoku organic mirin (800-324-1878)
Mt. Olive Organic Farm organic balsamic vinegar
Napa Valley Naturals organic private reserve and organic
golden balsamic vinegars
Napoleon organic balsamic vinegar (425-455-3776)
Nature’s Intent raw organic apple cider vinegar
Newman’s Own Organic organic balsamic vinegar
Ohsawa organic mirin
Omega Nutrition organic apple cider and balsamic vinegars
Roland organic balsamic vinegar (800-221-4030)
Solana Gold raw organic apple cider vinegar (310-864-5830)
Soler Romero organic balsamic and raw organic apple cider
Spectrum organic balsamic and raw organic apple cider
Thrive Market raw organic apple cider vinegar, organic
balsamic vinegar (866-419-2174)
Vermont Village raw organic apple cider vinegar
Vitacost organic balsamic and raw apple cider vinegar
Vital Choice organic balsamic vinegar (866-482-5887)
Viva Naturals raw organic apple cider vinegar (800-921-8482)
Whole Foods 365 organic balsamic vinegar
Gold Mine miso (800-475-3663)
Great Eastern Sun organic miso (800-334-5809)
MegumiNATTO organic natto (707-827-1788)
Miso Master organic miso
Mitoku unpasteurized miso, shoyu, tamari (800-324-1878)
Natural Zing nama shoyu unpasteurized soy sauce
NYrture New York Natto organic natto (833-696-2886)
Ohsawa nama shoyu unpasteurized soy sauce, miso
Organicville miso
Rhapsody Natural Foods organic natto and miso
Sea Clear fermented kelp & chlorella miso (310-956-1988)
South River organic miso and tamari (413-369-4057)
Anthony’s Goods organic arrowroot powder
Let’s Do...Organic organic arrowroot powder (805-684-8500)
Spicely organic arrowroot powder (510-440-1044)
Starwest Botanicals organic arrowroot powder (800-800-4372)
Annie’s Naturals mustard
Eden mustard
Gail’s Cupboard pesto, fermented kombucha mustard
Lou’s Famous organic dill mustard (877-467-2331)
Natural Value mustard
Organicville mustard
Portlandia Foods mustard (503-729-8257)
Primal Kitchen organic spicy brown mustard (888-774-6259)
Roland organic mustard (800-221-4030)
The Sweet Farm cultured mustards (240-397-0484)
Thrive Market organic mustards (866-419-2174)
Whole Foods 365 organic jalapeño mustard
Woodstock Foods mustard (855-423-2630)
Fab Ferments cultured hot pepper sauce (513-562-7531)
Hawthorne Valley Farm fermented hot pepper sauce
Hidden Pond Farm fermented ketchup and BBQ sauce
Miller’s Bio Farm honey mustard, zucchini relish, fermented
ketchup (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm honey mustard, garlic spread,
horseradish, zucchini relish, fermented ketchup
Pleasant Pastures fermented ketchup (717-768-3437)
Rejuvenative Foods cultured ketchups (831-291-4008)
Willow Run Dairy honey mustard, garlic spread, horseradish,
zucchini relish, fermented ketchup (717-556-0285)
Cultures for Health cultured organic garlic flowers
Real Pickles fermented tomatillo hot sauce (Northeast)
Vital Choice organic raw cultured garlic flowers
Chaffin Family Orchards green and black olives for home
curing (530-533-8239)
Essential Living Foods organic raw olives (310-319-1555)
Healthy Harvest organic olives (636-405-1960)
Live Superfoods organic raw olives and tapenades
Mediterranean Organic organic black and kalamata olives
(in glass jars)
Mitoku organic umeboshi plums and paste (800-324-1878)
Ohsawa organic umeboshi plums
Olea Estates organic raw black olives (636-405-1960)
OliFlix organic raw olives (oliflix.com/en)
Ozuke organic umeboshi plums (Midwest) (ozuke.com)
Zocalo Gourmet chili pastes (425-398-9761)
BLiS fish sauce (616-942-7545)
Red Boat fish sauce (925-858-0508)
US Wellness beef and chicken gelatin (877-383-0051)
GOOD: Pasteurized naturally fermented soy sauce, tamari and
miso without preservatives; ketchup sweetened with organic sugar
or natural sweeteners; sauces with natural ingredients and without
MSG; pasteurized vinegar without natural avors or caramel; sheet
gelatin and gelatin powder made from animals fed non-GMO feed.
Bariani balsamic vinegar
BLiS sherry vinegars (616-942-7545)
Brad’s Organic organic red and white wine vinegars,
balsamic glaze (bradsorganic.com)
Colavita vinegars (888-265-2848)
De Nigris aged balsamic vinegar; organic red and white wine
EatRaw balsamic vinegar (866-432-8729)
Eden vinegars, mirin
Emperor’s Kitchen umeboshi vinegar (800-334-5809)
Field Day apple cider vinegar
Gaea organic olives (954-923-7723)
Japan Gold USA organic umeboship puree (858-486-1707)
Laconiko balsamic vinegars (except those with chocolate)
Live Superfoods balsamic vinegar (800-481-5074)
Lucini Italia vinegars (855-972-0555)
Mitoku vinegars (800-324-1878)
Napa Valley Naturals vinegars (without natural flavors)
Napoleon balsamic, sherry, organic red wine and organic
white wine vinegars (425-455-3776)
Ohsawa vinegars
Soler Romero organic sherry vinegar
Spectrum organic vinegars (except distilled and those
containing natural flavors)
Vom Fass vinegars (608-204-0300)
Cold Mountain miso (626-962-9633)
Eden miso, naturally fermented soy sauce, tekka
Emperor’s Kitchen shoyu (800-334-5809)
Great Eastern Sun shoyu, tamari (800-334-5809)
Kikkoman organic soy sauce
Miso Master tamari
Mitoku natto miso chutney, pasteurized miso (800-324-1878)
NYrture New York Natto non-GMO natto (833-696-2886)
Ohsawa gluten-free tamari soy sauce
Rhapsody Natural Foods non-GMO natto (802-563-2172)
San-J naturally fermented soy sauce
Annie’s Naturals ketchup
Brad’s Organic ketchup (bradsorganic.com)
Cucina Antica ketchup (877-728-2462)
De Nigris ketchup
Dr. Fuhrman organic ketchup (800-474-9355)
First Field roasted Jersey ketchup (first-field.com)
Portlandia Foods ketchup (503-729-8257)
Primal Kitchen organic unsweetened ketchup (888-774-6259
SimplyNature (Aldi) organic ketchup (800-325-7894)
Steve’s Paleogoods ketchup (856-356-2258)
Tessemae’s ketchup (855-698-3773)
The New Primal ketchup (866-723-1386)
Thrive Market organic ketchup (866-419-2174)
Trader Joe’s organic ketchup
Wegmans organic ketchup (Mid-Atlantic)
Whole Foods 365 organic ketchup
Woodstock Foods ketchup (855-423-2630)
Annie’s Naturals organic Worcestershire sauce
Anton Kozlik’s mustard (416-361-9788)
Busha Browne’s Planters steak sauce
Cholula original hot sauce
Coconut Secret hoisin, ginger-turmeric and gochujang sauces
Crystal hot sauce
Frank’s RedHot original cayenne pepper sauce
Frontera red chile hot sauce (800-509-4441)
Les Trois Petits Cochons Dijon mustard
McIlhenny Co. Tabasco original red sauce
Pickapeppa Sauce
Pili Hunters fermented lauyo chili sauces (628-227-7454)
Primal Kitchen organic steak sauce (888-774-6259)
Sir Kensington’s mustard (646-450-5735)
Sky Valley hot sauce, verde sauce
Steve’s Paleogoods sriracha and wing sauces (856-356-2258)
Tessemae’s honey mustard, hot sauces, BBQ sauce, teriyaki
sauce, garlic spread (855-698-3773)
Whole Foods 365 basil pesto, pepper duo hot sauce
Wildbrine probiotic sriracha (707-657-7607)
Penna Gourmet Foods cheese and olive spreads
The Olive Bar cheese and olive spreads (408-370-1901)
Eden umeboshi plums and paste
Emperor’s Kitchen umeboshi plums and paste (800-334-5809)
Japan Gold USA organic umami ginger and chili purees
Lindsay Naturals California green and black olives
Mae Ploy curry pastes
Mekhala organic pastes (mekhalaliving.com)
Mitoku sweet and sour plum chutney (800-324-1878)
Ohsawa umeboshi plum paste
Thai Kitchen red and green curry pastes
Squid Brand fish sauce
Thai Kitchen fish sauce
Tiparos fish sauce
Tra Chang fish sauce
Eden toasted sesame oil
Emile Noel organic toasted sesame oil (emilenoel.com)
Emperor’s Kitchen organic toasted sesame oil (800-334-5809)
Kevala organic toasted sesame oil (877-379-1179)
La Tourangelle toasted sesame oil (866-688-6457)
Napa Valley Naturals organic toasted sesame oil
Spectrum organic toasted sesame oil
Bernard Jensen beef gelatin (760-471-9977)
Custom Collagen pork sheet gelatin (630-628-8082)
GoBio! organic pork gelatin (519-853-2958)
Great Lakes Gelatin Company beef and pork gelatin
Perfect pasture-raised beef gelatin (866-802-3860)
Trim Healthy Mama pasture-raised beef gelatin
Vital Proteins pasture-raised beef gelatin (224-544-9110)
Zint pasture-raised beef gelatin (877-290-4346)
AVOID: Most commercial sauces, ketchup and other condiments;
liquid amino acids (including coconut); bouillon cubes; distilled
vinegar; gelatin made from animals fed GMO feed.
Salt and Spices
BEST: Unrened salt (which is light grey, pink, red or beige in color);
fresh seasoning herbs; non-irradiated dried seasoning herbs, spices
and blends without additives. If smoked, must be naturally smoked.
Baja Gold Sea Salt, Inc. sea salt (678-232-9064)
Big Tree Farms Balinese sea salt (541-488-5605)
Bright Earth Himalayan sea salt (541-201-0420)
Brittany Sea Salt sea salt (866-671-7451)
Celtic sea salt (800-867-7258)
Earth Salt (888-725-8386)
Eden sea salt
Edison Grainery Himalayan pink salt (707-590-7010)
Essential Living Foods Himalayan pink sea salt (310-319-1555)
Field Day Mediterranean sea salt
Hawaiian red salt
Himalayan crystal salt
Karis Naturals pink salt (714-522-0700)
Kirkland pure sea salt
Power Organics mineral mountain (877-769-3795)
Maldon sea salt
Matiz flor de sal sea salt (425-398-9761)
Natierra pink and ice salts (natierra.com)
Nature’s Cargo Himalayan pink sea salt (888-725-8386)
Noirmoutier sea salt
Pacific Resources International Pacific sea salt (805-684-0624)
Premier Research Labs pink salt blend (800-325-7734)
RawGuru crystal Himalayan salt (800-925-0577)
Redmond Real Salt sea salts; season, garlic and onion salts
Roland coarse sea salt, grey sea salt (800-221-4030)
SaltWorks sea salt (800-353-7258)
San Francisco Salt Company (800-480-4540)
The Real Co. Himalayan pink rock salt (347-433-8945)
Trader Joe’s coarse sea salt from Noirmoutier
Trim Healthy Mama Himalayan mineral salt (931-996-4283)
A. Vogel Herbamare and Trocomare seasoning salts
Anthony’s Goods organic spices (anthonysgoods.com)
Azure Standard herbs, spices (971-200-8350)
Beanilla organic vanilla extract (888-261-3384)
Beeyoutiful seasoning herbs, spices (877-623-3968)
BLiS Tuscan and Moroccan spice rubs (616-942-7545)
Bragg sprinkle and sea kelp delight seasonings (800-446-1990)
Branon maple seasoning (802-827-3914)
Canaan Fair Trade organic thyme (360-980-2580)
Carlton Farms herb and flower salts (570-396-0886)
Celeste Longacre’s Farm dried herbs and edible flowers
Ceylon Pure pink Himalayan salt, cinnamon (650-752-8865)
Dr. Fuhrman cinnamon (800-474-9355)
Dr. Linda’s seaweed seasonings (drlindas.com)
Dr. Mercola organic vanilla extract (877-985-2695)
EatRaw organic poppy seeds (866-432-8729)
Eden gomasios (sesame salts)
Fields of Athenry Farm mom’s seasoning, stock seasonings
Fishhugger original and New Mexico spice rubs
Flavorganics organic almond, peppermint and vanilla extracts
Food to Live coarse sea salt, spices (except those from China)
Forrest Green Farm herbs, spices (434-882-2648)
Frontier seasoning herbs and spices (except those from China);
sea salts, organic vanilla extract (800-669-3275)
Glaser Organic Farms organic poppy seeds (305-238-7747)
Grain Place Foods organic vanilla extract (888-714-7246)
Harvest Eating organic spice blends (864-492-1499)
Healthy Traditions organic spices (healthytraditions.com)
Healthy Truth organic cinnamon, ginger and turmeric
powders (774-256-5800)
High Quality Organics Express herbs, spices, Cajun spice
seasoning & rub, garlic pepper seasoning & rub, Chinese
5 spice blend (775-234-8560)
HimalaSalt pink sea salt, garlic salt, peppercorns
Indus Organics seasoning herbs, spices and blends
Jaffe Bros. organic poppy seeds (877-975-2333)
Jiva Organics spices (713-661-2972)
Kevala seasoning herbs and spices (877-379-1179)
Laconiko oregano (571-292-1394)
Live Superfoods sea salt, vanilla beans, vanilla bean powder,
turmeric powder (800-481-5074)
Maine Coast Sea Seasonings (seaweed flakes) (207-412-0094)
Marx Foods organic fresh seasoning herbs (866-588-6279)
McCormick Gourmet Collection organic herbs and spices
(except those from China); organic vanilla extract
Miller’s Bio Farm herbs, spices, blends (except those with
brewer’s yeast) (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm saffron (717-556-0672)
Moon Juice organic pink salt, raw vanilla, spices(310-399-2929)
Morton & Bassett herbs and spices; vanilla extract
Mountain Rose Herbs seasoning herbs, spices and sea salts
Natural Zing spices, sea seasonings, sea salts, organic vanilla
and peppermint extracts (888-729-9464)
Navitas Organics organic turmeric powder (888-645-4282)
NorthEast Seasonings organic herbs, spices, blends (except
those from China) (northeastseasonings.com)
NOW Foods organic vanilla extract (888-669-3663)
Nussli118 turmeric and vanilla chai superfood blends
Nuts.com organic poppy seeds (800-558-6887)
Obis One organic cracked black garlic, black garlic sea salt,
black garlic chili powder, black garlic scape seasoning
Ocean Harvest Sea Vegetable Company sea veggie gomasio
Organic Traditions spices (888-968-6747)
Penzeys herbs, spices and blends (except those with salt and
those from China); vanilla and almond extracts
Primal Palate sea salts, spices, blends (except those from
China) (primalpalate.com)
Purcell Mountain Farms spices (208-267-0627)
Pure Indian Foods black salt, herbs, spices (except those with
gum arabic, rice or salt), vanilla extract (609-785-9100)
Raw Food Central turmeric and cinnamon powders
Raw Revelations organic cinnamon (951-677-2222)
Red Ape Cinnamon organic cinnamon, turmeric, Buddha
shake curry mix, Mardi Gras shake (855-733-2731)
Rodelle Organics organic vanilla, lemon and almond extracts
Seagreens organic mineral salt and Seagreens Culinary
Shiloh Farms organic poppy seeds (800-362-6832)
Simply Organic spices, vanilla extract (800-669-3275)
Singing Dog Vanilla vanilla beans, pure and double fold vanilla
extracts (888-343-0002)
Smith & Truslow organic herbs, spices, blends and sea salts
Spicely herbs, spices, seasoning blends, almond and vanilla
extracts (510-440-1044)
Spiritual Food for the New Millennium biodynamic gourmet
finishing salts (301-654-4899)
Starwest Botanicals seasoning herbs and spices
Swanson organic spices (800-824-4491)
Teeny Tiny Spice Co. of Vermont organic spice blends (except
those with cocoa or coffee) (802-598-6800)
The Meadow sea salts, spices (503-305-3388)
The Spice Hunter herbs and spices (except those from China)
The Vanilla Company saffron, vanilla beans and powder, 3-fold
vanilla paste; pure vanilla, coconut, almond, lemon and
orange extracts (831-476-9111)
Thrive Market organic herbs, spices, blends (except those
from China) (866-419-2174)
Vanns Spices herbs, spices, sea salts (except those with corn
flour) (800-583-1693)
Vedica Organics spices (888-290-9312)
Vitacost Himalayan pink salt, spices (800-381-0759)
VitaminSea Seaweed dulse seasonings (207-929-8678)
Weil Farms organic cinnamon, turmeric powder
Whole Foods 365 organic pumpkin pie spice
Wildly Organic seasoning herbs, spices, blends and salts
Zocalo Gourmet dried chile pepper pods (425-398-9761)
GOOD: Non-iodized salt; dried seasoning herbs, spices and blends
without additives; blends containing salt.
Arora Creations Indian spice blends (except those with citric
acid (917-476-9942)
Hain sea salt
Lima salt
Live Superfoods zesty original salad booster (800-481-5074)
Living Intentions zesty original salad booster (415-824-5483)
Pure Indian Foods hing powder (609-785-9100)
Penzeys spice blends with salt (800-741-7787)
AVOID: Iodized salt; MSG; salts, herbs, spices and blends containing
MSG, citric acid, hydrolyzed protein or other additives. Spices and
herbs (even organic) from China.
Soups and Stocks
BEST: Stock made with bones of pastured poultry, beef, veal, water
buffalo, lamb, goat, game meats and pork fed non-GMO feed; stock
made with wild seafood or bonito akes; GMO-free homemade soups
based on homemade stock (bone broth).
Arizona Grass Raised Beef Company beef bone broth
Au Bon Broth organic pure low sodium bone broth
Bonafide Provisions chicken, beef, turkey and frontier blend
bone broths; soups (bonafideprovisions.com)
Brodo Broth Co. hearth, chicken and beef bone broths
(646-844-1862, ext 5)
BrothMasters bone broth (248-733-3899)
Buttercup Farm beef, chicken and turkey bone broths
Circle C Farm beef and chicken bone broths (239-776-5802)
Dutch Meadows Farm beef, chicken and turkey bone broths
Ed’s Kasilof Seafoods salmon and halibut stocks; tomato soup
Fields of Athenry Farm chicken and mixed lamb/beef stocks
Green Acres Farm beef and chicken stocks (717-768-3504)
Grow and Behold Foods kosher chicken stock (888-790-5781)
KOL Foods kosher beef, lamb and poultry stocks
Meadow Ridge Farm beef, chicken and goat stocks
Miller’s Bio Farm beef bone broth, chicken liver soup
Miller’s Organic Farm chicken liver soup; beef, veal, pork,
chicken, turkey, goose, duck, lamb, water buffalo, goat
and fish stocks (717-556-0672)
NorthStar Bison beef, bison, chicken and turkey stocks
Osso Good beef and chicken stocks; tomat basil anad super
green soup (415-578-0899)
Paleo on the Go beef and chicken broths; soups
Pete’s Paleo bone broths, soups (619-363-7136)
Rocky Ridge Dairy beef, lamb and fish stocks (607-742-9566)
Slim Broth beef and chicken broths, coconut ginger and mint,
chicken bone broth soup (drkellyann.com)
Stock Options beef, chicken and fish stocks; beef demi-glace
The Brothery beef and chicken broths, coconut ginger mint
and lemon soup, short cook chicken meat broth
US Wellness Meats beef marrow, chicken and duck stocks
Vital Choice beef, chicken, halibut and salmon broths; soups
Willow Run Dairy chicken liver soup; beef, chicken and lamb
stocks (717-556-0285)
GOOD: GMO-free canned broth or stock without additives. Add
1-2 teaspoons gelatin (recommended brands) to these canned
broths and stocks.
Amy’s organic canned soups (except those with flour, pasta,
white rice or tofu)
Bar Harbor clam, lobster, seafood and fish stocks
Belcampo Meat Co. original and chicken bone broths
Brodo Broth Co. seaweed mushroom broth (646-844-1862)
Broth of Life dehydrated beef, chicken and lamb stocks
EPIC beef, bison, chicken and turkey broths (512-944-8502)
Fig Food Co. organic chickpea, tomato & thyme soup
(BPA-free pouches) (855-344-3663)
Healthy Traditions beef and bison stocks
Karine & Jeff organic soups (karinejeff.us)
Kettle & Fire beef and chicken bone broths (415-857-0024)
Miller’s Organic Farm chicken noodle soup (717-556-0672)
More Than Gourmet classic seafood and classic fish stocks
White Oak Pastures beef, chicken, duck, turkey and guinea
stocks; canned beef, chicken and turkey bases; beef
and lamb demi glaze, duck demi glaze (229-641-2081)
AVOID: Most canned and all dehydrated soups, which are loaded
with MSG; stock sold in high-temperature aseptic boxes; bouillon
cubes. Soups and stocks that are not GMO-free.
Snack Foods
BEST: Organic potato chips, plantain chips and popcorn cooked in
pastured lard, ghee, coconut oil or palm oil; organic popcorn home-
popped in pastured lard, ghee, coconut oil or palm oil.
Azure Standard organic coconut rolled dates (971-200-8350)
Barnana organic original and coconut banana bites; pink
sea salt plantain chips (barnana.com)
Country Life Natural Foods organic date coconut rolls
Gardens of Grace vanilla and happy harvest snack mixes
Glaser Organic Farms date-coconut rolls (305-238-7747)
Healthy Truth organic raw spicy Santa Fe trail mix
Jackson’s Honest Chips organic sea salt potato chips, purple
heirloom potato chips, sea salt sweet potato chips
(all in coconut oil) (303-619-8056)
Jaffe Bros. organic date coconut rolls (877-975-2333)
Lark Ellen Farm vanilla cinnamon, berrylicious and pumpkin
fig grain free bites; cumin crunch trail mix; grain free
maple raisin cereal (805-272-8448)
LesserEvil organic Himalayan pink and ghee popcorn
Meadow Ridge Farm trail mix, potato chips (in pastured lard)
Miller’s Bio Farm organic crispy trail mix, potato chips (in
pastured lard) (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm trail mix; potato chips and sweet
potato chips (both in pastured lard) (717-556-0672)
Nate’s Raw Harvest organic sprouted trail mix and wow! bites
Natural Zing Japanese, Mexican, Italian, curry and Texas
BarBQ power wraps (888-729-9664)
Nourishing Kitchens grain free granolas and bites
Nussli118 gluten-free ginger bites, sprouted nut granolas,
sprouted nut mix; maple and salted caramel nut clusters
Pleasant Pastures trail mix (717-768-3437)
Rocky Ridge Dairy trail mix, potato chips (in pastured lard)
Shields Date Garden organic coconut date rolls
SunOrganic Farm organic date coconut rolls (888-269-9888)
Tierra Farm organic date coconut rolls (888-674-6887)
United With Earth organic date coconut rolls (510-210-4359)
Veggie-Go’s beet apple and carrot apple strips; beet apple
and carrot apple ends & bits (888-297-9426)
Willow Run Dairy trail mix, grain free granola; potato chips
and sweet potato chips (both in pastured lard)
GOOD: Organic chips and popcorn cooked in lard (but may contain
additives), avocado, olive, palm, high oleic sunower or high oleic
safower oil; plain pork rinds.
Aunt Patty’s Mt. Rainier, Mt. Baker and Mt. St. Helens trail
mixes (800-456-7923)
Aurora Products organic cranberry frontier, cranberry
health and nuts & berries trail mixes (203-375-9956)
Awesome Foods dried zucchini tempuraw and onion rings;
cashew and pistachio sticks; almond butter fudge,
coconut cashew and carob coconut balls (610-757-1048)
Azure Standard organic almond date rolls (971-200-8350)
Back Roads Food Company paleo granolas (802-579-1135)
Bare Fruit snacks (800-940-0019)
Barnana tropical banana bites (barnana.com)
Better Than Roasted island magic, autumn blend, mystic
mountain and oasis trail mixes; banana, ginger, pecan
and tropical love bites (540-745-5040)
Bewellaby botanical gummies (425-610-7082)
Blue Mountain Organics coconut mulberry chia delight
Bob’s Red Mill paleo style muesli
Chocola Tree nori nachos (928-282-2997)
Country Life Natural Foods fruit nut n seed trail mix;
organic date almond coconut rolls, date pecan logs
Dancing Star organic lemon pomegranate, chia orange,
cinnamon fig superfood+, and date flax with turmeric
chunks of energy (413-625-8300)
Divine Organics golden princess and wild macmulberry trail
mixes (415-884-4477)
EPIC coconut carnivore, honest harvest, bacon lust and
mountain medley trail mixes (512-944-8502)
Essential Living Foods enlighten trail mix (310-319-1555)
Farmhouse Culture dill pickle, sea salt and zesty garden veggie
kraut krisps (831-466-0499)
Gardens of Grace trail mix (262-443-7522)
GimMe organic olive oil, sea salt and sesame roasted seaweed
snacks (415-479-8272)
Glaser Organic Farms banana, mamey, mango, strawberry
and sapodilla-banana rawies; banana, snow and temple
balls; date-almond rolls; orange cranberry granola;
a walk in the park, Himalayan delight and go for it trail
mixes (305-238-7747)
Go Raw Real Live Food flax snax, spirulina super chips,
lime coconut crisps, salt & vinegar coconut crisps
Gopal’s Japanese, Mexican, Italian, curry, honey curry,
masala and Texas BarBQ power wraps (866-646-7257)
Gorilly Goods jungle and sweet curry cashew fruit & nut
snacks (262-423-8000)
GrandyOats organic grain-free original coconola (coconut
granola); classic and apple cranberry trail mixes
Healthy Truth organic raw sprouted blueberry baobao
crunch, lemon poppy pomegranate energy squares
Higher Power trail mixes, chips (877-684-8763)
International Harvest, Inc. go tropical trail mix (914-699-5600)
Jaffe Bros. organic trail mixes, date pecan nuggets
Lundberg Family Farms organic sea salt rice chips
Lydia’s Foods spicy beet and super carrot sprouted chips;
apple crunch and ancient power sprouted cereals
MamaSezz organic gram’s granola (grain free) (800-212-8913)
Manna Organics trail mix (630-795-0500)
Matt’s Munchies fruit snacks (except those containing
chocolate) (714-836-5825)
Mt. Olive Organic Farm organic walnut stuffed dates
Natural Zing Japanese, Mexican, Italian, curry and Texas
BarBQ power wraps; pecan heaven trail mix
Nuts.com organic pecan date rolls, walnut date rolls
Organic banana chips (in health food stores)
Paleo Mama Bakery cranberry walnut granola (608-692-3715)
Paleonola grain-free granola (except those with cacao)
Peeled Snacks organic apple crunch and cinnamon crunch
apple clusters (212-706-2001)
Pete’s Paleo paleo trail mix (619-363-7136)
Primal Island toasted coconut grain free granola
Raw Food Central onion rings (855-632-8729)
Rayo De Sol sweet rolls (877-478-7486)
Rising Tide Sea Vegetables sea crunchies (707-964-5663)
SeaSnax organic roasted seaweed snacks (except wasabi and
BBQ) (310-882-5503)
Shields Date Garden organic almond, apple cinnamon,
banana, almond date coconut confection, pecan and
walnut date rolls (800-414-2555)
Shiloh Farms datelet nut rolls (800-362-6832)
Solely organic banana pecan fruit jerky (888-776-5359)
Stretch Island organic grape and apple fruit strips
The Maine Sea Kitchen sea kitchen crunch
United With Earth organic date almond rolls (510-210-4359)
US Wellness mystic mountain and paleo trail mixes; ginger,
pecan and tropical love bites (877-383-0051)
VitaminSea Seaweed seacrunch cranberry kelp snack
Wilderness Poets trail mixes (except those with cacao)
Wildmade fruit rolls (888-297-9426)
Wildway apple cinnamon, banana nut and coconut cashew
grain-free granolas (wildwayoflife.com)
4505 Meats sea salt and classic chili & salt fried pork rinds
Baken-Ets fried pork skins, traditional (800-352-4477)
Brim’s pork rinds, original and plain soft cracklins
El Sabroso pork cracklins, original
EPIC pork rinds (except those with citric acid) (512-944-8502)
Mac’s fried pork skins, original (888-643-8267)
US Wellness pork rinds (877-383-0051)
Utz pork rinds
Kettle Brand Co. organic sea salt potato chips (503-364-0399)
Luke’s Organic kettle style sea salt potato chips
Garden of Eatin’ organic corn tortilla chips, strips and
rounds; sunny blues, sesame blues (800-434-4246)
Jackson’s Honest Chips blue corn, red corn, yellow corn and
lime sea salt tortilla chips (all in coconut oil)
Late July restaurant style sea salt, sea salt & lime, and purple
corn tortilla chips; sweet potato, sublime and red hot
mojo multigrain snack chips; clasico crispy yellow corn
tortilla chips
Thrive Market organic sprouted tortilla chips (866-419-2174)
Utz organic corn tortilla chips
G.H. Cretors organic popcorn with olive oil (800-448-6994)
Trader Joe’s organic popcorn with olive oil
Whole Foods 365 organic popcorn
Essential Eating organic sprouted pretzel puffs (570-586-1557)
Shiloh Farms organic sprouted whole wheat pretzels w/sea
salt, sprouted whole wheat pretzels w/chia
Unique Essential Eating organic sprouted pretzels
AVOID: All chips, popcorn and snack foods cooked in partially hydro-
genated vegetable oils; microwave popcorn; snack foods containing
agave, citric acid, unsoaked quinoa, chocolate, cocoa or cacao; snack
foods made with non-organic grains (most of which are sprayed with
Roundup); non-organic chips and popcorn.
Cookies, Bars and Muffins
BEST: Cookies, bars and mufns made with organic natural sweeten-
ers, soaked or sprouted whole grain our, soaked/dried nuts and seeds,
and butter, coconut oil or other traditional fats.
Berkshire Mountain Bakery ginger molasses cookies
Gail’s Cupboard organic quinoa biscotti (570-561-6970)
Gluten-Free Sourdough Co. vanilla spice and ginger power
cookies (508-733-5399)
Meadow Ridge Farm sprouted wheat carob brownies
Miller’s Bio Farm muffins (gluten-free), carob brownies
Miller’s Organic Farm muffins (gluten-free) (717-556-0672)
Nourishality Organic sprouted superfood Snacks (except
those with chocolate), pistachio cardamom rose, floret
superbites (714-794-8367)
Rocky Ridge Dairy muffins (gluten-free) (607-742-9566)
Willow Run Dairy coconut carob cookies, muffins (all
gluten-free) (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Cookies, bars and mufns made with organic whole grain
our, butter, palm oil or coconut oil.
Bearded Brothers organic energy bars (except those with kale,
hemp, cocoa or cacao) (512-428-4698)
Equal Exchange organic fruit and nut bars (774-776-7333)
Glaser Organic Farms organic carob fudgy brownies
Go Raw Real Live Food super cookies (except chocolate),
spirulina energy bars, banana bread flax bars
Gopal’s sesame-mango, walnut-fig, apple-delicious,
pumpkin-date and pineapple-nut rawma bars; sprout
bars (866-646-7257)
Jennies coconut macaroons in 8 oz. cans, organic coconut
macaroons (570-457-2400)
Jovial organic ginger spice cookies (877-642-0644)
Larabar fruit bars (except those with coffee, chocolate, cocoa,
cacao, hemp, kale or natural flavors) (877-LARABAR)
Live Superfoods raspberry, tropical mango and banana
bread flax bars (800-481-5074)
Livin’ Spoonful organic lemon chia cookies, ginger snaps
Lydia’s Foods spirulina and tropical mango bars
Miller’s Organic Farm oatmeal raisin cookies (717-556-0672)
Natural Zing sesame-mango, walnut-fig, apple-delicious,
pumpkin-date and pineapple-nut rawma bars; spirulina
and tropical mango bars, sprout bars (888-729-9464)
O Bread Bakery organic ginger molasses and oatmeal raisin
cookies (802-985-8771)
Paleo on the Go paleo blondies (855-447-2536)
Patagonia Provisions fruit + almond bars (except those with
cacoa) (888-221-8208)
Raw Crunch cranberry and blueberry bars (704-650-3434)
ShaSha Co. organic spelt ginger snaps (416-255-0416)
Skout Organic peanut butter, coconut, apple pie and
blueberry blast bars (201-874-4835)
Stutzman Farms organic gluten-free bars (330-674-1289)
That’s it. fruit bars (thatsitfruit.com)
The Family Cow organic oatmeal raisin cookies
Thunderbird Energetica cashew fig carrot and pecan
persistence bars (thunderbirdbar.com)
AVOID: Cookies, bars and mufns made with non-organic grains
(most of which are sprayed with Roundup); most commercial cook-
ies , bars and mufns made with partially hydrogenated vegetable
oils or rened sweeteners like sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and
agave; granola bars; energy bars, especially those containing soy
protein; cookies, bars and mufns containing natural avors, coffee,
chocolate, cocoa or cacao.
BEST: Organic natural sweeteners such as molasses, green stevia
leaves and green stevia powder, dehydrated sugar cane juice, malt
syrups, coconut sugar, palm sugar, date sugar and sorghum syrup;
maple syrup, maple sugar; organic sugar for making kombucha; raw,
unltered honey from hives that are free of pesticides, antibiotics and
non-organic sugars. (Note: Raw honey should not be given to babies.)
Amish Honey, Inc. raw honey (917-519-1242)
Bariani raw honey (415-864-1917)
Chocola Tree raw honey (928-282-2997)
Dr. Mercola raw honey (877-985-2695)
Dutch Meadows Farm raw honey (717-442-9208)
Glaser Organic Farms raw honey (305-238-7747)
GloryBee Foods raw honey (800-456-7923)
Good & Gather (Target) organic raw honey (800-316-6151)
Hawai’i Harvest organic raw honey (808-339-5226)
Healing Spirits Herb Farm raw honey (607-566-2701)
Healthy Traditions organic raw honey (healthytraditions.com)
Horizontal Hive raw honey, comb honey (417-962-0707)
Kevala organic raw honey (877-379-1179)
Kirkland organic raw honey
Living Tree organic raw honey (800-260-5534)
Madhava organic raw honey (800-530-2900)
Maharishi Honey organic raw honey (maharishihoney.com)
Moonwise Herbs raw honey (920-452-4372)
Natural Zing raw honey (888-729-9464)
Nature Nate’s organic raw honey (469-452-4429)
Once Again organic raw honey (585-360-2295)
Patagonia Provisions organic raw honey (888-221-8208)
Pili Hunters wild raw honey (628-227-7454)
Puremiel organic raw honey (puremiel.com)
Puritan’s Pride organic raw honey (800-645-1030)
Really Raw honey and fermented honey (800-732-5729)
Rigoni di Asiago organic raw honey
Schenker Family Farms raw honey (620-632-4470)
Sunny Acres Honey Farm raw honey (660-945-3874)
The CheeseMaker raw honey (877-424-3393)
The Family Cow raw honey (717-491-4004)
Thrive Market organic raw honey (866-419-2174)
Trader Joe’s organic raw honey
US Wellness raw honey (877-383-0051)
Vitacost organic raw honey (800-381-0759)
Wee Bee raw honey (585-652-9592)
Weil Farms organic raw honey, comb honey, honey powder
Wholesome Sweeteners organic raw honey
Y.S. Organic Bee Farms raw honey (800-654-4593)
Eden organic barley malt syrup (517-456-7424)
Aunt Patty’s organic blackstrap molasses (800-456-7923)
Country Life Natural Foods organic blackstrap molasses
Plantation organic blackstrap molasses
Wholesome Sweeteners organic blackstrap molasses
Billington’s muscovado sugar
Wildly Organic muscovado sugar (218-226-3985)
Pure Indian Foods organic jaggery (panela) (609-785-9100)
Rapadura (dehydrated sugar cane juice)
Sucanat (dehydrated sugar cane juice)
Alaska Birch Syrup Company birch syrup (907-353-1309)
Aunt Patty’s maple sugar, date sugar (800-456-7923)
B&E’s Trees organic maple syrup (608-799-9380)
Back Creek maple syrup (540-499-2302)
BLiS maple syrup (616-942-7545)
Branon organic maple syrup, sugar and cream (802-827-3914)
Buck Mountain maple syrup (802-370-0219)
Cherokee Bison Farms maple syrup (715-223-3644)
Coombs maple syrup, sugar, granules and powder
Country Life Natural Foods maple syrup (269-236-5011)
Date Lady organic date sugar and syrup (417-414-2282)
Davis Family Sugar Shack organic maple syrup (715-551-1090)
Dutch Meadows Farm maple syrup (717-442-9208)
Dutchman’s Gold maple syrup (844-773-8824)
Eagle’s Sugar Camp maple syrup (540-396-6126)
Field Day organic maple syrup
Glaser Organic Farms maple crystals, date sugar
Great River Maple organic maple syrup and cream
Healthy Traditions maple syrup (healthytraditions.com)
Just Date Syrup organic date syrup (justdatesyrup.com)
Kirkland maple syrup
Living Tree maple syrup, date sugar (800-260-5534)
Maple Hill Farm maple syrup, sugar and cream
Maple Syrup Producers’ Cooperative maple syrup and sugar
Maple Valley maple syrup, sugar and cream (608-654-7319)
McCluskey Brothers maple syrup (608-986-3760)
Meadow Ridge Farm maple syrup (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm maple syrup (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm maple syrup (717-556-0672)
Native Harvest maple syrup (218-375-4602)
Natural Value maple syrup
New Hope Mills organic maple syrup (315-252-2676)
NOW Foods maple syrup (888-669-3663)
Patterson Sugar Bush organic maple syrup, maple sugar
Patz Maple & Honey Farms sorghum syrup; maple syrup,
sugar and cream (800-897-2488)
Plummer’s Sugar House maple syrup, sugar and cream spread
Primal Woods maple syrup (269-222-0101)
Rocky Ridge Dairy maple syrup (607-742-9566)
Roth Sugar Bush maple syrup (715-289-3820)
Runamok Maple organic maple syrups (except those with
cacao or coffee) (802-849-7943
Russell organic maple syrup
Shady Maple Farms organic maple syrup, sugar and maple
Shields Date Garden organic date sugar and date butter
Shiloh Farms maple syrup, maple sugar and date sugar
Specially Selected (Aldi) maple syrup (800-325-7894)
Spring Brook Farm maple syrup (802-484-1236)
Spring Tree organic maple syrup
Stannard Farm maple syrup and sugar (stannardfarmvt.com)
Stryker Farm maple syrup (570-269-2995)
SunOrganic Farm organic date sugar (888-269-9888)
Thrive Market organic maple syrup (866-419-2174)
Vermont Highland Cattle Company maple syrup
Vitacost maple syrup (800-381-0759)
Whole Foods organic maple syrup
Wilderness Poets maple crystals (844-945-3649)
Coconut or palm sugar (sold in Asian markets)
Anthony’s Goods organic coconut sugar (anthonysgoods.com)
Aunt Patty’s organic coconut sugar (800-456-7923)
Big Tree Farms organic coconut palm sugars, coconut nectars
Bright Earth organic coconut palm sugar (541-201-0420)
Coconut Secret raw coconut crystals, coconut nectar
Country Life Natural Foods organic coconut sugar
Divine Organics coconut sugar, crystals and nectar
Earth Circle Organics coconut sugar crystals (888-501-7170)
Food to Live organic coconut sugar (718-717-1029)
Foods Alive coconut sugar crystals (260-488-4497)
Healthy Goods organic coconut palm sugar (800-481-5074)
Living Tree coconut crystals (800-260-5534)
Madhava organic blonde coconut sugar (800-530-2900)
Munkijo organic coconut sugar and nectar (949-861-2798)
Natural Zing palm sugar, raw coconut crystals, coconut nectar
Nutiva coconut sugar (800-993-4367)
Nuts.com organic palm sugar (800-558-6887)
Organic Traditions coconut palm sugar (888-968-6747)
Original Living Coconut coconut sugar (800-906-3064)
Raw Revelations coconut palm sugar (951-677-2222)
RawGuru organic coconut sugar (800-925-0577)
Terrasoul Superfoods organic coconut palm sugar
Thrive Market organic coconut sugar, coconut nectar
Vitacost organic coconut sugar (800-381-0759)
Viva Naturals organic coconut sugar (800-921-8482)
Wholesome Sweeteners organic coconut palm sugar
Wildly Organic coconut syrup (218-226-3985)
Frontier green stevia powder (800-669-3275)
Mountain Rose Herbs stevia leaves and green powder
Organic Traditions green stevia powder (888-968-6747)
Starwest Botanicals stevia leaves (800-800-4372)
Tudor House Tea & Spice stevia leaves (269-425-1512)
GOOD: Raw, unadulterated honey, preferably unltered. Organic
jams made with natural sweeteners, and without ascorbic acid and
citric acid. Water-extracted pure monk fruit that is not combined with
sugar alcohols.
Alaska Birch Syrup raw honey (907-373-1309)
Ames Farm raw honey (952-955-3348)
B and G Honey Farm raw honey (912-852-5124)
BannerBee raw honey (240-793-0363)
Bee Chama Honey (beechamahoney.com)
Bee Flower and Sun Honey Co. raw honey (908-735-6946)
Bluff Wood Creek raw honey (bluffwoodcreek.com)
Brad’s Organic organic raw honey (bradsorganic.com)
Buttercup Farm raw honey (717-548-2982)
Circle C Farm raw honey (239-776-5802)
Cognitive Function raw reishi honey (congnitivefunction.net)
Country Life Natural Foods raw honey (269-236-5011)
Crystal’s Honey raw honey (978-667-2337)
Dutchman’s Gold raw honey, honeycomb (844-773-8824)
Ebeehoney.com raw honey (419-289-6701)
Fields of Natural Honey raw honey, honeycomb
Fishhugger raw honey (602-286-9233)
Grandpa Stan’s raw honey (352-593-5082)
HalleluYah Honey raw honey, creamed honey, cut comb
honey (209-409-5600)??
Heavenly Honey Farm raw honey (253-232-6483)??
Heavenly Organics organic raw honey (303-656-6700)
Honey Gardens raw honey (800-538-5888)
Honey in the Rough
Honey Pacifica raw honey, honeycomb, fermented honey,
habanero honey (562-803-4300)
L.R. Rice raw honey (970-353-6277)
Lazy Bee Ranch raw honey (720-251-3270)
Liquid Gold Honey raw honey (561-221-3828)
Living Honey raw honey (801-368-3870)
Marshall’s Farm Natural Honey raw honey (707-556-8088)
Marsolen’s Pure Honey raw honey, honey comb
Meadow Ridge Farm raw honey (519-881-7258)
Meant To Be Natural Food raw kosher honey (845-535-1354)
Miller’s Bio Farm raw honey (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw honey (717-556-0672)
Mt. Olive Organic Farm raw honey (805-237-0147)
Nuts.com raw honey (800-558-6887)
Patz Maple & Honey Farms all natural raw honey (unflavored),
comb honey (800-897-2488)
PJ Farms raw honey (856-498-8368)
Pleasant Pastures raw honey and honeycomb
Premier Research Labs raw honey (800-325-7734)
Raw Honey MKE raw honey, honeycomb (844-696-4276)
Rice Family Honey raw honey (970-353-6277)
Rocky Ridge Dairy raw honey (607-742-9566)
South Mountain Creamery raw honey (East Coast)
Stakich, Inc. raw honey (248-642-7023)
Stutzman Farms raw honey (330-674-1289, ext 2)
Tudor House Tea & Spice raw creamed honeys
Walt’s Swarmbustin’ honey (610-384-2384)
Wedderspoon raw honey (877-296-8403)
Willow Run Dairy raw honey (717-556-0285)
Wisconsin Natural Acres raw honey (920-849-9784)
Alaska Birch Syrup fruit spread (907-373-1309)
Bioitalia jams
Brad’s Organic fruit spreads (bradsorganic.com)
Colorado Mountain Jam jams (970-464-0745)
Eden fruit butters
Miller’s Bio Farm apple butter (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm apple butter (717-556-0672)
Natural Value organic fruit spreads
Oyler’s Organic Farm unsweetened apple butter
Rigoni di Asiago Fiordifrutta fruit spreads (305-470-7583)
Selina Naturally fruit spreads (800-867-7258)
Lakanto pure monk fruit extracts (800-513-7936)
AVOID: White sugar, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, brown rice
syrup, fructose, agave, yacon syrup, imitation syrups, heated honey,
concentrated fruit juices, monk fruit that is not water-extracted; stevia
extracts (liquid and powder), articial sweeteners such as sucralose
(Splenda) and aspartame (Nutra-Sweet and Equal), sugar alcohols,
such as xylitol; jams made with sugar, ascorbic acid or citric acid.
Ice Cream
BEST: Homemade ice cream (except chocolate and those with natural
avors) made with cream from grass-fed animals (preferably raw),
egg yolks, real vanilla and natural sweeteners.
Meadow Ridge Farm raw ice cream (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm raw ice cream (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw cow and water buffalo ice creams
Pleasant Pastures raw ice cream (717-768-3437)
Rocky Ridge Dairy raw ice cream (607-742-9566)
Willow Run Dairy raw ice cream (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Simple avors (such as vanilla or pistachio) of commercial
ice cream made with rBGH-free milk, cream, egg yolks and real
vanilla. (Note: Unfortunately, all commercial ice cream is made with
homogenized cream and milk.)
Alden’s organic ice cream
Ben & Jerry’s vanilla ice cream
Ciao Bella vanilla gelato, coconut sorbetto (800-343-5286)
Kirkland Super Premium vanilla ice cream
Talenti vanilla and coconut gelatos (214-526-3600)
Trader Joe’s Super Premium French vanilla ice cream
AVOID: All commercial ice cream brands contain a form of
antifreeze called propylene glycol which is not listed on the labels.
Commercial ice cream brands should only be eaten in very moderate
amounts. Avoid ice cream made without cream and those containing
extenders, soy products, powdered milk, powdered egg yolks, agave,
articial or natural avors, vanilla avor, chocolate, cocoa, cacao or
BEST: Organic lacto-fermented beverages (in glass jars) such as
kombucha (made with organic black tea) and kvass; plain mineral
water in cans or glass bottles without added sweeteners and avorings.
Angelica’s Garden beet and lime kvasses (Midwest)
Ann Payne’s Caveman Foods water kefir (except those with
coffee) (416-665-4949)
Aqua Vitea kombucha (Northeast) (802-453-8590)
BAO kombucha (917-818-1226)
Biotic Beverages kvasses (West Coast) (707-583-9812)
Buchi Kombucha kombucha without natural flavors, kefir soda
(except those with coffee or cocoa) (Southeast)
Burgie’s Organics kefir soda (920-349-3154)
Capital Kombucha cucumber melon kombucha (Mid-Atlantic)
Celestial Organics concord grape kombucha (800-351-8175)
Doctor D’s water kefir (303-775-0064)
Dutch Meadows Farm kombucha, beet kvass (717-442-9208)
Fab Ferments beet kvass (513-562-7531)
Farmhouse Culture gut shots (fermented vegetable juices)
Gail’s Cupboard beet kvass, kombucha (except goji),
fermented lemonade, jun, almond milk (570-561-6970)
GetKombucha.com kombucha (888-542-4448)
GT’s organic raw kombucha and synergy (except koffee
kombucha) (877-735-8423)
Hawthorne Valley Farm beet kvass, fermented sauerkraut and
kimchee juices (518-672-7500)
Health-Ade kombucha (844-337-6368)
Healthy Traditions beet kvass (healthytraditions.com)
Hidden Pond Farm kombucha, beet kvass (765-960-5092)
High Country Kombucha kombucha (except goji)
Katalyst Kombucha (413-773-9700)
Kirkland kombucha
Kombucha 2000 (except hemp kombucha) (818-602-2455)
Kombucha Botanica kombucha (831-425-1320)
Kombucha Kamp kombucha (424-245-5867)
Lupa’s Kitchen kombucha (404-664-4209)
Meadow Ridge Farm kombucha, beet kvass, cabbage juice
tonic, ginger ale (519-881-7258)
Miller’s Bio Farm kombucha, beet kvass; fermented ginger
ale, lemonade and cabbage juice (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm kombucha, beet kvass, water kefir,
eggnog; fermented ginger ale, lemonade, limeade,
cabbage juice, kimchee juice and daikon radish juice
NessAlla kombucha (Midwest) (608-628-4250)
Oregon Brineworks beet kvass (541-354-1357)
Pleasant Pastures kombucha, beet kvass; fermented ginger
ale, grape cooler and sauerkraut juice (717-768-3437)
ProNatura kombucha tea (800-555-7580)
Real Pickles beet kvass (Northeast) (413-774-2600)
Steve’s Paleogoods gut power shots (fermented vegetable
juices) (856-356-2258)
Rocky Ridge Dairy kombucha, beet kvass (607-742-9566)
Suja kombucha (855-879-7852)
Tapuat Kombucha kombucha (Midwest) (920-854-5066)
The Rejuvenation Company kombucha and rejuvelac
Trader Joe’s kombucha
Wild Tonic non-alcohol jun (except goji) (928-634-5434)
Wise Goat Organics golden and beet kvasses, fermented
cabbage juice (303-905-9723)
Grainfields B.E. Wholegrain and Lemon & Ginger fermented
drinks (718-788-8783)
Kanne organic bread drink (800-400-7772)
Selina Naturally Grainfields B.E. Wholegrain fermented drink
Vita Biosa fermented beverage (905-357-0800)
Apollinaris sparkling mineral water
Ferrarelle sparkling mineral water
Perrier unflavored sparkling water (in cans or glass bottles)
Topo Chico unflavored sparkling mineral water (in glass bottles)
GOOD: Herbal coffee substitutes; organic herb teas without natural
avors, alfalfa, cocoa, chocolate, cacao, citric acid and caffeine, in
moderation (and be careful of herb teas, some can have drug-like ef-
fects); organic unpasteurized beer and organic wine.
Cafix instant coffee substitute
Dandy Blend instant coffee substitute (800-697-4858)
Faux Joe organic caffeine-free roasted grain beverage
Frontier organic roasted chicory root (800-669-3275)
Lydia’s Foods organic herbal coffee (707-992-0776)
Maya Superfoods no-es café and maya powder coffee
substitutes (970-275-4065)
Mountain Rose Herbs herbal coffee (800-879-3337)
Orleans Coffee Exchange 100% pure American chicory and
100% pure French chicory (504-827-0878)
Pero instant coffee substitute
Caldwell/Deep Root cultured vegetable juices (819-849-2000)
Capital Kombucha (except those containing agave)
(Mid-Atlantic) (617-755-0801)
Farmstead Ferments water kefir sodas, fermented kraut and
kimchi juices (VA, MD, SC) (434-286-3302)
GT’s veggie kefir probiotic shots (877-735-8423)
KeVita lemon ginger probiotic drink (888-310-6106)
Miller’s Bio Farm sourdough kvass (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm sourdough kvass (717-556-0672)
Wild Tonic 5.6% alcohol jun (except goji) (928-634-5434)
Wildbrine probiotic live shots (fermented vegetable juices)
Anthony’s Goods organic herb teas (213-793-8178)
Beeyoutiful organic herb teas (except those with caffeine or
alfalfa) (877-623-3968)
Bija organic herb teas
Brew Dr. Tea Company organic herb teas (except those with
caffeine or cacao) (brewdrtea.com)
Burgie’s Berry Farm organic aronia berry tea (262-388-0054)
Celestial Organics organic herb teas (except those with natural
flavors or sugar) (800-351-8175)
Choice organic herb teas without natural flavors
Forrest Green Farm herb teas (except those with caffeine)
Four Elements Herbals organic herb teas (except those with
alfalfa) (608-522-4492)
Frontier organic herb teas (except those with citric acid or
caffeine) (800-669-3275)
Healing Spirits Herb Farm organic herb teas (607-566-2701)
Kombucha Kamp organic herb teas (except those with
caffeine) (424-245-5867)
Leigh’s Bees harmonizing herbal tea blend (802-874-7214)
Live Superfoods organic herb teas (except those with
caffeine) (800-481-5074)
Lydia’s Foods organic herb teas (except those with caffeine
or cacao) (707-992-0776)
Mighty Leaf Tea Company organic herb teas without natural
flavors (877-698-5323)
Mountain Rose Herbs organic herb teas (except those with
caffeine) (800-879-3337)
Nourished Earth Apothecary organic wellness tea
NOW Foods organic dandelion and hibiscus herbal teas
Numi Organic Tea organic herbal teas (except those with
caffeine or cacao) (888-404-6864)
Organic India organic herb teas (except those with caffeine,
cocoa or natural flavors) (888-550-8332)
Pukka Herbs organic herb teas (except those with caffeine,
cocoa or natural flavors)
Pure Indian Foods cumin coriander fennel tea (609-785-9100)
Rishi Tea organic herb teas (except those with caffeine, cocoa
or natural flavors) (877-552-7977)
Soothin’ Infusion organic herbal teas (800-250-4718)
Spicely organic herbal teas (510-440-1044)
Starwest Botanicals organic herb teas (except those with
caffeine) (800-800-4372)
Tea for the People organic herbal teas (except those with
caffeine or cacao) (608-538-3459)
The Republic of Tea organic herb teas (except those with
caffeine, cocoa or natural flavors) (800-298-4832)
Traditional Medicinals organic herb teas (except those with
caffeine, chocolate or alfalfa) (800-543-4372)
Tudor House Tea & Spice organic herb teas without natural
flavors (269-425-1512)
Two Leaves Tea Company organic herb teas without natural
flavors (866-631-7973)
Yogi Tea organic chai rooibos, chamomile, ginger, detox,
peppermint, Egyptian licorice mint, original yogi, throat
comfort and raspberry leaf herbal teas (800-964-4832)
Chimay beer
Foret ale
Great Lakes Brewing Company beer (216-771-4404)
Jade ale
Casa Barranca organic wines (805-640-1255)
Chartrand Imports wines (207-594-7300)
Coturri Winery wines (866-268-8774)
Frey Vineyards biodynamic wines, organic wines
La Rocca Vineyards organic wines (800-808-9463)
Organic Wine Company French wines (888-326-9463)
AVOID: Soft drinks; diet drinks; fruit and vegetable juices; uori-
dated water; coffee; tea (except for organic black tea used to make
kombucha); water in plastic bottles; beverages containing fructose,
high-fructose corn syrup, agave, articial sweeteners, sugar alcohols,
stevia leaf extract, natural avors, hemp, alfalfa, citric acid, caffeine,
ascorbic acid, added vitamins or minerals, chocolate, cocoa or cacao.
Fish Liver Oils
BEST: High-vitamin fermented cod liver oil and fermented skate liver
oil; unheated cod liver oil with natural vitamins retained.
Green Pasture (402-858-4818)
Dropi cod liver oil
NutraPro International virgin cod liver oil (435-554-1161)
Rosita Real Foods extra virgin cod liver oil (888-524-6585)
Note: Many WAPF Chapter Leaders sell cod liver oil and skate
liver oil in the Best category. See westonaprice.org/health-topics/
GOOD: Processed cod liver oil with synthetic vitamins in the right
proportions: ten or fewer units vitamin A to one unit vitamin D, and
with at least 2,500 IU’s of vitamin A and 250 IU’s of vitamin D per
Engelvaer cod liver oil
Garden of Life cod liver oil
NOW Foods double strength cod liver oil capsules
Pharmax cod liver oil
Sonne’s cod liver oil
Swanson double strength cod liver oil capsules
Twin Labs non-emulsified liquid cod liver oil
AVOID: Cod liver oil with low levels of vitamin A and/or low levels
of vitamin D.
PLEASE NOTE: The many good superfoods and supplements on
the market are beyond the scope of this shopping guide.
Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Butter and Ghee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cheese - Aged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cheese - Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Coconut Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Condiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Cookies, Bars and Muffins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Crackers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Fats and Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Fish Liver Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Flour and Baking Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Fruits and Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Grains and Legumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Ice Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Lacto-Fermentation Starters . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Lacto-Fermented Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Meat - Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Meat - Processed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Nuts and Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Pemmican and Jerky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Salt and Spices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Seafood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Snack Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Soups and Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Sweeteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Yogurt and Kefir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
About the
Weston A. Price Foundation
The Weston A. Price Foundation is a member-supported
nonprofit nutrition education foundation dedicated to
providing consumers with accurate information about diet
and health. The Foundation has many local chapters to help
people find the best quality whole foods available in their
area. It also publishes a quarterly journal,
Wise Traditions in
Food, Farming and the Healing Arts
, which provides up-to-
date commentary on a variety of subjects that involve diet
and health, and also helps consumers find foods directly
from farms through its advertising section. To obtain a free
informational brochure containing dietary guidelines and
membership information, as well as find details on the lo-
cal chapter nearest you, visit the Foundation’s website at
westonaprice.org or contact the Foundation at (703) 820-