Big Sandy Area
Community Action Program
Eula Hall Community Advocate
Scholarship Application
2022 Community Services Block Grant
Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship
The Promise of Community Action:
Community Action changes people’s lives,
embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities,
and makes America a better place to live.
We care about the entire community,
and we are dedicated to helping people
help themselves and each other.
During her life, Eula Hall was the personification of the Community Action Promise. Thousands of lives in our
region have been changed for the better because of her unassailable spirit and indomitable will. For more than
35 years, she served on the Big Sandy Area Community Action Program Board of Directors and it is with
gratitude that we name this scholarship in her honor.
Hall lived her life as an advocate for the workers, children, and families of the region. She served with the
Volunteers in Service to America, the Appalachian Volunteers, the East Kentucky Worker’s Rights
Organization, and as president of the Kentucky Black Lung Association. She created the Mud Creek Water
District, and in 1973, established the Mud Creek Clinic to serve uninsured and underinsured people. The Mud
Creek Clinic, now known at the Eula Hall Health Center, offers general clinic care, pharmacy, dental care,
optometry, mental health services, patient transportation, public benefits guidance, and a food pantry.
Hall said, “I love to be a part of my community. I love to be available to help people on anything I can, anything
I know that’s going to benefit them. And any program we can bring to the community, I love to do it. I like to
be the person that does it. […] You’d be surprised what you can make work.”
She was a pioneer for health in eastern Kentucky and a staunch advocate for the poor. Through the years she
picketed at coal mines for better treatment for the workers, pushed for laws to aid suffers of black lung, raised
thousands of dollars to bring medical services to her community, ensured that the people of Mud Creek have
clean water to drink, and given money from her own pocket for food or medicine for people in need. She said,
“A lot of times a good word is what somebody needs, a good word or a good deed. They need somebody. They
need somebody to care.”
The sacrifices she made throughout her life and the actions she made are an example to all of us who want to
serve our communities and it was a privilege to serve alongside her.
Ms. Hall passed away in 2021, but her spirit lives on.
To the applicants of the scholarship, Hall said, “Learn to care for people and remember where you come from.
Don’t never forget your upbringing, who you are, and where you come from. It don’t matter how far you go in
life, when you look back, remember the people who are not as fortunate as you are.”
Through this scholarship, we seek to honor the life and work of Eula Hall on behalf of the grateful people of
eastern Kentucky and encourage the next generation of advocates to rise to the same heights.
2022 Eula Hall Community Advocate
Scholarship Application Information
Thank you for applying for the Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship. Big Sandy Area Community
Action Program (BSACAP) understands that you may have questions regarding the application process. The
information provided below should help you. If you have further questions, please contact the Community
Services office in your county.
What type of scholarship is offered?
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program offers an annual $2,000 scholarship to CSBG-eligible
applicants within the Big Sandy area. This one-time cash scholarship may be used for any expenses that
the applicant incurs while pursuing a post-secondary education.
Am I eligible?
In order to qualify for the scholarship, applicants must:
Major in Social Work, Human Services, Public Services, or related fields
Have a history of participation in volunteer work
Be in at least their 3
year of study
Fulfill the requirements of the regular CSBG Scholarship application.
Be enrolled as a full-time student in the Fall 2022 semester of a post-secondary institution
Have a GPA of 3.0 or above
Live in a household that falls below the 200% federal poverty level
Live within the BSACAP service area (Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, Martin, or Pike Counties)
Please note:
Master’s and Graduate Degree candidates are ineligible to apply.
BSACAP staff or family members of BSACAP staff are ineligible to apply. This includes spouses,
children, parents, siblings, grandparents, nieces and nephews.
Applicants may apply for both the Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship and the
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Scholarship, but they may only win one.
Individuals may only win the Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship once. Scholarship does
not renew.
What information or documentation do I need to apply?
Applicants will need to provide the following information to be eligible for the scholarship:
Applicants must complete and sign the scholarship application, including the case management
authorization form.
Applicants must have a Service Assessment completed by a CSBG staff member. The Service
Assessment must include the social security number, date of birth, and verification of monthly
income for every household member. Applicants must provide proof of and meet CSBG income
guidelines. The original Service Assessment will be given to the applicant for inclusion in their
application packet, with a copy retained by CSBG staff. ALL pages of services assessment
must be signed by the applicant.
Applicants must provide proof of their cumulative grade point average (GPA). A minimum GPA of
3.0 is required to be eligible.
Two letters of reference are needed for the application. One letter of reference should be from a
representative of an educational institution (this may be from a guidance counselor/advisor, teacher,
or professor.) The other letter of reference should be from someone you know personally. This
could be a church/clergy member, co-worker, caseworker, community or civic leader, etc., but
cannot be from a BSACAP staff member or relative of a BSACAP staff member.
Applicants must provide proof that they are enrolled as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours)
in a post-secondary educational institution for the Fall 2022 semester/term.
Applicants must be in at least their 3rd year of study. Extra points will be awarded to individuals in
the final year of their undergraduate degree.
Applicants must provide documentation of a Major in Social Work, Human Services, Public
Services, or related fields. This may be a copy of the major declaration form or a signed letter from
the applicant’s academic advisor if the major is not explicitly stated on the applicant’s academic
Applicants must provide documentation of their volunteer work. This may be a signed letter from the
volunteer supervisor on organizational letterhead stating hours served and capacity in which service
was provided. Extra points will be awarded to individuals who served at a nonprofit organization.
Applicants must write an essay on why they feel that they should receive this award. Please include
any personal success, recognition, or special need that motivates you to pursue a post-secondary
education. The essay should be two (2) typed pages, double-spaced, using one-inch margins and a
12-point font. Essays that do not meet these specifications will not be counted and render the
applicant disqualified.
Applicants must provide proof that they live within the BSACAP service area (Floyd, Johnson,
Magoffin, Martin, or Pike counties). This may be a utility bill with service address or a piece of first
class mail post marked within 30 days of application.
Applicants who are the first in their immediate family to attend college may provide a notarized
statement from a family member or school official to document said statement.
Applicants must agree to participate in BSACAP case management for one year.
How are the scholarships awarded?
Scholarships will be awarded based on a ratings point system that includes the application, essay, GPA, and
other criteria. In the event of a tie, postmark date/earliest timestamp will take precedence. One $2,000
scholarship will be awarded to one recipient. The recipient will be notified when to pick up their scholarship
check, and must be present to receive it. Checks will not be mailed to recipients.
When are the scholarships awarded?
Scholarship packets cannot be returned by hand to any BSACAP office. They must be mailed to
BSACAP, Attention: CSBG Scholarship Program, 230 Court Street, Suite 323, Paintsville, Kentucky
41240, no later than Friday, June 24, 2022. Packets received after June 24 must have a valid US
postmark for that date. Scholarships will be awarded no later than July 29, 2022.
Note: Incomplete packets WILL NOT be reviewed.
2022 Eula Hall Community Advocate
Scholarship Application
Applicant Name _______________________________ Social Sec. # ___________________
Home Phone # _______________________________Alternate Phone # __________________
Home Address __________________________________ State ______ Zip Code _________
Annual Household Income _____________________________________________________
College or University Where Applicant is Enrolled __________________________________
Cumulative GPA __________________
Are you the first member of your immediate family to attend college? Yes No
Do you wish to be considered for the 2022 CSBG Scholarship as well? Yes No
Please attach separate sheets with information for each of the following:
1. Service Assessment (must be completed by BSACAP staff according to CSBG guidelines and all pages must be
signed by applicant)
2. Verification of residency (A utility bill OR piece of first class mail received within 30 days of application)
3. Verification of income and social security number for every household member (Proof of CSBG income
eligibility is required)
4. Copy of academic transcript.
5. Verification of cumulative GPA, major, and at least 3
year status if information is not provided on transcript
6. Verification of volunteer work
7. Two letters of reference
8. Verification of Fall 2022 semester/term enrollment in a post-secondary institution
9. Essay completed to required specifications
10. Notarized statement from family member or school official documenting applicant as first time family member
attending post-secondary educational institution, IF APPLICABLE
11. Signed Case Management Authorization form
12. Signed Release of Information form
I attest that the information provided in this application is true to the best of my knowledge, and I agree to comply with
the terms of this award. I further understand that if I fail to submit this application and all required items by
4:30pm on Friday, June 24, 2022, my application will be disqualified. Applications received after June 24 must
have a valid US postmark for that date.
________________________________ _____________________________ _________________
Applicant’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature (if under 18) Date
Received by: ________________________________________ Date/Time: _________________________________
Applicants who have earned a 4-year degree or are pursuing education levels of Masters Degree and above are not eligible. BSACAP staff or Family members
of BSACAP staff are ineligible to apply. This includes spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, nieces and nephews.
Scholarship funding made possible by Community Services Block Grant with funds made available by the Cabinet for Health and Family
Services and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program
2022 Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship
Case Management Authorization Form
In order to receive the 2022 Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship, applicants must
first agree to be case managed for up to one year by BSACAP staff. This will include monthly
contact (at minimum) for education follow ups. Case management may also include requests for
copies of semester grades or documentation of post-secondary education completion (if
applicable). If the applicant fails to return Case Manager calls, emails, or requests after
receiving the scholarship, they will become ineligible for the CSBG scholarship in future years.
I, __________________________, hereby authorize BSACAP staff to contact me
monthly for case management services and agree to provide any information that they may
require. I understand that failure to communicate with my CSBG Case Manager will result in
ineligibility for future CSBG scholarship opportunities.
Signed this _______ day of ________________, 2022.
_____________________________ _______________________________
Applicant (print) Address
_____________________________ _______________________________
Applicant (signature) City, State, Zip
_____________________________ _______________________________
Email Witness (print)
_____________________________ _______________________________
Phone Witness (signature)
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program
Release of Information
Name Please Print
City County State Zip Code
Home Phone Alternate Phone
I authorize Big Sandy Area Community Action Program (BSACAP) to use my
photograph, statements, and related information for publicity purposes.
Signature Date
Witness Date
230 Court Street, Paintsville, Kentucky 41240
606/ 789-3641
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program
Notice of Client Appeals Rights
Under various titles of federal law, Kentucky Revised Statutes and pursuant to terms of contracts and
agreements with and through the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, this agency is required to
provide a hearing to any applicant or recipient of servicers who is aggrieved by any agency action resulting in
denial, suspension, discrimination, exclusion, or termination of services administered under federal or state
statute or funding pertaining to its administered programs.
This agency, as a grantor, and/or contractor in the public interest, hereby affirms its compliance with this policy
and directs its staff to act accordingly.
Please consider your receipt of this statement as your personal and formal notice of your right to a fair hearing
should you be aggrieved by any covered action by this agency or its staff.
If you are dissatisfied with the action by the agency, you may request a fair hearing of your complaint. Your
request must be filed in writing within thirty (30) days* of the action you wish to appeal. You may appear by
letter or by completing an appeal form which may be obtained from the agency’s local county coordinator.
Your complaint must contain:
Your full name, complete address, and telephone number;
A detailed statement of the nature of your complaint, including the date and place of the agency
action and the agency program or service involved;
Name(s) and addresses (at least their office or service location) of staff you believe treated you
Your signature and/or that of your authorized representative, if any; and
A clear indication whether your complaint pertains to service or involves alleged discrimination.
Please forward your complaint to:
Executive Director Equal Opportunity Officer
230 Court Street OR 230 Court Street
Paintsville, KY 41240 Paintsville, KY 41240
A full and complete statement of the agency’s fair hearing policy is available upon request, with reasonable
processing considerations, through the agency’s office of the Executive Director.
*USPS postmark or agency date-of-receipt stamp will serve to verify timeliness.
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program
2022 Eula Hall Community Advocate Scholarship
Application Check Sheet
Name ________________________________ County _____________________
__________ Completed Application
__________Signed Case Management Authorization Form
__________Signed Release of Information
__________ Service Assessment (completed by CSBG staff with proof of income, proof
of residency, copies of social security cards and all pages signed by applicant)
__________ College Transcript
__________ Verified Current GPA
__________ Verified Major
__________ Proof of Full Time (12 hours) College Enrollment for Fall 2022 Semester
__________ Verification of Volunteer Work
__________ Letters of Recommendation (2)
__________ Applicant Essay Completed to Required Specifications
__________ Notarized, written statement declaring that applicant is the first person in the
immediate family to attend a school of post-secondary education (if
Mail Signed and Completed Packet to:
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program
Attention: CSBG Scholarship
230 Court Street, Suite 323
Paintsville, Kentucky 41240
Applicants who have earned a 4-year degree or who are pursuing education levels of Masters Degree and above are not eligible. Staff or
family of BSACAP staff, including spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, nieces and nephews are ineligible.
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program
CSBG Community Service Offices
Floyd County Service Office
60 Court Street
Allen, KY 41601
606/ 874-3595
606/ 874-1281 (fax)
Johnson County Service Office
Johnson County Courthouse, Third Floor
230 Court Street
Paintsville, KY 41240
606/ 789-6515
606/ 789-4344 (fax)
Magoffin County Service Office
131 Church Street
Salyersville, KY 41465
606/ 349-2217
606/ 349-6148 (fax)
Martin County Service Office
Roy F. Collier Community Center
387 East Main Street
Inez, KY 41224
606/ 298-3217
606/ 298-3257 (fax)
Pike County Service Office
478 Town Mountain Road
Pikeville, KY 41501
606/ 432-2775
606/ 432-7145 (fax)