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Spring 4-25-2024
Examination of the Top 10 Stocks in the S&P500 Examination of the Top 10 Stocks in the S&P500
Isaac Fulton
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Fulton, Isaac, "Examination of the Top 10 Stocks in the S&P500" (2024).
Honors College Theses
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Murray State University Honors College
Cercate of Approval
Examinaon of the Top 10 Stocks in the S&P500
Isaac Fulton
Approved to fulll the _____________________________
requirements of HON 437 Dr. David Durr
Approved to fulll the _____________________________
Honors Thesis requirement Dr. Warren Edminster, Execuve Director
of the Murray State Honors Diploma Honors College
Examinaon Approval Page
Author: Isaac Fulton
Project Title: Examinaon of the top 10 stocks in the S&P500 in relaon to the overall porolio
Department: Finance
Date of Defense: 4/25/2024
Approval by Examining Commiee:
________________________________________ ____________________
(Dr. David Durr, Advisor) (Date)
________________________________________ _____________________
(Professor Chistopher Wooldridge, Commiee Member) (Date)
________________________________________ ______________________
(Dr. Leiza Nochebuena-Evans, Commiee Member) (Date)
Examinaon of the Top 10 Stocks in the S&P500
Submied in paral fulllment
of the requirements
for the Murray State University Honors Diploma
Isaac Fulton
April / 2024
The major goal of this research was to invesgate how the returns of a porolio
containing only the 10 largest stocks in the S&P500 index, based on market cap, would compare
to the overall index’s return and volality over mulple me frames. This project invesgated
whether a porolio of the 10 largest stocks in the S&P500, at the beginning of each year, would
be considered superior in terms of returns while not unproporonately increasing volality.
First, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, or SPY, was selected as the S&P500 index measure and was
used to evaluate the index’s returns. Second, the largest stocks in the index for each year
between 2016 and 2022 were selected and each of their market capitalizaons at the beginning
of that year were measured as a percentage of the total indexs. Returns for each stock, for each
month, were then sourced from a database provided by faculty at Murray State. Two dierent
test porolios were then generated containing the largest 10 stocks for each year, only diering
on how the ten largest stocks were weighed. Finally, the Invesco S&P 500 Top 50 ETF (XLG)’s
returns were also calculated to determine how a porolio containing the 50 largest stocks in the
index would perform compared to the index and the test porolios. Since the XLG is comprised
of only the 50 largest stocks in the S&P500, it may give us a good measure of how powerful the
ten largest stocks are, even in comparison to the other 40 largest rms. Once all the returns of
the four porolios had been collected, the index and test porolios’ return, betas, and standard
deviaons were calculated and compared to nd results. Aer comparing the test porolios
with the SPY, what was discovered was that during 2016 through 2022 a porolio containing the
10 largest stocks in the S&P500, as measured at the beginning of each year and weighed in
accordance with each stock’s index weight, would produce the best possible returns of any
porolio analyzed, but would increase the porolio’s standard deviaon and beta. Aer running
a risk-adjusted analysis, what ulmately was discovered was that while the porolios containing
only the largest stocks did experience larger returns during the 7 years, that on a total risk-
adjusted basis, they produced less returns per unit of risk taken. This was concluded to be
because of the porolios’ lack of diversicaon, which no maer its larger returns, could not
outperform that of the market when accounng for its volality. Finally, to demonstrate that
there are sll benets to these types of porolios and the increased returns they can generate, I
ran a new scenario analysis, ending the study aer 2021.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………..…..iii
List of Figures and Tables……………………………………………………………………………….……….iv
Introducon …………………………………………………………………………………………………………1
Goals of Research……………………………………………………………………………………………….…4
S&P500 Stock Weighng…………………………………………………………………………………………4
Analysis Methodology………………………………………………………………………………………..…..6
Test Porolios – Equally weighted and Index weighted…………………………………………………7
Market Players – Test Porolios Composion…………………………………………….…...10
Rebalancing the Porolios……………………………………………………………………….….12
Individual Stock Analysis………………………………………………………………………….13
Monthly Return Comparison………………………………………………………………………………….15
Total Return Comparison………………………………………………………………………………………17
Yearly Return Comparison…………………………………………………………………………………….18
Standard Deviaon Comparison – Yearly and Monthly Basis……………………………………….19
Invesng Scenarios……………………………………………………………………………………………...23
Analysis Limitaons……………………………………………………………………………………………..26
Risk-Adjusted Comparison………………………………………………………………………………......26
Drawbacks of Sharpe Measure………………………………………………………………….….29
Treynors Measure………………………………………………………………………………….…..30
Jenson’s Alpha…………………………………………………………………………………….…….32
Risk-Adjusted Comparison Summary…………………………………………………….….….35
Alternave Analysis: What if the analysis ended aer 2021?............................................35
Research Findings Summary………………………………………………………………………………….37
List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1- Invesng $1000 into the S&P500 in 2000 and leaving unl 2023 ……………………….3
Figure 2- S&P 500 monthly returns (2000-2023)………………………………………………………….4
Figure 3 – Percentage of total Index market cap residing in the Largest 10 stocks in the S&P500
as of January 1st, 2024…………………………………………………………………………….….6
Figure 4 – Largest 10 stocks in the S&P500 and their index weights at the beginning of each year
between 2016 and 2022………………………………………………………………………………….11
Figure 5 – Ten largest Stocks’ names, rankings, weights per test porolio, betas, and standard
deviaons of monthly returns from 2016 through 2022…………………………………15
Figure 6 – Number of Months the test porolios out/underperformed the SPY from 2016-
Figure 7 – Correlaon of our test porolios’ Monthly Returns to that of the SPY………………16
Figure 8 – Porolio Total Returns from 2016 through 2022…………………………………………..17
Figure – 9 Porolio’s yearly returns.…………………………………………………………………………18
Figure 10 – Comparison of Porolio Standard deviaon…………………………………………..20
Figure 11 – Porolio Monthly return standard deviaon for each year in study……………..20
Figure 12 – Porolio Beta of each year – using Monthly returns for each year (2016-2022)..22
Figure 13 – Porolio Beta of enre period – Using Monthly Returns for enre period (2016-
Figure 14 – Porolio Beta of enre period – Using yearly Returns for enre period (2016-
Figure 15 – Risk-Adjusted Rao Analysis Summary……………………………………………………27
Figure 16– Sharpe and Treynor Measure Component Informaon………………………………..30
Figure 17 – Treynor Measure Component Informaon………………………………………………..31
Figure 18– The SML on investments invested from 2016 through 2022………………………….34
Figure 19 – Porolios’ Yearly Compounded Returns from 2016-2022…………………………...36
Figure 20 – Alternave Analysis – Risk-Adjusted Analysis Summary…………………………..…37
Figure 21 – The SML on investments invested from 2016 through 2021…………………………37
The S&P500 is one of the best-known equity indexes in the enre world and is
comprised of the ve-hundred largest companies traded on either the NYSE, Nasdaq, or CBOE.
The porolio technically includes over 500 separate stocks, as 3 of these companies have
mulple classes of stock, resulng in 503 tradable stocks in the index. The Index had a market
capitalizaon, as of January 1
, 2024, of over 40 trillion dollars, which comprises 80% of total US
business’s market capitalizaon. The S&P500 is preferred for instuonal investors over its
competors, such as the DOW JONEs index (Yahoo Finance, 2024), because of its inclusion of
more stocks across dierent sectors, and therefore is considered to be a more accurate
representaon of the US’s equies market (KENTON, 2023). The S&P500 indexs construcon
seeks to include stocks from all industries in an aempt to mimic how the overall economy is
moving. Through including many stocks from every sector, the index is thought to diversify out
unsystemac risk. This is why many investors use the S&P500 as a benchmark for the market
and many ETFs and Index funds have been created to mirror the composion of the index.
Currently, there are many ETFs and index funds that track the S&P500, all with their
slightly dierent goals. The oldest and most popular ETF mirroring the S&P500, was created in
1993 and is named the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY). SPY is a passively managed fund run by
State Street, with a goal of mirroring the S&P500. Another ETF tracking the S&P500, is the
Invesco S&P 500 Top 50 ETF (XLG), which only includes the 50 largest companies in the S&P500
and was created in 2005. Because both funds are passively managed, this means that both aim
to replicate the performance of the underlying index as closely as possible. Both ETFs oer
unique ways to compare porolios to the market and for this reason, I used both these ETFs as
market measures to compare my research’s porolios return and volality against.
Aside from ETFs, the three largest S&P500 index funds currently are the Fidelity 500
index fund, Schwab S&P 500 index fund, and the Vanguard 500 Index Admiral Fund (Reeves,
2024). While index funds and ETFs are very similar, they do have some dierences that can
result in dierent returns for the porolio. Index funds are generally considered safer than ETFs,
but they cannot be traded during the day and cannot be bought and sold on exchanges like
ETFs. This allows Index funds to provide more stable, long-term investment avenues, as they
primarily trade in securies via asset management companies and are therefore great for
paent investors. ETFs on the other hand oer more exibility, lower costs, and higher tax
eciency than Index funds, but are also more volale and garner more trading fees. While both
ETFs and index funds seek to match the performance of the market, ETFs have proven to be
beer for short-term investors and Index funds have shown to be beer for long-term investors.
Because this analysis only invesgates 7 years’ worth of data, and hence will be looking at a
relavely small-me frame, it will ulize both the SPY and XLG ETFs’ returns and volality to
compare to that of my test porolios.
Overall, the S&P500 is viewed as a safe investment by most analysts as it has
experienced a consistent history of long-term growth. In fact, if you invested $1000 in a
porolio mirroring the S&P500 index in 2000, by the end of 2023 you’d have $4,880.49, a return
of 388.05%, or 6.93% per year (Webster, 2024). A graphical depicon of this investment can be
seen in gure 1. Adjusng for inaon this would give the investor a 175.82% return over the 23
years. While the market does go through bull and bear markets, the S&P500 has proven over its
history that it will connue to grow and produce posive results in the long term. A graphic
depicon of the S&P500’s returns from 2000 to 2023 can be seen in gure 2. As we can see in
gure 2, while there have been plenty of negave months in terms of returns, they are
outnumbered by the posive returns that the index has generated. This history of long-term
growth is one of the reasons the S&P500 has become so popular as a measure of the market
and is why I used its measure as the benchmark for this analysis.
Figure 1- Invesng $1000 into the S&P500 in 2000 and leaving unl 2023. From Ocial Data, 2024., Retrieved from
hps://www.o Copyright 2024 by Ian Webster.
Figure 2- S&P 500 monthly returns (2000-2023). From Slick Charts, 2024., Retrieved from
hps:// Copyright 2024 by Slick Charts.
Goals of Research
The goal of this paper ulmately is to discover whether a porolio containing the ten
largest stocks in the S&P500 index could potenally outperform the market, as measured by the
SPY, in terms of total returns as well as on a risk-adjusted basis. Addionally, a secondary goal of
this paper will be to get a sense of how much the ten largest stocks of any given year aect the
overall return and volality of the index. Through analyzing the SPY, I will seek to measure the
ten largest stocks impact on the overall market, and by analyzing the XLG, I will seek to view the
ten largest stocks impact compared to that of only the 50 largest stocks.
S&P500 Stock Weighng
The S&P500 index weighs its stocks based on their percentage of total market
capitalizaon, and therefore those stocks with more weight can aect the price more
dramacally. Recently, a real-life example of this would be Microso which, as of March 12
2024, was the largest stock in the S&P500 with an index weight of 6.98%. V.F. Corporaon as of
March 12
was the smallest stock in the S&P500 with an index weight of .01%. This meant that
at that me Microso, the largest stock, had 698 mes the weight of the smallest stock in the
index, demonstrang the sheer power that the largest stocks have in the index. Now while
obviously the largest stock might be much greater than the smallest stock, how would it
compare to the median stock, the 250
largest stock in the index? In this case, Electronic Arts
(EA), the 250th largest stock as of March 12
, had an index weight of .08%. Therefore, in this
case, Microso would sll possess 87.5 mes the weight of EA, demonstrang that this one
stock controls much more of the total return of the index than the enre boom half of the
Through this papers analysis it was discovered that the S&P500 index is very top heavy,
as its largest 10 stocks in any given year between 2015 and 2023 accounted for, on average, 26%
of the total index’s market cap. This 26% is also not telling of the whole story either, as the top
ten stocks percentage increased throughout the 7-year period, with every year aer 2020
having a larger percentage than 26%. Figure 3 below depicts just this, as it shows the rankings of
the 10 largest stocks in the S&P500 as of January 1
, 2024, with these stocks collecvely holding
34.7% of the whole market cap of the index. This disparity between the top stocks in the index
can be seen even clearer when I also included the top 11-20 stocks. Between 2015 and the end
of 2023, on average, 36.9% of the indexs market cap resided within its top 20 stocks, with a
similar increasing percentage trend as seen with the top 10 stocks. This concentraon at the top
of the index leaves the remaining 480 or so stocks to have on average .13% of the index’s
market capitalizaon per stock. This disparity at the top is what led me to our queson in this
paper; would invesng in a porolio of only the top 10 largest stocks in the S&P500, over a
mul-year period, produce superior returns while not unproporonally increasing risk and
volality? Many believe that to achieve the best returns, a porolio or index must be well
diversied, but with the power that resides in the ten largest stocks of the S&P500, there is
room to queson whether that remains true.
Figure 3 – Percentage of total Index market cap residing in the Largest 10 stocks in the S&P500 as of January 1
, 2024.
Analysis Methodology
The 10 and even 20 largest stocks of the S&P500 index represent a massive poron of
the overall indexs market capitalizaon. To invesgate whether it is sll true that the other 490
or so stocks are sll necessary to diversify risk in a porolio and return the best possible returns,
an analysis and comparison of the returns of the top 10 stocks in the S&P500 over a 7-year
period was conducted.
The Ten Largest Stocks' Percentage of the Total
Index's Market Cap
Berkshire Hathaway
Eli Lilly
To begin this analysis, rst the largest 10 stocks at the beginning of each year between
2016 and 2022 were ranked by their total market capitalizaon. Then the overall S&P500 indexs
market capitalizaon was found for each of these years. To test the performance of solely the
largest ten stocks in the index, two test porolios were created and compared to the index over
the 7 years. Aer the returns for each month, year, and total period were calculated for the test
porolios and SPY, each porolio’s beta and standard deviaon was calculated for the same
periods. To see how returns can dier depending on frequency, mulple invesng scenarios
were then examined to see how invesng $1000 in each porolio could dier over the 7-year
me in regards to compounding. Aer the returns and volality of the test porolios were
analyzed, a risk-adjusted review was completed, to determine whether these porolios could
outperform the market without increasing risk unproporonately. The results of the analysis are
shown in the following secons and gures in this paper.
Test Porolios – Equally weighted and Index weighted
To evaluate the eect of the ten largest stocks on the total return of the S&P500, this
analysis used two dierent test porolios comprised of the largest 10 stocks as of the beginning
of each year. The two test porolios were comprised of the same stocks each year and diered
only based upon how these stocks were weighed in the porolio. The rst test porolio equally
weighed each of the 10 largest stocks of the S&P500 each year, and therefore each stock’s
performance inuenced the porolio’s total return equally. The second test porolio weighed
each stock relave to its weight in the index. This second porolio allowed for the very largest
stocks to inuence the total porolio’s returns and volality more than the 9
or 10
stocks and more accurately reects the power that each stock has in the index.
We will invesgate the results of both test porolios because each weighng method
brings its own benets and drawbacks to the analysis. To begin, the benets of the equally
weighted test porolio are that it removes the large cap bias of the index and returns results
that reect every stock’s performance equally. Market-cap weighted porolios on the other
hand, are overweight in companies that are currently outperforming the market and thus they
allow themselves to have a large concentraon of funds at the top of the porolio. Because of
this concentraon in overvalued stocks, market-cap weighted porolios are great for when the
largest companies are on a tear, but over the long-term, these porolios can be massively hurt
when the overpriced stocks inevitably fall back to their fair value. Therefore, market-cap
weighted porolios have long been viewed as a great tool for momentum invesng strategies,
as during good mes they can outperform the market, yet during contracons are oen le
desolated. Oppositely, Equal Weighted porolios are more resistant to drop os like these,
because of their beer diversicaon due to less concentraon in any one stock. Equally
weighted porolios are considered value-based invesng strategies, which means that this
approach favors undervalued stocks with the potenal to rise in price and return to their fair
value. A downside to this style of invesng, however, is that it will lead to more selling and
buying acvies and potenally larger tax consequences than a market-cap weighted porolio.
For example, when shares in Company A grow and become more highly valued, a poron will
have to be sold and deployed into the lower-priced Company B, C, and D to maintain the equal
weighng of all companies in the porolio. Therefore, while the equally weighted porolio may
have greater diversicaon and focus on the true value of the stocks, it too has its downsides,
as its higher management fees can eat into its returns. Ulmately then, the type of weight used
in porolios depends on the goals of the investor as each method can produce superior returns
and risk depending on investment strategy.
Because of the dierences in porolios and invesng strategies, this study will ulize
both equally and market-cap weighted porolios to determine which would have performed the
best from 2016-2022. Even though equally weighted porolios tend to require more
rebalancing, and therefore can generate larger fees, there is a generally accepted view that they
sll produce superior returns and risk to that of market-cap weighted porolios (Friedberg,
2018). While this may be held as true by many investors, this paper will seek to see if this
statement would hold true between 2016 and 2022, when the market was experiencing mainly
posive years. As a control for this research, the SPY was used as the benchmark for which I will
compare both porolios returns and volality to that of the market. The XLG will also be
compared to the test porolios and the market, to see how a porolio containing only the 50
largest stocks in the index would compare.
To begin the analysis, each of the largest stocks in the SPY, as of January 1st of each year,
were selected and weighed in accordance with their test porolio. Because the largest stocks in
the index changed market capitalizaon and therefore index weight throughout the 7-year
period, each year the manager would need to rebalance the porolio, removing companies who
had shrunk, and replacing them with the new largest companies. Once the ten largest
companies had been selected for each year in the study, each stocks’ monthly returns for that
year were collected, and the porolio’s monthly returns were then calculated based on the test
porolio’s stock weights. The SPY and XLG’s monthly returns for each year during the study
were then also calculated using data from Yahoo Finance. Once each porolios’ monthly returns
for the enre period were calculated, each years twelve-monthly returns were annualized to
nd the years total return. Likewise, once each years monthly returns were calculated using
the proper stocks and weights, the total 7 year holding period return was calculated.
A fault with the returns found using this method is that it does not include the
processing fees that would be incurred to rebalance each of the test porolios each year. What
this ulmately means is that less money would be invested each year as compared to my
calculaons, as some principal would be lost to these fees. These fees would not be apparent in
investments in the SPY, as it is a market-cap weighted ETF that would be fully passively invested
in. The SPY would only require fees when the money is ulmately pulled out at the end of the
period to realize a return. These calculaons also do not account for the equally weighted
porolios larger management fees in order to keep the porolio equal and therefore may not
accurately represent the dierence between equally weighted and market-cap weighted
porolios. Therefore, while these calculaons can oer insight into how these investments
could compare to the index, their returns may be slightly inated.
Market Players – Test Porolios Composion
When looking at the largest stocks throughout these seven years, it is apparent who the
largest players in the market have been. Apple has been the largest company almost every year
since 2016, only being usurped by Microso at the beginning of 2019. Between 2016 and 2019
Apple consistently comprised the largest weight of the index at approximately 3.5% of the
enre index’s market capitalizaon. However, starng in 2020, the company’s market
capitalizaon began to increase to around 7% of the total index weight. Unl the end of 2019,
no stock had been over 4% of the total index weight, but during 2020, the disparity between the
largest companies in the index and the smallest began to grow. By the beginning of 2022, four
dierent stocks had individual index weights greater than 4%, with Apple reaching its peak
index weight of 7.19%. Another notable trend during these 7 years is that many of the largest
stocks in the index stayed consistent. Stocks such as Apple, Microso, Alphabet, and Amazon
were among the ten largest every year during the study. While the largest ve stocks were
almost always the same, albeit shued, the sixth through tenth largest stocks in the index
would occasionally dier in composion. The largest stocks and their percentage of the total
Index market capitalizaon for 2016 through 2022 can be seen in gure 4 below.
% of
% of
% of
% of
% of
% of
% of
Berkshire Hathaway
Exxon Mobil
Exxon Mobil
Berkshire Hathaway
JPMorgan Chase
Johnson &
Johnson & Johnson
Berkshire Hathaway
JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
United Health
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Exxon Mobil
JPMorgan Chase
Wells Fargo
JPMorgan Chase
Exxon Mobil
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
JPMorgan Chase
Figure 4 – Largest 10 stocks in the S&P500 and their index weights at the beginning of each year between 2016 and 2022.
Informaon was adapted from “Top 20 S&P 500 Companies by Market Cap (1990 – 2024)” (FINHACKER, 2024)
Rebalancing the Porolios
As can be seen in gure 4, each year the largest stocks in the SPY change and their
weight moves in accordance with their companies’ new market capitalizaon. Depending on
invesng schedule, even if funds invested in each of these test porolios were le for the enre
7-year period, the largest stocks in the SPY would change each year and would result in the
porolios needing to be rebalanced. Each year, the manager would calculate the largest ten
stocks in the SPY and then appropriately weigh the stocks based on the test porolio. For this
analysis, these calculated monthly returns of the SPY, XLG, and test porolios were used to
calculate the annualized yearly and 7-year returns.
The Ecient Market Hypothesis (EMH) demonstrates that no acve manager can beat
the market for long, as their success is only a maer of chance. Therefore, longer-term, passive
management has proven to deliver beer returns overme. My inial quesons for this paper
then were: how would a hybrid strategy perform where stocks are acvely selected and
rebalanced, but funds are le passively to grow? I try to answer this queson below, as well as:
would the ten largest stocks of the index, if acvely managed and rebalanced once a year,
provide superior returns without increasing the risk of the porolio unproporonately to that of
the index? The following secons of this paper seek to invesgate whether the two test
porolios would provide superior returns and measures of volality as compared to the market
between 2016 and 2022. The next part then seeks to compare the test porolios to the market
on a risk-adjusted basis.
Individual Stock Analysis
Throughout the 7-year period under analysis, the 10 largest stocks in the index remained
relavely stable. There were 6 dierent stocks who maintained top 10 status throughout the
enre period, with 13 dierent stocks in total being included at some point in the test
porolios. Each of these stocks played a role in determining the return and volality of the test
porolios as well as the SPY and XLG. To discover where volality came from during these years
under invesgaon, the standard deviaon, beta, and average stock rank were calculated for
each stock. A summary of the individual analysis of each company included in the index can be
found in gure 5.
As can be seen in gure 5, Apple was the largest company for all but one year of the
study. This means that throughout my analysis, Apple was the main driver of returns and
volality for all the porolios under analysis, except the equally weighted porolio. In fact, aer
analyzing the stocks who were included in my test porolios, 4 specic stocks, which were
present every year, stood out as drivers of returns and volality. These were, unsurprisingly,
Apple, Microso, Alphabet, and Amazon. These four stocks consistently ranked within the
largest 4 throughout the period and none of them even dropped below the 6
largest posion.
While these stocks were found to be the largest throughout the period, they were also found to
have experienced the largest standard deviaon during their me in the test porolios. This
leads to the idea that while the very largest stocks are responsible for generang the majority of
returns for even a porolio containing only the largest 10 stocks, they are also responsible for
generang the majority of volality for that porolio. In fact, every stock that ranked within the
10 largest every year of the study (7 mes) had a standard deviaon larger than that of the test
porolios. This means that while the largest returns of the test porolios are generated by the
largest stocks, the risk reducon of the test porolios comes from the boom half of the
Another interesng thing discovered about these largest stocks was that, except for two
instances at the beginning of the study, the majority of stocks experienced betas of over 1.
Having a beta above 1 means these stocks are more volale and therefore riskier than the
market. What this ulmately means is that when the market reacts to changes, these stocks on
a whole will react more drascally than the market. This can be good for years when the market
is performing well, but as we can see when calculang yearly returns, when the market goes
south, the test porolios take even larger nose dives.
Figure 5 – Ten largest Stocks’ names, rankings, weights per test porolio, betas, and standard deviaons of monthly returns from
2016 through 2022.
Monthly Return Comparison
To perform my monthly return analysis, the returns of each of the ten largest stocks in
the SPY were calculated, for each month of the 7 years. Each stock’s monthly return would be
weighted according to the test porolio to calculate the porolios’ total return for each month.
To calculate the returns of the XLG and SPY, their historical prices were sourced from Yahoo
Finance, and the holding period formula was used to calculate their monthly returns.
Stock Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 as of 1/1/16 Apple Alphabet Microsoft Berkshire Hathaway Exxon Mobil Amazon Meta/Facebook Johnson & Johnson Wells Fargo JPMorgan Chase
Equal Weight Portfolio
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Index Weighted Portfolio
16.10% 14.75% 12.13% 8.98% 8.94% 8.78% 8.18% 7.84% 7.64% 6.67%
Stock Beta
1.54 1.04 1.10
0.67 0.29
-0.03 0.09
1.48 1.59
Standard Deviation (Monthly Ret)
7.52% 5.63% 6.06% 4.03% 3.80% 7.61% 5.36% 3.33% 7.70% 6.86%
Stock Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 as of 1/1/17 Apple Alphabet Microsoft Berkshire Hathaway Exxon Mobil Amazon Meta/Facebook Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase
Wells Fargo
Equal Weight Portfolio
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Index Weighted Portfolio
15.22% 13.65% 12.07% 10.04% 9.35% 8.90% 8.29% 7.83% 7.72% 6.92%
Stock Beta
1.90 1.02
0.61 0.88 -0.32
1.85 1.13
0.95 0.91 0.30
Standard Deviation (Monthly Ret)
6.16% 3.73% 3.42% 2.10% 3.41% 5.25% 4.89% 3.38% 4.77% 4.92%
Stock Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 as of 1/1/18 Apple Alphabet Microsoft Amazon
Berkshire Hathaway
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase Exxon Mobil Bank of America
Equal Weight Portfolio
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Index Weighted Portfolio
16.47% 14.00% 12.63% 10.78% 9.81% 9.36% 7.18% 7.10% 6.78% 5.89%
Stock Beta 0.83
1.25 1.25 2.12
0.75 0.93 0.73
1.06 1.14 1.17
Standard Deviation (Monthly Ret)
10.21% 6.62% 5.81% 11.25% 7.56% 5.00% 5.52% 5.93% 6.69% 6.28%
Stock Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 as of 1/1/19 Microsoft Apple Amazon Alphabet
Berkshire Hathaway
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase Visa Exxon Mobil
Equal Weight Portfolio
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Index Weighted Portfolio
15.26% 14.59% 14.42% 14.21% 9.83% 7.32% 6.72% 6.25% 5.75% 5.65%
Stock Beta 0.77
1.35 1.37
0.69 0.90
Standard Deviation (Monthly Ret)
4.12% 6.80% 6.58% 5.04% 4.63% 9.87% 4.20% 6.52% 3.91% 6.12%
Stock Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 as of 1/1/20 Apple Microsoft Alphabet Amazon
Berkshire Hathaway
JPMorgan ChaseVisa
Johnson & Johnson
Equal Weight Portfolio
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Index Weighted Portfolio
18.33% 17.07% 13.12% 13.09% 8.33% 7.86% 6.12% 5.83% 5.46% 4.80%
Stock Beta
0.64 0.98 0.83
1.24 1.05
0.71 0.35
Standard Deviation (Monthly Ret)
11.48% 6.73% 8.99% 10.01% 10.62% 7.92% 10.72% 9.19% 7.08% 5.75%
Stock Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 as of 1/1/21 Apple Microsoft Amazon Alphabet
Berkshire Hathaway
Johnson & Johnson
Equal Weight Portfolio
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Index Weighted Portfolio
22.28% 16.75% 16.35% 11.81% 7.77% 6.76% 5.36% 4.73% 4.13% 4.07%
Stock Beta 0.84
1.65 1.19 1.36 1.03
0.99 0.62
Standard Deviation (Monthly Ret)
6.50% 6.01% 5.71% 6.92% 6.91% 14.96% 4.64% 7.83% 4.52% 4.78%
Stock Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 as of 1/1/22 Apple Microsoft Alphabet Amazon Tesla
Berkshire Hathaway
United Health
JPMorgan Chase
Equal Weight Portfolio
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Index Weighted Portfolio
21.67% 18.84% 14.32% 12.67% 8.16% 6.89% 5.49% 4.95% 3.53% 3.48%
Stock Beta
0.90 0.93
1.25 1.37
2.46 1.01
Standard Deviation (Monthly Ret)
9.50% 6.95% 7.72% 12.63% 18.39% 16.38% 18.14% 8.13% 4.94% 10.34%
When analyzing the four porolios’ returns, I began by comparing them on a monthly
basis. To do this, I started by lisng each porolio’s monthly returns for the enre 84-month
period. Then, each of the test porolio’s returns, as well as the XLG’s, were subtracted from the
SPY’s to see which performed beer during each month. Of the 84-month period analyzed, the
index weighted porolio outperformed the index 50 mes, which was far more than it lagged
behind. The equally weighted porolio performed similarly, outperforming the Index 48 mes.
Interesngly, the XLG, comprised of the 50 largest stocks in the SPY, outperformed the index the
exact same number of months as it underperformed it. The results of this analysis are shown
below in gure 6.
Index W
Months Outperformed
Months Underperformed
Figure 6 – Number of Months the test porolios out/underperformed the SPY from 2016-2022
The next step of analyzing the monthly returns of the porolios was to see how
correlated the 84 returns were to those of the index. Aer running an analysis, not surprisingly
all three delivered very high scores. What can be seen from these results is that just as the Index
weighted porolio outperformed the market in more months, it was also the least correlated of
the three. Similarly, the XLG with its higher correlaon was also the porolio that performed the
most similarly to the SPY on the monthly comparison.
Index W
Correlation of Monthly Returns
Figure 7 – Correlaon of our test porolios’ Monthly Returns to that of the SPY
Total Return Comparison
To calculate the total return of each test porolio, the annualized total return formula
was used to calculate the returns of each porolio. This total includes compounding monthly
returns and assumes the investor would leave investments for the enre 84-month period. For
each test porolio and the two index measures, their yearly and total 7-year holding period
returns were calculated for 2016-2022 using their monthly returns. As can be seen in gure 8
below, the SPY performed the worst throughout these 7 years, only experiencing a return of
113.04%. The XLG, with its less diversied holdings, experienced only a slightly higher 7-year
total return, experiencing a 113.31% total annualized return.
The equally weighted porolio was found to have experienced a 128.84% growth from
2016 to 2022, outperforming both the market and XLG in terms of total compounded returns.
The Index weighted test porolio experienced the largest total compounded return over the 7–
year period, realizing a 158.09% increase by the end of 2022. A summary of these total returns
is shown below in gure 8. An issue that arises with these returns is that they do not take into
account the fees required to rebalance the porolio each year, and therefore, the test
porolio’s return may be slightly inated. To get a beer understanding of how the test
porolios would perform on a year-by-year basis, in the next secon I calculated the yearly
returns for each porolio.
Total HPR (2016-2022)
Figure 8 – Porolio Total Returns from 2016 through 2022.
Yearly Return Comparison
What if an investor did not want to leave their money in any of these porolios for the
enre 7-year period? If an investor were to invest $1000 in one of these porolios each year,
leaving their money passively compounding throughout the year, then withdrawing it at the end
of each year and realizing a return, how would the porolio’s returns compare? Figure 9 below
shows the yearly returns for each of my analyzed porolios.
Figure – 9 Porolio’s yearly returns. (Dark Green Means Highest, Dark Red Means Lowest, Yellow means middle)
The equally weighted porolio consistently performed in between both the SPY and
Index weighted porolio from 2016 through 2022. The index weighted porolio outperformed
the SPY in every year but 2022, when the market turned south, and all 4 porolios felt large
losses. Not surprisingly, the index weighted porolio, as well as the equally weighted porolio,
appeared to follow a similar trend as the SPY in terms of yearly and monthly returns. The index
weighted porolio outperformed the index in 6 out of the 7 years, making a case for itself as the
smartest investment during this period. While the index weighted porolio did appear to
perform beer on a year-to-year comparison as well as overall, the drasc loss in 2022 cannot
be ignored. Since the largest stocks of the S&P500 have the largest eect on the returns of the
index, the other 490 stocks mainly aid the index by diversifying some of the largest stocks’
losses in bad years. As a result, while a porolio of the largest ten stocks in the S&P500 would
appear to produce superior returns in years when those companies did well, the lack of
diversicaon outside of those stocks, would lead to larger losses in years when these stocks did
not perform well. What can be seen by looking at the SPY, XLG, and index weighted porolios is
that as the porolio becomes less diversied in its holdings (500,50,10 stocks), the returns
appeared to become larger but change more drascally on a yearly basis.
It has long been taught that passively managed porolios outperform acvely managed
ones over the long-term. However, the superior returns of the test porolios do oer some
potenal that a combinaon of acvely managing the composion of the porolio while
passively invesng the money could outperform the market in the short-run and potenally
even in the long run. Whether or not these larger returns are accompanied by addional risk
will be invesgated next.
Standard Deviaon Comparison – Yearly and Monthly Basis
Now that I have invesgated the monthly, yearly and total returns for each of the
porolios, I shall look at the risk involved in each. To measure each porolios’ risk, the standard
deviaon of each porolio was rst calculated using the monthly returns. The standard
deviaon of a porolio includes both systemac (market) risk and unsystemac risk. The
standard deviaons of each porolio’s monthly returns as well as the standard deviaon of the
SPY and XLG, between 2016 and 2022, are shown in gure 10 below.
Monthly Return SD
Yearly Return SD
Equal Weighted
Index Weighted
Figure 10 – Comparison of Porolio Standard deviaon
We can see from the table above, as well as in Figure 11 below, that all the porolios
had similar risk structures. Each test porolio’s standard deviaons only varied above the
market’s by less than 1% each month. Yet when comparing the yearly return’s standard
deviaons, the increased variability that the test porolios experienced was made even more
evident. The porolios containing only the largest 10 stocks of the S&P500 would clearly have
more variability in their returns than that of more diverse porolios like the SPY or XLG.
Addionally, as I would expect, the equally weighted porolio, with its lower concentraon risk,
had a lower standard deviaon than the market-cap weighted porolio during every year.
Figure 11 – Porolio Monthly return standard deviaon for each year in study. (red means low, green means high, goes by year)
The beta of each stock is comprised of the market’s variance and the stock returns’
covariance. Variance measures how far apart the market’s data points spread out from their
average, while covariance measures how changes in a stock’s returns are related to changes in
the markets returns. When the covariance of the stock is divided by the variance of the market,
the beta of the stock is produced. To calculate each porolio’s beta, I rst found the beta each
year, of the ten largest stocks. To determine the porolio beta for the year, these individual
stock betas were then weighed in accordance with their test porolio. The equally weighted
porolio would average the beta out evenly among the stocks, while the index weighted
porolio would allow for the largest stocks to inuence the beta more. Another way I found the
beta of the test porolios was to run the EXCEL slope funcon on the returns of the test
porolios and SPY, which unsurprisingly returned the same results as the previous method. The
beta of the test porolios was calculated using monthly and yearly returns and we will
invesgate the results in the secon below.
The monthly returns of the equally and index weighted porolios were found to have
had a 1.06 and 1.08 beta respecvely throughout the enre period. This means that the
monthly returns of both test porolios moved more dramacally in the face of market changes
than did the S&P500. While the monthly returns of the test porolios did experience a beta
above 1, there were mulple years where the betas were below 1. However, a beta of .90 is sll
considered very high and would indicate that the test porolios were only slightly less volale in
those years. Figure 12 through 14, below, depicts the betas for the test porolios on a yearly
basis as well as two dierent measures of the porolios’ beta during the enre period.
Beta of Monthly Returns
Equal W
Index W
Figure 12 – Porolio Beta of each year – using Monthly returns for each year (2016-2022)
Equal W
Index W
Beta of Monthly Returns (84-Count)
Figure 13 – Porolio Beta of enre period – Using Monthly Returns for enre period (2016-2022)
Equal W
Index W
Beta of Yearly Returns
Figure 14 – Porolio Beta of enre period – Using yearly Returns for enre period (2016-2022)
Since both the test porolios’ monthly returns experienced posive betas each year of
the study, the idea that the largest stocks could greatly outperform the market without adding
risk can be brought under serious queson. With the beta of the test porolios yearly returns
being found to be 1.34 and 1.46, this brings the idea even more under scruny. But all hope is
not lost. While these test porolios have indeed been proven to increase the volality of the
porolio, as their high betas represent, it is yet to be seen whether or not they sll produced
adequate returns for risk-averse investors to have chosen to accept their addional risk.
The benets of calculang the betas of these porolios using their monthly returns
included having a higher frequency of data points to give us a beer idea of short-term
uctuaons, as well as increased sensivity, as using monthly returns allows for a more granular
analysis of how a porolio reacts to market movements. The benets of using yearly returns, on
the other hand, is that yearly returns smooth out short-term uctuaons, giving us a beer
long-term perspecve. While each method has its benets and drawbacks, they both provide
valuable informaon about the volality of the porolios and give us some insight into how
returns will behave on a yearly and enre period basis.
Invesng Scenarios
To get a beer picture of how investors could ulize these test porolios, a couple
invesng scenarios were conducted. Each scenario assumed that an investor would invest
$1000 into one of the four porolios only diering in their investment frequency. To begin, my
rst scenario analysis assumed that an investor would invest $1000, starng on January 1
2016, into each of the porolios for each month and realize a return. The manager would then
reinvest $1000 into the porolio for the next month, keeping the weight the same as at the
beginning of the year, only changing stocks and weights at the beginning of the next year. These
monthly returns, added together throughout each year, provide us with the simplest form of
the investors total returns for the 7 years. In this scenario the index weighted, equally
weighted, XLG and SPY porolios would produce returns of 108.95%,95.62%, 85.97% and
83.76% respecvely. The benet of this invesng scenario is that it allows us to invesgate each
month’s returns separately, without the eect of compounding. What I discovered was that the
SPY experienced the most months with a posive return (58), the equally weighted porolio
was close behind with 57, and both the XLG and market-cap weighted porolios had posive
returns 55 mes. This means that the porolio with the lowest total return also had the most
posive monthly returns. This is because the SPY did have more months of growth, but the
other porolios, with their larger betas, produced larger returns during their good months that
ulmately made up for their addional few months of losses. Interesngly, while this scenario’s
yearly returns were obviously less than those that allowed for compounding in most years, this
scenario performed the best in 2018 for all four porolios. While every porolio felt a loss in
2018, this scenario’s porolios experienced the smallest loss, as losses too are not compounded
in this scenario. Ulmately, this scenario yet again depicts the larger variance of the test
porolios and demonstrates that this scenario’s returns would be much smaller than if an
investor were able to let their investment compound for the enre 7-year period.
The second invesng scenario assumed that the investor would invest $1000 into each
of the porolios at the beginning of each year and wait to fully realize and withdraw their gains
only aer that year ends. Aer rebalancing the porolios at the beginning of each year, the
investor would then only invest $1000 into each porolio at the start of the new year. This
scenario would garner some of the benets of compounding, and would produce returns of
126.27%, 108.28%, 92.94% and 83.41% for the index weighted, equally weighted, XLG and SPY,
respecvely. While this scenario would take some advantage of compounding returns, each year
the $1000 would only compound for 12 months. This scenario allows us to get a sense for how
these porolios dier depending on year and allows us to see trends in the long-term. While
this scenario takes advantage of compounding, there is sll one more scenario to maximize
investor returns.
In the third scenario, the investor would invest $1000 into each of the porolios on
January 1
, 2016, and leave the total value of the investment in the porolios for the enre 7-
years. This scenario diers from scenario two because while the investor would sll rebalance
his porolio yearly, choosing the new largest 10 stocks each year and weighing them
accordingly, they would reinvest their inial $1000 as well as any money they had made from
previous years. If investors let their money grow and were able to reap the full benets of
compounding returns, then the index weighted, equally weighted, XLG and SPY, would
experience returns of 158.09%,128.84%, 113.31% and 113.04%, respecvely. In this scenario,
both the equally weighted porolio (128.84%) and index weighted porolio (158.09%) would
vastly outperform the index in terms of total returns.
While analyzing the enre holding period return can be useful for comparing which
porolio would perform the best in the long run, it can vastly depend on starng and ending
points. As an example of this, if in this analysis I had placed the end date at the end of 2021, all
three porolios’ total returns would be higher, because up unl 2022, all four porolios had
experienced only posive, or near posive yearly returns. In 2022, however, both test porolios
compounded returns sharply fell by 142.57% and 115.62% respecvely. These large losses over
the nal year of the analysis vastly underperformed the index, which only felt a loss in its
compound returns of 47.61% in 2022. A summary of all the porolios compounded returns for
each year can be seen in gure 19, later in this paper.
While compounding returns are obviously benecial for every investor, what is yet to be
seen is whether these larger returns would sll be present if all three porolios were compared
on an equally risk-adjusted basis. To determine whether these porolios’ returns actually
provide superior results to that of the S&P500, a risk-adjusted analysis was completed to
determine how much return was added per percentage of risk for each porolio.
Analysis Limitaons
The limitaons to this research begin with only having access to returns from 2016 to
2022, and therefore this research may not reect the enre history of the S&P500 or accurately
predict its future. While this research can be useful for porolios that can be le and
rebalanced yearly, this may not work for some investors who are seeking to acvely trade their
stocks and rebalance their porolios daily, monthly, or quarterly. This research addionally has a
limitaon of only using the stocks and index weights of the ten largest market cap stocks in the
S&P500 index as of the beginning of each year. Therefore, while this analysis can give us a rough
esmate of how a porolio of the ten largest stocks would perform, it would not account for
changes in individual stock market capitalizaons and index weights throughout the year,
potenally vastly changing returns and variability.
Risk-Adjusted Comparison
To beer compare the returns of these porolios, a risk-adjusted analysis was completed
to decern which porolios performed the best when holding risk constant. A risk-adjusted
analysis is meant to discern how well porolios perform above the risk-free rate in relaon to
their volality. Therefore, to begin my analysis, the risk-free rate, as measured by 1-year T-bills,
for each month between January 2016 and December 2022 was collected. Then, the excess
returns of the equally weighted porolio, index weighted porolio, XLG, and SPY were
calculated, and their average monthly excess returns discovered. In this secon I computed the
Sharpe rao, Treynor rao, and Jenson’s Alpha to compare my three porolios on a risk-
adjusted basis. A summary of the results of this risk-adjusted analysis is shown below in gure
Equally Weighted
Index Weighted
Figure 15 – Risk-Adjusted Rao Analysis Summary
To begin my risk-adjusted analysis, the Sharpe measure was rst calculated for each
porolio. To calculate the Sharpe rao, rst the risk-free rate was subtracted from each
porolio’s monthly returns. Then, each porolio’s total excess returns for the 7-year me period
were calculated, as well as the standard deviaon of the porolios’ raw returns. Once the
excess returns and standard deviaon for each porolio was calculated, each porolio’s excess
returns were divided by their standard deviaon. These raos resulted in Sharpe measures of
12.61, 13.24,13.25 and 13.73 for the equally weighted, index weighted, XLG and SPY,
The Sharpe rao is a mathemacal expression that considers the porolio’s excess
returns in relaon to its volality and risk over me. Essenally, the formula is used to quanfy
the total amount of excess returns earned above the risk-free rate, per unit of risk taken. The
Sharpe rao formula subtracts the risk-free rate on a 1-year T-bill, from the monthly historical
return of the porolio and divides the result by the porolio’s standard deviaon. The standard
deviaon of a porolio’s returns is a measure aimed at considering both the systemac and
unsystemac risk that the porolio contains. By dividing the excess returns of each porolio by
their standard deviaon, the Sharpe rao puts them all on the same risk-adjusted level, and by
doing so, aims to discover which porolio will produce superior returns when accounng for its
total risk. The porolio with the highest rao is the one that produced the largest excess returns
with the smallest level of total risk.
The excess returns of each of porolio can give us insight into their performance before I
even divide by their standard deviaon. The excess returns, standard deviaon, and beta, for
each porolio can be seen below in gure 16. What the ndings in gure 16 depict, is that while
the two test porolios clearly have larger excess returns, they also have larger standard
deviaons. The queson that the Sharpe rao answers then is, how much more risk is added to
those porolios to garner those larger returns? As well as is the risk added low enough to
warrant investment into those porolios rather than the S&P500?
A higher Sharpe measure is always desirable, as it means the porolio has garnered
larger returns relave to its risk and therefore it is a beer investment decision than lower
raoed porolios. Simply put, what a higher Sharpe rao directly means is that holding risk
constant for all porolios, the porolio with the highest rao will produce the largest returns. A
generally accepted benchmark for what is considered a “good Sharpe measure” would be
anything above 3, which all this studys porolios fall far above.
What can be discovered by looking at the porolios’ Sharpe raos is that, while all the
porolios I evaluated performed well over the period, none outperformed the SPY on both a
systemac and unsystemac risk-adjusted comparison. What can be discerned from this
research is that, while the index weighted and equally weighted test porolios did perform
almost as well as the XLG, the much more diversied SPY remained the most resistant to
volality. The SPY, while producing smaller returns than the test porolios, would sll be the
best choice for a risk-adverse investor. While this rao can give us useful insights into which
porolio might be the best investment decision for investors, it does not give a complete picture
of the porolio return and risk relaonship.
Drawbacks of Sharpe’s Measure
There are a few drawbacks to the Sharpe Rao that can make it untrustworthy as a
standalone metric. To begin, the rao is calculated in an assumpon that investment returns are
normally distributed, which results in relevant interpretaons of the Sharpe rao potenally
being misleading. The rao’s eecveness can also vary based on the choice of the risk-free rate
and market benchmark. While for this analysis 1-year T-Bills and the SPY were selected as the
risk-free rate and market benchmark, other rates could have been selected. Another drawback
is that the risk-free and benchmark rates do not remain constant, meaning that while this
analysis’s ndings might be true for 2016-2022, the risk-free rate and benchmark are always
moving, causing this analysis to not necessarily reect future performance. The Sharpe rao
addionally, places relavely higher weight on short-term volality, which might not accurately
reect an investment’s long-term potenal. Despite these limitaons, the Sharpe rao remains
a valuable tool for assessing risk-adjusted returns.
Equally Weighted
Index Weighted
Excess Return
Standard Deviation
Monthly Return Beta
Figure 16– Sharpe and Treynor Measure Component Informaon
Treynors Measure
Treynors rao is another risk-adjusted measure that is similar to Sharpe’s rao in many
aspects. Both metrics aempt to measure the risk-return trade-o in porolio management by
dividing the excess returns of porolios by a measure of risk. While the Sharpe rao aims to
capture all elements of a porolio’s total risk (systemac and unsystemac) by dividing excess
returns by standard deviaon, the Treynor rao only captures the systemac component by
dividing the porolios excess returns by the porolio’s beta. By dividing the excess returns by
the beta, the Treynor rao only seeks to see how much systemic risk the porolio contains and
does not account for the unsystemac risk associated with the individual monthly returns. This
dierence in focus on systemac vs total risk is why most investors choose the Treynor rao
over the Sharpe rao for a well-diversied porolio. For this paper however, since the test
porolios are not well diversied, but the XLG and SPY are, I will ulize both measures to try to
get the most comprehensive insight possible.
Similarly to the Sharpe measure, the Treynor measure begins with compung the excess
return of the porolios relave to the risk-free rate. This me, instead of dividing by the
standard deviaon, I divided the excess returns by the porolio’s beta, which is a measure of
systemac risk. The Treynor measure, excess returns, and betas of the monthly returns for each
of the three porolios is shown below in gure 17. What we can see once the Treynor measures
are computed, is that while the SPY resulted in a posive 63.48% rao and outperformed both
the XLG and equally weighted porolios, the Index weighted test porolio outperformed the
market with a Treynor measure of 67.98%. This means that on a risk-adjusted basis, only
accounng for systemac risk, the index weighted porolio would outperform the market
during this period. This could be aributed to the index weighted porolio having the highest
beta and the market mainly experiencing only growth years during this study, with only the nal
year of the analysis seeing any real downturn. This could also be due to the rao only taking
into account systemac risk, as it does not include the unsystemac risk that the non-well-
diversied porolio could bring.
Equal W
Index W
Excess Returns
Figure 17 – Treynor Measure Component Informaon
What these two measures tell us then, is that while the top 10-stock porolios do
outperform the S&P500 index in terms of total returns, and the index weighted porolio does
outperform the index on a systemac adjusted basis, all three test porolios underperform the
benchmark in terms of total risk-adjusted returns. Because all three of these porolios are not
as well diversied as the SPY, I would put more weight into the results of the Sharpe measure
and conclude that while the test porolios do garner larger returns, they do so at the sake of
adding unproporonately larger risk. As a result of the high unsystemac risk associated with
my two top-10 stock porolios, I can begin to condently say that while these two porolios
outperform the S&P500 in terms of total raw returns, they are not superior in terms of risk-
adjusted returns.
Jenson’s Alpha
The third risk-adjusted measure I will compute is Jenson’s alpha. Jenson’s alpha is a
measure that quanes the excess returns obtained by a porolio of investments above the
returns implied by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Alpha is dened as the incremental
returns from a porolio of investments, typically consisng of equies, above a certain
benchmark return (Jensen’s Measure, 2024). When using Jensen’s measure, the chosen
benchmark return is the Capital Asset Pricing Model, rather than the S&P500 market index.
Aer calculang the porolios return, risk-free rate, porolio beta, and expected market return,
I can calculate Jenson’s alpha. This analysis was done on Excel, so to begin, each porolio’s
excess returns were calculated, and a regression was done on the returns of each porolio.
Once the regression was completed, the intercept of the test porolio and SPY’s monthly
returns was found in the summary table and noted as the porolio’s alpha. The results of this
analysis can be seen in gure 15 back on page 27.
A good Jenson’s alpha measure is usually considered anything posive, as this posive
number indicates that the porolio outperformed the benchmark on a risk-adjusted basis over
the me period. When an investment has an alpha of one, it means that its return during the
specied me frame outperformed the overall market average by 1%. If the measure were to
come back as zero, the porolio would be said to be priced fairly, as it returned exactly what
was esmated by the CAPM. The S&P500, as represented by the SPY in this analysis, is an
example of a 0-alpha porolio, as it itself is the benchmark for which alphas are compared. If a
porolio’s result is negave, however, the porolio could be seen as underperforming its
expected return and could be viewed as a poor investment decision. In general, for return-
oriented investors, a posive, higher Alpha is always the desired outcome.
As we can see from the table above, all four of this studys porolios had very low
alphas. This means that all four of the porolios were priced fairly for their experienced return
and risk throughout the period. This also means that all four of the porolios realized returns
would have compared favorably with the return associated with the level of expected risk. As
with many of this analysis’s other measures, the index weighted porolio had the largest alpha,
with equally weighted coming in second, and the XLG being barely above the market.
This relaonship can be easily seen on a graph, when the Security Market line is ploed,
and the porolio’s alpha’s shown in relaon. The graph will be set up with the X-Axis
represenng the beta of the porolio’s yearly returns and the Y-axis showing each porolio-
related yearly average return. To begin, a porolio only containing assets with the risk-free rate
is ploed. The average return of the risk-free rate during 2016-2022 was 1.19% and since an
asset with the risk-free rate has no systemac risk, its beta is 0. Aer the risk-free rate had been
marked, the S&P500, as measured by SPY, was ploed and the Security Market Line drawn
between them. What was found was, that during 2016 to 2022, the average return for the
S&P500 was 13.93%, which would mean a 12.74% market risk premium.
Figure 18– The SML on investments invested from 2016 through 2022.
The security Market Line above depicts dierent levels of systemac risk (or market risk)
for the dierent porolios. The line plots the porolios betas against the expected return of the
enre market at any given me. The SML can help analysts determine whether a porolio
would oer a favorable expected return compared to its level of risk. All stocks or porolios who
lie above the SML are considered undervalued because they oer larger returns compared to
their inherent risk. Porolios above the line are superior to those stocks or porolios with the
same or larger beta below the SML. Therefore, the two test porolios, while indeed producing
superior returns to that of the SPY and XLG, also lie below the SML. This means that the test
porolios would unproporonately add risk compared to their returns. Through my Jenson’s
alpha comparison then, the Equal weighed and Index weighted porolios would appear to
underperform the market in terms of proporonately adding risk for return. This does not make
the porolio useless, however, because for risk-neutral and risk-loving investors the added
returns that these test porolios produce could sll be worth the added risk that they would
have to accept.
Risk-Adjusted Comparison Summary
We can see through my risk-adjusted comparison of the four porolios that while the
two top-10 stock test porolios did underperform the market benchmark on a total risk-
adjusted basis (Sharpe measure), they did outperform the market when adjusted for only their
systemac risk (Treynor Measure). This is not surprising as the SPY is very well-diversied, with
over 500 or so stocks, but my two test porolios have much less ground to spread their
variability over. My risk-adjusted analysis indicates then that the test porolios did perform well
in terms of the systemac risk they contained, however, they also had high unsystemac risk
due to the fact that they only contained ten stocks. The small size of the test porolio means
even if only a few stocks have a bad month, then the whole porolio could be greatly aected.
Ulmately then, for investors interested in the high returns these test porolios can oer, they
must also be willing to accept the added unsystemac risk that comes with the simplicity of
these porolios.
Alternave Analysis: What if the analysis ended aer 2021?
If the analysis were to have ended at the end of 2021 the compounded returns of all
four of these porolios would have been much higher. When compung the compounded
returns of the porolios it is clear to see when would have been the ideal me to have
withdrawn our funds. Figure 19 below shows the compounded returns at the end of each year
of this study. Clearly, the end of 2021 would have been the ideal me to have withdrawn funds
invested in any of these porolios, but would the test porolios have performed any beer on a
risk-adjusted basis? To discover the answer to that queson, I performed the same analysis as
above, but only included data through the end of 2021.
Yearly Returns Compounded
1 Year
2 year
3 Year
4 Year
5 Year
6 Year
7 Year
Figure 19 – Porolios’ Yearly Compounded Returns from one to seven years (2016-2022)
As we can see, throughout the rst six years, the index and equally weighted porolios
vastly outperformed the market in terms of total compounded returns, with the XLG slowly
surpassing the market throughout the period. During the rst six years of this study the test
porolios also outperformed the market when adjusted for both total and only systemac risk,
most likely due to the sheer size of their returns. The Sharpe and Treynor measures, as well as
Jenson’s alpha for each of the porolios monthly returns from 2016-2021 are show below in
gure 20. Aer replong the porolios on a new graph, it was discovered that both test
porolios as well as the XLG, all appeared above the SML for the rst six years and
outperformed the market in terms of risk and return. This means that, at least for the rst six
years of this study, investors of all risk preferences would ideally have chosen my test porolios
or the XLG over invesng in the market.
Equally weighted
Index Weighted
Figure 20 – Alternave Analysis – Risk-Adjusted Analysis Summary
Figure 21 – The SML on investments invested from 2016 through 2021.
Research Findings Summary
This research’s test porolios were designed specically to invesgate how much weight
the ten largest stocks in the S&P500 carried, and whether a porolio of just those stocks could
- 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60
Average Yearly Compounded Return
Portfolio - 7 Year Beta
SML Equal Index Weight XLG Linear (SML)
outperform the market in terms of total, yearly, and monthly returns on a risk-adjusted basis.
What this analysis discovered was that monthly, the test porolios outperformed the market far
more oen than they underperformed it. On a yearly basis, the test porolios outperformed
the market every year but 2022, where every porolio felt a massive drop o in returns, but the
test porolios specically felt a far worse impact than the market. While the test porolios did
outperform the market in the rst 6 years in terms of both raw returns and risk-adjusted
returns, their higher betas eventually led them to feel much worse reducons in their
compounded returns by the end of 2022. Overall, this loss in the nal year of the study did not
keep the test porolios from having larger total returns over the enre 7-years, as both the
index and equally weighted porolios sll were able to beat the market in terms of total
compounded returns from 2016 through 2022.
While the ten largest stocks in the index did perform well, and even performed very
closely to the market during these years, as the equally and index weighted 7-year monthly
return betas were only 1.06 and 1.08 respecvely, they did appear to have underperformed the
market in terms of total return per unit of total risk taken. While the porolios appeared to
outperform the market in terms of returns per unit of unsystemac risk taken, they failed to
surpass the market when the porolios’ total risk was accounted for. Because I sought to have a
hybrid invesng strategy, it was unsurprising to see my test porolios had near zero alphas.
While these alphas were slightly posive, indicang that they did produce returns larger than
expected for their level of risk taken, they were sll very low and should not be overvalued.
Therefore, while this study may not show that the largest stocks would outperform the total
index on a risk-adjusted basis, it does show that, the largest stocks in the S&P500 are
responsible for the majority of the index’s returns as well as its volality, while the rest of the
index would appear to be responsible for diversifying the returns and aiding in loss reducon in
bad years. My research showed that as the porolios grew and contained more stocks, their
returns would diminish, but so would their variability. What can be seen then from this analysis,
is that while the equally weighted and index weighted test porolios may not contain enough
stocks to adequately diversify their returns, the XLG, with its 50 component stocks, did appear
to barely outperform the index in terms of both its compounded raw returns and risk-adjusted
metrics. The XLG experienced superior raw returns for most of the years analyzed and even had
the lowest porolio standard deviaon of monthly returns for 4 of the 7 years. The XLG also
experienced yearly betas of exactly 1 or less, meaning it reacted to market changes the same or
even slightly less than the SPY. Therefore, on a risk-adjusted basis, the XLG outperformed the
SPY when it comes to all measures analyzed for the 7 years. On the Security Market Line,
however, the XLG appeared to barely underperform the market, as its 7-year beta was near 1,
yet it garnered a slightly lower average yearly return than the SPY. Altogether, my research
would appear to demonstrate that the index can be beaten in the short-term and even can
potenally be beaten in the long-term, albeit only slightly, and that more than the 10 largest
stocks are required in order to maintain proper diversicaon. While my test porolios may not
have outperformed the market on a risk-adjusted basis for the enre 7-year period, I was able
to see that in cases of bull markets, that this investment strategy could be a wise investment
Overall, even though I have proven that my test porolios cannot outperform the
market in the long term, they are not useless. Both test porolios sll performed well during
most of the years analyzed and while they did not perform well enough during the enre period
to beat the market on a risk-adjusted basis, they did ulmately produce larger compounded
returns. The fundamental principle of the risk-return tradeo holds true for the test porolios,
as in search of the larger returns both could in fact have generated, an investor would have also
had to accept their larger risk/volality. This would mean that for investors who are risk-neutral
or risk-loving, these porolios would have been aracve during these years. However, even
risk-adverse investors could have been interested in these porolios, had they only been
working with informaon from the rst six years. While there are ways to match the market and
even surpass it slightly with less than 500 stocks, in the long run, the sheer size and diversity of
the S&P500 index protects it from many of the unsystemac risks that can arise in a smaller, not
as well-diversied porolio. While managers can outperform the market on year and even
mul-year stretches, this research shows that the passively managed S&P500 index, with its use
of proporonately market cap weighted stocks, allows for it to be beer prepared for both bull
and bear markets and perform the best in the long run.
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