MAY/JUNE 2001 71Photo, this page: Michael Pekovich
’ve never seen the virtues of building a
table with drawers in the traditional
way—with a double-tenoned stretcher
below the drawer and a dovetailed top rail.
It just seems like unnecessary work. I’ve
developed methods for building a table
with drawers that are faster and, to my
mind, stronger. It’s the same approach I
use when building a chest of drawers. I
build frames to go over and under the
drawers, then simply attach them to pre-
assembled ends. This approach makes the
entire project more manageable and all but
guarantees a smooth and square glue-up.
This library table is adapted from various
Stickley catalogs from the turn of the 20th
century. It would work well as a writing
desk or as a reading table. My approach to
the construction of this traditional Arts and
Crafts piece is straightforward. I used quar-
tersawn stock, hand-hammered hardware
and a slightly lighter finish than is custom-
ary for this style.
The best boards go on top
For this project, I ordered 100 bd. ft. of oak,
then riffled through to choose boards for
specific parts. Once all of the boards had
been surfaced, I designated the best of the
lot for the tabletop, which I typically glue
An Arts and Crafts
Library Table
A nontraditional approach
to building a desk with drawers
Drawings: Bob La Pointe
up first so that I know what I’m working to-
ward. I also sorted all of the other lumber,
denoted which pieces will be used where
and milled them to their finished thickness.
The less-attractive lumber was designat-
ed for interior parts, such as the two
frames. These frames are identical to face
frames on an ordinary plywood cabinet,
but they have a very different use. Just as
on a chest of drawers, the frames span the
two ends, and drawers are housed be-
tween them. I built the frames using biscuit
joinery, but mortise-and-tenon joinery
would work, too. Once installed, the
frames will be joined in so many ways that
the chance of their failing is negligible, if
not impossible. I left the frames slightly
oversized to be squared up later.
Assemble the ends
Building the ends was the first big task of
this job. I started with the legs. To ensure
figured surfaces on all four sides, I ripped
four matching quartersawn boards 2
4 in.
wide, then mitered the edges at 45°. The
easiest way to make the legs was to miter
the four faces first, see that they fit together
square, then cut a solid core. The solid core
helps keep the assembly square during
glue-up and supports and strengthens the
mortise-and-tenon joinery of the apron. I
cut the core piece slightly undersized (a
32 in. or so) to ensure that all of the
joints would close up and to avoid failure
of the leg joints during seasonal expansion.
I placed the mitered faces side by side
and taped up the corners, making sure that
there were no gaps between the pieces.
Then I flipped over the assembly, spread
Table-end glue-up
Four mitered pieces are required for each
leg. Choose quartersawn stock with matching
fleck patterns, then miter both edges.
Strips of masking tape act as clamps. Set
the mitered edges of the legs tightly against
each other, then tape them together.
Wrap up the leg. Spread glue on all of the in-
terior surfaces, including the core. Then wrap
the four mitered sections around the core and
secure the assembly with additional tape.
Fill-in strip,
8 in. thick by
4 in. wide
8 in.
Tenon at
back of table
is mitered.
Side apron,
8 in. wide by
4 in. long,
shoulder to
2 in.
thick by 3 in.
wide by 1
2 in.
8 in.
thick by 3 in.
wide by
1 in. deep
2 in. thick
by 2
2 in. wide by
2 in. deep
Leg, 2
4 in. square
by 29 in. long
Leg is assembled
mitered stock
wrapped around
a solid core.
8 in. thick
by 3
4 in. wide
by 16
4 in. long,
shoulder to
2 in. wide by 7 in.
Lower rail, 3 in. wide
by 21
4 in. long,
shoulder to shoulder
MAY/JUNE 2001 73
Photos, except where noted: Matthew Teague; this page (top right): Michael Pekovich
glue in the V-grooves and on the inside
faces. I simply set the core in place, rolled
up the entire thing and bound the last cor-
ner with tape. If the joinery is cut with care,
the pieces should close up without any
trouble. Slight gaps can be coerced shut
with the use of a clamp or two.
I allowed the legs to cure overnight, then
cut all of the leg mortises with a
straight bit mounted in a plunge router out-
fitted with an edge guide. Even the
through-mortises can be cut this way. To
handle the through-mortises on the thick
legs, though, I plunged from each side of
the leg rather than all the way through the
leg from one side.
The rest of the end assembly was fairly
simple. All of the mortises were cut with a
router and squared up with a chisel.
I cut the tenons on the tablesaw. First I es-
tablished the shoulder cuts with the board
held horizontally and then the trimmed the
cheeks with the workpiece held upright.
For efficiency, I cut all of the mortises and
tenons for the entire table at the same time.
I then angled the blade to 45° and cham-
fered the ends of the through-tenons.
Attach the frames and shelf
I scratched my head for some time trying
to figure out how to handle the rear apron
of this table. I wanted the corbels to be a
full 1 in. thick, but that meant they would
be flush with the rear apron, which neither
mimicked the drawer fronts nor provided a
necessary shadow line between the apron
and corbel. In the end, I decided to build
out the top and bottom of the rear apron to
Assemble the ends.
First fit the slats to the
apron and lower rail,
then set the assembly
into the mortises on
the legs.
Biscuits make for
foolproof alignment.
After the insides of the
ends are blocked out
flush with the legs, bis-
cuit slots are cut to ac-
cept the frames.
Rout the mortises. Using an edge guide on a
plunge router, drop the bit a little at a time un-
til you reach the desired depth.
echo the top and bottom frames on the
front of the desk.
After cutting the tenons on the rear
apron, I ran a rabbet
4 in. wide and
4 in.
deep along the outside edges. After assem-
2-in.-thick strips will be added to cre-
ate raised areas that mimic the front and
provide a necessary change in thickness
where the corbel abuts the leg and apron.
Because the frames were to be biscuited
to the ends, I added fill-in strips to the in-
side of the apron at top and bottom, mak-
ing sure that the strips were flush with the
front and rear legs. The strips can be at-
tached with glue or with glue and screws.
Once the fill-in strips were in place, I
squared up the frames using a large sled
at the tablesaw, using the length of the
rear apron as a reference. I then drilled
holes for the tabletop. While I could have
let the drawer dividers into sliding dove-
tails, I simply cut them to size, set them in
place at the front and back of the frames
and doweled them from above and below.
Once the drawer glides are installed, the
dividers will be locked in place by about
five different joints.
I used #20 biscuits to join the frames to
the two ends and to the rear apron. To ac-
commodate the corbels, I cut #10 biscuit
Frames are
biscuited to rear
apron before they
are joined to ends.
1 in. thick by
28 in. deep by
54 in. wide
2 in. thick by
1 in. wide, set into
4-in.-deep rabbet
on rear apron.
#20 biscuits
join frames to
4 in.
thick by 3
8 in.
wide by 3 in. tall,
are doweled to
upper and lower
Frames, 24
4 in.
deep by 45
16 in.
long, are biscuited
and assembled using
4-in.-thick by 3-in.-
wide stock.
Shelf, 1 in. thick
by 8 in. wide by
4 in. long,
shoulder to shoulder
Corbel is attached
to leg and frame
with #10 biscuits.
Shelf tenon,
2 in.
thick by 7 in. wide
by 1
8 in. deep,
protrudes from
8 in.
Shelf and drawer assembly join the two ends
54 in.
30 in.
50 in. 26
4 in.
2 in.
28 in.
MAY/JUNE 2001 75
slots underneath the frame and along the
inside of the legs.
I dry-fit the assembly to be sure that the
shelf and the frames fit onto the ends and
closed up squarely. Once I was confident
there wouldn’t be any surprises, I glued the
rear apron to the frames, making sure that
the ends of the apron aligned exactly with
the ends of the frames. Then I was finally
ready for the entire assembly to go
Frames are the starting
point. The author constructs
two frames that will go
above and below the draw-
ers. The frames are simply
biscuited together.
The rear apron is biscuit-
ed to the frame assembly.
Note that the drawer di-
viders are already in place.
Bring it all together. The through-tenoned shelf, the biscuited frames and the ends are all
assembled in one operation. The glue-up proceeds easily when it is done with the table up-
side down on a flat surface.
4 in.
16 in.
together. It was easiest to glue up the table
upside down on a flat surface. One nice
thing about using preassembled frames is
that, at glue-up, it took only a few clamps
to pull everything closed.
Install the drawer glides
I know that secondary woods and ply-
wood drawer bottoms might be acceptable
when building furniture, but I can’t help
myself—I love the sound and feel of a
heavy oak drawer seating itself smoothly
into place. And, as I mentioned before, I
ordered the lumber in bulk, so using oak as
the secondary wood allowed me to use up
some of the less-desirable pieces.
The method I use for building and in-
stalling drawers is one I’ve relied on many
times. While I could have let the drawers
Install drawer blocking and glides last
Side filler board,
16 in. thick by
8 in. long
Center glide,
4 in.
thick by 1
8 in. wide
by 23
8 in. long, is
half-lapped onto
8 in. by
8 in., accepts
Drawer front,
2 in. wide by
2 in. long,
conceals filler
boards and glides.
Drawer is
constructed from
4-in.-thick stock
and finger-jointed
at corners.
Side glide,
8 in.
thick by
4 in. wide,
is let into groove
on filler board.
Drawer bottom is
4 in.
thick to allow for center
Drawer is
supported by
side glides.
Filler board
8 in. into
drawer opening.
Drawer is
16 in. above
Drawer bottom
is grooved for
center glide.
Center filler board,
4 in. thick by 23
8 in. long,
straddles drawer divider.
MAY/JUNE 2001 77
ride on the frames alone, I prefer drawers
that have a bottom glide and are side-
hung. Using three wooden glides, it is sim-
ple to make small adjustments to the fit and
to the drawer reveal, even before anything
is installed.
My first step was to make the drawers
themselves. I used a box-joint sled on a
tablesaw (see FWW #148, pp. 60-63) to
construct simple finger-jointed boxes that
will receive false fronts once installed. I left
the drawers about 1 in. shy of full length
(from front apron to rear apron) to accom-
modate the drawer fronts and to allow
some room for adjustments.
Once the drawers were glued up—and it
is essential that there be no twist in the
drawer—I used a dado setup on the table-
saw to plow grooves in the two sides and
along the center of the
4-in.-thick drawer
bottom. After that, it was time to install the
glides. Essentially, I was simply blocking
out the ends and the voids between the di-
viders, then setting glides into grooves.
The glides can be sized and adjusted to fit
the drawers before any glue has been ap-
plied, but it’s important to get a perfect
fit before securing them permanently. A
few small screws or brads are all it takes to
attach the glides. Once everything is in
place, the grooved drawers should ride
smoothly along the glides. Then it was a
simple matter of gluing the drawer fronts
to the drawer boxes.
Because I use a spray setup for finishing,
I sprayed the top and base separately, be-
cause it’s easier to spray the base when
you don’t have to work into corners or
worry about overspray. I coated the piece
with a mix of Minwax stains and let it sit
for a week. I then sprayed on two coats of
flat lacquer.
The tabletop itself was screwed directly
to the frames. It was fixed at the center with
screws, and then the front and back were
screwed into elongated holes—which al-
low for seasonal movement—through the
upper frame. The drawer fronts, likewise,
were simply attached with screws.
A final touch was the hand-hammered
copper pulls (see the back cover) from
Gerald Rucks. With the solid drawers,
smooth-running glides and the authentic
pulls, the desk is a pleasure to use.
Eric Keil builds custom furniture and cabinetry in
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Block out the ends. The ends of the table are blocked out with a board grooved to accept the
drawer glides.
Glides span the dividers. Center dividers
are sandwiched between two filler boards that
house the drawer glides.
Insert the drawer glides and install the
center glide. Glue the drawer glides in place
and mount the center glide on the lower draw-
er frame. The center glide ensures that the
drawer tracks correctly.