Annual Report 2023
BJC Collaborative 2023 | Page 2
A Note from Chris Watts
Our four founding members – BJC HealthCare (St. Louis, Missouri), CoxHealth (Spring eld,
Missouri), Memorial Health (Spring eld, Illinois), and Saint Luke’s Health System (Kansas City,
Missouri) – came together in 2012 to form the BJC Collaborative (BJCC). Together, our founders
shared a common desire to build strong relationships with other like-minded health systems in the
Midwest and saw BJCC as an opportunity to achieve something new. As a collaborative organization,
our health systems speci cally set out with the goals to reduce the cost of care we provide, enhance
the clinical programs we all offer across the region, and share best practices to improve the quality of
care and experience we provide to our patients.
Over the past eleven years, BJCC has retained its commitment to these original goals. We have continuously  exed
our priorities based on the changing health care landscape — whether that be establishing new committees in
emerging areas like virtual care and cybersecurity or establishing a roundtable to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have also grown our membership over the years to include four additional participants — Blessing Health
System (Quincy, Illinois), Phelps Health (Rolla, Missouri), Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System (Mattoon, Illinois),
and Southern Illinois Healthcare (Carbondale, Illinois) – which has expanded our impact across the region.
Overall, 2023 was another successful and exciting year for the BJC Collaborative. A few of our highlights include
the following:
- Phelps Health was welcomed into BJCC as the  rst new participant since 2015. Phelps Health is based in Rolla,
Missouri — which is midway between two of our member organizations, BJC HealthCare in St. Louis and
CoxHealth in Spring eld.
- The BJC Collaborative’s members realized more than $125 million in savings in 2023 through clinical asset
purchasing and optimization efforts. Since 2012, BJCC savings efforts have realized over $746 million in savings
for its members.
- In May 2023, two of our founding members — BJC HealthCare and Saint Luke’s Health System — announced
their intention to join together to operate as one super-regional health care system serving the St. Louis and
Kansas City areas, southern Illinois, northwest Missouri and eastern Kansas. Effective January 1, 2024, this
integration of these systems grew BJC Health System into a 24-hospital organization with 44,000 employees.
- The BJC Collaborative Board saw multiple changes in 2023. Maureen Kahn, President and CEO of Blessing Health
System retired and was succeeded by Brian Can eld in June 2023. Jason Shene eld, President and CEO of Phelps
Health, joined the Board to represent his health system, and Dr. Mindy Estes, President and CEO of Saint Luke’s,
retired in December 2023.
- Leaders from across the Collaborative convened for the  rst time to share best practices and strategies around
embedding diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging practices into our respective organizations.
- Our various BJCC committees have continued to build relationships across our organizations through best
practice sharing, coordinated learning sessions with industry experts, and more.
Building on the success of 2023, I look forward to another year of partnership and collaboration in 2024.
Chris Watts
BJC Collaborative Executive Sponsor
BJC HealthCare Chief Strategy Of cer
Page 3 | BJC Collaborative 2023
Health systems
11.4 million
Service area population
$1.44 billion
Annual community benefit
Staffed beds
$15.7 billion
Annual net revenue
Affiliated physicians
1.2 million
Annual emergency visits
Annual admissions
BJC Collaborative 2023 | Page 4
Integration Among BJCC
In May 2023, two of the Collaborative’s founding members —
BJC HealthCare and Saint Luke’s Health System — made an
exciting announcement that they intended to come together as
one integrated, super-regional health system.
The health systems announced that effective January 1, 2024,
Saint Luke’s Health System would join the organization now
operating as BJC Health System, which will serve patients and
communities as two distinct regions — BJC’s East region, BJC
HealthCare, serving the St. Louis area and southern Illinois,
and BJC’s West region, Saint Luke’s, serving the Kansas City
area, northwest Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Together, as BJC
Health System, both regions remain committed and eager to
participate in efforts across BJCC.
Best Practice Sharing
Building and maintaining strong relationships across our
members remained a priority for BJCC in 2023. These
relationships are the foundation of BJCC’s achievements,
and the primary venue for establishing them is our BJCC
committees, which convene throughout the year to share best
practices, provide support to the BJC Collaborative Board, and
identify areas for collective initiatives.
In 2023, BJCC collaborated across the following committees:
Cancer Screening and Prevention
Clinical Asset Management
Clinical Engineering
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Government Relations
Human Resources
Legal Services
A few speci c 2023 highlights from our committees include:
Maintained lung screening dashboards and practices, which
were established through the two-year clinical trial that was
completed by BJC Collaborative members in coordination
with Washington University School of Medicine in 2022
Identi ed opportunities for Phelps Health, our newest
participant, to integrate into the Collaborative’s current cost
savings initiatives — saving the organization $230,000 on
clinical asset purchases in Phelps’  rst year as part of BJCC
Onboarded Decatur Memorial Hospital, a part of Memorial
Health, into the Collaborative’s shared clinical asset
management database, which allows for closer management
and planning for clinical equipment
Hosted quarterly, in-person workshops for BJCC cybersecurity
leaders — focusing on the sharing of best practices around
cybersecurity and hosting special agents from the Federal
Bureau of Investigation to share threat brie ngs
Convened an in-person workshop to focus on building
diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging programs at our
organizations for both our employees and patients
Established joint dashboards for crucial human resources
metrics like adjusted voluntary turnover and average length
of time to  ll open positions, and shared best practices to
address our common challenges
In November 2023, BJC HealthCare and Saint Luke’s Health System signed a
defi nitive agreement to join together.
The Collaborative Board celebrated Blessing Health System President and
CEO Maureen Kahn on her retirement in 2023.
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Reducing Costs
A primary goal of BJCC is reducing the cost of care by
identifying savings opportunities and purchasing synergies. The
BJC Collaborative’s Clinical Engineering Operations Committee
was created in 2012 to meet this goal through bundled
purchasing of clinical equipment, best-value sourcing of parts
and services, shared training on clinical equipment, and asset
recovery/redeployment. In 2023, this committee continued
these activities and saved our member organizations a total of
$125 million. These clinical engineering efforts are responsible
for more than $617 million in savings for BJCC members since
the formation of BJCC.
In addition, BJCC’s previous cost-savings initiatives in areas like
supply chain and information technology accounted for $129
million in savings throughout the years — totaling over $746
million in savings for BJCC members since 2012.
Looking Forward
The BJC Collaborative will continue building on our previous
years of collaboration in 2024. We look forward to hosting
our human resources leaders for their  rst retreat since
the COVID-19 pandemic, convening Presidents and CEOs
for multiple in-person board meetings, hosting strategy
discussions on new opportunities for collaboration, and
continuing to  nd new and innovative opportunities for
savings across our members.
BJC Health System
West Region
Kansas City
Southern Illinois
BJC Health System
East Region
St. Louis
Health System
Phelps Health
Sarah Bush
Health System
Memorial Health