Serving the
Dear Neighbor
2020 Edition
News From st. Joseph CeNter
3430 roCky river Drive, ClevelaND
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Together in Spirit
Greetings from St. Joseph Center! During these challenging
days we nd ourselves in, many of you have emailed, called,
or written in to ask, “How are the sisters doing?” ank you
for your care and concern! Our sisters in Cleveland and all
around our congregation are sheltering in place, practicing
social distancing, staying active and doing whatever they
can to help the community. at includes praying for all
our friends, neighbors and supporters - like YOU!
Because St. Joseph Center is still currently closed to visitors,
sisters who live “o campus” have found creative ways to stay
connected to and support those who live at the center. Here
are just a few examples of what our sisters, associates and
sta have been up to these past few months!
Sister Agnes Schrieber got a special surprise for her 90th birthday
in May when she was visited by Sister Joyce Joecken (right) and
Associate Mary Ann Fischer, who stopped by her window with
messages of love, support and birthday wishes. Sister Agnes is
also celebrating her 70th Jubilee this year (see page 4).
^ On St. Joseph Day (March 19), a group of sisters who live o
campus stood outside our Cleveland center dining room (a safe
distance from each other) and sang ‘Sancte Joseph’ to our sisters inside.
^ e event was organized by Sisters Susan Imburgia (le)
and Judith Minear (right), who also led the song, and by
Sister eresa Hafner (center), who held the microphone
that transmitted the music to the speakers inside.
Sisters stay
active with
the help of
who led
them in a
Amy Bokmiller, LPN &
Healthcare Coordinator at
St. Joseph Center, visited with
Sister Mary Schrader at Arden Courts
where she resides.
St. Joseph Center administrative
staff, Karen Urig, Mary Zavoda
and Frank Taylor.
Quarantine 2020
Sisters Helen
Ann Brown and
Jan Henniger
enjoy Bagpiper
Michael Crawley,
who stopped by to
play for the sisters
at the request of
dear neighbors
Len Olsavsky and
Rachel Costanzo.
Thank you, Len
and Rachel!
Sister Alice Rooney
celebrated her birthday
with sisters while sitting
at a safe distance
from one another.
Pat Plisko, RN & Nurse Manager
at St. Joseph Center, received an
everyday Hero Basket filled with
snacks and goodies. The baskets (and later
thank you bags) conveyed our gratitude to
all of our everyday hero employees!
W Remem
n Celeate
Sister Joan Keating, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on November, 2019, after
68 years of religious life.
To view biographies, visit us at and click on “Connect With Us”
The following sisters from the founding community of
Cleveland are celebrating Jubilee this year. Jubilee is the
anniversary of a sister’s entrance into religious life.
Congratulations to all our sisters who are celebrating
Jubilee from around the congregation this year!
Sister Madeline
Lammermeier, CSJ
75 Years
Sister Eileen Wentzel, CSJ
(formerly Sister Mary Delrey)
75 Years
Sister Antoinette
Campanella, CSJ
(formerly Sister Concetta)
70 Years
Sister Agnes Schrieber, CSJ
(formerly Sister Mary Martin)
70 Years
Sister Marietta Starrie, CSJ
70 Years
Sister Karen Lyons, CSJ
(formerly Sister Mary Rita)
60 Years
Ways You Can Help
• Use the enclosed envelope or make a gift online at
• Make monthly gifts and become a member of our Circle of Friends
• Make a legacy gift through your will or estate and join our Heritage Society
For more information: Pat Milenius, Director of Advancement [email protected] or 216.688.3477
Many centuries ago, our sisters took a leap of
faith to work in their city to serve the needs of
their neighbors. With your help we continue in
this spirt today, loving and serving the needs of
the dear neighbor in many cities and areas of the
Sometimes love calls each of us to trust and
respond to those around us without knowing
exactly how it will work out. is is especially true
now, in these days of pandemic and the challenges
that go along with it, and in the continuing crises of
humanity and climate that exist. Our sisters and as-
sociates are taking risks and giving voice to systemic
injustice, leading with compassion and networking
with others to bring about life-giving change in our
communities and world. Together, with you, we
stand with
and for the
oppressed and
and encourage
each other to act
with great kindness
and love. We do this
with faith in God and trust
in the goodwill of friends like you. Your donations
and prayer-lled support help us bring help and
hope to each and every one of our dear neighbors
who seek our compassion, our love and our service.
We extend our love and gratitude to you and wish
you good health and hearts lled with hope.
Sister Agnes Schrieber, CSJ
(formerly Sister Mary Martin)
70 Years
Sister Karen Lyons, CSJ
(formerly Sister Mary Rita)
60 Years
Vocations Update
We are pleased to announce that novices Jennifer Berridge
and Sarah Simmons will both profess rst vows with the
Congregation of St. Joseph this summer. Jennifer, who is
from Cleveland, will profess in July at our center in Wheeling,
W.Va. Sarah, who is from Kalamazoo, Mich, will profess in
August at our center in La Grange Park, Ill. Jennifer was
mentored by Sister Christine Riley and Sarah by Sister Marie
Benzing. Both completed their year-long novitiate last May.
Please keep Jennifer and Sarah in your prayers as they move
forward on their journey to becoming Sisters of St. Joseph!
To learn more, visit
< Jennifer Berridge
Sarah Simmons >
Prayer, Presence and Service
Sister Felicia Petruziello (center) and Associate
Paula Campbell (le) present a donation to a
representative of Cleveland Diocese Catholic
Charities, Migration and Refugee Services.
Sister Paula Terese Pilon, who works as an in-home
hospice caregiver, has not be able to see any of her
patients or their families in-person since March
19th. But she has found other ways to connect with
them via phone calls and virtual visits.
At le, Sister Paula Terese ociated a virtual funeral
in April for a patient she cared for since October
2019. is was at the request of the family, who was
on the phone with her from the funeral home. What
a beautiful and faithful example of love, service,
compassion and presence.
Sister Carrie Vall, a talented artist, pitched in by
making masks for other sisters, neighbors and
elderly relatives to use. Each mask was hand sewn
by Carrie (no sewing machine) with care and love.
The work, mission and ministries of the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph can continue far
into the future with the help of supporters like you. Consider remembering the sisters in your legacy or
planned giving. Contact Pat Milenius at [email protected] for more information.
Circle the City
with LOVE
Although St. Joseph Center is currently closed
to outside visitors, that hasn’t stopped River’s
Edge Spirituality Center from continuing to
serve its clients and the community. River’s
Edge has moved its array of classes, programs
and services online so that patrons can
practice wellness from the safety of their
Sarah Widener, River’s Edge
Executive Director, said the
goal is to provide clients and
the community access to
services that help boost
mind, body and spirit,
something that is especially
important right now. “We
have launched free yoga and
meditation classes, a book
study, and a contemplative
practice program,” she said. “These practices
can help us stay centered, calm and present
as we navigate this
challenging time.
She added that
many River’s Edge
practitioners are
also offering private
virtual sessions,
including spiritual
direction, energy
direction work and
“We invite anyone
who is missing their
regular practice, or
who may be new
to wellness but is
looking for a way
to care for themselves, to visit us online and
check out all that we have to offer. We look
forward to hearing from you!“
Ministry Update
River’s Edge
On Sunday, April 26th, people from around the globe
joined us as we once again stood and circled the world
with love. In addition to sisters and associates from each
of our centers, individuals from 20 U.S. states and from
Africa, Australia, England and Guam joined in. As in
past demonstrations, silent time was again oered up in
the hopes of magnifying the power of love and to help
those suering from the current pandemic.
Circle the City with Love was originally conceived of in
2016, the vision of Sister Rita Petruziello, who hoped for
a peaceful event that could demonstrate the unifying and
transformative power of love to the world. Since then,
several in-person events have taken place along with this
virtual event. We thank all those who participated and
witnessed along with us!
To learn more, visit
Carol Williams,
Certied Yoga Instructor
and River’s Edge Yoga
Program Director
< Associate Janice Kushner
ashes a peace sign while
participating via Zoom at
her home.
Cathy Nichols
outside her home
in Bay Village. >
3430 Rocky River Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44111
is newsletter is printed on recycled paper
Sister Marilyn Nickol enjoys the wild Bluebells
during a walk in Clevelands Metroparks.
Spotlight Photo
What will you do
with your one
wild &
Sisters of St. Joseph live their lives
in service to God and others. If you have a
heart for God, ministry, justice and Church,
and want to make a real difference in our
world, we invite you to learn more about us.
We would love to talk to you!
Visit us at
– Mary Oliver