Thank you for your interest in the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program offered by the Kentucky Community
and Technical College System (KCTCS). Participating campuses include Big Sandy Community and
Technical College (Prestonsburg Campus) and Somerset Community College (London Campus).
Students who complete the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program are awarded an Associate of Applied
Science degree from Big Sandy Community and Technical College.
Participating campuses in the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program are Big Sandy Community and
Technical College and Somerset Community College.
**Please note that Bluegrass Community and Technical College does offer a separate selective
admission Dental Hygiene Program at the Cooper Campus in Lexington, which is totally separate from
the integrated program outlined in this informational packet and requires a totally separate application.
This program is accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental
Accreditation (CODA). Any inquiries or complaints against the Integrated Program can be
submitted to the Program Coordinators or college staff. If dissatisfied with the response given by
the college, please contact CODA at the following address: CODA, 211 East Chicago Avenue –
Suite 1900, Chicago, IL 60611-2678.
KCTCS is an equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
This innovative approach to dental auxiliary education provides an avenue of training for students at three
different Kentucky sites. This enables students at each site to receive an equally well-rounded education
in their chosen discipline. Some of the innovations that are utilized include:
1. Distance learning. Instructors at the sender site provide the same educational materials to
students at the receiver sites through instructional television (ITV). Lectures and
demonstrations are sent to each site simultaneously, enabling the students the opportunity to
learn with their classmates as well as with the students at the other sites.
2. Combined learning experiences for the Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene students.
Seven of the courses required for completion of the Dental Assisting Integrated Program and
the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program have been identified as being so similar in nature that
they are integrated into both programs. Because of this, assisting and hygiene students attend
these seven core courses together, providing every student the opportunity to view how his/her
chosen discipline interacts with the other. This also enables a dental assisting student who
applies for and is accepted into dental hygiene to transfer 15 hours of coursework in the Dental
Hygiene curriculum. This experience is invaluable. It demonstrates how the entire dental team
must work together to provide quality care to patients.
3. Small class size at each site. There are 10-20 assisting students and 4-9 hygiene students per
class at each site. This provides a low student-to-faculty ratio, allowing more personal
interaction with faculty.
4. Community professional resources provide an understanding of the principles of dental
practice. Dental professionals in each community give students extensive experience in dental
care delivery. Adjunct faculty, office visits, and guest lecturers are just some of the ways the
students acquire knowledge about dental care. All involved have the common goal of providing
the best dental auxiliary education possible.
Dental Hygiene graduates are awarded an Associate of Applied Science degree from BSCTC and are
eligible to take the National Dental Hygiene Board Examination and state and/or regional board
examinations. This leads to licensure as a Registered Dental Hygienist.
We are excited about this approach to dental assisting and dental hygiene education. With the utilization
of new technology, quality faculty and support staff, the education received by our students is of the
highest quality.
If your interests lie in Dental Hygiene, we hope you will give our program a careful look. Our main
purpose is to provide students with the best education possible in their chosen field. We are confident
that these exciting programs will exceed your expectations.
This application packet includes:
1. College and program admission requirements and application instructions
2. KCTCS Application for Admission
3. Application for Admission to the Dental Assisting/Dental Hygiene Integrated Program
4. Preadmission conference attendance form
5. Application portfolio checklist
6. Dental Assisting/Dental Hygiene Integrated Program curriculum
7. Information regarding the Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene professions
Dental Hygiene Integrated Program
Dr. Jill Keaton – Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator 606-889-4726
Big Sandy Community and Technical College
Pam Ray – Dental Hygiene Instructor 606-886-3863
Big Sandy Community and Technical College
Carmen Fields – Dental Hygiene Instructor 606-878-4712
Somerset Community College
Olivia Ritchie – Dental Assisting Instructor 606-886-7396
Big Sandy Community and Technical College
Patsy Smallwood – Dental Assisting Instructor 606-878-4789
Somerset Community College
The Dental Hygiene Integrated Program ranks and selects candidates through a selective admissions
process. An Admissions Committee will determine academic eligibility and applicants will be ranked
accordingly. Once applicants have been accepted, they will be notified via letter. The remaining
applicants will be placed on an alternate list and will be notified via letter should vacancies occur. Each
candidate’s rank is confidential.
Listed below are categories that are used to rank students who meet the stated preferences.
Dental Hygiene Integrated Program Admission Preferences:
1. ACT composite score of 20 or above or the equivalent on the COMPASS
(Reading 81, Algebra 35 and
Writing 70)
2. Completed 12 or more credit hours in the approved curriculum with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or
3. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in postsecondary education or training
4. Completion of the following courses with a grade of C or better:
ENG 101 – Writing I
BIO 137 – Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 139 – Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 225 – Medical Microbiology
5. Applicants who have completed or who are on track to complete a KCTCS Dental Assisting
A pre-admission conference with the Coordinator or the Coordinator’s designee is required prior to an
applicant’s consideration by the Dental Assisting/Dental Hygiene Integrated Program Admissions
Committee. The dates and times are as follows (students must attend one):
October 4, 2017 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
November 15, 2017 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
January 17, 2018 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
February 8, 2018 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
These conferences will take place simultaneously in the ITV labs as listed below (ie, students may attend
the conference at either of the campuses listed below according to the schedule above).
Big Sandy Community and Technical College – Prestonsburg Campus, Johnson Building, Room 117
Somerset Community College – Laurel North, LN2Building, Room 118
All students must be generally admitted to Big Sandy Community and Technical College before they will
be considered for the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program. Please follow steps 1-6 as outlined below in
order to apply for both general admission to BSCTC and to the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program.
(Please note: Students that attend the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program at either of the participating
campuses will be BSCTC students.)
1. Complete and submit the KCTCS Application for Admission and mail it with your completed
application packet to the address below (Big Sandy Community & Technical College). It is
important that students list all colleges attended, including KCTCS colleges. If you are currently
enrolled at BSCTC, complete steps 2-6.
2. Submit an official copy of a high school transcript or GED scores AND official college transcripts
from any college(s) attended (showing every period of enrollment) to Big Sandy Community and
Technical College. Students do not have to submit copies of transcripts from any KCTCS
colleges they may have attended.
3. Submit official ACT or COMPASS placement test scores. If students have not taken the ACT or
COMPASS exam, they will need to make arrangements to do so. However, the scores must be
submitted before 5:00 pm EST March 15, 2018, and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure
that the Dean of Student Services receives an official copy of the scores prior to the application
4. Complete and submit the application form for the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program (included in
this packet).
5. All students must attend one mandatory pre-admission conference to be considered for
the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program. Complete and have signed by proctors the Pre
Admission Conference Form included in this packet on the date of attendance. Students
may attend the conference before or after they apply. Students will not be considered for
the program unless they attend one of the conferences. Dates and times are listed under
the section entitled “Selective Admission Process.”
Prospective Dental Hygiene students must submit ALL of the above required documentation to the
address listed below, regardless of any previous applications that have been submitted, by 5:00 pm EST
March 15, 2018. Incomplete application portfolios will not be considered. The Admissions Committee is
not responsible for documentation that is not mailed or hand-delivered to the address listed below.
Jimmy Wright
Dean of Student Services
Big Sandy Community and Technical College
One Bert T. Combs Drive
Prestonsburg, KY 41653
Please fill out this application completely.
Name: ________________________ ____________________ ____________________
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
Social Security Number: ____________________Email Address: __________________________
Home Address:
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
City State Zip
Home Phone: ____________________ Work Phone: ____________________
Cell Phone: ____________________
I am interested in the following program: ________ Dental Assisting ________ Dental Hygiene
I am interested in attending program classes at: (please mark only one campus)
_______ Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Prestonsburg, KY (Dental Assisting and Dental
Hygiene offered)
_______ Somerset Community College, London, KY (Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene offered)
Please tell us why you desire to enter this program:
Please use back of sheet if necessary.
Signature: __________________________ Date: ______________________
I, _____________________________ submit this form as verification of my attendance
of a Dental Hygiene pre admission conference on ______________________________
Faculty / Staff
Complete and submit the KCTCS Application for Admission and mail with your completed packet
to Big Sandy Community and Technical College, even if you are currently enrolled at or have
applied to another KCTCS college. It is important that students list all colleges attended,
including KCTCS colleges.
Submit an official copy of a high school transcript or official GED scores AND official college
transcripts from any college(s) attended (showing every period of enrollment) to Big Sandy
Community and Technical College. Students do not have to submit copies of transcripts from any
KCTCS colleges they may have attended.
Submit official ACT or COMPASS placement test scores. If students have not taken the ACT or
COMPASS exam, they will need to make arrangements to do so. However, the scores must be
submitted by 5:00 pm EST on March 15, 2018. and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that
the admissions office receives an official copy of the scores prior to the application deadline.
Complete and submit the application form for the Dental Hygiene Integrated Program (included in
this packet).
All students must attend one mandatory pre-admission conference to be considered for the
Dental Hygiene Integrated Program. Complete and have signed by proctors the Pre Admission
Conference Form included in this packet on the date of attendance. Students may attend the
conference before or after they apply. Students will not be considered for the program unless
they attend one of the conferences. Dates and times are listed under the section entitled
“Selective Admission Process.”
The deadline to submit and meet ALL of the above listed materials and requirements is 5:00 pm EST on
March 15, 2018. Incomplete application portfolios will not be considered. Application portfolios should
be mailed or brought to the following address:
Jimmy Wright
Dean of Student Services
Big Sandy Community and Technical College
One Bert T. Combs Drive
Prestonsburg, KY 41653
Dental Hygiene Integrated Program Curriculum
Big Sandy Community & Technical College
ID#: ________________________________ NAME:______________________________________
General Education
 Hours Grade Semester Taken
ENG 101 Writing I 3 _______ ___________
ENG 102 Writing II 3 _______ ___________
BIO 137 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 _______ ___________
BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 _______ ___________
BIO 225 Medical Microbiology 4 _______ ___________
COM 181 or 252 Oral Communications 3 _______ ___________
PY 110 General Psychology 3 _______ ___________
MT 110 or 150 Applied Math or College Algebra 3 _______ ___________
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology 3 _______ ___________
____ ____ Heritage/Humanities 3 _______ ___________
Total 33
DAH 101 Infection Control / Medical Emergencies 2 _______ ___________
DAH 121 Dental Sciences 3 _______ ___________
DAH 124 Materials in Dentistry 2 _______ ___________
DAH 135 Oral Radiology 2 _______ ___________
DHG 120 Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene 3 _______ ___________
Total 12
DAH 131 Oral Pathology 3 _______ ___________
DHG 130 Clinical Dental Hygiene I 3 _______ ___________
DHG 132 Pharmacology 2 _______ ___________
DHG 134 Dental Nutrition 2 _______ ___________
DHG 136 Periodontology 1 _______ ___________
Total 11
DHG 220 Clinical Dental Hygiene II 4 _______ ___________
DHG 226 Advanced Periodontology 2 _______ ___________
Total 6
DAH 235 Practice Management 1 _______ ___________
DHG 238 Community Dental Health Issues 2 _______ ___________
DHG 230 Clinical Dental Hygiene III 3 _______ ___________
Total 6
Total Required 68
DHG 221 Local Anesthesia & Nitrous Oxide Sedation 2 _______ ___________
Total Required + Elective 70
** Refer to the KCTCS Catalog for a list of courses to fulfill the Heritage/Humanities requirement as well as
the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy.
If you like helping people, enjoy working with your hands as well as your mind, and are interested in
helping to prevent disease while assisting patients to maintain their health, a career as a dental hygienist
may be for you.
Dental hygienists are important members of the dental health care team who work with dentists in the
delivery of dental care to patients. Hygienists use their knowledge and clinical skills to provide dental
hygiene care for patients. They use their interpersonal skills to motivate and instruct patients on methods
to prevent oral disease and to maintain oral health.
Dental hygiene offers women and men of all ages, races and ethnic backgrounds exceptional career
opportunities. A minimum of two years of college education that combines classroom and clinical
coursework is necessary to become a dental hygienist. This education prepares graduates to provide
care to patients in dental offices, clinics and educational or health care institutions. Studying in an
accredited program provides education that is based on the latest procedures and techniques.
Dental hygienists are a valuable asset in a dental practice. In addition to performing technical duties, they
play an important role in teaching patients appropriate oral hygiene techniques and counseling them
regarding good nutrition and its impact on oral health.
In the dental office, the dentist and the dental hygienist work together to meet the oral health needs of
patients. Since each state has its own specific regulations regarding their responsibilities, the range of
services performed by hygienists varies from state to state. Some of the services provided by dental
hygienists may include:
taking and developing dental radiographs (x-rays);
removing calculus and plaque (hard and soft deposits) from all surfaces of the teeth;
applying preventive materials to the teeth (e.g., sealants and fluorides);
teaching patients appropriate oral hygiene strategies to maintain oral health; (e.g., tooth brushing,
flossing and nutritional counseling);
counseling patients regarding good nutrition and its impact on oral health;
making impressions of patients' teeth for study casts (models of teeth used by dentists to
evaluate patient treatment needs); and
performing documentation and office management activities.
Since each state has its own specific regulations regarding the dental hygienists' responsibilities, the
range of services provided by a dental hygienist varies from state to state. Responsibilities generally
include removing deposits from teeth and providing oral health education.
Edited from the following American Dental Association website:
I have read and understand each of the following statements:
I. The program requires a period of assigned, guided clinical experience either in the
school or other appropriate facility.
II. For educational purposes and practice on "live models", I consent in allowing other
students to practice procedures upon me as I will practice these same procedures on
under the guidance and direct supervision of my instructor. The nature and education
objectives of these procedures have been fully explained to me. No guarantee or
assurance has been given by anyone as to any problem that might be incurred as a
result of these procedures.
III. The clinical expectations of the health occupations department include:
A. Work environment:
1. Works in usually well maintained areas of various light intensities due to the
24-hour nature of the health care industry. The majority of the time is
2. The health care industry is considered on OSHA-CDC Category 1
environment. This includes "tasks that involve exposure to blood, body
fluids, or tissues. Includes all procedures or other job-related tasks that
involve an inherent potential for mucous membrane or skin contact with
blood, body fluids with visible blood, or other fluids or tissues, or a potential
for spills or splashes. Protective barriers are required."
3. Subject to frequent interruptions and long irregular hours in a stressful
4. Must be able to maintain concentration in fine detail while remaining alert to
the environment. Attend to functions for more than 60 minutes at a time.
5. Communicates effectively, in writing, electronically, and verbally with a
variety of individuals of diverse position, race, creed, color, national origin,
religion, age, disability, and temperament. This includes dentists,
physicians, health care facility management, patients and their families,
visitors, and other members of the health care team.
6. May be exposed to hostile patients or other sources of violence in the
7. May be exposed to infectious or communicable disease such as, but not
limited to
a. Hepatitis
c. Tuberculosis
d. Herpes
8. May be exposed to hazardous materials such as:
a. Various biological agents including blood, saliva, or other identified or
unknown body fluids.
b. Various types of ionizing nuclear materials in different kinds and amounts
under reasonably anticipated situations.
c. Various types of flammable agents used in the health care industry.
d. Various chemical hazards, including, but not limited to:
1) Carcinogens
2) Teratogens
3) Poisons
4) Ashphyxiants
e. Various explosive hazards, both from known or unknown sources.
9. May be exposed to internal or external disasters.
10. May be required to use ramps, stairs, or ladders for various job tasks.
11. May be periodically exposed to physical injury (burns, cuts, needle sticks,
12. May be exposed to electrical hazards.
13. May be subjected to a variety of noises, usually of a moderate level.
14. Must be able to tolerate environmental fluctuations of temperature and
B. Physical requirements:
1. Sits, bends, stands, stoops, crouches, or crawls, reaches overhead, turns,
lifts, and moves, sometimes in tight spaces, intermittently throughout the
clinical experience and program.
2. Seizing, grasping, holding, turning, twisting, or to otherwise manipulate with
the hand or hands for injections, equipment operation, resuscitation, etc.
3. Sufficient visual acuity, such as is needed in the preparation and
administration of therapeutic agents and for the observation necessary for
patient periodontal assessment as in taking vital signs;
4. Sufficient auditory perception to interpret verbal communication from patients
and members of the health team and to assess health needs of people
through the use of monitoring devices such as the stethoscope;
5. Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to perform the delicate manual
intraoral operations required of dental personnel, such as is needed in the
scaling of teeth;
6. Sufficient verbal and non-verbal communication skills (speech, reading, and
writing), such as are needed in classroom and clinical settings to interact
with patients and professional personnel; and
7. Sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for
individuals, such as are required in developing a dental hygiene treatment
8. Physically able to work beyond normal working hours including overtime,
evenings, nights, weekends, and/or various holidays as required by the
9. Lift and move supplies, equipment, dental medical records, patients, etc. as
needed. Depending on position must be able to lift up to 50 pounds without
assistance, 100-250 pounds with assistance. Must be able to carry objects
weighing 50 pounds or more in the duty area. Must be able to move by
pulling or pushing up to 250 pounds by wheeled device.
10. Retrieve supplies and equipment from the floor to elevated shelving which
may require moving mobile access equipment (ladders, stools, carts, etc.).
11. Be able to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for any age group without
accommodation for at least 15 to 30 minutes.
12. Possess excellent eye-hand coordination for palpation of landmarks, and
maintenance of sterile environments.
13. Perceive such attributes of objects and materials as size, shape, relative
temperature, texture, motion, etc. by means of receptors in the skin as in
measuring a patient's pulse or skin condition.
14. Ability to perceive or recognize similarities or subtle differences in colors, or
in the shape or other values of the same color: to identify a particular color
or its components in an individual's skin color as an assessment of wellness,
15. Remember task/assignment for full shift.
IV. These clinical experiences are assigned by the instructor for their educational value and
thus no payment (wages) will be earned or expected.
V. It is understood I may/will be a student within off-site clinical facilities that affiliate
with my school and/or off-site functions such as Health Fairs, Dental Conventions,
Board Review Courses, and C.E. courses, all of which I will conduct myself
accordingly and per KCTCS, Big Sandy Community and Technical College
guidelines as stated in the Student Handbook. In addition, all required guidelines
and published personnel, event policies, standards, philosophies, and procedures
of these agencies/events will be followed.
VI. I have read and agree to abide by the school's policies, rules, and regulations related to
my occupational program.
VII. I understand information regarding a patient or former patient is confidential and is to be
used only for clinical purposes within the education setting.
VIII. I understand the educational experiences and knowledge gained during the program do
not necessarily guarantee my passage of required board exams which would make me
eligible for a job as a certified dental assistant; however, if all educational objectives
and licensure requirements are successfully attained, I will be qualified for a job in this
IX. I understand any action on my part inconsistent with the above understandings may
warrant suspension of my training.
X. I understand that due to the multi-site nature of the dental assisting program travel is
necessary, particularly to Big Sandy Community & Technical College (the degree
awarding institution), at certain times during each semester.
XI. I do / do not (circle one) give permission for the Program Coordinator, to discuss my
academic progress with my parents and/or spouse.
***** Upon admittance a signed copy of this document will be required. Each student
admitted into the program will receive a copy of this document at their respective
orientations that includes signature lines in this position.