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on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems
Research Article
A Novel Bi-LSTM And Transformer Architecture For
Generating Tabla Music
Roopa Mayya
, Vivekanand Venkataraman
, Anwesh P R
and Narayana Darapaneni
PES University, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560050, India
Great Learning, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500089, India
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, United States
INTRODUCTION: Music generation is a complex task that has received significant attention in recent years, and deep
learning techniques have shown promising results in this field.
OBJECTIVES: While extensive work has been carried out on generating Piano and other western music, there is limited
research on generating classical Indian music due to the scarcity of Indian music in machine encoded formats. In this
technical paper, methods for generating classical Indian music, specifically tabla music, is proposed. Initially, this paper
explores piano music generation using deep learning architectures. Then the fundamentals are extended to generating tabla
METHODS: Tabla music in waveform (.wav) files are pre-processed using the librosa library in Python. A novel Bi- LSTM
with Attention approach and a transformer model are trained on the extracted features and labels.
RESULTS: The models are then used to predict the next sequences of tabla music. A loss of 4.042 and MAE of 1.0814 are
achieved with the Bi-LSTM model. With the transformer model, a loss of 55.9278 and MAE of 3.5173 are obtained for tabla
music generation.
CONCLUSION: The resulting music embodies a harmonious fusion of novelty and familiarity, pushing the limits of music
composition to new horizons.
Keywords: Music generation, LSTM networks, Attention mechanism, Transformers, Tabla music.
Received on DD MM YYYY, accepted on DD MM YYYY, published on DD MM YYYY
Copyright © YYYY Author et al., licensed to EAI. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA
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original work is properly cited.
doi: 10.4108/_______________
1. Introduction
The field of music generation using deep learning started in
the mid-2010s with Google's Magenta project [1]. AIVA, an
AI-based music composition software, facilitates the easy and
fast creation of original music by musicians and non-
There is extensive literature available on generating classical
piano, jazz and other Western instrumental music due to the
abundant availability of these genres in the form of Musical
Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files, piano rolls and
Music-XML formats. On the other hand, classical Indian
music, both Hindustani and Carnatic, has distinct
characteristics and nuances that make it challenging to fully
represent and encode in MIDI formats and other machine
encoded formats. Classical Indian music employs
microtones, which are pitches that lie between the standard
Western music notes. MIDI, by default, follows the equal-
tempered tuning system used in Western music, which lacks
the flexibility to represent the intricate microtonal variations
in Indian classical music accurately. Classical Indian music
also features a wide range of traditional instruments with
unique playing techniques and characteristics, such as sitar,
tabla, veena, sarod, and mridangam. Translating the subtleties
and nuances of these instruments into the limited parameters
of MIDI can be challenging.
Due to these challenges, good and abundant sources of
classical Indian music are scarce and there is limited research
Roopa Mayya, Vivekanand Venkataraman, Anwesh P R and Narayana Darapaneni
on generating classical Indian music. In this paper, we present
a novel methodology for generating classical Indian music,
specifically tabla music, from waveform (.wav) files using a
Bidirectional LSTM with attention mechanism model and a
transformer model.
2. Related Work
The paper by Chou et al. proposed a single LSTM layer
architecture that generates music notes. The model uses a
cross-entropy loss function and stochastic gradient descent
optimizer to train on 28,39,786 examples of (length-100
sequences, next note) pairs from around 1000 midi files [2].
On the other hand, Arrais de Souza et al. employed a tied
parallel network model featuring Biaxial RNN LSTM,
trained for 48 hours on a personal desktop computer [3].
Although the generated songs had limited dynamics and
complexity, the model allowed control over the speed of note
playback, influencing the intensity of the music. Mao et al.
describes the implementation of DeepJ [4], which is an
extension of the Biaxial LSTM model trained on a dataset of
MIDI music from 23 composers across three major classical
periods, including Bach and Tchaikovsky. Oore et al. used a
LSTM-based Recurrent Neural Network to model
performance data, which was able to skip forward in time to
the next note event, allowing it to skip time steps that
contained rests or held existing notes [5].
The DeepHear architecture utilizes a 4-layer stacked
autoencoder to generate ragtime jazz melodies and harmonize
melodies [6]. Trained on Scott Joplin's ragtime music, the
model generates output in a 4-measure format.
Harmonization is achieved by finding values for the
bottleneck hidden layer that match a given melody. The
results exhibit ragtime characteristics but lack true
counterpoint. Peracha presents a 5-layer Transformer encoder
model for music generation. The model utilizes fixed
sinusoidal and learned input embeddings, 8 attention heads,
and a dimension of 512. Training includes a batch size of 1
and the 1-cycle policy with SGD for 30 epochs. The model
outperforms a GRU model with a validation Negative Log-
Loss (NLL) of 0.394 compared to 0.936 [7]. Huang et al.
employ a language-modelling approach to train generative
models for symbolic music representation. The JSB Chorale
dataset is used, with music represented as a matrix and
serialized in a raster-scan fashion. The authors achieve a
Validation NLL of 1.835 for transformer models,
outperforming Performance RNN and LSTM models [8].
3. Approach
Initially, we explored piano music generation using different
variants of LSTM based architectures and a transformer
architecture. The insights gained from piano music
generation were then extended to generating classical tabla
3.1. MIDI datasets
The Classical Piano MIDI dataset comprises more than 300
pieces of classical piano music in MIDI format, representing
compositions from 25 famous composers including Bach,
Beethoven and Mozart. The dataset is publicly available for
download at http://www.piano-midi.de/.
The MAESTRO (MIDI and Audio Edited for Synchronous
Tracks and Organization) dataset, created by researchers
from Google's Magenta team, consists of over 200 hours of
high-quality classical piano performances. It combines MIDI
data and high-resolution audio recordings, making it valuable
for various tasks such as music transcription, performance
analysis, and music generation. The MAESTRO-v3.0.0
dataset files are available at
The Tabla taala dataset consists of 561 short pieces of Tabla
loops for 8 different `taals', namely ‘addhatrital’, ‘bhajani’,
‘dadra’, ‘deepchandi’, ‘ektal’, ‘jhaptal’, ‘rupak’ and ‘trital’.
All the files are in .wav format. The Tabla taala dataset can
be downloaded from this link:
3.2. Pre-processing
The music21’ library in Python offers a comprehensive set
of tools for music analysis, manipulation, and generation. To
begin with, MIDI files are imported into a ‘Stream’ object
using the ‘converter’ module, which supports various MIDI
formats like ‘.mid’, ‘.midi’ and ‘.kar’. The next step involves
extracting the notes and chords from the ‘Stream’ object
using its ‘flat’ property. It is important to note that the
extracted list may contain non-note events such as tempo
changes and pedal adjustments. To address this, the non-note
events are filtered out, and only the notes and chords are
stored in an array for further processing. Fig.1 illustrates the
pre-processing steps required to extract and format the
relevant information from MIDI files for neural network
Figure. 1. Process flow diagram of music generation
from midi files
A Novel Bi-LSTM And Transformer Architecture For Generating Tabla Music
To facilitate comprehension by LSTMs, the notes and chords
are encoded as unique numerical values using a dictionary. A
sliding window approach is employed to create sequences of
100 notes, serving as inputs to train the LSTM. The LSTM
predicts the next note and compares it to the actual subsequent
note for evaluation.
To pre-process waveform files using the ‘librosa’ library, the
audio data is loaded and converted into a time-domain signal.
The signal is then divided into frames, either overlapping or
non-overlapping, for further analysis. The frames undergo a
Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) to obtain the
magnitude and phase spectra, often visualized as a mel-
spectrogram. Additional representations like mel-frequency
cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), spectral contrast, chroma
features and tonal centroid can be extracted from the
spectrogram. Normalization techniques such as mean
normalization or z-score normalization are commonly
applied to the extracted features to ensure consistent scales
across different audio files.
All the models were trained using a Nvidia A100 GPU using
a Google Colab Pro subscription.
4. Methodology
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) a variant of recurrent
neural networks, overcomes the vanishing gradient problem.
It is a powerful tool for sequential data analysis, such as in
natural language processing (NLP) and music generation. It
employs gates and memory cells to selectively retain or
discard information, enabling the capture of long-term
dependencies while handling noisy input. The gates, using
sigmoid and tanh functions, control information flow, while
memory cells store and transmit data across time steps.
The Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM) consists of two LSTM
layers that handle input sequences in both forward and
backward directions. Each layer's output is combined at each
time step before passing through the output layer. This
approach captures dependencies in both directions,
addressing limitations of a unidirectional LSTM and
improving overall performance.
When training on extensive datasets, neural networks can
overlook vital information due to the fixed-length context
vector structure, resulting in suboptimal performance. To
address this, an attention layer is employed to enhance the
model's capabilities by focusing on crucial segments of the
input sequence when predicting an output. The attention
mechanism enables the model to learn associations and
extract information from each encoder hidden state,
significantly influencing the development of transformers [9].
This mechanism can be seamlessly integrated into neural
networks built with different layers. It was initially
introduced by Bahdanau et al. in 2014 and has since become
an integral part of various architectures.
The alignment scores, e
, are computed using the encoded
hidden states h
and the previous decoder output, s
denoted in equation (1). These scores represent the alignment
between the input sequence elements and the current output
at position t. A feedforward neural network, represented by a
function a(.), can be employed to implement the alignment
= (
The alignment scores obtained earlier are then used to
compute the weights through a softmax operation as
represented in equation (2):
The context vector c
for the output sequence at position t is
calculated using the weighted sum over all the T hidden states
as denoted by equation (3):
The transformer architecture, introduced in the 2017 paper
“Attention is all you need” by Vaswani et al., incorporates the
self-attention mechanism as its core component. This
mechanism enables the model to assign importance weights
to different words within a sequence [10]. By calculating
attention scores between word pairs, the model learns their
relevance to each other. The transformer comprises an
encoder and a decoder. The encoder processes the input
sequence through multiple stacked layers of self-attention and
feed-forward neural networks. The decoder generates an
output sequence step by step based on the encoded
To compensate for the lack of inherent word order capturing
in the transformer model, positional encoding is introduced.
It conveys positional information to the model, enabling it to
comprehend the sequence's sequential arrangement. The
transformer employs multiple attention heads to learn diverse
relationships and aspects of the input sequence. The outputs
from these heads are combined by concatenation and
transformation to yield the final attention representation.
Alongside the self-attention mechanism, feed-forward neural
networks within each layer further enhance the model's
ability to capture complex patterns in the input sequence
through non-linear transformations.
To facilitate training of deep networks, the transformer
incorporates residual connections, allowing previous layer
information to be preserved and aiding learning. Layer
normalization is employed after each sub-layer to normalize
input and enhance training stability. Masking is applied
Roopa Mayya, Vivekanand Venkataraman, Anwesh P R and Narayana Darapaneni
during training to prevent the model from attending to future
words in the decoder. The transformer employs scaled dot-
product attention” for training and generates output tokens
sequentially during inference using beam search or greedy
decoding strategies.
5. Results
First, a set of LSTM variant models were evaluated on a
subset of the classical piano midi dataset consisting of 103
songs. The first model comprised of a single LSTM layer, the
second model consisted of a LSTM layer and attention layer,
the third had a LSTM layer followed by an attention layer and
another LSTM layer. The fourth had 3 consecutive layers of
an alternating LSTM and attention layer. The fifth model
composed of a Bi-LSTM layer followed by an attention layer
and another LSTM layer. The sixth model comprised of 3
consecutive layers of an alternating Bi-LSTM and attention
layer. Dropout and dense layers were also incorporated in
each of these models.
The model comprising of Bi-LSTM, attention and LSTM
layers showed the best performance among these 6 models
after 40 epochs of training, in terms of loss and accuracy and
also the quality of output music generated. Combined graphs
of the categorical cross-entropy loss and accuracy for all the
6 LSTM-variant models is shown in fig.2(a) and fig.2(b).
Fig. 2. Combined graphs of (a) categorical cross-
entropy loss and (b) accuracy for models trained on
subset of the Classical Piano MIDI dataset
The Bi-LSTM + Attention + LSTM model was then trained
for 200 epochs on the full classical piano MIDI dataset of
323 songs. The categorical cross-entropy loss and accuracy
plots for this training is shown in fig. 3(a) and fig. 3(b).
Fig. 3. Plots of (a) categorical cross-entropy loss and
(b) accuracy for the Bi-LSTM + Attention + LSTM
model trained on the full classical piano MIDI dataset
Next, a transformer model was evaluated on the full classical
piano MIDI and MAESTRO datasets having 1599 songs
combined. This model architecture consisted of a token and
position embedding layer, followed by multiple transformer-
decoder layers with attention heads, and finally, an output
layer with a dense layer having units equal to the vocabulary
size. The model was trained for 600 epochs and a ‘top-p
sampler approach’ with a ‘p’ of 0.7 was used for model
prediction. The music output of the transformer model was
more melodious and had more variations in music notes
compared to any of the LSTM variant models.
Table 1 lists the hyper-parameters used for the transformer
model for generating piano music.
A Novel Bi-LSTM And Transformer Architecture For Generating Tabla Music
Hyper-parameter Value
sequence length 128
embedding dimension 256
hidden dimension 256
number of layers 4
number of attention heads 8
batch size 64
Graphs of sparse categorical cross-entropy loss and accuracy
achieved for the transformer model on piano music are
illustrate in fig.4(a) and fig. 4(b).
Fig. 4. Plot of (a) sparse categorical cross-entropy loss
and (b) accuracy for the transformer model trained on
piano music
The next focus was on extending these concepts to generate
tabla music. Few modifications were made to the Bi-LSTM +
Attention + LSTM model instead of one Bi-LSTM layer,
two were used. This was followed by an attention layer and 2
LSTM layers. A final dense layer of 128 units was used in the
output layer. A mean-squared error loss function and
‘Adam’ optimizer were used. The model was trained for 300
epochs. The tabla music generated by this Bi-LSTM model
was found to be quite comparable and similar to that produced
by a human artist.
Fig. 5(a) and 5(b) illustrates the mean-squared error loss and
mean-absolute error graphs for the tabla music generation
using the Bi-LSTM model.
Fig. 5. Plots of (a)mean-squared error and (b) mean-
absolute error for the Bi-LSTM + Attention + LSTM
model for generating tabla music
Amplitude vs. time plot and mel-spectrogram of the tabla
music generated with the Bi-LSTM model are shown in fig.
Roopa Mayya, Vivekanand Venkataraman, Anwesh P R and Narayana Darapaneni
Fig. 6. Plots of (a) amplitude vs. time and (b) mel-
spectrogram of the tabla music generated with the Bi-
LSTM model
For the final part of this study, a transformer model was
trained on the Tabla Taala dataset. The same pre-processing
techniques of the `.wav' files were followed as for the LSTM
model. The transformer architecture comprised of a multi-
head attention layer followed by dropout, dense and layer
normalization layers. These layers were followed by another
set of dense, dropout and layer normalization layers. The final
output layer was a dense layer of 128 units.
The hyper-parameters used for the transformer model for
generating tabla music are listed in table 2.
Hyper-parameter Value
sequence length 60
hidden dimension 128
number of layers 6
number of attention heads 8
batch size 64
dropout 0.1
The mean-squared error loss and mean-absolute error graphs
for the tabla music generation using the transformer model
are shown in fig. 7(a) and 7(b).
Fig. 7. Plots of (a)mean-squared error and (b) mean-
absolute error for the transformer model for generating
tabla music
Fig. 8(a) and 8(b) show the plots for amplitude vs. time plot
and mel-spectrogram of the tabla music generated using the
transformer architecture.
A Novel Bi-LSTM And Transformer Architecture For Generating Tabla Music
Fig. 8. Plots of (a) amplitude vs. time and (b) mel-
spectrogram of the tabla music generated with the
transformer model
Clearly, the transformer model did not perform as well as the
Bi-LSTM model for tabla music as evident in the waveplots
and mel-spectrograms. Nonetheless, the transformer model
was also successful in producing rhythmic tabla sequences
for the first few seconds. The model architecture can be
refined and trained further to improve the quality of the output
tabla sequences.
The observations from all the models discussed in this study
are summarized in table 3. A google drive link to all the
generated music outputs in this study is provided in the last
piano midi
40 1.9621 0.5148
piano midi
40 1.7975 0.4947
Attention +
piano midi
40 1.9526 0.4953
3x (LSTM
+ Attention)
piano midi
40 2.3159 0.3768
Attention +
piano midi
40 1.2032 0.6665
3x (Bi-
piano midi
40 2.1492 0.4148
Attention +
piano midi
200 0.6226 0.8624
- Piano
piano midi
(full) +
600 0.0920 0.9886
Attention +
Tabla taala 300 4.0427 1.0814
- Tabla
Tabla taala 180 55.9278 3.5173
6. Discussion And Future Work
By extensively training advanced LSTM and transformer
models, this study has achieved a novel approach to tabla
music generation. The resulting music embodies a
harmonious fusion of novelty and familiarity, pushing the
limits of music composition to new horizons.
To further develop this study, enhancing the current models
by training on a larger tabla dataset is a priority. Additionally,
exploring music generation for other classical Indian
instruments would be valuable. Another intriguing avenue is
generating multi-instrumental music, fusing elements of
Indo-Western styles. Lastly, an ambitious endeavour would
involve creating a system that mimics human vocal music
generation, incorporating lyrics, melody, harmony, and
emotional expression. This would require extensive data,
computational resources, and training efforts.
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